ji Vir jl, ; ej.. i 4-X; ??.' tf 111 "-' ftJA. o -, Stfn? Stnmtna BralB raJf -&.. -.- ,.--", A ?t. KLAMATH FALLS' m "51 OFFICIAL NIW1PAP1SR rf. ''J it OFFICIAL NEWSPAP1R; SKtf iKf .-. 4 i -v. rf fM .7EE3?rt3f ,. L. iJW-' in in in 'Ttfeaft': FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1915 f , : f t ... -rtmr - "- ' ' -' ' '.. . .' ' jjfc Y r Wo. KLAMATH -?K Fear Main Army of Serbia Is Surrounded ; j. . ... ... .... ';&$!$ V.ll.Ai-.o nfAAi-AJ AMJ Cuauaj n i!- j Cj. :i.oyl Vistas, Defeated and Scattered, Deserting and Starving MIA ABANDONS LAST POSITIONS JIT AGUA PRIETA CARtUNKIHTAH PURSUE FLEEING ENEMIES ArtUk-ry Itetreatlag W"tuaitl To ward Xaro Entire Army Scattered. Rome HtanrlngHlx Hundred Cor airy Pursue Hear VHIUta Guard. All Army Aviators Needed at Mex Ikea Border. 1 n rn 'm LX ' L1 Lvw-Vw,,s,w,,wvv i- -i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i- -i-i-ii-i- -n- " iimrinrriiiiruiiiimn. 111111 11 iruiriir. in i-nn.i-jiim.-i. - iq-j j.m.injLiruui v v uLiuVutojvl - A"5! rinilT nnnilfy III r R ilrnannr nun ii at nriAr hiiuaha iimtha n'rnWiii EIGHT DROWN IN SHIP DISASTER OFF MARSHFIELD i FEAR SEVEN OTHERS I'KIIIHIIKII IN WRKCK Serbia's Grand Man Makes Final a . . - .., , v.-- -- -swaeEj"r- -- Plea to Allies to Save Hts Country United 1'roM Service D0UC1I.AB, Arli., Nov. 3, Villa- arm? U scattcrod arid his artlllory re treating westward toward Naco. Ills lat positions before Agua Prlctn wero abandoned till morning. Six bund rod cavalrymen puraucd tbe rear guard of tho VIIIIMa- army this morning aftor a two hour' battlu i-V in which tho VHIUta wero cruahud. ru-jr ran lowuru Agua rneia, ami urreudcred. Hlx croued tbo border onto Arizona aoll, ud wero nrrealcd aa military prlaonera. Tbe VltlUto Te In a terrible I'Utht. The men are auSerlng from hunter, and many horaea are atarvlng. Puniton wua denied permlaalon to In vad- Agua I'rlota It neceeaary. United I'rose Borvloa SAN PRANOIBCO, Nov. 3. Lleu tfnant Colonel Bamuel Reber, tbe head of the army aviation oorpa, baa announced that every army aviator waa wanted on tho Mexican border, nnd aaked that thoae appearing In tho uoodler tourt maTtlal be excused . United l'rcaa Service ' WABHINQTON, D. 0., Nov. 3.- The atnte department advlaed the Mea that It haa decided to recogntie Urrania na aoon aa Italy preparee a note of recognition In the behalf of the alllea. United 1'reaa Service WASHINOTON. D. 0.. Nov. 3. Central Funaton'a reaueet that he be given authority to Invade Agua Prleta it neceeaary wa unfavorably received in officialdom. The war department "m that only Prealdent Wilaon could irant him auch authority, and there no proapeot of him doing io. Warrw Company Offem Haterlala. Through the courteey of the War ren Conatruetlen eemmwy, the city ""I be aaved may'doluri. When the company lalaked their eonatruc Uon here .they left tern material!, "Ich they .lower new oettred fret to the city for top dreaalag whenever he pavement kw to be ripped' up for llylngotplp,ote. Unetaeea Men to Meet. The bualneaa men.wlll hold a meet off at the oKy mil tMlfht at 0 dock. Muck bwlaeaa U to eome u u a une attendance w re quMted, . ." )V I e VmU Pair, - W. Tabor ead: family departed for M 2 thl mornlng'i tw-cImo on g, vtal TklttoUefair. SitntnClam (Jniundo, hui! lttMviiKer-i nnil Crru Try to l-rnH- In Hoot. Four llouta Itwuh Hhor-. In Hatvty. Many IhHMlN of HrroUni -ItoKui-Hirer Valley Man Among the Itaad. Cnplnlu Werim Wlivn Tliankiil. United I'reaa Horvlco MAR8IIPIKI.0, Ore, Nov. 3. ' Bight bodloa wero recovered from the ateamor Hanta Clnra Hint wn- ground' rd off ('ooa liny. H la feared aoven other- perlahod. Tho Veaaol la reef ing ciiKlly. and there nro no Hlgna of her lireaklng up. Pulled I'reaa Service MAR8IIPIRM). Nov. 3. -It Is bo Doled that from three to soven others perlahod when the Santa Clara went ncromid. The known dead nro Mr M. J. Dunn or llulto, Mont.; Mrs. D. II. Home, Hood Rlvor; Kugeno 0111 enwntor. aged 7, Boat tie; Detmnr D. Roguo, Gold HHI, Ore; Alfred Crow ley, aged 13 montba, Mill City, nnd two unidentified olderly woraen Pour bnnta went nahore anfety. Tho Snntn Clara grounded In a heavy ae wind. J. W. Noyea, a- mld- dlo-agcd man, wadod the breakers to aavo a woman and a little girl. Roy Dunno of Rutte, saved his alator'Mar garot after their mother was drowned by tho cnpalxlng of tho boat In which thoy wero trying to reach shoro. Tho survivors suffered lant night on Daatendorff bench. Sevonty-nve hud'dled In a small cottage Tho captain wept as a passenger thanked him for trying to save tho hip. - I 10KKKKKKBKiLL.KKR1KHKM,l,JlJIJ' ' 'IBgefgMgfcgMWgMgMglgma.. maaWJ- Z-2nriVfm?t'mkj A!MmaVBWgffgHgaAmaB BWmBWgaWgaWgaWgaVjr llH-LgaWVHgannnnWaa " m gggKgggvT- V-tlVtV1 UHHgHIBHHHlMHHIJMi I ggmamK BwawaBwawawaBaVBvaaBaHarygaVRPigafl geaWgaWgaWaauSHmav JgavPll: tnmeWeWgemeWeWameT BBmBBmBBBHmaHgl'?vJZir Jmggf gggggggggggggD )JgfTV't - AgmBB&mBBmal aaBmBBmBBmaffiriDBHrr affaffaffaffaffaffa-affaffaffafa-nSaVw I ri.r 9iagmPafflamBl maWmaWgBmaWmaWgsKaKnii DKMgam mamai VaaaaaaHBaaaaawaaamjrwjfr rmawiCBaaamiKMBaaaaaamBl BBmBBnwamBBgmBnaK r -lllpMlgmBmi PRBMIKR I'.XfiHIOH DRAINAGE WORK WELL UNDER WAY 7,UMVAI.T WITH t;i:W AT WORK MAKING SUnVKY OF KLAMATH MARSH TO LEARN FBASIBIMTV OF DRAINAGB PIUMEOT Don J. Zumwalt, the civil engineer, Is In charge of a crew of surveyors which Is at work on the project to drain Klamath marsh, under the su pervlalon of the Klamath drainage district. Tho work of surveying la well under way. The purpose of tl.o surveying la to determine how tmjcIi of the land cau be drained and what the probable rorl Will, be. When this Information la prwurrad, actual reclamation la ex ported to begin. The Klamath drainage dlitrlct, comprlalng forty property owners of liinmath marsh lM.d, are provwiog tlo funds for the surveying. By bond- inn. etc.. other moueys will do raise to carry on the project of reclamation. It la only a matter of time, accoru ina to land owneri. that practically all ol tbe 83,000 aciei coming under the immediate project will be drained, thus increasing enormoualy tho wealth and productive area of Klam ath county. This photograph allows the grand old man of Serbia, Premier Pashich, looking on mupa of the progress of tho war about two weeks before ho mado this last plea to tbe allies to send troops to aavo his couutry from tho Aubtrlans, a or mans and Bulgar ians: "Serbia is making superhuman ef forts to defend her existence In re sponse to the advice and desire of her groat alllea. For thU she Is condem ned to death by tho Auatro-Qermans and Bulgarians. For twenty days our common enomy has tried to annihilate us. In spite of the heroism of our soldiers our resistance cannot be ex pected to be maintained Indefinitely. Wo beg of you and the many friends of Serbia In England to do everything you can to Insure your troops reach Inlg up bib soon aa possible, that they may help our army, and that we may defend together the common cause which Is now so gravely menaced." This plea was sent to London, and it was published on the day Lord l4insdowno admitted in the house of lords that bo far Great Britain haxl sent only 13,000 troopa to Salonika to help the Serbs. HARD TIMES HAVE. FINISHED INNING CAIJFOHMA STATK OFFICIALS HAVK FIGURES TO PROVE THAT MONEY IS BEING FREELY CIRCULATED United 1'reas Service SACRAMENTO, Nov. 8. Hard times and calamity howlers have fin ished their Inning; buslnesa la pick ing up, and money is being more free ly circulated. Two state officials have come forth with statements to that effect, and with facts to back up their statements. "When the state gets a premium of $08,000 on a fl,800,000 bond Issue, It doesn't look like money la tight," said State Treasurer Friend W. Richardson. "When Callfornlana are spending an average of 1100,000 a day pur chasing automobiles,'' business must bo pretty good," adda French. It haa been many months slnoe the state received auch a healthy premi um on n bond lesue as on tho Univer sity of California f 1,100,080 recent ly, French points out that conserva tive estimates, baaed on the number of automobile registrations dally for the past sixty days, show that people of this state are spending an average of $100,000 a day for the purchase of automobiles. i CENTRAL GARAGE CHANGES HANDS BELLMAN & SON OF THIS CITY EXCHANGE RANGE PROPERTY NEAR DAIRY FOR KLAMATH AVENUE PROPERTY ' Another realty deal waa recently closed when the large stock ranch sit uated near Dairy, betetfug to A. A. Bellman Son of thU elty wariglven In exchange for the Centratgarage on Klamath avenue, ''owned by B, B. Hew-ry This and other tranatera of recent date In the realty huslaees glvea tea doney to greater aettea ta tfcla fold. i Will Blitott, ampleyed at, Crater Lake during thVummer past, la on his. way to Imperial .ITaBey to spend taowlater. '. . '4- - FRANCE WILL NOT DOW' HEAD; WILL FIGHT TILL END SUCH IS STATEMENT OF NEW FRENCH PREMIER Germans Lose on Western Front, But Gala la East Petrograd Admits Defeats of RussiansOne Hundred Metres of Treacbee Wrested vFrct 'Germans la Voacbec Do Briaad Optimistic Over Fate of France. PEACE RUMORS t GIVEN IMPETUS CONFERENCE BETWEEN AMBAS SADOR JU8SERAXD OF FRANCE AND PRESIDENT WILSON IS CAUSE OF PEACE TALK United Press Service PARI8. Nov. 3 Premier De Brland In his first speech to the deputies since he was appointed was optimistic In regard'tomfe fafeof France. He ex pressed France's determination to car ry on the war to a vlctorloua end.' Untied Press Service BERLIN, Nov. -3. It Is announced that In Northeast Vouches the Ger mans evacuated 100 metres of trenches. United Press Service BERLIN, Nov. 3. Field Marshal von HIndenburg repulsed the Rus sians near Dvlnaburg Illuxt and Car unowka. The Russians only succeed ed In occupying Milk-Ullskl. Von LInslngen Is progressing In the Csar torysk region. United Press Service LONDON, Nov. 3. Petrograd haa admitted that the Germans gained ground toward Riga from the west. The Russians are on the offensive be fore Dvlnck, and the German losses in Volhynta. WILL LEE IS FAIR REPRESENTATIVE IS APPOINTED TO SUCCEED SIN NOTT, WHO RETURNS THIS WEEK WILL GIVE SPARE TIME TO BOOTH GRATIS LONDON, Nov. 3. It Is announced that the British captured a German super-submarine In the North Sea. The crew has been Imprisoned. IN SPITE OF RAIN DUCK DAGS SUM A FEW NORTHERN BIRDS SLAIN BY KLAMATH HUNTERS LAST NIGHT, BUT MORE STORMS ARE NEEDED TO BRING IN FOWL Duck hunters are beginning to "perk up" a little. The rains and wind of the past two days have re sulted In a moderate flight of north ern ducks and geese to tho Klsmath feeding grounds, and last evening sev eral hunters took fair bags on tho marshes south' of the-city. Most of the birds taken wero drake mallards, apparently tho vanguard of the army to eome. The bright weath er today, however, may remit la aa- other postpoament of the waterfowl migration, and Impatient Klamath hunters will have to wait for another storm. All tho geese thai pasted (ho past few days have gone farther south, so that there afo few of those birds avail able to Klamath hunters now. Tho dry aeaaoa haa resulted la a scarcity of feed this year for tho ducks, and until tho ralae start la United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, No 3. Peace rumors were revived here when Ambassador Jusserand of France asked and was granted a conference with President. Wilson yesterday af ternoon. The fact that a peace con ference in Switzerland is about to be gin, between representatives of four belligerents, gave Impetus, to the rumors. Jusserand said that he desired per sonally to thank the President for In terceding on .behalf of two French wo men whom the Germane had sentenced- to death in Belgium on the charge of espionage,. United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Nov. 3. Regardless of Jusserand's announce ment as to his purpose In catling on the president, officials believe that peace is likely soon. It Is expected that some diplomat here will make the first move. Will Lee has been appointed the official Klamath county representa tive at the Klamath booth for the re maining month of the fair, to succeed Phil Slnnott, who returns In a few days to resume his position as city editor on the Herald. Lee, however, haa other business to transact at Ban Francisco, and will give'Just what time ne can. sparejtratls, to tho ex ploitation of Klamath to visitors at the Oregon building. At tbe end of tho fair Mr. Lee will box up the exhibits and send them back to Klamath Falls, where aa ex hibit building will be secured to dis play them. If this Is impossible, Fleet will secure exhibit windows. The success of tho Klamath repre sentative at the fair culminated by Klamath Day, and the inestimable amount of advertising this section re ceived, Is everywhere admitted. Klam ath county Is on the map aa it never waa before. Fred Fleet receives more letters of Inquiry concerning this sec tion than ever before, principally from those who have seen tho Klam ath booth. Slnnott reports that hundreds of visitors at tbe booth have promised to return to Klamath next year to per sonally Investigate this region, with a view of locating Re men Business, H. W Butler, proprieCor of the 88 Miiung eompaay, .returaea ,aotao em Tuesday eresUag from" lea Fraaeeieo, where' a pleasant two weeks waa k4t en over to pleasure aa sushi ass,' 'Mr: ; j..! en&'trivsi AUSTRO-GERMANSSi AND BULGARIANS t v- , V-VJ iLM' - . ,. h fl ir 4V-i i. .'& .T- ON THREE SIDES -.SS8 CAPTURE OF ARMY I ITABLE, IF REPORT TRUE - 7-fi- m 5- i 1 WEV-i . i ' V -j, fk wf-fl &sS : .rt i. Balaariaa Front Caned Atessa ) -? From Veaala Throat Ffcrrril ig. Kaiserac -AastHaas Oeataca Aadaal , &ZC 5rkSYiifeSiS ..... - . -.- ' inaicauag Defeat of aesti or Advance la BpMe af tack Great Coap 'jS srzgm,i i2lXiKV&;t r m -. kj: , t--i j ' .--- i-pmrsF-'i tj'r&'l""a umw8m United Preaa Service 1''" ' -vSw siyL& ,.. ..;." -w. SZ -TfM fAKW. NOV. 3. VV1U1 AUS-fO i.-.-JK.'; - r T .. 57W.HiiL7- Vx$ZJ Germans and tbe Bnlaarlaaa doataa-.-: . - "-" - " irf '.f: y> i m la on three sides at-Nlab. grave fears that the a-ala amy i Serbians haa been surreuadaeU .kTaa i Bulgarian, front is curved ,areaad"v-9? Nlhv from Vflflnlttw fh-iilli Phai5&: & - ' . .. 45, la ii Knjaevaci The Auatro-GermesnfJae runs throuahthe conntrv- to 'South j Kragujevac Into the Upper Moroya ' Valley. .. r Ti'1 United Presa Service "& that the Austrians occupied 'Aslee,vla"l Serbia, 87 miles southwest.oC. Bel- grade. This Indicates that theC Ams-s . trians .Ji r? X'- aIIuw .-! ' - - ? wvvww w -iwuimt rl'.J: i grins or are strong enough to proessa r "tit- with the Invasion and resist flank at-'!. tacks slmultaaeoasly. t J-. ... v . . - .h : ADoarenur one or tne areat aima oi r,zi-i. the campaign of the Teutons and BuW'f- 'fr earlan lathe Balkaaa la aceoatBttah-1 ' - f'fjjfz &&T& m ?B i.i ed tbe surrounding of the SerMaa, ' reuf- urnrll-jtllr InavttBhla. thar mr aa far from the base of tholr 7MPptW" mat tney are waauag asamaaiw a, j.... as well as food ,ete, aheolutelr eesea- J, IIati ftr a AamYMTAtM dtaant in Tirilr I'' their enemies' lines. Yesterday, mil-iC .. .- t ii!.wi. i .- rv uary experts anew in, taw mv ap for tbe Serbian army aaa'rstlreiBteat into Albania and JConenegro to reor ganize and procure, more smmsiloa VIB IBS Auriauv, i-w,nf-ni-ar cate that evea that desperate step haa been rendered impossible by the Aea-lSsiw tro-Germans. " -MillSaS Just what effect the capture of, twRS Servian main amy wJU aareoa the;: itmr la. of course. lmDOMibla to DrO-'4jV diet, but certainly suoh'an occueaee''fc-"' would be a great set-back tb'lho allloim i0QY UVpeal U tVVUsU iawlaieapejr , r iUU WtVBA ayaaavaa w vrwaTtamaaawsawm ei . i ss. If the army u captured, the Vjm j - be open to tho Tomtoas. i;jUZt it mum nnrtonr. aeaaMlaai S(ljt-i " : tj ::iv:.riir.i."Ms some expert, tne wun wsa,-?! AraAvnA-ir nr Marnim.. n-MTMMi ii-m it vmw w . - -----.. .i XT-vT-T, . VSQl ' Butler haa traveled srtsawlvety. aad earnest HtUe raallp flrat class shoot-1 his opdOea reiatlve to Uw.lairtollMrt nany must leavetho Uttmiurtiaala -such a state that .rcaaaot ho.of aajr V , furtteraldtothe,.?ifJ3iV : Utlon of allied Uroeie into Serstw will l abruptly cease aid'-the aWoa,-sill. make a doatrato'ollortehaat; Teutons In eltler, Bulgaria or Ti JT i'OTVVfc'I. i z E. L. Bsell just nrrwed lass) from aa estsaded vtstt.ao Ma reports baTing had aa aad thaA lUassath SOW gM tfm. lag eaa ho eapoeted. all sfraM see It 'V '"v ItH'- rtzxi V ! W. . 'A-R 5 ,fe &?i