i, "ibv'?3,--!&V m flAMATH FALLS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER irtthYwr-X".".""' Situation Is Tense on Mexican Border Over Brigandage . . '""' Germans Execute English Woman; Britons White Hot PEACE TALK IS SILENCED: WAGE WAR TO FINISH IMKHICiN OFFICIAL CIKCLKtf, ()IIIIIFIi:it AT I)KKI Kdlth Cavell Dies at Brussels , Hand of Teutons fur aiding Woaaded Enemies of Teuton. Kagluli lUge and Horror Affects i War Sentiment. Mom llrUk. Enlistments An t'nliMl J'rcut Si'tvke LONDON, Oct 22. Urltlah rago and horror or Hie cxocutloii of Kdltli Cao!l, nn IImkIUIi woman, executed y the Mcminn nt Brussels on (he tbirfe of aiding Germany's enemies, protnlicn in nrf(ct war sentiment. Enllilmonu are mora brisk and all Ulk of iii him boon silenced. The woman's oxocutloa crystallised Ide wnilmeiii to wage tho war tn the titter enil, Tli horror nf It won not modified I))- tho fnct that the kalter pardoned other women sentenced tn doith on similar charge of aiding the wounded enemies of Oormany. United Press ticrvlco WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 22. Official circles arc shocked over tho execution of Kdltli Cavol by tho Hermann,. ,o public comment has len mnde but officials privately de I'lorcd the deed. They are ready to forward nny presentation- that Eng land desire 10 make through Amer ica. fnlltd I'reHH Service NEW VOHK, Oct. 22. Herman lldder mild regarding the Cavell ei wutlon, "it In n torrlble thing. U houldn't ho tieccssarx. to execute a foroan under any clrcumaUnces." NATURAL BATHS FOR BALL TEAM W HIMH.NUH HACK OF MODOC HARK PHOVH GODSEND TO THK HWH HCHOOL DOYS GAM11 WITH ASHLAND TODAY The Klamath high school boys may lack omo equipment needed for ath tic dovolopmont, but In on way no football toam la bleaaed as li prob ly no other team la the Ute. 'tbty we hot water-n utter cejUr Woro nnd afur a game-without ihe wther of heating It. 'Mt behind th hall park, whare uoys go to dress, are hot springs, he water bubble! out of the Ta emlng. Tho membera.of the team aP their towaia i ku .,. ,.. ve, treat "charter horae," hr'utoe, -., atier the gaase, without any bother to anyone. thJl1.'8 u,tornm the boye are play " tho Ashland team at Megee Park. ,B"? Ahwo boys arrived laat aight, fo. rM,e not M nai th"Ma. 'ootballera, they are eeMlaeratly ow husky than tat loeal boys. Tha nwinea, Mea'e iaaoewtleti dKlde t to close butlaeftt aouaM this af- WILL OBSERVE 3tlj MVMA f vvAvViNwwMMMMWWMaMWM SERB RESISTANCE STRONG. BUT AID WTCHESOOlRianH teutons lose muhio i.v clash with skhhs jltesWUnce of Opproel Country Mac- iilllrent. llepulm Teuton, on the .Northern Frontier, Greni Ikmuc In Will Army of lOO.tMM l-'remli mikI HritUli Come In Time. Bill gnrtana Report Important fnpliirc. fit!, it I'lx-M '' ' ATIIUNH, Oct. 22. Mali wire that tho PcrblaiiH have repulsed tint Aus-tro-Gcrmans on the northern fron tier nf Serbia. The Teutons loHt Oil, 000. Tho Herblnn premier I'asltoh Mild If sufficient help from tho nlllcs arrived soon, ultimate victory U Hiiro. Will It arrive In tlmo1 to be of old to Serbia. hnrrniiHcd on three Hides by her Teuton nnd Bulgarian enomleu, U perhaps the greatest lx suo at present of tho wnr A leport was received todiy Hint nn nnny of 400,000 French and tlrltUli troops aro on the way to nld herb hv ai id checkmnto the Ionian march toward Constantinople. With this knowledge ,m """ "' "'" """" y " iiaiKniiH, w,mcu una " moment tho very hot-bod of ho wnr. Sorbin Ik making i nmgnlOcont re- sisiivnco nun rfiiiiB mo " C0.00O of her Teuton enemies. Tho present Issue Is whether the Salon- Ika railway can he Kept opon 'r . allied troops and that they como lnjwar time to prevent tno icuion sieaui roller from crushing nnd blotting out Serbia and progressing on to Con-i stantlnople. BKRLIN, Oct. 22. It Jh nnnotiiicod that tho Bulgarians hivo occupied Kumaiiovo midway between Serbia's eastern and western frontier on tho 'toad eonnecflng tho NUh-Snlonlka line. It It announced that tho nn - varlans repuisou tno hubbiuuh m m Jtiorthenst and southeast of Bnian voltchl and captured 2,000 men. LOSE IN WEST; GAIN IN EAST GKHMANH IIKPULHKD IIV FHKNCH ON WKOTKRN FRONT. HUT WITH AUSTRIAN'S, DKKKAT THK RUSSIANS IN GAL1CIA United Press Service PARIS, Oct. 22. According to tho ofllclal communique, tho German at tacks southwest of Fort Olvenchy have been repulsod. The French re pulsed tho Germans at Boucher. Ar tillery and mines destroyed tho Ger man post st Argonne. French aeroplanes bombarded the nnm aviation farm at Ounel. "" "- w ' VIENNA, Oct. 28,It Is announc. M ii.t a battle between the Austria... and the Serbians is raging to meiis bwi ... v- "!' "' ," !!i,.It or caaardorysk. The Teu- storms, whether or not they mean un- toa forces repulsed the Russians to the southeast of Kullkevlc near ko- vealskslntek. Thirteen hundred were captured. Tha Austrian occupied abac, aaa "DRESS-UP-WEEK" OCTOBER 25th TO 30th. FORGET YOUR GROUCH AND S03B&M lEtmtfnQ' Iterate KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1915 Genius Behind Allied Drive ,,,, Joffll,t l0 H(,W,y llttl Rreul mnl, of Fra1lec. a8 lho com-L mnncr In chief of the French armies.) , n tno genius mm pinnneu mm ci- iled out tho terrific French drive in 10 ChnmnnBno district. The success ()f ,,, t,rlvo na llot yct bM!n mado known to tho woriu, oui corresponu wrlo tnnt lt r08U,ted In what WB lirobobly tho greatest victory of the nlllos since the beginning of the , OUCK SHOOTING 'JOx GUIFFITH RKMK.MIIKR.S FRIENDS WITH SHIPMENTS OF BIRDS. UNSETTLED WEATHER (.MUSKS NORTHERN FLIGHT Duck shooting, according to all in dications, is Improving, Yesterday a numbor of tho friends of John Griffith, of tho Knglo Bldge TaV cm, received shipments of he birds from him, and today many fam ilies aro having duck dinner. Ills shipments consisted of ducks of all kinds, form mallards to youug nnd tender tonl, All of them wcro shot around Kagie uiago, me famous resort on tho upper lake. Of course, Mr, Clrlfflth knows the reeular cau.ntng place of every duck la Klamath county, and he can get good Bhootlug when uo ono else can. nut nevertheless, the birds are becoming plentiful enough that less skillful sportsmen can take good bags. The unsettlod woather of the past fow days la bringing tno norm. i ,.,-. iH and several parwes planning duck hunts for Sunday. A storm Is expecedyh. ume ,t ploasantrles, mean tho best of shoot ing. , . , Geese, too, ae passing every sight, and they will begin to draw the la terest of Klamath sportsman In a few' days. " j-rtirf'.-i i uej jl -.fc.aii t BSnBBBBa k,""5 r e4sjHBBBBBBBBaWiat ' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV 3-1'' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnV JB .'"'I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrBBTSr -7a BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsIfllLLl BBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgBBM bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvJt V ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM-v-" annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnW ? i fc bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWS? M inPNf'tafygannnnnci l- 'Sl M', eBBBBBal'ti K'.BaBBBBBBWMfvI V'v&Pq sKIibbbbbbbbbbbbW' r 77ajB',p,iMMHiv3B MUCH IMPROVED CLUB (DARTERS SCENE OF MESS! HAY, IIOAKDH XD IIOXEH GOV- i:hki) KiiOon or i:k.htwhiik TIDV COJIMKHCIAI; (l,l!IJ UOOM. IXKirr IM).H OVI'.ltAI.LH ' The Commercial Club rooms look llko the scene of" it Franco-Gcrmnn battlefield these day-H. Tho usually uent uud tidy roomB with comfortable clinlrs for euests, and tempting piles of nple In the wlndolwB, have be- conio n shambles, with hay, boxes, nnd boards all over the floor. But If unyono wants to see the desolation they have to moveTqulckly, for today Kred ' Fleet donned bis overalls and flu'Ruji to clean up the mess. Tho explanation of nil the disorder is simply that shipments of products uro being mnde to the various fairs In tho Northwest. The, farmers have boon particularly active bringing In prlxo examples of grains;, grasses, etc., and these are being seiit' to the Portland Manufacturers and Land Product Show. This explains the hay on the floor. The boxes nnd boards ore used to ship tho products. Besides this,- the Klamath Booth will receive new products for Klamcth Day. ml KlamnUl coplo would recognize etnb,ea outsiders might think anything, for In size they In the piles of hay are other things resombIo no possible vegeUble. TUanc turnps bIg beeUf B k,Bd( or Bnn,en product8 aro wa,ttag to b. gome th lii nvlillift trlndnua trrm wt Ihav batf l0 b, mored a few day. ago, , , Kamnth took the sween- utntpa n, tll ,,nrtlnnl, Bh,.nl, wlh .H1 ..w .-w . v. ..... .., v.MH n 'this year's exhibit, according to offl clnls, she ought to repeat the triumph. Mrs. Pu m Ins Cof esses (lloiiilil Speiinl Service) SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 22 Broken under the third degree examination, Mrs. Pamlas this afternoon confessed to tho police that she slew Welnstoln In cold blood. Slio said her love for her husband, and the fear that Weln stoln would toll htm of their In timacy prompted her deed. I rel hWEEK WILL OmaALLY OR8RRVED IN; KLAMATH FALLS - October 25 te 30 t4f 9 bbbbbbbI nw Cpaj7 1 Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Dress-Up Week WWWWWWWWWWWWWMMWWWWWWIWWI Dr. Shaw, Leader Suffrage Movement s..- Dr. Anna Howard Shaw has indi cated in a recent interview-' that the buffragtsts will abandon state fights. vj the resnft of their defeat in New Jersey, but will devote all thelf en eiples toward the passing of the con- Wutional amendment Deer Hunters. L. N. Bollu, E. 13. Mehaffey and "Uuck" Goodell, properly equipped, left enrly this morning for the "tall and uncut." Bolln said he didn't enro so much whether he got a buck or not, but that he didn't seo' any sense In being burdened with am munition for fun. They will be gone about ten days. Merrill Visitor Here. W. O. Daniels Is here on business from Merrill. CONTEST FEATURE CLASSIFICATION IS MADE FOR WINDOW DECORATIONS FOR THK OPENING MONDAY OF DltKSS-UP WEEK The window trimming contest will mark the opening of Dress-Up Week and will probably be held Monday evening. At that time the people of the entire city will have an easy op portunity to view the very latest styles In men's and women's wear ing apparel, as well as the choice goods bandied by other merchants, ns practically every store tn the city has agreed' to make special efforts to nrrange attractive window displays of their goods. v. A dance on the pavement is plan ned during the evening, and some ot the stores will be open for the enter tainment ot their friends. No goods nre to be sold by these merchants during the evening, however. Blue ribbons are to be given as prizes for the best dressed windows In tho following class tlcatleas: Best general decoration exemplify' Ing 'the spirit of Dress-Up Week; beet individual window, women's apparel, women's suits and coats, drygoods, millinery, 'men's furnishings, men's suits aad overcoats, shoes. Jewelry. hardware, furniture, drags aad sta tionery, groceries and eoafecuoaery. C. F. Hall is a Dairy. vJeUorfrom 1 mfmsssjessBS& A gBBBBBBBBBBBlBBK,C?9BS9l '-''i BBBBBBBBBBJeWf'i-iiaWlHl BBBJBjgr hi ?ilj ' bbbbHI 'HhW 1 11 it?. aBBBalP mt tUit M ? i BBBBBBUBMF'T' Al'JHHM " i "bBBmTv & xfiWBM i ll fri?l- ' V9bbbbbbbb1 ' , b4 VUL Jf'! iMBBBBBBBBBBBBi '& -Te " bbbFbbbbbbbbbI a WINDOW DRESSIN6 COMMERCE CLUB PLANS CAMPAIGN : ' FOR BIG PAYROLL WAXT HALF MILLION MONTHLY FOK KLAMATH FALLS L. Jacobs Outlines Tentative PUnn. Says Raw Products, Water Power, and New Railroads Factors la Feas-i Ibility or Project All Prodaruj Could be Utilized United Effort Needed to Bring Factories. f ) A half million monthly payroll for Klamath Falls Is the end In view of a campaign that the Klamath Falls . i .v. ... ..-.-.-..i,- i. Commercial Club wIM jertaka to t h tifnr future. Dlrpctors of thD i u 1 ,.o-flmerc. .u '- " 1 r3fL M -JSLy TL. - sreat resources of Klamatn couaty. r iiraoer ana raw yruuaci tn ui.r kinds, as well as the unlimited water power available. Klamath Falls nboiild be the manufacturing' center hetneen San Francisco and Portland. The railroad news was the last fae- rtvr in persuading Commercial Club officials. to undertake the campaign. I.. Jacobs outlined last evening Oiat factories in particular were piactlcal for Klamath. Falls. Cloth milk., to utilize the wool output, were among those prominently mentioned. These could be ot three kinds cloth mills, woolen mills, spinning milk), and woolen knitting mills. To utilize some of the timber resources, factor ies manufacturing sash and doors for eastern shipments, wooden palls and tubs, paper pulp, etc., are feasible. Ihe agricultural products should bo utilised by sugar beet factories, a packing plant to supply eosiern mar kets with all kinds of canned meats, glue, fertilizers, etc., a cheese fac tory and a condensed milk plant. "Now we are shipping raw products to other places, and other cities havu (the big pay rolls," said Mr. Jacobs. ''What we Intend to secure Is the pay roll for Klamath Falls, and ship, in stead of raw products, finished pro ducts. That means more money for producers and more money tor Klam ath Falls. The farmers would thus be sure of a good" market for their products. A big pay roll will make Klamath Falls what we want to see tt the big city between San Fran cisco and Portland. We have the wa ter power here we have the raw products; all we need Is united ef fort." LAND IN OREGON TO BE PLOTTED Fred Mensch, United States surveyor, aad party ot Ive men have been actively eagaged througheat tha Southern part ot the states raaamg surveys and making plots at aM leads subject to flling purposes. Mr, Mensch aad party have reseat ly been working la the vteiaity of Crescent, where two. kUwashlps were completed, getog from there to Warner vaUes. ' ,, ; Their aext"Wera will he to get a complete sarvejr el 'Qeoflalaad, which to situated .aaaae dletaaee north of Keae, ,aad veeesprUes ' about forty. acres" Tats work veriles. the laaji FssW"eT aHsFVvad WHfWm v pvHnaaMS; dBF Pesaaaajejea in'CMffe of ..; 'mzwmte KLAMATH COUNTY'S OKKICIAL NEWSPAI'tiK Pries, Five CITIZENS PLAN REPRISALS FOR BANDITS' RAID IU. TAKE IT OCT OF THE GREASERS," IS THREAT Mexlcaaa Recimit Troops aad Wait at Border for Opportuaity to Pla Aaiertcaas Citizens Hold Meetlag Secretly- RegfaMasa of Troops Seat Civil Oaicera Hardly Able to Restrain Enraged CMaeM. BROWNSVILLE. Oct.. 22. One hundred citizens have announced at " " instance of banditry on the American side they will cross tte border take ara " ThA iltttln In ratiaa maTlll i itary and -C,Y offlcer8 titAiM iM ,t ' t "t to restrain the cltlae'na . craAother raid ." -w " -w-ifW A secret mass meeting was held this afternoon. The purpose" la un known, but It Is suspected plans were made to make reprisals for recent It Is reported that Luia de tar has gathered forces at Jiminez, and 'has returned to the border. He la now believed to be waiting an oppor tunity to strike again. Thousands of soldiers, officials, rangers and civilians are on guard. WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 22. Gcrrison has ordered the Twenty- -eighth Infantry from Texas City to Brownsville. The Twenty-third tart fantry 'will go from Jacksonville to ' Texas today. He asked the depart ment of Justice to "send secret service men to assist In crushing the bandits. He Is considering the declaration ot a "military zone" for the government in which raiders can he sentenced and " punished by court martial.. ' WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct 22. Reinforcements sent to the Mexican ' border Is one ot several steps In- ' tended to end the terrorism of Mex ican bandits. Officials believe the banditry Is perhaps at the' laftiga- i( 7 tlon of Americans hostile to Carraasa, still hoping tor military Intervention, t' Attorney General Gregory tconss,. ferred with the president, and a 4 nounced that the number of' secret ' f service officers at the border Willi be ' Increased as soon as facilities per- t J; Bin. i fl k He charged Americans with taking Ai.. "f advantage ot the number ot Villtstas - 1-v. T and Texas "bad men" near the Rio x' y Grande and supplying tanas for. the , .' - conducting of the desperate game. MORE KLAMATH CATTLE SHIPPEKi Evidently there the report that Miller ft Las, Baa Francisco meat. Brm. oonunuea smpmeatsec tUifroav-'.':, this seotioB. Teetera.thIa"c8.Wi''',.''. containing 820"headof 'beefr cattle, -- w ' ' U ZJ 1 . J "" t. k'f.! 1 -V-- were shipped' frees. MlsUaad; to iasv ;. ae caHtei'wereisisaassewf.-: Mat Mr hrL,m Walker, aad;are .mm r jt r i. .i . t; u sOj'gsajj kTv- vt- jiiu.- eufA Jt to awMBaaTi;aaav spa) en Hsff . a . "Hesaaaa kw B J. 'Hl-n'j t...r2H?TJ. -5 ,. -.jftf Or ' Yt m i $ A ! -si t "fS-l jC i Wi rtu-'; .ift w '("i A!'l """ ""nag the -" yV it