i$&p -f i , . 'Va.,; ' ..yi'-j "ris.'vS&? TH FALLS WILL OBSERVE "DRESS-UP-WEEK" OCTOBER 25th TO 30th. FORGET YOUR GROUCH AND SMILE --W "k r. sr.'Uli'v , -feft Brralti V?X rj KLAMATH PALLS KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER tnl-a-aw 1; , EfgyNo. 8.S1T KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1915 PrlM, We Onto TEUTON ARMIES UNITED EFFORT MOVE STEADILY GREATEST NEED TOWARO TURKEY much im opinion or :. m. onkim , WHO IH TltAYIXI.VG THROUGH 'iHK UNITI'D hTATIM IV HIS AtTOMOIHI.K America's Greatest Citizen IN HO.VOIt OF Till: TlllltTV.KIVHI AX.MVI.ItSAItY OK THE I.V- Mi:S(.i:T I.A.MI' ANDTHi: UOHMth GIIKATEHT INVENTOR. OCTOIIUI SlhT HAH IIEEX SKT ASIIII! .H KDIKO.V DAY IHOGBMW Tllltomil whims .1 VAM.KV ADMITTED - fyctt and Cut Salonika itallwny, ty Which AMI Hoped to Trnn tar to Will U, In wlilili Ito uinijian , Troop. iu .tM of Mr rill Unl ,h" UK,"." '"'kI. hIiIHi ho Im HiUKll wl'll tilt) I '1.1 Hill III (IMIIJK- ItwPmm-Ii mitl HriiiMi nam iiui t M, Oiii'lll, who Ihih lifim iruvil I ln nil oter tlio Boiith nml Ww, of tlie United HintcH, linn written a In p, Herblan Army la Danger. i,ili-l I'M . I PARIB, Oct. 21. Mnckenen'it Au iro-Orruin Mr-nm roller In illll pin- irmlBK In tlio Morotn Vnlley toward Coatfantlnople Tho liulgarlan liavo cntNd the frontier In many place. Tllr main object In naronll" to rut the flatonlka. railroad. It l probable that but a amall number of Krano-lliltlh force itv rppoalng the tliilRnrlntK. I'DllMi Pr Hr ! PARIS, Oct 21 A dispatch from XUh, dated Wednesday, ntyn that the Bulcarhn hnve cut tho Salonika- N'Ub railway, by which allied troop awl be transported to nlil Serbia, In to plarci. Tlio Horblnn armlet nro fntarlouily situated. rnlted l'rei "iivlm IIERI.IN, On. 21. It Im announced that the liiilKiirliiiia reached tlio Ban anr-KiuJninvnR railway. The (lor bum liavo inptured the banks of the tnlu from lloollowlti to Bersmucnd l0OUthlMllt rtlRII. According to un Allien dispatch; tbi diplomatic corps loft for Carol. aid tbe entente mlnlater la stopping it Crajevo. If tho Sulonlkn- railway Im cut, an Ih reported, It means that Serbia will U practically helpless In the hnndH of tier enemies. li- thin road the allied trocpa were to b transported to Bar man aid. The main battle of tlm rrtieiit lin1k.in theater of war have ton about tlio Salonika railway, be titcn the Unitarians, aided by a few Atatrlana and Germans, and tho Sfrba. nldod by small force of llrlt Mi and French. If the rillwny U cut, Serbia will hate to fight bor battle alone. Al ifady her wmle are In a precarious iltuatlon. Tho atllca are reallslns Immenriiirnbla Iniiiortanco of tho Vtmni crlBU, nnd according to nil Indication aro trying deaperately to tad troopa to the tlalkaiu to check nate tho Teuton ofTeaalre. Uoanwhllo the Teuton ateau roller ove Btcaxllly onward toward Constantinople. An I thu other rcRlonn don't Htiiclt un very well. "While tlioro atti muny iIiIiim v ilinuii't ant In Klmnntli," nrllft .Mi Oiidi: "iet ll'n it rriiiiil oomitiv TnXiiiK Into lotmldorntlon uveryllitni; vi luivc iIhtk, Reed nml bail, I it, in t know of it nlnulu bettor plnco to lli. ! Iiimo fc-rn ii lot of inutitry an I p' ilo In tll comlltloiiH of life. Hiirro mil el l.v nil tlio vIhoIhhIUmU's of liiiiuin exlnlenrc, it li'l for Jll nll-'roiiitit im. lr, mil lire linn iloni t ni"c'i ir Klninnili m iiiiywlieio on wirtli Hut I. up lo tho people to uroilt liy U lr own effortH to io wlmt Is rlln unit I ! ! nml tbe o - tit will bo in-tin illniiM iMiiiiiieriiti'il for ever) one In 'the community ' ii In nil lb i plnt'tri tli it I !o turn .inltoilly worlilni; locnnur lor f'-illi.c IIiIiibh tin' would bo 'io:'oui the llllilln of hIukI" or illvlilfd ol'otU. nnd Hint I nil wo iiimmI in Klmnu 'i '.oimtj CHARE FS ROBERTS IDS AT DAYTON ltm JKN'MK OAKI'HNTKIt Ol-' DAVro.V, WASHINGTON, IIK OOMK8 llltIDH OV WHLL KNOWN "WM'KHV MS Wndi ol Charle. ptekwta, con of wmiwn J. Xobtftc C Ule elty, were urpriuHl to leant X kta murrlM on BtiBday to His, jauta OarHHtW 'yton, WuHhingtoi. Tke ceremony furred at the bride'. Ue at Uy- . o and Mw WcU,lf ti oace t'P. Tbey Hl sake tkeir koaie Is 1.T" h r,to Mr tuni4ln frty Novebr. bWJ' to tM beat taOW " l marriate wa a eoaplet JPrUe to meWeeily H ef bU auwy Si " OmtpmIw IS Mltttt. tUUi ourrUge wag tke eulabutle of HOSPITAL mi 'IS REORGANIZED Biwk$i- aLBJLLLLbLLiHBiiiiiiiiiiiiD si mSr i'm Mm-KmmBK jajMSSBMMta' w iaawSSSSSSSSSSHBSSSSSSSSSI BBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSSVlBSBsBLBBSBSBSBSBsl BLBaBLLLm ' LHcLLLLH BBSBSBSrEr'-lBSBSLLLBBSBs1 BSSsKlVrJBBSSSSSsH s iJz - KLAMATH DAY AT EXPOSITION SET TOR OCTOBER 29 fLA.NM FOR BIO JINKS HTIIX I.V. COMPLETK FARMERS MER6E ENGLISH LOSE IN TELEPHONE LINE! M0NTH44SHIPS, GERMANS CLAIM RITRAIi TEIEPHONB COMPANY IS) FORMED AND MATERIAL OR DERED CONSTRUCTION TO RE GIN AT ONCE ONLY SIX OF LOST VESSELS AUK MINED Date Met In Day llefore UegiaaJag uti Oregon Week "Oregon" Some time aaco tbe ranchers llvlnc In tbe vicinity of Mount Lekl, which i Family romprlaes the dlatrict lying between; Kin math Falls and Merrill, organ-' Will Work an a Unit to Make Duy ea ,,, inaugurated the Reclamation' Muccwi TlittMMpi Will Re Intcresr. R't Telephone company. The plans at this time were to lnst&i and operate ( ed In Tills Section as Result of Ad- a line throughout this section, and ,msen..Ro,ter, Preeew. T?0 ' CUtm "" 'n' this city. However, time passed quickly by.1 nnd as matters were elowly taking fllllillll H-niHl Sfl-tilfl 'r,.. Uo..... Dk. tUm. i.i SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 21. W'ell.'ephono company here, interviewed m last, the momentous question has those Interested in the project with Such Is German OflclaJ Aaswer to Rritlsh Statewent That Mabmrtues Had Ceased Teuton Capture Jap anese AaMHualtloa frona Russians. French Report Victories and Heavy Loss of German life. 'been settled for good. It Is hoped the result that a definite understand. this time. The ni. q. referred to is ., . , M.., ...nm .u Ul UVICU lJ -CUll V.VWUVJ-U ' "Klimnth County Day" at the exposl- gcribe-,, tlon, and unless some further change' -t 8 proposed to have the line lis made, this will be October 29th, reach as far south on the west side ot Ithe day preceding Oregon's State Day, tne river as O. B. King's place, and when Governor Wlthycombe is to be probably as far as the Stukel Bridge tone of the dignitaries present, and on the east side of Lost R.lver. ' In all ,the state will more than shout to the probability the line will be In opera- world Its advantages. tjon by the middle of November. There hate been state days, county it s the opinion of Mr. Robertson days, city days, favorite drink day?, that this is the nucleus of a telephone tobacco day, f days for the famous and system that will extend alt over the nearfa-mous of every city and hamlet, lower valley, but, so for, no Klamath County Day. , Officially, tbe world at large has no reason to know that there Is such place as Klamath, aside from Its in complete display of products In tbe Oregon building. But tbe kennel show la coming later, and every dog will have his day, too. The special slgnficance of these days is that they put the place whose day it is forcibly before the people. i!i. '.I Cress Service BERLIN, Oct. 21. It is announced that "the best answer to tbe British claim that German submarines have censed their activities is the Septem ber record of British vessels torpe doed. It consists of twenty-nine mer chantmen, two transports and seven trawlers. Six merchantmen were mined, making a total of forty-four ships destroyed." lewis GKiiiucit in:.is m:w as sociation capital STOCK Tliotiuit Alv.i i:llon mih born in tl.o tialn, and thU ended his career as Milan. Ohio. Fobnrary 11, 1847. t nwsboy. When he wh 7 year, old 1.1 pareii A.ldo f mm ,.s laboratory experl- ence with electricity. Edison learneJ moteil to Port Huron, Mich. telegraphy by Installing a short lino Voiiiik IMlHim iittcmlod school nt between his father's house and tho RAISED NEW IIOUIPMI.WT ANI0it Huron ft.r Jlmt timo month?, 'homo of n boyfriend. Home-made itiimni'i'MPVTH ll AN'VFI) , when his ' "ucherH gate him up In dls- nppnratus was used, but the line i.mi imti.. ir,.in urt.r.i niwnys nt tho foot of, worked well enough for all purposes IiIh eluRi), Alter this short course he Soon thereafter ho began to work as Hliiilled m homo with his mother, and u regular rullroad telegrapher. Dar- hls faljior ndded n small sum of ( lug the next five years Edison drifted money f r wch book nm.lcred. in 'nil over the Middle States, working Cnrpnrnllon CommlBslouer Sclml-i ilorninn linn Issued iv coitlllcnto nutli orlxliiK tho Klnnuith C euoral Hospital tho cpllir of lils home, KUIs-on In- ua a telegraph operator. . .. ... ... ... ...ii..1w vv Association, witu capiini biock, tuny nlMl uu nilit "l.oijitor.v," where In 1862 Edison printed nnd pub paid, or rio.oou. nus is a leorgani- ll0 l)crf()rmed oc-tni,, chemical experl- llshotl a nettspapcr. "The Weekly xatlon of the old Klnmith t'"l'mcK u wn8 to sotuio money for ' Herald," on tho tralu. The first news Association, with Increased capital. illQtn t,xl.ornients that Edison, whenaper ever printed on a moving train. Lewis (lorbor Ih prcHldout of thoiw wns I2 ,cara 0U1. turned newsboy In 1808 he made his first patented now organisation. A. J. Lyle retains hi Interest, and will remain un in im ager. Miss II. C. Ilogortf, ono of tho Incorporator, will be superintendent Mlai Rogers Is n graduate of Ilelll tue hospital, Now York. Iloforo com lug lo Klamnth Kails sho had occu pied tbe positions of superintendent or tho Wnllu Walla general training school and also superintendent of tho Hoaqulam training school for nurses, Manager Lyle will leave Is a fow day for San Frnuclsco, to ennfor with K, B. Ilynn, owner of the Ulack burn hospital building, relative to an addition to tho present building, as under tho plans largor quaitors will bo necessary. New equipment to loako this ono of tho most modern hospitals In tho stato Is planned, and will be ordered Immediately. nnd I egnn Belling papers on the tralnh Invention, an electrical voto recorder. of tho Grand Trunk between Port Tho application for patent was signed lluion and Detroit. Noarly all the October 11, 1868. profits went to support his laboratory) During the year 1870, he sold one and chemical experiments. Andvoryiof his Inventions, an Improved stock noon he had Installed In tho baggauo , ticker, for 40,000. With this money car. i' umall liiboiatory where ho could he opened a machlno shop near New. oxp'oi Iment during his leisure bourn (ark, N. J. , of the dally run. Because of an ac- Now began the years of Edison's cldent In thl laboratory, which sot. ,1I0 ,o the cir, Kdlson was thrown off I (Continued on Page ) FALLS FOR. FIDO; WOOED KEEP PUP MBHAFFEY TRIES IN VAIN TO DRIVK WOLLV AND LIMPING DOG FROH.VARD NOW WANTS , HIM TO STAT A little black, wooly puppy dog, with ea foot badly bunged up, came HfaptRC onto the lawn of R. 0. Me batsy, on Montgomery street, a day or ae ajo.- Apparntly be bad failed to fat fr la front of an antorao Ml taat a had playfully barked at, "RIhiqI" aald Mr. Mebaffey to tbe MMk 999 mt Jo( w atayb Hover) Just foil over on his sldo and put up his logs to have his stomach tickled. In fact, ho didn't care to rovo for a whllo, at least. And Me huffoy, who admits he Is sort of sucop tlblo to dogs, wont Into tho house for iiomethtnK for Fldo to eat. Fldo nto. And still ho didn't ouo to lonvo. Ho took absolutely no-no- tleo of Molmffey's shouts for him lol I "Shoo!" Ho Just stayed nround, waiting for another moal. He ate this meal uIbo at Mr. Mehaffey's. But Mr. Mehaffey's susceptibility to dogs proved his undoing. By, the uoxt day ho had got over any wish ho might have had that Fldo should leave him. In tact, he wanted to koop tho little wooly dog for good." Today Mr. Mohnffey is running an advertisement In the Herald, an nouncing tho finding of tbe dog. If ho la not claimed in three days; tbe animal Is legally Mr. Mehaffey's. And needless to say, Mehaffee hopes o ono will show up, and from tho con tented conduct of Fldo, It, looks as If ho hopes no, too. Returns From Port. C. C. vJnckaon recently returned from Fort Klamnth, where be Jour neyed to attend the funeral of Mr Jackson, who died In Portland and was brought to the Fort for Inter- t. CHKj&ai.VP' Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Dress-Up Week WILL BE OmCIAUiY OBSERVED IN JOAMATH FALL' October 2539 NEW PASTOR ON WAY TO MERRILL The products of these section are shown at their best, the principal ' men of these communities arise to ex1 tol their home town, and prominent men from other sections also arfso to Impress the advantages of the town upon the people. As the newspapers herald these days liberally, k vast crowd becomes Interested In a region who have otherwise possibly never beard of It. It is yet a little too early to say Just what the Klamath Day exercises will comprise. There will be several stunts of note however, as the Oregon Family has volunteered as a unit to help out on that day. With Klamath people from tbe various bay cities present to augment the people from Klamath, the land "Where Fortune Calls," will undoubtedly be well rep resented by a live bunch of boosters. who will cause others to awake up) (Continued ou page Si' REV. J. THOMAS COWLEY AR RIVES FROM CANYONVILLE. TO PREACH FIRST SERMON AT MERRILL SUNDAY Rev. and Mrs. J. Thomas Cowley arrived last evening from Canyon ville, and will leave In the morning for Merrill, where Rev. Cowley will assume charge of the Methodist church. He will preach his first ser mon In Merrill on Sunday. Rev. Cowley is a native of the Isle of Man, and before coming to the United States he was the founder and superintendent of mission work la the alums of Liverpool, England, en tering upon that work when only 10 years of age, and remaining six years. I'iiII-mI Press Service VIENNA, Oct. 21. It is announced, that vast quantities of Japanese am munition have been captured from the Russians in Galicia. The.Aas trians have destroyed the Russian armored train In the Putllovka River ref Ion. The fighting in the Kllai dis trict fo unchanged. '? 'niieil Press Servtee - 1'ARIS, Oct. 21. iuisjanaounea! that tbe German effort to pierce the I're.'tc h lines to the east of Rhleau has Milled. A violent attack of Genraa -troops in dose formation followed the bombardment. Three attempts were - made on a five mile front. Artillery and machine guns deci mated the Germans. The Germans' v night attack on Boise and Olveacay, also to the ease of Moncel, were re- pulsed. " , "Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beckley are vis itors from Klamath Marsh. Ashland and Klamath to Clash on Gridiron COMMITTEE FOR DRESS-OP WEEK' BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION TAKES ACTION ON PROPER OB-M SERVANOE OF DAY TO USHER IN PROSPERITY i V' - Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock will occur the first kick-off of tbe foot ball game between Klamath and Ash land high school. The Ashland boy will arrive tonight, and Coach Motschenbacher has hi team In shape for the biggest and best game of the season. Ashland won the championship of Southern Oregon last year, and ex pects to do so again. She ha a heavy quick and skillful team. The Klaai ath boys are lighter, and ther attat make up this handicap with added speed and skill. Whether they ea do It or not la a question undecided by the dopeater. Whether they can or not, all agro that tha teams will ha evaaOy awatltad to such am extent that a hard gnaw of many thrill await U arowd at the gridiron tomorrow. Storaa will n doubtadly do (rtaul to I ta taa afteraoea,, ul i Ml erowdWg enough to' law, tke antlnaaaea of Jnter-acboleaUe atatotlea far Waatath MoUokiahatJitT'a U- IB tke of sfcaa, M with th added practice of test Saturday's clash with Medford, cannot help but put up a big game. Wlddoes baa bad a weekV additional practice with the' team, and he is expected to duplicate, many times, the long run that he made Saturday. The game takes place at Modoc Park. A committee consisting of Fred L. Houston, Frank Vannlce and K. 8u garman was appointed last evealag by the Business Men's Association ;lo arrange for the observance of "Dree. Up Weak." It la planned to hold a general cele bration on the streets, with the basd playing, evening, tee of judges will Inspect and award tbe blue ribbons for the beet-dressed windows In each line;, iTk"cltla also will have an opportunity to dp window shopping and see alt th new styles and variety of good oSered-by the local merchant.. A big public dance will probably be held Friday or Saturday evealag. ..a "Dreat-Up Week" will commence next Monday. WW .MW SVtWM., M .M1V t, either Monday or Tuedayn T g, at' which time tho.coatBtft-f lnJ. nrlll InnMJtt XmA '- ' Daaoaas to See Fair. Attorney and Mr. W. M. Daaaaa left today for a two waekajradt at the Baa Frandsoo fair. Thar war accompanied by Mta Moat ata,. who ha bean visiting them.tha aaat aad who w murnlas to Mr Katucky. . iJ" Veteran anaa Gaorg W.pNaaavrwha l,kaowa throagaoat thiijtiaajtrjr a a stag a, aad'n aaair ,halaa man o( this eity, to toa;-ajia. Mr. aad Mr, ftojor Nswtoa,. , IM hatwaaa hraad MrrUl, to to day t the Saa FwiaalMa tolr. , ' ?.-J f Wedding Belle. IT M tS S" JKCAl a sy Jam Finnell aad Gold CaMwll.; wore married yesterday t o'atoekl s at the Mtboit paroaag4,y rt, r Dlakauil aa1a ., aVIaaaaaaal and retaUv wara.Maaaat J2'lJ5 Aftor ,'tt "timiSlmjSWM ceremony the brtdan party 'aajjmaaj to th acme of ta, slide's iir;V,v';?:' -H. . . ..... .j. . .. -..'i -i'l-" T- f.ES W v Buea YH, Aaauca,vwaf?iBa&jret' frtoad. of thhi'lT? abi toTa wddtiaw;;;-:'. ;-: M "aaav v3BaBaaaaaaai 'S-- Wu d"a aaVveannKUP ASW-jS ftaWr.lMJ v -rj. i Xhi k"-fe-. ?Va ii ??xt..-. . tj. V '5"j, m iiSWi''V