syw y& i k rw,vt?.," ,r t4&. 4$ ?iiv il 't it i . V (.. .'' M-V0"1 L - vWr., 4 ff iSpi. H' O-V-Jiij1- -- 3 Sftj Euimutn Hral S M.?m ..7J?S1 - v" "sVSFVI KLAMATH FALLS' AMATII rniiNTV'K i-i TtJT-'S w,w ... - ,- . J1C ICIAI. NKW8HAPIK (: . lff ""V2M ?niriMCIAL NKW8PAPKR ,, i K .ii; rfi'.'lli M , ' f r,athVcar-N.B t'rlre. Five ONk KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1915 ' 1 If" M p-t M! IN- lu S I8 I r4 Nish, Hope of Serbia, Falls Before Teutons ! Vv MMMWWMMMMWWMMMMMVIA FATE OF SERBIA IRK; GERMANS HOLD! 6500 MILES RAIMVAV CKXTKIl HALLH AFTER THIIKK DAYS OH FIGHTING GREECE VERGING ON REVOLT FROM TRAINING CABINET RUPTURE tRtrflUll itf- ltrUiauw Practically Col- u biMTil TruttmN Gala HUteen Mllea l)y lrrt Territory In Invader Hand Hallway Train Through Frum t'oaetantluople to Bet-Hit Llkcl) lu HUrt at Om. WIIOI.KHAI.i: I'Ol.niCMI, AllltllhTH KUMoiti:i Wnr Party t i Ultift IKiouw of King OtitMitiilliip' .it f UlwMlvlng .rnrllmiunt to Krrp Wiilrlix, I'rom I'ottvr unit .ntl"ii .Neutrnl Morion Current of Mllitur) TtirfuU uml Plot of Kevolullou. CAMP IS U. S. PROJECT SKVKX TOWNSHIPS IN KliAMATII MAHHH REGION SURVEYED II V GOVERNMENT engineers for' TltAIMXO CAMP FOR ARMY railed I're.a Service UKHMN, Not. 6. It U announced offlclally that the Bulgarians have eaptur4 Nlah alter three days of righting. ' The Herblan resistance bat practic ally collated. The Germane covered ', afteeu mllee yesterday on the inarch toward Varvarln, All Serbia north Mil of tho llerlln-Constantlnople rail road, or a territory of 0,600 square nllct, U In the Invaders' bands. The Austro-Germaae occupy from , jVsrbMln. on the Austrian' frontier. VTBulinrln has sow full control of Southern Serbia eicept a narrow atrip along the border. Through trains from Ilvrlln to Constantinople may begin any hour. The (lornians captured Vanarin. Tbl leaves only thirty-five- miles to complcto rail connections across Ber bla. ilnco the nulgarlans hold the Una from Nlah aniitlmait ncrosa to the frontier. The greatest victory of the Balkan war has fallen to the Germans. Nlsb, the Berblan railway center, on whoao fortifications Serbia placed all her hopes, has fallen before the great Teutonic siege guns. No escape la open for the Serbian army except to the west, and the advance of the Bui ' garlans hss every chance to crush them against the Austrian and der man armies. The fall of Msh and the capture of all northeastern Serbia means that troop trains can begin to mora be tween Constantinople and Berlin. This means vast food supplies and the welding of all central empires and Turkey Into a firm ualt. Tho hope for ferbl la allra Indeed. Military experts think that her armies are practically trapped, and today's news states that their resistance Is practically broken, which mutt be true If the Teutons were able to ad vance fifteen mllea yesterday. Bui tarla Is rapidly gottlng control of all southern Serbia. UiiIUmI I'ress ttervtco I'AUIB. No. 6. Tho Atlli'liH Hltua- tlon In critical and uncertain No dotlnlto noun Ih obtainable Htorlos arc current of nillllar plots and of threat of resolution. Wholesale po litical urrcsts are rumored. n U bolloved that counter urcmiure of diplomat are producing tho alter nate offocti. LONDON. Nov. 6. The king of Urooco has risked a revolution to avoid the war. Athens wires tnat Constantino will dissolve parliament. Zalmls will be retained until a gen eral election, which cannot be held for two months. Voulxolos, whose great political power forced KairolH' resignation, the bead of the war party and tuo ravor Ito w,Hh the peoplo, will probably bo ono of two now cablnot members. ConsUnllne plans thus to satisfy the up nartv. but keen them a minority lu tho cabinet. Even If tho war party wins the gen eral election, Constantino una two months time In which to perfect his plans. KLAMATH LACKS REPRESENTATIVE WIIX I.KK IN HOHl'ITAI, WITH l.i:UMONIA CALK OIJVKIl 18 ALBKAUY IIKRK, AND BINNOTT IH OX WAY BACK HOMK Tho proposal to establish Klamath mllltla companies has brought out an other matter that the new defense program will mako possible. That Is tbo establishment by the government I of a great training camp for regl Intents of tho United States army In tho region of the Klamath marsh. The start of this project occurred 1 ten years ago, when Captain O. C. Ap iplegate was Indian , Agent. He real I lied what natural advantages this re I glon has as a military training camp, and recommended It as such to the United 8tatee government. The bchomc was given up at first, because of the lack of railway facilities. Three years ago the government sent out a crew of men to Investigate the project. Engineers and surveyors 'mid out what might becomo tne greatest training camp In the United States. It comnrlsed seven townships of marsh, forest and prairie land, where ovorv obstaco ana every situation "--- . t met In actual warfare could bo met in t UaffeVam frttanfMrtcJKirtiifi IfVnSs . 1, Opposks Defense, and His Wife 1 SJP- it .afnmnm L njjsssssssssssssssssssa t s Lnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnll .LnnnnnnnnnnnV sssnnnnV Bsnmmmmmw nnnnnnnnnnVrV nnnnnnml LmmmmmBsW' LmmmmH vMNPv kgannnlbw WsKgeT mnnnnnglnnnnnnnW. Kffi ,ggggHJs9ssssnmmV agSBBmjST& gSBBBBBBBBBBBBBlgSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa aalsrl.Ksssssm''Tassssssm .anmnVPI JgHnnnnnnnnnnnnmKgVnnnnnnn ggv.Hf .'gagagagagagaKggflgagagagam annnnViaBnnnnnnnigannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl .sssganVr? -v annnnnnnnnnnssssssssssssBBB gPggSi,-'f r ggggggggggggggggB aBHSaBBsnT l aannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm aaM'salmmmanmmmmmmmml annnnnnnnnnmaVn'!BnnnnnnnnnnnnBnnnnnnnnnnnr annnnsgannKdvv lsvannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnT gsBaTigsBBW)eK?ui.2 . anw v ananananananananananananananr KirJiCLsBnnnVnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnW nffia2 gagannnnnVgregannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnW nnnnnW nnnnnnnnnnnl gflagflagflagflagflal sBBSSMfasBssssssssssssssssssssssj UjeMBBsssgEEI! SkBBi OBREGON BREAKS ORGANIZATION OF WITH CARRANZA; i MILITIA, CAVALRY TO ASSIST VILLA POl'ULAHITY OK OENEHAL CAUSE OK KEUD IS Obregou 5Uy Bamllt to Clash Unite With Crashed With Carraaam COMPANIES PLANf 4 . Wl A- t "fi . nc 7x STATE ADJUTANT OENKRAL U INTERESTBD r . - 4 of Two Darkens Many Reports ns to Lo cation of Vilas, Bat May Be on Way to Hermoslllo Fuaston Reports. Organisation Would Be First Step la Again Outlook of Mexico's rntare 1 Battalion Companies WonM B of Uaaaaal Calibre Beoaw of sl.oottag and Riding AbOtty of tho Yonag Men of this Ooaatjr. Ct & 1 said, would split the party rather than stand for anything ha thought The breach between; William Jen- tralnlng. It Included a six mile ar- "BebJwidelied-lncJwrong..declared the defense program tlttfcry 'range, with Mt. Scott ir tho J" ZmZ the defense was built on a false philosophy, and l..r.farnnnri Hi A hackstOO. A report. ",a '""" . .t. -,...K ..,i,0. nrannnxtanm for war violated program at tne aiannattaa v-iuu r.- -.,., ,. New York. Mr. Bryan, who. It Is the principles of Christianity. Lacks-round as a backstop. A report. with maps, was made to the govern-j ment. which is at present In the charge of the war department. f The training camp would have been ontnbllshcd then, according to Indtca-, tlons, except the Mexican trouble call-( od for a movemont of troopa to tne Mexican border. Now, with the recog-' nltlon of Cai-ranta. the Mexican ques tion Is almost settled, and the nation- ( wldo dofense movement, It la thought likely the training camp will be built. Among the natural advantages of iIib mnnnod out region is tne ract . . .... mA aJI Unit that sucn an enonnuua i ""... . ... Harvie ,. directly under government control. Uniud il res. Tho Indian reservation, comprising iujviw, .. . - 1,800 Bquare miles, or a territory as Yoshlhto left Tolcyo tnu morning tor large as the state of Delaware, tho Kyoto, the former capital, where ho LrMer National iorei, wwimui 848 square mllea, and the great caa- rndn foreat reserve, would ail oe GLAISYER PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR Shintoists Line Japan Streets to See Jewels 1 United Press Service . EL PASO, Tex.. Nov. 6. General Obregon went to Agua Prieta today. It Is reported he will split with Car- ranxa and negotiate wttn vitia to unite aralnst the new Mexican head. The popularity of Obregon caused the fend. United Presa Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 6. General Funston nae officially report ed that Villa la going southwest across the state of Sonora. levying tribute on the people of tho country as he coes. Carransa la making enorts to overtake and crash nun.!a to be going to Hermoslllo. The whereabouts of Villa has been the source of much conjecture since bis crushing defeat at Agua Prieta. Many thought he had retired to the mountains to live a lawless life di vide his shattered army Into bands and send them out to spread death and terror In Northern Mexico. Others thoua-ht he had fled the country. Now cornea a report that he is going 10 Hermoslllo. and U likely to unite with Obregon, who Is rumored to have split with Carransa. If this is true. Mexico's troubles are not ended. County Agriculturist Glalsyer has pent the last few days arranging with the farmera for next year'a work. He has completed nt'pat of Ma experi ments fa mil aii ta bow soak- ... ....,,,-.- , Ing all plana io a great improvement or Kiamath. county agricultural mem ods can be saaaa mt year. uiaisyer latent to eo-operate wun farmera tarMgnont ta dietrlct in raiting all aorta of eropa, learning tut beet vartettee, the heat metaeds, (to Dry a alfalfa and Souaan raas will both be eanerlmented with next year. ' He hat jut eomlteeV( never al ex PerlmenU wRk winter rye, aU of which ware a sweeae The eaUetloa f dairy eowg far herde and a sjeBeral farm survey will he twn prominent Duee of next yeaVe work. . "i , .(r. -i " win i.n n sick In the hospital with pneumonia, Phil Slnnott la on hia way imniA PalA (JUVtSr 11 airenu uuiv, IVMBWf w. - and Commercial Club omciais are wondering what will happen to i Klamath booth. For a few weeks at least It will bo unattended. 1 .. ! itnwn exnectlng to devote his spare time to the booth, gratia, but instead la spending an ms . In tho hospital. Although seriously III, It la thought that he will be up again In a few weeks. But meanwhile thero will be no one to ooost ... 1 1.1, ... . ihA nreton ouuuiua. IO liu, - --- , When Lee does leave wo nospi he will manage tne ooxing ui -.hipping back of the Klamath ex- hlblta. All the deer neaas, etc., -. ... a. t.. awiuh Btia the be returnea to uu wm-.-. - - -grain and vegetable exhlblta placed In the exhibit wlndowe. Cale Oliver aaya, on returnma, v everything ! rosy at the Klamath booth. He lauded KUmath pay, the work of Slnnott, and said that the ad vertising secured at tne tnir w. .-estimable. Frnppere Mt Get License IALBM. Nov. .- OP110" rendered at the requeet of the aUte SkVnd game commWon, Attorney deural Brown hold that pertou de- siring to trap on lanaa mm - &w; the wmmteeion, wnwf " available for troop movements, etc. Tim advantages of having such a Climp which could become the great est In the United States Is Immedi ately recognised by every Klamathite. It would mean the quartering or a small troop here all year, and for a fow weeka each year, the quartering of ten to thirty thousand men, with horses, etc. Exery effort will be made to Induce the government to establish tne camp. Is to be crowned. f A multitude estimated at anywhere ) from half a million people lined the route traversed by the gorgeoua im perial procession from the palace to the station. The Journey waa made In great state, and the red coach was seen In public for the tbira time. vvt to the eniDeror public attention was arrested chiefly by tho palanquin VfCVV livv -... - - - In which tho sacred treasures, the 'Shinto rltea. sword, the mirror andthe sacred Jewel, and the Jewels which eonatl- tute the regalia of Japan were oorne. in order to avoid the long railway Journey, hia majesty will spend the night at Nagoya, entering Kyoto in full state tomorrow forenoon. At Kvotn an archaic and extremely In teresting ceremony will bo performed In connection with the reception 01 th imnorlal treasures. A special building of a sacred nature will be ronstrueted to house them during their stay In Kyoto, and they will be installed there In the afternoon with . JOLLY STUDENT NOW IS MINISTER . K. WELLINGTON KOO, CHINESE STUDENT AT OOLTJMBIA UNI VERSITY. COMES TO UNITED STATES IN NEW ROLE DRUG COMPANY TO ENLARGE STORE UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY SE CURES ADJOINING BUILDING TO USE IN CONNHCTION WITH PRESENT QUARTERS rooms will be Temoved and two en; trances will be provided, one on the 'corner and another from tho west ! front side of the building. In speaking of the proposed change Mr. Underwood statee that the growth a hir business made it necessary to have more room. The added apace mm vivA much more room ror tne aw ni.v of aoods now carried in stock, land permit the addition of other line It Is proposed to enlarge tne presom line of stationery, and add a com plete atock of standard hooka and late publications. It la expected that the addition will be ready for oemipanoy by December 1st. RUMOR KITCHENER Contract baa Broi. by Crlaler boon let to Cofer ft Stilts to remodel ABQUTTO RESIGN REPORT THAT HE HAS ALREADY GIVEN UP POSITION DENIED. CONFERENCE WITH THE KINO STARTS RUMORS (United Press Service If the plana of Captain Apaleajate i and several other prominent KHuev-,, ath men don't go amies, this city will have two mllltla- companies Infantry and cavalry, and ultimately, a-'bat- tallon of four companies and a great ' military training ground In the region of the Klamath marsh. m Captain Applegate has already writ-. t. .. . w. A afl m rag-arm WU IK rVYU W IUQ UUIea Ml HWWt y A. White, adjutant general ot the state, and. White says that as soon, as there la a vacancy-tbat Is, aa soon as some preaent company la dlaor- .. . j . & ait ! vMtimt the Mta.bllahlnar-'or eoaua.- ,lrw . . . . : - r . j : - .Tt -m . .hi TTtl Bte.MIJ -"tfSdJJ uies Bre. as mi uiuiw r'- ernment only provldea for so many companies in a state, it will he impos sible for companies to be organised here until there Is a vacancy. Captain Applegate la behind the proposition, and says that It will prob- ably only be a short time before an opening will be made. The preaent nation-wide defense movement will result In the government making ev ery effort to establish and build up new companies. A company ot Infantry or national guardsmen will be one of the com panies organised, and a cavalry eem nanv the other. Several advantages Sara enjoyed by this county that wonld result In companies of unusual cali bre. The first point la that the young men of Klamath are invariably hunt ers, and therefore good shots. The second Is that Klamath is one ot the foremost cattle countries, and m com pany of skillful, daring riders eoald -be easily organised. "It Isn't only a national duty to train our young men to defend the nation in time of war," said Captain ADoleaate. "But companies or tale kind would be certain to develop them aa only military training can." , United Press Service NEW YORK, Nov. 6 Hundreds ot young men and women scatterea throughout the United States remem ber their young Columbia University friend, V. K. Wellington koo. It hasn't been so many montna since he graduated with them and went home to Chins. Should they desire 10 see Dr. Koo now they will find him. minister to the United Rft at the Chinese embassy In " t - - Washington. Dr. Koo Is lust SO ream old. to him has been entruated the destiny ot China in Ita relation to the west ern world. He has dedicated his life to "save China aa a nation from being dismembered and swallowed p In the J. ZONE OF PLENTY UAT MUDMICUl - I -! r :si I .-hi,H l SIX NORTHWESTERN STATHS TO- HOLD JINKS AT FAD OTOWsV ANDS OF GD7TS DlSVXWrraW BY PRETTY GIRLS f 3 "pi iS jt "i ..Biding Ont Prcee. Growl f LONDON, .Nov. 6-A.quithU-t. maelstrom gg? -"if M United Press Service 5"" miaUINnTON. D. C. NOV. 0. Despite denials, dlplomata here are convinced that a "founding out" pro- rJZJ!iSl pharmacy at Seventh and Main, for merly occupied by Wlator'e, Jewelry store and B. M. Ohllcote. The plana call ror a aaaesva modern front, with prlam gtaen hv th. nlate to nrovtee for adequate UghUng of the interior. The-room will e oeoapi f - . 1j. .l.,n wUtt Will double the epaoe now oeetintot by the store. The wau netwtan we w Important momentum. Neither side la ready to publicly admit that they are ready to consider peace. British Vessel Aire Halifax. Nov. 6. The British vessel Rio Lagee. en rente to Queene- town, la believed to be nre . stiles south ot Katlfax. The Danish v.11 Frederick VIII wlrelewed .that they u'w the dtetreeeed veeeel. O .V-tv. i mnorriiv aa war minister m Kitchener'a absence, It n omciaiiy denied that Kitchener baa resigned, and it is stated that he la absent tem- pororarlly on public duty. Kitchener conferred with the king on Thursday. Thla, coupled with the fact that Kitchener and Aaqulth fre quently conferred, resulted m me persistent rumor that a change. If Impending. Dr. Koo was popular at Colambia, a laager in student activuiea. eoiior of the college paper, audi active la ath letic and literary groups., or, oo has grown a trite more sedate tinea his diplomatic dutiee nave neea pat upon him, eay his friends wno aaw htm in New York recently. He la hitd hv Professor Jean Baesett Moore and other enthusiastic Amer I Mnda aa Ma meat brilliant stu dent ot lateraatienal law, eomearable the prodlglea or a eeatary R. C to thU etty to the nroildea ot a n.i. .m .1. ar vlaltora WllUam ' Fitt. FOX tad ftmvfi w ww -w t 1 .. r .. -1 -.'',r V.Kl f5.s.itysri k''ja '2 . I v ".Ml HAN FRANCISCO. NOT. of Plenty Day" waa obeeratfn'5 Panaraa-Paclfio. expeelttor n Northwestern aUteeMwtta, the .1 m. !! aiatrlBDtadBdP pretty glrla rairoaintlag the ataiaa gf a. M. Tir imlmsaslmnir nm-lllgl - BmfJWtaTMamml. Mwyij .-,fa Twenty taeneana pi four wete;,efeHb. ftmg aota. utnar gwa-w-w potaUes, hunrn M em KSTTLSSS maararnamw , --- ic"-mn--'-r-r Moaaieereale.-- -. .- .?1 &F