'. r,-, '- !? ' , i 7 - . , i (ElP burning lUrralit KLAMATH FALLS' -f .'- ' .V A'sfMM KLAMAlVcOUNTYf; ncLtni4l UVUiDVtf OFFICIAL NEW1FAPER ''" iv ' ' tea H.?s 'pr KK,fff Jk. , TMtl. Year No. M" Road" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1915 , i.j? -f-m i.r "ii ". ;; "SStol n to Constantinople Open to Teutons .v m M a ,-"3 .vss Si'. $ . .i1. AUSIRU-GERMANS . AND BULGARIANS EFFECT JUNCTION I H. ' MOHT IMPORTANT TEUTON VIC TORV OP BAIKA.V WAN ttot, Mruggki Vela Agaliial .VI lance of Teutonic Alllee full Wh aMkanre of Victory Realised bjr War rUperta- Nothing Hal Small Army ' ""' AHirs Remain lo Mop March to CoenUntltiopie. rltd I'rew Servli HKItt.lN'. Oct. 27. The Aiutro. Otraan made the moat Important ttlot In Serbia eSnoe the, Inyaalou bc M. They havu effected a Junction 'wHh the Ilulgarlana In northeast Ber . , Wa, thus opening the road to Con (Uatlooplf. Tb official statomsnl I na follews: "Uenerals Koovcaa and tlallwlti i.taft driven the Berblan back every where. Their attempt to stund J ...- ..- r.lir f ; The Teutons, have Uken Dorbl'n, Nor1! ' amies, ana are in airoci ciihiiuuhiw. . tlon with the Bulgsrlans at l-Jutilco- YC. What hoa lone been dreaded by the alllaa haa coma to paaa tho Junction of the Ilulgarlana and tho Teuton, that opening the road to Conslnntlno- pie. The full algalflcance or, thla re port Ix not Immediately evident tint 11 It la roalltcd that nothing remafna to MOD the onward drlvavof the Teuton tad Ilulgarlana to Constantinople oxdj eept the pitiful resistance' or tho Sorbs and the few allied troops that have reached tho seen of warfare. Onto the Teutonic form reach Constanti nople, a broad halt will have been v atretched acroaa Europe, to Asia In Teutonic hands, . What the allies will do to check jut thla movement la now the quos- tlea before tho eyes of tho world. Italy will sand tier amies Ihous- aadaof Rnaalaaa and Vnauli and Knar- ltsh, are on the way. But quick and tremendous work la necessary, accord- - ma 10 mi war exports, 11 n uriru w Turkoy la accomplished that will checkmate the Teuton movement. , And what makes this Teuton dou bly disastrous to Englaid Is the fact that her own Egypt Is menaced by the . Qermnni, . . A ma mn. n 'i. , am Am ... - - ... ..-..' v.-A ---. mrniniTiAii rti 'nniiurnnr ni nn f T. ilnrrillllin mn Chief Figures in Cabinet Crisis mLW REPARATION FOR iCOMMERCF CLUB DEATH OF WOMAN j SMOKE-OP PARTY TO BE EXACTED! SCORES SUCCESS Chief Witness Against Hew Haven Directors :i:HMA.NV Ml'HT PAY FOIt MAI, TltKATMKXT OK IMtlHOXKRH I FIFTY OOOD YKhVOWH GKT TCI UETHKR FOR JINKS Charles S. Mellen, who was presi dent of the New York, New Haven Hartford Railroad company during the time It violated' the 8herman act, a charged by the mtirnny gout.rtf. of the United SUtcs In the trial of $368,- Hurli U fifficlal'a HUtomnt la Umdoa. liood Hmokes. Lunch nsd Talks Add! 00,000 worth of millionaire direct-, A,la,lr Will fae Good 0cs , to Huccoas of1We,.ng-Dr. Joh:, "oow going on In New York, on the .1 . t. .. ...... Htnnd aB a government witness'. OFFICIALS FEAR .i i m z. -m m (K li- Non Talks of Railway and Roland (ilaUyer oa Work Amoag Farmers, t Hnperlatewdeat CfiurchllUMoat IM tlagHished Oaest. in Attrnit lo Hare Urea of Thirty- i Tno Comleiiiiinl to Die at HnwafU for .tiding IletRiana to FoajM'.. Whit lock Hfliil Uritlali Lied. I'nlit'il Pi-.. Srvi.i. Unoil fellowsitoi together at last LONDON, Oct27. bite reparation night's amoker fifty of them, and will bo i-xactcd from the Hermans, re- the event will stand out as one of the gardlflHM of how highly responsible most successful affairs In Commercial they are, for tho raaltrcntment of wur Club, history. Not only did these'Dfty lirlHonem. In regard to tills matter, enjoy the benefits or an evening or Under Foreign Secretary. Cecil said, K0d fellowship supplemented by good "thla applies with double force In view .mokM .nd .iii.. but tDe nUre ,,. of the savage m.trdor under muDlty an0 jbuaty cannot help but bo form of thM noble woman. benefitted by aome. of tho Ideas sug- ' nested and plana made: . V, ., . ... -The men aaaembled at 8, o'clock. t wahiiw.iu. u . ""'- 3nd In a HtUehHo eyery chair was ,U lannouneod that Ambassador Oer- Smok . ow ne Tard of Berlin liaa. been directed to urn .round. MMt-aJUtiveryone had U g.H,d influence. In behalf of it.TtX enter two porsons court "jartWed at "talnment began. Fred. Fleet, Corn on tho charge of aiding Belgians to, t- c,ub t9cnXMTf7 prt.i at r3K from tho country. . l h lBfonBt, dUcuasloa that followoi. A Belgian mlnUter here apped, prt JonMOl- WM , upon for aid to tho administration. ft tok an(J he dUcuMed tne 8UD. Joct that was uppermost in the minds From lop lo bottom IVonaer As! qulth, A, lloiwir Ijw, Sir Kdward Cursoii. When Sir Kdwnrd CnrHon, uttomoy genornl In tho lirltlsh cabinet, ro-j dlmiod nfUir ho had soon King George, . and when A, Uonnr Law, leader of tho opposition, hut u member of the ooall-, linn ..nl.lnnl will pnlloil 1)V thO king. thoro Immodlutoly followed reporU ofl United Press Service IIKKMN, Oct. 27, Inspired by a Ktntcmont from government sourcts. Consul Whltlock stated that the Rrlt leh publications regarding the Cnvcll case wore untrue, as far as ho was concerned. Foreign Mlnlster'Orey of Kngland said that tho authorities did not keep their promise to Inform Whltlock regarding the trials of the women. Whltlock said the promise was nover made. CARRAHZISTAS IN U.S. PROBABILITY Si , LAN TO CONDUCT FROM HF,VIN TO TKN TSOVlMND MEXICANS TRROUQH v UNITED STATKH. VYOUM PRKVBNT HAOHNG FIRST STEP FOR FACTORIES TAKEN toro immodlutoly followed reports ol.ftlllMKIirlAI. CLUB BUYS DIRHCT. cabinet crisis which might compel a tOMMKHCIAL Ci,u nws uufmu general oloctlon In Groat Ilriuin. Premier Asaulth was taken alcK, ana ; that Is said to havo dolaydd tho dlsso-l lutlon of the cabinet, ORY OF ALL MANWACTORB IN UNITKD 8TATR8 WILL COM. MUNICATE WITH LEADERS REQUESTS NIGHT STUDENTS ENROU TRINOlFAIi BOWMAN WIMMsa TIIOHIS WHO INTEND TO AT TriNDKIOHT 80ll(K)Ii TO RK0I8 TKR NOW '.. A t'nltBdFrtwlnt X T -.W WWW il. -.i ul 'i 'A WlauiuAUi,;V'i n 7' .; Omclsu ara ssHdUku the Uaf r of 'A f T,p ;l,H;;OaraaslsUs i 'i iiu.ii- Ti..j7rrvrrrTji-.-vTTTTi ,.7-f . .t 1 Si 17.7 ""V; ,' iirinoirni'i Uowman of the high school urgeathatevoryonoww ea to. take wora in mo ."...- w -tti- -.-,,,,.- .- tM- 1Mt(on are a-a. .!.! UAttdBV I lUi BMMHaW'tn " T"- - - ty night BChow.iiroioa mru - ... " jjfWWWWmii, POJJbWbWP Mp .'Ars, "itti,'U'WiTrfwiOoiiM . -. - ., T I ,B IJ, iWfii' vwiv 'aoels4evfbUag .w-t 71 P U Jf i?! :.;', j iM. A. . . ' ' . C( OaiMUl Bm Iba'aw'lni IMata Oels M BlaajMaV Agsa Prlftg The Commercial Club has bought' i. jiuua. nt manufacturer and 'hia wares In the United BUtea as the jlrst step In the campaign to secure a half-bllHon monthly payroll for Warn.- Jth Falls. Thla book will be studied carefully, and tne raoiory owners w might be Interested In estaoiisaiag factories or branch factories here will I be communicated with. At laat night's smoker tne campaign for thn narroll wu one of the princi pal topics of contersatlon In the latUr part of the evening, ah bbibw men seem to be behind auok a cam. i ; ,1 j. jf A " J ,R? ' ? i S V' IfHtRRAIIUIAL - . .asfcWiaa1 t'ggJai.'M-T Hiw BhijaBajjjBjBj IbdUto Until JBBJBBJBBJBBJBBJBH , , ,A-;,; v;, .. ;:,' ,; ; BBBBBBBBBLHi - '. f.fc-V MM - -1 bbbbbIbbbbbVI - f J. t ; r-rW'Jif Bm . i'v :. r-4v Te?.., K ' ( Presesatfeek,- May ;raV NiNBiaiy:e4f IbbLbLbLbLbB ' ' ':'aMM B . Ofrwasay Over HeesaVasBBBlBe. BiiiiiB, 'UlaSaW 1,1 bbbbbbbbbbH 'heV-AmtoMekrHkiBirX ,. f"i' , 't - -w .''.,.', iA?W-jftSass8 . iaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBnBnBBBnaBBBBBBBBBBBB t Proceed M Oatll , Fl allBBlBBVfci&tjg ! bHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH. ' ;T.-.. :h:.;S;;:-:v. Th-grsd'iHiT;miK;iwoeevwM IH Yor acsis a g.eser ' ,. 'H' ?andiaul,kia H; loBsldsvlopmMU Vce.eaWeJs jy ! BBBBBBBBLHI ISbiIbWI I I'd !V 1 J-.J-'TTCF. a- J ir'M f 1 tl 'J."! VlilM' ,l"(ir u JJJ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIV.J .'V-C '.-fff.-':'.:. i.'r.-.-rf i:-iJV,-j;t.-'.i feSSrSollSSI-lf. Cliuiles 8. MCieM. inmif r, irr-i'imv t-1 norou, -"!,'. ' -T-VTT- MMIT .a'tM-'BWv1e9BBaawp ,Bm omctw-, . ...- - . . jUOewplaatoraMieteaaai - . ,, ' ., ' . . '. , ,, .. vi tk;bet4BMeasiiH nnnriTAlirtl ni ftUB federal beiMiBav-: aruKtaintn run !l !-. , roriBr at once. While stu dsaU may register any time up to; the drat aesalon, Monday night, If M tlrdua that itudenta sign up now, o that' the wrk bber arranged. The sokoel, will yn ,iaoouv jf weeka, nnd'wIU 6er,opiunlty for ,..i.in n ihoea who are. Pst high JAUmb. BpokplM.ttmwrlUg, etc7,.wmfbe'tttghtt .')M.. matton mregarsi , 7T;"Tfk mayaeeurs It by eommualeaMag with for manufaetorles In thla section are unsurpassed. The directory ta .open to anyone u-i,n wiahea to lavestlgate the .stead ing, name or. IpaaUon of, any ntaarir facturer or manufacturing cornera- tlon. T ., A. HHCceaafitl Trto. " Bt T, Shepherd, the music dealer, has rwently returnee-, from.. M? a .naiaa-'la Baatern Oreaon. and from4 the amount of buslaeai ealeyed by Mr;befir, aulleetntljit :tlmeg,Tf ftlraly' pWaereaaTer taere, ae aavenc ;geM'aiT many as of all present the raHroad news. He said that Klamath county, though it will not be required to bear even a majority of the burden of the building of tho railway, enough "work will be required of locul people to give them nn Interest In the road. He aald mat rn.nnratlon the same force that haa accomplished the planning of the rail way, will be necessary to secure tne railroad. His talk waa optimistic to the last degree. ., H. Roland Qlalsyer. county agricul turist, was called upon to describe his worK in tnis county, no " talk, outlining his experiments to make "two blades of grass grow, where one had grown before." He aaid. that Klamsth county had won derful agricultural resources, and that the farmers are beginning to realise that only through scientific farming can they get the beat resuKa. Principal Bowman, of the high school waa called upon next, and re sponded with an enthusiastic taut ox trianath nrosnects. Incidentally he suggested several Ideas ooBcernlag the best way to advertise wis section im th. East, which, aa waa afterward agreed by all present, were botn prac tical and of real talne to the ciuo. Rev. Charles T.t Hurd responded with k short talk when his name waa rallad. He dlSCUSBed tb TB1UO Ot such Informal meetings aa waa being held, and n steady ioW of anecdotes wltb which be emphasised his point did much to enliven" the evening., The most oisvajiuieBeaguew ww h. atato aii nerlntenientet subtle In struction, Mr. ChBrcklil. who wan on his way, to Lakevtew,, He described in his talk wnat.tne eMwerwine view of 'Klamath wai,and ;aald that It was the town where ve railway llnea were to merge. He also told tneousi neea men a few things they didn't vAv about scaeola-ihow Oregon's 8hQo aystem, ranked amog,ie best in the united ewe ne wmv- ed Klamath county on' the Interest ttt,pei had alwajtgtoken.to achoola here, and said tnactaie eviiaty w among the moat 'mjrdtejv to the satire suts as mw;.! meeting waa wS-K.ifiiiMeite l . -7T IICK OF EVIDENCE CAUSES CASR GOOSE SHOOTING GROUNDS IN 6REEN FREED IN JUSTICE COURT HUNTING GROUND i trisCK'V. iW8';Sje;neyix. i jy-w-. j '&.:.': XS'SWWHi I P P'. nWiSS"f, Ci-rt meati i..w .-. .t-.--.--.-j.-.:iHami 1 r-.Erit3i2ri&'M : siosr'owsji''lnW!A".y",ra1,iffl ' IIB.IH iwaKK'wai imraaana.Lov A.7ticji ... ' -:j.:..V.- :-r-i;wfrivc4iii;!, mml win ne trjee wtouw;.1 r John Staehed. ney. and WllUmn Park, of uiss; iszmfflti 'Brauma-a'altei' i:f AGAINST M. F. GREEN ON COM-' TULE LAKE REGION plaint of indian to be dis-misbed The case of, M.i V. Green was dle- miaaad in the iusUce's court today .....1 i.mI, nV AlilainAi nraan waa (IIKVUftU v w w...- -- , charged wltb having obtained money on false pretense on a complaint, filed by Roes Blew, an Indian. SUGGESTED FOR DEVELOP- i MENT OF GAME RESERVED . 2iL: h, .-iJi. I mUiSaf A JTl iB IXfertS "ywS-OSSJs-'JWRBSfti rai?.jr. If That Vlnnulh pfluntv, tiBeda inner shooting grounds, supplied with BttW geese 'decoys, etc, for, the use of Irish Itlng 'sportsmen. Is a matter that has been brought up before local hunters land business men. They say athough . . i iv- i,im-i iiv.'ilt la not a-eneraliy reaUsedi the game ery stable to Bids, according to hlsiof tfits section js, one of its greatest story, telling him that one month's; J resources, and that KJwmatn baa ann- advance rent had been paid. Later Blela found out that two months mck rent were atlll due. In the trial Blela could produce, nd tlon wide reputation as one of, the few really rood came sections available to a railway. ' They say1 farther that' many hunters come here, perhaps tor ( ; 4 & mm xa. Ullbll A.eman,ww,mB.BBn,r,-j ill rnrmuT ftilio X in TRrmni : BnjJBT'-M L?(" "ii "-rf.J jfctJiK,jstfs..i'Z!lif h i. v-su- . . v zr(ZtV'?sxii':yjj? $ w ' , w, ztzmsz nm a M vr -vft 4il .;. n ., - .. i. . .- , ... WP". PRODucnr er: niojravr i s COUNT OF LACK OF WMK "sv-1? isf'siffiSisf yrtffi in the trial Biei. couia proauce, , . daor two a WB, there are receipts or Tiaence prove urn, -i where they can be ..dr. u.u D,. ,.. ... , , -t0 flnd good duck ghootiBB;, there are WANTS AID TO FIGHHU8TRIA MONTENEGRO KING TELEGRAPHS HONMN.LAW, KING OF AUSTRIA ,. '-''' FOR HELP AGAINST AUSTRIA. POPE WOULD SAVE CHURCHES , m" v?-Afe.,ia TATION FAOILmHS.f; &&W , T5'B uenv nannw hhcvs iinnaBan' KHta mrm nsBnan tc. times re. lujwnemaannslpilpM to flnd good ttucn snooting, were are -;- - -. .. niita'anainek &fH none where gee.are,lrifllbly found. SM So It is the.plan of some local men f" ?&? t7&'Si2&&i was eonoeraed. vH'A, .t. I AdUr the'. talto.ike, bm tkrewn open toJatW,een i'aJa lla.-araa Baaaaad. amd- .'W? """"',, ' iv ." , I Tl' -j -," i' ' wlenes, eewee smiaa. igw.' wwe KT United Press Service HOME.Oct. 87. It has been learn ed that King Nicholas of Meitanegro haa telegraphed to his son-m-iaw, tne king of Italy, begging heip ssjslast the Anstrlana. ' . , United Press Service , , ROMit6ct;'?(7;H u re-orted that taa BoaW has asked tne'Patrtareh .'W I j; jsft ?' MfjAUSSrHMI B; rmHWBSaaiawai; ? jrrtM'adst , deetrueito of ue nnaaffVeHslV i ,; i4 in lunmiinliviii with Botna at' thn farmers lit the' very center of the goose hunting about Tula Lake,, and Influence them to establish, gooae shooting grounds, with all the "pits. live decoys, etc., necessary to insure good shooting every time a sportsman comes durfng the goose flight.., It would be a scheme of mutual ad vantage, because the farmer would, of' course, be exnected to. charge a 'reasonable, amount for the use Of his pits, decoys, etc., and local sportsmen wuuid avoid, the" chagrin of making a, hard andexpensive gooae bunt; wKn no results, .. , , ?Ajt Gone, to See Fraasiaen.) " '; 8. B. Evane and wife werepasiien- ty Jnciuaee, jwy a 'fVVmM bouateoua erops,. 'T$nii)J$W4m, varlned by the fact that MM'.BeMtriHrI. of this section are;BMfjifinf: 'BBdmasrian m. 'a'afSCS(&ft amy. aue,to teeiwaawwBawajaw ,TT'Afl; iv.v-j.t. v.?r Irge lumber maufaturers ef this the wlliiu'.eem'eejay: Wunty'aaVtWnsig alBny'for..ea;fntS",i2l1 mm nn Iho mnralaa'a' aauaastae with the exposl , sHy aa. their JoUk ,y jectlve point.' iK u. :frl .. ss UliV or..eaiyent,; &h jiefegiMftig''A?ft BrnalM ' .1 ' frMi vJnWam ' II aiftr t BwneMwen'eBBf w-jssawaw-ev .,-. s,---rj plst::an4'.rether Bhlriere,-whoare BSBBSBBrea inai mis "awnswir . aataj'eesse eitke-tefrTftek-v.' "TTZuTT.; . !i.. -l -x2i'W-' ii'VTtf: , est' ansi-sniasMSBt.'iBBusaaaMvv-asfia,iea4-Y iMwiiBMtfM i (! m i iamnealii -----. la'W.W "TT.TrrvrT:-r--T7;--'i.T7T-F-w"7T--t- .' ?- eniy, f aseeBBCjpgAn; najaes ,-j thtotywUtitnmmasa aVhuKaa'at:BWfBflBaw.ial wASf-'rt' ? ! .S, Jfc 7 . , . jbm wag HaPM .- X I-. jWati pewaMW.ef ,ww pia-.irrrT' AW 15 i Vi ;,.s