vvt"pr!'ir2?ffir''i K " ' Wqv lEtiwtlng v- 3 .-m? KLAMATH FALLi' WftSS ;vif OFFICIAL NEWSPPJEJ ?ftSl OFFICIAL NEWtPAPER ', . A - .aaadjRw nrraui i i & .ftoth Vip-JJj2 m RUSSIANS CLAIM 8AINS; TEUTONS VANQUISH SERBS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1915 v ''Vi al.' &f, Man Who Made British Drive Possible CXAKH FORCES BREAK OKHMAN FRONT AT rWItYPA Capture A0 m' ' ,0. ..l Maslm-Jlwle Forces ..- ummuIvU oa Danube MvT a lllurt In itolkto lltrhlane (Mm Teuton Rh Halted Enroot About llrtgrnde. Unit! i'ren 8ervlce BBIU.IN. Oct. 11. It announced thit the Austro-Oermanii captured gamdrln. a Danube River town, and Itlurt In the Dvlnsk region. Halted Press Bervlee KETROdltAD. Oct II. It Is semi- oBtlally announced that the Russians hmk iho enemy's front at mrypa uoturlng 1,000 men, 0 onlcers. four cannon and tea Maxims. They are dranclng steadily. I tilntl I'ihpi" KIT Nlflll, Oct. 18. The Austro-Uer-bids are halted along the Danube, the Save and the DtIu rlma. They are not progressing eaeept toward Brlgrsdo and la that vicinity. Aimi iho Danube they were re puletd between Flawa and the Morava River mouth. The erblans have re captured DedUoato. AVIATOR FALLS; DIES I OCEAN HTROXG TIDES HINDER DIVKRM IN SEARCH OP BODY OP AVI' ATOR TAMAFKRO, WW) FALLS TO DEATH AT. SAN DIBOO United Preaa foreleg BAN DIEOO, Oct, II. Aviator Taliaferro, who fall to hi death yes- tarday, baa not been found. Strong tldea hinder the work at divers. Taliaferro fell during n tight, hU machine falling Into tha hay, plung ing him to hla death. Taliaferro waa one of the foremost aviator of the country, and waa particularly famous for hU loop-the-loop. RAINS TO START lgggVii'''-ggggHgl 4BbT faRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRBgy'i urn aMannnnBnj x -'..mnmaumeumeumeumeumeumeuHiit'i bHHHHHHHHHHHHHb aennnnnnngl & InnnnL lffKH h ISnnnngr VlnVnnnnnngnH $ wBRRRRw' ' k. ' fytW e RRRRRRRRRfl l gnngnr k it VnnnnnnnnHff HBHHHak - w.Lv. r HHHsninlaKaiainV IliRgBg A HiPf?i3 IHnflGglnnnBHEnfllv ' yi 'M'.t -MimvUU HnwlPSSHnnHP4 r gHrV'biMWHH mh InHintMMH KlM.BRlnlnnnHKC ifMiglRV ?.-V&;lii El. IgBVRVBHaiJKflwip I PFlgSgRKt2uRWRVVmMXfi i- 5 nV!tafnnVgtH:-aTeW.;y .. .Mii0aiH ; gaMgRRBgRRRRVURPr7V?i WBEZmffiWEMM Yft nHfnnlnnnngKaWWi' 'BPiM TnHlftaMMnKiI RnnHifKnnnVnKkAanB tl HHnwiVgiiHRli nnnLSinnnnnnnnngr L$TjBKftmz1BEBn VP RKfgaggf-: effitf!KMRl i RRRwViaaHRRRRRR' -t ;'-'j?fc ZrRRRR3ShMS'HB tS r nlVannSV5HnCalK gRflUnnnn';: .u;.;:v;nnnl-:A. b: HnPIITifiii IliPBi iTTniiTii OTr IMTTTII .fflBLglBlil annnVannHikflaCe3ajl7r3HnBDnnnSMBal ExcunlonliU who have left their namea at the Commercial Club with expectation of taking advantage of the reduced rata offered by the railroad company are requeaied to come forward A ImtiMultBtalr and 1ava dsnoalta covering fare, as all money muat bo In by Friday morning before the train wlfi bo telegraphed for. V BULLETINS VICE CAMPAIGN FOR THIS CITY PLAN COUNCIL'S At 16 She Must Have $25,000 a Year ' ""! " 'Si. OFFICIALS ASK OFFICERS TO AR REST OFFENDERS noma Tha iiodo haa written per sonally to the flultan of Turkey, pro- letting agalnatitho (daughter of Ar- menlana, accordlns to dispatches. London The British steamer Hall- zones, employed In South American trade, haa been submarined. Tha crew waa aavedj Washington I'rcsldeDt Davidson (if tho San Diego exposition telephon ed to San Diego that President Wilson would bo unable to attend the exposition. Wimtiinetnn uThe gtato denartment has sent a note to Dorlln, accepting nnrmnnv'a nrnuosal to Arbitrate the Frye case. Thi liability of Germany Is agreed.' 1'nrls It is announced that flght Inc continued last nlsbt In northwest Soucbei and at the Laforlle Heights. The French were able to nolo tneir gains against terrific German attacks. Houses of IU'Repute to Re Cleaned Up, Their Womea Inaaates Ordered From City, aad Men Frequenters Areirted, According to Plans Map ped Out In Coandl Meeting City Attorney Quotes the Law. FARMERS DRAWN BY BUYERS' WEEK klama'ui iai4eu k--ernKNB be gin TO COMB. IN ON SECOND DAY OF WEEK REST ROOM IS THROWN OPEN FOR GUESTS M)ltl) NORTIICMFFK This Is tho most recent photograph of I.ord NorthcllfTe, ownor of tho Lon don Times and Dally Mall, and a number of other publications, and tho greatest man In Great Britain. The British drive against tho Hermans in tho north of Franco, which has olao mndo possible the French drive In thf Champagne country, nn action which ovon aermans aamu may foat for them, was duo to his co'imga more than any other man on tho allies' aide. Nnithor the French nor tho British could havo undertaken this drtvo had not tho British forces under General French after more than a j.i.u hun aunnllnd with otid high explosives, it was Lord the savior of tha nation Northcltffo several months ago who compelled the reformation of the Brit ish cabinet which took from Lord Kltchonor tho matter of supplying munitions of war. Lloyd-Qeorge waa given the placo of minister of muni tions In the' new cabinet, wltn the re sult that the army In aha Held waa Mippllcd with Instrument! for the great drive. A few months ago, or oi-en weeks. Lord NorthcllfTe was de nounced by every Briton who was too stupid to see that high explosive mutt be provided the army. In tha face of condemnation he stack to his course, and drove the government to attlon. His sagacity U now evident, vnr of nnd utter the tlow-thlnklng Hritons cannon awake ho will probably be bailed Thi ia the second day of buyers' week: and the farmers are beginning to come in. Many are buying wagon loads of provisions enough to last them all winter at the reduced prices. The Duroose behind the movement is a closer union .between the city and country, according to business men. Ken tho money at home." Ia the .i -- -t' 1UBU, ;,,.- The vacant Bristol atore room near the corner of Sixth, on Main, haa been thrown open at g rent room. Chairs, tables,, etc., have been provided for the guests of the city. On the walla are such slogans as "Let county ana town be a unit," "One dollar spent at home Is worth two abroad," "There to no town like my 'home town." etc. The big rush of business Is expect- .j"- t!n '..! anil i nlannnd at ou ;ivf iw bw w.i -- r.. present, festivities In. the shape or dances, banquets, etc., win sun Thursday ovenlng. An anti-vice crusade for Klamath Falls will take place In the near fu ture as the result of discussion at the city council last night. The chief of police brought up the matter by ask ing what ordinances there were by which bo could raid suspicious houses In this city, and arrest Inmates. It was the opinion of City Attorney Groesbeck that the state law covered the matter, as well as the city ordi nance making disorderly conduct an offence for arrest He also said that "common fame" was enough to take action against an alleged bouse of 111 repute. A place on Sixth street, of which councllmen and police have received many complaints, was the principal house under discussion. The chief as serted that be could fill an automobile with offenders any time he choose to raid the place. v The council aeeased.-jiited in one opinion to clean up such places, drive out of town- their women In mates and arrnst the men that fre quent them. According to directions given by councllmen to the chief, such a campaign is likely to begin in the near future. gaw aHegggfeeHHB aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapai RRRRPRH ns I HtggHtHBgW ' aggggggaHf smmmmmmmmmjwammL aggggflsaW HeBaiA " ' ALLIES' RAILWAY FOR CONDUCTING.. SOLDIERS TAKEN 'BULGARIANS CAPTURE THAT- It- ifil a j SGIC POWT 0 -ft ,Cub Block Movcsmm of AaVei From SaloaUc te , -' AgBhut Tentqne Twev Croas FroaUer Bstbtane Itulgarian Attack atloa Dangeiona, Bays ii'iiited PresaSerHee - LONDON, Oct. 11. According c ' fifi $& TV .". Wit i- f "VI to Athens dispatches, two Balayjaardl- inlnUH. tavn aAaaal 'ttiA HaeUaei' rNMI.1 tuiuus UttTO uvnwnu uao eanaveesam i tier at Garlboghas, near 'the SerMaa f town of KnlashevaU,. thirty mllea from Nlsb, on a railroad whleh the U Virginia Brace Loney Virginia Bruce Loney of New York u nnlv 16 years old. but she cannet: live on less than $25,000 a year, her, guardian nays. And the guardian her self, who la much older, cannoi iitb on less than 15.000 a year. The girl's father and mother were T.n.itA-nia victims. She was savea. They left her $1,000,000. The guar dian haa gone Into court wltn a re quest that the child be given $15,000 a vnar from the estate and $5,0.00 for herself . In her list of expenses ,ln.ber .fiMavit. Mia a-nardlan shows howl a,BM aw $30,000 a year may be spent. Rent, of Park avenue ananment. $6,000; school., music, languages. books, etc., $1,500; .maid's wages, too; three servants wages, $1,300: tnnA nnd household Supplies. T4.000; clothing. $3,600;' doctors, denus.j nil ion must travnraa from , they help the Serblansrestst the Ana- tro-German advances. , ,",- United Preaa Bervleo PARIS. Oct. -1! 11. ReUaMeJlBfety matlon is that the Bulgarians have penetrated Serbia at Zaltehar. a , , S:'$M I'niied Press Servlea ; LONDON. Oct 11. The legation haa announced aH ! attacks have been;rsBnhni.,r-g, ;' . j i. "", is B,j . -,v .3 li, iA .71 '.!& u.JIn- .W" !.. '"'- - """ Zalmass, the new. prsaalaregqtlsiaVfiff has admitted thatu .uter-aMttoav situation la comallcated and daasjaf , m&jm9M&4wm& il.l.. f ill " aaaTMiaa B HSBlliarBiai . f -in TI I iClCaff AU rtBWsjiiaiamjBjaygxam mjajsy v & "Mv mdmlnlrtMUoft's polliliiVwttu, hA fntinrlaWl tMk 'ia'tBMRAaWyBarfBaMabBafanBr'tH vv ... -T - - - --: .fir- that guided". GreeceJalnee tkewar AeK-f"; .,..., . -- - ha aald "It la bltUrta IM. etc.. $500: upkeep of anto ana cnmui- - ,.M!ijJr--i5f fiak 'feura- wages, $8,000; recreation and P "" ' - .. amusements. $1,600: summer vaca-. .,, attitude wlii be tlon and traveling ""'J8'""! 'nfluenced by eventa." Insurance and storage charges, $200, u -jn a, nriA. vama nt eunr '"' dlan. $5,000; total for one year $30,000. INQUEST OVER BODY UNLIKELY llST OF NAMES STAND AT 77 WOULD UK TU'T FORMALITY IN CUD.VHV CASE INDICATIONS ARE THAT ACT WAS NOT PRK-MRDITATRD mJw Boston Stock Leaps With Third Victory THICK CLOUD PORHCAST STORM AND COLD UCK HUNTER AND SMALL BOY HJUKMCR. AT WINTER'S APPHOACH For the first time In months the ky is overcast with thick bank of arsy rlnnJ ua tk. aU tlaaajra Who havo watched the f rat aymptoms of reai winter for years, "mi w rain and anew gag wind and treat U juit about at hatT. r A low preewre are baa been mov ing toward KImbmUi tb latt few days, nd storms areyrXMed. But the idling that irattg theee alenas la not entirely glee. - J " In the grtt ntoae. there' are the duck auttan. ' Ther.knw that not u"i the atema etati.ao that the ducks gy during tte ter. g4:ot Jy t of gunabet ranM.lwIU tbe abeot- log be im etaas. Tbere are thi kids, nuo are reeatrtauj; ar MMMMM.Mn abarpeninc tbeir abates. Of ooern. hwe are tbe wee4yr4 and fuel 'nien, , l tbe mare freeta of the Wuk few nUjkU tbe awaagna are aiready begin- A leg a ajk aW-ll '' V .a.' '. United Preaa Service jDarry ecored on Hooper'a tingle to BOSTON. Oct. ll.-Boston tock the Infield. jumped again when the Red Sox too blanked, but In the alxth their third game from mo run..-- "-BoilOB Bdded Bnother run Hoblltsel day. Three defeats out of four have .nlt.. and Uwta kn0ked a two- left Phlllle'a frlenas, aown m m mouth, With the cnampionsnip ia Iwaya off. Tho weather was perfect, and, tne .4.nM was 41.086. Tne gross receipts of the game were $81,046, of which $44,851 wu ine piayers arw. The batterlea were) ror rnnaui- PhU, Chalntera gad Burns; wr " ton, Shore ana uaay. umpire the American Lenguf " o'Loughlln, aad r the wauonaw, la-lar and Klem. Neither aide scored la:tbe first or Moond lonlnga, althpuga aHoeK of the PhfHIns singled, but died on base. . M tk tW Bo0 " faUowe; BajrywglkfPa4ylagled hagger, allowing Homittei ,to oome home. Neither scored In the eeyaarth;.. In the eighth the PhUllea took a spurt, and thlnga looked bright for a brief moment. With two out, QjrgTgth lined out a three-bagger, anft NLuerM singled to center, permitting Cmvath n .nnm. Boston alto acoeierniesi uw heart action of the tana la tbe elgbth. for at one time there were tarn men on bases, but cnaimere pnuee self out of the bole, aad blanked the Red Sox for that frame Mmklnar ReadT'ler New Theater. Thn oroheua theater on Mala i street, which waa 'partially destroyed by Are some time, ago, la at present undra-oine renairs. and aa soon aa the finishing touches have been com- Mated, it 1b exnaeteg taat tnu play house will again epee Its doors to the public. To Reside Here. Mr. O'Brien, 'who la employed by the government' aa ditch foreman, la In this city, and eapecta aia wue aown from the Klamath Agency. Mr. ana Mrs. O'Brien will make their home there., . , m .hum or -tne a-aia reoeivia ta $145,809. Slxty;per eent of this goes to the winner g49 per eent to the loser. At pregaat with oniy one metre victory nejadsd, Boston la JuW- laat. But thegarlaa U never won uatU the last Mbm' la played. United Press gntoo BOSTON. .OgLlt. The baaebau aaaawiaaton fermnlly decided to al In all pnibablllty no Inquest over the body of Wtlllam Cudahy. who killed hinnelf Instantly with a revol ver yesterday morning, will be held. An investigation Into the cause of hla death would only be a formality. So far nothing has been found to Indicate the cause of his act. He bad never discussed suicide with any of hla friends, and evidence polnta.to the fact that the Idea of suicide etruck him almost the same moment that he carried It out, For Instance, he ate breakfast quite heartily with Mr: Harrison only a short time before he 'fired the fatal ;shoti4 Then he' alept awblle-eome- thlng hardly likely for a man with suicide on his mind, Although nerv ous and distressed, he did not seem particularly morbid when Harrison talked with him- Some think that the Idea of suicide came to Cudahy during the moment that Harrison waa away from the oflce. And ta a few seconds after hie friend had gone he leaded tbe Colt's 88 with three cartridges and tied. TWENTY-TWOHAVE SIGNED. THE LIST OF THOSE WISHING TO GO TO EXPOSITION SINCE YESTER DAY TRIP ALMOST ASSURED 1 ARREST ALLEGED ! COUNTERFEITER . ' 'i:d t ROLLIE CORK, WANTBD IJT CALI FORNIA, ARBBBTBv At ''OOBnW. ONBOr.OAJrt. .BELIEVED MANY GOLD TA ''I -, ,. I OGDEN. Oct. 11. Roltte fCerkv wanted In California-o, a, ebafa)e.-.jf v r e.fft . . Jeonnterfeltlna. has been ertsmat bere.' t. , Yesterday It was ; announceo i .n iAnoth(r - him teMi . Herald that all of the 100 namea.re-? ZL,tlm h.' w2i2Zw . quired must bo In by Friday to secure c wUn'Cork to Oble; J : 1$ h ntiB-wav fare excursion to the ex- " . . . sJZl.-J mJ ;,t , vw v -,,- - . rrliniieisnnB flT I'llllnlgBBI Mnm isannnnna Hion. At that time there were. "r . - -TTL-i-iisi.-.i;? L V , , i,ar ala Pieces are rwwws;w;aaw nfiv.flvn neoole aimed. f. -. ... -,-. ii.'. t-t - --- - - noon naaana on uib irmotMe in the following twenty-four noura "r' ... t... .. A.-v , - i -nwar as naniHwaiii a-ia anaai is . L a ...Ia -Imma.: At,.'!! ulTirt 1 ww ir--.- , tw tWftlllV-LWO UDUUia.BJBUVU , eea.a, - -i . . at noon today It stand, with seventy-i n" "aw- seven names. Fred FleeU thinks that a?- by night there will be ninety names j on .the list, This nractlealbr Insures the war-fare excursion, to the exposition, nniv a hundred fares are needed! and It Is thought the list will be complete tomorrow night The success of the ovpiirainn means the staking of at Klamath Day at the fair, with enouga. Klamath folk present, to raakit a success. - J$ "There are two reasons why' Klam ath DsoDio are turning out se: well,'' said Secretary Fleet of'tb Commer cial club. "In tbe iret' place, they know ny eouldnamtati atbetter DFMIGIII7F WILL CARRANZA 5001 T ' I I -il u ,;i--'-'. It K I. 41 rAM ft? fl -.l v :4ii . J 1. Aft.Wft.lh zr"-zizmRmk. h. .. nMibiiiraH '- n , 8 g 1 IMi win Brnwa m PkimeMaUa Oftaesenr ItmfilTaOJ lateUtaB anttafaftaaMkamSans AifVVMIIv RReWV LaanfajsjapegaBamanj United. Preaa Serrtee' y LONDON, Oet. 1. Foreign Mln- later Gray baa announced in the bouse of commons that Buland Intenda to low Boston 4jSua4elala teams to declare eottoa ateee toodfi aa well aa ?W l" .T!!:"!:-. , aaala.faturs. eo eontra- tear urn nBi.i - -t- ,-" t -.TTr . . :. r ...,. . .. - - ".- I..' '" - ' SUCH IS HKUtT at mm, WBWa . . . ji w t 5-. r tri j HOUSE MUNITfON J.JMaUW nrinan nv wmxJaWamlJManit -KVaB' w -.1 .-. u. m , OT aoaLam M- EARLY BND'01L: awa VBeH - W" -w - ...a ' w aaia:vtaat Oraa Britain meant to kU trade la all goods usee in nsusi siiwai time, since they wUlbave borne folks to accompany thent allue way eown, aad back, makbagtbe Journey, so much more nleoaent than St would :otherwjae4.Tboeabi main U i..:ui'ixu.A viamath. 'giaw t ration wrWirobabyiaot! nAit.'MA'aa;'haaae. nletureaot amhiamsrajjolBte 4 "T TTT;P"T'."'J ZZZ1 . .-I.m- - ' -- " -----' a. CraterLabe. etc., and wamatn.geoeae ,vfjwwFj' -:,.- "( .'.a.i .. . 5Bai i . A.' Ti. autAM , v Z5., 'nlWPI1- ' eai.ao anere.to mck i ig -:. v"w? $$? r-..;Tke,tf VM-vhMmmmmmsmn WASHDWrON. i-ntK-oetwpA-i 1 " X ." 1 " ' .A--i A. A nasty aaa,ewei-! varrauaa,, as ,i imhv t .!'HBAaia'akaa aauaM. ! ItMnk.ekat -.i."'.J 'I..TTO-T. :w-.r- --.,. z lb eeoe eppmlate the .Tho an' rniwivu : " - ' .' "J'aa-.. .. . .'..Aa1 I..mm - jfe t wk illH i'i . , ''' ... .l r. '' .1 ..j. , .a- Mim,u-u KaiaiiaiHH? khb ,aini luiiiiiiiiiiw I im hibihh iv-ivviawjiiiHwii1 ."'., tt ., r. i . imi?i)zTT$3w?s- vT- iEEsVZ&' .s&teMmmmm .. play, the pier-ber. mrirMM,- iT 4. nHW:mWmmm W ' J1 ?' s - tK't-1 J. ..".. te tbe wm " 9m9Tm wnF