trj-, .. 'u r JOT r -r ,''? 3rOrfA?,ft .-- A 4rJJ5Sl. W tT.KJf , ' - TJ .( HJ V f 71 : TFJivW ilV V KLAMATH PALLS' ,pj.r ' KLAMATH COUNTY'S f 09 .?? iy OFFICIAL NEWitAPKK . 4 "Vf UhTIUAUNKWSPAI'BK - '."i-.&;i; S5831 . rf T . , 'j-sr i ' v. . ,YorNo.M' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1915 , r w" """ ,'f-II Reports Indicate Dardanelles Attack Is Abandoned see see .'-- A'j$ German Aviator Drops Bombs on Two Swiss Towns w ftrl -4k "fcvflWferiJ rsw--a -" ' Jts J)''wW AMVVMVMMVMMMMMVWMWVMMMMWWVMMMVMMMMMWMWWMVMMVMWWWVMWW-IV WWWWWVWA IlfEE WOUNDED. 1 TEUTON. RAID ON SWITZERLAND OrfKIAL CIKCMW KXCITRI) OVER ATTACK LAST WEEK IN OCTOBER TO BE DRESS-UP WEEK MERCHANTS TO DISPLAY GOODS IN ATTRACTIVE MANNER . Raw Damage Kooalls HeToaty-Owo ipirtl Dead When Austrian Sab- Preach shin la IMMffn- -IlaHaa OsMaM MfMts Over Msttcis Otww likely to Mi War on Moo of Allien. 1'imsd Pmi ferric NIUCHATBL, Swltserland, Oct. II. Crossing the frontier after a Wit orcr Prance, a German aviator dropped three bombs on Lacbaux De vests ind two at Rests, both ot aiBk are Swiss tewaa. -Three were weeaosd and heavy damesje resulted. ' wssttae mutt of the aerial raid will M kike uilw of tlaammltm In ofl- . t'- - - M'sttai .Press Servfse . -iftNDON. Oct. II. Bevoaty-ono art reported to hare perished when tht Auttrlans submarined the French vUamtblp Admiral Hsmelln, In the Utdlterranesn, wlthont warning. Later, a Marseilles message said that thirty-three of taojcrew had Itsssd thcro, aa mo, easuaHIes were nwUoaed, It la uaeertala whether thlrty-lhree Included! all aboard. failed Press Serrlee LONDON, Oct. II. It la under toed that the Italian eaMaet baa Mt retarding the' question of join , lag Balkan activities, notwlthstsnd U( earlier reports that they would Join. The chances that Oreece will Mn the alllea Ii downed hotter. Rou Mia Ii Kllont aa to her eourse. Time to Dmi Up and lie Cheerfnl In Prospect of Hie Good Times Coming for Everybody Procrlty In Only a Matter of Confidence Individ- Home and City to Htorrw, l Dree Up. With tho stores decorated and their window displaying fashions from logging boots to tho latest crea tions of tho great milliners and tail ors of tho world, Dress-Up Week will be Introduced In Klamath Falls Mon day, October 16. This event Is being observed this year In all the principal cities of tho United Stales, and the ldoa and lesson are so good that the business men of Klamath Falls novo decided to Join the other progressive and live cities. Whllo one of the great objects ot tho week Is to see that everybody In Klnmntli Halls gets Into now and sea sonable garments, It Is contended that tho Influence of tho movo will be much groMor. Tho Business Men's Association will attempt to prepare Old Man Pes slmiim for n cropo decoration, and to instill chocr Into hearts that are now smothered in gloom. It will be an effort to replace grouchy looks with smiles and to mako happiness reign. It Is n tlmo to dress up and got cheerful. It is tlmo to dress up our city, our storos and ourselves. .A clean, good looking town makes k hit with .tho visitor, and when ho also sees tho pooplo looking natty and up to date It is driven homo In the mind of tho strangor that this to good town to stay In. UiNATH PEOPIE : ami 10 MIR CATHOLIC JINKS LEAVE THIS HORNING TWRNTY.VIVM IMT SAT-tmOAY-TWENTY MOMS OO MONDAY KLAMATH DAY OOKS Over forty Klamath count pooplo m tola morning for tho Ian Fmn wo exposition. Twantjr loft 8atur-r- Tweatjr mora leave nmt Moa V, and a party of between twsaty- nd fifty laaraaosjt Wo4ns4ty. ry oao of these Klamath people tM to stay at ta fair nntll, Ooto "r I9th, tho data on waleo Ktanath "J Probably will bo observes. This that.aroaad 111 KUntath.ea- eis are going to be e hand to JJ?r nsr tks neeoas of ;.Phn "'nnott, Klaautb'a VoprosonU Mr, and kuiiuu . l.u k.. thjlr heads togothar thlaklag of nr r---.- ir wtoaoy, a, oolBito pro graat has an k ...-i - . set ASti . "? ffstssjis w rw Ht onklal. ha ttvoa ont that It ! stag to bo uananal. i Ar party oi;Mtao'oM.obUln n SlSlaH tt-N"tig y' Ilnsi to.nosUora Pa. I How the Powder Keg Is Set in Balkans , r-i-n, Ml,,,t ,in """ fj ,"i I AUVTEQ.OERMHN 7 fr j ffiZS&i, JRft5S WiT , SOFIA S y T fKUSSIAN - . V.r y- rl I iZ ,6V" A Qi.eKCKSVf l V,. ir . ..K'-fti.' rxw v ri:e) ',r-KA. NV. w sauon,io jaimirms 1 O GREECE T jg3RDANg.ixa oQ 1- -- j rt tr 7A asvMMMyVVM"MSMSMVVVVMMWW 1 -"ff -jaa'A. e 4-r1 V kr-".T 1 'v; v l V rtffrVY Thta J. the sage setting for h.fnlln aud.a. .-"WJiatff J ,,2 lng of Serbia to her fate. Italy and the greatRussla have yet to send their armlet. ;?-, ,.j WJ.jV'"54i uiiDioTn ncnu aiiico uyniyn nuRLO iu uLHiii iiulilo iflnumo ao unmonvni c at tunc dioio ho muiunuiULL : ni muo unoio AND CAR COLLIDE '-, Hi- ffi. ii3 W foetid.. a'V'Ajrl z.. vl :-. r , r-i si sra sisTm ".. . t r.s i r." r'i ' "vwr fi'Vf FOR CONJECTURE vtfiMi - tt. 4it sa .wftjaj'ji.1 1 -d. fl V'Tg ?& -J' STEWART FREEMAN DIES FROM DISPATCHES SAY AJJUMS CAT-" .g -A t fej.w 'L. 7 TCRE DEDECHATCH ROA , '. X ' T ,1 "t W" Atasoks o. " .V Vi; FRACTURED SKULL Was Tlirowa Agslast Psveaseat With Frlghtfol Force Did Not Regala ) i Codonswesa sad Life Ebbed! Away at 8:98 This Mbnteg Trag edy Occam at Coraer of Sixth sad Klamath Wbea Cycle aad Car Meet Germans Claim British West FaUare Ftsteefc? great war drama of the Balkans. powder keg has been set off- One -and wnr. Thoro are other tremendous movements impending- NEW LE6AL FIRM IS FORMED HERE ATTOHNKY FROM ILLINOIS EN TKRM FIRM OF STONE & QALE. JUIK1E GALK TO GO TO LOS AX GKLKH SOON plucky, relentless game. -Up against a heavier, team, a more practiced team," not for a minute did the local j boys "sluff off," as Is so common In. football when the opponents bad thet big end of the score. Until tho last minute they struggled to score. Motschenbacher waB knocked out early in the game, and Klamath lost a good ground gainer by that misfor tune. Wlddoes and Melhase played a star game for Klamath Melhase by his brilliant tackling and Wlddoes by his com (stent gains. A fifty yard run liv Melhase. after Intercepting a 'forward pass, brought the ball so'noar tho goal that Plol woa atlo to carry Stone, Gale & Cress is the name otju over in a lino buck, scoring the tho new firm of attorneys wnlch hasjono touchdown that Klamath Falls just been formed. Edward A. Cress, made. , tho new member ot tho Arm, has been soley was easily the Medford star, practicing nt Hlllsboro, Ills. Ho ar- .ltrn.1 horn Inst vrnok with his family.' .. . -. .. 9 . ..,.. ... . . . w jmncnimv iu. ute wvn. i . . v. ,., , t..t !., nn1 will lAlVA. (1WTOU hi auun iw . ..- WINNING APPLES SHOWN AT FAIR MRS. BRANDENBURG'S PRIZE DIS PLAY TO BE EXHIBITED AT KLA3IATH BOOTH OTHER PRODUCTS SENT TO PORTLAND Stewart Freeman died st the hos pital thia morning as the result of in juries received when a motorcycle, on which he was riding, struck an automobile driven by Mrs. D. K. Mc Donald, at thev corner ot Sixth and Klamath at 5:30 Sunday afternoon.. The aafbrtnnate man sustalaeo a fractured skull at tho base ot the brain, which resulted In his death at 5:?2 this morning. . . Also Allies Usable to Single Foot at store Drop Bombs oat gars Peaetrste ,-S JWH r..'. . j. "'tis.i JU -Jt .J Vk? jAsrf wr 'tr- t- United Press Service ROME. Oct. 18. The ??& Mrs. Brandenburg's apples that took sweepstakes at the apple con test have been sent to San Francisco for exhibition In the Klamath booth. The exhibit consists ot ten varieties I of apples, all ot which are of unusual I size. Quality 4nd color. These are ex- Judgo Herbert D, soon with ills family for Los Angeles, whore he will tako an active part In u e. '"" '."" "1D:,"' "" , - rh": W John Knott Is the contractor en. wnicn wus luniiou- kiwi " ago. C. F, Stone will remain In Klam nth Falls. Mr. Wenneck.of the Wenneck Mer-i cantlle company ot Fort Klamath Is having constructed a modern bunga- (gaged. DRUMS HUNDREDS MEOFOftO IKS IHKIUIHK Bllt niMAK HELD BY WOMKK ur aarntun HEART CHURCH IS WTOELY ATTENDED DANCING AND FEATURES ENTERTAIN Both Friday and Saturday nights tho opera bousswaa the scene of high links held by the women of Sacred u.. Mninrii. The celebration was i.m 4n raise money for tho church Friday night dinner was served, followed by a danoe. It proved sucn a success that a dance was Uged for Saturday night. It proved an equal drawing attraction, and hundreds of equptas participated. To the last strain of "Home Sweet Home," ovoryone present was happy. During the last dance thousands of strotmtrs wore thrown until the !.., enchained with colored bandi, Flsh ponds, where the guests oould aaglo out all sorts ot urprlsos for so much a throw, auctions of nil. lews, eaadr. etc., and attractive ootks were all foetora In tho success DEFEATS KLAMATH BOYS 18 TO O ONLY SMALL CROWD PRE8 KNT GAME OF UNUSUAL IN TEREST AND CALIBRE Tho Medford High School and the Klamath High School football teams played" a game Saturday that for thrills was the equal of big inter-col- legtate games, and the two regrets oi the small crowd that attended were, f rat. that the pluck ot the Klamath . . i . boya didn't win them tne victory, sua second, that a larger crowa wsibi present to soo an unusual lnter-scnoit urtlo game. When the time keeper called time, the score stood at 18 to 6 ta favor ot Medford. Others presont say thovvla- Iters made four touchdowns, Instead of three, but the oHcWl scorb keepers only tabulate throe, and at II to ta score stands. - v But the Klagsath boys played a -, UP week: I Hear Ye! Heir Yc! Dress-Up ; We 0 k can produce not only staple pro ducts, but fruits as well. Other apples from the contest have been sent to the Portland Manufac turers and Land Products Show that convenes at Portland, October 25tb With them were sent groins, alfalfa and other products. Klamath county took, first at this fair last year with a general display, and officials ot the Commercial Club hope to repeat the triumph this yssr, MUSICAL TREAT AT STAR THEATER st Eaos,.sccordlsg to. tho and seised the chatch railroad. sii" M te.-wasr. tte t?( SM 1 3 ". H -atariaait': That.tha alllM ha laUit akMS '" k-n-7!si may mean that tbsy,bs,vabandea V their stuck em tho DardanoUss. '. 'v: T VRflB ,ST ."H l 3 LiJi3Sl aroi f is a towa in EaroBeaa Tnrkaftwon'' ty-eigbt nUesitorwsst(ojpsiMj;V on the Aegean Sea, st'tae jsw"tb"ofju.. : the Msrttiaj mre:-Th asot'thai Is" I -- V V t, Stewart Freeman, an employe at so near to Gallipot! hssvsaased a wMo the Ewauna Box factory, was riding foeuer mat , uaraanenes opewuoBs tandem with M. Hervey on Hervey's,nave beea nbsadoaed. ? - motorcycle. They were coming down ?.,., e . , " sixth, toward Main street. Mrs. Mo- "u'l":, TVmnlrt in . ITord. u dririne mi ' BEKL.1W, uct. i. ne omciat aa- Klamath avenue. NeRber were announcement of war newa iatai fol- lng particularly fast, and both were 'lews: ' , ' , f .- on the right side of the 'road They-; "We repulsed the British- In- their '" i Btruck at tho turn, and although Mrs. efforts to capture onr trenches north- .. .. .. ... t . . .. .. - -ii.-jj. t9?l the fssm.AJ4i .x. .wj ' ?l McDonald threw on the emergency west ot Yermelles, as "well hpolra tt.A mit. aVIilA nnil hitrloil IPrAnMi 4 Tniira nnil TjlaiMf: the motorcycle against telephone polo 'enemy was unable toj-ecsptnroa;sn V,3fe t ik juMAak TJawwaw rtss 4hsvxvn t swf &' fnAt stir flrfi nmnsiahsishTgs ' f' ,rr.. WILL RE OFFICIALLY OBSERVED INKLAMATH FALUIj' i 1 4SK TW7,3r iii JlstlamstJ MRS. SATTERLEE AND MRS. ZUM. WALT TO APPEAR AT THE STAR THEATER v NEXT THUR8- IF DAY EVENING. Through numerous requests from patrons who were turned away from the opera house on account. of taxed capacity during tho exatbttie I the Klamath moving pictures, atanagsr Houston has secured Mrs iatUrlse and Mrs. Don 'J.' Zumwalt to appear at tho Star theater, Thursday svaa- lng. October list Mrs, 'Batteries la a vloua bowmi oi extreme merit, a gradaato of th Royal Conservatory ot Muate of Brss aels. Belgium, She wlllbo assisted by Mrs. sjumwaK, who needs go intro duction to tho stwaU'lotiag public of at the corner. Hervey was thrown from the machine across tho side; walk, sustaining many bruises and a wrenched leg. Freeman hung on to his seat and was "thrown against the pesT: His head struck the pave ment with frightful force, crushing the skull. One ear was torn almost from hts head. Many neoDle witnessed the nccl-r dent. The car was lifted, and the unconscious man drawn from under It. Neighbors aummooed15r. Ham-; llton and Wheeler, and both men1 were rushed to the hospital. Hervey soon regained consciousness, but Freeman's life ebbed steadily until this morning st 6:13, when he breath ed his last breath without regaining consciousness. Horace Shidler, of the Motorcycle Club, which makes It a point to aid Injured motorcyclists, and a nurse were present at his death. Freeman was about 26 years ot age and came originally from the Christ mas Lake region In Lake county, his family has been Informed of his tragic death. Whether his body will be shipped to bis own home has not been decided yet. Mrs, McDonald Is In a state ot aV most nervous coiianse from tne tragedy. Horror' will be nader tho 'doctors' care for severs! weeks, In spite of the force with which they struck, tho motorcycle was hat' ly damaged. . One wheel was broken from tho automobile whoaVK otracK agalnst tho pavement. gle' foot at Scharanaeaele. Si-S "Our aviators dropped sisfer bomb y?l atBelfort." ., r1 Th Austrian renortafrom Gaavava I ? :"-:i state that the Bulgarians have peas t trated 'Serbian Macedonia, and' have & x iri i- t cut, the Salonlka-NIsh railroad, over ' -;i which allied troops must be transsortV K "'"1 .-.. -s - ' 4 ed to aid' the Serbians.' ? ft' ". i4 At .Si A fM it 5 HS'WI atb Falls: MERRILL PLANS lAIATCD OVOTCU niitn ommm T&.tw.n c -cv sr iunnrAiJ'LttrrtT K.ufc w rnw i ximwmwmim'ti-,&Z ING CITY LEADS TO A WUWJ?$M i.v AHte'ei, V ?tf JS m. -. m:im !. hM a lain mtmuit iiuimum nui rribA city hall la Morrltl tonight, follow-:?: lng the council meeting, for the Pr-ti t pose ot dlseussing a plan to bond.tbst'?S city tor .enough to nay jotfiitm ,wwiLlf '& present Indebtedness, and 1: r- iFt.i . MEETING TO DISCUSS PUMMJW , riui.n a www- miwi . , man . nng tfxfK onoraUawaterworss,mteg3nt;?rfA ncsthof.reotttheRicbee. the need of.awater.systomf asVHUlf afer , , . , w:k Brine Home the Baooa, John; Assel, John sHewarf snd George Daly v loft .early yostorday, for tho. Teosr grade eountrylsattof some yenlsoai Ansel was tho lueky man, baggtsg a buck Kbout noen: Johnny, says too buck only, weighed 111 soicss attae point wbaro'. ho kitted tt, bat .bofoap.lho. got R Into oamn' R washed that sssjar tog, yjr was everywhere felt. Tho .iso'',gssnri sneo rate is, particular hlghJors J chemical engine, yM.a.bukethff-. gase u airtne nrengosing nwaisww avalUWe. Tl eenit hss' im tno' power to Incur tho oKy's iaotgnsM for svon such'a necessary lawlBiwni 'i fWp,"'j7' Ww wmf m lwii' - , VjT1"' .lite most i . w. . &. IffTt.' QsMagXlnUmml iw.Mt,n ?Wff. 4 of the maww-r --tfrsr v ft N ,fri " ' ', W -) J L " O" 1.." ft ''V?-' &: 't'v T 'Jrf. .t x 11.J- 'sK, i it, i