TTvTii- vvry $ , , : ; - .,. !""pp maaaBBl . " 1 ',' &- ''jjfef' t m;, V'1X' lrtMsV..,l kva,i: V kW-M? a f-M ti'i -w I WM r.j IV.S.K.... Li ' ,. I.Wit ' -Hfe'1 '.:-,i!. ' m Ftt&. 2 rtuYMir ;.- maafk aammJC. i. jv nsvfi a """ t. vi? ' ' 'Wla-lf ".. . i" Seventh 'i' ' m i mi r -. mwwinivivrrr ; h:i-,-: .-..... H6GEST COMPANY sA ION COAST ENTERS i$sr;. 5 ". 'a- mi THE LOCAL FIELD nswK.. laW-i iftrawH '-aTfji.ij.JiH' lux mnm klamatm m?L-i-i a sa-ssi - ' r An.R von final1 timk Bfi:Hif t CMU MHac ,Jt0lh -Owr fMMM hi Mh, ' ' JW OM l Utmi nuxkm ky Om CMfMyAre RivtaC l"ww m m m KM HiMfc WwUr Tntta Laai Drivmi Vtmi lAfe OMMtjr nnlaMlly 1190,080 In eaih kti few pl out tkki mmm la KUra atk ta4 Uk eouittM to eattl owani ky Wller Li. Tkt atranee of thla tm, wkirk U tk Mnwt tat co mt tka coaat; lato Kbiatktk coua IT, kaa kU w 4teW4ly Mllrelai at rt a tao total eaitto auukat Tkla tkt Irtt yMr tkat Mllltr Las ana fUKkaaat eattla la tkla aaetloa la tka paat atoat ef tka karan kave Mir kata ltaata4 la tka fat aattte. may far aarktt. Tkla kaa always (aft a lot of faaaan oa tka kaaaa of ' tkaewaan. It la atatad tkat Millar rlJtt art kaaallftf-akt tmn araaa vU at prlaia ktaf ataaJt. Ukt Walker kaa kata buying ci Uatlrdy for the Mllltr ILin firm, "aad'aaa otta dtlirtriai the cattle to CMItiala aad Mlalaad, wktra tkty rt reeelrtd for tka Callforala com auykyWm. Rllay. Yetterday a trala load of thirty ran, containing nine hundred head of cattle, ware shlaaad from Midland. Aattber trala load of 4,W eattle. or beat tklrty-dfa can wUl kt aklpptd October tb, aad a third train load on October 14th. During Bepttmktr Mllltr Lux ulpptd oat two traaa laada at tka W. C, Daitoa cattlt. Bataraam !. aad (.000 cattle hare kata, aurekaaad by tklt company from tkla aattloa thla mt, which will jiaaroaimate la nine f10a,0f. Luke Walker etatte tkat tt.waa tka tenUon to aklp a baatk f tka eattle Pirakaatd la Lake eoaaty frtm Uka view, but oa ateoaat of tka laablllty o net can, tkt cattlt kad to kt drlTen to Klamath Fall, a dlataaee of 110 nttti. ' ' DANIELS EXPELS ! , - u f wmunm 'and wmtms WfM MAMHQ-HX SJX K AVAL CADETS '',.. . '' MMnniia ' ' - "-wiitai; Arniurau w vmm 'M ,.t ValUd Pru. 4i- . .? f " ....... LTT-'T '- ... tfry'DaaliSaamtaat .iiw . nuninaTfiii n n- iw . i. 'SrA!!!Si!l:,5A i8ai"'fcri'. r"." w,g'"""M" iJWl. oaa - '-,a-tt.--i.i..i. . u "oat ataaa.aafUkAinaiiUSAf tka I m.lWM lifSEtiiTorF " ' ' ,-- ,-ju . - J nMw?ad thM'MiXL2ttktY&. . .. - V ..'Wlrltanr ni'l-i'"IM,.y: i... ivA ' ""tl n areaii.. ii'fciV.a: tt ' ' ' rl Ta. iS"t SEW -? ;i;-:.- Hf'liafadMamaaSaM II -mS llWWIaittVimT Day of p,w-v--' NINETEEN DEAD AT NEW ORLEANS, TOLL OF STORM Itmwikkx pkhmh at rioolrta, liOUlHIANA Prar TrminiiloM FaUIUIm lit Mouma Wbnrc Full Korrv of Htorm Htnuk, iiihI Ml M4irKaii CHy -Cmbwnrtan KUIt WIk'h Ifoime CoitepMM. Southern I'arMe Wiarrr Dnrtrar U -Wrecked LaumcbM Maajr. United l'rea Hervlce NKW OIU.KAN'8, Oct. I. Wlrales to QalvcRton ntaerti that nineteen nre dead At New Orleeni. The Southern raclHr whnrvea and offlcen were rte atroyed, Tlu full force of the storm itrunlc the town of Houino, and It la feared tro.itndou fatalities occurred be tween there and Moraaa City. United i'rea Bervirt niLOXI, MIm., Oct. 1. Thirteen perUhcd in the atorm at Rlgoltta', l.n., nctordlng to flthtrmen arriring from there. Mr a. Myrtle Allen, aged 08, waa killed, and her three children In lured when their home collapsed. There were no fatalities at Blltil. The storm destroyed sereral hundred small Mhowers fit th pier. Bpllnters of launches strew the beach, United Press Service NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 1Tho total storm damngo was $16,000,000. Part of tht city wob inundated three feet for n day and a half. Nine boats wero sunk, and drydocjts containing vessels wero blown from one side of the river to tho other. ORDER DEPOSIT FEE PACIFIC TELEPHONE COMPANY. CANNOT DEMAND ffl DEPOSIT TO BE FORFEITED IF CONNEC TION IS NOT MAINTAINED United Press Service SALEM, Oct. 1. The publlo serv ice commissioner ordered the about- tloa of the 1 6 advance .deposit requir ed of certain patrons of the Paclflo Telephone and Telegraph company. Tkla dote away with tht company's requiring applicants for a Sat rate to make a deposit, which Is forfeited If tbt.eenaeotloa Is not maintained a year, except for meter or measured service. Tkla Is effective after November 1st. The only requirement Is that subscrib ers pay in advance. BONANZA FAIR IS REVELATION IsfPROVKMBNT OF THIS YARW f DISTRICT i-AIR' OVIW Mil v YRAR'S awfm-vnsaaininfv OF FAIR IDEA J",,T ? ff 'A. 'f- ABOLISHED . i. v KLAMATH PALLS, OREQON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 1, i915 ADies Offensive : - n success oi Begins Era of New MKHMAOK IS HUNT T8AOVGH KTHKR FOR TBOtMAMM Of MILKA AT THE RATK OV FIFTV. HIX THOVHANDS MILVW PBBv NXO.VD YKflTKRDAY'H AX NOVXOKMKN'T RRI.VGN NRARKR THK l)AV WHEN THE HVMAX VOICE WILL RELEGATE DOTH AM) DAHHKS TO THE PAST (Herald Mw-liO rfcrrvlre) 8AN FRANCISCO. Oct. 1. -Wire less transcontinental telephony ceased to be a dream and became a reality at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. At thnt hour Theodore N. Vail, president of tho American Telephone and Tele graph company spoke a few sentences to John J. Carty, chief engineer. Vail waa la New York, Carty, waa at Mare Island. The words traveled 3,000 miles through air without a wire to carry them, propelled through ether at a rate of 68,060 miles a- second. The human voice has been hurled Into spice at the Naval Radial Station at Arlington,- Virginia, aad conducted by skcrvJbrMgk.a'b.tMare(-4and achievement works the solution of nrnrly every problem Involved with the future development of telephony, Again Vivil ordered Carty to accom-i pllsh the "ImpoMible," and again his orders had been carried out. The achievement was fraught with mean ing. It means that the problem of talking across the Atlantic has been solved. It means that a man in New York can talk to. Honolulu and Tokio r - hi r ii I in I mi- -r to those who attended the Bonanza fair yesterday and a year ago. A year ago the products were ex hibited in a. tent, not a large one either, and there waa plenty of room. Tho fair was.not widely attended, but it waa a step in tho direction toward larger aad better fairs. The one yesterday, attended by Of ty Klamath Falls people, took place in a large store building, which was nil ed to overflowing. There really waa not enough room to show the great verities of products, stock-, etc., to good advantage. Crowds attended nil day. According to C. T. Oliver, the ex-1 hlblts were a revelation. All kinds of fruit, splendid livestock, grains and grasses, and all qu&atltles of fancy work filled the fair room. The fancy work drew the greatest admiration. The variety of products that can be grown on dry land waa proven by oat exhibit which oontatned tea rarities of marketable potatoes, twenty kinds of gardes seed, four kinds of betas, lettuce, and other vegetables, a, well as millet three aad a half feet kigh. and Soudaa grass Ave feet tall -from one farm. ' The success of this fair, as well aa the oaa at Merrill, aataret, praetletily, the big district fair to be. held here next year to which surrounding coun ties win be asked to sand txaiWts. The fair at Foi. Klamath la being held today. Several Klamath Falls people are In attadanot. IT Fred Fleet waa unable to eteare aa large a dolegatloa to atttad today's fair at Fort Klamatk.aa tkose wkltk atteaded tka Merrill aad Btaaaaa fairs. Tke dlstaase is tartaer, aad tka fair today occurred at aa laoofor, tune time tht trot day ef tat oaek atatoa. More, will probaMy o; mtrtaw. ,tx Tak-aa Caarfd of ITPraasStrtlta.- ,r SALEM, ; ,Oet. l.-rlkk W-gMJaAa took ekarge ef the ataU. iwltpiillaar today, sataeedtoc kit tetaer,.amet 111' J 1 IH .1 1 nireiess - ' VI THEODORE. as soon'aa the construction work baa. beea completed. The voice oaa be carried by wlree"to anFranclsoo over the new transcontinental wire of the American Telephone and Telegraph company and from here aaried through the air over the ocean to Toklo. it can be connected with re lays around the world. The announcement of, yesterday's BELGIAN POLICY NOT DETERMINED . GERMANY HAS NOT DECIDED ON DISPOSITION OF BELOIUM-OT MUST NOT BE UNDER BNGLIBM VANGUARD United Press Bervfc- BERLIN, Oct. 1. Qermany la not determined as to 'what dlsposttloa to make of Belgium, accordlaa to For eign Secretary Zlmmtnaaa, iVa news paper interview, at otrmaay u, de termined that Belgium will aotbe under England's 'vaagaacd. "Germany has alwaya wkated peace aad now wanta a "guarantee that the present situation .will not be repeat-U V 0, S, TO ADVANCE ROADS ;f, ' I$P , . I StmWPLANRMMBNDEDBY , SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE W "' "- " ' ''" '' -.EXPERT aBaRCcGATHKRIXG STATISTICS. , fT i' :-;;-, . Foattr tf'tMMNSets SUes U Mftdfortam Klamaik FU Httiag staUMloa'W aabasttto tkoSee. rotary of AarlcuBase to aaaitt:'la, a atogt.'goodrioada MiiVXkisMili oaaty.. ,, iv.'tJsx'v . -JtfclN "sterttary't'itam; g:'MeMS ' J '- ' aamBmBmBmBmBmamammBW-' vJHf v' mamBBmBmBBBamBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmamml aamamammmfr TO mmaamamamamamamamamammal aaaaaaaaamaV iht 'OtHaaBHaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaml aamamamaV'-'W'BmamaWaamamamamamamamV aamamamamTt-IVHiJBBamamm aaaaBaaaaaaM:' '013'' '''vv-BammmSBBaBaBaaaBaaaaaaaaaa BaBBBBBBBBBa"v0' .ABaaalTJMSaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl Bamamamaw:r:'4-lBamamamamamam aamamamaKMl v Vaaaaaamamamamamamal A ' aamamamamV'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai aamamamamaWlflWk 'aamamamamamamamamammal raaaaaaaaaaaaal- 'aaaaiBamKaMSBmaBmmaBaBaaBaBaaaaaaaaaaBm BaBaBaaaaaaaaaVfr' '"' " ' lEwVaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal imssssssssssssssssssssssssm iasmssmssssssssssssssssssR W lV 'Mammal V : .-aaaaabM -J ''aamamai' --Iaa vi --anBaaaaaaammV -., 11 ii aam 1 1 1 1 ' saaaaaaaaaaaaaaai ,if J y''lBBB--fBBBt--fB-BM-aiftt--aM-----tSBMMB-aBaaaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBI Sees Gains for - ii - ir - m - i - - n - . - . - i'.n - .v. - L - L - . .-.i-l-.-.-.-.-l-.-- - LTi leiepnone Development N. VAIL ' achievement bringa the day nearer when It will be as, easy to;talk-from San Francisco to London aad Paris it is .today to talk over tke traaaeoa tlneatal wires from Saa Fraadsco to New York. , Furthermore,. It means that paaeengera at sea will be able to call Central, and talk to shore, aad, as r (Continued oa page S) , of thla county la taxed, andpractlcatly all of the 81 per. cent Is the property of the government. When at laat the timber on the reserves .are sold, the county doesn't like to watt a decade or so for tkese good roads heace the. Secretary- of Agriculture has rec ommended the folktwlag plaa: That a certain percent of tke timber valuation be advanced to tke cooaty for the construction of roads. Tkla to be done in every county of tke state. Consequtatly tke ooaatite kavlag tka most valuable U. 8. timber Interests would get tke, moaey. ' Foster la gathering aUtisttcs kere, tka amount of taxable 'property, tka amount untaxed, etc. ALLIES' ATTACKS START OF DRIVE; !v .!. ( a V. -. '.J. " if W -t -.1 CONGRATULATIONS FROM XSmi:LZiJZZlZZ GEOHGB SHOW THAT ALLIM "4 ; ' 2 V ir.lBunw-na. a- ww-a-innanw . w-r GRRAT OFFENSIVE DRIVE :l I. ,l,nlted..Prea Servlea, ,( -:' -U ' PARIS. Oct. 1. -Tke, telegraiksd -imU& toJrUiff?SJ ealre tkat Jotra ratalva.frtaiKlM Oeerge of artaad removed aaa ditt bai tkat tke areseat alHta aaaaaackt B"tte' iHe-ma'atioBed-.awasstaa;taa alKta "attke oaawi;a:bar-aaaaateja Be)sTa.. f1isft(, 'j V j . vJt""":,vi.i:ul1. , lt ; rl . u'tW. . .1 ? .WASMINUTOW.H Ott. ' 1. I 4 W pamreWaa) ( Umaao f aSstSmaTmejeka s emsaj Jvaa W i, IWaaWi , Waoa aaeaws4"mFBkBr, 'B ) oraaae, akot tva' ttmaa,' aad, weo.tatt- , . - irut - UT. - ui - imixxTn.i - L OPEN FOR OUCKS; TOWN DESERTED P1ARLY GUMPm OF aVtWcaVsOfr v OXW9 BPORT jp&&&i ? .fe '. , u3 '.ftf jf- ,m- -g: Shou Riac. Fraat Chaaaml Flats Aettssi Stata;.at " " ------ '''. " - 7 V Getae .Takea FBety-ese Lleami . ' . "'fWi is ea xeeienwf mmm iwiaij save. the Day Bedew, ?s --' 'There were few men-folk oa' the streets of Klamath Falls tkla aserav Ins:. EvenroBA who osald tat ainur . . . -,"' xfti-i35. no woo uui aaatea to maea Ttasa ago tkat they wero tired oflt wero oat after-game, . "' .w' Bat all along the Lower Lake; tao Upper Lake Tale 'Lake ajrt;every Ursa qaagmire aad .swaaa ia1 KJam- atk county were, kaaters,' aad,-isssrd- ing to tht arat reeerta tkat Klamatk ooaaty early taw alttraaem eaoagk daeka to. faraiek avejr'itM plenty of taeiUBMaC , v Ouna begla to pop, Mtsaarmt-tali moraiiac, Taiy 'soaaaod' firWt;tl aad frrmtkeeaaaaral tata.lraere valley quail whirred,; aad frWtts' afU slopes, waere aseaatala ,aail hurled, Jlke.bnlBMs threagktke- derbrush.-- Sometimes a rlaa aeaaded, for the deer.seaaeaM'stlU'oemrt..' From the drst gllmpee of tao that came in, many daeka aadyquaft and a scattering gooeb 'or so, vrlU ae' the.coateata of tka bags brought in by the hunters tonight. T4 ,-1 Forty-oae hunting II osBSBs war ss- suea yesieraay, a raw uua moraiagi .. i - . ." . .is - ... .'..-.. aad tweaty-oaa oa September llih. AmmBalUen stores .did a rushing ka'sl- aess. jf , --1 . w ' s ' TEUTON OFFICERS - AID MOBILIZING AUSTBXM3ERMAN atk ". j- l RIVE IN. BULGARIA TO IN. DDMOTING MOBtLOATiON. ACrnONIBSiGNDyiOANT j L'niteU Press Service . .LONDON, Oct, 1. It ia aaaeaaeed tkat Aaatroj-atrmaa oHjtrt.aavtiar rtved .la, Bulgaria toaaftMaata . km the directing of the mobOlsatloa; Fair- HJV? TTTTvl zrJ ' z.Z, r Aiarti BhBiaBtaaasai a-pta-ar aaTaaiiriaaaiaa ataaaav MlAwtmdaismamM vi : -."-V rrrr rT-v..TTv T - . u.-! ;r' "v "". . f . " T ' r. ' . .; "f ": - . J : i. "Thla 'antlAn-a . Ia atlaaftlltiw tA; ftaaatC illftMfna Jtvaaajaay-awaam-, ABwaaamj m aaaNaaaasay taasw that war pa tke aMe Of ear iSlaeai.tke' aoaatbta aaitort til - , BtBtaa taraattata BT aUSB lags, tkla,atwa from Balgarla la of gravest tlgalteaaea." - v T: '': vi ,M ,'OS iJflM! Ir.3' .UMHIiaiil s-;',4v;.?Mrf: TIVailAT'll PHIIalWOHAi4Ok.i;rtde juage Maoa aaa awaataa -aao,aisaaia tle'otJM'aaaatsm;tiaetA Nv?) ' we'fBPWH : j imi'.aami Ua;Map;iHt JlllMiililll SSHftmada' Malta' Aiaaaf'' 1 ' J -J " 2iT' JT'Tv, Stiff 0WWWA0AA i,M.-. j -asmaaaaaBaaavu UIIHTIHG CHQmI Miw iSP HBIIIbMtoUl tm'M8Umm. it 1 . ."r,S"U"Ti. .m-Z -. ' tt m. - fc, .Vt jr ,.ev- AnK.i.'-.iS'jiii bHiiIUE UHULRI IKUSIUISSwUtt ITallPMsa'aaaaama-itv- Ttf- '& Maaal "... ' ' , , ,v ' m -f "f . aaaal Ji'y,T,!,-aMt,."" --mam-p mmM Wefia-KaeMft :v 'B'm '" Baar am ''"" te' Bau ae BavaalaaFaaaaBsvaK . s'Sir ffri il,r!?wesPvsee t s?nn.K;Mf' ' m- aaaTB T' r r,.vii.t aaafe'aaasa.Ai-. vJv . AT HAID: BEf EAT : fIJ HBHI1 ULLLaVJ d "; , aviiu Mr ah nr aviir w-taraae.fmaataaaa.-BM'. i a I MLiii rLnoi - B1WIBCBK BWBaHRSBWAsaaV'IVBat'' tu -,"-i-. -t--Ba--aiMav(-a-(--- ------aa-L-----a--Baar .13, x ;V. - ; ii 4.kflaaBRB,irJrtIaKBs nevrssi i NZataaw? t&PXx? -&-k , 1" HSiSfi .' 1 .-;iM'!-' i . OamaaraV t-;V', . ' - x A-' - 11a II III rim Bllllli rW.'-'i.? Gia Trial ef Siii gS ;WAaBaa,-f.;;:: rbmm7Amtmmt SsSSssm MpBaTaaammaa. s-fe ' "T. . S3f.S7 VWW1W3t!HS5Sa . " lrj.'.-'i-6iO-l"CK tKVti&IS!. , vt' ' "-'if'SWSf 39' ." . 1 -J.'li.'j.' l.-ii. 1, V i. ., .lfti " 1 ymmymy.w -n-l ---.v,l !RVK,fl laamamBatMajasaaaejaWB aaWtajTy-waBtpaaav aaaHaaBaaBMvV-.'- , 1 :v''sii v i w 'r-' ii'-.-yr y-' 2-, urn r ' -"-" l .J-.i W lT"-u- 1JV 'J-JJ"- AM WJf.J'.T.W,W "", .t stea; a I i A. - T i.-rt'J. " ri. rffh. 1 f-. rt - - - " - - -kaihi --ktsoaTnat. "- - v1 h v ri" '" .r vviJL.A" I WJ ;,aaV' aBtjamjk aswaarejaa, !;, -.-.yT1 . "j.'1 n-ta. i -wl iir .' jf'UifcV, 1.1 ' A Li ) lrs: ni dlfsssad aamsaal.-tk-a laasaai' ltMldM;-awlm;fafBf CMMffr'aat-aava. a. vji i' . . - a " '9 aaa'tss-aa'aaatiaKSBmBaasiliaBBat iZ'.4iaiS'raiwwfAffK-w3 . ; ,, mmmssSfmssst $ j.s i . - a f :ii..w,---a--a--ir-ji'.i.w',t r",?!! - ' . -.- Uattedj Praaa)alaa?:rM-rK lU)UDmpmvilitVJimtiMlt . - ...--- . T-ar-.-. L.-v... T.T' T j,. V.".K . 7-?!j!!?T?!If7Tr r!T-ca!?fe. .,.-. .-.,.. , ... -r,.- :tt..ri. ..-r ; i l, -ri t fr (.: tj-v,v. I'wtj .;:ri K.-ui"- -... -. . ".- . . .' "-"T."!""J..,--T..J J - "J P! i'BJj. '-- -- - - --.-- -- - - " i n--.-, .-- ;- t--w .----- ?2t: se.Cart.ead,(aBassB;rak)aw::--fv. " r- ' . . "-" .' -.t-A. , . .s.i.iri j; i.fc.fc-'v , 'H.v ww5TSsrse8a! tl Parts aeU tke tileals:;; na;-rlthla two miles oftaa-iawajr-v- nw. -J-.U- i:r-a::'--M'lt:-: Gassra'akUed tae road.; BJrkag ttj : m1 Jar. Iiaasamlsllsa . Taa Hamt'5. mvalaWcaJaW.lf f. -mZZit - .'..'.-.."i..'yrtM 5jfci:yV5 -vv .jf)jo ri y.'Ay .-f oVTJ'J-fel" aW- IaTwaaa'SWI "1 .a"SBBSmai 3 aal'ar,MaRta"aB8B5cFaaa ita aesore aeat- sammer;;-iV;- , . i , -..;. i. ' -J-jH.!ir'i f-aj.i.jA, ---wv '- . rfT-itirti k" .-b .-i L. tvnl'i':!!, - .'"-..v..,!.- ,:' "XerWv.T ia oae of tao great attest tMear . aerywaere betted kr;antktflttaa. - ..":m !il.-nr Ji r wWMii J-"". --' ri i taV 4triTA ! ! tfMl I Ifca Hlfill wlU WforeedUdrawaiaaMatatas( . i fraii W - ia- MASaaS. " - aW' taiiA-ia-A Ala Bamat-a-lanBttTr tt' . - TTSi!?" "i'S,WTSW daaaaatva- wartara &"&&jr wS-Ssif .ouaiae etaar naaam;T-t)oaiwai aa- ruls-Ml, BUa 1-eem eestaeB VBV BaaTsej"jB ,Woma J, tsHPomV ; JHtVsV , tloeit'wMveae-eea asjal,'arjtatfR',oaaTaas aaaav -Mav -.saa'aimBa aapaaaaam aaaaaa-strai.f aasaap aaeassss totorag &a' a" aBaBBaa''-- kkvibs aaalih'- ' tWa apWasP"' w t L1M.1 r 1111 "JBi &.: iifHJiJMfil. 'L'nliIHI.IIi:. SBr8?4 i jit0ji;m?-; " fell IIMIiipwls m uvna -aawmaiBKaBV aak RGl. av SsVaHf f" waTaaWrT ataWvrTiarrF rY'f- -J hwaWi!-.4'ii: ik'--'v J 'BTamipiiHPt-a ''xawiaaaaraaaraar-a ; .j,-" ia4e.tae:saora ta-tasa.M al TBtai -ai. T-'i.. itamaywW F teBBBBaVaaiV gyjua---BdC t-Mi r aaaBW "SJP" "Fsmmp S"" All taaa kamaat aaaa aaw taalt Mt,' MJ i SB taaaKjaaaa aa j maBBrnjaaTCoBfa F-aT ! -aaaWr aaaRfBBK.i '-M dftAVa1aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWtBBBBBm' NiE !f?triW!wpJP- eatsl sail kWamaataMaWM aaaaaaBl 'M raMaataB aaarn naamw'- fl Ci ,1 ' r i ":;v'i Tm . ". . : - r .