;! vo, , BAMATH FALLS WILL OBSERVE "DRESS-UP-WEEK" OCTOBER 25th TO 30th. FORGET YOUR GROUCH AND ' S!WLBt t , jo iA'vtprai f7? Cunning Herald KLAMATH PALLS' M KLAMATH COUNTY'S OKKICIAL NKWSPAPKR fm OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Mi M TCi . A & 1 '3 & fMth Year ' Mil SERB DESPERATE IS HiBltttH AM BULGARIANS UK. I'ULHKD IN MKMUA iMllCM Call AH ClNMM R4MTVM lo (Mom. imparting MeMHantlon. tMwt Retreating In Disorder. Haiti ' for Traawftortang Allied Trwe Mill Unrut by Halgartoas. HnM Md Iklglutu OeMpared, I'nlted l're Service HOMK, Oct. 20 four mora classes of reserve have been called to the colore, completing llio mobilisation. NooflcM explanation Iim been given. II U rumord ttio armies are wanted (or the llalkaue rmus 1'reae Service UKNKVA, Oct. 10. According to a Bacbarvit message, the Serbian htro reputed the Austro-Oerman font north of Hhabates, and tho Teutons are retreating In disorder. It U rtportcd Hint tlit Serbians defeat 4 lite UulgiiTlunt at Ortaklo. Halted Preae Service ROMK, Oct. 20. According to Ath ena dlepntclini, Utc Rulgartano nave beta thrown back (row Vranla and ibeSsloalkn.NUti railway, over which alUad trooM must bt transported to aid Serbia, Ih In working ordar. I'nlted Viva riervU WClll.tN, Oct. 10. It to announced Ut the llulxaruvaa cantored Saltan Tint, in Serbia. Two thoiaand prla-' sera and twclvo cannon have been Man. The Austrian, however, are retreating toward Batata. United I'm Service VIENNA, Oct. 10. According to the communique the UuasUna attach northeast of Dorcxno. In North Rafal- rka. hai boon rnuiaMi I'nlUd i'remi Service PAHIS, Oil. 20. The allies nro till iMullng at Salonika. French wonnded hnw reached Salonika. In Heating that tho French have) already not the Bulgarians In battle. RESISTANCE CHECKING RAIDS 'children are on tho Serb firing lines. United Pre.. Service LONDON, Oct. 10, According to! United Press Service n Athens dispatch, the Bulgarians1 wre captured latrlp and Ootfamt, that tho B,cs have iepuled tho Bui Brty mllcR limlde of the Serbian borjRllranB trying to cut the Nlsh rail ' iroad. Orders are expected dispatch Those who have followed war news' ing Bt0ng Franco-British rolnforce- refuly see a striking similarity tMjmonu, probably Italians, also, to the jween tho conduct of Belgium, early Balknna m the ar. and Serbia. Both are lit- tie nations Invaded by an over-' whelms forco of men. Both had to I I AIITIIfallfim Tal Hint their own battlea, tor aa yet the (Hies hnvo not come to Serbian aid to m great extent. Bath trying h doKporato efforts to atom the M of Invasion. MIHtM-y experts say that It la only a "wter of n few weeka before Serbia ! be utterly crush, m was Bel . It fa doubtful that the allies TJ md armies to aid the oppressed Mon, but leave her to her fete, "lie, they attempt to checkmate the ret Teuton offensive by a drive to Constantinople, M preaont woman, children and im mon ure on the bnttla front, "Wtlng desperately agalaat tho wde of (lermawi,, Anatriona and oWrnnH. on three stdea they ". but whether or not tht mist wre can n8t more thaa a tow days. J"rthMofowdaya,MwnrialtMofiAlukn coast and through the not V" "oi8ium towns, H ! nTerywIiorc 'Med magnlfieent. Tbonyg reports now many vlctortet and taw Mtata. wgluni kept the'aeman from IX n" enou,, ,op Tftmdh to th. Iu wa " Ass h?. . Imi" th,t M'M kp ;; """wa at bur toRf tHtough forth, .in " " nr" """" aunti checkmate the Con kntlnophj drive, " WV to Fair. , Mrs. Wm. WooeVot Bonaaat. top lath??. ' tr os Ur way CABINET SHAKE THOUGHT LIKELY! Hill i:iMIU CARSON CONFKIIH WITH kimj generally ros. ci:ii;i .tMourrii iuhinu infix. KNCII ItKm.NHTItUtrriOX IIUI! I'nlh'il I'tiim Sunt,,, LONDON, Oit. 20 Sir Kdwnnl, Canton, resigned attorney general of the UrltUli cabinet, conferred with tlio king at llucklnghum iwilnto today, and gnvo new Impetus to tba talk of it probable romploto reconstruction of the cabinet. . Asqultli's lllueM may prove ho sorl-, aim be will be cotniielled to rolgn. iTIile would end tlio deadlock In the cabinet, according to a growing be-' lief. I'nltcd Press Service LONDON, Oct. 20. Tho confer enio between the king and Sir Ed ward Cnronn In lnturpretcl to inonti ,that a general cabinet elutko-up Is conaldored, It la generally conceded tint Aaiiulth Is losing influence I'nMeil Pieea Rervlip LONDON, Oct. 20. Aaiiulth la Im proving, nud la eipected to appear beforo the house of commonx Tuo diy, Lloyd-Ueorgo announced. AGED MEN.WOMEN ON SERB FRONT CHILDREN, TOO, ON THE I1ATT1.K LINKS ITALIAN FLEET AIDS ALLIES RULQ ARIA N ATTACKS ARK REPULSED I' lilted Pices Scrvlen HO Mi:, Oct. 20 it Is reported that Italian fleets nro helping the allien block tho Turklah and Bulgarian coasts, to cover the landing of tool 'nlllea at Enos. ('lilted l're Service LONDON, Oct. 20. Serbia U strongly reflating the Invaders, but are slowly retiring. Dispatches say that old men and many women and parib. Oct. 20. Athena reported! I Ubninuuotd iu GOARD VESSELS CONGRESS PLANS APFROPIUA. TIONS FOR CONSTRUCTING OF LIGHT TOWERS ON ALASKAN COAST United Frees Service WASHINGTON, D. 0., Oct, 20. One of tho first atsU of the comluR congress, it is believed, will be un ap nKonrisilon for lighthouses on tuu work ot ialande In Puget souna. All previous appropriations for this, - . .ulu11 nwtiattatJhif, hilt if work are practically exhausted, but the sum of 1116,000 voted In 1013 for a lighthouse at Oape St Ellas and additional approejflatlena for light liouae and navigation work along the Alaska coast and in Pus sound HMaenan eoaai u . - ... bar materially safeguarded these sec- tlona of the American ooart line ,By the) summer of 1916 the light' house service expeeto to have com pleted a big new lighthouse at Cape St. miae, o Kayakr Itland. among JATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, Admiral Peary, Fell With The flying boat which carried Ad- mlrnl Robert V. Peary, discoverer of tho North Pole, onlils first flight, fell vltli him 1,200 feet. With his n! titer he landed snfely on the water , noar Long Ulnnd, and did not even i know there had been an accident. At a height of 1,200 reel the engine stalled and failed to work further, Tliomn W. I'osf took him up. and ns tho engine broke down the aviator Homesteader '' jMjffijJ W' ylWlggggaiBi mr,mmgu.O-.-'L' ;4affmWlwMmmnmBmBmmBmBmBmv BF-jLaWiVrt altBBlggg frssTtasssssssssssssBB agaBA V-'V HBBgBgSMtgS: agaH- N ?$& tKgaTarararararaMrflBTA a HaBBBBVjl. ' yfafKigBM M v raBLfafiBBUaBW ' tV '' HnlLi A - ifgangagMBgaHL f.gTgaClS B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi!agaBk!BBBBagadBBBKB I agngngngngngngngngngnnagngnnBnB ' .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBK 9 A" BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM' ;AgflBVBS;gBBBa ! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB .-NBaBwi.'!jS'BSfl I ynBfafafaBLTaBLTaBLTaBnTaBH' aaaaaaaaaaaLH 'mh ? glagBBBBBBBBBiwfl thmm fl n nBgBBBBBBBBBSitBJiV rVBV-ii BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM -X v vffi f ?! BBl Bi --;- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBvA'f-wvvEv vjl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm !?y$wjl t&Bl ?1 BvBawnBPHBB L uBalKKAfl BftnVrnBBBBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBJBBW BlVauBJBl TmBxV' BjBBBBBJaMBB&wBBBBBgBBBBBBJv lmiyT. BaaHjvSBm'4 HMIgfByllI 'aaKaraBwamulgBTaaaaaVlaX 1 gBGHjKaMaWR BBBBjgjE2L.aBBBJBBBBBBPBJgBBBBj Best Wheat in County John M. Thomns, who has a home stead at the upper end of Voe Valley, came In to look at the exhibits today In the Commercial Club rooms. He is ono of those men who wouldn't be lieve thore were no more good home stead lands in Klamath, and Just con tinued to look about until he found n place that suited him. That place Is S20 fertile acres twenty-live miles from Klamath Falls. Today Mr. Thomas came in with every ' mark of a contented tanner. Ho went down and looked at the ex hibits ,to see If any of them were bet ter than what he had raised, and none of them were. Moreover, Mr. Thomas luiB the distinction of bringing to the mills here the best wheat that was grown thin year. It averaged some thing over 46 per cent. Mr. Thomas has a tale to tell how ho raised that wheat. Thirteen years ago a friend of his recolved'some sam ples of wheat sent out from Washing ton, D. C, nt his farm In Eastern Washington. Mr. Thomaa tells how ho asked his frlena to iook away whllo he clipped off a single head and Wi k6t Fop ten rwn " w ... he kept It, then he sowed it. That was three years ago. Each yoar for three years ho planted the wheat ho raised from this single head, and this year hla crop wna thirty-two bushels of the best wheat raised in the whole of Klamath. Moreover, this thirty-two bushels came from but three-quarters of an ncre. Mr. Thomaa has turnips out on this homestead of his which are ae big a pumpkins. He baa pumpkins w big Before Aero Him 1,200 Feet jelled to him that all woe safe, bat thatall ll" didn't understand what was meant, The udnilra! sat quietly In the car while tho aviator made spirals to hind. From below the crowd' could ieo that there had been an accident, but the discoverer of the North Pole didn't know it. When he was safe on tho ground he was told. "Why 1 thought that was the way ocrjono came down in on aero- plane," Brings in as small barrels. He has vegetabls of all kinds of titanic site. And, the best of It is, this farmer is going to bring In some of his products to send away to the various fairs, so others can see what Klamath county raises. WATCH ! DREBP WBKlt Hear Ye! Heir Ye! Dress-Up Week WILL BE OmCtALLY OBSERVED IK KLAMATH ? October 25 to 30 a"if; 11 iSM r-; OCTOBER 20. ISIS WOMAN BEHEADS INSANE CRIPPLE ATTACKING HER DEAD MAN' WAS INFATUATED WITH SLAYER Asked 2-Ycar-Old Womaa to Hope, With Him, OaTering Money She Span Him, and He Attache Wo- man Kllla With Hatchet and Dla- members Body Confesses to Po-' lice SUI1 Another Mardar. I'iiIipiI Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 10. At tacked by Michael Weinsteln, a love- ntad cripple, Mrs. Mary Tamha, aged 22, a motorman'8 wife, beheaded him with a hatchet. She dismembered the body and hid it in a couch last night. She confessed today. She sold the cripple was infatuated with her when they met in Atlantic City. She met him here again re cently, when the man begged her to elope with him, offering her all his money. He came to her house last night and offered $226. She spurned him, and the cripple attacked her. The woman rushed to the rear of her flat, and securing a hatchet, killed him. The woman fled from the house, horror stricken. She rented a room in a hotel and telephoned nor hus band. He persuaded her to surren der. United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, OctjO.-jC. W. iFotte, an ex-taeturaaee emVattOt'Us wife probably fatally, and committed suicide in a hotel. It la believed the couple quarrelled because of Fotte's drinking. NEED STORM TO DRING IN DUCKS i 'CROWD WATCHING FLIGHT OF GEESE MAKE AN INTERESTING t DISCOVERY HOME - GROW DUCKS ONLY HERE NOW Duck and geese hunters are be ginning to get restless. Every day HUU every nigui tue icn v on their way soutn, acooraing 10 farmers from surrounding aeetlona, many of' them are stopping for a meal or so. However, they are the vangards of the main army the wise old honkers which can be drawn In gunshot. But at the first storm the shooting will be good. The first day the rain falls and the winds blow there will be flights ot ducks from the north to the marshes now only inhabited by home grown birds too wary to approach. Hunters don't have to al low any time tor the biraa to travel from thesnorthra marshes, either, for as bird experts know, 'ducks and geeae cross a continent almost In & day. at from sixty to 100 miles per hour. The geeae are flying high and In large flocks. As was noticed yester day by a group of men watching a band, every few minutes the took changes leaden. Some, goose will I push forward out ot the V-shaped line and become the apex ot the V, relieving some other member of the .flock. t j The reason for this waa Immedi ately explained, when it to remem bered that the bird are moving at 'an elghty-mlle-aa-hour gatt.' The air resistance mutt be tremendous, as anyone who baa traveled "eroa forty miles an boar without a wind shield , knows, and especially to at that high altitude. The bird who heads taw T 'of course gets the full force of the jwlad on his six feet spread ot wings Wd the other birds only receive a 'glancing blow. Oewenaently the leader get tired after few minutes, and another of the band takes his 1.1... lai klnLa.SM aulK I - u Ul - ' FRENCH GAIN ON WEST WAR FRONT ItEPORT ARMIES SOLIDLY IX-j STALLED IX POSITIONS WREST, t f ED FROM GERMANS HAND GRENADE ATTACK REPULSED ! United Presa Service I PARIS. Oct. 20 Th French nr -olldiy installed in poslUons Uken from the Osrnuii in th Rnlx-An. Hoehe region. The French infantry repulsed three formidable hand gre nade attacks. Lively fusillades were exchanged at iLlhons, to the east of the Navariaa iFarm. Bombing occurred at Cham pagne. Conflicting reports and censors' veil save hidden from the world the real results of the allied terrific offen sive movement on the west front. It Is not doubted but that they have made advantageous gains and wrested positions away from the Teutons, bat whether at a cost that made the drive a failure is not known. MURDERER TAKEN, WEAK FROM WANT PLAYER WHO KILLED POLICE MAN TAKEN AS HE AWAITED TRAIN HAD NOT SLEPT OR EATEN SINCE KILLING I'nlted Press Service LOS ANGELES. Oct. 20. Harry Duncan, the ball player, was captured by Sergeant Toolen this morning ax a 'shore station near Elmonte, as he was I waiting to board the train. He wai .weak and nearly famished, as he had not eaten or elept (since Tuesday morning, when he killed a policeman. Since then he tried to enter a sup posedly vacant house to get food, but was chased away by a rancher, who notified the police. He did not resist capture. INVITE WILSON TO CALIFORNIA SCHOOL CHILDREN EXTEND INVI TATION FOR PRESIDENT AND MRS. GALT TO COME TO CALI FORNIA ON HONEYMOON United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 20. The petition of the California,' school children, asking President Wilson and Mrs. Gait to go to California on their honeymoon, waa presented by Miss Altha McQueeney. Dorothy Starr presented a gold wedding ring and Esther Bull gave a bouquet, in tended for the president to give to his nanoee. . The president said he could not And time to comply with tho chil dren's rquest. ' BULLETINS i Berlin The Germans repulsed the Russian attack In the Btrypka River region. The battlea ara progressing favorably ror tne lonion loreea. Indianapolis, Ind. The famous Taggart fraud case ' has' been dis missed on a motion made by the state In the criminal court. Conclusive evidence against Mm waa tacking, ac cording; to prosecutor Rucker. Three more osocers Interned la the Qerman erutoeraMtel Frlederlch have escaped, parole, according to ft atea- ace irorn anmtraiseany.we mw mender of tho Meeteak 'nary yard. . ,. , rjLA i Price, mv CaJf t GERMAN ATTACKS REPULSED ALONG WHOLE OF FRONT 'SUCH IS FRENCH OFFICIAL SUM MARY OF WEEK Teutons Lose 8,000 AboBt Loos and Sonchez Freacb PosIUobs Ooasol t fdated Germans Advance Jar Has. General Unsiagea Fighting Along Styr British Aeroplane Downed, Aviator Captared. I'niled Press Service PARIS. Oct. 20. The official sum mary of the week's developments of the western front is as follews: "The German attacks were repuls ed everywhere. The Germans lost 8.000 in the Loos and Souchez dis tricts. German attempts in the Cham pagne district resulted in the consoli dating of French positions at Ta hure." United Press 8ervlee BERLIN. Oct. 20. It Is offlclally announced that the Germans advanc ed against the Russians to the north- , east and northwest of Mttau. Farther south General Llnsengea is fighting along the Styr. A British aeroplane was brought down near Middlekerke and the aviator captured. " inlted Press Service PARIS, Oct. 20. According to the FrencttofBcial summarjret Jtho weefc'a;--ts- -' war tne terrinc allied assault OB-the-west has been a success. JU'cost has " been tremendous this is everywhere acknowledged. But the Germans have -been repulsed along the entire front -. something unheard of in tho war up to this time. Germany has drawn her troops away from the east to participate 111 the Serbian Invasion, and the drive to Constantinople. But she still claims victories over the Russians. The allies, on the other hand, with the possible exception of Russia, are try-' Ing to raise armies for the Balkans by recruiting, not by withdrawing them from other fields. L " f f A S4 NOVEL BANQUET TO TW EPL WIZARD WILL MAKE SPEECH THROUGH TELEGRAPH INSTRU MENTMENU IN DOTS AND DASHES NO STIFF FRONTS I'nlted press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 20.-VOfle.? ot the, most novel banquets ever given will be tendered In honor ot Amer ica's most distinguished citlsen, ' Thomas Alva Edison, tonight by the . telegraph operators of Son Francisco , and vicinity. In front ot each. guest at the table will be Installed a complete "set" sounder and sender and not a word win oe spoken so rar aa tne speecnes will be concerned. In delivering hla, address Edison will "pound brass." and eyery guest will hear his speech through hts individual receiver. Tiny- telegraph poles will carry the .wires" around the tabje. $ The menus for the dinner will be printed in dots and dashes. The pho nograph, an Edison Invention, will kuddJv the musle for the oecnaloa." ' The dinner will be 13 ... aMltlrAlT vl formal, and silk - ana0idB . -- fronts" will be barred, aai;.ri.n. TKe! si . ... ... . .-V'Z.-it.j.Jlj . they'wear while auUityrtmi&!?ti Pull. flv.--1iM.Jul uuaiAH ariSf aitiS KZf tend'the dInneV,SN" rA''. i. Fiantlnrr Itwaat JjalMiL imUxt speasi vsmaiasBwswwiiaTSf ,wmaKjjrK rlvW k;tbta elty rnsevay M e U J 0 1 VI N . -ri St ptf -.tfer; M&S ttfB3. U7A4. r u 1 F 1 mt . r 'A bv ? j'v i . i. m .At V; vifiS & &