y ( p y It-nfti f "., ils " 'T&SPfe. - v' jl cWlflKJ $1 .i tsB y -j Tili "S V'-'BS fEurctttg Iteralii ml KLAMATH COUNTY'S OKI'ICIAL NEWSPAPER - il m KLAMATH KALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1915 Mm, t Owes KLAMATH FALLS5 I IT L f. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER J 1 ' Tarth V11 Nu' a'MIB DECLARts WAR ON BUL6ARS; RIH8IA IX MATE OP WAR WITH IIULGOHIA Vm Macanrn Capture ObreBoviu'. ttatou Art' AUmarlai Further Toimnl Belgrade Many Herb VII. IdH Taken, and Vraiil Cilumt. Itlfarian Advance lnl Pin ViiL q-9R Mile From Nlah. I'nllnl I'rrim Krvlr ROME, Oct. It) Italy tins declared nt on miliaria. Russia U declared UeiUte of war with tho Hnnu- coun try, uid her (urinal declaration Is ex- ptttei. I ulltnl I'let .HoMlir UKUMN, Ott. 10. Il U unnimnred tnslOenoral on Mnckcnxeu linn cap trd Obrovuvac, and tho Teuton melt hare advanced further on tliu heights of liolgrndu. Several Serbian rllUief luo boon taken. Tho cap- ttrtot Vranln In confirmed. Th Bulgarians hnvo advanced Into tho I'lrot Valley, toward tho town of Plrot. which U twenty-five mllen by nil from NUdi. Tho armies of thu Btugars aro crossing several Btrenmi ia4 taking villages along tho bank. Unittd Press Service STOCKHOLM, Oct. 19. A British MbaarlDe torpedoed the Gorman itMmshlp Pcrnnmbucb and Soder himm In tho Italtlc, linking tho for mer ami tlnmnglng tho latter, NO one' blamed FATAIITY CORONER'S JURY UNABLE TO FIX REftTOXHIRILlTY FOR DEATH OP STEPHEN M. FREEMAN, VIC TIM nt unvnava uieincvt i The coronor's Jury of tho lnquct hld yesterday aftornoou ovor the My of Stephen H. Freumun, who 4M Monday morning from Injuries ferehtj In it motorcyclo-automoblle wllUlon, wore unnblo to II x tho bhuno 'or tho tragedy. Evidence ahowod 't both parties wore on tho right Mo of tho rond. Part of tho roport of tho Jury wan ts follews: "That tho doooHHOd camo to hid wth at tho Dlackburn hoapltal In KlMnath Falls, Oregon, on tho 18th of October, 1915; "That his death waa, cautd by a fracture of tho skull, due tr nn iiccl nUl collision with an automobile while riding on tho rear Hoat of n motorcyclo, driven by J. Henri, the utomobllo being driven by Mra. Mc Donald. That the accident occurred the cornor of Sixth nnd Klamith fwtn, In tho city of Klamath Fallt, Oregon, nt about 15 p. ro,f on tho 17th y of Octobor, 1916. That tho accident waa an unfortu tto ono, nnd that the Jury Is unable 10 Ax iuiy blame on any party or Ptrtleg connected therewith, accord 'it to the evidence. "We, tho Jury, wlah to recommend I? ft vohloles observe more cau on In approaching and turning cor wt In the ttreeU of Xksnath FalU." Nton Heiw on iv n. nwiv. Dr. and Mra. Alesaoder Murray of "" ve, New Bruniwlck, and ?" w. a, Mlllloan of Seattle are "guests of Mr,'nd Mra. Harold "llllcan at 818 Lincoln street. They w on their way to the eipoaltlon at "n Fraacltco. Down From Luke. J, B, BniAii, H. D. WlrU and F, A. JnuU,t have Just arrtTed from ITALY TEUTONS GAINING FOR financifrs i STRAHORN PLANS organization of portland railway committee of mo.v. i:v heads occurs HATtmn.tv. nthahohn ah president PORTLAND. Oct. 1. Orgnnlii tlou of (ho Portland uilluay rommlt- !, to nlil Robert F. Htnilioni In analyzing thu plans unit fornuilntliin a. iltrinclnl hams tor development of Cent i nl Oickom hy tho Oregon, Cull forulii ft Eastern Railway company, woH perfected Saturday hy tho selec tlon of those flunnclont nm! hiislncs men: A. I.. Mill, president First National bank. J, C. Alnsworlh, president United P.tntcs National bonk. W. M. Lndd. president l-ndd ft Til ton hnnk. N'litltnn SlniUM, manager Flolicli-nur-MnyiT compnny. rninkt'n T. (Jrinitti. prenldont Port lind Itiillwny, Light mid I'owcr row pany. ('. (' foil, piiiildi'iii I'lilon Mcnt compiitiy nnd pronldctit Portlnnd Chamber of Commerce. Thew men will rnllnbnrnte with iMr, Strnhorn In formulating v supple- mi'ittnry mporl to th" I'ortbnd himl- noun men who Blgn'd n loiter to the rnllrond builder, inking whnt grent eoimtrurtlvo vork I'ortlnnd oin un- Nlorlaki' durlnir 191ti. Tho rojiort will ho made nt n neconl meeting of thews i men, to he called when englneera of 'the O. C. ft K. hnvo finished survey nnd oMlmnle of cost, ' With t)m report It Is probable ihat the committal will present recom mendntlona nnd sugBOBtlons for the llnnnclng of tho railroad project. CHIEF STATIC IAX OF RECLAMA TION SERVICE USES PICTURES IN ABBHESSUS IN PALACE OF LIBERAL ARTS Thq Commercial Club Ib In recolpl of n letter from C. W. Illauchniil, chief Htatlrlati of tho lechimntlon her- vice, who Is nt present doing govern ment work In the Piilncn of Liberal Arts i.t tho exposition, lauding the Klnmuth movloi. Illanrlunl, Ih using tho pictures In cunnei'liem with hli own work, and oory day shows them to largo crowds. ljist Sunday ho talked for nn hour in ono of tho largest audiences ovot assembled for a government nddrcsj nt tho fair on Klnmnth county, llo usod the Klivm'ath movies In eonnoc tlon with tho talk, which, of coureo. means an iinoatlmnblo iimonnt or nit vitrtlnlne for this section. Mr. Branch-, ard Hald also that ho was having more nlctures tikon of Crater Luke to uso In his addresses. E AT M. E. ANNUAL EVENT WILL HE OIL SERVED WITH DINNER AND PROGRAM TO DISCUSS WORK FOR THE YEAH TnniBht is homecoming night ,it tho Mothodlst church. There will be a nranam and dinner, and the work for the year will be dlscutaed. Thk la an unnual affair at the local church, at which the work for the year la formally luunchou. ah mem bers, attendant and frlenda are In vited to come. Tbero will be a charge of It oeota to cover coat ot the dinner. KLAMATH mm nm mm HOM COMING CHURCH Mexico's Next President and His Greatest Enemy tw& yff'1SJSSiJfcSSFSJSSSSSSSSSSSSSjjgSjSJ wan, ,vit,'.. .; jMhsMssbkkmm i 2 , m. r- - laiiMiBliiitlii ' ' ' W I tiHCaPSls. BhH tW!-;'-.J WASIUNOTON. U.C.Uct. xy, . Moxlco lias ro-entcrod tho family a. - .,nnnno T.nntitlic'a n ot o to (' Arrendondo constituted n formal recognition of CftTranza ns presi dent. Tho title of presldnt has boon assumed by Cnrrnnzn. Carranzn, nnd his grontost onemy, Villa, wore tho two that kopt In high places In Mexico during tho days that generals wore mado and broken in a day. At last Carranza has triumphed, and Is on tho ovo of recognition by Pnn-Amerlca. Villa, on the other hand, has met constant defeat for the last few weeks, and his old strong hold, Sonorn, has nt last boon Invade! by the victorious Carranza. Tho defeat of Villa marks tho pass ing of a man who was In every sonso a patriot Outlawed In hla youth by the Dlax government for a crime that . hut the natural result of the political condition! of that reign; his 1 poor and down-trodden of his coun try, nnd whllo for many years hunted as n bandit, with a price upon his head, many families of the peon class can nnd do tell stories of his many :,it!) of assistance to that class. Villa's sister uns the victim of the Jeff l.olltlco of hi? native town. Villa, then 17 yenrb old, with the assistance of eoeral friends, kidnaped the offl r)il, took him to the mountains, and Uiae compelled him to go through a merrlngo ceiomouy, performed by a priest also kidnaped for tho occasion. After the ceremony the Jeff ikjIUIco t:is killed, and from thht time Villa v s a fugitive from Justice until the oerthrow of piaz, when he cumo e'er tro Mndoro icglme. Will Itrtiiin Ilpme. Mrs. William Tubbs, who bus been v'sltlng with Mi s Frances Doyd of this elty, will soon leavo for her home In Yreka. Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Dress-Dp Week WILL HE OFFICIALLY OBSERVED IN KLAMATH FALLS October 25 to 30 IRAiN wrecked BY MEX BANDITS; TWO KNOWN DEAD ILNTKH. TltAIX CItYINO "DEATH TO OltlXGOES" Kill tho Boldlent," Slogan of Robben, Under Dc la Rosa, Xoted Mexican. Three Soldiers Wounded Banditti Hum Bridge, Belaying Pursuit of r.OO Holdlers and Civilians Sixty Mexicnna in Robber Band. United Press Service BROWN8VILLE, Oct. 19. Five hundred soldiers and civilians are trailing a band of sixty Mexican ban dits, who wrecked a train near here last night, killing several Mexicans. Tho bandits burned a three hundred foot bridge between the wreck and Brownsville to delay the pursuit. They also cut telephone and telegraph wires. Lus de li Rosa, a noted Mexican of Mntamoras, Is reported to be the lead er of the bandits. The train was wrecked by romovlng spikes and bolls from tho rails. Before the passengers recovered from the shock of the wreck, five Mexicans entered the first car, which remained on the track, and began shooting, and crying "Death to the Gringoes," "Kill the soldiers." ' Passengera wero ordered to band 'over their valuables. Those resisting were clubbed and shot. They forced sevcralto remove their jshoes andjtll outer clothing. Corporal McBee, an American sol dier, and engineer Kendall were killed and two American soldiers were wounded. PAGEANT TO SHOW RISE OF INDUSTRY BUILDING INDUSTRY FROM CAVE SLN TO PRESENT DAY TO BE PRESENTED AT CONVENTION AT EXPOSITION ' 1'nlied Pretis Servtew SAN FRANCISCO, Oct, 19. The eolutIon of the building industry from tho days of the cave man to the present era ojt steel and concrete will be presented in a great pageant as tho closing feature of "American Builders' Week," whlch began here Monday. Thousands of builders and con- years tractors from all states of the Union nro assembled here for the conven tion. The celebration of builders' Mr week Is under the auspices of tne en- vosterd,3r fot Ban Francisco. Mr tire building Industry of San Fran- KlraDall, who is local representative Cisco, aided by the building trades of the Weyerhaeuser company, will and similar organizations in practic-'attend tho meeting8 0 the lumber ally every large city In the United men and forester8 during Forest States. Wedding Bells. Edwin J. Bloomqulst and Miss, Alma Sutherland were united in mar- Shards. MnMBlooqutet Is ei ployed at the Pelican Bay Mill. At., tor they return from a honeymoon i" .i. --- - .-. - trip at the exposition they will live,8' Phonographs, together with on Jefferson street. 0eii8 Business Here. Fred B. Hurd, a recent arrival from Southern California, who has been In ( search of a live town tor a business : location, believes Klamath FalU Is the best business city in the North I west, and with this impression he will open a Jewelry and watchmaker's ,Btore at 605 Main street. Mr, Hurd ,1s now busy arranging hla store. Reception for Catholic Priest. A reception will be held this even ing at the Church ot the Sacred Heart in honor ot Rev. Father Oeleasou, Provincial of the Jesuit Order, who is visiting Father McMillan. Father OeleaaoB has recently returned to the United States frost Roate. windows to be GAILY TRIMMED DISPLAY WIXDOW8 OF STORES, WILL BE GRAND SIGHT DURING ! I DRESS-UP WEEK TO C05I PETE FOR PRIZES Maybe a lot of people will get their . , T, .. ,.,, ., .... share of Dress-Up week through won- dow shopping, but if they do they will get something worth while. The windows of the stores will be mag nificently dressed, and will be devot ed to practical seasonable suggestions as well as those of fashion's decree. Dress-Up Week Is not to be ob served Just by the clothing, dry goods and shoe Btores, but every line of re tall business is to participate. The Idea Is to make the town Just as at tractive as possible. ("Tnmnlptn nlnni for th observance of Dress-Up Week are to be arranged a" England Is asking. That there at the meeting of the Business are differences over many of tho war'a Men's Asoclatlon, to be held Wednes- gravest problems among the cabinet day night. Blue ribbon premiums arc'membera ha3 long been !,. Tnc to be offered for the best dresseo win dows In all lines of business, Includ ing stores handling groceries, hard ware, furniture. Jewelry, drugs, con fectionery, as well as for the special wlndows of the big department and eminent come down, but It must fall clothing stores. un)o33 It shows strength and decision Dress-Up Week Is not to boost the over such B """era as the Gallt sale of "finery." but to remind the P expedition, the rescue of the 8ert purchaser of the ordinary classes ot.Dlans. th Problems of recruiting and goods that It Is time to lay In the waste' and Zeppelin attacks," said the supply for the season. It Is also the.L.ondon Globe., time for the citizens to put on a smile, keep clean, and wear as good cloth- "niied Press Service Ing as circumstances will permit. LONDON, Oct. 19. The cabinet The man who thinks he is down met, presumably to consider wat and out is only down, and out because problems and Carson's resignation'. he thinks so. Forget your grouch, Aaquith is lllandia restlng-Jorjf, and look cheerful, and it won't be few days. - - long before you will feel that -way. - wine snips m ii. s. fug HAVE LONG-ESTABLISHED RIGHT TO FLY FLAGS OF NEUTRAL NATIONS FOR RUSE IX ATTACK .OR FLIGHT Pulled Press Servlco WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 19. .will bo at Klamath county from De- Officials Indicated that no action wiiijcember 6th to 13th, according to Fred be taken regarding the sinking of the Peterson, county school superintend- steamer Nicoslam. The report that ent. While here he wlU make an ln- British patrollers used the American flag offered only an International question. The right of warships to use the nag 0f neutral nations as a ruse'is expected that the Institute held un- whether attacking or In flight, has.der his charge will be the source of been recognized for over a nundrea Attends Forest Week. and Mrs. J. F. Kimball left Week at the fair, after which he and , Mrg Klmbal, n probably take lnf tne San Dleg0 exp08ttlon. EiUson Display. ,' ' " , The store window of the Wlrtz mu-,HENUNE. THE PHOTO MAN, WILL -J - JTJTJj ADD MOTION PICTURE CAMEH.C A. Edison, world's genius, for whom this week Is being nationally cele- Jbrated, Got the Meet. Bob Sloan returned last night from a deer hunt in the Parker Station region, He brought in a buck, DuMcnulr Visitor. W. M, Whitney is here on business from Dunsnulr. Her Front Merrill. B. J, Daniels and wife are vlsitlnj here from Merrill. v . tiii'iLw VMton Frew Agswet 'OvT 4, M; Bedford is litelwsss. visitor ; fro. Ue Aeaoy. :yv- '.British cabinet WILL EALL SOON IS LONDON BELIEF 'CAN CABINET LAST?" IS UNI VERSAL QUESTION Rwijoi.ition of Sir Edward Canon Empluisizea Difference Among Cab inet Members as .the Greatest iMac of Wat London Globe Says Body Must Take Decided Stand as to the Rescue of Serbia. United Press Service LONDON, Oct. 19. "Can tho As qulth cabinet last?" la the question resignation of Sir Edward Carson em phasizes them so sharply that many politicians expect the cabinet to fall. "We should regret to see the gov- expert . h n M. S. PITMAN. RURAL SCHOOL EX PERT, TO BE HERE DECEMBER OTH FOR WEEK'S STAT WILL HOLD TEACHERS' INSTITUTE? M. S. Pitman, expert of rural schools tat Monmouth Normal school. est!gatlon of schools and hold Inst I- tute, j jir. Pitman is one of the best .known school experts in the West. It "much aid to Klamath county teachers. both In suggesting features and, im proving methods. He will visit the schools, also, thus aiding the teach ers personally. MORE KLAMATH 1 MOVIES PLANNED TO EQUIPMENT FOR LAOAL HJBITION Archie Henlino, the hustHug pho tographer, who waa the first 'to tatro,J duce day and night pbxJtograpayilsi's'tfe this city, is now located in his mw ,catedjnhu;iemf street rIeWt)W) studio at 327 Main by inveatlnz In the equipment for bis pholwwklMs made rapid and wonderful Hwesss lsWm branchlna out. '..St efi-Vi'?? ---" ." i.jv'yv . Ul. 1 mnvo-Uth' k m oriUr t(w.a, "j "ml ' -'.- '.-"-J-'.- tttZ2KA fci' JIIIWR W Sell S f ia,f(seB- sbii B jf.etrctu,wHli,"y hibitathis.tkeeierifri Vve l (WW Sf' PPPtSBj FfP'P ''' .jflSSm SPljBBPOT-' "V i 4- r-,-1 vl 1 1! H'il i rI ill -Al i. .,v. i t "-W yy sympathies nave ever ueen wn v-J ! 5S t-f -,! t Jk