JWfl -!,( THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON THUH8PAV, twmmm L Ism h ....:. L.fcV .f. taw Ki ? lff. $-: lA" T H -4" I, " i . I'w ' l i l til 0, .. t ; fit m& 10 vanes'?- ;.i : ?m 'ihi r-m tsaj if .i-M-isr - - -- --- . . 'fc, miim afSataw at asanas -i.' h - ... . - - . M'MMtk.-. mb nl aaaattaatleai AT iteFAONCM. The remedy to well taMWa as 4 the umiktti areTeatatrre. tWltaNt Dm Oi. at A v , malitQKuMkhs. WiMtKMW FOR RENT NICELY taralehed nimwH at the Oregea Hmn, Klamath, aear Math II1 YOU WANT Beat, all at ftlea'a plaeo, SIS Mate. t-tt rmUOtHKD ROOMS aad light koaaa Itoselag rooau at the Crawford, la Kates Mack, ell Mala S-la FOR MsNT Modern, 7-room house, (all cement beeemeat aad garage, tally teraished; hot water heat; hy draaHe Teeuem cleaner. 71S Jefer aoa street, foar etoeka treat Mala. Immediate oassasloa. Apply to Her hart D. Gale. SS-St FOR RENT Baaay haat, hot aad cold water, at tha Clalneoat. 4th aad Pine. " 10-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE Teaai. weighlag 1.460. S .aad' yaara old;' wage aad har aeae (or aale cheap, taaelre at Her ald eseee. l-t SITUATION WANTED WANTED Competent womaa de airea work, either la or oat of the diy; eeperteace la most every kind of work. Eaqalre Herald. 15-61 FOR EXCHANGE WANTED To trade equity la good lot. 8Sx8S feet, oa Niath at, tor a Peri, to. good ranatag coadltioa. Ad- dreeaRox SOI. lS-St LOST AND FOUND LOST Roead brooch set with gar aeto, oaa missing. Notify SUlta Drygoeda Co. , JO-lt MISCELLANEOUS v- WANTED Ereryoae to kaow where to get gaaraateed deaalag aad .ereaatag doa, day. or, alght. W. H. Batter Co., COS Mala street. Phoae MM. lt-4f FASHIONABLE Mala street. Dreauaaklag. SSI 9-lm-eod PROFESSIONAL CARDS CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. ABSTRACTS INSURAficS Members Oreaen Aaeeelatlen TWe Men OH Storm Mmgk Nam New Is the line to get eat year Id heatera aad have aew Uaiags saade. No seed to buy aew stoves, Wecaa la your old one as good as .Our charge are very mod- AJLorsiiz ,7t Main St Row's Your feoof? FIX IT WHILE 1BIE NUN SHINES W. D. MILLER H fcbiaVof teoSag aad oa- work. Walaat aawl t(i. riMmeSMM tpii itveersi IStJO eaaau &ZiiJrirM2 ::. -v" J.'iyP-.WPf IvtL jaiy e dW ttaMjay .' JMal iMsaftaaR SBsMafl mMm.wwm cu. j of Berkeley, Calif. Teaeker et . FtoasferteTiflmlswi Mataaeay -! T PfcestftSSlR aaaliw a . BBBnflVABM tZrFinfr?' agBHya 5feMPUI GOOD ROAD W. O. SMITH Editor Published dally Meant Sunday hy The Herald PuMIshlag Company of Klamath Falls; at 118 fourth Street. Raters at the pottoflce at KUai ath rail. Oregoa, for traasmlsstoa through the malls as secoad-elast Sabecrtptloa terms by mall to any address to (ha Oatted States: One raar 15.00 Oae aioath KLAMATH PALLS, ORSUOX THURSDAY, OCTOBER 81, ISlil AAD STOP AT KLAMATH FALL What the War Moves Mean By J. W. T. MASON (Written for the United Press) NEW YORK. Oct, 11. The reaig nation ot Sir. Sdward Carson as attor ney general ot England Is, perhaps, the first step In the overthrow of the present government. This would be more certain If 3reat Britain had statesmen capable of succeeding the present cabinet members. But this la not the case. The greatest political minds are now Included In the coali tion government, and it Is improbable )hat a ministry of superior talent could be organised. Three men la Great Britain possess the characteristics ot American ener gy and. activity: Sir Edward. Carson. Minister of Munitions Lloyd-George, and Lord Northcllffe. Carson haa just retired because be objects to the policy ot muddling through the war; Lloyd-George re cently warned his countrymen that they could only hope to wis the war by using all their energies, and Lord NorthcliSe haa long been pessimistic regarding The government's methods. Taeir unanimity of Judgment at this critical time suggests that Great Britain is driftlna. if not defeated. then at least- to a compromise- peace. TWO GIRLS ELOPE PARENTS FORGIVE MISSES. NEVA AND STELLA AN. DERSON MOTOR DOWN TO YREKA WITH JOHN FLODIN AND CHRIS THOMPSON Romance Is not dead In Klamath county not by a long alght Tho elopement ot two sisters, their mar riage over .the. California line, their remrn ana forgiveness, ell occur rences of the last two days, shows that romance is stlllivery much alive. Neva and Stella Anderson, the daughters of w; Anderson near Olene, are 18 and 16 years old re spectively. John Plodin' and Chris Thompson, two farmera of that sec tion, wanted to wed these two sisters, out eccoratng to sat Indications, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson objected on the grounds that the girls were too young. So an elopement was planned. Tuesday, afternoon the two young mne scured an automobile, and with the, two glrla started for Trek. They stopped at Klamath Falls, and the girls bought trousseau. They got each a good start that Mr. Anderson thought It useless to pursue. In Yreka the Justice of the peace solemnised a doable wedding. Miss Neva Anderson, aared 18. be came Mrs"J6hn FJpdin. Mlsa Stella oecame Mrs. unris Tnompson. Today the two couples returned--! still apprehensive as to what Mr. and Mrs. Anderson would think about ft But Mrs. Anderson had left word wun anons low rortbem to eome right out to the. ranch to receive fer- glveaess and their pareate' bkesinK. aad partake of a weddim diaaer. A FULL LINE This aaeney makes, a saeclalty et firs, llts, accident, liability, burflary and ether Insurance, surety bende. leans, rentals, city and esuntrv area. erty ef all ktode. Have the eaulament $4 the help that guarantees areata emeient: aemee. Ne trouble te weeftasaaliHsr Chllcete, SIS Main street, MkHtoft, 1 TO CRATER LAKE GEO. K. GOODWIN, ON WAY TO FAIR AFTER FINISHING WORK IN PARK, SAYS OOYJ31NMKNT MONEY CAN BE SECURED 50 1 ueorgo is. uooawia, wao baa beta superintending the constructing' ot govrnment roads In the Crater Lake national park, has finished the seas on's work. He was In KlamathFalIs today on his way to San Francisco to visit the exposition. The engineer I under him hare mostly gone back to Portland. While here he discussed with sev eral Klamath county business mu the necessity ot rebuilding portions ot the road between Klamath Falls and Crater Lake. Portions of the present road are. not agreeable to motorists, and to make Crater Lake the resort It should be, better roads are necessary. Mr. Goodwin said that an appro prtatlon has been made by the United States government, through the de partment of Agriculture, to pay for the construction of roada ot public benefit. Mr. Goodwin thought that It the business men of Klamath Fallslnlrsblps would work together and prove to government officials that a road from Klamath Falls to the Crater Lake National park would be of public benefit, money for Its construction could be secured. COLD EPIDEMIC STRIKES KLAMATH EVERYONE HAS LA GRIPPE OR NEAR GRIPPE, ACCORDING TO LOCAL DOCTORS HORACE MANNING IS RECOVERING According to local doctors, an epi demic ot near grippe has struck Klamath Falls. This near-grippe in cludes everything from a frightful cold to sure-enough la grippe, of which not a few cases have been re ported. Druggists report'' sales, of quantities of quinine and other cold cures. At present several prominent Klam ath county people are oa the lists of the more severely sick. Among; them is Horace Manning, who la seriously sick at the hospital. Dr. Merryraaa, however, reports that he Is some .bet ter, and.a speedy recovery Is expected. Mrs. J. A. Tucker of the Merrill district is recovering after an opera tion for tumors that was performed by Dr. Hamilton. She Is rapidly con valescing. Private William Clarke of East Lancashire, In the hospital from wounds, is one of nine brothers enlist ed, six of whom have eea killed, two wounded, while the youngest Is still In the trenches. COMING! . Nephew of the Celebrated and Only HERRMANN THE GREAT WORLD'S GREATEST COMEDY - MAGICIAN La Petite Gladys &ia Star Theater TWO NIGHTS ONLY , October 22nd and 23rd Daniels, Leading Figure of Navy Defense Program PgMgaai,-4J4Bl jgjgjtjr sStowL wf aaasKJ- X? . ieiS SSsXm J l?kW vffla aaaW?fBft3A BBsssam Hjl saV lW.' ? j Kdsw t ar ssm&m Joaeplnts Daniels, secretary of the navy, who will recommend that con gress appropriate hundreds or mil lions for the construction ot dread noughts, submarines, dirigibles and ror the defense of united 'States against future Invasion Strong opposition on the part ot the extreme -pacificists to his program Is expected. , Strayed Strayed to my house a black water spaniel pup. Owner may havo same by paying expenses. R. C. Mehaffey. HINTS ON EYESIGHT If you have frequent headaches which medicines do not cure; it you see distant objects more (or less) clearly, or need to hold -prjnted matter nearer to or fur ther from the eyes than formerly, or need more light; If you have observed any ot these things, your sight needs the aid ot correctly adapted glasses to assist as well as preserve It. Accurately fitted -glasses are only possible when the sight' has been scientifically tested. We have every facility for doing this, and exercise the greatest care, so that you may receive the utmost benefit from wearing glasses. We offer you accurate service. : H. J. WINTERS :. E troiw NCSTdK )Ri HMaiSJ Jw ABW ssaeeeeeesPra ! A CSt BBaeaBBS w Sx Visa iyaS3 KLAMATH DAY AT EXPOSITION SET FOR OCTOBER 20 PLANS POH I11G JINKH STILL IN. COMPLETE (Continued from Page 1) nml take nn Intoreet In tho marvelous onportunltlca offered in Klamath, the cronm of Southern and t&wtern Ore gon. Kbimnth Folks at Fair KUunnth Hoplo or former Klnni- athltes registered slnco tho Inst report to tho Herald are: Mr. and Mrs. Ourrell Short, 11. M Boiler. A. II. 8hldler. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dalton and sons, James W. Lytlo. Paul Noel, Mr. aad Mrs. Oscar Fcyton, L. L. Larkey. B. B. Henry, Miss Rose Reed, Mrs. A. L. Leavltt Mini Maybelle Leavltt. Mlsa, Elisabeth Taylor, Mrs. 0. R. Maaalag, Mr.sand Mrs. C. F. Setter. Mrs. C. K. Bolts, Mrs. J. P. Satterlee, Mr. and Mrs. L. Jacobs and son, Miss Walvo Jacobs, Mr .and Mrs. J. J. Parker, C. A. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. H. Roland Glalayer, Mr and Mrs. Curtis Hedrlch. Mrs. Harry Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mun dy. Mn. John II. Hamilton and son. Mre. H. J. Winters, Mr. and Mr. George A. llnydon, Mr. and Mrs Frank Stewart, Mrs. A. A. Mehaffey. Lawrence M. Mehaffey, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Chllcote, Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. White. Mrs. J. I. Clark and sons. Mliw Kstcl Mair. MIm Cullyo Blair, Ml Minnie T. Barnum, H. L. VoorhccM, Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Roberts, Mr and Mrs. Fred Stahlraan, Rallnrd Stahlman. Mrs. J. McCourt, Miss Alice McCourt, I. S. Voorhels, Mrs. a. A, Krause, Sam Evans, E. B. Poland, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle O. Mills aad son. Mr, nnd Mrs. E. H. Hall. Mr. aad Mrs. W L. Tlngley, Mrs. Caleb T. Oliver, Luke E. Walker, R. E. Hunsaker, Mlti Ethel Hawxhurst. Mlsa Iaea Elliott. 8. O. Shattuck. Klamath Falls. Mrs. J. Frank Adams aad son Mar tin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams, Oeo. E. Bradnack, Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Ter wllllger, Mr. and Mrs. Jay P. Hartcr, Miss Muriel Harter, Mlsa Jeaaette Harter, Merrill.- Mr .and Mrs. Jacob Reuck, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sedge, Dairy. Judd Ager, John Gibson, Slsklyo-j. Mr. and Mrs. J, H. VanMeter, Olcno Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Stewart Lorella F. J. Bowne. Bonanta. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Jones, Marshfleld. Charles Parrlsh, Corvallls. O. C. a Inn, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc T.cnn, H. P. Hoey, San Francisco. Mr, and Mrs. W. I. Clarke and daughters, Miss Mabel Nlckerson, Oakland. - , Mildred M. Colanan, Margaret Col- aban, Portland. Subscribe for the Herald, 60 cents a month. 1 HOUSTON'S Metrisiljtu Aaataseits HOUSTON'S k OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THEATER MRS. SATTERLEE MRS ZVMWALT, High CUm Maeica! Pregram "Tlie Masqueradere," Chas. Chaplin Comedy The Light of Love," Sellg Two Reel Drama "Sweedle'a .Hopeless Lore," Esaaaay Comedy "Hearst Sellg News Pictorial." Mstlnses tvtry Saturday and Sunday at StSO TEMPLE THEATER "oil aad Water," , Blograph Two Reel Drama "Never Agate," Sellg Comedy "Sonny Jl mead the Amassment Co., limited" Vltagrapb Comedy Drama Admission Always 10c MATINIK DAILY AT SlSO ALL LICSNSIO PICTUMS MERRILL OPERA HOUSE Merrill, Ore MOTION FIOTUMS TUISOAVS Moving Pictures Mrs. Hut tor loo and Mrs. .umwnlt will be the main nttractlon at the Star tonight, when they nro sura to plcno tho patrons with tholr musical numbers. A good II vo nntt program of plrlurtMi, lurludlng n Clmiltn comedy, will be shown In connection with the inuuloul numbors. This program will he xhown for toulght only, as tomor iov night we .will luivo llorrmnnu, the great tuntclclnu, nnd hU company, In their latent fonts or magic, The tllrl ot tho (lolilun Wont, a Paramount fvatnru In five reels, will also tu Hhown Friday nnd Saturday, FRED'S TAMALES are Made Fresh Every Day AT THE PARLOR 121 No. Sixth Street LsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aasaaaaaataaaaaaaall BaaFsrwaaaarisaO IEfKlSjHI aac SOME men change their tobacco brands as regular as a woman changes her mind. An' others smoke VELVET. GOING HUNTING? Rent your Gull, Boots u HltlHlIf Coat from Klamath Sportsmen's Store lim.tilM Kound SEW Ammunition. Special This Week) Peters 12-Guage Shells, 70c SEE VEGHTE. HE HAS IT Quick and Reliable Service Freight, bsgaagt or passtngar. Equipped With aiite buttt snd suit trucks. Mtet all trains and beats. Oay or night service. Western Transfer Co. Phene: Office, !S7; Residence, 'let-It. IPS AS SIMPLE AS A. B. C To open und conduct an account with this hank. Our service, facil ities and resources all comblno to make n bunking connection here both n matter of safety nnd con venience. Wo. welcome) small c cimnts as well an largo ones. Glad lo give you nny Infnrnm'tlon about opening one, ' FIRST STATE M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 11 ""' "' nii'it The Latest Kodak The new foldirji; 2a Brownie It's AUTOGRAPHIC and the price only ' $.00 '1 1 O I aaaaaaaaaii F V KLArmrALLS OtE430 'm&Bka tVrWaru SHERMAN COli FAMOUS ni HUCII IK 1 tM :,llK... u ww-WKNKHALHAIBWAJi lllltli IN AhlHUXH to , .IHTV .V('.VI):mv POUTLANI). (Ul. i... ...... of tho alnltfiiwnu of Koie nT!!' to the contrary. itv r.....w!n,l Hhermnn of Ht. l.li., ma of (wIX Hhurmnii. lu iin 1.. ..... . rnKi I'M hi dUtl.,KuhiuHi wffjj did coin iho woi-l.U.unoui il?"' Wnr Is hell." r"n- H WH li (m,,. ,. .. Bhortunit tiald. In .i.i-. . "" tho gmduatliiK clnw ot tho dT? k military kcI.ooI In .llchlWu i,? littorvlow llov. Hhermnn Uronil, ness. w llov, Hliurinnii lu In n, nmi. looking aver tin. 1-11111.11-, -i.i. . of ,n!ahltthlng colunfes of Eimm city dwcllcm who want to gi buklt the soil. , HP 5I SAVINGS BANK saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatlialBBaV ' IMsaMaaaaaaaaCH war I, 1 -J M fW aHaiajlggBsaaaaal saaaaaaaaaCSsaaaaaaaaal aaaaaasaT MsaasZlBBHBaaaaaaaaai 4saaanlJ I saaaass '' ' VbbbbbII I I l.sBaaaaaT ' JrVsaaaa! HI fall-' rtJ'asfl '''& ,&;f -&mK v , ANO 8ATUSPAYS ' ' - )i?t u- jgajaj! n' 'saaaasstr ,? -1