'iSXt'cA h - -f&r j .. c '- V" S" tl m; -' & T 2ty lEuenfitn HraUi ' . ."K, vfc:' iaa;riLi Air,; ? v, y jTStJ ! KLAMATH FALLS' 3Mmi kLAMATII COUNTY" OFFICIAL? NEWSPAPER t OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER f: :rj"i?h . 4-J ff'l j1 V 4? ,.- "!r"N"'1,,",4 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1915 Price, FWeOtaU ArJ- SK? Vi-rr TRAHORN P ARH HERE SOON -.' A -, ''.i'l .'' i VMV SIRAKORN VISIT : Jill BE MADE A BIGCELEBRATION lb rrSii"iiiii-i'rii''Vrri li i "I anjTjXiXiT.iTJfUrUVUVAAAJ a.aaaaaiii tMiiiaafaa WKere President Wilson and Mrs.Gah. Will Wedjn December WMWMNM Hi iTNB9'iXfrrfi!MMB sJsannawo jm - IfsVia, w rfttOHSitt "$1 tH S gaam nrlA TSJSPMSFBBjBBBBBBSjBBjjBtjjtj.M $ 6a Ju tiOWT IUXQUKT IH KLAMATH PLAN .(UMMrrUI ei 11I1 .Name Committee of lit to Take Charge of Arras Mrs, uil The Mm Are Losing , fane In Hinrtlng lite ttell lloll luc Trip Through Merrill Cum 117 sad Von HcctUm Talked. Th villi or ltobrt A. Straaora and MMtatw In the OreioB, California 1 u4 Bittern railway to Klamath coun ty Uk month U to be ataee the oc- mlM for Itut biggest booster moot- iH mr hcttl l.i the oountr, accord it c the tentdive plans discussed it lui night' meeting of the Com aerdsl Club directors, Stnboru mid his associate arc asking the trip to become batter ac sanaied with the sections In Keatern tid Central Oregon to be connected by kit railroad plan, and to aacertain lis tttltudo or the people In each Mtlon. The nttltude of Klamath Hople U Jubilant enthusiasm relied to the nth power, and the program Mai arranged for the railroad men' at U designed Ho demonstrate thla Klamath enthusiasm. , upiain j, w. Siemens, vnarina . ltd J. K. Bwanton were laat might I'reNiiloiu VIUii'n AMtoiimblle In tnmi of Mi. tliiU'n WiiHlilngton Hurnv. used n committee to take charge omcR announcement haa boon December. She has ono of tho bobt MtBtarrangcracnU. A telegram waa mj,o from (h0 Wn0 Hougo thnt places In Washington. Of course, af . rseelTsd from Btrahor to the eect . WlUou and Mrs. Norman. ter tho honeymoon Mrs. Gait will take that he wna luavlnr for Porttaad to- .... ... . ... .....'.. i... i.-j i .k.mii. ii.,. .a V, and as soon as pMatbto Ue eon- lun.hlrB venuo. Washington. In tho llrst lady of the land. ATHENS PAPERS SEE BULGARIA QUITTING WAR HAY PACT TO TfctiB KKFKCT MADk DIsiMitclieH Krom.Otiier FruutN, How ever, Hliow the Bulgani Aithe, Ad tonclnff la Some I'UceH, and itc- treaUnK in Otheni Another IJrit- Ish War Loan Planned. French Decry Talk of Any'- Peace Move. rnlied 1'rens Service ATHENS, Nov. 10. According to Iopal newspapers tails morning, Bul garia and Greece have reached an agreement which will keep Greece out of the war. ? It la reported In these Journals thai Bulgaria haa agreed ' to demobilise her array and end-her Serbian cam paign. Other conditions are report ed ns a promise of Bulgaria not to cross the Oolrandt-Gyevagyell line nor enter Monastlr. - Reports' arp'-ewsrent that the French have recaptured Velles from Bulgaria and that the British have captured tho Bulgar positions In the Dotron district. There Is continued fighting In Banuna Pass northeast of I'hllep. SUBMARINE SINKS ITALIAN-AMERICAN PASSENGER LINE FINANCIERS 10 LEAVE PORTLAND NEXT TUESDAY i i i- M M m n iM st 1 I i' FIRST STOP WILL BE ATBEND WEDNESDAY V- United Press Service RAMI' Nov IO fTtw American Uner Aacoaa wtth a heavy paascnger list, waa torpedoed off Bar dim by an Austrian abmariae. It Is oflclally announced that there are a number or Americans among we mlastns. (Editor's Note This is the Srst di rect Information from the Italian cen sor since the Ancona disaster thla mornteg. It la explicit la blaming Austria, and claiming lose of Amer ican Uvea). United Press Service WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. it is ex pected that the cabinet will next week consider the Ancona disaster, as soon as all details are officially reported. United Press Service BERLIN. Nov. 10. It Is announc ed officially; on the strength of "re liable Information," that an Austrian euhmarlne sank the Ancona while Jttee ltl ascertain the date of his It H proposed to have sev.r.1 auto- thuslnsm of the Klamath support. uul H I Q 0 1 1 1 T PflllDT eZTlSX: JUu gakreve.at.ou to K.antath poopU n U .1 HI U to Btod to meet the Blrehor party ' 7 " " , J.V,, V 7 im. i " " w w " ---- in M-tiM...t- ., .w .i.. .w- I the houndloss possibilities of this , 1 ...! SheVcoStym.lwonderfu. region that - sponsible- Trnil H -JrVT Ktamnth men will go to Silver Ut,Jr their movement toward railroad I C 1 IWI 0 IlL A I ..e7 ano uimiw to snoot hm "?.-" , , ,nna nra definitely settled as yet, it is propos ed to have tho Strauorn party met by flltAND JUBY WILL GO INTO SES- Klamatb trans MB Into (lift miutlnx In hnaa eltlaa. ud then the people of other sections UI be asked to cone on to Klam U Fslls for the big wlndup. A banquet at tho1 PeJIcan la PUnned. and the oomailttee li oerUIn tsat there will be between I0 ai 00 plates in order to accommodate atendance. All porta of tho coun 7 ire to bo represented, and it la Plasned (,at tbia Mwion will bo an opener to alta revelaUon to the fsllroad men In tho sincerity and on- a lilr dolos-ation Ol autolsts and escorted to town by the local people Automobile trips u the Merrill country and to Fort Klam ath and to Wood River vaney are planned to show the promoters what Is behind Klamath Falls even ir there was never a foot of timber SIO.V .MONDAY TO INVESTIGATE .MATTERS CRIMINAL, AND DOCKET IH SHAPING With the oponing of the December Klamath county's Igkt (or lower 'flht rates over, the gotithorn Pa dSe continues quietly, but pertiit ally, and at present, nogottotlou ara under way whirobr ooMootoat rate trti may be eaiplorod to -roporo a wocreto case for Klaaioth eountr. "rsssnt this to tho nronor ooatalt lVt . J - i ihA eountv. which mlssos the trutn term of tho circuit court set ror ue- aomethlng over thirty-one billion fca-'cember 6th, preparations for the, " -ssssl. usual grind of business are being made. Judge Kuykendall is busily ongaged In arranging tho calendar of 'cases, and finds n number of Import unit actions will be up for trial. Tho grand Jury goes into session Mnnitnv mornln to Investigate crlm- ,.....-,, .- ----- - Inal matters. Just what tiny nave to consider Is not definitely known at nraaent. Amour the civil cosea of note to bo tried at tho December term la tho United Press Service linnLIN. Nov. 10. "We've re-r-tilicd the Russians everywhere on tbe east front," says today's official statement. The Russians were at ticked at the northern and southern extremities of their line, and pre liminary skirmishes occupied the center. The Auatro-German and Bulgarian troops have effected a fresh 'Junction at Balaaka. along the Orient railroad. Theso forces are co-operating to end the Serbian guerilla warfare, and to resume train service. It Is announced that tbe Bulgers have occupied a number of 'towns tn the Southern Morava valley and that they are moving northward in the hope of cutting off the retreat of the main Serbian army from Nish Into Montenegro. United Press Service LONDON. Nov. 10. Premier As- qulth today asked a two million cred it, and made a financial review be fore the house of commons. Over two billions have been expended since April for army, navy and munitions. e Experts May Take Up Our Fight The Question of ! suit of Lillian DoHay against the olty ?'-!:,. -k. If Klamath Palls. Mn. DoHay seeks r MNMia r -. . . , -;-" ,. ito recover fB.euu oamages w .otSwOU. it wa. reported that the.fal. on an icy !. m.n was received witn ravor vt , business men's organisation. The valuation Ooaferoace " nd carry it through aeosoaary Ugtl ateps. i ; X?' C ', ft ih 'jjj, ailaaiooo ro ?tly by Klamata l aeai and tho is now la eeHaieUoat,wMi ko Klamath Vaiu raiuiaaW Uoa'a Aasoeutloa attltiMJUsoMtt Ckteav their answer Is .. . 1 American liner Ancona was torpeoo- MetropoUe. Visitor. ed by a submarine off Biterta, Tunis, t ' . according to Lloyd's statement today. , There were 582 passengers aboard , the vessel, and only 270 have been; definitely accounted for. Tbe crew' numbered 160. j According to Rome advices, ther submarine fired nearly 00 shots at1 the liner. WUIIVI . .... .-A m. a --, .,rsrr"S : :r.. (-iJwuuiof-..iu.-T7A.wjpjo. uil voaoo. i i..n . wv-r- wr WinV' Knt.'riifaJnfB' Of nA Aln ftvtftatuul tn 1lB.1t J I T K t IV UHOI wi"i uat and Central Oregon People -WW . .35. Perfect Reorgaaiaatloa of Ceatrai Oregon Development League "Bar- vey Will Be Followed to TldVctty . Afterwards. .It.' A. . if i. --'-S United Press Service PORTLAND, Nor. , 'i.1 , 11 $ll w i t1x JT . in t i 10. Robert u--?j. United Press Service NEW YORK, Nov. 10. It la be lieved" that at least two Americans' g ,d(at and pftSr'ofi ttjt onnnnii w mwmrm . ilia.: v -- . , .w-...... ...!,. ',.,! ,Jivrfrtne Oregon. California and EaaUrafc Bv. w . w, .. .. - .. J, ,- u. in . ..nt. v ni an rauroaa. leaves lueauay raoratBa vr j -" .. WV- MV.. .-.-..., -. - J American, stating tnai ne -ana nuja trip tnrougn uenirai wregoa to '"J; wife were returning to New York" vla'.pt the railway route. Hewmjwr" " the Anconav accompanied 'by a party of PorUaad vj$r mere are ieivgiroifuiv wiiuuin . , - - - w . r,r ri.i,l--7f4, . t,u....k.. li.ii-U--buolaoso men and bankersfrholare IX. I . X-i.1 .i. m .frl -.? i (U A3?I . .. .: JTl regarding other passengers. United Press Service ! interested men and bankersfrbqUr rinthe-pW f3Y . "-WA '.&& fifty- Unfted Press Service LONDON. Nov. 10. Three mAmheMi nf fu. itaaf tttivA VaaaifsflgMl ""- - -,- "1. fwill go over tne surveys, maaagsa'i ,Cape Bon. Some of the survivors were two dayymtfat "Klamath n? - - Inlnmd. I bun- Injured. Rome wires that, 142 passengers dred passengers, mostly women, pos-jand seamen landed at Ferrville, Af slbly including Borne Americans, ana irica. members of tbe to have perished I A 11 .....va... a.k.... ......Mj. ...1. t &ll lt3lVlin UIPUUUJJ (UJUICU WC: when the Italian- in all boats. DECAPITATED IN SHOO, BIRDIE! DROP TO DEATH CRIESJRIAND j HANGING IN PORT WORTH HAS FRENCH PREMIER SAYS RBPUB- HOHRIBLE ENDING. HEAD J UV SOT ' RESPONSIBLE FOR DANGLES FROM NOOSE, AND' PEACE RUMORS. AND"" WILI. BODY FALLS THROUGH TRAP I FIGHT TILL THE LAST MUNITION PUNT BURNS; DIG LOSS iMl l&5tl u Vl PENNSYLVANIA ING SUPPLIES FERS' MILLION IN FACTORY MAK- FORALHsWl V VTkT.SI YJTtOM DOLLAR LOSS - Jt MYBTERIOUS.FIRE i &Js w-l I United Press Service , United Press Service C. A. Meyers, who mounted the scaffold tor the second time In bis Ufa to nav the death Density for a murder, was completely decapitated Aa not the French who aro starting t 1 U .. iAmm, 'aI ... tTM.Il GM.wna u1j1Iami -- T" Realty Traaotato Elsie W. Roberts to L. Jacobs, NB U of NW 14 and NH ofUU, of NWtt of section 28 in towaohlp 81 south, range 10 east. WUteaiotto meridian, Klamath county, Oregon. L. Jacobs and Hattla Jaeobs, NW1i of SE of section 23 la township 88 south, range 9 east Willamette merid ian, Klamath county, Oregon. Lot 3 In block 17 In Nob.MM Addi tion' to Klamath FalU, .Oregon. .. , i.j.. j.nnni i.n .h. nit wim nr flshtliir and drina yonder ... . xl. . ..., . iflK'in tho imnrhoa win daclslve victor- hundred guns were In the "shop' In Wuea ids iraji wb wii .v vui , - jrw,' force that at the Jerk of the noose, les, we fill not taia peace nera. cmuins umuy fPau, tf Fuy a. the head was completely severed from - . ., - - r(, .ho hniiv. anil th head danaled from MW "-tf w. T t- club directors also put ineiru. . ( pra,B Service tho plan, nd the matter '"wr iadelpHIA, Nov. .l.-Uad-now to the flnanclng of the Plan. l wm b. , Tho business men have "em, ,,- here today at tho eonfor. of er the company Hborai , on Yutt,08t. The thoorlo. un- ofa rate reoucu. ---"---. h h vMttlrti0M 0f utility prop Muro. this percen ago o bo pi d ur- M Jn ' " . .. '--a- tim i UMth 9f .to b. dto.. . . wT , ST'hod"'; BrTn.t:;nd That tho J-JJ - n 7 "" ,. nflaallllalfcraiultWggiaa aifw op'r-g-iJ being awae. ttj , -- - - - -. FORT WORTH, Texas, Nov. 10. PARIS. Nor. 10. "All this peace talk is misplaced," saia rremier ori and to the United Press today. Rest assured." he continued. "It when he was hanged today these rumors. Until Europe's soldiers United Press Service s " j j. SOUTH BETHLEHEM.' Nov. Iff. l Munitions Intended for the Rallied t 2 t . " V , armies, and machinery valued in tao , i millions were damaged by a flre.whlch L.J ..J. ..... ...n.akl.tMJL kAk of the Bethlehem Steel "company. Tbe '" loss Is a million or more.s.- , ,, t , , The fire started in oil near the on- r irancu io iue ouui. uiucwu jhi , have no reasonto biamo Jtwi;.. dendtarlsm. -j The plant conlalned 2,000 'dlfer , ent machines or gunmaklngJh'T;!- i Ti -As i i-.-lt-l m m t&i, r j of Pateate United States patent has boon Is sued to Clarence A. rarkor'of Hllde- brand, Oregon, to lint aMOftaog as follews: 8WU of NWtt, JWH of BWU of section 8. MUCff NH and NB of 88 of soii'f.f town ship' 88 south, ranw.llH oaot o lllaatette meridian. . iSl V Tv-Kfe'y South for HoaHh. . 'y-; Attoraoy W. it. aaawewpartea wa this awalag's loea.Vfar,lisvWOloeo . . .r... ,-... A. MJs aa.-i- 4. partkre U'due to lUa-Sk'Ood It to xt.l..A'aL Ika,' B"?..T","'"5 Vm??z - the rope In sight of tho horrified spec tators. The body droDDed twelve feet, and the head was severed by tho noose as though by a sword. Blood spurted In all directions. A panic ensued, and several peo ple, slokened by the terrible sight, swooned. Aidfteeteor. Th. Methodist Ladles Aid Soeiety meets at-l o'eloek tostorrow aflotv noon at the home, of Mr. W, J. Rob erts, 512 Nlata street,' whoa th atoaj- h-r. m wake mincemeat . and tto comforters for tholr ooiH'wo e Lake Land Now Ready MM Is' f - Tv S i f1.' v ff- '4 "M i .s.. ,.! i """sil , .rsi 1 St f . . t'n-v The gradual approach of tho tlateia dfverilon dsmneir WlUjon's I . . ?,.;t4 divartAri the water of Loot when tne reciamsuoa sorviea -wut ". a A f " f " L haxe suflclenUy drolaHJwrIwi ,Jj s-w : rv Winter Trappers JT. W. Rhodes and BanleyOoflV ex perienced trappers, will JooToJonrlr tnaaorrow morning for their .. trap hadouartsrstoa Looter Ivor? Thar , .Tr - . TJvir . -.i- )- A-k.. W.o " "" ; baaor eoaaty 3: n yyoy on ther Oregon-CaUtoratollae,- to throw .open to homestead oaAry up wards of S5,Q0Baorea' oflwat'Uide Is Indicated In theteetiee JuMkWued, by the service, calitof for Wda for the rental of land uaeoverod thtoyoar. "According toProJeet Maaacer?. Q. Campi 8,0 'aoreo-wororfuaeorered tm . to Klsnth,RlTO-tBOipayw off Tule,Lako'a me4a mmli thaUko la' naitlTeieiii 1' aai diverted the wkter ot'UaUf-IUor,i iiarvuau " mmnww;n, eaaanel nutting When tha'land will be'ope;o"nBunldo.' log, ana aitnougauiwjMBwtwp ihM. Mrrkforavtha1aad la OaOaBad.. already there is gr'lntoiliMrm' all.over the coast,, aao Jvas,-s expeeted. ? TttoUad jHyUk as .wrLK frSr. tt. -;-,tj. I..CMS1 LVJKrJwW' V'l , 1? r fu a'w see Ufte'oouatyila buWdlat, eaoiaor ' duriaa the oast yoor.ThlO'lii T.w".:"7rW- -','5, f-vrc j- r --Taio im was loratotv w w -- '.-., ..i 'iMmm vS ',". ""'V a 'J' v ' 1. a1j i IrUM.MtlMflfiOr ..., r-'----v-rw . The Mil foeHMf ' . A. .P,V1tU.7m'. law Van! -MLtJflrF. igggi i 7 mt0tfmJtbamW 9 ff . W. . i. v "'Ll LX'o. lv !;. i 'cf.?v. j. - . r,f.--iY, . .r. .TRT?' Mr V S' . '." 'X. . C. - 1" ' J- JW-i rc J. isj .Rifwo.r' v vftr't Of, ; v J'l J , ,"i f b- "J t"-i-. Tv" Y-'