The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 05, 1915, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    ;jjji 'it
kwdav, sovmmn isis
f Si and IGelrmany
Oysters n. .
Meat Market
Steve Stressor, Prop.
Tiill Mnln HI. Phone IA7
Auto Delivery
Klamath Fall Athletic Club
Kim i'H for Members, lnitilre l
(ur Membership Fe
Everybody Knows
Hint It's false economy to bur
rlinip loots nn! cheap hardware
Vli- not buy the IIK8T It
limy riMl a IrlSe more, but It
pays In I lip long run.
The faithful service or oNr
uiifrrllHl hardware la coattn
ummly bringing Ha life-long run
V until YOU to gire M a
1 1 liil nnd heroine a HKflULAR
Roberts & Hanks
We have prepared the beat
tik of Dry Block, Blab, Body aad
Limb wood available for oar vrla
trr customers.
net oar prices before buylag, aa
rxKl wood will coat jrou ao more
limn Inferior grades.
Car of coal wtU arrive about No.
vemlier ISIh. -
). PKVTON, Manager
Come to the Garage that
Guaranteei you Satisfactory
Service in everything,
Whether1 you ftore your
car with us permanently or
just buy' occasional supplies,
we guarantee to please you in
both Quality and Price.
The Best Grade of Gasoline
the Lowest Market Price.
Try our Service. once and
notice the difference.
Howie Garage
tB8w5? sl 7 me m m"
nf nlS-IgsHgmaVsnMlaV
All Have Luck
TIM, wh. rWt ae ta
use oar amattsaJtloa,
Klamath Sportsmen's Store
; corner' Vain
SEC urr.UTr HE HAP u
Itnimt beef 36c lb,
Roast veil I 40c lb.
Veil I cutlet
. .68c lb. ,
.Pork 49c h
llMl 06c lb.
Huron , &8u toGlclb.
Butler r.KctoClclb
",,,cr (HCMMucin.
"" ,.. UC Caen w
lly OAlll. v, ACKKItMA.V
.., ,. . .. .......
iniieu r.enH .an uirresponaenu
ur.iiijitH, ."Nov. u. we r many win
be using meal and butter cards before
,i. ..,..,, -I . ...
the end of the wlnler. and the max.
I m u in price will bo placed on prac-
tlcally nil rood nccosiltlca to prevent
extortion," Mayor von Wermuth do-
clnrcd today. ,
Tuesday was ilerllu'a llrst meatless
dny, In accordance with tho govern-
mom' iicwrogulntlon providing two
ikldtt as. .i .. . ..... ...
iluyn nbstlnence from meats euch
wi-iiK Meat could not bo bought
ulsow Hern. Itfntnurnnt lu.rveil vpe.
otnbUti, rlieeso nnd egg substitutes,
Today, ngnln (Icrmnny will be meat-
, WediK'Hdays nnd Fridays will be
Ready for
United Proiis Scrvlco
NKW YORK, Nov. C The arls- show's slx-day program. They will
Itocracy of American society and the C0tCRt f" h "er"'ord1 cha,'e"e
i . cup presented by Lord Decles, and for
thoroughbreds of horsedom wore hav- ho Canadan chalIcnfe cup glvro by
ting their gowns finally fitted and thelrj8r Adams Beck of London, Ontario.
Ironts filially groomed today In antlcl- Botwccn the many new exhibitors,
spatlon of the opening tomorrow of tho 'principally from the Middle West,
I Hist nntlonnl horse show at. Madison w' havo'apenl hundreds of thou-
Hqunre Garden In two years.
. Tho "tono" of tho show will be do-
(cldcdly military. In addition to tl
"mllltnry" trend of reminine irocKs,yCnr win be, as you mignt say, an
frills nnd furbelows, which will, of there but the bullets.
course, be tho big fenturo of the show, ;
not excluding tho. horses themselves,1 Pnrty will exchange $200 Vlctrola,
there will bo much display of red-
whlto-nnd-bluo conservatively shot
with flags of all nations.
One of the biggest "horaey,Mfea
turcs of tho show will bo tho military
Alnna wlllph will ha ludced by UO IMS
u porsonago than Major Gonoral Leon-
nrd Wood, and not oven secretary
Garrison can overrule him this time.
The wnr department has , co-operated
with President Stotoebury of tho asso
ciation and other officials to notably
ilomonslrnto tho efficiency of Uncle
Sam's mounted men. Twenty-six
picked cavalrymen will represent the
regular army In the riding classes.
It Is expect cd that many of those
mado suddenly wealthy, aa a rosult of
the munitions factories' effect upon
the war babies ot tho stock exchange,
will bo thorc, belligerently Intent on
cannonading their way Into society
via tho riding stock.
Picked militiamen from New York
and other states will compete with
tho army men In a series of riding
Made Freth
Every Day
121 No. Sixth Street
tl KUmlh ortae'. more a-
wKA wro.
llUamm -ama-- -
Near Socialistic
From Lack of Food
"fatlooH days," fit butter, lard nnd the Holland government, permitting
other fata will ho unobtainable. 'the exportation of 3,000,000 tons of
The government Intenda to enforce t)0r, because of a Dutch over-supply.
thi'Ho rulings strictly, and to this end At present pork Is the highest priced
, hog already sentenced two packers'1'"! only the most wealthy are buying
for violations, Germany In ilnvolnn. It. The potato harvest yielded EC-
tlK h Roclallitlc state
i Tlio government controls
of grain and potatoes, as well as the'
stato-owncd railways nnd 60 per cent'uc reduced four cents, tinder the new
of th fwtorogi purtbcr. the state
nrnvhlna mnnlnvm.iil a.. 1ru. fA
,,-......... viw.iu;i.iviik nuu iiavh twiu
Prices. (
"There Is no question of food
shortage at all said Wermuth. "It
Is a question of price. Prevailing
'"K" prices nave Been caused oy un-
t.ual distribution. I am not wor-
flstii nl tltn naASMnal t el.. ....n1 ...
" uv wny. u um muyy. iwi '"- w j--.w ,. ...... i
""I"1' bectu'e ' know wnfct """J " estimated that 40.000 women!
need, and we have it. But our duty .have replaced men In positions In
,, l0 tmrt cwyone fet- wbat he I B(srn The cly wlI conUnue work
nieds." Ion the $16,000,000 subway and the
- piles of food In the windows Inldl-'110,000,000 dock Improvements this!
t-ntc that there Is no lack. The! winter. !
mayor Tuesday night visited the meat ' In both Austria and Germany the1'
Hn to see how the poor obtain their prices of foodstuffs have Increased'
supplies. Long rows of women stood .rapidly since spring. The Oerman
In tho procession all night, In order peoplo, economically, however, are
to obtain frozen meats. Tho throug--lcttor
resembled n bread line along the New
orK iiowery. IIOUKIl ino OCCUnantS
of this line wore paying for their
Anxiety over the meat supply wna
relieved this week by a telegram from
of Nation
Horse Show
levents that will take up much of the
8UHUH ot uouars gelling meir ainnas
together, there Is expected to be war
,0 tno la8t f0tock
Ro yon gee (he norg0 Bhow thu
ko new, for piano. Information at
Shopherd Piano Depot, next door to
postofflco. 2-ot
Holier sec that your Are iauroraace
policies are right. See Chllcote. S
Tho old time mixture of Sage Yea
and Sulphur for darkening gray.
streaked and faded hair la graaa
mother's treatment, and folks an
again using It to keep their a good,
even color, which it quite sensible, aa
we are living in aa age when a youtu
ful appearance It of the greatest advantage-Nowadays.
-though, wo doa't aava
the troublesome teak of gathering thai
sage and the mutsy mixing at home.
All drug atorea tall the ready-to-tue
product called "Wyath'a laga d
Sulphur Hair Remedy" for about 19
cenU a bottle. It U very popalar, U
cause nobody can diaeover It hu aaea
annllsd. BlBTaly tMlatW yOUr tMBB
or a soft brush with It aad draw tale
through your hair, taking oh aawu
strand at a time; by moraiag tae
gray hair disappears, but wau .
lights tho ladlea with WyeU'a aagw
and Sulphur la that, bealdaa aaaatt
fully darkening tho half after a taw
appllcatioM, It atao prodaeaa that
soft lustre and appoaraao
adnce which la to attraatlto? aaaldat.
preveaU dandruff, Itching aealp and
railing hair.
(Paid Advertltemean
Subscribe tor, tho Herald, 60 seats
a month. ,
i 000,000 tons, a sufficient supply for
On Monday the price of butter will
government price regulating system.
I'llNAMntAvMAHt t.. . .M..ktlMM
WMW(iv;uiGUk IB tiww iiuuviiub
Germany," said Wermouth. "At the'
outbreak of the war we had 60,000;
unemployed. Today we have only
2,000, mostly women. Think of it J
2,000 unemployed In tho city of Ber
lin, with 4,000,000 Inhabitants. Howl
flftAsl Itlftt MtmnirA Ullll NAW VrtPVT"
off than the Austrians. j Zalnils,
Tho. people believe that as soon as'nil,llr
Itnlrnrln nnd Tnrbnv nrn In rilnw.t.'
communication with Germany prices!0
wlll be lower, because these nations Kin tes.. He succeeded Venlzlos, whojtilough ,ne official announcement of
are reported to be stocked with food.lfivored tbc Mlea bnt wh) ro,gnedi h. appointment has not yet been
DeaTest Public:
If your transmission is broken, I'll
send a car for you it that's the reason
you have not been in to see my stock
ot diamonds.
The tnpat Is the birth stone for this
The topax Is an amber colored
stone, and la very hard and brilliant.
The golden topas is the finest, and
comes principally from Braxll. Pre
cious topax is nearly as brilliant aa
thn diamond..
Better put on yr neece-llned!L22
and we are to have perpetual winter; '
for as long as the snow stays around
pn tho mountains It's going to be cold,
and aa long as It's cold, the snow will
stay on the mountains. So there
you are.
llavo you forgotten, dear? It's 511
Main siree , sna wnmij ."-1
tween a billboard and the Regal Shoe
StOre. (
If It's Jewelry or kindred lines. I made for tne confirmation of the com
thlnk we have something that will p08m0n offered by the ahove named
please you. Love la an itching ot the bankrupt, and It appearing that such
heart that can't be scratched. Hurry composition has been accepted in
to my aid. .writing by a majority in number of
Thaddy McHattan.
Rev. and Mrs. Hall have just re
turned from the exposition, where
they have been seeing the sights for
the last nine days.
Mrs. Wm. Woods is very 111 with
Rev. H. J. Van Fossen will preach
hero Sunday evening, November 14th,
Subscribe for the Herald, 60 cents
a month.
IfAll Women Knew
The virtues of Violet Dalce OoW Cream, we'd sell scads of it. It costs no
more than tho ordinary Wad, and really has merit. Large jars UOc.
Bouquet Jeaalce, the New Powder. We have It in three lines. Face
Powder, Talcum and Perfume. A trial Is convincing.
The season is now where coughs an colds predominate. For each troubles
wo recommend' Cherry Bark Obmpoaud. It's the old-fashioned cough
and cold remedy. Three alaee, 3Br, 0c, and 1. Sold on a guarantee.
Just what Is a, coon cigar? This answer la Hf to every smoker. There
are a thousand coanhinaUoaa of tobacco that run from scrap to the
highest grade Vtears... Onr Leader, "The BeremaateV" (4 for Wc). On
Hale Saturday, Sc straight.
Hot Water Bottle Ttase ts now here. Better get one while the stock Is
large and you have nwMe range to, select from. Prieea Tne to $8.80.
All gwaraateed.
The Deposed
ThU "l the first
the mm
who was the
of Greece for,
short time, to arrive in the United
It .was thought, when pressure was
j.. ... ,, ,
brought to bear on King Constantlne.
kaaiviBlAmBlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH I'
and will hold the first quarterly con-'as
fcrence on Monday.
The new hotel is now open for bust-!
ness. I
The well drillers have Vnlahed a
well for Tom BraabeaT, and are now
busy at George Maxwell's place. :
Apples for Sale
1,800 pounds good winter apples
for sale at Leavltt's place on Conger
avenue. 6-lt
Don't fall to see our nitty line ot
trunks and suit cases,-at Bradley Har-
Notice to Creditors
Order to Show Oanse on Application
for Confirmation of Composition
I In the District Court of the United
I States for the District of Oregon.
Ifn thd lnHa nf IfarmAra' TmnlAmAtlt
and Suppiy House, a Corporation,
whAMac unnllAaflnn 1ia KnAn
al. thege creditors whose claims have
been allowed, which majority repre
sents a majority In amount or aucn
claims, and that the consideration
tor Buch composition has been duly
depesited: It is ordered that an
creditors of the said Farmers' Imple
ment and Supply House company, a
bankrupt, as well as all other parties
in interest, show cause at a hearing
to be held on such application before
the district court of the United States
tor the district of Oregon, in the
court room thereof, in Portland, in
said district, on the 16th day ot No
vember. 1916, at 10 o'clock a. a., w
Greek Premier
Hut yesterday Venlzelos showed who
was the real power In Greece,
At a- word from him, a vote of lack
of confidence was taken in this man
'nd .hl? cablft- " re8,gn!d' and
enizeios win unaia ue jireuiwr, ai-
made. The outcome as all militar
tsts seo tt is war on tne siae or me
soon thereafter as the matter can
'be reached; that notice of such hear-
Ing be given by mailing a copy of
this order to each ot the, creditors,
parties in Interest and attorneys ea-
titled to notice in this proceeding,
and by publishing a copy thereof In
jthe designated newspaper of the
county of such bankrupt's residence.
aa provided by law; that such notice
be so given by or under the direction
of the referee in charge of this pro-
Witness the honorable Judges of
If you have frequent headaches
which medicines do not cure; if
you see distant objecta more (or
less) clearly, or need to hold
printed matter nearer, to or fur
ther from the eyes than formerly,
or need more light; if you have
observed any of. these things, your
sight needs the aid ot correctly
adapted glasses to assist as well
as preserve It.
Accurately fitted glasses are
only possible when the sight has
been scientifically tested. We
have every facility for doing this,
and exercise tbe greatest care, so
that you may receive the utmost
benefit from wearing glasses.
We offer you accurate service,
"3Z flv twlit j4
sBnBnBnmpU "glj.
sBnBnBsg nBnBnm Bnw sKK
aWaWaVnnVV' M '
lir a. aVBnaaaaaaH 1
B VTCUU I III II ammmnj ., . . . , III , II LI, I, .1
JaV aVvBAMrwaxr.BJSnaf r! -- mrmirmmP&'lit
I SnBnw WSs PMJMMgJr BBB 'v k!-v!r;;-aS "si i
! H. v. riaKaaafS ' PAMbS;Imhhh
aBaBaBHgBnnO 'Wmm!
. BnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBBBnl nBnBnBnBBBBna nBnBBnW BW'st i,' atajTWSTTi w.strir". PrwaBBnWJBVIIUfKW'ai.,
! gnwHBilnnBB! naaBBBBal snaaaW I vS&7-fiW&'&- - ' $
amTVsni aaBBBBB&BnnBBBBBn J CoHtete'atosk .' , U
III nffanffBnffsKAnnffBnBBVJ ''-' '"- V'BWlnnfJsnnnam '."bvA'S
1 1' vsfBnBnBml SBnBLgBBnBnJr.' K Lrcii ' J y r." TBBBnwana
I IFlW V,V' ' fiJBnnEal
rmmm mmmmim.
2H5, Sm
in said court, aa lae aeaisaevaav ,j
at the city of Pert taai'.tafato, lit- .M
trict, the Srat dsyof WfWNtif,;
(1. H. MARSH, Ctflrk.
0 F. II. BOCK, Depatyf ' JVMl
..urns m wmot.m. p w III ?W :
notice is nerenr airea vaai aa mm.
Jdcrslgned potiadmaster of ;ta M
.. -. .'hi, ..... .i.
Klamath Falls, Oregea; CM,a
26th dnv of Ocfober.,llll.:li
.h. vt...... ..I .liv tkk fjMimti'ii'-J'i
lit (lie I'wuuu .v . v. nw w..w,-.-j J
Ing described animal:
One dark bay or lighter aena;
In poor condition, brandtd H. !; ,M
' And that unless ibe owaer or awa-.''ii
ers of said nnimau. or otaer
mMto&HwKm -jftfeta
persons having
an Interest tMraaiMi
snail uoiore me use siaiea , aatww,-,
. .... .. .. '.... -.iwJ.W.
L t.rl
claim possession of said aataMla mm rgff.
I pay all costs sad charge for .Us, r'
keeping and advertising thereof, v;?;;S'
gether with all, fees provide y,0rtH-5fe
iiance of said city for saca eaaee, aald,.4j
Innlmats will be sold at ombllc aaettaafeii
- - - . -,
for cash at the city pound at tke
or 1:30 on the 7th day of November,:?
' .i.:i.,5fi8s
it. r..iuuuwm,
Dated at Klamath Falls.. OtaiiiaVigi
November 1, Ji&. .. j
of 1 f ml ! I
-iv 'i'.S'flsA
n. ,""..f)&iJtK&&
Location of PrlndpalPlaeBeeh',
' ness. San Frandscd. CalUostou&K
Notice Is hereby givea.;
mnAtlnv nt thn directors hald 'bi.WJ;;-aV:''
nniilav Of lobar 20th. 11E. B MSmV
ment (No. 2) of one dollar;.sarsre
was levied upon the cap!Ul'soekaj.fc
the corporation, payable iaimaaJataUf 3
to the secreUry. at the -fmp&i
'corporation, No.lSlIldeaA"sris;VB
San Francisco. California. Aaystaar
upon, which thU aaaeasmeat saall-ra- -
main unpaid on Wedasaday, Diiam
ber 15th, 1916, will be deUaqaeat aai 'J
advertised for sale at pabtte aaettoa, .
and unless paymeat la ,.!. ,M
will be sold pa Wednesday, Jaaaetr "fl
12th, 1916, at the hoar ot lS;;;la.
pay the delinquent aseeawsMK; l&i-d
gether with the cosU of Mimmmfk
and expenses of tale.
.S' r&&r-i&,
rir. -Mt'i..... jtr -its
Dated October, 26U, 11
Ai.vx j. HoeBomonoMf '?'
SecreUry of . Calif orala-OraWir
, Company. , t. ivtiZM
Office, No. 1S1 Leldeeaort ttrMK-Umfm
Fraaclsco. CaUforala.r . mP$$i
u 29-5-i:.19..S ;
. -.U. ..!. . .i"., "fit-"
In the Circuit Court, ot the IHaUjet ,..;
Oregon, tor Klamath Cta; w l
George Bradley aawT Orate "Brad6etvlV
Co-Partners ,ae;i Bradley Bxietmte.t
Company, Waiitmt,JixiM.
D. P. Doak, Defendaat. - " .3f
To D. P. Doak. defeaaaat laaovo,
In the name of the State ot Oregon, ,,;
you' are hereby required to appear aad
answer the complaint, filed agalast
you In .the above entitled action on or -1
before .Friday, the 10th day, ot,De- ; r
ceraber, 1916. that being the;last day -s
of the Ume prescribed in theder lot ;
publication of this sammors''aadlit7-?.'
.-..' - .. - ..-.-L.-'
i ll...f .its lll ab AmAlrlyi'
1TKUI .fcUWICWV fWWIW TCf f r . 9
ment, against ,you for the umt $&
1385.60, and for tho eoste;.;te-,;
bursemenU ot thU acUon, and. far -favs.
order ot this court that the tollogM
described lands, UkeauaderVattah-
ment 'In this 'cause, to wlttjX; m$$
Lots a, s, o ana; or iteeuonaeJ
lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10!ou.:I&
8WU. NW SBU, 8 BU.lota
1 toT8 inclusive ot aaetloi.StrifHt
SWU. SWU NWU. fete l,;t;advf
12 ot section 84, township 8faeafc.,.';!
range 7 east, W..M.: NWHHW34,
or section 3; Btt NWK, NBH
SW, NW NBH. lote.i. te?U
Inclusive, ot section 4; ,kU;4.,S."and';
- 6 ot section 9, township If ?twatt&i
range 7 east; 'Wv iMiinf 'OMMtk l
county, Oregon, -H u'v-..
be, sold as by,.kvw resjnlrod.laMll"
proceeds hereof applled;,te;tn;sjair'
ment ot such TuagmoatTIismsnjW
moBs Is served on the: sntd''dstiaidaat?a
by publication thereof tatne'BTansgw
Herald, a newspaier bt.gesmral. siren-
lallon, printed aad pmbUakodat Wate-
ath FalU. KUmath cunty,iptoton,0
not less thaa once' a weAktorati
weeks, by order of Hcneraate BvT.
Kuykendall, Judge 'if iANiMiK
titled court, made; dated' and-tJt4'Ja:
this cause at Klamath ''VaU?KlaSMnfe
county; uregon, en uewwerss-, we, .;
the data of the first pueueawoa vmn-:::-'
of being Friday, the SStai 'day 'ad-djottk
ber, 11S; . " ififHtJ '-J. ,,