. r vr s. v 'KS T a ft t ' Tt 5. V 3 P h is. 3 1 . I Pi" Yk.l'i . 4 -fW .-V m.r --t,v ,j iS1 s-, &A'm i ImtfiQisaieiiUis. .i. . FOE RENT 1L i K NICELY rnrmJehed ifutMh at theTh Herald Onto Ksw, Klamath. Mar Mxta IV YOU WANT saat, clean room, aU at Rice' place. Sit Mate, t-tt fURNItHBD ROOMS aid light house keeping room at the Crawford, ta Kelesy Mock, 631 Mala -lm FOR RENT Modern, 7-room house, fall cement basement aad garage, fully furnished; hot waiter heat; hjr draalic vacuum cleaner. 716 Jeter on street, four block from Main. Immediate possession. Apply to Her- : D. dale. -8t FOR RENT Sunny room. heat, hot aad cold water, at the. Clairmoat, 4th and Pine. SO-tt FOR SALE FOR SALE Team, weighing 1.400. 5 aad e yeafa old; wagon and bar aeaa for aale cheap. Inquire at Her at eato, l-f MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Kreryone to know where te get gnaranteed cleaning aad pressing done, day or night. W. H. Batler Co., te5 Main street. Phone 174-J. IMt WANTED To bay second-hand Ford, ainat be In good condition and the priee right Apply to Clark, Klamath Dye Works. PROFESSIONAL CARDS W0000000 CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. ABSTRACTS INSURANCE Members Oregon Association Title Men FRED B. HURD WATCHMAKER and JKWKLKU Watch aad Jewelry repairing; of alt kinds promptly done. Highest prices paid for old gold aad silver. We guarantee first class service and aeUdt a share of your patronage. SS MAIN ST PHOXB S74J OU StoT Made New Now is the time to get ost yonr M heaters and have new linings made. No need to bay new store. We can Ax yonr old one as good as new. Our charges are very mod erate. Pftdo, Pfk ft Lorcnz 70S Main St How's Your Roof? ' FIE IV WMU.R TJUC SUN SMINR8 W. D. MILLER oca all kted of rooaa aa4 con crete work Walnut and th. PboMSwS Bbcb Are Cheaper mm Staks, r cord $240 Feyten'a big block weed, card, $2.00 Yen save 50e every time you buy a lead of blocks; but more than than that, the blecka are cleaner atas nicer to handle; leas trash and mere htai KLAMATH FUEL CO. O. PBYTON, CTflM UFAflAPUr sruiwuMiuiunuiii., m NEURALGIA 1&1t-J: , . IWrf..,'W ..... . QHttJs ! ' sgT.e.aajwi AWBbBV.t Jg?..-.f jrenr head aad raUev K JBWMW WsvfUm wita a vr, r. .eta aet' almert ! en M ike drug store at hetame ef the head ad pain. Stop" suffer M'tBssere yvu get what t, -..: ?'- saaj a ' Ja K-' NaWfeMaaBe leMef ' - esls.tmd.iaii The Evening Herald wTo. SMITH Editor Published daily eicept tSundsy by j Publishing Qompaay of Klamath Falls, at 116 fourth Street Kattred at tbe pcetonce al Klam ath Palla, Oregon, for traasmtsstoa through the valla a aecoad-clasi attar. Subscription teraia by mall to aay addreaa In the Ualted State: One year .... T. 15 00 One month 60 KLAMATH FALLS. OKKtiON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 191S .D STOP AT KI.AMATH FALLH What the War Moves Mean By J. W. T. MASON (Written tor the United Press) NEW YORK. Oct. 22. Amid con- jtradictory reports It is not yet appar eat that the central allies are beating tho Serbs. They have taken points here and there, but the main Serbian defensive has not been taken. nwXlK-illu&H Outwardly, their most important',. l'.J', """ "" '"""-" "- t.- t- .1... ... , - L iviur i iub caiuure oi vrama. uy which tbe Nlsh railroad Is cut. But that place is 150 miles north of Sa lonika, and If the allies' relief expedi tion reaches aa far in Serbia aa that, cutting of the railway will make no difference. The Austro-Germans have aban- donen tbe Save and Drina offensives auu are concentrating on a norcneast- em Danube offensive, a change of plans due to the pressing need of ef fecting a Junction with the Bulgarians and assuring a inglev railway to Tur key. The allies' advance in Bulgaria does not yet threaten this railway, but both sides are preparing to race forlt The Bulgarian Invasion of Mace donia la progressing more favorably than elsewhere, but thus far consti tutes so serious menace. It is open to a dangerous attack from the allies, now holding Strumnitza. for which probably a light mobile force is pen etrating along the Istip line. From the standpoint of reinforce ments for the Turks, the situation at present is more encouraging to the entente allies than to the central allies.' WILLIS COMPANY WINS FIFTH TIME AFTER FIVE CASES IN COURT. WILLIS FURNITURE COMPANY GETS JUDGMENT FOR FIRE MMM FROM INSURANCE CO. The Willis Furniture company of this city has Anally received Judgment for a fire loss sustained at Lnkeview. February 5, 1912, after Ave cases in court. The amount Involved was an insurance policy for $6,000. At the time of the fire Willis Fur niture company had two store, one at Lakcvlew and one at Klamath Falls. B. R. Willis and hi father were the owners of both store. The fire insurance company appealed the decision of the first suit on the ground that the fire waa of incendiary origin, and that Mr, WI.1II had exaggerated tbe fire loss. He waa proved inno cent of all charges against him. Two more times did the Insurance i company appeal tbe courts' verdict in favor of the furniture company, but on Tuesday of this week the matter was finally, settled in tbe Supreme court. Rutenlc A Kent of Klamath Fall and W. Lair Thompson of Lake- view represented the, furniture com pany. A FULL LINE This agency make a specialty ef fire,- life, aceldtnt, liability, burglary and ether Insurance, surety benak. lean, rental, ctty and country eree- rty ef all kind. Have the equipment and the help that guarantees rempt ana annum aerviee. No trouble to iiswea euoetlon. Chllcote. 6M Main street, Phene . l 0beerrbe!fer the Herald, SO ceaU CRIPPLE MURDER PUZZLES PDLICE K.lKItT 8AYB 8LAYKK WAS SUB NORMAL AND 8KVKRKD HEAD OP CRIPI'LK IN COLD BDOOD. WILL I1K AHRAIGNKD liATKR ' Uulted Press Service j SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. JS. -The 'police are attempting to unravel the unsolved problems of the murder of Itbo love-mad cripple Wednesday, who was beheaded by the woman with jwhom he was Infatuated. The pres icQce of a new trunk at the Pamiea' I flat caused the belief that It waa tho 'woman's Intention to hide the body Experts differ as to the woman s (mentality. One holds her as a sub normal, and contends that she com mltted tho murder in cold blood. She will not be arraigned for a week. Teats will be made as to her men tality. WW's Back? !' Back Dearest Public You needn't hurry. I've cot five dollars now. Have jou seen my diamond stock? You ort to hare one, Bertha. Better have your umbrella recover ed before it rains. ! w. Wo put the Bar in Bargains. We can put ticks in your watch, either females or singers. , The "Etruscon" pattern In sterling silver table ware. Complete stock of French Ivory. I livo at 511 Main street. New Stock nf hnnri.nalntori Phlns ; wlth catchy prices. Sun !.. for ithr vi.. - simmer for any son-of-a-gun. Why is a tick? It's something for a comfort to lay on. Say. Remnant, don't you forget to see my diamond. Community Silver and 1847 Rogers in fine plated ware. I love you, and you can't help your self. Halp! Halp! McHattan. Expect Verdict Next Week United Press Service ROME, Oct. 22 It is expected that the trial of Porter Charlton, the American charged with the murder of his wife at Lake Como, will resume today. The Illness of' Picardlel, Charlton's attorney, interrupted the trial. It Is believed that no further delay will be permitted. A verdict is expected next week. Strayed Strayed to my house a black water spaniel pup. Owner may have same by paying expenses. R. C. Mehaffey, NOTICE There are fund in the city treas ury for the redemption of bond No. 35, series A, and bonds No. 1S7, 118, series B. Interest cease on above bonds November 1, 1915. Dated at Klamath Falls, Ore., this 19th day or October, 1016. J. W. SIEMENS. City Treasurer. 19-6t Sj? 0 Everybody Knows that it' (alee economy to buy rhcup tooh aad cheap hardware. Why not buy the BRST4t may cost trite more, bet R pays In tbe long rem. The faithfal service of our unexcelled hardware le ooaXUi uously bringing na llfe-kmc ow- tomera. We want YOU to gate W liial und become m MKHJIiAll CUHTOMER. ReberUiHaak &gmx THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH ! e LATK HULLKTINH New York On tuo naloa Bethle hem steel common advanced 70 and 78 points, and la now selling at 699 J Portland The body of tho man who committed suicide by hanging was found to be that of Lloyd W. Chick of Oakland. Ho Iind been de spondent the last few dn. Washington, D. C. Turkey has re vised America hat Turkey Is uunblo to comply with the request of the Armenian relief committee to releaso the Armenian. ' Washington, D. C. The president has officially proclaimed November 25th aa Thanksaivlne I)nv. Tho uroc- . . .' . " . " .r inmiuion inenuonea a year oi pvavv. In which the friendship of the powers was retained aa one of tho causes for thanksgiving. New York Fifty were Injured when the Lackawanna railroads ferry Netherlands collided with n pier head in the fog. Autos nqd wagons on the lower decK were heaped togomer ana horses trampled passengers. London It has been learned that 400,000 British and French troops are going to help tho Serbians and In vade Turkey and Bulgaria. Thin de cision waa reached In n conference between the French minister of war, Miller, and tho British cabinet's com mittee. London It Is reported that the Bulgarians have recaptured Vranla. Berlin It Is announced that tho German division In tho Styr region Is In retreat, hut counter attacks are progressing, Go No Further The Evidence Is at Your Dour Klamath Falls proof Is what you want and the statement of this highly respected resident will banish all deubt: N. Marchand. Warden ave., Klam ath Falls, says: "I was obliged to got up many times at night to pass the kidney secretions. Often my back was so weak I had to quit work. Doan'a Kidney Pill restored my kid neys to a normal condition, and re moved the palna in my back." Price 50c, at all dealer. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Marchand had. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Price 50c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Spencer had. Foster-Mllburn Co., props., Buffalo, N. Y. (Paid Advertisement) BIG EATERS GET KIDNEY TROUBLE 1AKE SALTS AT FIRST SIGN OF BLADDER TROUBLE OR BACKACHE The American men and women must guard constantly against Kid- u; uuuuiv, uvuuw we u uw uueni nnH nil miP tniA lm elfa Tfi Klwui a www a ewM aee Viwu is filled with uric acid which the kid- .a. at. a. neys strive to filter out, they weaken from overwork, become lulhi the ellminative tissues clog and tbe re- aitU la VMn .nl.1 Kl... .-l- " ' ""'" " , ' umm aa fvuvini uweaevw sa mvmiui When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; jour back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment or ou are obliged to seek relief two or three times during tbe night; if you suffer with sick headache or dlwy. nervous spells, add stomach, or you' have rheumatism when the weather In bad, get from your pharmacist about I four ounces of Jad Salts; take a table-' spoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days, and your kidneys will then act fine. This fa mous ealts la mode from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithla, and has been used for gen erations to nusn and stimulate clog ged kidneys; to neutralise the acids in tbe urine so it no longer is a source of Irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts I Inexpensive; cannot in ure, makes a delightful effervescent lithla water beverage, belong la every home, because nobody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any tme. Adv, Klamath Falls Athletic Club Sow okmi for Member. Inquire at PAVILION for Members!) fa FALLS, OREGON 1 YET FOR MEXICO e.tim.v..v Tiioiwaii itKrooNi. KB. WILL UK "CIIIKK KXKL'l'. TIVK" IX OHDKU TO QUALIFY FOR (IKNKItAli KliKCTIONH United Press Service WASHINGTON, D, C. Ort. 22. Although Cnrrnnxn has been recog- sited, Mexico will not have a presi dent for a year. Cnrrantn will re main tho "chief executlvo," In order that he may quality as a t-andldnto tor the presidency at the general elec tions. If the conqueror assumed tho tlttc of "provisional president" ho would be dUqualllled for tho candidacy. PLAN BIG GUNS FOR WEST COAST FORTS TO (1 LISTEN WITH SIX TKK.NMNCH CANNON, ACCORD INO TO ARMY DEFENSE PRO GRAM WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct. 22.- The army defense program has been officially announced. Tho Pacific coast forts will glisten with big guns, ir tho Installation of tho founteen nnd sixteen Inch guns no provided, ac cording to present plans. Tho army board plans to enlargo Fort McArtlmr and San Pedro will be recommended to congress. The addi tion of sixteen Inch guns to San Fran Cisco Is proposed. SAGE TEA OANDY TO DARKEN HAIR IT'S GRANDMOTHER'S RECIPE TO BRING BACK COLOR ANND LUS THE TO HAIR You' can turn gray, faded hair beautifully dark and lustrous almost over night If you'll set a 60-cent bot tle or "Wyeth'a Sage aad Sulphur Hair Remedy" at any drug store. Million of bottles of this old, famous Sage Tea recipe are sold annually, say a wall known drugglat here, be cause It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell It has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray, becoming faded, dry, scraggly sad thin, have a surprise awaiting tkam, because after one or two applications the gray hair vanishes and yonr leaks become luxuriantly dark and beauti ful all dandruff goes, scalp Itoalag L n f1nf ha,r Thla U th& n..K riu- . mw w u Italrawl """" unattractive folks aren't l niliArl flPAlinrf 1A BA Veama aaetAW Wyeth., 8 ; g,," 'nuil ,,. , , ht ij5 ,Ifflrk hfltl(,.ftm. u.,!. '..JST ---" . .. wu, UUU1- fl appearance within a fsw day (I'alil AdvqrtlMmentl Black Shells Get the Ducks 12 Gtuge Smokeless Chilled Shells 70c DuPont Powder Ballistite Powder Everything inJGun and Ammunition BALDWIN PRESIDE!! Hardware Co. WAR RECRUITERS MAY STAND TRIAL OFriCKIIM WHO r.NMHTKD AMKIU ItWXS 'H SKHVi: IN' ItltlTIHII AIIMY IIKI.D FOHTIMAIj IN HAN I'lUXCISCO t nlted I'reKH Service SAN KUANCI8CO, Oct. 22,--Argument wore henrd In Juilgo Doollug'n rourt which will result In tho holding for trial of live men licensed of violat ing the neutrality tit tho United Btntu by recruiting mon in San Francisco1 tor Hcnlco In the Ilrltlsli nrmy, or! Ilielr release. j The iircuiied mon nru ttulpli IC.i lllnlr;Jr. Thoman Addlx, who tino & IILitr; Dr. Thomas AiMIh, who gave recruits the needed physical examina tion; Harry (1. Uino, chief "Held agent"; Kenneth Croft, n rworvp lieutenant In the British nrmy, nnd Cllvo 1). Inwrenco, another "fllelri agent" GREAT WOMEN TO CONVENE AT FAIR lulled 1'reiu Service , BAN FRANCISCO, Ocl. 22.-Wo. men of national and International ' prominence will attend tho congrons of womon hero November 1st. Mlu Margirot Wilson, daughter of the prenldent, is expected to attend. Prln-1 cesN Patricia, daughter of the Duko nf Cnunaiigtit, governor gouornt of Canada, may bo here also. S J Tho congress will bo presided over by Lady Abordecu. president of the! International Council of Woinou, iiud' author of many books. Lady Aber deen In one of tho foromost leaders of tho feminist movement in tho world. Many brilliant social affairs aro planned for the ilUtlngulxhed visitor. GOING HUNTING? Rent-youf GM, Boots and Hunting Coat from Klamath Sportsmen's Store tii(,HM RouikU Ni:W Atnmualtlon. Special This Week Peters 12-Guage Shells. 70c VEGHTE. . HE HAS SEE Quick and Reliable Service Freight, baggage or passsngtr. Equipped with auto buie and auto trucks. Meat all trains and beats. Day or night ssrvlc. Western Transfer Co. Phene: Office, 117; Rtildsnce, 2W-II. IT'S AS SIMPLE AS A. B. C. To open and conduct an account Ntlth this bunk. Our service, facll lllos and resources all combine to make a banking connection hero liolh mutter of safety and con wnlrnce. We welcome small nc counts 8 woll as largo ones. Olad lo give you nny Information about opening one. FIRST STATE M KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON The Latest Kodak The new folding 2a Brownie It's AUTOGRAPHIC and the price only $g.oo nun r-: HLAflATHTALlaS OpWOONWif w NIIIIAV, OUnillKR "".llll Just r.c.lvtd tome ueoTdltTr" lets. Se Chllcote. " " Mft 1 1 HINTS ON EYESIGHT If sii lumt fieummt litmUchM j which tni'dlcliiex do not euro; If i eu iiminiii anjeiu more (or Ictw) rleiuly, or inert to hold printed mntlor nearer tu or fur. tlior (unit the tijo tlmn formerly, or need more light, If yo j,lvJ nbwnoil nny of tlu-n.) tliliiKt, your tilglit iicdiIh tlin aid of correctly minuted kIiibhoh o nnn n, w, hi proncro It. Acrurnlely lltlert kIouci in only pcHlblo when the night hit la en Mrlontlncitlly touted. v't lin vwry facility for doing (hit nnd exorcise tlio grcnlcit c&rc, to Hint jou may reclo tho ulmoit benefit from enrln kIiiici. offer jou iircurnto tttik. J. WINTERS ""- "nirvirwmjmj FRED'S TAMALES arc Made Fresh Every Day AT THE PARLOR 121 No. Sixth Street IT SAVINGS BANK E LrONU We H. WWVW UflaaHlfl BBpBBBpWaannE4llsi ufflfl r jnjSBSjVaaaBjagiiggajBjaaajajnjMBjppjBfjauV BSSSSSSSSSSaUjcSJ BBBUR?jflBBBn STI 111 "1 SSBBBBBBBBBsl I I I I DsHssW 'TmBlJJMKm IIbbBbbVBVbIbbbbbI llneBBBBBBBBBBBBB! i i DhainiaVV , I W,MH an i m -J n . . W i w; .i;,.w.J& vj - a 'aassis. fir : snnwi""- AV.A &W fU l. '"- 'MK ... -- .if'. 1 A ? th. WjK