v?i v l . ,f'S. t rr7r3&? .r.'.7 ,f KLAMATH FALLS' i"S fVJ jE&iSS. KLAMATH COUNTY'S V OPK1CIAL NEWSPAPER - OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .r' ft.."3 , "ve .?... wn 1tWvS. J. J? Wt . - - 1 .v T - Tit .:& fHh Year No 9eMS KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1915 tu L fttiw rrice. Five Cense "' JfciJ,',V - v tY t AASWWWVSvsvmMSV Bryan Joins President's PARTY'S HEADS STEW Vtlttd I'rett Sorvlce WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 9. ErMtnce of Increased open opposl Ilea to (lie Wilson administration's "ml preparedness plan" from dem cent I romluK to light fast since Coairettmiin Kltchln's break with the smldcnt on tlio subject, and former atrrttsry of State Bryan's open op- pMlilon. In the fight which U to bo waged on the bill, personalities will not figure, Ik opposition bolng baited solely on a tght against tho principle laid down la the mesture. Thla la being strong I; tapbatlied by all opponents of the eialatttrallon. How far llryan will go In oppoalng tae president's preparedneaa policy la a eutttlon tbat la causing worry for tat democratic leaden. Theae men contend tkat tae' coun try will In gcnoral support Wilson In ta luue. Some Htaio that they expect no at tark from the republican legislator, and believing that the couBtry favora the program (or defense and naval In mate, thoy declare that defeat awaits any party or group opposing the laaue. ----------- " " -i-"i-i iiiruiAanjwxn' SHIPMENTS OF CATTLE, SHEEP j LIVELIER NOW M.i.N'Y t'Alll.OAim TO GO OIT TIIIH WKKK Opponents -nininrri X Whep One French Soldier Does the Work of Six KUnulli County Cuttle, Hog noil Sheep Are Bring Hhlppel Out In lrgt NumlKiii in Outnlilf Point, anil At lrlM Being I'nlil, TImw In Kvery Indication or I'riMpt'riiy Among the Rancher. ' MITTMEN ARE TO REGALE CLUBMEN ATHLETIC CLUB SMOKER CARD WIX INCLUDE A TKN.ROUND MAIN KVKNT AND SEVERAL I'HKUMINARIHS Tho unxt event for the members of the Klamath Athletic Club Is ached uled for a week from tonight, when snothei of the club'aamokers will be htid. Boxing will be the principal sport 'or the ovcnlng, and Managsr Free arranged a ten-round exhibition of tho manly art as the main event, "tides this bout, there will be four preliminaries of four rounds each, ad a wrestling bout, The ovenlng's program will Include ae trapeie work and other gymnaa- While Klnnmth rount'M hurtex aro In domand cnil nre being looki-d over regularly by (hi- buyer for foreign lurmlen mi well at Middle Went ran I corns, this U not the only class of llvettock being vent out from this sec tion. The shipments of entile, sheep, and hogs are also steady, and tho de mand In good for all that can bi fur nished. A. P. Hunt of the Hunt Commlatton company Is now operating with J. C. Mitchell In some deals here, and thoy ' are steadily tending out llvettock to San Francisco and Oakland markets. Last week they shipped out fourteen cars or cattle. Tnuraaay tney win send out ten cars, and they have Just purchased Sfin head In the Sprague River country for shipment next week. C. Swanson Son of Sscramento, took six cars of cattle to tho Califor nia capital last week, and are making other purchases, while fleorge Wattj has Just returned from San Frsnclsco after delivering a few cars of steers, and horn to tho Western Meat com pany. The Scully operation confuted of n ear of hogs to San Francisco last week v fT-' ' Wm iiiMw8dgtMSfggSJSSWSjajSMSjSB A t.';K.-..A--Tjf'?'t ?jv'JTprir2.Bssssssssssssssssssssssssss! jgssmjsmjsmjsmjsmjsmsH 4 BBBBBBBaPl'''aRSS?HHsl!RwiaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH K'3wjafSkgaflBGMMVKl HIP'JniSVT'vakHRwLlHnF v bbslIjJsk '-" JPry- viV : l15MQra, myinmknBnnnTM v rA,fy' ''CSSBiiPPPMgl : BsnnnnnnnnnHnnnnnnBnnnnnnnnnm 'ftBBPsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKaBHa BBBSt BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm SBSSS IKVSdftB'Bl SBBH BBBLl"sKnggfggMgl CBEnkKVHYBsW B TBKl SV vSa H wL V mmWKlMKsBSBsVB smiiswCSBmJ'PliBsnm wr. V i iTiiJsslsl ntta, aVgflHBBVijt - u x JMMSWBSHBBBBBBBBBa 9BJ Li smWEv MnnnflnBmVSnnnnnnnnBM 8 fl BgBmSsL? " ' l' J ELsbbbbbII HBsSsrV. "BnVwIVsK, -5. UV-Jl"Sifei-,'v4 3 VagggBggggggS ILH HBBHtggBsTtn&gT -. v'VVv" viHJB HLBBgPv' Lb ,N lMgHsff 't x."J.i? ? Wrmt7lL3flgBBBBBBBBB7lUaBm H bLbHi LbP 7KsVt ii i 'v1- ,) fyJrvigggggggMlrnggM si3 M gHgWsBB4 "V "i iJ'ffflFJmKBm :.. a a.j..A a. m JJrVrViriViri(ViVsVVViVuVuVf strahorn visit WAR TORN SERBIA lUrJtMJH OCCASION HERE A Mi KI,AMATH COUNTY PARTICIPATE. WILL i Automobiles Will Carry Klamatfa Peo ple to Bend to Attend Big Joint Sleeting With Railroad Man There Novemlier 16th -Big Banqnet and .- ItMlb' Will He Held While Strahora I'srly I In KUmath. STILL THE CENTER OF EUROPE'S FIGHT "8. 2xS -. i? rt, y 11 N fc iA t '. S..- Greece participate with' the TentoaJe; -allies. tV; United Press Service ATHENS, Nov. 9. The French and British expeditionary forces opera t-j " ' Ing In the Balkans, are steadily push- United Press Service - . Irig the Bulgarians northward in the PARIS, Nov. 9. The hottest sub- Great are the plans under way by tne commercial Club ror the incep tion of Robert Strahorn and bis asso ciates In the Central Oregon railway development scheme, who are to be in Klamath Falls this month. Klamath people realise their greatest need to be railroad development, and the club will arrange a program which will give the railroad men a good oppor tunity to see the optimism and en- itu1nm of this section, a great fac tor In the progress of any community. This will be one of the matters tor discussion at tonight's meeting ot the pfe: lc xeewttvo heard of-ttwOemmerctaVk Club. Committees, etc.. Will no doubt bc named at this time to take ckstrpe I of different phases of the work. j The railroad men will reach Bend Xo ember 16th, and there tney will ' meet representatives of the different t Ontrnl Oregon sections to be reached I by the railroad. Klamath Falls peo I pie want Klamath county to have the .biggest and most enthusiastic repre- . . , , . ... , . I ti'ntatlon present, and there will be This peculiar looking box tilled with laid in a box with a contrivance to(number of BUto l0JMli oMoca, pp,, rifles Is the latest improvisation of the Pul1 tno 8lx triggers can thus be op-,EoIng , BenU for tnc bg occasion. w. " nrnttirl liv rtnn tunn Tli Ava nihoii . .- Ruiiv i nrnnarlna- to shin a i French soldiers In the trenches. When .... , t "-, .. : roiiowing tbe session In Bend, the ...v ... .-.-. -- . kiiii ueuiers iiin.v ue ou resung or aig' New Jersey has an old blue law un or which women re Itlll arretted "Alined for being common aeolds. car of calvos from Dorrls on Thurs day's stock special. The mutton situation Is most prom ising, and It Is estimated that there are 10,000 lambs In the vicinity of Merrill, being fed alfalfa for condl- tlonlne- nrenaratory to shipping. These are sheep from the Lava neds, anai they are being fed on different ranches. j Thirteen cars of lambs will go on Thursday to Levy fi Co. and Johnson . A Son of 8an Francisco from Midland. Those are to bo shipped by O. T. Mc- Kendree. Louis Oerber and his partner, op erating as Barrowa & ueroer, nave dollvored 1.800 head of fine breeding ewea to Andy Forayth of Reno. The sheep were aold while ranging near Tule Lake. Oerber. In addition to being a horseman and cattleman of great foro- Bight, haa proven himself even more versatile In the stock line. Besides his successful ventures In sheep, Louis Is feeding 600 hogs at tho Stukel ranch on Lost River, near Merrill. His friends expect him to keep on until he oven takes up poultry shipping and they gamble He'll make a success of It If he does. iIiaii liAtin Mnfl allfYtntAStt tartlrt A A tina ... ... Hue. ,.... i.ui .u......e..i .-I... ...C .. g,B trencnes wiuio one soldier guards they build ono of their own. Six rifles them and holds tho trench. RUSHING WORK IN HARNEY COUNTY J.AROK CRKW OF MEN ON CON STRUCTION WORK ON RAIL ROAD THAT WILL EVENTUAL LY TAP THIS SECTION STATE LINE BAR GETS DEATH BLOW SIHK1YOU COUNTY REFUSES TO UIIAXT A LICENSE FOR ROAD HOUSE TWO MILES FROM THE TOWN OF MERRILL Business Men to Have Smoker and Election The Klamath Baslnesa Men's Aaso cUt,n will hddh'u elaeUon of on the night of November IT.th, Jut to celebrate .the oesajton, tbe rchants wl feUow; tbe' .biases lon with V&SaU)gV w entort.ln tbrWe bitter. ' Otbar n''"u.'wJli . w ' ' At this week's session of tbe Asso ciation, candidates ror me asnm T ... k A i MAMlnatlAH OfllCftS Will Dt piBee 1H BVBi.imw There wfll alto be committees named to'Uke charge of the social features (1f the election meeting. , a li w Important that all the mem. bent T attend tbe'aomlnttlwi maetlng, the Aseeolatlon has changed the time of meetla from tomorrow nlgbt until TsWiAr !". Thla meatin wm ee Interesting nows relative to the ' The petition ot Fred J. Teel for a railroad work which Is being carried license to operate a saloon and road on In Harney county will no doubt house Just over the California line, tend to enliven the future prospects t two miles from Merrill, waa denied at of Klamath county and adjacent ter- tho last meeting ot the board of super rltory. ' Ulsorsof Siskiyou county. This action Steam shovels, grading crews, traok as laigely taken on a lengthy pro layers, etc., aro busily engaged In test signed by many residents ot Mer making cuts, constructing roadbed rill and Dradnack. and laying track at a point about ten I Teel has been an employe ot Fred miles southeast ot Riverside; bridge Clublno of Merrill, who conducted a crews are putting finishing touches 'saloon in Merrill, and the petition for to the structure over Coleman Creek, a license stated the saloon would bo and as soon as this is completed, the j conducted on property owned by Clu track laying will continue to Crane bine. This action by the Siskiyou Creek. court will make It necessary for the Upon the completion of laying rails thirsty wobfoots to-travel a longer dit to Harney Valley, Twohy brothers, tanoe or stoop to "patronising mall contractors, wKI push the construe- J order houses" next year toV secure tlon work across the plains to connect j stlmulantr with tne extension irom iviimaiu Strahorn party will go by auto to Sti ver Lake, Paisley, Lakeview and, the other places to be connected by rail road, to get accurate data from each place, and also, sound the people as to their faith In the enterprise and will dimness to assist. They will reach Klamath Falls about November 20th. The occasion of tbe visit, the Com mercial Club hopes, will be one ot the 1 tggest rallies ever held in the coun ty. There will be k big banquet and booster meeting at the White Pelican, possibly on the 81st Tbe day will be made a "railroad day," and much good Is expected to be accomplished as a result of concerted action. GERMANY DENIES PASSPORT FRAUD OFFICIAL NOTE TO U, S. DIS CLAIMS KNOWLEDGE OF FALSE ISSUANCES, AND LAYS THE IILAME ON BELGIANS ' southern Serbian xone. landing more men at Salonika daily. and their Increase in strength, is taken by some critics as an Indication of the The allies are j campaign inus iar ib uw war is predicted to start soon in tne Yfeta- , Ity of Salonika, Just as 'soon aa-the German fleet, which Is known to. be en route.can arrive. " - e allies' intention of countering the Teu-, Practically all of Germany's neWj tonic advance into Serbia from the super-submarines are sa!dvto hare . j j . m - ibeen dispatched" to Mediterraneans, north, and a determined effort to pre- lwatMB Jacv 8 , vent the central allies from gaining The Prench caWnet today, antni communication tory. 'Heavy fighting continues In the Ve ltes district, where tbe allies continue their northward movement. Here the J Bulgarians yesterday made a terriic and determined counter attack, 'but this was unable to stop the advance of the Franco-Brltlsb. a " vl , w rZiX wun lumisn iem-uea tne minister or nnance.io insre- W wl ' duceiHthechajnber,otOiepntleg.blL, V for abotner 5 per cent loan.. He JU $SH United Press Service also authorised to levy on the proita of industries benefitted br the war. igr.i, ? The former American steamerpa--7ijxf cla, now the French transport Taerm.'jp which figured In InternailpnalclreJeeVft a- few months ago, and "an "ltaJma-K-&r$r' er were sunk by Oennaa aabmnsf 4s In the MedlterraneanyesWdar. "RIJKNc--'8;hiuVJ. morale and decimated and worn from five weeks of Incessant fighting with- the Austro-Oerman invaders, tbe rem nant of King Peter's valiant Serbian1 aTmy la retreating from Serbian ter- rltory to Montenegro. j The country through which they are i traveling Is the wildest and roughest t ot the Balkans, so the Serbs have a steamer rlnes 3f 'vtd- s,- 5, .- S , IWui' i-Ali . sai r " .JS.S BB1 ga-Mi,. Vc. BIG 5I0CK RANC HAS NEW OWNER L.i.1 W- JZ I . Ul lUB .. . ,c r .,. - T(MKMAN TRANSFERS PLACE IN V good chance of escaping without fur-! a -' i II... -M .U tM. lucr uiaviiai iuh. The Austro-Germans are giving more attention to clearing the con quered section of Serbia ot trouble some guerillas and snipers than they are to the pursuit of the retreating! Slavs. BLY COUNTRY NEW c OWNER ( l WILL ENGAGE IV RAISING THOROUGHBRED STOCK j United Press Service COPENHAGEN, Nov. 9 The dam age inflicted by the Serbians in tbe Another large realty deal was re cently consummated when a 7jj8-acre, stock ranch', situated about, twelve miles this side of Bly waa purchased for a consideration ranglng'ln tbe .. m.W U7 w '" - "M.,.,,,hn..wH r tio hno' railway line to the Orient are so wrl- T Z ous that, the German advance to at Junction with Turkish forces will be seriously delayed, while troops are busily engaged In repairing the rail way. si jCM " t. C 1 -"l '' Ji mr s to Kirk. An engineering crew of tbe Harrl- An Auto-Wagon CelUde. automobile driven by J. W. man lines are now In the neighbor- Neuhnrt. which some allege did not hood or narney vauey, iu wDr,hne Its lights burulngr collided with it.. r..uiul wnvlr tram Harrlman on.- This being an open country tends to greatly facilitate the work of con struction, aa under ordinary weather conditions men would be enabled, to work aW winter. A - ""Z ' , London has elaborated the trade sehool Idea to Intlude the work ot outlttlac women wltbtbe Hlment tofacellfe'aaUntHe. a buggy belonging to j, v. vpaa ana occupied by Dodd and two other men, at dusk last night ou-sixtu'etreet, be yond the railroad. The auto collided w)th the' roar of .thebuggy, smashing the horse-drawn vehlcleaae throwlag out the oecupauU, 'None of the men were Injured. $v, '" V " -" " . Pennsylvania has neaxlyAlOO. w- men pbyslelaae, United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov, . Gormany's note dlsclalmang respon sibility for the fraudulent Issuance of passporU baa arrived by mail. This, It is stated, charges the Belgians as the responsible parties, In the note, it is averred that the German government has discovered an organisation at Antwerp tor forg ing American passporU. These are presumed by the empire to have been for use of Belgian spies in Germany. Dutch suffragists are now working hard to get an eau) wlra elguee Incorporated, in tne new eeaetRtte to be passed en neaVntenth, - ', r .MlnneasoUa baa a beme fr work- inr women. United Press Service LONDON. Nov. 9. The behavior of Greece Is alarming to the allies. Pro-Germanism la growing In. Athens, and according to inside information, the Greeks may not-rematn neutral. It la rumored already that a Greco- Bulgarian agreement baa been reach ed regarding the disposition of Bal kan territory and seaports, should S. A. White, who transferred bis holdings to Gilbert C. Harrison, wilt leave shortly for Reno, to tvlslt bis nltA la .tia.ov.H In hiialnoa. thAMl Mr. Harrison, the new owner, will en- &ftfk&' gage In the raising ot thoroughbred' td&X: stock, Moie. Sarah Bernhardt, the fanious French actress. Is vice president ot the Cripples Welfare Society, f'1 , 1. i .j , r m 7 l "vjcj ' ,!' Jl f.T l1 S - 4 "9 vffl Farmers in England are now pre narlnr to oav women the tfMiairtena as given to the men called awiay tV'CyT'M m k&& i W ". ?JL war. New Auto Ordinance Allows More ' &. '4?a vtsbm-'&.t r i nV" ? im '&&&'& opeea ' M, Automobiles and autotramc came in tor some attention at last night's council meeting, and if an ordinance introduced at thla time kriaisssVoMr streets will be mveh the same an San Francisco's Market street, where tbe speed with which the autos lash by is a marvel to the bebe'lder, and a terror-te the, nreilUI attempt Ing to croaa tne tnnreugwwe. Tbe otdlnanee eoatalns several amendmenta te ike neeeent or4lnaee regntetlnf trame, It seta the mnni mnm eneM ter' ayjvebic4e to trnvel en any atoeet ;sd tot .tin ettrlnt "not ssisaedtnit ese mile li tonr nam- utes." This figures out "at miles an hour, faster than Another amendment fotMevHasV vehicle standing at anjr petn g street between snend - and streeta tor more than twenty, mtnnajs): at 'any one tlnw. A; UblrdVsaels makes .It unlawful, for; any av, ston within thirty teetet at ,? .. ' ''?&&. negaraiag streets 'wnere, lasawWW Jf l,flplW,', f 'Bm'aj ageBBBBjm hall ran fas UVtiw w-altj ties i et travel. r tMi at:ananOfe T iS' .v. LiI-iV sr-i :-i ,&. 4 ftSfv - ' l "la CjflHt'SmiBM Sf J-"- tebeeni :kXi l 1 I kf M tke'uaual hour at ine etiy i i " t rm&stL f , c 1 3 It . -A - J s-t . ', ,-.f ylTTJVj, i-- -