rf.J'?"-"," wt ffi .V Jr KSfPSflMK " ' 'Tsssam vB . ?sM ' ' !..& s rfw T . ' . . ii'Wft'HERV r'f.s' ." - .JV J ollir -. "' ZTfJfimJSiJ,Sii . '? 7 i.rfi7JW('l TT J mi ... ..iiTU WAIX1V aFSSss fttiAMATII COUNTVt$ jta.S1r.J3l Tk j--.s"A'l OFPICIAL NEWiPAHEI r ' "r . && ' sn'i-CI laras "$ 'iv rs"f KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1915 .- .? x'i E .!. . "v' ,rw ni." i:rri rvucfta'"' rt asES!!ffl:-. (;-5lvptffiKV( '.i?Ti,irrf.X-.i f - iHrraUi !-, Mta for-"" nBH Price. Flv Csats "4 Ml V . & , " 1 ! 1 I" V H H iiriiii rm m Allies Plan to Checkmate Teutons by Drive to Constantino!) BBF1UI iflVF Hiv i rivr TO FATE MACKSMKN HUHLH FORCE RK.; OARDI.KHS OK LOftfl - ..... . Sjrtto, BmcI ob AM HMh HtmlM tmmUtf AHtos Mast Com Ha to lie of AM VratetM MHro Ito rh OoMtMliaoBto VatoM llrttAnltMiiforced. AUWapUn CTurkwIhm MMWWt. I'nlltd I'reM Servlri PARIS, Oct. 1. Heavily beaet on til iMt. Serbia I flgbtlng for her IK. The allle muat reach the op pntMd country oon In order to bo fa. akekeucn It reported to be hurl ta kl force against the Serbian Mm reiardlc of loaaaa. It U atnMtttd that tlio Auitro-Oerman In TMUri are ure to retch ConaUntl- UBlet thu Berblan are re- '! rHa Vtm Burvlce OME, Oct. 16. Though It ie.con. polblo that the ailiea may i Ibe Dardanelles. U ta nat In- warned to mean that thar wlU ceaie la tbelr attempt to raek Gowtutt Mple. Imtead It la taller tha al mi will make a tatttfta aaaMaad 4rtM tarough Bulgaria, Mdl'aMk an XUapt to chuckmate th Twti U iwH lo reach the Turklak eaaltat H la believed that the it ptaa la to put allied nrmlea between tha Teu (aa and tbelr souree f mynllaa, wnib thl may Involve leaving tfbla to her fate. The eye of tha world are turned the Balkan now la praa the ?"Ut Imuo of tha war. Th Otr- UU. early In tha wf: alalm tkat H aukiog a drlva through the Bal- . reaching Conataattaopla, and klag that nation with BulgarU as T" wmrai empire, that the war 2JM cemo to nn and, aa the allle JW the Uormaa wN lavlnc Z" a raw wks ago the Teuton Nto itt out to do thl Try thlag . 5f!IlcttmeD witB vrmr Attorn 0,000 to a million mn, haa taken y nw ,t,p. ,Wr,t, Bjrtta t. "miing block, mut be erwMed. m, attacking tha lerbtaa fore W1 ao regard for loaaaa. iitz't u,e, n taa athar hand, S!T "e MloMinaaa of th situation " wwy'a report ladleaU tkay will S a deaparat; BkaMf 22!nt' Whthr ierWa eaa ba 2h U only conJec4urwVa4af J! armle la Oraeea aa4lr ortatlon to abUuaicU ''? PPreaaed nation.': But mlaHary 25 think that tha alltea wW at 7 w ht laiia. . laa4a4 Ti too, will amarak aa "flaaalaatl 52v ttaht ta ahaekmatotha vwj, upea mpatoj Qalii. A-oVitr3gi5taaS': 5 ' th praamea a duL ."r -" Ttf- arrttai imAimtU" Bi;r-7,'PP.-Jwawr.?;r.' nMuul.. ii.-. V ' i,i- . SERBIA twS1. ffwMif fck Kaa "U'.xr.iwi eenaa t iwsj "fc"""J"M""t'""""fc""""rT Pj BUYERS WEEK MANY FROM REMOTE SECTIONS AS WELL AH USUAL CLIKNTKI,' I IN KLAMATH FALLS TO WINTER SUPPLIES HUV Todny la th tant tiny of buyer' twek. Betide tlio Urge number of ftrmeri tbat jw,jri mBko a Saturday trip to Klnmath Full to toll and buy auptfllM, hundreds from more remote MCtlom, the extreme eaut of tbo county, aro In town today, expoctlnK to take advantago of the cut In prleet. Notblnc haa been provided In tho abape of npccliil cntortalnment for ,th clty'a lueata, but many of the ! Carman anticipate attending the Klamath-Medford football game thl afUrnooB. No figure can be obtained a to the number of gueata that were pre eht for buyer' week. Thuraday haa been the blggeat day up tilt today, bat today la expected to be the big geat of tlio week. The ret room haa been In uo all day. DYKE IS UNDER OVER SIX THOUSAND ACTIK8 OF LAND BKLONGINO TO KRRXH BUOTHERS TO BK RECLAIMED NEAR KENO The firm of W. H. Maaon A Co., which haa the contract for tha con- tructlon of n four-foot dyuo on tne n. E. Kern property near Keno, la busily engaged with a foro of men, excavating and placing drainage dltchoa that will eventually placo in the neighborhood of 6,600 acre or land under a drainage ayatam. It 1 the Intontlon of Mr. Korn to have Installed a number or pumping plant, which will be uaed for IrrU gallon purpaaea. According to the present outlook, work on mi proj. will be completed during ine eaTiy part of November. Haatera Retain. O. W. Robartaon, proprietor of th Klamath Dy Work, and William Brown, Ban Francisco police officer, have Just returned from a tow day' Jrunt in the hills near Stiver Camp. While there many hour were sponf In tha wood In aearcu or raw mcai. Tha aoenery becoming tiresome and th bacon mot gono. "Bob" wanted a change, and Union Crk, waa choea aa a favorable apot. Har th cook proved uneatlafactory, when Brown fMtta nut watar la th ote, and ballVlag that, Main, trt lookd good to,tim, ,rMhd hra hu$ va. tog. Mwaa Aitana W. H. thaw. wi has aaaaK IU for wme maak;'laapvtw. to.Tafy (l-MartBtKo'Cle.i atllar, slrtlUlM wjllhold aarlr &wm.' at. mm,.Jil&wim wf . '.' . A i hi ' I a 1 i ataam CONSTRUCTION s for life; -.- jujuii a uuaofvvvvy'vn APPLE CONTEST PROVES SUCCESS IN All PHASES OXK IIUNDItED AND FIFTEEN K.Y IIIIIITH RECEIVED Fotiy.Flvr. Hubtult KxhIbliM U.n. Tabic, Killrd Willi Kvrry Kind of. Cooked AppleN anil All Varlrtlp of KlaajKVHU FH1 White nulldlng. Mm (;. K. Urawlenbut-K Winn HtvrpUk(M Wllb llrt INnpUy. TIib apple contest proved a au' ccbm In every phao. One hundrel and fifteen exhibits were received' from forty-five exhibitors from every1 part of the -.county. jjAU'.atenoa crowd thronged tbo White building ' whore the contest was held. I-ong table filled with every kind, of apples, apple pies, dumpling ev-1 ory kind of cooked apple lilted tho exhibit room. The Judging was dona at 1 1 o'clock. Tho largost number of exhibits was entered by P. U. Armstrong, who showed nineteen varieties of Klamath grown apples. A close second ww Mr. Newnham, .whose exhibit num bered thirteen. There were forty-nine entries of cooked apple, Including apple plea, apple dumpling, apple tart, apple salad, apple cake, apple pudding ap ple jelly and apple preserves. The winners and awards were a follews: Claaa A, Klamath grown apples, best general display Mrs. C. K. Brandenburg won first prise, aa Elk Tankard Set of seven' pieces, donated by Mrs. T. O. Hague; Frank Arm strong second, over-ready flashlight, donated by Civic Department wo men' Club. Claw B, Klamath grown apples, best single display of winter apples Mr. C. P. Stewart won first price, a thermos bottle, donated by Qeorge T. Baldwin: Mr. C. K. Brandenburg second, desk or auto dock, donated by Civic Department Women's Club. Clasa C, Klamath grows apple, best single display of fall apple Mrs. C. K. Brandenburg flrat, Japan- eat wood carrier, donated by Women' Library Club; Mr. Mary Walton e- one, aet nickel nesting cups, donated by R, E. Smith. Clasa D, apple plea and cake Mr. McLean flrat, a cut glasa bonbon dish, donated by Louie Jacob; Mrs. J. 8. Elliott aecond, earthenware caarola, donated by Wm. C. Hum; Mrs. Shir third, oaka t of seven piece, donat ed by A. Cllnganp!. Clasa E,. apple pudding, dumpling, etc Mra, Stella Ater flrat, watar, Ditcher and six glasses, donated by Clvle Department wosaw via Mra." Rath OaMboom econd, -agato prNrlagkttt. donated by Arthur wiawUa: Mr. Wm. Ronbrgi third glasa aaror t of vn ptoe, 4a nated by Clvl Dprtt Woawa' Club, ciaaa F. avDla aalads and rallaaa, noMthy Baaaaraoa rat. U aaaorataf sAaM. tiuH&ytoia -onrOor. alia Robertson , Biaauamw akxaWt. doaated by oharteaMy: arbara Blahop third Gil Anderson Winning 3,500 Milk Auto Race in New York l BTa WararararararararaVaaraT araVam SBSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBStRbB .BBBBBBBsm XBBBB Z?aBBBBB '?Bsss9gaBsssssssssssssssssssss KBBBBBBBBsTAiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmn bBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1bT HkiHkBHf liBsssssssssssssssssssssssssssskgaVaasssssssssssssB B LassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssgalsssssssssB M- gaBssssssssssssssssBsssssssssssr BiW'.BsB $1 i-gaaBBBBBB.BB.BB.BB.BamBgB.BBBB.BBB?g lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgHgaMa3 PbbbfbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB iSaSawS&SSSBBBBBsalg Gil Anderson winning 8300 mile auto New York, aveitiRUts; 108 miles an world's record. w donated by. Civic Department wo men's Club. Class O, apple Jellies and preserves -Mrs. D. F. Arnold first, six cups and saucers, donated by Willi ft. John atone; Mra. L. H. Oath aecond, lady's handbag, donated by Mrs. Ceo; W. White; Mrs. Wm. Roneberg third. set of six ramekins, donated by Clvto Department Women's Club, - The successful prUewlnnlag apples are to be turned over 10 ,ne com mercial Club, to bo aaqwa In their display window on Mala atreet. The cooked apple were sold to'tna-publlo at the clow of tho contact Tha re maining grown npple were turned over to th Philanthropic. Department of the Women's Club for distribution to the a4y. The judges of Klamath grown ap ple were Messrs. Glakyar, Btearca and Slough. Judges 3t coeked' ap ples war Misses Mears anV.Elmer Mr. L. B. Hague, who, originated the contest, and Mrs.-Q.Wj White; who took . an actlYelatoraat, are among those recelvlng.th moat con gratulations for the sueeess or tne contest, V i .. iiS. .. ww NINE KVNMIBD ANBIfTO BOOKS CIRCULATED AND UMvpwm BAYS LDMARUN FOR a ' . W MONTwlOF SEPT1 . r? (96 f a ' t4yfV "C r 1 A I . . ? . "v - t Niaa aaadrw aad tw:jhaoim;.wrs' riwhMitM -mrn'm. -sv -,v .-."s illUII IIIOITAliD ANY VISI I IIkS .PUBLIC LIBRARY - vmv - M!(awS" - - -, t j.. Aid Must Come Soon ft. V .- . v ruro.'nt the Sbeepshead Bay track. hour for the' entire, distance, a, new ber by the Klamath Falls public li brary, according to the Ubrartan'a re port. Two thousand one hundred and eight people made use of the library. A few new books have been re ceived, among them "Fraumerel, by Leon Dulyrtmph. Another popular book haa been placed on rental at 3c a dajr. It to "Virginia Christmas," by Josephine Bastam Bacon; From now on will be a steady In crease of the use of the library, part ly because of the opening of school work, and partly because winter Is the book-reading,, time. By constant addition of new book tha library has become ao extensive guests are often aurpriaed. GIRL OPERATES ON SELF; DIES SUCH IS CLAM OV DOCTOR ON WBKMOB TABLE DEATH OCCUR-RKD-OORONBR RBLIEVRS Qfi KRATTON A CRIMINAL ONE ' PORTLAND, Oct 16i Tha body. of the girl who died on aa oparattaa tab) of Dr. A;,A. Anaplaa4 ytraay ha baan tntUI4 as that Ml Anna Anaarsoa. a aematt at ttw horn of Fre H.. Groan. Coroner Dummaaoh declared ah died tram tho egeeU of a'erimlnal qtfjtBa. vr. aasptaaa asawa au aawwiaaaw of tk case sassat that ta girl died while being Vmtrntmmtm tha oWl that th girl had attompt- 4 to operate .on'1 await "VA W 1 A frlaad ( OtoWl, wh had rl at tan . . --.. -l..M-..1.lJl-inrtfr-ri( t TWELVE PERISH AS RAILWAY CAR FALLS IN RIVER ItELIEVE FIFTEEX OTHERS CAR DROWN IN i Forty Injured la-Railway Wreck Near Randolph, Kaaaaa First Car Croaaea Bridge 'la Safety, But tin. Strartare Collapses WHb Second Car Ninwea aad Doctors Rush to I JSceae of Cat ti optie. .' F ; -7 ?'.. -, - (United ers;service OMAHA., 6ct;; 16.HAt least" twelve j perished.' according to available In formation, and many, were Injured tjrbaa,v;iuakJ''PaelOc.,motor carj '' - craanea tnrongn v wasnea oui pnage Into the river' -seventy 'miles from (Randolph, -Kan. Five bodies have been removed from the wreckage, all of which were unidentified. I Ten survived the catastrophe, and twelve are, mUaing, The first car crossed the -bridge I safely but the second went down. United l'rew Service TOPEKA, Kans., Oct. 16. An uu confirmed report stated that fifteen were killed and fifty. Injured A wAaalMa Mkaw la AttasiwA1tarA 7Vvugj viva w wywwnvwt lecate the missing. - to -iS Vnlted , I'ress-Servlce , KAN8A8 OITYi Mo. Oct. 16. A special train, .bearing nurses and doc tore la being rushed to the scene of the wreck. United fres Service . OMAHA, Oct. 16. At Issat twelve are dead and forty Injured as the re sult of the wreck. Survivors stated that thirteen men are still In the forward end of the car under twelve feet of water. The wrecking crew la working desperately to get a, chain around the exposed end. of the car.. Fan-well Party. Thursday, evening a. jolly party took place at the home of J. F. Coel- ler of, Riverside avenue, when a gain erlnK of young folk participated in a farewell party tendered Mia yerda Coxad, who haa been pending a nieasant visit here from. Martinez. The evenlng'a entertainment consist ed of a number of choice "musical se lections and concluding, all partook of an enjoyable repast. Tho pres ent were Misses lone Stemman. Elal- nor ttflaman, Verda Coxad, Barbara qoeiler, Hatei ooeuer, mbmi awna nna wiT ieoi. ltWvZf iw . -, ft imis' t Oh! Yon 'TTrinlrimt'-r-'? ' Bewar ail tho whebAW tatoken iious with' aoi'-BJas4patly gone,, for- Mum wW W laad to rest npon thy, brow,Jsaiwtf apar tarbe aot saM ;(ailrT;ii ! bohm conUlas . x Friday' night tha. hen aaaaa,?., MafcOwhocm. ,on ulcom i;iav"iton ot, mW: uight majja; aai ,wha th chieha were eatwa .jBarvarsairaw, aa mmmr as thm wk totog. It.l prum4 ff 'W W t Pl ip n s 7 a msBjaM sai -' :s&. M, '' 9u Jitf vw ""-- i MTU. PAY FOR GERMAN SERB VICTORIES KLSSIANS RETAKE POSITIONS IK OALICIA't '-K J." t $? Seibtan Defease Against Teatoa Of-, fensive, MagaiAceat -Mscksaaesi's Forces Gala Bat Tea Miles, Is Loaif don Claim Omiiut FaU9to Km- : ' " a,:' - " . j, ' vy circle Serb Ift RwMta as-nt-: gariaas la stataof . War. "Km, irnit-il i'ress FARTFRN RFFFATS v - .c . 'service ," .- i "LONDON, nrs n Uti- nk.,.. -wjL.' " ..i-. Plight is deiperoUVtaeSerbiansarek magnificently resisting.! Mirkauu ' TTET3.5 forces have v gained only -tmf, i south from the Morova Valley Jna: we: ..v, . r The German attempt tp;eacircle T' ' J TT Jr Jf .to. Servian 1rt wing; aemesdiiaT;! blocked. The Invaders are'progrs- sing very slowly. , t- Russia and .Bulgaria are In a sutsj of war, and have been since, Bulger la fired her first gun on the Serbians. i Petrograd has notified, the English wan office of .the defeat of the .Aua-i trian army, which waa attempting to? renew" the offensive in OtssW " Tai: Germans have retired before" Dvlaakt andjbe rlgbrwlngof the Teatons'bas; tiAAn il-tvan tiaf.tr naap4TlMnAl -i. AppaTentlytbe Teutonaara.paylag dearly for their Balkan victorias by r defeats in Gallcra. The wlUdrawaU of Macktrnzen's forces from the east1 f, front haa evidently left thGrmaa( unable to .make further offensive Inl Galicla, and perhaps not able to hold tbelr captured posillons. i4 FAIR EXCURSION Ut DIAIIO Dcuiucn riflnojivLiiiLu C- v U SOUTHERN PACIFIC ORANTfl ONE - 'k t AND A THIRD FARE FOR PAR-- TIES OF FIFTEENKi:iAMaTM DAY SET FOR OCTOMbR 4; fW-T' -U1 ' w. f ..iviIlL t .W w - yvn- , - .-ru? The hopes of. s?jrwratonVtovtl"M expoBltlonaad KUmAthj Day, , one buried,, have .reappeared, again- This lima 'no- nsia, nocompiwonar'4;-!.xg nacessary, ,and prorapetB rlgo44fS T,(f v - , jn . -.'- . : , --j -r- ( . thai jjtnough.Klamatb ipsopU wlpr Monday Still-BoMtor;jstt.vNj( nesdwv'CHbat jMJa'ar; KMla..'u''tkatvfMiai':aM'''tSJa'J diaTWaaMtt1;!4. lasrvswswr .3Wrf.f5ww) VW5AtoH''-ti'7 :fl5, .'- 1M ITT H awaaoit. tha .. t' iwJwT,V. amtUwlh9wmwl kaat tls, bj h Baattaf j Swto . s" wBssssmsjmp w 'wJjT V Tha tebMtPMlpBjj ogered one aad. a,Utiwi.to!hrtPMfep Mwlwwwvjwj fflgVfcif 'Mmli7yvjfc!l 'I-rt'i:',a38'BB1,,-'",ag as " fr-'3 KtJ3M iw : nr9vjr h vipw jjt'f, , ''am rjffej.-ii.'-i ' -5 "if .,tj?i ? - - x ft tt4 . cm .. T .TL & ,.. rv '.-! n ! ."Kyd M "$ m 'rfe.-jTSS'' is -J fl: tw . ?? -. Air . K -. 1 -i s . PS ti ,f&H M' ' Jfi ' "& iCPKl Vf. .-.iv.r ,r7y .-.:. , lf.k ' -v tjnf iV;HK w ' , -"xrpiSWT ""7 ! V-.- . HeSifM !!. BJ5IBr..'J t5J M a yn:mmmnmm -I-. . ' " fVJ fi.", , -,xv rfV