'?i- 1,1 Mr H . e . ; . '!.& if s R -? Evmxng, Mzvaib KLAMATH FALLS' '.j. ,?-rrfl rI'' r.if' KLAMATH COUNTifll: g : OFFICIAL tf eWspXVeR" I "&V OFFICIAL NEWiPAFBK I- J): HLUHl KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1915 I . - r-r Prion, Mm ""f.vt . nu Bulgaria Sends Ultimatum to Serviafe .nu, iwww ' ' wm ---------i---i-,-,ni-.v-lnr.-in, - - . .. ' ' -ft ,' .i wr mh I V I ill. XPN. f, kit AAAwyyvvs irfwwMwMrMWWW torJ ita. for " rM lH toef. Mto It Ml latt. k in It IR h - IKS ON MARCH; AT BULBARS' FRONT! COiWTANTINK DORS NOT WISH TO OPPOSE TEUTONS Bat Will 0" Any Extreme o On site BnlgarUa Domination of ,fliote Believe Premiere Resign tlM Forced WUI Not AM fen-BUn Antlaat Old Enemy Bettered Vn tela Favored AIM. Italtsd l're Bervlce PARIB, Oct. C.--DIBatches stato that Turkish troop are marching to ward Bulgaria to Join the Bulgarian. Uilttd Pre Service ATHKNW, Oct. . Bucharest dl ptieht ay that Roumanian troop km been vent to the Bulgarian fron tier. Tbey nra concentrating Bear , Otrctao, where they an erecting earthwork. It la reported that the yetsg rtrvc have boon called to tat colon. It la learned that Kins OonoUatin aw left hi summer hoaM beUOYlag Otseee waa about to flnns into tha war and that he forced tlio reslgna- ' tloa of Venlaeloa. He heard VcnlMlo' apeech In Par llaaent ycttcrday, that flreeca ahould reaort to nrma It Bulgaria attacked Serrla. Tlio king la willing to go to any extreme to Intur Greece agalnat an aaiault by tho Ilulgariaaa, but doea not wish to array Oreeco agalnat tho Teuton. It wan reared that Vanlaaloa wma leading hi nation Into aa open alll ance lth tho allies. The Greek mo blllutlon continue. Waited I'reaa Barvlo IX)NIK)N, Oct. . Bulgaria la about to Join the Auatro-Qaraaan, la the belief here. Oraeoa and Rouma nkv have abandon Serbia to a com bined attack on all aldaa. Censored Greek dlapatchea Indicate that Uulgarla proxalaed Conatantln, king or 0 recce, that Oreclaa Intereata would not ho hurt If Bulgaria at tack Serbia. j United I'reaa Service IIKIlUN, Oct. 6. Sofia dlapatchea y that nulgnrla'a anawer to the Rua ilan ultimatum waa delivered thl aornlng. I.'nlted Pre Service . LONDON. Oct. .- Dlanatchea from I'etrograd Hay that Bulgaria haa re jected the domaada of the Ruaalan t'lllaatum. Relatlona of the alllea with Bulgaria will probably be aey wed beforo tho end of the week. Bulg&Tla gave Serbia a day to reply In the Bulgarian ultimatum, KEEPER. OF SEALS COMMITS SUICIDE HIOII OFICIAL OF KNIGatTS OF WTHIAS, INSANat FROM OVFR. WORK, SfcTOOXtt HIMiKLK AT .!" homr ynnwiDAY ' ' Ualted pfi, ,2, w iAI.EM, Oet. I,U U beUeved that h'W""". atei 4, WMlaaaae he ftoataaHted MleMe by thMt ' hiMMif at "ale Jmbm aear Wm yeiterday, H wiiaMaeked br'enr. oua proatratieii MthAmaltof vyt. ROUMANIANS rLAN iU BKIHIJ PRESIDENT WEST WANT WII.HOX TO MAKE A TIHP TO THE PACIFIC OOAHT TO VI8IT Till-: TWO KXPOHITIONH. CHILDREN HHJN PETITIONS United Pre Service HAN DIKOO, Oct. C.A movonicnt of far reaching Inllucnco ha jut buon Ktnrtvd In tho Wt'Hl which hn for It purpoiii) the bringing of rresl Ucnl WlUon to tho 1'nclllc Coatit, that bo may lilt the SauDlcgo oxpoitltlon, n ho hail plmiut'il rnrly In the jcur. It will be recalled that the preatdent had orrnngod to romo to tho coniit tlirotmh thv I'Himina canal, but that tho KuroiX'un'und Moxlcan Hltuntlon required hi prcnoiirc, ho ludlrtcd, nt Washington, Since there tint bi-cu no nppareut chnngo In olthvr, Wetvnitru nro ask ing l'rcnldoiit WIIhou to make it trip to tho ronat, oon though It bo a hur ried one, with a limited Itinerary. Kvory commerrlal and civic organiza tion on the conat I behind tho plan to Induce the president to visit Cali fornia and It two exporiltlonx, and tbua aee the great accomplishments, landing net the least Important nu Hlitnuro to tlio plan I tho Interest be ing ahown by school children In sign ing petition reqtienllng the president to make the trip. LOCAL MEN MAKE 600D AT SCHOOL Tiiuni: KiaMATii falls frksii- MKN AT UNIVKR8ITV MAKK FIUCMHMAN KOOTIIALL TKAM. HILL MAKKS LAST T()UC1UM)V.V Three, Klamath Falls boyu who en tered tha unlvoralty thl year at Fronumen havo niado tho Frehunn football team. Thl team, tho picked mon of tho largost clans of tho uni versity, Is always better than any high acliool team In tho stnte, and tho fact that those tliroo boys inado It shows unusual football ability. The three nro Forest I'lel, Ralph Hum and. Clniido Hill. Hum In par ticular comes by football ability nat urally, as hi brother, Bill Hum, mndo the uulvcrlsty football team In hla Freshman year. Owing, however, to n broken knoc. he was unable to follow up the game. I This Freshman team played that of j the Kugcno High School, ono of thof Htrongost high school team In tho state, and defeated thorn 20 to 0. Hum and I'lol played throughout tho gamo, the first at right guard and tho second a right tackle. Hill play ed tho Init half aa quarter back, and made tho last touchdown. Joe Skolton, tho other Freshman from Klamath Fall, distinguished htmaelf In the annual tlo-up contest betweon the Sophomoroa and Fresh men, aa well a In other event of the under class mix. The tying contest atagea two team, ono from onch claag, and each man tries to tie up with n rope an opponent from tho other team. Tho Sophomorea Invariably win, but In tho last mix Shelton Waa the only Freahman that aucceeded In tying hla Sophomore opponent. Earnest Nail and lCdwln Cox, both Klamath County High School grad uate, are making good In their Sophomore work. AUIeaCoeklaUNew'One liQllctf I'reta Service, VBNICB, Oct. 6, The, allied cock talL la the lateat on the ban and In tha eafaa here. It 'follew: , One- fo'iirUT Frenoh Vermuth, one-fourth Italian vemuth,-oue-ha!f BaglUh gin aBf a' pleoe of Texaa oaloa. These American Saved Serbia From Typhus WttB&stsmams Or. Itldiartl P. Strong Dr. Richard I'. Strong, professor of tropical discuses In Harvard Medical school, and now director of the Amer ican sanitary commission In Serbia, and Dr. Kdwnrd Ilyan, head of the Ameikan hospital In Belgrade, are tho men who huvo saved Serbian from exteimluatlon by typhus. Beforo they reached Serbia' thero waa more danger from typhus that from bullet fothe Austrians. This photograph show them standing outside tho field CLOSES SUNDAY LITTLK GRAY RULLKTS OF 8AGK IIRUSHftIIAVK GIVKV KLAMATH FALLS M.MllODS MUCH KNTKR TAIXMKNT IN FKW DAYS Next Sunday closos the short but exciting quail season. Many Klamath Falls huntsmen are preparing a last urtenshe movement toward these little, gray sagebrush bullets with such delictus breast Sunday. Tho season opened October 1st. The first day many hunters got the limit easily, as tho, birds we're plentiful and quite tame. Thoy aoon learned, how over, to get away wfth greatest poaal bio speed at the first step of a hunter, and since then bag were not pro cured so easily, Howovor, many times tho limit has been taken thl week. , A fow enra ago quail were alaoat nn unknown quantity In thl valley. accord lug to old timers, The cold winters killed them off, apparently, and thoy wero Bpoken of a Ohlaaae phoasanta are now a bunch out. to the southeast of Merrill and couple above Midland. A one or two, day eaaou was opened, but only a taw families got a bite of quail. '" But lately these little game bird have boon fed during the winter, and their number havo multiplied, LMt year waa a particularly mild wlatw and thl year there are many quail. After Sunday the mawh where duck and gee fly will be tu object lve point of local almrod. ' ' .i .rTa s tsCW aW. v XYjy.z QUAIL SEASON Doctors Mnr" - ' Dr. EdHitrd Ryan tent of Dr. Strong. Dr. Ryan has been stallonod In Belgrade through all the darkest days of Austrian bombard ment and tho typhus plague. Upon taking charge of thl hospital o, year ago he put American methods Into force, so that now the American hos pital In Belgrade 1b known as the "model of tho Balkans." In every re spect It has tho appearance of a model American hospital. Note the medal jot the Fronch Legion of Honor upon Dr. Ryan's chest. MRS. WHITMAN IN SUFFRAGE CAUSE NKW YORK'S FIRST LADY B. TERS THE CAMPAIGN FOR SUF FRAGEGOVERNOR OF STATE BACKS HER ., United I'rcss Sen Ice-. ALBANY, N, Y., ' Oct. 6. New York Btate's "first lady" today person alty enterod tho campaign for Novem ber "voteB for women." The villagers of Vebrheasvllte, a local suburb, heard Mrs. Charlea Whitman' maid en ppeach In behalf of the cause. Mr. Raymond Brpwn, president of the New York state women suffrage association, who Is a guest of the gov ernor's wife nt tho executive mansion, vtiia another speaker, Mr. Whitman la expected to make several equal suffrage spoechos In' the capital dis trict before the Novembor election. The official Governor Whitman la "strictly neutral,"7 being neither for nor aglnat the cauT The plain Mr. Whitman, however, endorse "vote for. women" movement and Mrs. Whitman' part iajtt. Insurance Man Gather SAN. FRANCISCO'; Oct. 6. Five special trains brought more than 1,900 live wire agent and omclala of the Aetna Life Iaovrano company of America here for-the convention ot the insurance company, which opened today, and will oanttauo until Oeto- tmw w Vft4 f CLAIM ATTACKS OF ALLIES IN WEST REPULSED GKRMAXH CLAIM VICTORIES ALL AliONO FRONT All Infantry Morot&enla Ceoaed Along I'ranro-Flandera Front Declalre Itnttlc Ilellered Itnmlaent Artll lrr Ihiel Hari Beon in Progreaa for Tiro Day Without Interruption. German IYepare to Meet Attack. United Press Service BERLIN, Oct. 6. It is announced that all of the attacks of the allies on the western front have been repulsed. United Press Service PARIS, Oct. 6. It Is announced that an entire cessation of Infantry movements on the Franco-Flanders front occurred last night. A decisive battle is believed Immi nent on the western front Artillery duel have been In progress two day without interruption. The Germans are massing !nelr re serve to meet the expected attacks of the allies."" Active fighting la reported south of Arras. The"Germaaa ahelledthe BrltUb for hours, evidently preparing for an infantry movement. WILSON WANTS PREPAREDNESS THINKS NATION SHOULD BE PRE PARED FOR DEFENSE, NOT FOR WAR AMERICA HAS SPIRIT OF PEACE AND INDEPENDENCE United Press Service . WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 6. The president haa declared for greater preparedness for defense by the Unit ed States, In A speech welcoming the naal advisory board to the White House. He said he thinks the nation I convinced that it ought to be pre pared "not for war, but for defense." "America's spirit Is one of peace," said the president. "But one of in- ilepcndennce," LATE BULLETINS New Port The torpedo boat Cum- mlngs I hurrying into port afire with two injured aboard. ' The commander sent by wireless this message: "The boat la afire. Wo are hurrying Into New Port." Berlin On the eastern front, ac cording to the official statement, the Russians have atacked since their repulse Sunday, but were easily re pulsed. Aides Loan Secured V'uiifU 1'ifs Service NEW YORK, Oct, . The ayadt- cate tor procuring the half-bllUon dol lar loan to tne aiuea nave ciosea weir books, the full amount guaranteed. There waa a rush of late application. Daughters of Confederacy .Meet WARRKNBBURQ, Mo, Oet t, X The annual throe-day convention' ot Missouri Division, United Daughter of the Confederacy began hot today, with two presidential tickets In tho field, Mr. Thoma Wood Parry ot Kansa City, and Mrs. CbaTle Brock enfldge Farm of JTefenon pity, wife of'a'Supromefowrt lustlee are the rival caadldatee. FAIR EXCURSION ALMOST ASSURED NEARLY FIFTY NAMES HAVE BEEN SECURED OF HUNDRED NEEDED HALF OF FIFTY ARE KLAMATH' FALLS FOLK The excursion to San Francisco IB practically assured, according to the Commercial Club officials. Between forty-five and flfJty have signed their names, at least half of whom are from Klamath Falls. Only fifty or so more are required to get the one way fare. Klamath Day. arrangements are be ing made, under the direction of Phil Sinnott. This, of course, will take place during the stay of the excur sionists at the fair. More, products have been sent for display In the Klamath booth, and ac cording to everyone who visited it, the booth is attracting much atten tion. The'dUplay of Klamath products In Klamath Falls has also began 'to oc cupy the attention of the Commercial Club. The exhibit windows at last are full of giant vegetables, grains, etc., and more products are constantly being added by farmers who have read the caption, "If you have better than this, bring It in." Products from the Fort Klamath district fair' havo been put In display In the window. RTArSTRONo-FOR DISTRICT FAIRS DESCRIBES THE FORT KLAMATH FAIR AS THE FINEST THING YET FOR THE "KHS" WILL BE REPEATED NEXT YEAR All Klamath county men, as far as can be learned, are united in one opin ion the good ot the three district fairs that were held this year. They are 'all resolved that these fairs will be repeated next year, and the fair season concluded with a big county or district fair at Klamath Falls. Every effort Is being made to get the county court to appropriate fund for such a fair. D. W. Ryan, the Fort Klamath cat tle man, was telling bis friends what he thought about district fairs this morning in Klamath Falls. "They are the finest thing yet," satd he. "They're a wonderful thing for the children the kids that can't get around over the county to any but their home fairs. Why, you ought to' see 'em watch the interest they take in the display. "These district fairs are educa tional to the klda. It tends to mako them progressive farmer tho farm ers that will make Klamath county one ot the greatest agricultural sec tions anywhere la n few year. "If a clrcuB to watch thetn at the airs. They stand around and say 'I raised that.' "I took that prize,' and 'mine's better than your's.' And I tell you their products were surely fine. Every kid, almost, In our section had a garden growing exhibit for the fair," Hear Reception of United I'rei Service t,yL j, " LOB ANGELES, Oct. . By means ot a special telephone', Jee L. Laiky and other produeer ot thef motion picture rlonvoit Carmen were able to hear theopotlon accorded the mm iia nreaentauen in oympnony hall, Boetonj.OlO mile awgy, Thoy said thoy eould faintly hear.tho'nin- sic ot.tka Ronton Symphony orehoajrn, aceompaBylag tho picture. Applana sowndod . Uke th faint Upplnf ,oi wm is'wwniewsw'. SERVIAN REPLY, TO BULGARIANS WILL BE Jfi vr? ULTIMATUM ANNOUNCED GREECE TAKES STAND Believe Neutrality of Atfcea ITiilaH ' in Bulgarian Demaad That I Macedonia Be Ceded at ' erthrow of Greek Mlatatry Wffl Net" Halt Landing of French Tree tmrX Servian Aid. s United Press Service - LONDON, Oct. 6. It U announced that Bulgaria has -sent an ultlsaatun to Serbia, demanding the Immediate, restoration of Servian Macedonia. Ua- douhtedly the reply will be the Imme diate opening of hostilities between the two states. It is significant that the Bulgarian." ultimatum was announced a tw aomr..Y . after Greece had apparently deeMod not to .upport Serbia. ,, , . h " " The French announcemes&taat tha$ overthrow of the dree ministry wtB not halt the,Frenca march, to is the greatest"1 sensation ot;th;BaK fkaa complications.? ORslahi.-woeM.J nortittens the 'announcement:,-' ;, . United Press Service , : PARIS, Oct. 6. It u;annottnet that,the Greek" premier' resignation wilt not stop the landing of tho aUle troops In Greece for the defense of Serbia. According toan Atnon dis patch, Venlzelos resigned becaaso eight members ot the cabinet were silent when the vote of confidence In the government waa taken la tho chamber ot depntlcov United Press Service LONDON, Oct. 6 Athea wire that the entire Greek cabinet ha re--signed. . -"'T United' Press Service M v PARIS, Oct.6 More French troop are reported to be landlngt Balon-j; Ika. It Is officially Intlmatodthat the allies are depending on th,peopl.ot Greece to aid In preventing tho dont Inatlon ot the Balkans' by .the Butgar-,i lins. Officials expect' that.theGroekt chamber of deputies will refuse to ac-" cept the new ministry offlclally. ' .ITenuselos resignatlbn. cannot .al-v feet Greek Interests nor atop tho landing ot allied troop for tho rrrht ' ance of Serbia, was an oglola ste- ment hero. , ip J' nnouii iu iuic . fob mm L. lvt . WILL VOTE FOR THE SUFFRAGsl 5 AMENDMENT IN NEW, JnVSRT' '.,. ELECTION NOT AS PARW w HEAD, HOWEVER 'VSfvffi. s mUt .' V lilted Press Service WASHINGTON. 'B: C." Oet . . ., . r.p float fe rrcMiutsiiL iviuun exmm ahmkBiang9Bimi aH vu. heiwlll vce;tor-the'ntiOi aid?,' ment in New.Jertey WmttVm He said ho believe t''Uhw"hsiMni tafextend the nrivileM fWlveeln 1V -45' women. n? &- jJ .. v,iimi .w mtm, t m party, but s ra onVlsng - benefitted, greatly ?hjr' zmsssz not by taeitonl yfffJ!?-l!Tf.T, mM.M,ilV m 3SBimV. ierjemj-i' viwiRiSBVvm mKEkiim r- r, -, A t- I t t "j1 If A J w. U-,1 f l flfig$t$tiiYxjj J IC .fyV"' -! f J ' ,T' . if 't lM -