f y- 'WvtW&Z M1 y-. vyi -w . , ffcc !MtV4w ?wfedW;,y1l: ' V Tai-Of 'fHT 41 ., ffiAi : ;a..vz . tmebb jt T V Ji W- " Vi L!"KK. ULITP IKf f 'itf ftt ft itt I rt 'wS?? Vrv P .eHcaW'fl eW V fe-sft- wkaHoWwL .aaaHoWdBaw A, M . . -OFKICIAt; NKWSHAPBR- I isssagsr U...,.J . ft , - Mi&'. . .t wf ' ' w ?': ;', KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1915 7l f vfl nkW '!'& aw --S -- T ,.... ' .... ' - -- - " . ' . '" '" . ' mi g&V ?' H3 '( 'it '1 . PN6, FIRES, SPEECHES GREET i - RAILROAD NEWS1, WAR ON GREECE; IAAMAT1I I'AI.IJ JKIKMKATK O.NHAVH WIliK XT UK IIKHI(-HIUI.KHUCH IH IIKLIEF AT SCENE OF HTRKKTH LAHT MflHT j rartlaail """"l'"r "r Comaterca Head -t jleekcs I'rim lt MiNcli ttayi Tlmt rwilMHl Saw Nr4 . KaMway unit With tlieiAM of Cnnrttati KlMMtli Palls ttManserclal Went ut ' ' dab, ,KltutU Falls celebrated; the good nllroid now it on the atresia laht tilttt Uli band music, dancing, bon IrM and speeches. Hverat hundred popl (ntlu-rcd, nilod with optimism tor tb futuro of Klamath Palla and Klamath coitnty, aa lb raault of the mw Slroliorn raltwar coaMctlona. 0. O.Colt of (lie rortlaad Chamber of Con'morcf, mad tht principal pech. Ho aald that Portland bul ana men havv long an the nacaal j o( railway connaetloa with tbe gtMl undivcloted part of Oregon, aid bavo ln working aUmdllr, aid i by tbo Klamath Kalla Commercial Club, In tbU direction. Captain Helmena, prealdent of the Ooawrclal Club, .apokw, and aald tkat KUuiaih county waa under oblU ulloa to the Portland Chamber of Commerce (or their Important work la lecurlng the new llnee. Dr. K. U. Jokaaon. In hla apeech, atld tbfl.occMloa waa one o( the tap ptart" momenta In hia'ilfe; He point ed out what the new roada would auan to this dlatrlet how Industries o( all kind could be developed nnd rut quantities of produca.ahlppod. Today the Commercial Club aunt congratulatory telegrams to Strahorn, u well ns to some of the towns to be btnsntcd by tho railroad, Including Bend, Ukcvlow and BllVer Iake. Today iho proposed railway Is the principal subject of discussion on tne street, nnd everywhere a new opti mum, similar to that felt when, the first word came of the Southern I'a cine lino from Weed, waa manifest. MARKET TO HELPJELGIANS HTAXFOItll I'MVKRMITV HAH NOV. KL H.NTKHTAJNMKNT TO BK CIIIIK FUNDS :'Jq KNTRKTAIN DKHTITUTK OV MHXUUM I'oited 1'ress iervee PALO ALTO, Caiu., Oct. L. Tta Mcond KuropeMiMfktt for tkrr f of the BelglCM waa ImM yaeUr y in the "aliptle'Uiilverait venue, and rep'reeentrl a "foreign Quarter" in every detal). Knteruinmemt of .every aort, In cluding wreetUngxPuieJi and Judy "ows, Italian organ grinders,' magio nd vaudeville,, war ' furnished. wen market produce .at popular prices woro offered for aale. Tho Stanford band riadered muslo and Hlgnor de ChraM, viollatot, ad Mrs. orassi playaUW Wrt it wa dsrlug mualctaM, A touch of Veolor" was added te the gay aceao y Wll v - BiTI, Ut upifaf uH who !, ..!,.-- ",.:.-"i';i: HO 'At . w,, Bmwi ho sale began at P. 'clock today, -v-.vikit -itjy'i'.i.ii i ,pNvav irr "ttK "y are a, p t m -i.s M-V "weaptmunt-'U "V&if. "AuitAaHmTp, tW7 :-Of eleven -.-T" " Ji'iJiA, arsons whetM vice axaalMUem OtTtt ',. " numjkutl W ,u r 1IH; tsU mull LiL ' Tkaaa tjtajfw !'. BULGARIA MAKES ! VEILED THREAT OF i I Oil FUTURE "''moiiiblr' Oiliiion will No Longer lis Juslllleil Unless Attitude oft Hiw Cluinge," According to the Iluigarian MlnlMrr. Uulgsrlon Cavalry, Under Merman Command, Concentrate Near Serbian llorder. I niiu! Vivhh tfrvlce ATUKNH, Oct, ,llularlan cu valry, supported by artillery, and un der the command of German offlcem, arc conccntrntlni; nt Kostendll, fif teen in Hon from the Serbian border. tiiltiil I'li'K Service 80KIA, Oct. l, "llulgarla'a favor ablo opinion of Orocco will no longer be Justified unloss Greece changes In Its attitudo regarding events at Ralon lea," nccordlng to tho llulgarian mtn later In on official statement to Greece. He also said that Uulgatla could not accept tho responsibility for tbe future If Grceco does not change Ita attitude. I'nllfil Cross Service AMSTERDAM, Oct. 8. Berlin re ports that the kaiser Is about to leave for Barbie, JANE ADDAMS PLAN TORE I'.tMOUK WOMAN HAS PLAN FOR WORI.U CEACK THAT DOKSX'T INVOLVK IHl'IJMATH OH IN- TKHXATIOXAIi LAWYERS., ; "" ". " Dulled Cress Service ' SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 8.-Jajia Addams' European peace plan, advo cating tho appointment of a "commit tee of forward-looking spirits" and avoidance of diplomats and Interna tional luwyors, will be diacuased and framed definitely for action at the International Pence Congress, which opens hore tomorrow. "Miss Addams," said L. P. Loch nar, national secretary of the associa tion, "feels that dlploraata and Inter national lawyers had so much to do with getting tho, world Into this mass, that the best Interests of peace plana aro served by avoiding them." MEXICAN HEADS DECLARE TRUCE WIMi FIGHT NO MORK UNTIIi AF TKR THU PAN.AMKRICAN CON FKRXCK liANSlNQ WILL MKKT sfRXICAX hKADKR I'nM Preaa JeVvlee-' x iy'ASiiaiiWibN.'D.'.o,1, Oct. , UlapatehbaWyKthat anrmlstlce baa been declared between VUla and Car- ranaai and there wljl be bo more, fight ing net ween,, in iwg.iui w. patt.Aaeb.;ooffjwM.. Fntar conferences.betwHti-Mcalcan leader and Secretary of ftato Lanalni will be taW. , ," lit Is reportad (tat Faa-Amerlcams awr r'eeommand tho wifpaltloa of Carranin. .Mora HkUrlM!r;WU rec ataead tbe deferrin ,of tha'reoof a4yew,"wUtagor polltlcaj w mill- PROMOTED TRAIN BANDITS! i HAVE ESCAPED WITH 1100,000 UARINO ROBUKRV ' HhMNlliwmdN Htscover Trail Is Rum or Posses Parsue-Ilundrede of Ik-tectivrs and Oovenuaeat Agents on Trail of Thieves Robbers Aru Tlioualit to He Kmptoyra of IUU way or in (lose Touch With Hie Postal Deoartmeat, lliiltcU Cress Service I'ARKKKSOURO, W. Va., Oct. 'J The bandits who robbed the Central train of 1100,000 in unsigned paper money and f 300 In cosh have appar ently made good their escape, tern- lornrlly at least. At first It was thought tbe amount was larger, aud becuuse unsigned, would not be of vuliio to tbe bandits, but on roporta from (he treaaury It was learned that the unsigned monoy could bo put at nruMi Into circulation. Many of the posses have returned, with the bandlta uncaught It Is un likely that the governor's offer that tbo militia help la the, .search will be accepted, Hundreds of. detectives aud Kovernment agents are working on tho tlioory that the robbery were employe of tho railway or wore in clone touch with the postal depart- nenl; " "" - t.'nlictl Cress Service '.'.'HEELING. W. Va.. Oct, a, Fifty armed detectives have lust milled toward Slstervtlle on receipt of cord that bloodhounds hare found tho trail of the robbers. The iiostoffieo department l.arf 'a suo.l a statemont that the luaximum of tho Parkersburg train- robbery was Iom tlmn 1 100,000 In unsigned banl; notes. t ,v, j9: PORTLAND AD CLU11 OFFERS A PRIZE OF f 188 FOR THE BEST SONG POEM EXTOLLING ORE GO.V LOGANBERRY Kvory student In Klamath Falla has an opportunity, to win a price of I12G which haa beenoffered by' the Portland Ad Club for the beet aonc poem; submitted by a atudeat of the Oregon schools, the aubject to be loganberry Juice. Altogether ff0 are offered in prjsec, and'pocclbly numerous mercnaaaiae prwes- ay Portland merchants. The offer OMaca as a forerunner of a catnpalga Inaug urated by the' Ad Club to advertise the Oregon loganberry aad togaaber- ry Juice. The contact la. bow open, and cloaca October slat. The irtt prise la $1IS, eeeoad 7S, aadUe third 160. . The Ad Club iatenda to have the beat song adopted aa aa oMetat aeaff for. the nubile schools ofktae eUte. Tbe priaWlaaIng compocltloa f will be published for distributioa 4a .mm schooH, with the plcturca of the aeac authors printed oa them. Of course It woa't be acosscary far contestants to compose the ntaete for their congs. The words aad reraee aad swinging chorus are whattae Ad Clabwaats. The youat aata.mjajr deslgaate tbe tunc to which tactr soan are adapted. OoatceUate abeuld write on only one aiie'ef the naaer. aad nwst Indoae tieir aajoe, address. at aad aehobl wlta Uelr maaueerlata. Attrecc aeaga, E. Waaaoaer . eaalrmaa of OCAL SINS MY WIN 11 aas Yea ballatajr. Pertlaad. Ore, i x II Contal WhoMast Go Thos. St. John Oaffaey American Consul at Munich J -Thomsm OL John Gaffner. American consul general at Munich, haa been asked to resign his post because of partisan, utterances. on tbe European war.. It la intimated by officials at Washington that -if he refuses to re sign he will be dlsmlMed. Despite re peated waralaga from the state de partment, Gaffner has Indicated bis strong Gerasaa armpathlea on numer ous occasions. AMcgatlona were later made to tbe sUte, department that let ters were sent to0affaer.b7 am oHeer of aa Iriaf off iweatlala New Jork by way of. the Austro-Hungarian con sulate In New York., This waa at a time when the German and Austro Huagartan ambassadors;had been pro- I gmmflammaj BCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBH , ggAymamamamamamamnmBHnw i BeCBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnlaH awBaffaffaffaffaffaffaffaH aBBBBBBBBBBBnEftammHBall aWaaaaBnaH f J testing that they could not get into!f.dent .' unt -.- t, im proper communication with their re- spectlve governments. Phones May Iaterchange United Cress Service SALEM. Oct. 9. Portland hotels using, the Pacific telephone aad tele graph and the Home telephone and telegraph Bervlce are .entitled to la- tercbengo of traffic between-tbe twoi uatar thVdeeistoa of the state public ajimmla j- -" n f. ?aA " , ,&& aamaHslfHmJ smi Series (or . - (Herald icla aervke) y PHJLADELPHiA, Oct . The sac- ceso of Boston la jwlaiaiag the eeeoad gauie la the world'a cerlec caa Justly be credited to Peeter, who pltehed perfect ball for ta:Red Sox. t Only three hits were, allowed during the amir nine. Belaea the close of the -" ' arth innlna- the Wdlltonwere wear-:" lag a discouraged kMk, aa batter after . . baiter would disgustedly threw down ., .1-1. 1V..U U.. klaa. a1IaJI niB.BllDK UU VUtVV VHIHIII wrea ( by the umpire. After two lucky deablea la the fifth however, it begaato look better for the Phillies, but.taey were unable to fellow up their. United 1'iens Bervlce ' PHILADELPHIA Oci, . The ieU for today'aTttm was la good condition. The-bniUrtes were: Boe- taa,Foatcr aaeTTiemac; Phlladel aaia, Mayer aad Barae. Prealdeat Wilson and hU;iMuMee were cheered aathcy look Uefar aeata by the faac; wao- were more',awress in mn. Oaltvthan In thajaaie. Tbe preal deat threw tbe aaK ejaealng rte game. Umpires were;IMawr: beblBd-Uc plate; Evana oa baeai Klem la right aaadO'LeaaaltcM. , . ; 'Boston s-eae:ia tbe Irtt -. nrfr... . saisv-MKS e.'aei aTw MTB MMMT-i. m IbtaVICI! l-'-HafP aaV ' P afaf, afaTaHa M -. taalag. HoeyarjnrdhMcapaaarala WILL SENTENCE DURKEE TODAY1 SIIKRIFF LOW RBTUBN8 WITH WORO OF GRAND JURY DBCI KIONB IN MKDFORD BROWN MURDKR CASE NOW ON Sheriff Low has returned from Medford, where he went on official business in. connection with the fed4 oral grand jury there. He brings lack word that George Durket; ar rested here for celling llovor to the Indians, was convicted and will be sentenced this morning. The Brown murder case la now In progress, and the Jury has Inst been chosen. Sheriff Low does not think he will have to make another trip to Med ford, n another man charged with selling liquor to the Indians, caught in tbe act, according to Sheriff Low, will plead guilty. He la Archie iMaher. United States Marshal Montague is now on the way to Portland with an other alleged offender, who is charged with carrying a wagon load of ltqaor to tbe reservation and selling it SCHOOL MONEYS ARE DISTRIBUTED CLERKS OF DfSTRIOT RECEIVE APPORTION OF COUNTY AND STATE .FUNDS ANOTHER DIS TRIBUTION SOON Tbe 'dlstribattoa of conatyaad state school funds occurred thls.wefk, tuscordlna-' to Fred Peterson, annarla- Ly WM dUtrlbuted among all tbe dis trict clerks of taia county. Of state funda 11.70 went to each district for every pupil. Of county funds 16.30 was given for every pupil. Besides this, each dlatrlet re- celved f 100. Later there will be another dis tribution of county funds, amouatlag to from $4 to $6 per pupil. A. M. Bourne of Sioux City, la., is regUtered al the Hall. r sSi "Ret cc -ar '- .. ..t- .'- TgaTaW cjaj aw. - v - eav a 't aav v .- gled, but waa ( out stealing third. Hooper scored whea Buras dropped the throw to catch him at the plate. Neither aide scored la tbe second, third or, fourth. la Bostoa'a ceeead .Gardner singled, but died on bate. la the fourth for, Boston, Lewla slatted. :- i- e oa ewe. Ped perfect ball, not at . of the Phillies to reac first, aad atrlktnn out five la the tret three innings. The presldeat's laaoee i. ..', laughed at the, disgusted Pbllfdjatae they threw aown tneir nau aneriea- ning. Mayor waa using carveattff the right handers and fast aetjfef left head batten, itV Philadelphia soored la the;-;fai'. Cravath doubled, Laderus dealfcal. scoring Cravath. For Boetoa WfJaa seventh, Barry, slagled, FMterJa4eV gled, Hooper safe, ea. 'Mayer'aj'Jef' throw, but Boetoa eeaid aoi.aeere.-r la Uo sereatk Oady wwt beMad the' eat far BeatoayeaeV JaavTlaV;ei abort. Neither -aWe eeeted .iajTAa 4LM atns seared'1 aaa'aV tbaaiath. Foster, alaaied, eeorlag Qardaer,' Tba PhlUIca failed to eesreia the laat baK of tat aiata, taereay leatast tw Baise, t to. l. - fc '.' Boetoa i,vi-yj.'..iV).-,.':v I It'1 ' niladetobia : 1 t 1 -&. rfkA. m . aaaaaaa--aaiaai aaaaav rti. aaaaaaaaaaavrav aaaaaaaaaaas aar.j , -aaaaaiBai vk av :, . k"!.f ARTILLERY FIRE CLEARS WAY FOR: ,.-'- FRENCH ADVANCE ALLIES MAKE IMPORTANT GAINS ON WEST FRONT Germans Caatare Part of First Lfase of Treadles Near Ilinfry an of Attacks Loss Heavy Aboai t Lose f Atcacked fa Three iJaiie ajjjf Freach Cnlaiaa, Followed by Atw tillery, aad Nearly We Oat. r United Press Service LONDON, Oct. . From a vantage point wrested from the Teutons Fri day south of Tahnre, a bombardment has been directed against the Ger- Letrapesee, one of -the capturr ed positions, Is aa Important Trench gain. Artillery bombardment la part of the allies program la clearing the way for coatlaued advaaee. "i United Press Bervlce . PARIS,, Oct. P. It Is aaaoaaeed that the Germane: captured part of the first line of trenches near.Letatrlr last alght la a coarse of attacks. The Germane were heavy losers aroaa Looa yesterday. The Germaaa ,w atacked la three lines by maayeol- umas followlas the Freach artillery, and were Acer!, wiped out. -, , - CONVENTION IS GREAT SUCCESS REBEKAH GATHERING AT RILL IS WELL ATTENDED BY MEMBERS OF POPULAR ORDER. OFFICERS ELECTED Tbe convention of Rebekah lodges of this district held la Merrill last alght waa a success la every way. - The decree team of ProsperitjrR. bekab Lodge, No. 104, lllnatrsacd taa work, between thirty aad forty members of thU lodge attoadtar tie ooaveatlea. ?' ' Mrs. 8; B. Martin was re-elected aa district prealdeat, Mrs: Fred GoeUeT vie brealdeat: Mlas Lilliaa Stflta. aeerajtory ;sMmV. Leaej:.Vaa'Brtaaer, tresr.r. d Mrs L. M. Aadersea. '.'i:.i:u oi. v. . Jfia 2n.i,j Z MiNerileWaUalsawvS tdciatVreejwMawilr. 'the rsad As- arr-. ''.r i-A--. .s .. I - i.y fiif '.' -6i. mAsJ-v. A The conveaUoa ,'aeal 5year wju be hW Ik Klamath FsAbi: . 'L " " - .. , . - fi , ir. i' ti ANDERSON AHEAD IN ASTOR RACE a't. IN TWENTY-NINTH LAP OF COT .RACE, ANDERSON, IN A STVTfl .'LEADS BARNEY OLDFIHU HI OUT IN EIGHTH H V...V uaiioo rreaa service , . y Vi iM' ' ...- 2- -' tHKispRHBAu sat, ue. irt aa: derson la a StuU woa taa aasejaeWU rao for the Aster' oaavp Wa vmm 64.6 mUce aer arlar,"eMie'aalec. Itla time WMS:l4ie.A $ '? yaltrtretoiafrlet:, 2 SHEBMHBAB BAY. Oct, '. Aa- dersoa, to ,, is leading laUae Wy,J ae:eee.ssi- rws tortbaAaeaa,..7f' ;C Sf la a Delagewaa ra,wwa eaaa anaee tew a aw,wew.j, eat , at. toe race the eighth s:a -, t: .pf ;, jgM toA,breala4etoared. oasiaaaEE.--it jg eaaibaTwaelertyawU awaVfflaaaasai BACKERS OF NEW RAILROADS ARE Vr ' HADE PUBLIC jr. O. "C. -A E., RAILWAY CAMPAB1T FORMKD IN FORTLANB- i e if T. Robert E. Strahera to new oe '-' - OaadeatleB, 'Whica Forty or Fifty Mare ... , -& ers'aad Mfirhsats of 1 . , tropoMs -AMoaaceasa Roade Wtti W BalR by Caaltal Is OosJirsaew. ,aa;fc--rf,i . - ;trilemll Srctol pmrfHmY poptt ikrn Oct. ' e .- Ia . aace with .tbe annoi tof 1 ert E. Strahorn that the. prsposed railroads la Eastera Oregea were to ha' built by Independent eaattal, the 'it - SE& i koD. California nnd asters Railway company has been orgaalsed. -. j .'uJ Forty leading aaakeca aad ater- (.iiuu,wui nuance iae V-hlcb will be beaded by Mr. Strabora Included ia the stckalara of aba. new company a-re sack well kaewa tnens J. C. Ainswortb, A -,JU MtJk William M. Ladd. Rmary. Olmatead. Juiltt' Meter. Theo. BWVeea, H.C. Wertalan. Adopih E. Welle, H..fL.j, Flttock" WUliam,F. Weed ward c ami? Nathan Straaas. - ' 0"' The Brolect. Ka aoaaeed, areaUa a aew aad direct llaeMBtb tbroagk Ceattal Nevada; CalUeradaTaaeTlldMlHat? frmagpi s . 'The. aJaato;forSsBa4.-aM''.'weet:; ' !, U,n -r --'.: .-. ..-.--.-- ' riMk-.iml-mil HaaaiaataSST?Ma' l (be Xhvgoa Short Llae U Haraey ! leyj lasiaortaju aadeata-llaa . afXMtf mUeptpcoaaeetBeadwUbUaMava-da-Callferala Oregoa llae at-i-T abe- view; a sixty mile, braua treat 'the ,. latter-la Stiver Lake Yalley. awata- wesierly to" Klrke, taa tenafaiac of . the .Klamath line of taa Soatbera Pa- t cWc-(laad a thirty mile branch from the Lakevlew llae to easterly to War- ;'r aer Valley. SfUOENISfOOO ft w ' 'i, 1i"5.. . ;t JKX (. I. ir . i! -r H NEW MANUAL TRAINING IdUlLaV PRACTICAL W8KK ING TO BE .HRaKTTHO BY TBK "h FWflS.or THaV'aVnnCrTH. AMBjiy ;l? STt-a Pi fWiAf" sjp?r . -"-jw i. t:SLT- ,'fW . Ml .'.-. T. -iT-i fv,;, mr!.ri 'J $$S2ZWPrft wr- nmy .swva-''vsisBBssissi for tbe ereeUoBt4Baaaa traJa- lag building MtUiuh 'side cta'; Caatral school piepeit. , wiuwf The maaual tralalac deaartmaaft i which Is uader taa dlreeUoa 'htUtJi-H A "--' --"- r.. n-. j-j--- ... . w: . :.I ww.: ii ii i a j B, if account of laek: of quartora of aaaV-- ; etcat'slae. As taa' potalaaity:o;tItoT- work.lncreaaee, thcetesce uo be- &'?. coma, ao large that taa oH aaartera' -': bve become entirely laadeaaafc The i wtrkrhaa beea eztoaaed to taa beya,:?,"' of the Fifth aad Math gradea tala " : . yearr.far taa fret time, wakb, atakea a tartar room aeeesaary, 'VJ- ", " .i . i . V iTbe aew tralalng room ia, to Ijajlta : aad' the balldlnc ia to be afcsasl tatlreiy iy tlse a4vaaoed etaataef iW-aamkih.'a aMaAttk! will'workuader Proleacert'lCJagWTato"'' aarlMee la the aracMca eC a Tf i iVifJtliE't?i,V ' i- - Vt !-- t -""".'Jl-' t' . ."fcl i ft Tae.rsHsaadS of lata- . aaaaaaaaiaanr ii tilBA ' i!TS raaaaM at .. a aj wad- Ag mUiisiimS a'Sk'-TiiSSTI InrtilmnaarrvdiJafaOifMwaBBl - bib aw si - - ' ' .'iaraaRBBfiJ .i j-r ' -'V-' MM w -v "Es.'7J - p K$S A -iar'i 4 ffvi j t r .-ssj'' i,'o-i 1 sat'" v && ' M &i ' fci Att i V - i & i ; S'JIi l v&l r IbiaMI 1 &.I ?-! 1v--f IH t n& i. i .j . I'T?,.. . TLy- 4-i .v,;- x ry t uW A4V) ' tSKSKY2C!S5.. 3S?r3S: -& sl w kw - i4fefc$wVVi i AMf(kt?Xi; .M.-HM wiw v mm iSKfr 1TMWlKl'ft,; I' l'ttsv'5iI vTvr'rrA. 'y-'.1 'ir,s !&"$' "i. 4M '- .--, C f" tfr 'ty ibV 0?. vr. L . "V. raauiia. Wfe-li?By y IT;V - '- '. --. r aiMBf! C.THtJ.."."''-"Tii "i iT... u, " T:t a " W ' IBMBt,i;aa ::3