BBBBBBBBaw-- -wfsrasWHEWS !'Tfl5 ff"ty I. . PMATH FALLS' ' " ' jWKv,'-'!f jrf KLAMATH COUNTY &:m$fl NEWSPAPER S" Mm OKITIC1AL NKWIMPU : mM T "? fc1T'C Plfjz Si "&55'!,, htt - ht iturnum Wtmlhl v .i ? $spb ft f . IjiMrtCIAV -festal 1 .b'' --M--. ''' ' ! i. I,, .i-. . r, " - "&? mm fJORIES BUT millT ncCCITO WHIN ucruuo KLAMATH PALLS, OREOOH, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER MH DRAFTING NEAR IN ENGLAND TO REPLACE LOSSES i CM OCCUPY rw.viv 4M.IKN- miixixh i.m;iii:,hkh ro. O.V SECOND LINK j KIIIILITY OfrwMi Bombardment Heetlea Something l Nm-rwary u lleplmi the Men Killed in New Offend vr. Kitchener Confer Willi tabor l'n. low Official- Hay Armlc Now Re quire Huw, and Problem l to It, place Men Lost fHaeh Galea Oarvaan ChrfM, !;W of hoUi win nmm MN VMd Not M MIlllM I-' 'jMMUM of lYnch OtHMiv. m r K I'. KKK.V CorreM)ndont United I'reiut) i.ONI)ON, Kot, 30. Contcrlptlon nearer. Tito ollloa uccfMPfi In- I PrM Bnrlr ;rAlM. BMit. 30. It li anR0UBC4 li" lll U frMCh occupied terml ew ii ...... yeMM ( wcona iim to tM west j f;akwt, in umw "WffMi the pomlblllty. gtufu cUlmoU WMt of Navarlan Bomethlng U nercnry lo r.plmo ij"-t 'Hie men killed ami wounded In the 'V m1' """" "-- ctw oncntivc. ii u unrnea ttint iurd mMM to rrcnen caiu k aou ifcH k oearrln In aouthweat Isi. .1 I' ..piMUN, Bopt. 30 :i 1m Um Oertnan tra UtNti Preis Service. -It In announced i traopa defeated both i ef Um DrltUh In the iml bat- del raterday and laat night la the ef Looe and Ypree. rreneh tat Vlmya HelghU la admitted. h mmmtvt nave warn ue bubiic mk A -' - Alt. Mff !. It, m w w fi w I j freaek effeulve, aayhif the f Ml da t) eaeea m aun Mtteuai. I; H Kitchener lias described the altitatlou lo Iho labor Union OdlcloU Tuesday. Ik- nld Hint the KiikIImIi armlet now reoulrod lie. and Hie problem wm (o replace the vantimo In Prance and at the Dardanelles. mm mi CLOSES T0MY OTBKIi HKPOIITH CRATKR IAK SRAiOX KXIW ADVWHb) THAT futurk Tounimm btav at MKMPRCT MKOFORD, Sept. SO. The Craler Uke will cIom today, and there will be no aceoMaodatkm at the hotel, according to uperlateadent win a. gteel. Travelers to the lake are advised u arrange for acooMaaodattoM e.t rresptct, covering the dlswace to aid ' w the lake In n day. All natloaal MW close September IMa. t Thli u the glorious aeaaoa of the 7Hrattblako. There w little aaow, 5 5 Pteatly the same weather ooa- wnwenaent steel b now eaaafltog Wres aad data on the jraar'a buel- t win show a aubsUatlM ia :i-se over previous BAND TAKEN TO BONANZA FAIR French President Comforftiig Hero aaaaaBmaaaaavaBBsa 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII i I elllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH B ' 1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV Bu laaaaBBHaBeaaHl laaaaaaaHaaaK BLIKLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHi i aaaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPReBBaaaaaaaaaaaaUaiaLJBaaaaa btt bV BaBBaBBWBaBBaBBaBnBaBBBB eSaf BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmlBBaABKAsKSBBBBBBBBB aV aaBflBxaSaVsVaVsmWaMBVaVsaV I I .M Wf Celf ;" CYCLONE KILLS IN NEW ORLEANS; LEVEES BROKEN ,UTY NOT BADLV DAMAQBD, BUT HRVJtRAL KILLED 6RANT ONE WAY FARE TO FAIR 60t:THEIt.V PACIFIC COMPANY HAYS IF IOO GO ON UPBCIAL TRAIN, ONE WAY FARE CAN BE MCCURED i I'leode Froaa Mlleelpyl Destroy Fleh. The Klamath Day aoveawat la la full ewlag. The Southern Paetlc aaa lag VUUgew Traha Service Stopaed granted a one-way fare for a' apodal .. ' . - ittala to leave Klamath Falla some iiatrartiyReamaied gtomfaeaaa Ume In October for the e-poettlo.; XoHbeast Fraaa New Orleaae WIUi aad retura WMk ,8ter' ,f hundred 1 peopia laxe part ia tne excursion. DiasJalebed Vloleace Peee Xaa' ,...,. . . ,.v.' . The date cboaea by members of the chle Reaoru Storm Btraek There. Commercial Club aa the most aaltahle (Would be October 17th, and the retara - date October 24th. DuriBg this week 'ulted Press Service .niamatn uay, tnat U a part of the MOBILE. Ala.. Bent. 10. Thou-,'15''" ProaTam at the fair devoted to anda of dolura Amaa and unnl the esploltaUoa of Klamath, woald faUlltlea were the result of the cy- hM' " wou,d tteade by clone that swept New Orleans, subald- j6"0 Klamath people to make U a ed, and passed nortbeut with dlmla- ucc- .T 6 Isbed vloleace. ; Fred Fleet desires everyone who Train service between Mobile aad would like to take advantage of taia New'Orle&ns waa stopped. 'one way fair to leave their names at j New Orleans waa not damaged ae- tne Commercial Club rooau. Flfteea verely. The levee below New Orteaa8!Dm9 at ,aut ecured from waa reported broken by the Mlaalaaip-(lMrDr towae, ao K elghty-tve alga up 4pl. and several Ashing vllUgee are re- -tn eMureloa will Uke place, ported to be destroyed. SEVERAL LOADS OF Ill'BIN MEN ATTEND SOME OF 1 PRODUCTS WILL HE liATER IN WINDOWS HERE No European ruler of the warring Kiiroixsin nations, not otn the knlNer, spends more time among lila truopg than does President Polncare of Frauce. Thla photograph ahowa him shaking hands with a wounded French hero aad Inquiring about hie condition. The picture was takea very recently la the military hoseHeA St. Nlcbolaa' at Jasy-les-MoulIaeaux. . oiiited Preaa Service 1 JACKSON, Miss., Sept. 30. Rail-1 roadlag between Jackson aad New Orleaaahaa' been resumed. PaaaMea-' 'achle reaoru that the atone atraefct .la terrMkally. r GTVF HILLSTROM HAS LOWEST Biff TW010RE WEEKS! FOR SUBMARINES Several autoloads of Klamath Falls ( AT PltrSUDE.N'T'H IlKgUKHT, GOV-! UNION business men. accomnanled by the r.itn i-voiliJ.tsai bAbturiUX IRON OF MAN CONVICTED QF MUR l)KR OF GROCKRYMAN , band, went to tho Donansa dlatrlct, fair this afternoon. Among them were , Fred Fleet, Roland (llalsyer. Will Haldwln aud Fred Peterson. 1 Soma of tho prise winning products will undoubtedly be brought back to Klamath Falls for the exhibit win-J United Press Service - - - dowa which Fred Fleet Is prepartag. WASHINGTON. D. C, Sept. 30. WORKS OF SAN FRANCISCO OFFERS TO BUILD SIXTEEN SUBMARINES FOR COAST. AT 9810,000 EACH HUNTERS TO 60 ' FORI FRIDAY S0R6HUM PROVES 6000 CROP HERE , O. SWINDLER FINDS THAT THE GREAT SILAGE CHOP CAN RE DRY LAND GINS 1 VA M IIIIHIIIl BUM nuimiiiiiiii RunnTn aw VWyi fr. -ni READY FOR WAR WITH BULGARIA f .- 4"j i'J jsr : Ma "l&ill r. . r; $. .' WANT TEUTON PROPOGANPA St r-m '",i TJ t .l -"; tjohfJ. . rap A' aaWe .-... - tie Pa, Uadehatsa; aRaelBeaigT 7 - -"- - Y . A-rZiM'!fcl.'-i Btate ef Wan HalavsrTrraaiJ lUiaV mmrm. Umm. " & IkM IM . United Preaa Serrtee ATHENS, SeBt.M.-rae of depatlea aaa ii- V". 1SA ?! 1- WiT' --K-- -y- -' -" w 'y . ir r Awi- w rs y '. -tp. r, L?-. - J.r Tfctf..?8 -.iv ",?&ES .J"i - . JrfJT - UCf-'1i 'J34. """ - Krtt'i-aA- ' w J- VW 3 a bill-eeclariag a aaUe ef v A, Vacedoala. United Preaa Serrlee DUCHARE8T, 8epv Roumaalaa auteamea have the seaeral mobiliaatloa as it.. " - ' .r lnlsarlMUe ThiTilM rtaMiii " 5"rfi " .t"! J-.Z .2TZ !r. the goverameat aeoy tae.elrealaajaaet,:rv v 'JE 5( in'-' V --'-a- SS eeaaaVam;! f ' ' i ei'tae 9kl,dl k y . - :-v AustrGermaa 1 tlut It'Ia dfavheaoriag aad 1 Koaataala. ' ""! "" - tr',' a-- Xit - w.w, 5Sii5l LyJ. KfrVrr r. ? 4S, ' - - . . United Preaa Servtee ROME. SeaC, Jt.-The TllTfglil- are aarredlyatueaf 'fer?w. J;Aa.- coraug to the tibhmb. Rsji tryhik'to 'baek:eatlrea'. altaaUea.' --. WL&W. wr t.'nlipd Press Service WA8HINOTON, D. CTTV WILL BE- DESERTED BY; J. O: Swlndlrte"coperaUoV vrtth? MKVtnsR vtnt armmvn i.v. "" Agriculturist Glaiayer, demoaatrated that sorghum, the great CENSES AND AMMUNITION BE- alio crop, can be successfully raleed 'In Klamath, county. He raleed tt oa 'non-irrigated Uad, oa his reach aevea ; ' 'miles front Merrill, toward "-win ' , "The result of this sorghum expert- j ment la most importaat to the valley," aald Mr. Qlaisyer. "It ia one of the', foremost crops of silage. We expect a' big acreage of It next year." 1 .I.. V. 2.' w J.J'.- -..... a,..- . . ,.,iJ--..h. ja- - .. i-.-J-..)Jjn,-yia.i a 'BMBaBl,BBaw':'A;f'--i-!;Ui:!.):?! B V L MWmr btotaBA k l3-n -f 'IKCi-- " Uwawl BvaaHBalY'BBBPvanr' A ias ' Aill If MI.1U A.TJMi- aaaaTB w 'a a-aiBaai bvbwb aar. aaaaiB..w.-m.a.-aiBaaim.aae:.W,.-..-T..n.i-.i., " tf R IT K.W nl n T 1 1 rn,J-' aaa' . r . : : T Tomorrow la going to aee Kli Palls sj deaerted city. The entire male population, aa far aa eaa be aa cerUlned, la going out after ducks, geese and quail. . TO BE.ADVbTJbbW AS KLAMATW COUXTr RESOUBCK ONLY AT EXPOSITKN--4neOaWCTS " NEEDBO i VJ . t 'tlJSf P1 "","l Laaaehed MNCOLN, Sept. JO.-he 'ItM J"WUon campaign aimed to place m n the ,t of dfy .uto,",,., "Mr bunched today. Ia the eaa '"Uoh which opened here thla mora- ik! . w" cn or two days. 8Uloon force, of the atato he- P'anrag their Ime of battle. nBlu. oCoa'eaea to Araea PORTLAND, Sept. te.Wlliiaia "Wirt ll MM U f. KsiLu.4 7 inasieer ot ,iae rtngofaraoalata. Hewaaar- - in uregon City, aad will be aaa. Sat 1? SAw!i ttaaerraw. he cT.nlp,de(l ty oa the eharge jwjoi Frad W,tCael aad M. r, alleged arsoaUU, are await ."W, They pleaded cH.-filHr.t I wiSS' i,pt' .-Thi-iteied hOaior,;::"" - Leaiae ef 'iru?. Dew, er. !7?w ru' etatute. thMataliu 'mSSjsS Nai w. n...T. L''fvveww.' ,parf. One of the windows Is already fufU of .The president haa wired Qovernor.The Union Iron Worka of Saa Fraa- monster vegeUblea, grains, etc., and Spry of UUb requesting the delay of.clsco waa the lowest bidder for the Will RiMwtti has lnt nlunW a ixrew ua wui. . r, v r, , . .--.- --, -. -; .--. C. Sept. 30. A variety of game U Ukely to be ..w u " ""- from Saa Fraactoco 1U a atery., He . . ..-tr....u .,.. .. " -wauu un y-. w.ia eauai fear-ed It from oldih at at Oreaaau (:T V-: .V.A 5ffll r! f-Hi more will be added to the other win-.the execution of Joseph Hlllatrom, ' contract I. W. W., sentenced to die tomorrow, for tho murder of a groceryman and dow. "Wo are going to have a whole building used exclusively for the ex- bis son. hlbltlon of Klamath county products," j rhn nr..idailt declined to act aald Fleet. "Thcao wlndowe wjll help , gwedlah minister reauested him ..1 - a lot aa a temporary measure." FIND NO TRACE OF THIEVES GANG KOBIIKRH WHO RIFLED MAGUIRK STORK APPARENTLY HAVE MADE A CLEAN GET-AWAY. LITTLE LOSS to do ao. No trace haa been found of either the aaa of burglara who rifled Ma- gulre'a store or the man' who stole the motorcycle. The burglar gang naa apparently made a1 -clean get-away, but hope U still held for the capture of the motorcycle thief, Magulre found that only slight resulted from the burglary, aa the thlevea dropped most 01 tneir plunder at the ehoU from the olBcera' revolvers. ; Other amall thievery has been going ea lately, which the police force hopes to aump out la a abort time, it oc oura mbatly la the poorly lighted aeo tleaa of the city, aad fuel, tools and groeerlea are being atolea. f Raek to Her Medfbrd Rome Mrs. A. k; Rlapey, who aaa been vlaitlna frleada and reUtlvet la Klam- ;ata Faila for the paat two weeki, re- laraed to her home la Medford thla United Preaa Service. - ' r SALT LAKE, Sept. SO. Complying with the prealdeat'a request, 'Governor Spry aUted that Hlllatrom will not hang until October 18th, In all prob ability. of building elitooa subma rines for the defense of the Western coast. Their bid was $610,000' apiece, until 1 "ereving vt uuuu iruw ht 10 etgni in a year. The Electric Boat company of New York waa the next lowest bidder for eight or more, at $511,000 eaeh. The California Shipbuilding company bid for three to five aubmarlnea at 1548,000 each. Musical Festival Tonight United Preaa Service SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. SO, The "Autumn. Music Festival" will be giv en tonight at the exposition, with a chorus of 400 voices, and contlaue un til October S. The opening will be Mondelsaobn'a "Elijah," with Mra. 0 race Bonner Williams of Boston aa soprano; Mme. Florence Mulford of the MotropollUn Opera, contralto; Evan Williams, right, baritone, Unor; Ear) Cart- Year-Old Rabies Should Pitch Rett United Preaa Service SANTA MONICA, Sept. SO. Per fect American babies must be able to pitch baseballs before they are twelve months old, accordlag to the rules of the baby show under toe auapicee of the Mothers' Congress of, Southern California, which opened here renter; day, The bablea that hurl the hone hide with vigor and accuracy received large clutters of points In the flaal reckoning. Ctvk Meet The Clvto Department of the Libra CHOOSE MINTO'S BROTHER WARDEN 1 1 in JOHN W. MINTO, HIUITHBR OF HARRY MINTO, MORDRRHO BY ESCAPING CONVICT, CHOSEN AS . WARDEN brought into Klamath Falls tomorrow IUC0tM nigni. mere win ue aucu, 01 oouree, and a few hoakera and many quail. But some are going where they can shoot quail, and incidentally run a good chance of getting grouae and deer. Many are going to ahoot ducka In the morning and evening and quail In the afUraoone. Besides this, raile; shore birds and dovea are available game. The swamps of the Upper Lake will draw many duck hunters, aa well aa the lower end of the Lower Lake. Some are going to Tula Lake, also. Today baa aeea a great rush for hunting licenses at the county clerk'a ! office, and tor ammunition, etc, at the gun atone. The bag limit for open aeaaoa are thirty In any aevea coaoeouttve daya for ducka, geeae, shore birds, ete., aad , tea In any aevea consecutive daya for , quail. Mr. Swindler brought aa other dry land producu, huge Uble beeU onloas from seed aad four varieties of beans. fiil tf ?t'l ?il IH..IUI:. 1 f . Fohowiag the amexaibttkvef the Klamath motion pleUuea.' aa'f'';: M' fort waa made to have the' slatura ef - ,. ' , it ''' Crater 'tatriekevfMam,. ta;faati PRIZES AWARDED ON OCTOBER 10TH WATER USERS TO JUDGE EXHIR, ITS IN CONTESTS AT MERRILL. SEED TO RE REDISTRIBUTED NEXT YEAR ' "1 United Preaa Service SALEM, Sept, 80. John W. Mrntoj of PortUad, brother of Harry P. Mla lo, aliala by Otto Hooker, the eoavlet, vas uaaalmously elected wardea of the aUto penitentiary by the aUte leard of eoatrol. Mlato ia the ex-chief of pottee aad ei-poatmaater of PortlaM, WIRELESS PHONE REACHES HAWAII WIRELESS TELEPHONE OONNEC TION HETWEEN ATLANTrO SEA BOARD AND HAWAH ASaHJRRD, ACCORDING TO COMPANY u United Preaa Service B NEW YORK, Sept. SO. WlreJeef. telephoae eoaaectloa betweea.the At lantlo aeaboard aad Hawatl,,Mf miles, la aa eeUbllahed atet, eeerdsaff , Owiag to a mlauaderatoadlag and the InablUty of childna oomaetlag for Water Uaera prisea to brtag ea- hiblU to the dlatrlct fair held. at Her- riii,ainemeer i, me ooBnamoe hi charge haa decided that all exhibUa may be plaeed in Compton hall, Mery rill, by October ,16th, when the prlaea will be awarded. The Urme of competition are aa follewa: Gnla exhibitors ahaU ex hibit the beat head selected sheaf, and the entin production treat tne two pounds of aeed In Urenaed grata. p The noUtoooateatanta aa;waiht tae eaure yteta rroat tne tan of , - -w . - - mr- " , """ r?. ' "Via, l then ia perfect aaratoayMweak,, -- ' the representatives of the eeverai aee- ,. ?H uoaa or tae aeate. im eeatnMaataav ers are' very earefal that eNfy aennei or diatriet aaa aa 'eaaal ehaaeeia M.Wi...!.. ,-.,,, ,,.., "?."""" .""'.WS I. J - .1. .,..-. CaUnrala Iaoaaae tultetf Preaa Service SACRAMENTO, Seat. S8. Hon than 19.000.000 worth of property U lost to eeiialn couatlea of the ataie I to the announcement of the Amerleaa for the purpose of Uxatlon thto year, (Telephone end Telegraph eamaaay, because the people deelded: laat fall! A apeeoh from WaaMagtoa ,haa to exempt, educattoaal.taautatiaaa of 1 been reeelyed at a aaull wtnieaa tale- eellegtato arade aa aalHi!eveerta4aaaoae eUtloa by the eoaaay, eala. - The eemmlttee. rftr. he tetalaid by, the will T, ft ' "1 ;, .' Ban Oar at I Mr. aa,Mr.';6,Pineaa've jaat returaed freai Jan. Iraavateee ,aad;a vjeit to the aaaWaai.'v While thaw an Overlaad, in they. a"i Klaav- " 1 aa Medford waa already ahewla Cra-A ter Lake scenes. Siaaott aaade .etrenV-, uoua njeetfoa to taia; and tne; wasr taken up with the'Oreg rataakiBera. with the reeolt thiU Ktua. -,... .-" wzrr. .; "L'.v ath wtll be allowed the exelaelve right to a'how motion ptcturea oi 'the lake. The pictures an being " shown1 in'tjae.j - thaUer in the Ongoa bulldiBg. a already are a great aeeiaeuwe to fan-'' . nott la hiawork of avertlataff aOaaj? ath couaty. Mr." Baldwla aUtea that the buildlag Is the Hv $ ". .7. n iwm moat, poanlar 'of the f Jf&.fm, ..A. kuH4l.i ,1. '... , W t. ,'.!.. "-. """"a" ." ajiywee,, aem ' . IBM) X .1 rf m&& "They aeed more prodaeU there at the KJamath Baldwin. "At leaet they did when.-I.-, waataere." - i, - .. Paul Jehaaoa haa also, juet ritw from the expoaRlea &f - -&..: r'' - 'ii- v-s.- i&fz'tiki . Mevawavar waaee.xwww,. I eegajeeTeT 44H444heT' SJVyW nacehAa a., a - aAaJJ aaa,k. Jf iHvr niutooamiw mmm, wrntmmm IpwmmA ." --.... u a .' 'B . f " a. - " fc i nA.Vl'l UM u otatriet Attoraey.ugiunnjiaTaai;.,;.;: him to make an lavaatkaatien e ' V-i'V)- , " " - ---"-1"- W IhHtm art ;iiii .Uted t-:wmmmmW;T?.n V.--J -iZj,. .,, I. .SStWf ttowna-vrv's iaMA.S? r- 'Mm1 &"j i-.v f y 'X,. wH$s3-.zaa3 l4mm&A"MM& . ?lkbaI: eWaFa i'5'W" -tjr .flfH!'5lP amnw.Mve.aeen reeve'iaaaw,Bw ttJ ffSSrWrtT"? ff" 'Jfi!f!fr 'SSs. a hoaae,rta4tnf ; fvmmM, Itcft- . Iltl -1 -.-, "t.' not, It U .t': mmsmBAm srsETttfii-."-!! aWM 'efVJpVV, vJiW - KTjJ ak- a. Lav i. -L II ' JL. . 1 WwPPPPI; Mm Mr aad Mm .9, v 1 - -v- .! . .UA ' ' . . -' r A. aen.aM alra;,:iVHiMBBaj apgiamji i 'S.WaR'mj ana'tmaf j PJi .P.'!? . 1 l ry Club will meet at the library at 1:10 tomorrow. m er .at Honolulu. i ' v veKlaa94ih TnHt ari tAS0. ""1 jawratag. A , tfd they rede Bene ma.y1?-- .-t - T- Uivi. 'tf t 1$tf &:&& It & 7. I t i v r.KW5 ais.rc:-w,'', $A.i - ; 4 t y ! TJ9rtW)L' $ '!'?'; h.i& '& $. -". . HA ?ZW:, s:ij& ,mw di iHi"i? 4