1 ! M'it pig aHy? iEurwwj Htald ' i - - yiwM KLAMATH CO U NTY'S lJ . Wm OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER &m - v ? , 'fp ll r ... .M. IteawYear - KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2C, 191 S lJ; i PARTY WINS BRUSSELS' HEADS BULGARIANS HOLD GREECE; MAY HELD TO ACCOUNT! ALL SERB PORTS BllllftlBk:rr: DN RIVER DANUBE Kuykendall Is Named as Judge I f n ll'MOIl THAT (iltKKOK WILL JOIN AI.MKH IMMEDIATELY h 4s Other Hand Come Heaert That vf am Between Greece MM AJH is U4ijhi. ir flrM-laas Interfere With . ? "' I;. 2 .ui fw.tiM In Helhaa OaTer iJTiilUP !-" rfUi of Cypras to Artec tor Aid t st OK BELGIUM CALLED TO TELL TIIK KAIHKIt WIIV THEY EXE- CUTED ENGLISH WOMAN Hlit'll IH OFFICIAL CLAIM KltOM BERLIN .t I) .. . .... i,Atiks Press service i i) ROME. Oct, 16. 11 to rumor that ifnmm salmis or in ureciaa wwhi kMrwtcned. If this la true It meaaa that the war party ku triumphed, mi Orteco will Jots the allies imme- t!HJ Press Service 1AND0N, Oct. a. The Central iNts nu hinted that a diplomatic ibmk with Greece aad the allies Is aieasslllty, K Orate ialerferes with ; iterations of the alltoa la th Bal- t 'uai. A not that the represeatatlves '! tee allies hand Premier Salmis eetislaed this Inforawtloa, according Jte aa Athens dispatch. Foreign MlnlaUr Gray aaaouaced it the houaa of commoaa that Rag 'hial'i pier to Greece haa lasted be- . Mat dreece hadn't aaen htr way to J sMlerbla. V Assalth was ahla to attcad tha NNttat of Iba cablaat today. y- T I. OMAHA IS 1,'uIUnI pre Serv Ira LONDON Oct. 20. Generals von Teutons (tain About Mcsnll Only dar lanskon and von Tlsslng, tha civil I and military governor of Belgium, hava baaa aummoned to Imperial1 headquarter to report personally In regard to tbo Cavell execution by the Oarmana In Ilruuets. Thla la Inter preted to mean that tho execution wan I not wholly approved. Tha Impraealou here la that the Brussels authorltlea hastened tho elo cution last the kaiser would pardon Mlaa Cavell. Few Trenches Remain In Allien 1'oh. lon Italian Aviator Bombard Trleat, Killing Two and WottHillmc Tuelve Krewrh Claim Victories In West Hussions Defeated la Esst. r CALLED BY DEATH I'XKl'MOXIA AFTER WEEK'S HICK. XKSK, RESULTS IN IIKATH OF H'KI.L KNOWN AND WELL IJKKD KI.AMATH FALLS MAN MRS.J.H.WENNER DIES OF CANCER AKTKR LONG FIGHT WITH DRKAD DISEASE, MUCH RESPECTER WOMAN SUCUMB8 AT HOSPIT AL LEAVES HVHBAND The funeral of Mrs. J. H, Wanner, who died yesterday afternoon at the hospital, will be held at the under taking- parlora tomorrow at J: 10. Mrs. Weaaer died after years of battle with cMicer.of the bowels. 'Mrs. Wenner has been sick, many months, and little hope was held for her recovery at any time. Her death haobMtn hourly expected for some daya. She waa a highly respected woman of Klamath Falls, belnc 52 years of age at the time of her death. For sev era! years she baa made her home In Hot Bprlnas addition. Sbe leaves a husband. I t Wabtter Owaa Graham, who for fwir years has made km heme la KUnatii Falls,' came to hie death ,trea pneumonia at.kla home at tae WMhlnxUm house tale 'moralag. He 4hm been alck oalr a- wek. Mr. Uraham was wall kaowa la thla clly, and bad many frleada. So aud dtaly did this last skkaeaa eome upon bin that many of hla frleada did not even know that he waa alek'uatll'thay beard of his deathhla moralaa;. He leaves three brotkera la .Klamath ftllt, A. F, Graham, Robert B. Orav Ua RDd Henry K. Oraaaat aad aa otasr brothor la HatUhurg, Mlaa. Mr. (iraham waa norm la Jill la lllMliilppi. Four yean ago he, earn Klamath Falta aad worked aa a brltVlayur. Hu waa a man of tamper U habits aadgood moral charaeter, fni his doath cornea aa a shock to the wamunlty. His funoral win occur tomorrow at 10:80 '"m Whftlock'a undertaking psrlors. n J , vs for Houth. ,TTT Judge dale and family departed oa this morning's local iorXoa AaftlM. r. Oslo, who la aaaoeiated with the m of Btone, Oale Cob of that t'lty. win ... !.. '- ,.- . i. ty, win ItUre. enter the Braetlee of, law CHARITON IS TO RETURN TO U. S. i AKTKR HKRVINfl HHORT TBBM IN FRIHON, HliAVRR OK WIFK Wltfc OOMK HACK TO NATIVK LAND. WILI MVB IN POTO RICO United Press Service COMO, Italy. Oct. 26.--Porter Charlton, who haa but four months to serve la prison in Italy for the killing or hla wife, ia planning to return to America when he la released. He ex pacta to meet Blgnor Bervadlow the Italian consul from Denver, whoee wife and family are frlenda of Charl ton. Firat he will go to Rome, from there to Naplea. aad from Naples to New York. Later he will make hjs home at Porto Rloo. Toastla Removed Corrlae, daughter or mr. anu r. Carl Plath, who haa bean sutariag with her tonsils, underwent a success: ful operation for their removal. ' ' f t 'if " I Noland Funeral Will Be Held On Tkrsday .-? ": f ft'T' V $ hi "l. !. U. J ? ldi 3't ' 1V" WU4UAZmm U1 H4 U-o4y, f,f.M m.-'sma.- r- rxr: i smTT'y.T'TT r" )- :.i ' a-i:- .a awahi. '"a . .i.-ii-a....,.,lu a-.w. of) tae aawiw es rr Oaeata: s jJ7EIm'.4. (Wt aald .ettv etteaa kad the. $. Mi-. v& "mtJ M R v yym. Amm teieslvaa aasd trteada iaraiaai,''-. a l . 'U w tr. n . ...js.1 .if'. r . . it ..' i--' ifr ae tuneeali-ef 'tttkW t.ii-V HuMmi ase'eaaeated la IHSa ' iflMrat, NolaadwWJbelUldrtiaiiw V'.The" faasral will he NUraoca t&luZZTZlZ U.laWk Lodf . w , B L i I. tta thetaaeral, seeawwae ay whoef llnltud Press Service UBRL1N, Oct. 20. It is announced that Bulgarians have occupied all the northeastern Serbian porta on the Danube. Tbo Germans have recap tut ed a thousand feet of tho allies' po sitions north of Mesnll. Only a few trenches remain In the banda of the allies. United Press Service AMSTERDAM, Oct. 26. Italian nvlators bombarded Trieste Sunday, killing two and wounding twelve, ac cording to dltpatcbea from Vienna. Cnlted Press Service PARIS, Oct. 26. It' Is announced that the French have resisted heavy 'counter attacks and stll retain Lacour- ttnc In Champagne. Fighting still continues. The Bulgarians were, re tnilxwl In (he Strumnltx region. ' ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml " ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma i H (InliiHt Press Service JIKItl.lN. Oct. 28. It Is announced that iho Oormans have captured the northern slopes of the Race, Valley, south of Palanka, and also Marcorac aud Mole from the Serbians. We are driving tuom across the Illuxt district lllndenb.irg has recaptured the KuHlmlranlka farm. To the south ward tho Davarlans repulsed the Rus elans cast of Barabovlchl and south of Vygonoskoyo Lake. Von Llnsengen stormed the Russian positions east of Darabovlchl and Klolo and west of Czurtornsk, taking the positions and repulsing n counter attack. SECOND SMOKER BILLED TONIGHT COMMERCIAL CLUB ROOMS IN RHADINKS8 TO KNTERTAIN 1IVSINESS MKN CIGARS, EATS, AND PROGRAM PROVIDED The Commercial Club rooms, a few daya ago littered with piles of straw, Mtanlo vegetables, boxes, boards, etc.. la now all tidied up and fined with forty or more big, comfortable chairs. Tho reason for the change Is that the Btraw and vegetable have been seat away to the Portland Manufacturers and Ind Products ehow. and the room haa oeen maae reauy tor un entertainment of forty or more,Klam ath Falls men at the second Commer cial Club smoker. The smoker is billed for tonight. The cbalra are for the vlsttore. Be aldea the chairs, boxes of good cigars, hundreds of sandwiches and a short program hava been arranged to make the forty or more glad they came. M the first Informal smoker, a month ago, forty were present, aad forty want away aayliig they would be present at the next amoker. Be- aides these, there will be a jtttmDer or men who weren't there, acrorev The short program tnetadea abort speeches ,. from a few repreeeateUYe mon, such aa principal, h;pu the blah school, aad Doctor Johnson. Schemes for he betterment ,of city aad county will ne.dlsciieealnforr ally. ' Toatair.lfMWae. v. " ' u 0, R. MWIerlW laaye Bere eei.wea, Dseiay's rfofta; fff tea Fraailaes. where m tew eayawUl be aeew at tae xpeelUea, aad the Mrcaaat at a aw MklMlar the Orraeu. theabar will be made. .'' WN WILL TRY BRIBES .TO SOLVE VILLA ISSUE IN MEXICO CARUANZA WILL OFFER VILLA $2ftO,O90 TO LEAVE. FHee, IN Oaase . ;, 3 5 t.dfsr. Judge D. V. Kaykeadait a j afternoon 1 wire mm yeateroay afternoon a waa reefilved from florortinr Wlttiv. combe officially announcing the ap pointment of D. V. Kaykendail as cir cuit judge of the Thirteenth Judicial district, to succeed the late George Noland. Thla morning Mr. Kuyken dall qualified for the office and court waa called and adjourned until Friday raoralag. The appointment of Mr. Kuyken dall baa met with general approval, both among the members of the bar and the general pubHc. Althoagh a young man, Mr. Kuykendall ia recog nised on all side aa having the qual ifications necessary for this high posi tion. He baa always been a very dili gent1 student, and la coaetdered one of the best read' lawyers In the city. Older membera of the local bar, each aa Judge Drake. Stone, Gale, Rutenlc aa well aa the yoanger contingent. all Joined In urging his appointment. Judge Kuykendall la proud of the fact that be Is a, native Oregonlaa. as waa also hla fatherDr.'W. Kuyken dall, one of the best known of Ore gon's pioneers. Mr. Kuykendall born at Wilbur, Douglas county, Aug ust 13, 1878. When about ten years of age his family moved to Eugene, where he attended the public schools and later the University of Oregon, graduating in 1898, Following this lie spent, threo years at the George town University of Washington, D. C, where he studied law. In 1908 he waa admitted to the bar In Oregon, and began hla practice In KuKene. In February, 2906, he came to Klamath Falls, aad haa been prac ticing here since. He served four and a halt years, from July 1, 1908, to January 1,-1913, as proaecutlng attor ney for the district of Klamath aad Lake counties. For the past four years he haa been senior member of the firm of Kuykendall A Ferguson. With his appointment Judge Kuy kendall will retire from the practice of law, and the business of the firm haa been taken over by hla partner, P. J. Ferguson. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 26. In habitant of Ague Prteto, Mexico, are fleeing to Douglas, Arlsoaa, fearing a bombardment by Villa troops. Ota- tlal few raiders will attack the tralaa that are conducting 6,000 Carranam lata from Eagle Pass. American soldiers are patrolling the railroad. ' United Press Service BROWNSVILLE, Oct. 26. Cheao Floree, a Mexican prisoner, admitted that he .participated la the Olmlto train wreck, and hold-up. He con fessed that the raiders were regalarly organised. The object, be said, waa to "secure the liberty aad independ ence of Texas for the Mexicans." Rob bery aad looting, he said, were sec ondary. . - CUPID BUSY AT GRIFFITH HOME REV, J. R. GRIFFITH OF BAPTIST CHURCH OFFICIATES AT TWO MARRIAGES AT HI8.HOME YES. TERDAY Two marriages were solemnised yesterday In Klamath Fall. Rev. 3. B.,urimtn omciatea emc time, ana each time the ceremony waa perform ed t Rev. Qrlfflth'a home. Karl J Arnold and. Carrie Benslng- or.-bota of Klamath Falls, .were the prlaclpala In one of;tae marriages, Araold to a well k&owa'jroung busi ness sua of the city,. aad Mlaa Ben- stager la a' popularjaaaaser of, the youngest. Miss Beaalaterl 1 yeara vyVMivr, iwnuey. a re (eraser w VVlwaja.lalso of OleaieeaatlUted vvwytv.' mmnt w Taer,lal M.aaee oa a T kne washers mr,faaja sara, W BaTw leWaam 2&S320&& 'i May Itctara la Period of Years Mw. . Iran Testlfles Raiders Are Organ ized to Hecnro Texas for Mexicans. Lootlaa; and Outlawry Secondary, X Inhabitants of Mexican City Ifear Villa L'nlted press Service EL PASO. Oct 26. It has been learned that Carraasa will try to bribe -Villa to atop the revolution! He wilt offer Villa a euarteref ejajpMoa to 'leave Mexico. Later, a permit' to return safely to Mexico will be grant ed, He offered minor leaders money to Induce Villa to leave. , CEMETERY STILL IH BAD CONDiTION WOMEN OF THE RELIEF CORPS, FORCRDTO WAIT FOR SURVEY, SEE THE GOOD WORK OF LAST SPRING BEING DESTROYED" After the very excellent work of the ladies of the Women's Relief Corps last spring in beautifying the city cemetery, it look aa If thla work, will have been almost wasted. Much In terest was created by the activity of the ladle, and with the assistance of lot'ownera a good start waa made in making the cemetery attractive. it was the plan to erect a new fence around the property to protect tho graves from being tramped over- by oose stock. The city council voted 8100 for the use of the women la tnts work, and In addition the ladies raised a considerable amount. About 876 bad been spent by the ladles In haul ing away trash .and fixing up the grounds, and they still have money on hai.d to build the fence, but bere Ja where they have met their firat real problem. They claim that In order to erect a permanent fence a aurvey of the prop erty will first have to be made, so that they wll( know where to place the fence. The old Cemetery Association is so badly disorganised and so few of the original directors are living, that ao far it haa been. Impossible .to tetany action. Two of th director have promised to have a survey made, hat so'fat nothing has beea done, and the women are forced to 'wait It haa been suggested that the, city be asked to take aver the property and estab lish a7 cemetery under the maaage mwu of the ty7 It to believed that thla ( can, d aoae uaoer .ew W4w passed at the 1916 session of, the leg' (stature. v , . ,pi..,. , At th weeat tlaat, It I stated, the feaefa-wre dewa.la asaajr plaa,aad cattle aadkefs are destrorlag all of the.g work doar tae iadieo i - '' i ' t iFVbbmsjb, v"r .earner a(ie reax. ,' .r4iK('44ftv4'r ,. - n, WILSON WEDDING BEFORE HOLIDAYS DECEMBER 20TH IS TENTATIVE DATE SET WILL BE QUIET AF FAIR, WITH ONLY FAMILIES PRESENT ' CHAR6E GERMANS WIIH CONSPIRACY PROTEST LIKELY . ' United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 26. Hcholts, The weddlnc or wooorow, Wltsoa aad . Mrs. Norman Gait will be held before DEMAND FOR DISAVOWAL MAY S FOLLOW PROBE Charged H..-, wits! van . TiK- 't. Sk With flrn 'tntHnir Vm asa.1 " i jft-wtji t, -i -nT . o -'. S. ". tbo enrutmas holidays, proba-bly on, --'p mf rTrrarf-Ti Tlsiits. December 20th. accordlaaf to present?- . vm . -i.'iiA '::-..., ; Plans. It will be held at Mrs. Oalfa ? IWataa,! OMsejObM ; home, and only the two famIHe will ' be present. The couple will go South . for a hoaeymooa trip. This announcement was made, utf- Ml ; s n y&? m . i & v . . r.j "VV5 fjtJJ rmsx ' t?r-al Mm OlsjsssHc Met ''efA . tjT.HiJl U- pefH ' - ' v .. A&?k&k-&m Gerwm. Aaems to Ct Rsjap?gl offlclally. at Uie same time that It waa announced that Mlaa MaraBm Wiles. la leaving Tuesday to resume her-, aerial service work. 1 j r : i . Tr.tfswvz ia ti.p. "- r ,. ,.fcj-iftv! fS?.?-a led try Stiskes Are 'sttaaaV.Msl'feff'l mxet i.-Wiv&, HALLOWE'EN JINKS START WEDNESDAY HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE WILL 'BE SCENE OF WIERD JTjnfcs.TO-' MORROW NKHT-rPROGRAM TO i ' i &r &ffii&&xmk,'m .JmiWJM: rose awrnattv .. v mirtiTM & ' xv; . t, i.",r t "'-ftw.?rf 're vf.zyf .Vw BikaM vW'. . (lira -l" H 's United Pi ! .NEWftYORK. jOati M.- BEGIVBfr .1 - 1 ' 1 B t-i, Taeaasrisa l -'- $Ji ? f$t v r t" '.mi m j was: given late the charge erBisesV j ' m fr M - !craruiefURumH'HDH;B wu the Investigation of thechajrgeaief, ,n...iM i ki- - utZ -ii .;,-.. WAy,.MV.j v mwwi hj, ikwjumwm and steamahlpa.. .He waa arraigned .nUlnai KT'1T b; 4kl- VLT "r"k "- " w"wF?"av ?. " ",) P .frfbJISi waive rlghtaT " 'wenesy iinsspi, to t "mSinR taof a heariag 'lBfWih.Sfi3 dUtrict federal eoert'ef .lesw-: Jeewer.,, v fi-ui-i. -f-. -". '.":'. Jtr. i-biji The Hallowe'en earnest WedaesdAy alght' that move abroad U the' last day ef October wlU make their first atewptes place Houston's opera house, Wedaes-' day night. There the Sprague1 Chap ter. Women'a Relief Corps, wilt eater- ulntata.Hal:partf. Flshvponds and mb-bags for the kiddles, and pumpkin' pie, elder laad popcorn for 'everyone will pfvfnv flu. fall mnanKAf.i .-w- U.-.,. ,.w. w l unusual merit win oe gives. It Includes piano solo by Mrs. Fred Cofer, a vocal solo by Miss Josie Van Riper, a. recitation by Roy Buck ingham, a vocal solo by Mrs. L. O. Van Bellen. a violin solcr by Mrs. Charlotte Satterlee, and a vocal nolo by Mis Hortense'Hogue. i, , Friday night the next big Hallow e'en event and Incidentally the social event of the year will' take place at the White Pelican hotel.-In the shape or a masKeddsatce. - , 1 . ," iT'-, RePretMloa. to Oeneaar.'weu; -'.I-. J '--w-l--4t-L.-'e--t-i-; as wvassesasss iw ass sjaajagBejamest ,wH sjbb .1 albly result 'from, tlse,sMselte' tsaajw-; acyrr if it to-sstahMbhsiAtkt maay wrevMe :fn4e YaMaMiwfifvl tae Plot.) oi aad a demead for. w ir sA ruSBSSfiCs' iC&wli? i&mW O'fJ mumf.maWBtmmm-ai, disavowal wtH : -w it - -iitL ttisf j, fii ... WtViijj j j r&jsrs.x .. lew," '.'' JiJ1 Hrftif'ff rKni,"w4vM't 6ah riisssi issasgg issi WLViteJi iBEltLIN.r,Oct.2 linii nil . th kaWi Gerard' asUe;,hejeer dlaseseidj'ths . iVhole ,Qeraj-Amerkaa; sHusatss , at,' Poxtam Wrmi nmmr'm HMByai'aW. w'-vi CHf toYtrajweVlt'li1 iMMevem the the hV h';: ? riv ited the de tails or a hew gigantic plottoa'the part of German agents ln'Amerleati tle'u'p i 'a u,ASHtKn'mvvn'i'n SamuelGompers has prose j-.S .t . -t-B1! V aw UB rVL :t., t , ia-'v the munition,, plants to the govera- '" A menti Gompersrefused''totaakei lk ' From other sources vltputolearBed f that Gompera give Inormailes, Uia s, fe GermanacttvItleWaaedwalksla'ea. the part.of.larsammbers'of at the munition plants, 4f 6 i,V "t'-,Vf rs rt-t ' T t. ',iiiii)ij 'i5kI .i 'p,..-:f- !'' Attend Teachers' Meettag. H. Ji Hockenburg departedthts morning forLakevIew to attend a meeting of school teachers to be held there this week. -. . ASSiSit''rl t t tS'l?. SriiM r.iS2 " it 4 ..K 4 Klamath Falls ws (United Press Senrtc.:' vLOS ANGELES. Oct. s2. Nate 'i. , ,V Coghlan, chief counsel f or taVdof aaae C'! liae asked t another week's nojsVMeA f ,,.h mentpf the Schmidt murder trial. J g? 4ft" v "fi eTVarm aVf afsliratl " sl . .iP. y-mmmm maur'' f."?.. vll. I1VUIV .M:. k. UiSS5fi: W-Si 5 VWH ' viS. a sf. afVafwi'aTV tSmT)B e nt.. NN I mile A iitn Knart ' ' ' ' f $"i$K$r:i ' - w , ... .'srrfaa;- ... U' ;: '.T 7 tj B-. yrt & Ft 4iiM15 i.v&i J.iri 5.1? IVArt.. 7ifi. :? WAU.jlf, IffiSS. f?i L-.V. a7"i1rTJ"T 7 , c V'JiBI l'nlted Press Service providing better iroaa,totaMea WM ;Aj?,l WARHiNnmM n n Or 28. .lavins- out new roaaaVWheee1 thars g .SitiKl '" -"', "" W,P "' ' I . 3-iT .- -V The grand tour of the future mar .have beep none before, Th be a 3,000 mile automobile trip frem: of work which can W;doae4Uamedl - .. . . .... . i . . .... j .r " ."-n - -t Denver, tnrougn Helena, Beaine,vi'a-(aieiy win oepenepos,ueseoMy.Vfi' rnmn. Portland. Klamath Falls; and nronrlatad at the nrieila'ir snaslnn 'nf f i Ran Franelieo. taklnw la all of thelconeress. A number of member lef' AmS Western national parks,' over Use the house appreprtetlons. committee .,- ??Jt, went tbraiwk Mr&l of the nark tela , ' V! sumraer.taad ltr' Is undeTstood'iwllI, '4k; iena tneiraia 10 ine paaeage'ei: -' uiFM propriatleaa.to beat them. Vifr-5B ( ..Tw..i. ii i.i". k ki .iij ,U'. fi'.. -A. V '. . 2i,.f tJ x.' JrwJ-2 f HHAI pu at several puwsj,ni, (ww ;v i jrHhgreat ecees.,Near jmtar M&l",VSl :... V,M y state and government highways, with!' camping grounda.all along, the way. Thla Is one of the, natloaal park development plane of Assistant to tha fetary of the Interior 8, T. Mather, who (a. In charge of tho system. . I Mather waste people, to' see the parks. He went West tbJalaUto.d- eoyer ways of making them iealar. ThkiOaeiia tharenlt . AM , Oaf a teer.ef thm sorrmarae aaaa the, finest acoaery is taeJiW'eatrand L. th. aimmi im Wl.(..ia Ph. vwv.v), -. ."r".7vf?,iTnTii:'; routo runs aiong tne, aaesDess.otiee Rockies, paat the, astral 'woaisss' of; the natlbaal park; aad" down tareegh fertile aad pletarijue Washtagtoa. Qrw.asd'CalMei4a.:i4 , " .," l-jrVsMif tMVM,M'BMs9Tl FaisyJal iejW, wos5:aiiily:i Utirnlsd a'. her eat h V ... "'-. - -x-. HP. flP .WW w.fc) lor ImpeoTiag bhmr mmAmJ -VA-aMMNMseesSSBit' ' tHrfJ,T9-,4W t,- lJt R.a. lXki-l . sT'i?.N?faKrTMV;viis '-J'.t2- ,i T .. "I. - .. -. -' T n-.h rTK mere a a ,caiM-mte.wmWiasey;M-frft-w advwtdagesU'5? ftferfel' v' .1. n L.V-Ci-. '.. --'fl-.. ...:Li'.m.vr,,. - sev n i i ue ,v. uhi i a "' i'ii t jaj m.b an ne;-ww are'auppiiea. iriwwlrde41'l: jNl: .Ava.hkiganf laical m T www?TIT4. "? iftmv IV ;( f?,4 -i.JB (Wea. : 5 i ,?.?! iv '& K'l'H 35 m s ,, ...T V-t - ,J- - M " i -Vi :! iv.1 Tm .'Ki Y'4 ) .v A rj'. ?-i 5-' vryv-j'-Trlv" vc' ' ,. (. r "t-I7W S-.5ftA ViTi . iWSVl,I,.. ' i'Af -. . r. .a.jiv .fuir ".r Wr ,4rf.)i?-. 'VV'V1 . " y it k i : Jtri v.f. .. rf.. s' -" n. 'U'MNKJ "1j- . I . ' -,i ' "