PS1 84 . &,?: .', e'Mri. 4H ' v.: -vi ' 1 Mfi Ji . - i2P.1) Klitr J V9 . "Vh -1 , 't! --. ' ""'-. i ...: v -. 3. J.A -J ir. A; ti i 'M lw. - I 1 ST k i. $t t lf B iMS'l KLAMATH PALLS' L . i a I UBtURAH.B. fOFFIVinw ii-pw- Pvo.MM Sixty - "?... iVM CHILDREN PILE AGAINST JAMMED 1 DOOR OF MOO I ftai'j rw i i iimii ii i i ..I. r.jgBBEaa- iUff' IwTl AIUS WBV AW VWIVliWB. FATALLY INJURED CM O r " ' lr.? Jama From to ateUwaja NiM Baniod Uwo iBatssd Doer Jajw aa CkUeVea Mto la Deatk Heap Maay Jam to BMtk NttflM r VMM itmi Mrvta ;? FBABODY, Maw., Oet II At laaat v,:' ifty ptrlthfd aa4 twalva wara fatally ' 4 ..laiartfl, accoNlac to Iraawm aad phy- H u.iMtM, u tee rasult of a aeaool Ira. . - ' 1 Valtai Pnaa aarrtaa PSABODY, Maw,, Oct. . fty (alMrw fre to 11 ywra of art kaowa dU frea a Ira foUowlag ;M atatotioa ta at. Jane parochial j Nwat hart, it ia faaraa that fatal- , UIm will rwca lUty-Sva. ' , Mi hundred aad aavaaty-two puplU war prcparlaf to(go to clasaw whan ow of the ftlstan datacUd the odor of wwke. Hbe fouad tht lower hall blue. There waa perfect order la tb cUa rooms, hut a paale followad when they stepped Into the aaoke- 1IM aallwan. The teachers wara uuble to check taa voale. The eall- area broke raaks aad triad to reach tbe entraaces. The Bases aprwd raaldly, aad the chUd,rea on the tea laers Mat billows of saoke as they atteaated to eaeape by the stairway. Maay oa the lower hslls were tnmpied to dMta, aad sosm Were overeoaM with awake. Nlw chlldras. ware huraed so aa to be unrecocsiwMa, aad ware wlously lajarad. There were ao Ire' eseapes. The nsln door iaaased, aad Ue ckUdrea were forced to JP r perish. Neigh- bors besoucht thaai art to jvasp. Some of thaw leaaed, aa bmb tried m catch theat la their eoata. Charred hodlw wara fouad Jawaied gainst the, door. '" ' VltiMl Frees PKABODY; Oct, SI. Ill recovered. Ms- ore bodies have Al4geoB,, dra ( them oato aats below. The ex hausted flremea related te rare ooar- Me tbe sixteen auaa'dlslplayed. the . were Hskln aftha wla dow whea Sister 'iidgeoa Jnmied Into a huge blaakn the awa held. . ' ' ?T-. ' ,'i ';: ymm8&:c mvifaitoMP&. -r"rn JMwiiwiMiiaii Air oraxe "mtmjr 'jjuuii lit' mm aw i! ' wii-i W, -wt '' W 4 Uffakw'llMlr' iwwity kth aaaual jjti' ' ' . Roahewi.HtMt - 1.1 ws - ----.--.--.? i,-i,la "SJ enpfewaaleead vtth ""nriMM Hi i to lye -Ew&ttn Berali ' -" . 'l y tr KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1915 - two Is Death Toll of ---j.-----.-..---..--. --....-- ------- ' -"-- n- -in FARM SURVEY IS GLAISYER'S PLAN COUNTV AGRICULTURIST OUT LINKS WORK MK WILL UNDER TAKE SOON TO AID FAKMI'.IIH OP KliAMATH COUNTY Roland (llalsyer, county airlcultur 1st, at last night's Commercial Club saioker, outlined his work among the farmers in this county In a way that was a revelstlon to the business men assembled. Among other phases of the work, such as experimenting with various kinds of produce for vurlous kinds or soils, he outlined tlio farm survey, which will bo undertaken In few months, In co-operation with ex pert from other localities. Tbe fsrm surrey, according to Mr. Qlalarer, a comparatively new work, but 'one with groat possibilities Tbe method I to Investigate all tho farms of this K'Ctlon, and determine which of them ore farmed In tho most suc cessful wny. He gave as an example haw one farmer will make money with exactly the sumo kind of land farmed By nil nriBiiu-r, whw -.. n.-v- -living. Tho reason Is, of course, the irst farmer has worked out his rota llea of crops, the variety of crops, etc., to a bettor advantage than his neigh bor. Olalsyer's work will be, after be has made a survey of all the farm, to work out the very best system for' all . .. .t-.LL-.- u.Wh ft.-.ttW M.U the farmers of u particular swion, and t them to adopt It. Tho un countable value of such a movement w immediately evident to his hearers. CHURCHILL HERE AGAIN SWAY WnL MKKT WITH SCHOOL W. RKCTORA, ACCORDING TO PRK8. KNT PLAN SCHOOL PROBLRM TO UK DIHCVHHKD State Superintendent' of Public In truetioB Churchill, who waa In Klam ath rails Tuesday on his way to Lake- view, will be In this city again Satur day, to participate in the convention of all the school directors in the - . ull 1.Anl. county, nun - , Churchill had some splendid things to say of the Klamath school system when he was hero before, and It is ex- pected ha will have suggestion to m-kn tn the dlrootors to make the system e-ea better. School men aad teachers all ovar the oouatr are awalUng his earning with a great deal of latereet The ooaventlon of, directors is a novel movement la this county, bat such sessions were foaad to ha a mat rieewa when triad la other sections. Tho directors have an opportualty to -ueuu the Droblems that ariw ta thalr aartkalar schools, aaa oftel solve tl PRESBYTERIANS n.v ELECT OFFICERS i - '' iwdv? " js . FECIAL MnwMIN WAS BBLD A K ObTUBCM AND v, -TALLATlONgOON . $ i " Vf-1 Sv, a , e evA awatal mattwraf the ttoa'af the Praaaytoriaa warea waa held la Us chureh salUtag Uet atflht vvvvvvvvvirrvviuiTjXijruvxrrLJXjTjuijcjT - - ..- Remarkable Proof of GermaiiiiEfhciency TOafS3jljl I Great Ship to Uft This mighty vessel, really made up of two vessols, with just a' hint of amarans sailed on American lakes, is mmmmmmmmmmmm i (i-i'v?3mvauv-'--i?:7f!$ ,Mfli t M'V:V5,MPttL.kvfc'fsi 4iv . 1mimmWl2Zi L;-OI3-B x t i;h -MMmWrm BII tu-3'WmMMmm--M'i .faai y WsiMXliUer&Jit-i-wWi '.-'LiHH v P'4- iTMCAW'mnA HIH wpMimitwW li----------i i HM44Ammlmmm twwwwwwwwwwwwwwH . aaaaaaaaaaaamaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw , kvligBw-lawwwwwww--l- H'iawwwwwwwwwwwwwaaL- : PJaaanwwwwwal iaaBaBaaaBaBaBaBaBaaaw ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwwwaV llaaaaawaaaaaaammwPamPWilaa ' iweweasBismBawBBW w .-,... . ., . ' jgreat German ship lifting v submarine wonderful illustration of (let-man! -,.,.... -,-.,, ,.-..., i a preparedness and efficiency. It Is de signed to lift sunken submarines by main force of steam. Wheat the F-4, the American submarine, went down Better Methods Increase Hamatt'sDairrOutpat Thalj. dairy log will become one of the greatest Industries la Klamath county as the result of tho work car ried oa by Roland Glalsyer, county agriculturist, is the belief of every one who heard him outline hla'plaa for better dairy herds Tuesday night. It appears that several dairymen have recently gone out of. business, la spite of the fact that as far as natural ad vantages are concerned Klamath la unecltpsad in the northwest. The .reason why soma dairymen failed to make their business par s. in many 'cases, through mismanage ment Jn selecting a herd, Dairymen would not keep track of the records of the various cows ta their' herds, and while some oattle.would pay well, others would not produce enough but terfat to pay for their feed: The farmers, Instead of buying hlgagrade dairy cattle, would, often bay, Mff cat tle thinking that they could ae-aol at a;IO for the parpow of electing aa-ears. The maattas. waa aa eaiaaal aatio one, aid ehow twealaors, to servo for a tana of thrw fnxfttm ApriiM5, mi. x -v "; Those elected wara C,c: Hague of the raelamatloa servloe, "aa, hlmaalf, ai4 Arthur lOyUaoa of the City aad Ooaaty Aastraet eomaaay, to sawwdM. v, oww. - A C f Tae rseigaattoa of EC. truttot wwaseelvad aadaeasatod, aadW.O.Laagisn of the Pelleaa Bay Lamaar i aaej U ti. ... r. n 'J-. . S -a I amaaBBB aEwaaaeon c. a -. rj vr A'paMM '.''V . ..,, " ' . , . oftaasa - - .... ..-.---....................,,, wnwllWwwWMMWMWWIWl)l ij . .,- Kuakea Nnbmariaeii i in tho harbor of Honolulu months cat-twr required to devise means to lift her. Here, however, la shown the around the submarine and' she is hoisted to the hollow space between the two sides of the vessel and then towed Into port for beef if they did not pay as milk era. But by a series of experiments, Glalsyer has let the farmers know how to have dairy herds la which every cow wilt pay good returns. The method Is simply to weigh every night th milk of every, cow. Every month tests, are made for butterfat, aad at the end of the year It can be exactly determined by estimating feed, which cattle were profitable members of the herd. The net are dlabarded. At the ranch of P. Jiaoomlal, ac curate tests were wade, Glalsyer re ports that tne camera or taia eee tlon, as well as of other parts of the county, are taking "great" Interest in the experlments.uaad soma are a)-: ready beglanlng to teat their herds. All the renditions eoeseery for a wonderful dairy seetion are here,' said Glalsyer. "AH wa aeed to mora scientific methods, la, developing herds, etc I tklak- a , great Jncreaee in the outputi or aatterfat will aa notleeabls next jraar'Ky , ?.-; cars will be heldjat,?Aaearah aagt aaMay. morning. jia.eoaneetiea wa tte' riular servtoe at';tao''ehareh aad will aa coaaacwav .arsae-paaior, Of 4ajBawmB smaWAVaw. ftFpgBtawVMW t7 iaB . m sTgwajspawBawmj j Prewv A,-fi ' ..Cr '' t4,WAaHiwuiw,ii.'u., uet. :as, AmMMdor CJHjaaa eaWed, tUt waTVBnsmavrww gawW "wFmlwHWgi waw 1 BwwsmwffPVB ' .-...j.alt. i,''.-', . .' 'i. ' oaala'of;aay OafTaww",'atoraawHa '. ! tawlMifwtoa.;ta)sefa4g Mi '., i1.. i.'ff ; tN.FV. '.,W -' Wm; UwryU,a.vtostorfrwi'Biy..l -,& .... ( V- BULGARIANS IN SERBIA PLUNDER 4 AND BURN TOWNS IISKUB HAS BERN TAKEN Y THE V BVLGAR1AN8 Great Force of French Ika to .Checkmate Teatestlc Have meat is to Tarkbh fTSllsl fit i umbo Itepatee Raeslaaa ea All Froats Allied' AnaJea Are Strosvg roagh to' Make. Good Buslatsaw. V United Press Service . LONDON, Oct 8. An uncongrm ed Athens dispatch 'states that the French have occupied the Bulgarian village or Trlteu, near StramnitW The dispatch repeated the report that Uskub has beenretaken from the 1- garlaas,, and adrased the Balgars. of plundering and buralag .Berbtaa IUWU, j United Press-Service ) , J BERLIN, Oct 8. It is announced that General voa Llnaaaaea has cap tured Badka, west of Csarteryak. The Germans advaaced oa all froato, ae. cording to a caatloa over the-oem-muniQue Issued today.. - -. ' , General GallwHs captured s.000 Serbians since Saturday. i United Press Service LONDON, Oct. 88. Bucharest dis patches state that .150,000 French troops aad 100 big guns have landed at Salonika, " This report Indicates that the allies are about to attempt, a rush to the Turkish capital to checkmate tbe Teu ton movement, 'which to the result of the Junction of the Bularariaa aad the Austro-Germsi. armies la Serbia. " This added force makes the allied armies la the Balkans saBdeBt to of fer strong resistance to the Teutonic movemeata. v OFFICIALS SHOW FLASH OF SPEED TAKE OUT AFTER LAW VIOLAT ORS IN MACHINE, AND OYm HAUL THEM IN STRAIGHT. AWAY RACE , .. a . Just 'because .the peace omeere, of the city do not ran ap and down the atresia oa a. fast motor-bike, ar, kick" dow not signify that .they are not there when necessity calls Tuesday attoraooa a man by the name of Tom Keene, who eweatSw himself aa the "get-away kid.'! strode forth and, purchased a few. quarts of the atuC that keeps people awaka-o' aights. Then htetag hlmaelf to whera Patrick Jaekaoa, aa'Indlaawwla waiflagiwiti a niaeklae,' amtMdgaf awwaVtwafl laaVjafamtaaJBawml lhABBfthBBgl sjweww tpmow ep' vvi ' "jrw,awsrawvaBav 'saaj aiwym the suburbs, whsaft Kwaa -hapjaasl to glaaee;aroaad,aM atossvaiwt.taat OaWrs MeCartef.aad.aMwlavware ta-iMrailt-- , WW:ftM He Immedtotelygaye, Jaokasii he ainii:Mm,rawawrtoa.t'i to be m oatoot oa this m .. BaaBna BWnB . PBajaaaBaaamji , awawPBHp ' ajma taa'ridaw ta ssnh'naralalalr'shSTrsd tkat It Tre'ra'maHar C .hrriraaai amt . iITr wwe'a,'wm mysaajamawwwa aFaaa ad. aad) taa ewasra mm netoriaaa. smaa aasmwt I'aTsnrwawmam'ew wcaaa, w'arvavwan awwa!.ltfirdmi1aaa:wrai ttlAalfslH hmt faawmtelimmt5 ammimm. ,i Haffe Hal fawwt gwmWmH ) . .BaBBmaajajmBBBr amHaBm Hf iglBaMs toara waatBar gmi tMwtMH that It took toaw thwt avl'-Hto School Jr, 'A United Press telegram from , Saa rrametoeo, lata this after-; aooa sm the followtac to say of the lata plane. made far Klam-' ath Day eatoanttoa tomorrow attoraooa at tap sapaaiUsa: .- "It to KTamath'Day at taa'eav ' .poaitloa tomorrow ' aftoraasa.. Phll Biaaott, reareaeaiUag Klaav 4 ath county, to to receive a broaae plajgae. Aa lllaetrated. leetare aad a daaee wtii eoaatUate part of the faatlvKtos. 7 - ',". "Klamath eoaaty hotbraad. cheese and celery will bo glvea away.. 'Thrae' hundred Klamath county people are exaeetodJa 'atr ' toad." r- ."' ', ,.'' , ' ',.' f . ,f j: NEED HELP FOR? CLUB PROJECTS FIRST STEP IN TORIES AND BRINGING FAC- RAJLWAlrS TO KLAMATH IB GROWTH ' . ,' .- V t vMERCIALCLVB ..' ' t. .tflj .v- , S& i j . ... .jf'' A z.J Thememberahlp campaign ptoaaad by the pmciads of the Commarolal dab wtl start in a few aara. keu'Wi. r- " ---1 "" ," -7A bushiess man who at;afaseat toaec a member of the club will Waakadtto become oae, -tf '52 .iJ Now Is the moat importaat UmTto Join the elub, aoeordlac to toat,'a account' of the Wg prohlsms that taa club wiU attack la taa aeat lea To solve thaw proUama aaa pllsh the work inteaded. eo-operatloa Is needed, not from Just a few( pablte- splrlted men, bat from every man ie town. What has been aeeompWaaaa la the shape of railway ptaaa. eteaai been aone eaureiy taroaga we:ve got aig tuaga ;ap' oar sleeves.' said Fleet, ;'Taiaga -that SU help every eittsea of,1 Klsmath lis and KtoiaaU ooaaty. .ToeBsata' thee, we need the aWlpfaTeryww. Two of the talaga we wttl attempt ww. u Straaera aaM,,to:maa ear haws ready for .the cemlar of the railway, aad to ladaw faetcftoa toeoaw;hara to uUltaa a;'lmawme':oatpat of raw produots', so aa' to' have a aaK mlWoa payroU -tora;;iioaalyTaW flrst'step in briagiag taasi talaga to to bulld up oar-Commsrolai Club" by a memlmraaI.aawpalgB;'"'5'iV'J ' 4". ,. T J gfv V.'v ? . 'TjjrsvT-j-a1' . . . ,r'" ,-' YIELa FREEDOM .,' !? ? " ' H WILL FIGHT ON TftL BmLOtVM FRa AyR.RVBUBH TOBBflOai GUARANTBfH, BATB '' UVOT0. GRORGE AND ABQCTIH.t- v i -j " ,-.JJ.l . ". ..J.'l , United Prew.aarvtoaV . i. ji - - LONDON. Oet M la a raly to a auwttoa la tae'sheaw of ; WkUk' iWmii''mmUi' r- Trrrisr.7irxT. mitErm i w;y.Mwa aa;tavaai vuUtf.'iuiiii la-4 aad -OaraBuur;; awwari Osetaiaayaw,-, , to" Mi wlllbe ao peaw aaJU Bafiaw tofrwJ aadtoglaad'afreaaiawrgB.,iaw tlll):Wia.'aT0asr:?; ' 'Wewd Pla. 1fcew.f Owa.:': JU Uattod Praw amrvtoa ZtiMimT Vr M.'ltdia , . ;-. u viweainMaMBi was. a.' BeaardattBaU, nmattmw taaVwwanM S'lSHriJ.U ,.'-.' :r" r t 't- aaaAwl.;' , -,. " ENGLISH WON rnamm,mf,M WWW"T W Bi.miwMaBamj Br at Osaaam-''Ba. r.JBTt:...-E. ' .' TW aTRTTtUb?' fW WMB PMIawaV'vwBBm w B." ."r ?. .r.v - . n,iw .; rf w.! w"i..: .r I I ' I ,-,'" ,"'' v:, , ffiifr '"" 1 OFFICIAL NlWtfFH y .-&,$ -v' M$M$Mti-v 1,j .KZgFl&t-$ iSilS w .MVM.W??3ifS7ia "ii - asnaaMteV.n. H aaHl Jmi'i ' . yi,', ? 'vp' fj , ?, .!!,. - ..Vii.S-:j',t , "W'C'llfit tr fiitl FRENCH CABWEI SiZL&t HWf - - t--.7."T.u-."3;,1TT..7l. 372) ..-, . x, . .we?? "w?i1fisipi.,!ftSBa,'v sassa'-tv DKIUIC Milan WRL B PRtMttR Maaisser W-'WaF'Haammaa-amaaamt.S'M ' WWSirMM ' OIB fysHasr.wsaar T:'MFWm y. x&- tv: r ?-wjm&gw- ?p w aoaaasdvtaat?Oe - v-i'gyt:aiVesis. ,-t- "s,7i , tt . :.:." :sl. rrr ri.- Brtoad. the eawessiw:-towiw.a- BaMaassWr er Wmiiffi:&&A A?imcA tfa.-'- ..IM 'lAWMwai aSISS3lB3 m ,'je; r.e,? . '?siW &&?'. a. u,it'W, zvjSsmss&smimy ,j$m8. r - , yi?. ..' i -. Bnaaa.ww be lbs awl papW,ae- rural' tatkaaSMUii ,Ji ?i !vl)jiit VM'3jt!'sWtV'..A'f. ---.,. . -.,t.WA,T P waaaiy aaiassmama-swaawaa aawV' m rww a1 sasiL ' awwt ' fhhil' 'riBS '-' ' -. . R t AJ tistTsi sni : ac aahiirn.1-. miwi' "--'-' IwBaEiHBjar' arB.r-V " fflt'-m; -J-.-?-TtIti .Tfix: 1 islawid . ,.,7, " VawMt tM MMfM 1gMf !.,pmr ed that the dlsfiawlsa of the h mamttmmm tniMinK IlitiiiS I ,.,, --.-. j.' u .. -l-.-v - .". . ' Jrf...F.S.r,ll awamamw Ham ! -- ---' sjwwasma esawaaj w svwws BTrnwawmaawTMA I 1j.s.s xtWil. BaMamBaaBB: r-r.J'VM iL eoasetaa,Wil! -Ti--T--Trr"TTTjt-- r,1-.T:-;r.T:r- ' " -tfum - ..rr' 'Vf fcVatftf.j r5Tj,,,i!atv! . ' '. a .i.h'.Jl3k,.44.V.-G. ti .--; ta --.nyt !',4'i-'"ii, wasK' .'' mm affiaUl B K - .K 'f.T'.Tt - (OH. k--U. i'L WSMSPSSS' IifJ,aWwlBaMBBBwTmTawm.iS-C.,T. .y Rm'3r:.s .; fjmiip8&iww& -fflK.l'.6tATOl',.MM.' i iW m ,w www aa w u7L;ji'.iy jij-' ? i -. tHBl.a.'.f-'gwB Bl " riw.1 ill sttrM A WPif waw"af J .L"dF,afPJ; '4. u S WINBaU WB 'aa n j?'i4.x .a"-s,!"A.r'is!.k!.va i.-. rrti..;sis:a.. , , "-i- - i,:;, " m -- ; T, " : i'i .Wit, (.' tt-5,S?.'1'v.?n.v t-J2it iiAj:'-,-''jir?Wj.v't y-sMyHj ?sev:.T Yii.i4:s.f.-'vMM: ft " . ! ' ' wW'r' vi Wwl "awgrnL WSBf .' ; til -'WtC.?t '-'.' itffftKormw BUT FAIIwmTO.sWfBfjrwM sCate OUVwT aiMui! Dikrtr K&fwmw' ..W fiir. W. uW'i-f AJ--i. r.fci.i .B: Ff.(- J i v - Ai - ".k--.i t.ij'..j'i j7i?ik mJw rft,i..i fiJV -rr jB''rr;h.'s r ." r?"" ".sf M'-. ,"A&S''ri-! Mata ti;tk Kluulk Dm ! ' !, -, VH aWKM 'ii-.A,''.ly.''-1?:'J-'-?? rw'rzi&"2snxvtti5!s!zs& g.;eae-'ofKkuaaAh'svearitossat-:i;-.:', iters, .aai'M i,iaa,iaw( ,aaeavi.;.aae.;'iH. ., falleCtoaltoW7afMMM wa.ha4te7..wB7th; pejty to take sart U the i tiiirvsllis : ' of. KlaaHah'DarA'As'BUaaaaaB awat' ' luresae Ia4toa.;tt ww that teweald aM aMk1k;to.tU.Bar-' c4 taa emad at parttotaaaes. 1 1 1 .ur.x..aU s aA . - - tafc : . i. kmbwb taa'Laaa Bads, at.v taV;wJM;M:taafM';;war,.aa;tt' Srnvaa aw, wag aaa ajatw,wma.efif bB -. ked. for ; the oomamariaaew wt - ggwa5xalff 'if'; i- Pwflw ,fBWB , Ma AamVHVPwwBwp ifJsw- "PajBw iotae..wartM. alw' In laataml sWW"HjpamwaaB BgBwawjBaa aiajml aaaar dBBPBB n sawBaaapa wawa ammwjgBaaaaB VHawWI awl HHjam w"at 1 J P"""w"fr; HH r.uwmj' taetraw i,i . Bt 1 -;wa..awawajJMaw,!maa aai. m :-& iira ."K'J'.W. SSaWffK&i P f iL ' iLJVFt m W8f miem JVHfe'XA jpufiii; ifm rv&rv, 5 T..'"vJ)3?Sr a fl '' s""! .r.i I:tt jua .-! ' w JBS S. .jCjV - KVo' . JKSSI r-- .... - -s . I