" 'a-"' IB': : t : i 7 i ? V - taL;$$a& "fa j;"-!r: L-V'!i 'sH id I KLAMATH PALLS' sii' .': 1 . KLAMATH. COUNTiY'ff OFFICIAL NEW1PAPE 'VftSwl Olfl'ICIAL NICWSPAPERI? fiAUf &B3S KLAMATH FALL!, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1915 a i i "- aaaa-"! - - : --ta- jath Year N. Mw RlMt fHi.UHl - aana 'm-w hiV -& ft ;i :t4 . n t 'A '4 -v, k fe7 v K- J Strahorn Announces He Will Build Railroad 11 jjMIII PHILADELPHIA V 4 IT Uahed Press Service MJIUDKLPIIIA, Oct. 8. Great rtl( wm experienced by thousands of rabid fans tbla memlag whsn It wm announced ometally that the Int gam of tho world aeries would b played today, In splto of the rain o( but light. , The asplree for the gam war an- soaastd at follewa: Kltn behind the plait; Krani on basea; O'Loaghlln and Rlaler nu (he foul lines. raited I'rwa Service PIIILADKM'IIIA, Oct. 8.--A waa laterally predict!, 'Alexander, tli itar pitcher for to PhSllas, won hla Int taao In the opening of the world strles today, by a aeore of throe to .oat. The official states! of tbe at Itaeeaco at tba opaaJng gama la ll.HJ. The groaa raeatata for tba wm waa ICl.oet. The ahare of the attiaul commlwloka will be f S.lOt, walla that of the playara la 117,575 Each dob will gel f,tl. ' Uakai, froaa 8erfte PHIUDKLI'HIA, Oct. The win ttr la the world'a aerlea la reaeoaably wuin to itu on a trip" to Ban Fran eltto. Preildont Tener of the Na tiMal Uagua atid that nemlaalon would undoubtedly be granted. It bad not yet been decided whether the watr or a picked teaaa would oppoae the champloaa on the tenet. Cnlttd I'rcaa Service PHIUDEI.PIHA. Oet. . Uat slght'a rnlii loft ?he leld In n aoggy condition, it waa decided, however, to play, ciM,it0 the poor condition of . lot groundt. The leld wm burned, je make It at dry ai neealhle. The f bktttrlM: For Philadelphia, Alex- udar and Jiurna. Per eaten, Shore Md Cady. ; Hopper waa the drat baltar up. He : .' lllt fn,W to aeer. Beth aldea (ailed to acora la th Im tkM lu. I". In lloHton'a aecoad, Uwla ala tied, but rould not aeore. In Phlla wpbla'a third, Alaiaader hlagled. Thla wna tho nrat hit 0 there. In the fourth Boetea failed to eeere M Philadelphia aecured one r. iwrt alngied, Crayata' aaerileed, M Whitod alngied, Bearing Paaktrt. Ntlthtr aide acored bi the Ifth. For won, Bhoro alagled to eenter. but " drat. "VtfFaltadatablaiBHock af n flhora'aamr; hat eould rj wore. Neither aide aeered la the " or aeventh. ?( '. fr tho eighth Boatoa aeered .oae. r walked, KoMHaei aaerileed, PWIadelphU aeored two in the 22th; fltock walked, aaeroft atn 2J. Paakert, walked, -OraTaUi. out C' t0, "oblltiel, Meek aeerlag j Lu "" ilngled, Baaeratt eeerlag. -wn railed tp aeere la the atntb. ieitoa , ,.. TAKES GAME l?-.::;;:::;;:: 1 e V e a 1 t u 118 TO MFFTAMIHHI NaVMJiWi.'i OWtW W I "TIi8 HK) UMOOC ALUMNI m at uamtQ.imi.'mtmjmqm a Vv?-fjf V '"','' L tQ'iiX il &9mi f the A'a . f "' m m fT:, S7ioa at INITIAL OF SERIES Modoc Park, when Motclionbacher'a crew of Klamath County High Hchool plgnkln knlghU will moot tho high achool alumni at Modoc Park. Moth leama are taut and woll trained, nod a good battle la tipocted. Tho Alumni team haa met for prao lien aevrral 1 1 in on, unci nro confident of victory. Tho too in Includca audi men aa Itlgga, Ilalnea, Orem, McCIuro, O'Uughlln and Nlckolaon. They will probably outweigh the ranter aad better trained high achool team. Their additional weight, however, makea up, according to aome football "dopo," for tho vocd and skill of tho high achool men. School children can secure ticket for 10 centa and town people for IS oeata. The line-up will probably bo aa fol fel fol eowa: Full back, Llnkenback; left half, Motachenbacher; right half, Short; quarter, Klehl; loft end, Tleale; right end, Stelger; left tackle, Melhaao; right tackle, McMillan; left guard, Elliott or Lundy; right guard, Orem; center, OraTee. 1,000 ACRES or TULE LAKE OPEN RECLAMATION OF LAKE OOXT1N UKS 1,000 ACRES WILL UK LEASED TO HIGHEST BIDDERS IN SMALL TRACKS Tule Lake la reducing slowly but ateadily. Thla year 1,000 acre of rich land have been drained, aad are open for leaalng. The conditions of leasing these lands is slightly different from those uncovered thla year, according to J. O. Camp of tho reclamation service. No more than eighty acres of the 1,000 can bo leaaed to any one mam Mr. Camp wishes those who desire to lease the tracts or una una write to him, describing the tracts, and he will Issue them regular blanks, on which they can make their blaa. The land will be leased to tbe highest bid der. Every year more landa will be op ened aa tho reclaiming of the Uke contlnuea. Tho reclamation aerrice la oonatantly at work drilling for new outlets, 10 that the work can bo baa ttned. Would Divert Klamatli River Montague, Oct. 8.- Taa people of Iloiue River Valley have taoir eyes on the waters of the Klamath Klrar for irrigation purposes. While we daubt that the watera of.the Klamath can legally be diverted to another watershed, the fact that the Rogue River ranchers are alive to the great va,lue of thla water' should prove to the moat axepueai www w'atara are of Inestimable; wud to Shaeta Valley, i -ft ' V" MillMiawDawa. Thursday evening the. aawmlll of A the j.ong Lake Lumber eompaar. M- ttr a meet eueeaaeful aaaaoa'a run, CloMd down Its pkwitMlnaiaitoa, Mr. limb, under waoae majaagement the mill haa been is oaaratioa, will aew give hla unatlded atteatloa to the-completion of ,hU new mill on Upper Uka. Th Wi f" " BMtt. will be aa up-to-date "triMtur,, With, eaaaeKy al.frwii i naa ut aar a..' j ' " " THREE INVASIONS SERBIA PROGRESS IS6ERMANREP0RT (JKIIMAXM CAPTVRK SKVKfUL IIU.NDItKD HERBIANH On VcU'ru Froat Teuton Progress i Towanl Hi. Marie, Where French i Mrnacrtl Railway German,, Com. trr Al lacks Drive French East From Navariaa Farm ArUUery Duel Greatest la History United Press Sorvlce HKItl.lN, Oct. 8. it U anuounced thnt the three Invasions of Serbia are progressing. Vlolenj fighting occurs nt several point. To tbe southwest of Belgrade the Gorman captured several hundred Serbian. "" It la announced that the Germans In the weat have progressed to tbe xouth of St. Marie, where tho French threatened the railroad. Counter at tucks also drove the French out from the Navariaa Farm.- - -- ' 'lilted I'reaa Bervlce LONDON, Oct. 8. Artillery! m more violent oa tbe northern treat than during,Bttember.S6tb, the data of the "greatest arUBery duel la the history of tho world," according to Amsterdam dispatches. Jnlted Preaa Service AMSTERDAM, Oct. 8. By eetUlng tbe Balkan queatlon, Germany hopea to end the war la her favor. She haa massed armies all along tbe northern border and the Invasion haa begun. From the east como the Bulgarians, openly on the side of the Germane. The Austro-Germaa forcea are also Invading Serbia from taa watt Other factors that are likely to oa tcr Into thla complex Balkan attuatloa are the Turks and the Roumaaiaas. Turkish troop are aald to be march Ing westward to meet the Germans, and will aid In tbe Teuton rush tor Constantinople. The Roumaniana are friendly to Serbia and the allies, but though mobilising, at least, to some extent, are likely to remain neu tral. Oreece haa proclaimed her "benevolent neutrality." REBEKAKS HOLD DISTRICJ MEETING YEARLY convention.of fomj. MR ORDER WILL BE HELD AT MERRILL TONIGHT BK DBUr t GATION FROM THIS CITY Undor the direction of Mrs. 8. E. Martin, district ' president, the Re- bekah lodgea of thla dUtrlet wlH meet In convention at Merrill toaigat. " Owing to tho Inability of Mrs, Rose Palmer, President of the Grand As. sembly of Oregoa, Mrs. NallJe Wat tenburg, vice prsaldent, will roore sent tho Grand Assembly at the eaa- reatloa., fc' " r'H Repreeeatatirea rrom me loagea ac Boaaaaa aad Klamath Falla wl be In atteadaaoe, and tho Merrill lodge will set as host to the drtlakmUvt body, . ;rlh In addltloa to tba delegates rraat KlaaMth Falla lodge, the degree team from this lodge will bo present at tho meeting, aad' wHI Illustrate tbeiattia tory work otjha order, In all, aaoat thirty membare of Proopertty Lodas will attead. ,. u liHII IHIHWWWiK .11 1 1 Tbe dUaeaa and baalaeea mem have arraaaid for a big celebtm. tie aa taw aereeto thla eveaiac oa accewa of the good rattread aewa received) today. The bead vdlt be oat; eaere will bo boa- araa, ateaat tlte whole clttoea thi le aeked to uke part. eeeeooo GARRISON TELLS DEFENSE PLANS WOULD INCREASE STANDING army by ae.eoo, ING MILITIA, CREATE SERVES AND STORES United Press Service WASHINGTON, V. C, Oct. 8. Secretary of War Garrison haa sub mitted his plan for' assuring national aereaee. it la aaaerstooa tt incauaeajLorrau, returned to her. laevoaatBg lao bwbbibc anay ey ar 0 aad tho reergaalsatloa of aalUtla. The creatlea of maay reserveev lao laereaae of taOtaaaitty of SeM artil lery aad a lacve aaaouat of raaenrw ammuaRtoa ara ajpat taaturea ej the SINNOTT HOME IN NOVEMBER COMMERCIAL CLUB DsKRDBS TO I ACCEPT HIS OFFWt TO DONATE ONE MONTH'S SALARY TO COST OFPICTURBS t. ! Honor atudeata ara expected to do At a meeting rt tho CfcmmercUli.. workd .-.. Club director! yesterday afternoon It fflM,ta. They ara aot glTea any grades .. J ll-i ,MU4'lkt4ll Itllllll1. . . . . .. . . . .. . """" -- -.r .-.m uie auojecia la waica uay ara T by Pail J. Sianott, ftamaU eouaty''ln- for h0Bor. ullU1 -, -M -hou 0 represeaUUve at the Panama Pacific eapoalUoa. and permit aim to como uuwo nuTcuiuer n, i v4 malnlug until the cloae of the fair In December. Some time ago, Sianott, realising the groat importance to Klamath county that would result la having several reela of mottoa atcturoa to be ahowa at the fair, urged the Commer cial Club to make ovary eaTort to have the pictures Ukea, aad suggested that he leave the fair a month earlier than planned, that his. salary mlght be used toward aaytac for the; ptcturea. Oa account of lack of funds It was ImiKMslble to have taa motion pic tures aad keep a paid reareaeaUHve at tks fair until It eloaad, so the al- roctora decided they would aecept tba offer of Mr. SInnott. . "Heretofore the Commercial Club haa run Into debt," Bald Fred Fleet, "but this year Comaaarstal Club oaV data are resolved to net a new prece doat. . j Tke Klamath movtaa wMl be exhib ited by the recUmatlea ervlee during November and December at the fair, aad then taken Utraagjk the Ualted SUtes aad placed aa eaaiMt(ea ta hwadreds of cities. ,"" - w FromW r. aaa . , i Who wUh B, R. BrewbaatBBviamlly, Mrs,. BUw McMllUn asm 'bar daughter. tag. trip to TH;jaaaa. Mexico. via- aFard. havrsrad. Tnotr drive was ovtr t,IH aaMea la leagth. Beth fair war vkHa.B'r,'es wan. as ta batter ka-ssaohea aad Taa," They rataraod by way f Ileao aad Cca Oaar, Hbt. rue' HNlaf,a;talr .iwadB a make taoic'trip aa ftr BULGARIA WARS TO SECURE UNITY SOFIA GOVERNMENT ISSUES MAN. IFBSTO TfXUNG WHY BOL OABIA ENTERED THE CON. FLIOT ON TEUTON SIDE j fulled Press Service j BERLIN, Oct 8. The Bona gov lernment haa Issued a manifesto, stat ing that tbe Bulgarian have Joined the Teutonic allies because It waa the only way the Bulgarian could be united. Tho Teuton have promlaad k. REORGANIZ j Bulgaria part of Serbia, giving Bui 'carta a frontier on Huntarr. which BB!waa necessary for Bulgarian Inde i pendence. ! The manifesto stated further that tbe promises of the entente alilea were not believed. It declared that Rus sia seeks Constantinople and the Dar danelles, and the British are aiming at the destruction of German competi tion. France, it atates, want Alsace- KlatUTH filBl "HIMSTBDEII jMISS AXNE HALES OF KLAMATH FALLS AMONG FIFTEEN EN- ROLLHD AM HONOR STUDENTS AT STATE UNIVERSITY (Herald Special Service) EUGENE, Oct. 8. Fifteen atud ents have enrolled that fall aa honor students under the new honor system of tho atari university adopted by the j faculty la Jbb. graduate. They will then be given an examination hf0re a faculty commit. ,, Taa amount oi work M macs la excess of that prescribed for non honor students. The fifteen students enrolled are: James Celars, Portland; Anna Hales, Klamath Falu; Roscoe L. Hurd, Flor ence; Bertha KIncald, Ashland; Mary Stevetwon, Medford; Lamar Toose and Leslie Toose. Salem; Kyla Walk er, Corvallla; Martha; Beer, Nellie Cox, Clarence E. Ferguaon, Henry Howe.1 Evangeline Husbaad, aiiaa- ,, ulntvn tBa m shoemaker. Eugene.. HARD LUCK ROLLS IN BOWLING SET AFTER LOSING BOWLING BHOBS AT LAST MINUTE BY NARROW MARGIN, FINDS THAT JINKS M STILL WITH HOI W DOUSUdWI : ' Whoa t cornea to bowllaf. phado Maxwell li the picture at hard task. Us to the. Iat mliutetae .had the bowllag ahoos won, waaa hard laek iBtroducad klmself aad Mac Mat eat Oa, tho irat ssrlea of "doualas." Maxwell with Lea HaWea hold the high? aeore, aad aaala at tae kaat atln- lute Glean Jester eater tae race wltb Mr; Hablea, aad anr three games had bo la tec jaatrraw margiaV 'Ja'alBWiWi' KLAMATH BEND LINE BE high score for tbe three games, finals netting him a total of S71. In the race for the lady'a prize, Mlaa Marie Rambo carried away the honora for recording the most spares for one week. The doubles are proving to be of great interest to bowlers, Beveral of tbe best local rollers having already entered the second aerlea. POISON WEEDS KIU CATTLE CATTLEMEN XOICTH OF KLAM ATH RIVER FIND MANY DEAD ANIMALS WILL RAISE FUND TO FIGHT MENACE .y-vf-c-J YREKA, Oct. ,8. CatUemea-who are ranging their cattle in the Siski you mountains north of the Klamath River axe losing" several througVeat- ing poisonous weeds, such as wild parsnip and othefs. . Recoatly n range ride, found five young steers dead, all of which were in splendid condition. It Is the intention of the cattle men to hold a meeting and ask for a. spe cialist from the federal- government or state university to investigate. To Gives Grapes Free STOCKTON. Oct. 8. Thousands of crepes were shipped from here, yester day, destined for the Panama-Pacific exposition at San Francisco, where they will be distributed free today, which will be "Grape Day" at the ex pbaltlon. Most of the thousand grow ers of table grapes In this district con tributed to the shipment. To Callforal oa Visit. Mrs. W. T. Iiee and daughter, Mrs; Alex Shire, left today tor California points andithe fair. They were ac companied by Mrs. Lee's mother, Mrs. M. Al Thompson, who haa been visit ing here tor some time, and will re turn to her home at Venice, Calif., af ter seeing the fair. Elks Social Beaaoa Opeas. M ' a . . t The new entertainment committee of the Elka Lodge have planned a big dance at thv Lodge halt for next Thursday evening, aa. the opening event in the tall and winter season of social aSalrs, which promises; to be both unique and interesting. TbeJ committee consists of H. H. Loewe, L. O, Van Bellea and Dr.,C. B. Wheeler. Arepta New FosMea'. y Earl McCoy, Western Union oper ator, of , this city, haa accepted the po sition of manager of the Western Uatba olios In Grants Pass. Mr.' He: Coy will leave here on the 15th of thla month for San Franclsob,: waar a step-over at the fair will a aaaaa,' at- ter which ho willgo to;Graaas-Fase aadaawBM hla aewsasltlta Mwvem her '1st. - -i ' !FSi$ w ' - "''- , Bm, Boys, .Boat ;.:.v' :. ' Again tBVtnr.! -fro f alarm caused aoptolUr;aalioiv their- heads from, ylaaaweV, aaaer through tba doorway aaA;ah. aowa taa stmt. looking. BSkaae for a alga of amok,' WedusHtye)rsalag,.abottt;J VoVsski' tte;daa;Hjpsat, hurriedly .reapoadod jVlll.s:;taJaalar to a callaa Stith street, but a U taa laM'laataaot, tho.BIg Smoke, servaa; In ha aathlas mate ar- leaa'tlaata ww yawaa saaaajwaaam bwwsbi ,wh s'wr wsav ' (wa , ri"f'KYv.y FALLS- rl FOUR HUNDRED MILES OF, RAD ROAD IK EASTERN ORfiGOK WILL BE BUILT BY LNDEPEND EXT CAPITAL TO CONNECT ALL INTERIOR LINES JOAMATH FALLS, BEND, SILVER: LAKE AND LAKEVIEW TO BE SERVHD ( Herald Special' Service) "' -PORTLAND, Oct. 8: Robert B. Strahorn, well knows railroad build er, outlined last night to a; group of representative business mea, akt Blaaa' for the construction of 4 00 miles 'of railroad la Central Oregon wUut wtll; connect all .the .existing llaas f& rkr interior of the state. ' Will: i CONSTRUCTED i . " ' , St taa I. -', '" ' -nlv in roaos now ee coHUweswaaw? . ? n w? l maewuaeat cawwy aaawarr-asat-M1" $6,000,000. Mr. Strahorn sta4tat he baa the asurance, of co-operatloa from aft the railroads with; whlcirtae njmr' lftio vilt Mianarf -p. , , - The projectiricludeef-Abroad from'- Bend to Klamath Tails vUFott Rocir and Stiver Lake, connectlag withih Oregon, Washington Rallwf$sad Navigation company and Oregon Trunk at. Bend, and with tha' South ern Pacific at Klamath FallaKs'road from Silver1 Lake via SummerLake and'Paisiey to Lakevlew and; Wjarier Valley, connecting with the prspeosd Bend-Klamath Falla llneatf SUver Lake, and with. the Neyadar CaUterBla;i and Oregon line at; Lakevlew. ' Tne tnira roaowui' run .'nromr-a. olnt between Bead aad 'Silver; Lake castwarjTfb connecjtwithh Oregoa,' Washington Hallway WdiNavlgaUoaf company extension now beiagbslti' westward from Vale. . . ; , h The proposed lines Will conaeet up. the lnteriar sections orSouUeaetera" Oregon, and wllimeaa the rapid de velopment of 01s grsat eeuatryiirich In natural resources, -whlea taa'oaly bcn awaiting propeV wlrosataelllk tkfi to'iaake it one Jot the" W producing isectlons of the.stass' 2&i3 -.j GUARD WILSON i. t'vrKi-tf ?- fej JtHft AJ -ST . fROM-FRlOS i. -1,' i Tr.'J HORDES OF POUCHMEN PRESnKNT FAOM "MISG ,., . i.;I COUPLE DBFAJtT ITaUed-press Bervtoo ? &" i vmmmrri '- w a Was I i,sv W-c. L f ' w. T'.TKT.Trr. "L&- vw v. j jBW'iuiv, vcu e. meswaajsiiSi' policemen ana secret, serv guarded President Wilson guinea rrienas" on ni A drusie tnrsateaes to .- - .-i.. i - " - t- ' .- J i,"-..u United -Press BrHtf &$? trmm ail IBM?- aatrnVV MaWMaaat ? k..f.i.lri irTiTV w r-iit m st?s!aai rs; XASHmowHf;,s?o.'. m' wssamst Mr: Noemaa Oalt as the It 1 undtretoedthe w WriaafjtKvaii: mv ff.---,'l,r,::;'.7:"':'ffti,.,i VM IdtaHotjaa hKlamthUMtoN,XI 4i: b 'wetaaasai' SJFtW . eaaatalSBti-.' imt'ymm 4;:tf. -SMI "d 1 "J'i ,4i .'. s ' '&i '"u - n iJ. 1 ' rl . .i .. -:i ail jl t. '. V ll &!' St' i t m -$&& 'M &.i -Kl t I. .. im" ?&&!$& .AJ.fe8. IJJ -flWyaJHt rafVLfCA 4kep: vt"5 nrii '" itsii'lsT- "?i-c a fX$ i'x -5ffi I TVti 5 7K TWH. .- .i"--;,?v-. K.U'V'.' 'wmm . . r nr .. i -j "v- ' iwj " yp " I. . r "V i. iiV. -' K(Sa "Zl -Vlv, " " - nf h . , ' ..:jj .!??" WP . - N' , '-' S3 iV . L,T L ' rf ,- -. .. tf-Jfe L " V i.