rwvww-.SfTiP'sfE ' X?Kj.fif$g&n'SI . " ;--); rfc. '.sot7T.' ' '!?: l'T,i ,- . .. St!- v.. V .r ' ';., rjifr mwa b tr ... c. x t '. ...m-fLfai.;'1 ntfmj&A-:- (l w- &-jmtewyU5m :te,- r."v &? J&& KLAMATH FALLS' K LA MATH "CQUNTYS jSS v . t. .1 . . . ..vf .. i mc! OFPICIAL NEWSPAPER afl ; . - J. IWA - Mi OFFICIAL NEWSPAP.9 -$' . f-.u , -i , i . viMiwaJ .-,,ii IHBVI 7irti 4kitnttliv rw annnw - bbx li J I -v 't. . V'-0' " KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER IS. 1Q1S " ' ;'& l Serbia Makes Formal Declaration of War on Bulgaria ALLIES ATTACK COMMERCIAL CLUB IK DEFENSES .j PLANS CAMPAIGN WITH NEW ZEAL f (MWMWWWWWIIWWWWWWWWWWWWWVW li BJTK OF OPPOSITION LOW CAMPAIGN WAGED OF MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN TO HTAHT IN NEXT FEW DAY. - THOSE HACK IN DUES ASKED TO PAY UP EXHIBITS The Commercial Club will start u membership campaign In n fow dnyn, MT Dead, 77,000 WowndMt- Rr- Tho club already lino it large mombot- shlp, but Fred Fleet tlilnkii that the part Edward Carson, Attorney art. Nt c, , cngthcnod If tho cltUohs or the city understood how work the club In doing. Also, (Iioio who nro back In their due and ftubocrlptloim nro roiuelcl to liny up. JiikI what lltii'H tho cumpalKU will take In not known iih yut, lint every good cltUcu In the city In desired as a munibur. "Wo nowl more live wire," gal J Mr. Jacob. "Thoro uro already lotuo In tho flold, and no ono ban to loo'.c very fur to boo what.thoy aro dolny. Tho club, In connection with tho NgehN. l-ord Mllura' IniUtance Portland Chamber of Commerce, wa tQM troopg bo transferred from (HI- n force In gottlng the promlto of tho MMM tltewhere cauied the dUcour- rily. If everyone In Klamath county gcui ueuinu una ciuo, me great things that aro needed rail CmimIU at ItordNMrllc IH, ml of HrltUli (VibliMt, IIm 11 ilprd Ithputr mt to Wr Man cmrnt In Cabinet Herlou failed I'reu Service LONDON, Oct. 15. Depltt the HMtttlou of tho lordi that the cam paign be abandoned, tha allies are Mtbardlng the Dardanelles defenses man over, accoraing to ai soon be accomidlshod. All wo need is cooKratlon." iftMfit over the situation. ft ! ttMMiiMA ihoi tit a. tlaltlattt eatualtle. in the Dardanelle. I. llw '"""!" '5""..-""' 57 kitted and 77,000 wounded. Dsltsd Press Bervlce ' ! LONDON, Oct. 15. The absence of Mwtrd Carson, attorney general of! las Brlllili cabinet, from the laat) Bwettng resulted In a report that he' bad resigned. It Is believed the cab list frctlon aa to the management of , lfc,ww Is much more serloua thnu w'ioTornment admits. RECOMMENOARMY OF HALF MILLION MUST BE IN OCT. 20; I'AIIMKRM KNQUKNTKD TO IIBINO IN PItODUCTS FOR PORTLAND HHOW POTATOKH IN THIRTY lOUND tVOTH NKEDKD -'. All exhibits for the Portland Manu facturer's and Land Products Show must be lit at tho Commercial Club roonin Ay tho 20th of tho month, ac cording to Fred Fleet. Already many productH liavo been submitted, In cludlng grain,' alfalfa, gramies and fruit. - "Klamath Falls took II rut last )car," mild Frod Fleet, "anu wo. want to repeat that trlumfih. Also, wo want the Ylsltora of that fair to know that Klamath county Is a potato re gion, so If any farmers have any good quality potatoes, I wish they would bring them In. Bring them In thirty pound lota. "Tho formers have responded well to our call for exhibits for the exhibit windows. Doth wlndowa aro now filled with monster vegetables, grains, etc., that would convince anyone who saw them of tho agricultural capabil ities of this country." HK8i:ilVK ARMY IS UKCOMMKN. DATION FOR DKFKN8B GOV KRNMKNT WILL MANUFAC TURK ARKOPLANK8 FOR WAR fanuu Recognition Hanga Fire Caked Press Bervlce WAtlilNaTON, D, C, Oct. 16. A temporary hitch In the recognition of Carranta haa developed, duate- '. uv nimuier joihmi lam ran Amerlean conferees for recognition. ta2H "!v0t,U!- taiU ,,tort.1ho president approved Daniel's nay 2nl . P-Awriea act profrnm. Tno pInn ,, (0 mnko ovury maiuneoasiy. ' . .p yard mftm,fctorjng pnnt a war. ship repair shop. Tho government TORT KLAMATH WOMAN PASSES MRS. UNION ANN JACKSON, PRO PRII.TRKSS'OF FORT KLAMATH UOTKL, DIi:S AFTKR LONG FIGHT WITH PF.RITONITI8 il'nlii'd I'rmiH SirvicV WABHINC1TON. D. C, Oct. 18".- nireieae HUtton Hnrna w,n BUW neroplanos. Halted I'retK Service I Regarding tho roportod disagree VALLBJO, Oct, 1G. Gunner J. mont with tho president, Secretary Holton, a machinist and mate of tho Garrison said: "Thero Isn't or hasn't Mp Sjwajkoakl, and a coppersmith-, been any disagreement." David Darry, were badly burned In a! Tho placing of federal military Bre thtt destroyed the Cordova wire-control ovor tho providing and or Ims station In Alaska laat night, ab ganlsatlon of an army of a half mil rtlng to radio advloee. The explo- lion rosoryos was an Important rccom wO of an alcohol tank wan thai eauae. mendatlon. i. -. NyP 'eople Would Have fair Buildings Permanent ei(l?er"W "Htlnl Hervlee) i.- 'UANCISCO. Oct 16 Aa the of the exposition drawa near, ! many oxpreaalona of regret M there a(thlng of such beauty, which t SO much mm -.hnitlj t . "d,to perish, ud'tbere nrl many 2? W-n the-hope that the man Ijwont may continue it for a, time 'S?,V Bfter the Sl "rt.ftw -"on. However, it is given out , 't.,u"'"vely that Deeenrtler. 4th J the fair, and that In ninety rL!!.ot,c",,,r wtftMii will be "ved from th ilto of th-1BOf. wen. U u a matUr of contract with 'J 2ver.t'iaat all bulldlags teSfnS 4jSS&i v C"'olprlvWrniWraB. -j w T'-nnerawwBst4aiiMI probably bo too great fo permit 'their continuance. It must bo remembered that practically overythlng on the grounds, with the exception of the Oregon building,. Indiana building and Pennsylvania building, Is con structed of the artificial .travertine a mere mlxturoJ of plaster, and that the heavy rains of the winter season would almost wash the buildings away. Many of them are now begin ning to show signs of wear, and .it ould take little to make them un presentable. Just what will be done with the Oregon building la stjli a matter of conjecture, Except forMta founda tion, the Oregon buUllkat-ta a.aolld structure, but the foundation, ef any thing 'hi usually quite important. There rare hut fifty-three days ot.the exposition leftj to. the etory wm toon bV'tolilewMful as tM expoajtlon la. UwUaTe tPefteh Uho all oth erVbuWa benatlH.wUrhavo loft a InoeUUo . ImKOM . tha !! of thbusaWof TlsMorp. Mrs. Unlou Ann Jackson, proprie tress of the hotel at Fort, Klamath, died nt tho hospital In "Portland Octo ber 10th of porltonltls. She has been under treatment at' the hospital since May, but tho doctora who attended her wcro unablo to ward off the dls caso that caused her death. Mrs. Jackson was St, years, 11 months and 4 days old t the time of her death. She was well loved and respected all over Klamath county. She lenvcs a husband, C. C. Jack son, at Los Angoles, and seven chil dren. Five of those, T. J. Jackson nnd four younger children, Earl, Co lumbus, Wllber and Edgar, made their homo ut Fort Klamath. B. O, Jackson, anothor son, Uvea at Ander son, Calif., and Mrs. Kate Sharp, 'a daughter, makes her home at Lob Angeles. The funeral will be held Saturday at 1:30, at Fort Klamath. is , , j President Wilson's Fiancee 7. . ,, I i ' ! .ennMnVnnnflnnW MnsBnnnnnnnnnnnnnw nflnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV ,nBnBnBnHBnBnBnn1BnBnBnBnBnBnBnW BnBnanBnran'SPi'nBnBnBnBnBnBnBnW annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnTPliWnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV ) BBnBnBnBnBnBnBnSBnBnanBfi''i&yiL Uk . TyiVnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBn .nnnnnnnnnnnBnnnBplinnnnnnnnnnnnnn, 1 annnnnnnnnnnnnnCf- ::'Jlr ' S MmPW Ifinnnnnnnnnnlfc?' -vllannnnnnnT nnnnnnnnnnnPliMBBS -'ih'W nnnW'K-Vri( Af K"ti J-' f Mm! ?& S LlnlnlnlnlnlnlnlnlnW -' ,X?$U:i nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnvr'y',.- ' tJ- r r TTT"rT" fr i Tiif tTT nrnnMT r T rw- -. , mrmKsmmsmmfx .BwmnBnM4.,a?:rr'- . ifsMMviTkstm IStSB8"!.- ,. .' ftW'!BnnTi iwi?S!ai (r.V't & jS'liV'BnnnnWari ntfnWsSlii iV.V VVMMVVVWAwVMMwJwyMwVwywWVwWV farmers attend pelican Inks ONE HUNDRED FARMERS AND FAMXLIbW,, PRESENT , ATJ BAN. QUET 'AND DANCE 'AT WHITE I PEUCAN.HOTRL , A hundred farmers and their fam ilies were guests of x the Baalnees.SerMn'e Formal War l ,! HILL DOMINATING 4 wim ivv, tHfi wifiMii - ftHAtt pwfiUfkfiaJf t SERBIAN CAPITAL ' as irfs mmi . i'S K'&m . i"ii'UasJi(af'& J3rl 4$$?? g HEIGHTS ABOVE BBL4AB -, IN,OERMAN nUNanl., J, '?&- ZZ!$S&3S$&&!!li r Bnlgan Received -T4ar- 'in v. Serbian Territorr Claim Many VIUesHe. 1 Mdn'a Association at the White Pelf! MM 1a nlk, A t.A MMMaalM llak. ' u, f"k mmm, ,V1 uiv uyniM J1UKI of buyers' week. The festivities In cluded a dinner1 and a dance. The Klamath FaJle. guest gathered in the hotel dining room at 7:30. In the banquet that followed and a sumptuous one It was the farmers jnnd the business men present began to get better acquainted. Speakers were called upon by Toastmaster Dunbar: Mayor Mason and Judge Baldwin' from, Klamath Falls, and Messrs. Wise, Esell and 'George from ara.Sng the guests. All the speakers .igreed on one peint: That everybody In Klamath county would be benefit ted hy a closer union of city and county. ' ,.- aninrmfaul nv at mna ' -- Klamath Falls and the. surroundlag' t War Exime Becnnee ef neJanenisi' t v ' fltig5h Attacks' Hnlgara Qaetnre M k5 Kr v st T-sS: United t Prese isnnwf i i 'k trv LONDON, Oct. ,16. SerbU formal- i rsi .- 7' '. . ' "a! jt&Zr ly declared war on LBnIfarin t&tvr., England was. notUedhat a j war existed betwn Sarla atul Bt1. guiia because of tUe Blcar4utta i '"'M riete mru'-j j a .'.. from Zattcher to Rndovtete. BERLIN, Oct. tknulnm ,IMm .Will .V AMt,.V Pr .!" """ " -- m ww vnv , tt- ni h, .'J.r Tt -. . ' , i .84W, Av?S3 U-Tke glaetlane j ,i,Ms between .Kmmm&M Rnjasevac. l fnr f hM'ltnhtlllJIav nf 4I.W m!. .! tv).wBi,.aIanrWIAM. BJ0radelk, i.-,.t .... . t.',.- i .. - ,. r ijiae-Bnna.wet-.ue-iaBieaweie ciearea .-away,-;;aa n, naaee eetn-i raencea one took Ha.Iah1 wi4uuwui hiiiu uu nmwp, OOCH'l Italy i'ittu nit; icni ui iuc btcbisb; oBurmia nlaht. - zp thirty mllea northeast . rf' Niaaunnsl." ":ifi, ..-- . .- -" "- . flf.Vil thirty . 'mOer, nmsn': ; BlCk , gnBemmmj, emmnmmi - H ",.:f' : Qadrfllee." In which every-l unltedPreni k partVlnteperei'witk eif' .pRis "O lal waits and twop,'cSilItaj u ;h0 I' Servtea, Oct 1:- 5y- 1.1- '; frfr'stfil ithe'Balkans ..T-..C .1.-1-, -i-".-i: .-.--sraas vniMivuis kffMF w, wy-yi , -,1,.g' "SHADOW LAWN" WILSON'S HOME hNKW JERSEYITEH PERSUADE PRESIDENT TO MAKE SUMMER RESIDENCE AT McCALL PLACE AT LONG BRANCH, N. J. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Oot, 16., The president accepted New Jersey's Invitation to. make "Shadow Lawn." John MoCall's place at Long Branoh, his summer restdenco. A score of New Jerseyltes called, and ottered the. estate, at no expense to the pretl dnt except thai of the maintenance of the president's household. A ' 'The presldeatfasked to be alwwfd to pay reat. MRS. NORM AN GALT MITCHELL DIES OF HEARTJFAILORE COMMERCIAL .MAN KNOWN TO HUNDREDS OF KLAMATH FOLK DIES THIS AFTERNOON IN AN AUTO NEAR MT. LAKI 'was a member. His lodge and also the firm he represented have been notified by wire, and the body will probably be shipped to his home to morrow. He was also a member nt the Masonlo Lodge. IKE MOSE OOT ON 5250 BAIL A t MAO NO TROUBLE IN FINDING AMOUNT FILIPINO, ., OTHER PARTY IN FRACAS, FREBD'AF- TER NIGHT IN JAP- ,( A. A. Mitchell, known, to every, gro cery man. in Klamath County an "Mitch," died near Mt. Laklat 1;30 this afternoon from heart failure. For years he has been traveling through California and Oregon1 repre senting M. G. Bernstein, tea and , coffee, dealers, of San Francisco. ikp Mose, the Indian who drew the Mr. Mitchell left Klamath. Falls knife on tho Filipino of unpronounce about noon today In an auto with I able name, and the Filipino are both Harry Pelts, with theMntenUon of at large on the streets again. Mote, calling on the trade at Midland, Mer-'however. Is out on. S50 ball, rill and Malln. He had keen com- The Filipino was kept la only plaining of a pain in huVcIest all .day, His offense was getting Intoxl- the morning, and stopped at the J. O.lcated with that kind of anlatoxloa. McOlellaa store at Mt. LaU to see Ifjuon where be wanted to. fight every- ae cetua secure a nisjiier ior ma noay wno crossea nu psu. .,nm- ar chest; This he was unable to do, and .rest occurred while he wan trying to the party left for MerrMl. , About two miles from the store Mr: Mitchell was suddenly strlhen with heart failure, and died before assist ance eouM be secured. ..Coroner Barl and Whttloek. went to .mMkl brought the body to tMeletty,; , , .rl St( '. - Its Uljtnjnll warn tnTUanAininfjklilt'st.t, wa emgMSHnj4a " wsjmw nany , nw meet popular. ma,.on; tho md fak ing aieierriwry, u , smwne aaowu sBdjikedby practlcaHy everyone la the' eounty, He - yeara of iSI Joee. The body wlllishnnnn of by th BMn Lodge ef wWeh U escape on a horse. The horse slipped with him and the man' took n hart spill 4on the pavement, , , ) The Filipino said his leg waa Wok en, and was hauled up, to the 'elty hail m an auto, xaere ur., ni ea amtnod htm, found no .hMkea 'hoses, nor even a'eralse. He wan "thrown la,' and it BOW.Ont MtlnV . Moss had. no dlttculty ,ia putting tin his bond,. for Us wife, after ieel- .L'1 AA' ,-' . Al'- .! a ing on f sow in.tenaerii.irvss n.iWMA Hk'?fally;Lsjei4ee;i:M'?s)s. bUls, still had a reU as M aa a'nwwer fntjofjrllsf toJaetiee of tho Venat (MWMI.. fi,, v ..iv i ., vi- .m;5k 1 ;i TUHHf IBTCDHCn r. """ ' .- GERMANS RAIDING E Tfi Sl? .v. y a & 5 "" United Press' Serrfee' BBRLiN, oct. is. it la nuomneeti that Austro-Germans hare taken the heights dominating 'Belgrade, and)? various crossings' over- the Jxwanbe'.''-" They are reported to be nwvnatss'r from?Semenbrla; ?Te oMal 'ssjsjli-' mentIriui ouows! -., eWj ''Wuw.ilrhlu ll,ii Wirlilsaa iStr A - -.. . rZr. : . .- tr 'Trz3Krt ''b'n 4f tf maadof a deetaratlon'ef aweenJpjeA-J -, i.4 titude." '" - k United Press Service In SerbW." fJ'!sJg.j(4JSt .v.: .. t?A-fijkri i " ..". '.f.' F.". J- ABSENCE OF SEC GERMANS AND south frc(Belgrnne. YAWL GIVE CREDENCE TO Bau"nUe3 Vrees "Br1ce',iti,? ?flfCi PORT OF GERMAN RAIDER OFF - LONDON, 6ctl.An4AtssTtn.S 4i , patch saya Uat-PrenUer leanUihaa. -MEXICAN COAST acaln announeeeVthenesjtwUtyi'intS .Greece, answering the: Bulsjaynw-Aay f WASHINGTON, D. C.'Oct. 15. The navy department believes six Germans escaped on the yacht Eclipse and are trying to damage. British commerce In the South Atlantic. The leaves of absence to the Germans In terned In the Kron Prlns -.Wllhelm and the Prlns Ettel have been re voked. , They will1 be confined to their phlpi until It Is determined whether the missing 'men. violated their' patois.. - r ' NORFOLK, Oct, 15. The disap pearance of the German-owned yawl, the Ecllpse, and six warrant oalcert Interned on the Kron Print Wllhelm, gave credence to the'lreporta that an other German vessel was raiding oaT Mexico. " a '&'j y v& : ? mi m -?! ml - n . BERLIN, Oct. IS.-frt la snnennesdl ,, Kj that ,tbe"Austr6Gnmhfs;e.MV turea tne rortuea townyer vl ',''& a5RrtiiH3i,41S!l! ' 4S.'kU :i "i-JS!l M - w 4 I- ' .-'Viit .United pVeelseWlee'.'Hf5 ife- ' fsHREVBPORT, La.rOet, S.-J,jr C. Bransford; .lnsnieensni--Ji yiuiTu mj i, ;. iWMwt-ajiwMV '-'ft I JhM Hf Jhf Prnliiinr Ifirii'l, . n..v .. ......... ,w,w. psnled by her children. ffilSil "Jr " I s-MSV,' ;':M i-. 5B karetnrtarJ Wfenf . -- - -. rs-& reconcile &&&Hmm!' WM liijsiiv. . V;V JAS8 Mdlord Football Team - Arnves tor Big baroe oofefMihaii aeen , him lay. Claire fnfln' has.; : ;jt:Sm Ulaanur. nsme.MAkthonamVllBnnVlMlM -fi- ftk't Bwmrmm T he Medford high aeh team arrived ln?fuMiforee) I li .i - -ttt '.V -feAb-a -vi-rt- noon,- ready for tomenrow'e 'htttle with the Klamath stsrssjattonl They .came iarwto,;ierWi;'!im,the Medford HaU Tail'; sobbi any. Coaeh KlumVaccofijnnM!hentiT &,. I The HeoKboye.are.lTtheji VotKaeUa'aw.'aad VatlC fightwiu be nMiiiBmKha:to victorious in tonwrrow'a game, tliw leoalteem,aowjeerr, hopes to,iJsiaV eosanthH hnmnmasv nnen ajfiana anenaV. IIM iBMsiJItnlB tj llnnti 'Hilt laWl him play, nsme.anAkt about -14t-a aBdmttSateUMBtjMre.aj Toa!Oa.:ilsfl biek l4d, are t other Msjtl.,: -rr-ij,. ::- ..-' . - iK-s:: ainear:lhsniny. ;nsursMp ' 1 - ! n. "V!j S - y. 'J. H'"' '. 1:'; '-r " kVw Til M.': y, ."tl"