-7 a .A 'Kj-.,.J. l .4 v '" .. n waiv r I , ji ii gr- l vT- fcV $. U.J. s-r'"V"s?''1" , PtjfJJtujljki ..jMjiur .t r r , AUAT7AI.I.' f i.f- .S." T. - '! U'.'JT , h I f 0FFICIALtWiFAPKR fLv . !, MM SJ ;$ ft! 5., tjirr ST-V .. .. f- fjs'- urn " "" -.- ' tpt.' -' .py- "r"f;.-; :"'- - -.- . "- - '- miamnJim '. 3 -. -'"5VV--yjMt-:T-, t. -.-., .-r trtssfe.4 jv&vv. -.,&. wjifl ' r? ' ', "pfpi 3 i.ffi w , j , . . . ". , -.sr. ?o--sbv KL'AM ATI I , COUNTY.1,;;.: .,,..-. .---.vT-vfn- OFFICIAL toEWSPAPERfi .&Mi HV5HU. - ' E?3 '?i rVbiri KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1915 ""fisrzvvij i-ijt ''-JtJjLU TO if! it ?, itu-B iiiiTiinn aiii SKHSWIinUKMn Bulgar Chief, of Staff BEFORE BULGARS WITHOUT BATTLE fADINCI IV I'KOGHKHH IN IP,W 13 , iilltlfAI'll hlfiTHirW ii m ri . i LI fo T? i. t 'ga Flert "t TrMMfmrt HMtm HlUtK In Mark Km Iwtfroirrra ArromM. f:tMv,fl IU)inbr VriM Krrarh itfL.V--l- 41a nb fc TwAi !!! 'il Mm Artltlrrr IlemlNUtta Ovttr Vart Wii. -jr M .'S'" VI. I. ItMalta Hilll tMMlt s: i Ifl- & r-tf. . I T JTfcc i' l?,rJK.' yjy ;( :.s ' ( Uilitd l'rM ItnlN EflLlN, Nov. 1. 8oSa dUptehea that Iluliarlan rtlllerr la bom- CoiMUn(l Mia and Turklah cum auRk (h iUtiDt outer Nlah forta l-ji rmct iuomanno Turquoiao orr ah 3 li" I firl Sundar. I JlWlad Prtaa Barrta f PAniB, Nov. . It la nnouncd Jht In Urn vicinity ot lallb, the Dul xaarlani aro progreaalac anil the Borba ''! ulthdrawlng without dgkllnc An iartllUry duel In the lUbrovo district lit Is procreu, but the reaulu are till 'iaeeBnlto. There la heavy eaaaoaad "'- -. . . era ' .gLHggK . gti gggggggggggggggggggggggf gg IHRB I1 I laBaiKlBBHI agaeffaaH gggau . 'fgigiglgl VM;'f!!gH tV.gau y iKfySBaBaBaVaW ALL QUIET ON HALLOWE'EN EVE MT. JOII.N'H MVHTIC XIOIIT IMHHIII WITH i.ittm: vamiauhm. WIMMIW UIMTIXO WITH HOAI'I oxi.v m:.MiM)i:it of old wavh KLAMATH BOOTH OPEN WOKK TO X he REMAIN ADVKItTIHIXO THIS llfilluwo'eii nliclit wnK obsurveil with liltlo vandallnm lat night. Few kuich uvru xtolon, and other than tho ilccor iillmi of every window on Main street with ho;ii, tho llmo-lioiiored custom of main other people trouble on Hnl Inwo'cn evenlnK Urn been dropped. i Only tho last few yours lias seen tho decny of Hallnwo'eu vandalism. The custom dnleH buck to ancient English time!, when tho iwople still believed lit gliontH, nplrltd, etc., that were sup po'il to movo abroad on this most niyntlcnl of nil nights, All Saints or AIMirJIowod cvo. Tho mlschleyoun spirts of the old Kngllsh towns, more Kkor'tlcnl us to ghosts, etc., would Btart forth on this night nnd turn ev orylhlnR topsy-turvy, no as to mnko ,tho stolid town-folk bellovo thoy had ,, ,.... , , had a spirit visitation., Ounoral ntschou has been appoint ed chlnf of ntnff f tin. nnivorinn i ,n Klamath Falls, as well as other army with full charge In the campaign fccclo"' Hallowe'en partleaivnd mas- gainst tho nlllet In the Halkniis. ,ii" re nuin 10 ooserve me ni).tlc season. HKCTld.V TO COXTIXUK UUKIXG 4 JiASTjiMOXTH OF FAIB, AIj. THOL'OII tilXXorr ItRTUIlXH -r.lW:M1 i.ji'jKiyi Meav Wtn CmmMjk Is English Nurse Who Was Shot to Death by Germans tirncnil I'llKrlii'ii ?mlH from Kflrolak te-Yeiea. Ualted lreea Sarrtaa BUCHAREST, Nor. 1. It baa been Uarned that the Ruaalaa tnuuport itMt u sighted la the Black Sea !ndy. Destroyera are escorting the 'tauunnrl ht- V ' rr-vwM.Ns viiccua inv fclM- porta fell behind and the warahlpa uumoiraea me port. The progress the Bulgarians have made la most plainly indicated by the raport that they are bombarding the outer fortresses of Nlah, one of the railway centera and chief clUea of Ser bia. If Nlah Is taken, aa la likely from present Indications, the Bulgarians will bo able to mora succeeafully block the march of the allies through Ser bia Into Bulgaria, aad Anally Into Tur key to checkmate the huge Teutonic Movement. LAST FOOTBALL i . GAME TOMORROW KtAMATH STACKS UP AGAINST MKDFOBU IN LAST BfG OAKS OK RKAHON DOPMTKltS EX. WTOOLOSROAMH KHKHMICK, POMCK DOG, UNDKIt- ANK8THKTIC WILIi UK AID TO VKTKRIXARV SURGEONS I.ITTLK SON OF AGKXT .UY UN- BROOKS .seQPNn..oeuBA!noN. CHAXCK SUM, nUT BABK IS BETTER TODAY Although Phil Slnnott, Klamath's' Falls iHfJa few days, tho Klamath booth wilt still remain open. Slnnott lg rOturBMC to BAVp thn rnnnlv hla siiiiiry forithe last month of the falr.J iiut nrcocAIng to present nlana the work of advertising this section at the exposition.' will still continue. i no mctnou win bo to have various Klamath county men who aro visiting ' ...I ion iiim wuniii uevoio part 01 tliclr tlmo.gratls. or nearly so. in talc. In cliargof the booth, arranging' oxniuiis, etc. At present two Klamath boosters ato at the' flair who aro willing to act as temporary reprexpntatlvcs. They arc Wlllflie mill LVile Oliver Rnth have Klamnth BtuCstlcB at their InnmnJ rf n.l n .. .Ba ju w,,auva unu,,uim uiii iircpareu to car ry on the work in a tredltable fashion, According' to fair visitors, the1 Klamath booth la tetter than ever. V Tho bltf bet' has arrived, and with the ,,,, Al. 1 ... "iiier iiuibic regeiaoies. train, dis plays, etc.thero Is much to interest prospectiva citizens or this county; TWILIGHT SLEEP FIGHT FOR LIFE USED ON HOUND STILL CONTINUES KLAMATH FUTURE J , !' DEPENDS ON CLUB 2fc- ftsr i-i-.r- I I tomorrow the KtoaUth boys meat Wrora m the lut Wg footbsll gssae or tho year. The ctoak will oecur at a Medford gridiron, aaa according . , local dopeeters, If... going t be , . .T110 rpwn they think so are as , "nhwc Medford beat Klamath 18 . . il? .r Uy twlv H". AshlaBd .-j,.."i Kumuk aa i. a i . i .fe. The Klamath hn. inMj t"'jii .!. , .i .,-.'". ""rrv'T- --"" ne weaKtnat.ln aplta or n grounda, In spite of (He faet that ;e boya jplayed on juat recovering " i wrloua atUck of, ptonurfne S?'10"'". theyhaWVAalilan,14 to tf, ;ofereuo, between II aad 14 to twelve, so flnrieir fin'MMiuiH toXLX&jmMV" -,.-. m u.cn.a.1 L'n I ltd Press Service NEW YORK, Nov. 1. Sherlock, terror to lloclng burglars, aud one of tho most ulllclent pollco dogs on the canlno stnff of tho Now York pollco department, tmbiultted quietly to a painful operation a few days ago un der the new "twilight sleep" method. Sliorlock never whimpered or showed a disposition to blto, although ho was not unconscious. Sherlock suffered a brulso on bis ear while chasing a burglar about a month ago, which developod Into so bad ii cnso that tho dog. valued at $1,000, Hcomod unfltjor further ser vice. Tho operation, according to Dr. Alfred Oberlo of tho Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, who performed It, npio&T to bo high will The little son or Agent M.ay ot Cu Il eum In still contlnuos hlB fight for life nt tho hoopltal. Yesterday he was somowhat bettor, but the chance for tho baby's llfo is very small today. Dr. Hamilton, who has the case In rhnrgc, still hopes that he will recover. The first oporatlon took place Fri day. Tho baby became sick Wodnes- day, and for tho first two. days homo lemcdlcs were used, Friday, when tho child was brought to the hospital ho was dying of peritonitis, the pois onous secretions from which had pois oned his entire eysctem, One slim, chnnco.for his llfo remnlnod a diffi cult operation. Tho appendix was removed during tho first oporatlon, and tho work of draining commenced. Saturday night SUCCESS OF MEMBERSHIP CAM- PAIO.V WIU, DETERMINE WHETHER RAILWAY AND FAC TORY PROJECTS ARE A GO ; t snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBnnnnnnnBnnnBnst'' Bnapmssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm gr " " anannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV ansBaWBiWVBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT smnVgTCgeiannBmT HSK19H ' .;- assssssssssKfacaisassBssr SBSBSSBSSSESiSi&sSS&aeSSSSSSY BBnnaifBnVaTaTaTaT nnnHiannniani annnsKBBPIgnnnnnnnnnnnW .snnnnnnnnBnnnnnnnnnnsnnnnnnnHsnnnnWat ' .annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnVnnnnnnVsnnnnnnBsnlnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnH'-. gegannsmnnnnnnnnnnnnnVPU- ' tannnnnnnannnnnnnnnnBYJBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnv 'i.wf.ansnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl assgc .eVTnsmnKV. .'- SfgffHsmTannnnnnnnl .annnnnnl M snnnnnnnnnnnK'Ysv4ssnnnnKnnnnnnnnnnnna .-?. r-: ssssssssssi aa annnnnnnnnnBnv.7 KiusBsE:sssssssl i?S-. sasasaBnal an aaaaaaaaaaaaaaas saaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaassiassH ns annnnnVianKipv;: , sawaasnnannnn'TT7TR.' ?j.Z-.c annnnnnnl IS BmnanannMssssM'i: ., tj:JZt- ...: f&z&K&si&f&es 'annssasssi m m(t;&iAirmmpsu, &i:,,-'K:;vir;HA,. sffzzsmm i HHHHHHHiri -3fc '' ICu.. Tl.i,ji,MYi fS .' ',. S. t v,3iy " It.r'i. 5 f? V .vtBHHHHHl XOOSL. umMmMWsmrfJMmvmmm&mtmmMmm t annnnnnnnnnnwm'w. ;sse&a9K. mj&zymtt amiannnnni m - mmmmm:. mmmM ggannaggggggf WZ&T? &?&- 3-U7 I$7??i-'m hnnnnnnl3 gnnniiv wmmMmmmmM nHii M nnnsnB4nnn9ffa M m annnnnnn-' f"-rf,anBnnsjBnnW .ir si -'iapnl n 9 BaBaBaansi-VC' ' i. yv .wrassw;&..-&vr; j? -4BvA'ssslASMsnii &HPBenW.-WTB-F'v 'assPannnnBBnnny ' ' MtHt asiHPtf 'ii'si i '' Miff ' i- ' ' 'J$m fi&am: " ''; sar&s 'tnf-.Ti i ,r. w.svr jJ-. ,as?a?t ?' 'j3ir& t VILLISTAS MAKE DESPERATE STAID r it .r-,.'i -,('.'. A I AUIII PU1U1 ni nuun niLin wm . sl ,j VI HVlili AGAINST CITY .BKCRmTSl: COMING- -,. j'lfci'iaJ .fo 4 .?? A SJSSI Dynamifo Evpluslon Blows- to Ale 5&B Fifty or Vllla-I)etachMt eMf-iiB A'jM .y isjt-.i,r ,.?, ' ?!?- Il-t aud Machine Guns ReaeV' lor $&& Jjist Oasli General Fnsystost Is En Jfe Route to Donslaa TMibii WM;J as fwl fe Have Race Prejudice ABanCv . r ' United press ServiceiV .- ' " DOUGLAS, Arte., Nori'V.rfaeVll-' lietas and the Carranza outposfs'claili-. tei a mile from Agua Pleta at noon. The, mala Villa army Is hurling and; are advancing " S' vfc tf-S. -t .His -"' s-iftii. - .. .r .--. ..'4''i tf t v - --ujv: . This pbotographvof Miss Edith Cavell was given by her to Mrs; G. N. Olson of Chicago, attbe time of the World's Fair, it is the only one of "the woman so far found In the United States. TM faTskV mil According to officials of the Cbm- Ltr.orclal Club, all future projects, the aeveiopmeni 01 railway facilities, and the half-million monthly payroll for Klamath Falls, all depend on the suc cess of tho membership campaign that Is Just beginning. According to pres ent Indications the campaign will be a success, as several new names have already been secured, "We must have united effort," said I L. Jacobs today. "Other sections have learned that to procure any great good for tho community, all the bust- jtant General Thomas In a statement ness men must work co-operatively, today, defending the establishment ot Portland has learned this, and since military training in tho public schools, ltary I raining Will Pre vent Business Failure against the city. .rapidly. - Refugees from Ague. PrieUaral streaming across tneDorOer. field pieces and sixty macJiwgTias' , were couuuciea Dy ine this morning's train to; Agua iFrlaU. "" ,ST ''and scouta from the rarriM irmtMai ,T: -. t- mwp--idnju saw them being, dragged into poalMBiJJ The'raalhr-VHla. armr aw&'i&Tftf night six miles-east ot-Agiairlaia; inree uousana vuustM,;;ooafjingi the commands of Generals Urballajo.i and Mendei. are expected ttla't-aftac-ii noon from Naco. ' t ,' SKfrtBtiJiSrAffSt'? .DOUGLAS; AriiV V&rM.-W'imk'm learaed today ".that- Sny:JBaai'"aCr twelve horses were? blown to plaohs 3j. and rorty men. mangled' when aylHa" detachment was blown uo br a'dyaav-t ! M. mlto charge Vin Colonla, slxty-flye ' miles southeast ot here recently.; X ITnltad. !b OnCTtea y successful, and Sherlock will be occurred a second operation, in which back on duty In a few weeks. the poisons were further drained This Is not the first tlmo "twilight i a way, with the result that the 2-year- sleep" has been used on animals by old child has at least a fighting chance tho society. Horses, dogs and cats for recoyory, aIII.h n.al.n.l, h'..IaI1.. , n llinlAH n,U.Pfll HIIUU UUUUIIl 11UIWW l lituju, .,.w-. lions Wlinoill iiuviub wiuir yimm ,iu- paired by tho usual anesthesia. Dr. Oberlo Is convinced that "twilight sleep" will be of considerable benefit to veterinary surgery. 14 But com; ; ifV it a? ,V. r' .K-fc ' j aaaraa vaster did ; out, and aaythtng freaa aa ever , 22:? . v.w;io;M.wrttigting morrow's a. v,. .. '. v.i " " wart.ian tahWi ,ftr "-" lf, . f HUGH WHITNEY BELIEVED CAUGHT NOTORIOUS BANDIT THOUGHT ARRESTED AT ONTARIO WOB BED HIS EMPLOYER OF S1SO. ON WAY TO BAKER ATHLETIC CLUB TO GIVE SMOKER r.O.VIXG AND WRESTLING CON TENTS ARRANGED FOR ENJOY MENT OF GUKBTSTRAPESE AND PUNCHING BAG FBATS tho good railway news, Klamath Falls is beginning to know it, as co-operation, and nothing else, drew up those railway plans. "It all the citizens get together be hind thoso big projects, wecan com plete them. Our only organ Is v large nnd efficient Commercial Club. That Is what, we are after. Committees are being appointed to carry on the campaign. I A J m ihJrim VHI hatha t f ss L L i ' " .tf.fl . I JLataanaVhahai m '-- lit-,. - gfBsjgr txaaaaxaagas m-c.711' WW JefciMW.daearUd'oa - mk.ii '' . . , . - : A ""w waai' far Lea Atcatoa, -. -;i Ijali'll United Press Service BAKER. Calif.. Nov. 1. An unl- dontllled man, claiming to be nugn Whitney, the notorious bandit, la be ing brought here. Ho toon f 160 from hla employer, C, B. Adania, a rancher thirty Mllea from hers. He compelled the rancher to saddle m. a.a-. a.. m.AJ IIb a horse, alter which uub m. The bandU rode taa horaa to Auburn, where he hired a rancher to Uka him t BUkar iaaa.automoblla. IOOK Um train tram there to OnUrlo,' where ha waa arreeted. - Manager Free of the Klamath Falls Athletlo Club has been carefully ar- i tinging a few selected matches for a Binoltor which he Intends to hold on the 16th of this month. Thar, will be four fast boxing contests and one wrestling match, with Intermittent performance on the trapeee and punching bag, The main event, however,!!! be a ton round go between uoooy Alien ond Kid Phillips. The prellaUaariea will line up aa rouewa: ArnoM vs. Everett, al rbunda; Kid Harvey vay S'lano,, four roundaj Turpln re. Tur. pin, four rounds. Wrestling; Hay wood va. Buck, , Charter or social mamoariaip eairaa must ba praaeatad at the wr, the same being Issued' for apeelal oeea sloas. SUNDAY CLOSE OF DEER SEASON HUNTEItS BEGINNING TO RETURN FROM HILLS AFTER SUCCESS FULHUNT. WATER FOWL ARE ONTiY GAME HOW Hunters are beginning to .come In a a result ot the eioaeiof'the dear aeaaph yesterday. Hany of them .have venison, in spue or ina.ract vat tne dry fsv'll has made ihe'woode so dry Uhat stalking waa dlmaaK. according tonugwraMa aeer were unusually plentiful thla year prob- ably.aitheresultof thaaalmalaeem Ipg down from tha;nlfiar raagea to the lower levela. .TBfidoea.were.ea I'eeiaUy plentiful, aMicUytha protec tion .granted., tbem" the:laat. four er iyaajra.? '-Mi "" Deu ancaeaaa at tha.oaly United Press Service employer. When his employer at- SACRAMENTO, Nov. 1. Young tempts to regulate his actionsr'he be- Amerlcans become failures or, misfits comes peeved and ends by saying. 3'If ivcry often because they have no. con- u" uou l'," T ,fiy,e you ? "" ., . . ., ., ... " Buiuouuujr eiB. in us, at no no ceptlon of subordination, says Adju- nndB lllmgcf taretxA t ' . pmnll salary In a small job In which he spenas mo remamaer or ins days, a- failure or a misfit. "Military training teaches the young man the necessity ot prompt obedience to the orders ot his su perior. Irrespective ot his like or dis like for that superior or for the way that superior Issues bis orders. In short, military training teaches the young man how to. hold bis job. It Impresses him with the solemn duties and obligations as well as the great rights enjoyed In a- free country, and fits him for tho proper performance of his duty." Military training, he says, teaches subordination, and it put into effect systematically will reduce the number of misfits or failures. To emphasise his argument Thomas says: "A large majority of young men ot the United States spend the best por tion of the first ten years ot their lives after quitting school looking for Jobs. He starts In on a new Job with vim and vigor, but wants to do It hts own nay, irrespective of the desires of his UnltedLPress Service EAGLE PASS, Tex.. Nov. tl The Carranza special train left; Mondova tor Pedraa Negras. Carransa spent Sunday in Cuatrp. hlsbirthplace.Ob regon and hla1 staff joined Carranaa In Monclova. .. ': 2, The .Placing of cannon, thentoir; ment of troops. 'from tfieisoithTiU seem to Indicate that Villa wULthrow all that Is left of his decaying. atraBgtkv UAtv Mim HNV gft.UO( VlftUft UM? aan7llgS "s slMs-thit' will' take place thia ''tmK Villa knows that this is his last chance If he js" defeated now'he will. ' no longer be a power to 'reckon;Wlth In Mexico. The next few hours will" decide whether Mexico will-have set tled order under a Carransa reglsse.. or whether Villa la; stronr" enough to carry on the civil 'warf' t , tl l 1 i available from now on. As tew of theso birds have yet made their ap pearance, hunting activity will be slight until storms drive the northern birds down. This is expected any day. however, and the first storm will see a phalanx of huntsmen at the lakes and awamps. MAGUIRE RETIRES FROM BUSINESS DISPOSES OF INTERBST IN. MBR. GANTILE-COMPANY. TO HBOTOR AND ASSOOIATES ON ACCOUNT OFlLLhTOALTm; Announoement waa' made today that J. F. Maaju4re, head of Ua J. F. Maguire cemBanr. haa dlsoosed of his interests in the company to 0. V. Hector and associates. Ill health-its klven as the reason for the change! Mr, Maguire was formerly in busi ness at Belltngham', Washington, but ha-d to sell out- and leave on account of poor health. He came to Klamath county, and the change was so bene ficial that ho felt that, he had com pletely recovered. Ho established the Maguire Mer cnulllo company at tit. Hebron, which iwas conducted until recently by him- soir and brother, After investing in real estate in Klamath. Falls and Klamath county, he .decided to again rt'-enter actively in the, commercial bii'slnees.. Early thla apriag he or ganised the J. F. Maguire company, ylth himself and'O. if. Hector va the principal owners. 'Thia .close eonf na tuent and strenuous work Incident to the retail business has again affected hts health, -and, ha hu been forced, to take the advioe 'of his doctor, 'ana take a rest'.'' He" expects to" leave Kia-matb. Falls .shortly' for an extend-, ed trip and Tneatfaii?. " dona iZ i v ,'! ."'- i'ii I ted Press Senrtee . ,, SAN ANTONIO. Nov. ,1. General Funston Is en route. to bouglis.ac-' companled by Major Hay,, chief stoff. He wilt. arrive; Tuesday.' ,jV " i - s: '-A V -u . .ft;' irtV5i ,aiat Pi -.! .-w f.jg &.&. Bervlca' ' .. 33ffi , Tex.. Nov. 'l.A-UJamiS of State.Lanslng Mtt:, United Press AUSTIN, from Secretary Governor Fergueon stated as follews: "Tne' state department innMClUMH..'.--!; . ,, ,... : -T"::r"T-iT.'Lr..i your co-operation In view, 'of autettngrtsj? border, conditions. The departmeist tools that a- sollcltlous word from yon;,Jt5fel to the state and county onclaw tbafef'kpl mnv nrnvo nfflrnilniiK 'In'allavlnrwula ' "K?V v " J." r" - - -"" 9m .-TT-'f .'-l prejudice.'.' , ' W yjp2l i i r s.- thriM iaei use xnonsana" irnwaw : ? v. ' .-- ; -.. V7 -zrj'- jj tTlA IIh.. D...ulu J..M1V,.. . .. . .UUtiVU ft VtBCIIil ..i. -rt.'- V-fCimriteXxi W, ,H;i-j..;: zwuiri3C & nzw SAN FRANCISCO, Tknnu iMI ui' Balak..1r .UWU..B .IIIJWJ were nnen x,ooeh-lorj to violate A'mertean neitTsaityhr crultlngmen'fof the'BrHfthMW g. ine,. uniieo BHaies.. yll7i&M:. "" '-,'i'Jtry;..i..riciiriii KeaU '...- ?' v"r'tJi-ftii Tom Keene. wne'waa ji rested - and charged w'H liquor to an lBian,v wi fore United. States O - . - ! ? guson jor.nneenng.s!, guilty,- however,; ; the W w .! W. A b ' . , M -, C. C. Clark; the hattac, left onthls suslelent to'holdibinvj aln for Saeramento.". 5 bound ever, toT the ;gra4 morning's trad ! boi .-.''""tjy--' ; . .. MiAT J, W l ssA, I . ?.-i: ?tfr4,;'.'-. ... il-U,j:. ffvrjr' ... ,. .. tv- -tn ,- M..