l. Basesaaamsai , r1"- "j' , L Ti tVAU && THE EVENING HKKALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUIDAOfmWHRaa. ' w.'i.W' -J .Jra1 jsr &, ,.." I .1? tfjCf W w&v:?. I zfifts C V : tfcl ;'Sf:fcl. .' .ij-fe rA2j,,5 ic- K U, l 7 - lmM w fti? Mf 'V&AT: ' "iv:. s . S3" .. aP If t t- t. SSL,.: ,-ij .-'. A" fr '- s- SSsSKS-? m Rffi"H S1 S?iP iSvf-Z. ft w, a. fi.7 I , 'M ti, r .. i& '' if?'A JN is' f1 !-.' ' ,5 .i ' . rSF. a'y ,w. J j j r.v: ms? : k "i. .,Jtr .(W3PP iff. .aE - 5i mm wa? MitJI.'.- Tipss.-ftt ISWMi ,' V- j . ; a1 5T -. f . . i ! - ., i . m i ii ' ! ii Hi .! i ! ii ' ' MflOMMAfo. TkdEvaiansrlerald i$s$&$&" i' ' ' ' 'J w SMITH . . . editor VrJ-'1,! ' " 7. . T -f i-- ' f mm- wjss'-j??irrz-'is af' "L'Lwiii.awiy .. Pt-'-t ... i m" IP YOU WANT neat, aiaae ream. XJjmtftfU paass? Ml t-tt -' .:; ;tokhbd moon as mat W... -. .. . . . " HM'mB KIM wwm, as Kemsr , V f FOE SALE t FOR SAIJICBRAP Airedale torrier papa: pare bred; eligible to xesto tneJin, Dr. Pnatiee. 0. K. .Ban. f - v. FOR EXCHANGE WANTED TO sBXCHANQB Risk tnut. wall tafOT)d lOnwra trait raMk.rraaa dlatrlctfor saaaral parMM ramck oa KlanaU RItct; rattM. .; ANas,H. W. Haitar. 84aM.OaUt. S4t , help; wanted A MAK M H1M kla kraiaa aaA feat tar aist kMia 4ar. aaa aaaara a siaaaHieHUam wHk goai M& dw;BMUtt If ataal Ufa aasf pa'- AaaMaat ai HaaHk Dapart- ltl-2 Tttla aa Traat !. Or , M-t .-w . " !.-;"' ib. v .' -"-- . - '- i... . iSV.'-,.t',-:-i " .ti;?w, 3it.. ' vUTUATlUH, WABT1.BUJ SlkH ,wV ..-! .,. . &IVmam WAMTfDr-nrlaai Ar-t BaSaaBBBSBaBr asasl fTHsanX flsaWsl bMBb1 wC'a laraiak saes latarin; wn VSJpS BHBBT4 VSSVIPBBBjSjajSf SSVaKSSSS M1x!k:. . , i."' -?:. -cs fo"a.-!t--f- -'-, a -K vmaciELTAMnoos .MT r3T S'.""" ' . ""T ' ' ' .WANTBDTakay ' , 'iMiat'ka ta sm4 mmm aaa tka WMtilALB-Two , rSaaktoaat of Sk store 7XS ,".. f 5-V .''- t' V?"fcVl ? CARDS SK 5V - ' tt &4!&x'vm i!f .4 r;v;T' u-' l"" irstA3CCjO?,'f' rf ..hsiuswmp SS: oraaatt gSgWiTiiiii 4-x r',s-?.vLJv ,j; RHURD fc 'sbbIIIIibUII 'JrH " . j.T"" -' jr W- ' -" ,Si.ft " f.lSVA . V G Watahit4 wlry. r-.mt ?1 ij '.' i? artata al' for bM soM .Wa:saaraataa Siat aarrtaa VaataaUdt' aura ot yamr i: T-i .--. -, MAIN Br -FMOITB B74J ji Tcr. f v , KlaautkTalla 'v- r T f. OI4 SwtwsMmUNww1 .ATT-wi?ivT-TT" "i-T:'"7'f a ; aoaiani aaa , aare aew naisaa aia Ko aead te key aew eterea. We eaa tx year old oae a sav. Oarekaraee, arerery erale. '&$ ' -v;fB"PiBgMi e Lorraz kW v;',7aj aw,, st v i .. ' V -' V, 5-, 5 ukr 4 4 ' Kt AS? " Jjft ' . . .i5f,'5(.'ww1i & O'w. Roof? ?s ,a $VJf& j .. .r -r V. Wj-aj, MILLER ' t? faJHWW?" lieae'SSB JH V 41- V "''ft? . , sll i,1- P A. a wTKATTOJr WktteBUc ''.-,- ''j Teleskoae Coaaeetlaa Yq ;.'?,',..; Ilku:!' rssmtrsTg Irr I- "" Kmrnaaammw . ,i eaa a I jUP'tii " ' nttmrveFi .uAJi't ' 't - ? "ItVito mar asaBvaai .i.-jl a4ekweeeVeef'JS aBSam daAasamee leasee 'A4an BaaaaW 9,h W Jffw ' W1' ileMu j bum rraaseM S leas Ma end j,-j.; w'T''i.w ?!(, J'? mm 'talvlT! aBBmVBl aviaVL'1 BBBfRPI asssfaja. v.. 1 TmT ATBBBrnW PeUsshcd dally eases Baadey by Tk HeraM Pabbaklas Company et Klamatk Felts. M 111 Feertk Street Eatered M tke atk rain. Oregee. for through the malls U Seeead-eUM SabeerleOea Htm by 'Ball address la tka UaKed Oae year Oa. aeatk i KLAMATH PAIXB. OUOON TUBBDAT, OOXOBKR SM, ISIS AXBBTOT AT KtiAMATH PALLS OREGON CATTLE FIRST AT FAIR mUAMBTTK VAitunr swmb AT BW i - SaTOW AT KXPOSnriON--OTBKR (HeraM Sredal Scrrfcc) SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 2. On- torn. mk aadboef cattle auvAa a au alfoaat akawtac la tka xraat atoek akow atin la arocraa. Tka Bwlai karfl kroagkt ion ky laiaw. of Jaaettoa City; kad aycoaipateUoa. aa luttod erarytkbuc Tka jjafsai.. kowawirj ISaat tkat tka Jaaetloa City woaUwia aarwkere ami amy aort of oaatlUoa, Tka Barry Waat Jaraaya froat Seaa- Booaa. eaataraa ail aat two or uh Mae rtkkaaa for tkia kraafl ot'iBilk- S tkeae waa tkachaaiPtom SyeatMM. kaJL' CO. .Hewitt aai fraak Laackry ot MouMmtk coatrlk- atoi to tka Weat .sreae. Tke Herefortl aaiaaiw aroaskt ky orseCkaailer of Baker eaptarai tke M artaaa IV tkat daaa; atyl Mr. Looaey of Jefferaoa came ia for ost- oral wlaalaaa, aa 'b of Pott ebuaty: ' Tka Porter Re4 Pollei aalmala woa iaeveraltrat ptaoaa; OalylatheHol latAloa dU .WaAlaatoa HMditur- tUas wortk wklla. " Tka atoek akow waa'aot aa' large as hoped for. bat auay flee animate were oaexUMUaa. v i What tke. War Moves Mem NEW YORK. Oct; It Tke iaereaa- lak Rnaaiaa aaceaaata. are araaitas oroporUoaa wkkk araet be kaglatlas to attraet tke notice ot tke, central allies. Steee field Manlua ve Mack- easea left to direct tke SerMam drlre tke Slars kare keea. kaauaerlBS tke Teatoas aroaad tke Bripet marsbes. aad kave laally beat Uielr llae there. Tke Oerauaa would keia daagar of Praaslir caUstropbles from tke if tke attter eoald produce a geeles like tern Hiadeabarg. Tke Teateawmaet relaioree there if they woaUlaaTetketr aaias. With yob aUckeasea aaklaf reiaforccmaati, la Serbia) tka. time wiU perhapsarrire boa when tke oeatral allies mast 'de cide whether to curtail tkeir Balkam forces or shorten theeastera froat by retiremeat. The Oalicbv aad Bukbwiaa aitua- tleaa are also ooatribatlaa to such. a srare declstoa from the central allies. The Reesiaas are drirlas them from the Soaawama border at time when' the Roumaalaa mission has arrired at Petrograd to discuss with Raaala of fers for RoamaBla's part tclpatloa. Problems facing tke German lead ership are growing more complex. Perhaps sooe the Teutoa heads will ooasUer what territory they bow hold cta'be abandoned with least harm. BUI OMAHA, dOet. Id. BUly Sunday has received UMS6 forlve meettags pan, over 47,900 heard hip Suaday. Me fa aow ea route to, his kesae st Lake .Wlnoaa. Himaiu anmhmmU leal fPs atSyraeuse , N. Y., aaxt Vh JtCii J w , . -, tv. ! r "' . Juetifsssivew seme seed desk Met. m tsj t"t ., , 3J" - 0: for tke Herald, M eeaU P foestor ots2&CeiaMtre Can " ... MMMM iMi...iMaiaMSSSSMS)SBBBBl . -ffljMSBBBBai -sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV -; AbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV t. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBx. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVIbbbbbbbbV ': bbbHbLbbbbbbbbbbbbbV BBBBBBBmlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBj v . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBST JsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB .aBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl' jflBBBmlBBBBBBBBBBBBBv' bbk AbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbb sfBBBBBBBBBJsBBBBBBBBVF a. bj43BBBBBBBBBW'i - IsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV'i I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmL SB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm I bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV I aMSSBBSSSSSSMBmj-s. m MBiSBSBSBSBBSaBBBBBBSMSJSJBBBSBBSBa Dr. Raaaeaberger la tke laTeaier. their great secret, ot which no ope theforUatNamur. It te the aMat Edison (HeraM SaecsaSeretee). OREGON BU1UHNQ, P. P. I. K..1 Oct. X. No diatiagalaked Tiattor to the great exposition aroused a more friendly latere thaaBdteoa. tke tet Tentor.' Crowds throaaed about him aad his party ererywhere they ap- geared; aad with ao other ware tke curious mere fraakly dealroaa of com ing ia eoataet This wonder-worker waa about tka exposition grouads meet of last weex. and oa Edleoa Day aJt tke great Peati t1 Ball be waa girem aa oration mot before aeeorded anybody or anything. The buUdiacwaa crowded to tke ttmU sad teas of thouaaada waited outaMe, Just to catch a glimpse of the aoted man. His appearance on the iastde was a signal for more noise aad friendly ex pressions than had erer been heard there before. At night tke expoaitloa Ore works were more elaborate tkaa at any other time aad Edteoe. ia the center of the ectlTity, enjoyed it- to the limit. He saW himself in tremen dous moving pictures there, and then In a large set piece of fireworks. 0RE60N DAY AT FAIR BIG EVENT MANY WILL MAKE SFSOIAIrTRIP TO ATTEND FJea'l VI'HMS AT Oa KGON BTODOraaOVBRfO DVB FRIDAY " (HeraM Special Service) SAN FRANCISCO, Oct SC There Is great antlelpa'tioa ever the coming of Governor James Wlthyeombe aai his party, expected to arrive kere.oa Friday; the J 8 th, to participate latke exposltloi occasion of honoring Ore gon on the 30th. Elaborate, preparations for tke oe- caslon worthy of a great state kave beta made, aad for a weak tka dis tinguished Oregoaiaas, omelal ' Illllll llHMII)l STOP CATARRH1 OPEN NOSTRILS AW) HEAP Says Cream Appaed la WeatrHs Keueves Head-Celda at Oaee. Count fifty! Your cold te keador ... 1, 1 1 1 . , n i . t m m-... -.-----... catarrh disappears. Your dogged aos- trlls will open, the air passages of your head will clear aad yea leas breathe freely. No more sauffllag, hawking, musous discharge, dryaass or headache; ao struggllag for breatb at aigbt. Gat a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from, your druggist aad sppips little of this fragrant antiseptic ersam in your nostrils. It penetrates 'threagk every air passage of the heed, ssett- lag and healing the awollea Jsr la- famed muesus membraae, striae roe lastsnt rdlef. Head colds sa4.eatorn ytSM iixe BMfSc. Dea't up m miserable. , Rettef Is sure, , , II, I aF, ,1 ' ' It Crowds Throng About -'Of taa NKv4I-(ia(aiiiar caa. kad vaeardaaiU they battered to ateeaal deetraetl !et arUllery ever kaewa at Exposition The enormous Mutilator projected rari-coiered atresms of light orer everythrag at the expotitlon, aad ap dally colored llghU played upon the Palace of Plae Arts. It was a great demoaatratloa for Edison, wlsard ot Weetrldtyji a hero of peace rather than of battle, military or political. One of She remarkable iaddeata ia conaecUoa witk kls visit waa his talk- lag oyer tke telephone for tke Srat time. Bdleoa. who was quite deaf for a long, time, always had. aa aTersioa to the telephone, and positively refus ed to use oae. While here he talked from tke exaeeltioa, to aia factory la New Jereey.Wd probably enjoyed tke experience more than any other that waa his at the exposition. Be is a very quiet, uaaasumlag man, gra. haired, but with, apparent vitality and ao little energy: Henry Ford, the great manufacturer aad patyaathroplst, was much with Edison while here, and attracted considerable attention on his owa hook. He Is reputed to be "the thinnest" Inventor In the world. He ia Junta little thick er than two sheets of paper. seats Uvea ot the state, will be the center ot great social activity. The exposition will, be sponsor for much of this, but tke Oregoa commls- stoa will add to the festivities te a splendid way. It was expected that all ot the com- mlaMoaers. would be here, but It now appears that thie ill aot be possible In certala lastances. Tke weak win be oae of "open bouse? at the Oregoa building, aad largo eveats at the expo aitloa at this time will make It an especially desirable time to see the exposition,, which ia to close wlthia a aoath.. Word received kare iadlcaces, that many will come from Oregon to Jola la the festivities Incident to Oregoa's Snal effort. Oarraaoa to Ceaear WMh IAni United Press Servlee BEMIDJI, Minn., Oet. !. It la re ported that CarransaJhea' Invited Joba Und, ex-persoaal represehtatire of Preeideat Wilson te Mexico, to confer with him on the Mexieaa border. He -' --" - BONANIA Hi . Rev. aad Mrs. S. W. kail sUrted for .the dsposIUoa yesterday. They are belag accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wight ot Dairy. Mr. and MrsOscar Stewart of Laa- gell Valley hare Just, returned from the fair; ' A fULL tlNS rw; manse ;a. eeesiaiiy ef Are, IM e, seeldeet, llsWWy, burswry sad ether Insursnee; surety beads, leans, rentals, city sad eetmtry area, ertyefatlfclnes. Have the eeylemeet and' the help test ewrsiitees prempt sndeMelent servise. Me treMe to aaeweri ajueetieiis. oaHesto. eaa .Main street, paeas st, rw-,v - . Wv takeeribe for the HeraM, l eeaU 'HEALTH DAY' IS CLEVELAND STONT KAV CLEVELAND HOLIDAY MAY 11KCOMK NATU).Alf IN HCOPK. HL'LKM OK HEALTH PLACED BH rXJHE PEOPLE. United Prose Service CLEVELAND, O., Oet.16 "Health Day'' In Cleretaad, celebrated here tor the first. time by aay mualclpality. was so successful that It promises to be come a state day by act ot the Isgls latere. The city council disease prevention day committee will seo-operate with tho state board of health In getting an Ohio Health Day. Bringing the Importance ot disease prevention to the atteatloa of the peo ple municipally, It baa been shows, will accomplish more la oae day every year than tho preachmeata of thous ands of ladtvtdaam. AdopUoa ot am aaaual health day by the nation, ia expected to be the outgrowth of Clsvelaad'a laaovatiea; Clevelaad'a irst kealU day ia betas followed up with pukUeityoampaiga. Thouaaada ot keaKk rales kave keea distributed ia pamphlet form. Mov ing picture theaters, aewsnapera aad other publldty ageades are co-operating la tke work. Aay ladlvldaal nko waau to know what to do to regala or eoaaerre health haa only to let the proper au thorities kaow aad Individual advise, free, (a given to that persoa at oaee. Next year's kealtk day wni be cele brated not only through publldty aad speeches, but with brass beads aad at big parade. ' EUGENIC PLAY TO BETTER PEOPLE THE UNBORN". TO BE PRO DUCED IN NEW YfflffeT -H.1fl HACKING OP GREAT kaTNDS OP AMERICA Ualted Press Servian N&W TURK, oct. St. The pro- ductloa of Beutak Poyatar's oagealc play.. "The Unborn," ia calculated by leading phyaWaae, laanstere. authors and busiaeaa mea aad dUseas gener ally to accomplish muck tor tke bet torment physically, mentally aad mor ally ot the average Amsrleaa of the futuie. x "The Unborn," will bo produced for the first time In New York, November nth. It la claimed to be of more vital social Importance tkaa Brieux' "Dea aged Goods." Amoag the sponsors who are financing aad otherwise as tlstlng la producing this play are Rl- beat H. Gary. James Sseyer, Heary Norgeathaa, John Barrousha, Mrs. O. H. Belmont, Priaceas Troubetskoy. Ella Wheeler Wlloox, Judge Boa Und- sey. Dr; C. H. Parkkurat. The Medical Review of Reviews aad its presldeat, Frederick H. Roblasoa, also are' respoaslble for the produc Uon. - PLOT TO BLOW UP STEAMSHIPS FAV HOHOLTS AsUUaPIHD ON A CONSPIRACY CMABGE PRIS- ORMffS SAID OBBMANS WOULD NOT AID HD) PBOJBCT United Press Servlee NEW YORK, Oet St Fay Scholto, who was arrested yesterday oa susel- cjr-n of planning te destroy muaKioa pmnu and steaauhlps, was today granted a poatpoaemeat te the stasis trste's court. He Is in Jail, as he was unable to furaiak beads. 1'aul Daebe.'aged U, was arrested te Jersey City. Tka psWss deetered be sdmlttod eeaneotlea with' otker Plotters. ' " , "I saw 'Cantatas von. Papas aad Boyed, the military attaeke at Wash- iRStoa," said Sehotte, "bat both of tUe decMaed to aid my prbjeet, aaa I had no further eommuaieatloa witk then." He declared he hadn't any Plots aaaiaat Amarlaaa bimuim plaau. ', ' ' , " "It wauld have bssa felly," he said ci.. ... j. :.. . -. ' .. ' muf IBUSTK SO IO taSSS could be essUy repaired." QUEEN MARY HAS. GIRL CHAUFFEUR DOT CARSON IS flW WOMAN TO ACT AS CHAUFKEUH FOR HOY ALTY RHOWVHS COMMNNDA TfON. ' Ualted Preaa Bervlee LONDON. Oct. M. England's first royal "chauffeuse," or whatever you call a woman chauffeur, Is Dot Car, son, member ot the Volunteer Aid De-i tachment t.he war. called Into belag. haa the honor not only of being the first woman chauffeur to drive Queen Mary, but eveu to be complimented by the latter oa the achievement. Queen Marv decided to visit Bare House at Whltstable. There was not' a single chauffeur to meet her majesty at the station. Mtee Caraoa took this assignment, aetiag not oaly as b, chauffeur, hut also as footman. Iks Is II years oM. Subscribe for tke Herald. IS eeaU a moan. Public Auction Sale A. J. SIMMERS' RANCH 3 mils st of Kkaaath Falls Wednesday, October 27 I will offer for rhlaery, harases, Sale Starts MERRILL MOORK, AacUsaseia. Quick and Prelpht, aaffaaa or aaessasr. Ko,uleed with auto busts and sew, trucks. Meet all trains and beats. Day sr night service. w Pheaet OMee, 117) ITS AS SIMPLE AS A. B. C. To open and conduct aa account with this bash. Our service, fscll Itlei and resources all combine to make a banking connection here both a matter of taafety and, con venlence. We welcome, small ac counts as well aa large ones. Glad to give you any Informatloa about opealag oae FIRST STATE HM KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON GOING HUNTING? jRsmt your Qmj, gggtg sjj mmm Cwtt inm Klamalii Spoilsmen's Stoi tse.ose ReaadsNEw' dmaeaaiUoa. jfvww sssse vyw 4. Peters 12-Guage SBelb. 70c J VEGHTE. HE HAS tt SEE - )-, "A V , -wt'" t A - 1 - l tPffSJ'fJf' ff BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTBBaal The Latest Hi lOQStK JaaaaaSllBaaaB 4 TlMfUa ' It's AUTOGJUPHIC b4 WJJJ UH s (Jsmv Dries) aaJw':,i' V' NlBaa?BvlBaavQsaH 4'' sssaij pnaw aaUJ ; ' J& ,jJffBEBBBBJffjBBHfl r" V ' .. "t isaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaal 9ss500' 'F' liP'BBaaBBaaa!r-;' '" I lAsfaaaaiaaaaafa I HaaWVBasaaaBaama , tMmlWMmsm. ymmmw$ 1" ; royillAiM, re Made Freh Every Dav AT THE PARLOR '" w a" Strasl FRESH EVERY DAY HalesFithand Meat Market SwY'StraMr,Proa. BS Mala St. Ittoaalir PRBSH SALMON BOOS Ante Delivery -at- HHHIHMllBBBBjBBjBBBRaBBnnBBBmM--. ""JBJBBJM,MBaaaaaasal;v! Fish and Oysters ! forty head of home aad cattle, sav goods. He, rtr. at 10 a. m. A. J. HIMMKI1K, Owaer. il Service Transfer Co. Wssldewee, aes-B. 1 fe1 SAVINGS BANK j1 m i). 3t ' maBBBBBSBmaaammammBaBVBBBBBj iSbTBsssssssssssssssssssssbBsssss c Wf0 aaaaaai .laaaaaaaaaalal aBBBBBBBBBBJffBBBjHBJHBj aaaaaaaaSsml BssaaaBsSSS5HP' massmP ' mm J .1 A ftj fs .J 'M aaaaaawBaf f .ra ABVI lioraid" wast ass got resultt. kt&:.:.;.tf&&A'A.ix S .w V)i '?ir-,-Vj ' M--m-l lli KMaasaai ':'.: '-MSI