K'l'i' ?." ., t rtsFHSwA'' v' v ' few 5r. v ; ? ' -.' .r y 4K . 'r rmwW'iih.' ? ir. 3 Pj iamttttit Halfi S .,. i ...uir'V----r.. ---.- .,1.-J $ . "' . V ' i - .. ." " ui'w.PM IT ,;-, &dfoS.y4fr ?KLAMATH FALLS K LAM ATM';CO,UN1lfe OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Hf I? 11 S t A I :t " : .Vfw.ml?' vl,, . ti FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1915 Fries, Ft n - a rfc -y ; i 3a" K . 7 f . ?'. ., ? A '-" "! KLAMATH & - mmts?. ?'. tVenwBr. t Revolution Possible in Greece as Result of New Crisis; Cabinet Totters ROADITOIAKE THOt'OH OCT "K OFFICE. VEX WWW M HTII.li MUIOXCI MAN Of ATHENS, AND MUCH lK PKSIW t'l'OX MKKTINM IIKM TOXNUIT HltUIAIIIANK UK-il-OBT KKHli-S RETREATING AND XKW UNION" WITH TEUTONS :othkh WAIt ZONK xksvh I'Blttd l'i o Service , 'ATHKNH, Nov. 8.- Greek Vrtlcl patloo.lu the European war, or n r;v olnUon nl homo In n ..possible nut ton of a meeting between former IfMoler VenUelos. leader of tlto war party, una hi followers In llio chain Ut of deputies, wlilrh U lo be held tonight or tomorrow, (At thin meeting th' wnr pnrty will decide definitely upon ItM attitude toward" tlio now eiiblnet. Should It reject the now ministry. It In admitted by even llio mot untmltle that nn alarming crisis will bo precipitated. Tlio new (iuek cabinet. Is showing alarming ymptom of collapse. Al miy M. MlchaelldkU, n new mem ber, has rvfuaed to accept KlngCon Untlne'd portfolio am mlnloter of Jit itructloni, Thin rufiuwl In regarded ni ludlcu tlro of the determination of tho war party lo dictate (Ireclnn pollrleH. United I'reaa Service IIKKI.IN, Nov. 8. It la announced today that the Auatro-Qermana have occupied Krujevac, and that thoy are attacking south of Kraljevo. Tho Auatrlona have reached Ivan Jlc. Anglo-Krench force, nCtacklnx the Bulgarian troopa aoutit of Strumnltia were repuUed after doaperato hand-to-hand lighting, aay Sofia roports. It la added that the Dulgarlana, though victorious, were outnumbered. , United I'reaa Service SOFIA. Nov, 8. Today'a official inouncomont eu l'i "Tho Herba q-e retreating aloor 'he entire nulgurl.Jt frost, and our roopa are puraulng. We arc alo purauing the enemy near l'rllep Krlo vlak. i "The Unlgarlan force ro now In direct touch with the Oerman army dvanclng from the north." United I'reaa Service LONDON, Nov. 8. The admiralty innouncod that a German, protected crulaer waa' torpedoed and aunk off the Bwedlah coaat. ' The Brltlah armed ateaaMblp Tara torpedoed by a BUbmarlne In the B"t Mediterranean yeaterday. Thirty four momberf of the crew are mlaalng. United Preaa ftervlee NEW YORK, Nov. I.The federal wnd Jury today Indicted "Lituten wt" Pay, B, Bchola, Peul Daeohe, Pr H. Klenile and Mward Bronk nu"t, who are char fed -with con Piracy to plaee 'dynanlte bomba board veaaela lea.vtag Amertcaa porta with munltlona and aupplle for tho aille. fay recently confemd to auch'a Pan. Broakharat' ia a Mlalag ea 'eer, who, It fll eaerged, 'furaliaed ePloalvea to ray and hla aaaoplatea. UaltedPrJi,;; .iyA8HiNdT;jo. o.r, o'irr. brand Walt leek, the, America, aila ' to Beltiaai: who Icarea'ta the Hmt eiecttUoaof-Brlttehand Bel- .'Lf Mma,,l;atlaed"tae a'tate da- BBBBBBBaaaaaH agflaV'4 w w 5s VtJwrnHaflafS.-Mt' .aSBaaBBBBMBBBBBaaaaaS I aBVljs5'r. (A5'i3r f v4aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl.l I BBBBBBBaC!!!lafll ' VVSaBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaH WaBBaBBBSKBBBBBaHEl'HV Wft e LBBfiWKvf 4Bm---Bv5s&:dBM ABBV:u99attgaBBBBBBBBBl mBBBBBMBBKVfiaBgmBBBBBBBBBB! WsMaW iaTOBBBafJ a ;4aBBBTmSgmBBBat'J wflgeV Two IJireko Iuim iiiuritl nmy n kiiIi In tlieli- (iiiinliy lieliiK liiiiKi'l llllo the nniiHKe ileviistutliiK l-ilio", oi' Into ivvoliitlmi. M. WiiUelow, roiiner ieemler, fnvitm mrtlelwtlou mi the Nlile of the iiIIIpk; KIiik Ton- NlnlltllM' iK'IdN for IH'IUT. pnrtment Hint lie. mills WodncBdny from Holland. liVliltlock's (flblo Htntod tlmt the (Icrmun ofllclKla In DelRUim Imvo given lilm naaurnnccH of tbolr frlondnlilp for lilm, nnd state that thoy iiro In no way remionslblo for the report tlmt (lormnny request ed bis recall by the United States. kino, cowamrma Damage Suit Latest in the Clubine Row Ah a result of tho arrest of A, F. friend.; ; ttaj .he ,waa Imprisoned with- ......- .... .1. i nioii,i of Mor-."tBl"ur"J'u,"''' """".;.'".'" UIIIU1I1U " HW " -" .. court are baa been bold up to ridicule by norsona who formerly esteemed him tho result being great physical and mental suffering as a result of the episode. Clubine asks '2C0 tor the coat of tho legal stops his nttorneya were compelled to take to obtain hla re lease from durance vile, leuo for loaa of his time and .depreciation of hla and f 5000 damages for hla rill for nn nllegoa vioiaiion oi mo towu'a ordinances rogardlng the con ducting of a saloon during election tlmo, n suit domnnaing u,iou nroo was tiled In the circuit this afternoon by Clubine. The defendants In the action aeora-e Offleld. pollco Judge, and T. M .- .. ,.,i nt Mmrlll. The i business, " " 'r' rZZVn aBl Vhem ..detention and suffering, bfflclala of Merrill, but aa private cltlaeni. . , . Clubine waa arrested January is, 1916. After be had been held for about twenty-four hours, ho wbjs lib erated on a haboa. corpua proceeding", and tho tnattar haa alnoo been much before the circuit court on appeals, mandamus proceedings, etc, ' qittblne, In the complaint prepared by hla attorney, W; H. A. Renner vnd T. Hi MI1U, atlocea that ttoeatl lie waa held In waa a ''cold, damp. dungeon,0 without furnltare; heat, light or any cohvenlenoeai that It waa ImpoMlbl. for him te t the com forte of lift, or to communicate with The markelod production of aillca In IKK t6r Use In the manufacture .of nottery. paints, scouring aoapa. as a wood filler, and aa a polisher la re ported to the United States geological survey to "have been 181,781 abort tons, valued at 1618,889.. Tha an nual atatement of the survey on the production of aillca (quarts) for 1914 Is now available roraisinouwon, Commercial .Club. r ' ,j Mattera ot Importance will eoate up for attention at iomorrow nliht,a meetlBg of the Klamath Commercial Clttb. ' '" M J ' MUST BE FIXED President Warns England If PI "M. - A&? :V t;. s, i:(Jl.KKU X)Itl'H OVVWKR JUVH HTnil' OP KIjAKIATH IIKJIIWAV flKTtt'KKN I'ARK MXK AM) KAWMIIifi IS BAT) U. S. Will Demand Redress . Kw.;jfiSS Ono highway Improvement Job that can well bo undertaken by Klamath county boosters In the next "Qood Roads Day," or by Klamath county Itself, Is the Improvement of the strip of three or four miles between the Utter & Burns sawmill and tho en trance to Crater National Park. So says Lieutenant Goodwin of the U. S. corps of engineers,- lnfchaTge ot the $700,000 highway Improvement work the government la' currying on In Crater Lake National l?ark. "The center of this, atrip of road U too high for 4he clearance of tho ordinary automobile,") says Goodwin, "and If not attended to It may cause K.urlsU to advise other, ways of reach ing Crater Lake. This should be graded up before the; next Crater l.nke season starts." According to Goodwin, the govern ment made twelve miles of new road grade this year, In. addition to finish ing tho work started last year, grad.-. Ing. In nil but forty-five miles of road. Tho new roadwork Included a high way from the ,hotel to Tho Wntch inun. two. miles in length, and a six mile strip on, the.rbnd from the Med- ford entrance. One of the most interesting pieces or new road built.. this year Is from Sentinel Rock to Cloud Cap. This road -takes the tourist to an elevation of 8,000 feet, the highest point on the routo which wlfl$:omplotely en circle the rim ot theMake. rtt .. ELKS TO HOLD BIG ROLL CALL & && ;i vsii- !?-B--.TTt r-'Sfsu i-' B5f&.Ki i5'ft,li&A ror All Injury o .amiHi Adams ranch. A number of horses were seleeted'and cut from the main bunch by ilio buyer', and negotiations for their purchase will "be next In line. -' ' There Is much activity in stock circles at present, and horses, cattle and hogs are being traded with great frequency. Shipments to .outside points average well with other years. MRS. WOOD DIES OE PNEUMONIA ,. Latest Note Goes Direct to the Point &. JJivatwstktift.'s.jrawi-v.'r tr "" - " -Tarjt.-jw'i.j' j4 f&rteB iiim; of lenai j. 3sife n - -b Hair eyi ijn.a'. 'jwa ii5-urs?S)i iL .7-'miii S SSfc, .-i?te.ir&p-gjj for naval service, on the same lines! tv ret ,-J im m n&Hl igitkvi vu vuc sauig IIUOB y . -., -'it,i J as used so successfully at the cltlsen vibitai.- W'xuwy.,aw& Mm soldiery camps this, summer. ..v,m M..''S2SitS The plan at present Is. to establish I'HOMIXKNT BONANZA 8UCCUMB8 TO MALADV COX TRACTED WHILE VipVINO THE WOrtLP'S FAIR itwo, training camps, one at Nana- Igansett Ray and another, on the Great (Lakes, probably at Chicago. Active WOMAN training school, work, it is expected wl begin in the spring. UNITED STATES CANNOT; wv skz MIT TO ANY CURTAlliJrTr. fa'. 2StfcOJ,l i "'?Aas 1 iz -JSfel --t. v$ i (Herald Special Service) BONANZA, Nov. 7. Mrs. William Wood, wife tof one of the pioneer': settlers of this section, died at 6:15 yesterday evening. " Pneumonia was the cmtse of the demise. Mrs. Wood contracted, this malady while visiting the exposition at San f Francisco. She returned ijtreaa .the 4 tuir nuuui a wvvk aiui ouu.-woa w; fined to her bed until her death. The funeral will be held tomorrow at noon. The remains will be laid to rest In Bonanza cemetery. Prior to her matrlage to Mr. Wood In 1908. Mrs. Wood was Mrs. Etta Vincent. In addition to her husband she Is survived by two daughters, KVKIIY MEMBEIt OK THE J'OCAL.one being born durlngTier first mar- . 'n.T ..ii.ik ni-fBi Miram Tt?l'e. .A. l.r.iir.ff i.n.iu ij0A sv PORT AT THURSDAY NIGHT'S UIG SPECIAL OCCASION WILSON LOSES The first uuiuuil roll call of Klam ath Falls Lodge No. 1247, B. P. O. E., will bo held Thursday night at the lodge rooms. .Every member of the lodgo has received notification of this, either by verbal summons or by let terand every member is expected to answer the roll call, in person, If they can possibly reach here, or by letter, If they are In other parts of tho coun try. Uesldes the roll call, the entertain ment committee ot the lodge la mak ing great plans for the evening's pro-4 gram, which will Include speeches and stunts, and refreshments will be served. This promises to be one of the biggest events In the history ot Klamath Falls Elkdoaa. Banquet and Program. A social evening, with a program and a banquet, are among. the affairs scheduled tor tomorrow nfght's meet ing ot Aloha Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. MORE KLAMATH . HORSES BOUGHT SAN FRANQISCO MAN ' SPENDS ,. i SUNDAY AT ABAMH RANCH MAKING HELECTIONH FROM AS SEMBLED HTElKDS 'n DEMOCRAT HOUSE FLOOR LEAD ER DECLARES WAR ON THE ADMINISTRATION'S NAVAL APt I'ROPRIATION PLANS WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 8.- Presldent Wilson today lost one ot his greatest supporters when Con gressman Claude Kltchln of .North Carolina, democrat floor -leader In the House, announced that he would, not support the. administration's naval program. He Intimated that he might be the center of the attack to be made on this administration plan. Kltchln mado hla statement follow ing a halt hour's conference with President. Wilson why the plan can not be supported by himself and ad herents, 6E0..MERRIMAN DIES IN ME0F0R0 2k v, -a-in.-i-.iii;. . seas note msdommm&MMM i ; v-.vtT ''T'ViMmli- TOO mMXSaJKjiJJOKMmlmf" THEREFORE UiT li lUOmWk. &? K. .. . - . , w a urfK. ..'PK'ajliMS! i united tress service - j- . t v -'!. -ft ffiJ-teWttMl WiBUivnwiu n WiaJkaitA.1 ia TTnltAri' Rtatoa hii umi' ulliiMtf WELL I 7 "" rj, ''" .... !. - on Great Britain that thl. mSSIm siaBSiSgfS' n.ww.- iiuuub niiun . ,, " jj?-JZWFZipi VALEY JIAN W STRICKEN SUD DENLY SATURDAY FItlRNDS- HERE.- HAD MANY i- ir-i.ii A.-'a.-?-iJiJSarffi43as aKPSSusl not Btibrslt to a cnrtallaaMitaf Ma 4;-RfflSS 1 neutral Tights." andrthat'ttesaet? wiiu cgaptwxBW, nuarraaji inawwic&wwi - r j crf- & ' i i4,-.f ! r -ii .a.TJ-t.-v.jTK."-. subordtaaflnnnr Ita.rl.hU-iIa-- ir- 0i?-28tJL J&Bg&& Friends and. relatives have, receiv ed tidings of' the death of George Merrlman, former postmaster of Med ford, and a -pioneer of Southern Or egon. Mr. Mernman was sincaen suddenly and an hour after he was taken sick Saturday night, he .passed away, presumably ot heart failure. Merrlman had many friends in Klamath county who regret his de mise. mailA.miKllA Inat. nlhkV' tka' afafM a . f r. department., following word of. Its- noAiilaelAn faai r'vlaksa,-. r, j v ?J? iJ7S ?'"'-"., - - " , ,t W" The note 'declares that the, United; r States "unhesitatingly A STRONG ALLY TO PERPETUATE LABOR BENEFIT "CIT." SAILORS LATEST IN U.S. SECRETARY DANIELS PLANNING TRAINING CAMPS FOR CITUUSNS DMSIRlNa TO PRR4AJtR-FO WARTIME NAVAL SltRViOM. 3 HEAD OF INDUSTRIAL RELA TIONS COMMISSION! STARTS TO MAKE LASTING ORGAN. TO TIGHT FOR WORKERS United. Press Service NEW YORK, Nov. !g. Labor's first great, concerted campaign to .better the condition of' the workmen-of the United SUtes la, to be directed by a permanent committee on Industrial relatiens: Frank. Walsh, .chairman of the congressional committee which haa done much in the coal .mining fields, is In charge of the organisa tion. , fy The plan is to open a1 headquarters in Washington. From there a cam paign will be carried on to secure fav orable legislation for- labor la con-. gross and In different etatse, "We are eaterlnc thU light. to ob tain Justice for all workers, whether they are organised, on net,'' said Walsh this afternoon. 'We -intend te recomsaead Uws ,reerte neen favorably by thefederalVj That Klamath' county's horses are still' In demand waa eVWeaeed at Mer rill yesterday, wlieef,atM,fMMieo herseaaan, who U saM te .be buylnf for European couatrles,f'ed over 9 United Press Service. ; ., WASHlNQTOfN, D?.0.,Ner, 8. The, navy department today1 annoua ed thatwlthln the iMt amUn4aM will have ltfa fully. eonialeted fee tralDlngttleena oHhe UaRed tHates ' MMS 7i&" "' J 2frmM This declaration IsMinarte latest Wilson vnote tO'Kaglsjid, tAMlne nrainnt thn klattim otter' British naval lnWferenewltlife j American shipping. This note.sWBJea-.-,..';;' was dlanatched some4 time aeo'.'.-wasn -'' JtVli'J 5.ff AfTl.UVrtC ?'.. zmm&mn. jmm mstf.Ttyr hi "V-jSSXJt'EB ; m-vmmm inteniattoaaisaaaers- 'a. i'nterfer.ence mms$&l 5K?Mtf task. ofchasspIoMlag thelntegrttT ert, neutral rights, and will .aavjates energies to the task' ot exeretswff. free and impart4alattdi in this latest sage, England ships flying the Stars and Strii.'sSfefv., with American cargoes' Is'cnajraeter-ifgS. lied as "lllegallind unjustliable.t-1fe anil, states that' there Is raoPlauaUlef excuse possible for .British 'attesapts? to interfere with the ..right of. wrjWjSjS United SUtes tosell-iopda.ln,'a$4itMf A, tralcouritry.fV A$ in AfTfwf. the. tint a fit KrmruM.tm.Xc:.ff- : :z -:;s s-nis 22ss.fissi SBSs1 Wil the part of the United, SUtes. fovecn-. ment to recogntse Great. iWay?(J blockade.- itls alaoratyaraJaipjl hereafter every case paelMree&ilMi iontlnn nt AmTlon' hlBBtmf"'n:Mri;-tV-ii'A I VM.WM, -T.r--- .,r - . w .wr. ., J-.W goes will be held demand for, an made against I atful of. the toaes:iae.-byjPreM?;;lf-.'j senttiil of the toaes;iseyby.;'raa-; :w. r- Mlthe;BubJvfs;aW''fv klidemnRy Tto zmti&m. ?:&Lim$m?i - issiS-4 ".fcsr.ftsswr. "ifKsST '").' T -afSiKMsSSiSWw Dvabc. BAirlA il.---ij.v.iliM.i.ncr. dent WHwn-;in.i.nliHrB4esYorttl;sgr . Br!tl.bfcie, tete ') is.urfea.-oyjpneiFsj.ipswyaaaf-asc ? tand'aU'i-'neirw 'toiftMWtlHmW 7. alrtii ibiai :ai putting 'American-mretta-: .-. M ....'. ..''--.Iii'i"1.'l.-Jkm iJ. vital 'ainnen necsesiwes f sneeig;. . J(6 to"H'M ,"S n .jSaV1 that Ensland doe. not.proiee to be'.''-:-''-;, i U.U..m& Akla-rMasAMsV 1IC' ak.9ksal llalBllni ' uaenifviwfi an ih nwvifwpwp- nm JsifAi1 srMle--by:aooeMrtdefaHoaiJrA4ai.,: Icai-'aWwIng.!' C W SSs& C. t Wn nSlrlal ordnla baVs'bestfaMk United Press ServlsKS.;-.;?.' mission "'l.'v "-.) ' Though thtre U no wrHteav' hw? tory of the earliest bulk etl earrjer, the.,Chlneae. Newchang Junk.oriUnal ly buUt for- the sarrae el water In bulk, and anerwwfd used for eU. must be amoni the earUest eaamples of this class of veeseLit ' , ,j 1TS7 1 S Aluminum ;speet. eairainayef eaoetea wa.ajwjsjjnMwar lita mmiL flfttsvite Jd dMMm'iaUUMi::ri.,t " -"""T'. -' V '(", ,.j, ""i i . , ' y?tai. -i. ..-.hijjiVrii'J TJ Vfi-'j.X T "$ ' - - "H L IA V. . RBRLIN,N.ti:?ai;t4lJ too-ml W -XtJtafiairl.JHa German' crltleJen:! to England "'tfmutt: ones with'AmerleM sit WdW !VefiKfgftV -. : . It Is conceded, mUm t Predeat Wflb- as uiussalUMecaaeaf nie a Attrismaarttgaj kjg'vtt bJ wjJMitaAtbaf 'SJP' W:3W Wjr e -r?'. ' f' - A i?r" ? M l4V ?", v ,M. j '.r . Z & "M