ft r.- .r .-iif.J.rfi, jY:MiiVttKtIfcoi :V.' ,"--m, UL.p-m "" ' ' -, -HV i Jt ;$ 1 j KLAMATH MUJ'' .. 11 '"s " ;(ar. 'ULrrrAVj aj. W OFFICIAL NIWIPAPE Ji.f: -.- "!L'3ft uiHi ijj, -'i ; -f-' :.&,t ft un--- MiMw :- KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER M, 1916 & 'l 'l &msxM , up . ki Ma , Chante &t ifMi&. r,l '.J ' ' . 1 ' s?59i .- "&:-' !'", ?'" '.- ' ,. --,,;---, f 1 J I J 3P 4" 1 tit f r m m ?af . -- -r.- 3T . -J :.iA ht .taw "'.. - ft. - " ullj iiLrn Jk juhiii VJAHA. ni ',1H , ' .V .' AfKM " '.''' I ! ,, nnnM ,: "bv r r f mtLXw aaVivMamWaummmW ummnWsmmWBmL .smmmmW.ammmmnM:!nmnBn- K ummnWLnaml J&' lnmw H SB gBBBBSm L " " "Mg" ..4iL..IB1IBMaa H MSB I y fe VH'f- - "iL. S &v iw BRITISH ATTEMPT 10 DRIVE GREECE : tn IAIN II I IFQ :iv iu uuin nLLiLii F&'idHiWW mAT NA"01 V KX) UbrU In tbrtw montbi. It I. IJR?-' PLAIN ATTITUDK fd.red a victory by Cb.rl- Victory for Chute Halted I'reM Brrlc. COMO, Italy. (M. 16, Jury trying the cm of FoeUr Charlton, acuwd of murfarta nia wire, brought la a vardlct of guilty of murder, and Cbarltoa waa nenk-ncod to ux yeara' eon- flneannt. Deducting the aaaae- ty granted under the law for time already nerved, be will be niMiin "" ' ','l 1. aWm Net Weal Aareaily m . .. . . ' Waegtfc rH Katraac m war oa im. STRAHORN SAYS WORK FOR ROAD IN l-KTTKIl TO FIIKD PLKKT KX I'KKHMRH AI'PRKCIATfON FOR IXTKIlrMT TAKK.V IX RAILWAY I'lKMKCTH IIV KLAMATH FOLKS Sudden Death of Noland Shock to the Community BOMB : N ef Teatoaa Net PalHwly aly , DROPPED f (vanaaioa Hemr4 Je MViearerkFertai .-fsfj; ' ?3r, j WW' IKed freM Service R WNDON. Oct. Ift.Aceofdlas to rafi jikM dhiDateh. tk'e alllee have re- M'min their requeet that Oreece de- .i.'f ..i. .. lt, 1 ak. .111. 1 iv ' WHUtr in win jvib n awvw IM ar the central do were. Xaaratly I.K- tha.aroBeetd ultimatum, demaadlag :imOrKe either demehlllee or ft Htbm at Bulgaria before Novmaher fliv -let hm not heea eeat. KfJ' ttace'e attitude, la retard to the liijj" -, UOl VI IHINM Ml !( aat aaa procuumea aereeu at a nu eCheatvoleat aeatnaky toward the l: mue. but the above dwaatea ladl ($' turn that the allien' aenre ao aeearaaee m-t-mmmmui mat obiw mkhhm an ih. , - .. .., ON VENICE; BOTH SIDE VICTORS AltttTRIAN DROP TWBNT' IIOMBg ON ITALIAN crrv I. wt FreMca aad Teatoae Both Claim Vic toHr ntatli CUun Caatare of Hrcoad Line of Germaa Defraaea ea WeM FreaU-OerawM Cmlav Weet era Victoria aa WeH ae Coarja ta Over RatelaM la Kaet aad BetMa HU U1 aatar th mm k mlAm at I iaeTaauaa. I'nltwl 1'reeeHerrk laabud baa made tnmialnn. el J MUK' 0ct ,6 -11 U ttaead That Hobert Strabora appreciate tho loterent Klamatb county Deonlo lake In the new railway trojecte Ii Mhown by a letter written by him to Fred Fleet of the Commercial Club after having read Fleet' a article In the Portland Journal on the railway altua- tlon. Tho totter Is aa fellews: "Dear Mr. Fleet: "I have Just read your eahlllratlaa letter of the 30th la tho ForUaad Journal, and wtoh to congratulate yea on Its very happy and coavlnetngTeta. Also to tkaaJt you very-much for yoar intercut Iu our railway project, and If it could be necessary to ofer you a- word of encouragement to perslit In this to the end. "After reading your letter I have concluded that you do not need any thing of thli sort, and If tbo balance of your populatlea caa be countr upon to the extent of such a yourself. Judge Worden snd others who have come to my attention, your part can be considered aa good ns done. -; "Hoping to see you Ml In the very near future, I remain,' sincerely yours, "ROBERT STRAHORN" pod twenty bombs oa Venice hut night, damaglag the Stralal church aad netting Ire to several bulldlags- No casulatlaa resulted. Ualted Freea Sarvteo PARIS, Oct. 36. It U that the Freach eaptared tao liae of strong difeaees, eomprlalag tho slopes of North Hill 196. a mil north of Mesall. Heavy bombard meat for several hours preceded tao vflnlanl aauutt nn imm tMartiAa k&fiu . . ...-. n w... wn . nwHVHV move Toaay,, md Oarlsji, proprietor of the United Pram Service Rsaar Uowi oa Mala street, la a wry BBRLIN, Oct. 16. it la announced 'saey man, doing ererytaMc from dip- that French attacks near Tenure had w ea the aid of tho altlaa. Taw leaad of Cyprus, aa Kagtiek poeses aea tku would bo of immeaae mine vs "-frr ;-ii igarai 'aa .'' la.itt awat AtpreaMtKleoeBaaUlaree, la u shape of a uHimatam mlgtt -b eapleyed. The only coacoaaloa proeured ao far Is the treating of eoavoyaaee through the ports and over tao Oraehva rail wri of allied troops to Serbia's aid. pug ehocolatea to aethu aa Maoris- , tsateiit of ta new mor aarosa the a frest, hlch he has Jaet begun. His , aew store will be aest door to the 1 SUr theater, aad H la U oplatoa of ' th(M bo are famlHar with this loaa- Ua that this ahoald prov to bo a tisfactory '"i vsry T.- VWt Fair. 1 mTL, . .. nigai aaa hot. b. w. hmi. Hb their wives, eteppod over la this ey from Donanaai ttlr way to be fair. ' W. a, Uww'la dowa fromr Seattle. vxtrk. O'Keefe U here from New l 0 Hi 4. W. W. Weat Is up from Saa Fma- R Ma J. HuhbeU of Chllotuln la a Haom visiter. Norta Mesall have been roputoed. Voa Hlpdsabnrg repulsed the Ruestao at tacks to tho southeast of Riga, la Serbia we occupied oertaia passes aorthwest of Ub, betwe Dreaoyaglava and Mlrkavocm, aad reached the Daurorac-Rebrovo line. United Frees Service LONDON. Oct. 16. Tho Austro- Oomaaa ar advaaclng over aa So mite front thirty miles from the south nanus aad Save rivers. They are straddling tho Belgrade-Constant!-aople railroad aad tho Morava River. B01IN6 LEAGUE WILL BE FORMED emaomaaowam LOVERM OF THE POPULAR SPORT HILL FORM HIX-TKAM LKAGUE AND (iO OUT AFTKR HONORS AT BRUNSWICK ALLKYS .M , ,t.i; BBBBBBBBBBBBmSaSHt ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnLmmmmm gamjgEjjjM fthVLmmmmmmmmmmmm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKOammmmmmmmmmmmmmml BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJk'BBBBJBBBBBBBa , afammmmmai1 ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa '' ,BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjMBBBBBBJ' amaaaaBvemmmmammmmmwawaaa WANTKUYKENDALL FOR NEXT JUDGE IIAR ASSOCIATION BNWIBmmS FORMKR PROSffXJUTIlK AtlOaV XBV, AND ASKS OOFMtNOm TO APPOINT wwm ??? ii'r''Ui!'"?(!, BUM.. iXPECiptTJjfrt - nil 1 nTrn im 111 1 tiMflii MbW, bv ..i'.'i-v.a-',.: BenBBnH'n B'BB.asm-iBBmsaoH liunn lKH''HI'BJBJBn e wr ' 'fi "&:!'yi??we ftULOARIANS , WOMSIf ANB mAaaMUBHK; JmsmmKywm .;.? 1t.3&ftdS mmmmMlm mmmmmtm ( -T.-tlS-lrrff.' iwmmkwmmm iiiA&&$&b; mteim&&&i3fflm. ?r fjffirmsmm ivm'rWmmiWmwj .i-jii A mnoMml - .t, iri..i. I " --- -m - "" v f uar .Atsocmuoa was aM .tam after- 7nmm . '' ::. Aaaaaaa,-ijiaj noon, at .which a eommKis.-wM.uL, - rfZW&Mf'lWkm J , M , wr.,ti TB BSBB1BBaafaa-BtfaB polatedfto draft; reeotaUoas ac-atn' or Juace oeorae rfOutad. The: . teres. ,vraeamalaasak?lBsaMtt?. members of the assook tend the faneral, which win be heldWedneeday. 'Th rlput mmI -vam1 . -..... .- rmm mtmtmnm v ' '- " - BiitHMliv' k 1hJ. a&M .. -u mm ymm mmmmmmwm .-......, - UHD ...WW XV ,,, --, , SffXim. nriocs ww moraimr. aaa asmer taa s.1m, " .-w .lawi unless court sseets by tosaerrow. "the term will lapse, aad court etaad adjourned uatll tho opeaiag of aat ATalBNS, OeCSi. term. 'As there are a aamber of ImMsaloailm'adlrlees. tho 1 MirtABt eesea on th Wi.l..' - 'H . V' '- ,rj- : ; r Z I . t?t ' ie furnoys aeciaee lowiracaojajoTeraor, requesting him to 811 taa once. A poll waa, taken of the present, and they wore naanlsaoas endorsing D. V. Kuykeadall forr-the , position. Mr. KnykeadaH w a tber of the Arm of Kaykeadeil w- - K4.sen. aad w a former 'prosecutlsgat- tnrney of tam otoMet ir-tJ. tke , " iJr .i.J.ffey....sttiA .rff . .The' 'teres, .IremlimrtoSeV a'-wmat-k ..: Jiw &&&:&$mwi mkakl, napwsBBBi em MawsawmMi avaa mh-;r?-Mm, imitlm&Mi ... -.f :,,rjlvs!SSiMJ ll JT"f r'aya r V1!S i1 VK? yj Si iffiS Sli K5XKa..WM33BS li'laMgi ;....,smi',to;V ASH AIDER WEDS tn Wiltneih f. a'liaMtl't .v : ? -! t --( hnaM." ' '" " m ,HBallltjt' y.-' J -- Jtf- f" , 'i, "1 "ifWB.?? - , M r, iitgE asomaorsi- . - ' ,v -, 'aowafSfss ."FMaWlfMS- PARIS. ttiMK mem- iSaioalaa daiwBio - tap-, nnilaam (tlmfiugM B,lrlaaolmTe':.,lbalIM:wb anairtar. 1 Psraeaalimwred theaatlac, HlsaSea -...-. " -.-- -V" m.- ,'. .-. " " aermsarj 1 a ipa ii pay aw ? V, v S,v :jtrtfr . s JUDGE GEO KGR NOLAND DRKHH-UP WEEK DANCE CAN- CBLUaD Oat of rosaect to the lato Judge Oeorae Nomad, the Maamrae Maaw for tho t. of "Dress-Up Week" wUl he I'i'if kt?.'. v-7 VT I ni.l t Plans for Klamath Day The management of tlio'Brunawlck bowling alleys has completed arrange ment for a bowling league, which will Jp known as the Brunswick Bowl ing League. The league will consist of six teems with three men to each team, Judg ing from the line-ups, bowling fans will witness some real fast games. Local rollers are rapidly ivaadhss Into form. Don Dale and F. M. Upp are tied for high score, wit; SS7. Qlen Jester holds the duck pin with 130. Jester Is showing all klada of bowling form, winning the honors In the last doubles aad having., Irat place la the preseat series up toltato. Leo Houetoa aad Jeator look Uks ond wlnnors la tbe present aortas, at Exposition Complete 'V 2K-rTyr eWsmBmBmBBmwa- 11 1 Phh e? n"r' H'IWW, t Wood Rer aad 0. F. Holllday o . -. -., )b oaflsasMM'WHh th UHMMHltTaiy ar iwh w .m OHimerclal Clukeammm. Uwoeklaa Ithe eheeee for dwtribaUoa. PaUeaa aA' e . rt .TTT'-IVT"- . k ' ... -. 2-? .wvw .ab.K;M - oews. BjBBJBf . BBfmf" I'J tWy of -: - -i-v. -----....- ,r j an. .1- ..".Sii .' p.ej; " ."l,l,o r't . .-.-. - -- ...... , -My..t.j 0' to'wmrariv7,7rci i 1 . Today " task nrJ..--ihAK " Ives . iii-ii1"" "i "TTT.nT. , ,4 ' M.. . -,w. ? 'SmU net.' " llff ema-A-gMf-mS dlsmm .k mlibk. v""""fTTT"l r ''"T W -M). ce ifiiK H'IWilavraS aaa la. .1 'atmsrar MVeS Lmaw mlnrrrl water will also bo sent for taa iwatm at booth. , AshortpfaeimailuwboMarraased Is whieh :Wto,.;faasarees f( Klamath eouaty.laalaassemythaasfromtks aasrmjH aav- imadofer a the lair to waar as 'T"; " j - .. .'( ' iw ..' ..wttl-aroMa.'aaweJi;S;sae Steamer Bums OS CaroHaas United Press 8ervlce WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct. 36. The Mallory 1laer Colorady la airs oB Cape Romalne, near Charleeton, 8. 0. The steamer Suwanne wlrelisand-Th crew abandened: tho burning ship aad aa unidentlled steamer rescued thorn. Tugs have gone to the nsslstanoV of the burning vessel. W, C. T. U. WW Meet I Tho W. 0, T. U. will meet Thursdsy at 1:10 o'clock at the koma of Mrs. B. 8. Qrtgsby, at Eleventh aad Bush streeU, In regular essskm. , iV HetHras Circuit JudgeOeorfsjNolaad waa strickea with heart laHare about 8 : 16 Sunday sjfterBOon, wkllo driving 'his auto, aad died before be could be brought to the city. for. nsedlcal asetst- aace. Judge Noland, with Mrs. Noland. Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt aad Mrs, No Innd's mother, started .on a drive to ward the Upper Lake shortly after noon, aad about throe miles oat oa the Algoma- road Mr. Noland became sick and stopped tbe car. He had Just gotten out of the car. whoa he fell over. Shortly after A. W, Walker of Medford, demonstrator of the. Kissel Kar, happened along, coming to town. aad Mr. Noland waa. placed ta his ear and taken to the hospital. Judge No- land waa dead before the city was. reached, aad, In fact, had loot eoa-i KLAMATH V" pf, r &"Wtf."4 BID 4 I M cmaruhbL . T TrAa& sarrnvTvauiw '4 . "'..Vei&.if'. CITY AT RAmCY astNW SVIOaAT - i.Jlt4mtCb-i T7 '1 Is probable that the,fuaeel will be held Wedneeday or ThnredeW'aad wIU be conducted, by the Maeoale Loss; of which'' the Judge waa aa, active member. The body will be removed to the Noland home. this afternoon. George Noland waa a'aatlve of Ore gon, being born la CrosweU, Lane county, on October 34, 1867, aad, waa 68 years old oa the day of his death. Hla father. Captain P. C. Notad, a veteran of the 'Mexican war aad tho Rogue River Indian war, came to Ore gon In 1863, after the "41!' days of California and wimproaUaeat ta tho early history of Orejaa. After: atteadlnx tho Laae'eoaatr schcoli.'Nolsad attended tho Uatror- r C Rlehards of tao.looal One of the. beaUturweddiage of the season oecurredsi tho homo of the brido'a mother. Mrs. Sadie Buteh- ias, oa Oak street, whoa Mies NeUie M. Hutchlas was Jotawd la heir wed- "jf lock with Mrs. Charles H. Rognca of Ashland, at I o'cJoek Saaday morhdag. Tho Impreaslvs ring eeraaaoay of, tho pleeepal ehareh waa read kras3. , x. leVW,kO fmmKsmw f .T-f. --, --a."k-, m ,z; Itmm'mr - . -- ...M. .. Ilslmns he mi 'eaassii sS'ltieali - hi lismmT rt.V5-'?- -Jtti-SCi' Wft?k imMimiMStM, ..iT.d.'t, -.-ti , crzvjr?'ri'tifr-7li-z 1 4A"f.liMft IV ;- WJ'AU-IMksMm: m amaMaW r v WtWSiXZ'i:KUtria:. AS (JMBWWIPI'i: 4 IIOUnLW-'lvwIflfL ",- ' Mkzsm '2sarxwi.fisw wtm; , -V .-- r -. w-SI SWSSssS?f ..1 .r:i4iSWJSJK r"K -.Tl. 1- I . , v " Bmwk SI sltyot Oiegon. aad gradaated la 1118 wh. the bridal .party wane the ixMieagria wedding sclousaees almost Immediate after tho attack, Dr. Merryman, who waa tho family physician, states that Judge Noland waa subject to heart trouble, and has had several attacks In the past year. Just before leaving homo, yesterday afternoon be had a alck spell, from whtob he apparently recovered. Al though urged by the. rest of tho party aot to go out, he Insisted oa driving tho oar, The, aows of the sudden death came as a shook to the entire community, and the sympathy of everyone la with Mrs. Noland. It was just about four years ago that the family suffered tho leas or their only son, Who died while at tho University of Oregoa, Neither tho Judge nor Mrs. Noland ever re covered from this Joas. No arrangements have heea perfect ed for the funeral yet, aa tho date will depend on the arrival of relatives. It with the degrees of Bachelor of Arm and Bachelor of Sciences. Ho took both scleatUe and. classical In, tho university, In, addition to being prominent la athletics, ho at the sametlse read law In tbe otlee of Judge Charles Fitch at Eugene, being adailttft to mo oar tne same year no grsauaosd from the university. V .After a year's pracUce In PrinevUle, Noland moved, to Astoria, aad prae tleed law there unUt 1907. whoa ho moved to Klamath Falls. Wall la Asteria: he waa appointed city aetor-, ney. aad waa elected for two sucoes stve terms, serving Ave aad a half years In all. - In September. 1908, Mr. Nolaad waa appointed circuit Judge of. this district to succeed Judge Beaioa, who' resigned to enter private practice. He occupied tho beach tor tho remainder of the term of two years. ' After: fosr years of private practice, he was asala appointed to the circuit beach to suc ceed Benson, who waa sleeted Jastlee of the suprsms beaeh, aad took ottos January 1, 1115; was played Impressivoly by MlMMwra fought cousia of tho hrioo.-" i The house deeoratkiaa were autasaa colore, tho bride sowaod In watt crepe de cheae earried while tloas. After tmm mfianiTii orate- weddlag' breakfast was served, The brMoVie a daughter ofhMrs.' Bull.' Unlikb. .-- -'IT' r- r r."!!S"r" rr -i ,w. e.. rsHgni. aaoguaior AKsna m vw tM a - KSSfSW A.J.?ivB WSfl Mm --.-i'-LIiaS "i saie spusji Sw'Ji' a toaehor of the eouaty. aad' is j' s Mrs. Young; who has been vtsltlai her ton la utagen vaney, retuniea her homo la Ornate Pass oa tl morulng'o local. LNaBJIIftrir Home tor the Winter. Louis Hoaglaad arrived homo Sat urday night, after speadlsg tho mat raer la Lakevlew la the employ, of the Southern Oregoa Auto osmsaay.. ' i"11 .....' , "it ! 1 S'mim rsJtaaasm. " AT BTfaBBJ tlBBBBBPBBBWO l, W, Hlaeks Is here ou ausiaeM rmUhHeute. -; lams aamber taM ba hrt par tae Si teemV: ae pretmWy aa eoeol -James TwfJlnaJawJafeTt CfUfaft'a1ila towa.oa buoisees tremOoatead. , . ,rf,a-r Jgiir ...'ii J u.r, awiiaw ,es iMhsiw, PLANS .i CfiMMITf IEAR Bl.ll. '. 1V.1 . ! .-.. A--A . ww uw vimii iu llotv. HO IllWili t First, there will be a short protprua of nn ln'finfhhlml 'MalWlasok - " -'- -- I payrolls.' rialws'SothW. nwe Falls." 'Nit,.Uwre';wm:.leoleaVhaaa of ;aa afotous a nature a w7 rrod - b.a ei a ' 1'A-m -Jl'tIptl IWthUTM. MEN ,K ;H,.:, ;. ( A 1 V .wtejaafc. " g'j:5,' P,r f -. fi - Av.u mm$ a ilVi' " -tW.W ""! 4. ? ilrrlr.V . Vlt,.i,ii .ir-'d :m , F7mmMm. ufSASi mWW IT faMSBSBv eraSg" SjaSaaj .PBEsfSJBB. ) smoker are rasMls'tekhH'aliaaaV L. T ! wesw . -Wf Wi FtaatteiB Rteraaa tseeee from aaa K Tha w4il ao eeeoral lenwsa to em- Jt ' '' -tertete,eho mrso erwwqtefTlimaeh v will be biaeiiVeot at'taht eatd 'WtUi-mivaJ aaW aotieed that mor rati saod Is about," mororaaSilmiM.'BtMmnwelAroA'aai , formal moottas of onto hand hhaa at a formal eae: Far ty wais hwo enesi 1 we-eajeotsisJUatsfiir;a)',:: eiereonoane ts a fif-O1 popular la ehareh and social The groom tea eoatraator at and the couple will make their there. The foHowIng -were, preseat, at' 'the ceremeny: Mrs., Sadie HnMhtas;the bride's' atothor. 'Mr,f sid Mrs. M1 Sut ton aad son Elmer. Mr. and MrtJoha Huteaina ana son, aisteasa. ;Mr,aa Mrs. A. M. Sutton iu aonan4.ens tor Jack and Dorothy, 'Mr. aad Mrs. W. E. Fasght. Mms Nra Fsaaht, Mrs. Myrta M. Kteherde, flora Mntoa taw, Charles Faugut, Mies Ida Mrs. R. AND w&AaSYam 111 III II flf ! ! ill llll in 1 T -. .. -f-' -v , .-Nv.,. !:? t T rjT ' r.iii'- auiteBnrdear.? Wisotattamt f tt .nma-Mt ooof tW meet u,,l,,l,ltrtBlei,..: : klil;tt'tMr:kMlt.ir .m -. rtt:.TiTjrvfvv,.r,7r.7T :w- .i' i drsd soon woroiriiiBt.msAoahoo- I to of all kinds 8Ud tho sohsmt haumailM ' WTT,V J?J , fcTitf's.S.. A'tWTAtrfXSf r'T1JArr-tftf1i ; JUnite;aaWw;-oW t':h:premteVMte7M.Me;; ofteebisn-srhsolla.JomsedtheM fmaMiK. school ehara"3:aje :-S1fi aMrH';teth':BlMr;ef,tSA' tiiii.'..fei ..n .uii o. '!,.. -,-- .-j5 v,-if ,t",ywlf4 ec.twoaiyraeo 4 A: :r 1 ii-.i -,L '.' I iKCi i-wwifi nmosBBSB -v. of. -. ji.ti.'i iri"?.2ir'ki- i-j'WiV,-:. of keea eatoBfcssui'v'?4'!,-?W'".'- ;v'li4lc ..SsTWsnX suvsmanarn ranor IT-SnnwmmSmMBHHn andT'iV .TZi5ATSTfr,.ilL ' .'"ir J fmwa;,ooanByiBaowem:hiara'snarfe;: ,Ai visitors. thetsieuHure-.nifhlsv: T Vlin. f IVUI '-llgwf lllkilafm ;nlBTm'vBrmHaBnrnnMnrannnT . BanVarnnW':-'sJnT.!8gl:.nm CV:' '111 : 'IsNnnl araHK"'D !&'TBBXi wewHHKdaefJereTenwmmnl ','-" -v'." -j .'Jl .'-... .., ,. 1,:.. i rmwrw- gU HAnunnunuuBenumnW rannnf onsmBnanv AmBWnnssnV,,sm .?,y:LK--Z?Zi,,.77rtf,, ,i, Ssm i Tt,j.s.- ,...;." "- ";t,-(iWvW. J.'T , I big.;; K kiMauai.inoy wore huraoi asnismnt cAnonel omnunsn ' aW auunam 'aWtnunanansI WVW rawW JB fafeW IPa-refffJJjel oUM''' ofont Itennt iSammnnmntmnl l""""' fSJS fBBBBamnmmmBj iPBVBBBBMesjBa .te.Si. btVNI i VaHk.MMHBsM owSBBBi "JBBBBJBBj'nwBJBBt flK'P 1 (S1 .1 -re ifj"rrrrrrw- ; f .rVWiS V yi a :"', " n AN- ', (k.i'' . ' ' V' jfct..mAA,,