,.r!?f?e,,5',fv',:f''9'''r'-' sfrYe "" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON; TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2t, 1915 - - "4 V,g - y , &;Wm$l,$ 7aMnsnMBsTasMWsWW KV-JV w. l-r-t . i a r----- .- --"--------. . -- -..-- --J-J------.-.J.J.-.J.---- - .. - . - - , .. .. r ... ...... ..- -. - ft ft. - " 1 tt ( ".. JLit.?at l jf 'ji3L.i. f BT BATTLE fnr VCID DinCO Ur HAN nnaL0 : ON WEST FRONT (jMWAX CIIOW.V I'KINOK IMVKIU HIO.V PAILM tinrh Onlii l-'urtlier in Vtmr?m, Areaad Arm Approach the MM Nut of Houlh HourhM OmHMM RffalMd From ItaHglittr T DMiK MM Kwnclt Uk Two ImilKt, mi Vdrr UIAcuIUm. 1 nlltd I'reu Horvlca PAniH, Skpt. 28. It In announced (bit Ike Pre nch hnve galna (urthw In CbtmpiKtio, nround Arm. Thoy ir pirochltiK I lie hllli ,lo th east of Soulh RoucIicm. Tb ttteiniu of the amMft crows lirloce to dlTcrt nt AmomM hM fall. UK oliht I ho PrBCR rMtl . Bueb lott territory. Tktm na4r4 nd lhttn Oornum ttatUlkws ( fwked the "Dauititcr of DMtk" hill, lut wtr repulMd. i " " "' '' I'nlM Prtw 8rvtce fARIS, 8opt. 18. T gTMtMt Mtht or the yvttr It THTiM ' the weetrn front eren mmrmrtoiMly jbuatthobcBtnnlni, Atiirjafr )ng the Otrmnni with dn aauiw, the tlllH withdrew, and prepar4 for an other. Thli explalna the slackening of action jreatardar. A wcond itrlke waa made lent night br Infantrr, following artillery. The (lrrauis attempted to atem the Brat ruib In floodlns vAtt clouds of aphyx latins (tics. To the northward the Brltlah are proireiilnn under dlflcultlee. Mf NEW BOOKS POBIIC LIBRARY UKIKlItT HHOWH MM BOOKS CIR CVI,ATKII KIIOM THK KLAMATH FAUB IN8TITVTIOX 1,M VW ITS MADK " Mine hundred and thirty-two lieeta e circulated In August, and t.ttt vWtort reported from the rttWle H hrary. fr '- ' ,,The following' new booka are to he found on tho ahelm: - "Tk'lUd , nie of Courage," Btepiea Crmae; ' Mrtha of tho Mennealte Cwmtrr." ! R. KUrtlnj "Tho NlgVt m,'! ek London; "Kate Bonnet,': FriiH woekton; "Plerro ai4 HU Peo- 7-' aillwt 1'arker: ''MHr,'M' n Olaipeii; "The oottiatrViof the rOlnttd Fin." t,k AikTU) "K" Kdlth yhrtoTlvAi"qNUt, Ilea of Red aap," tyjnA&WUJSki "'"John OilawWyDtmr "W D. Brown : ''CUk Wluiiry.V w R. nicharo'M.'tMiU'W ffr Willow." 'u.-.u.;.viiki. "WW! tt.-. u Q ?a4a.rrisr.;'- saaananji,,,,--;--'!, -W, f k tTJl. I .Afff . .in "J- Mmwm$&m Jfv.i Tho Land of OaAPflMMt L erw "mt. awwear ;', S? p?V8rtyKwirT;hwSi ".tr,ni orA m, tf-Ci M," - "I mm, ur regaZfJCMW? FIRST RUSH OF ALLIES ON WEST FRONT STOPPED HKCONO, MOIIK KFFKVTIVK Itt'HIl I'ROMIHKO Alltai Vawble to INc-rco Cirrwan Linr, la llrrllM Claim Krench AtUrk IfenTlly In Cliauipagwe Mim Car Miry Attack Repeatedly liepuliietl. Artillery and Machine Our Pour Frightful Hall Into ,Kwiiiy' lUnka United I'rean Service 0KRL1N, Sept. 28. The allies' first runli on the weatorn front Imx been stopped. A second rush Is prom ised, to be handled In a more effective manner. Onslaught are expected to continue at least n week. The Ger man lino In undonted. United Press Service MKRLIN, Sept, 28 It U announced that the alllea made heavy attacks yesterday and last night, but though galna were made, they were unable to pierce tho Oerman front. The French am attacking heavily in Champagne. Their masaed cavalry has been repeatedly repulsed. Ger man artillery and machine jguns poured frightful hall Into their ranks. forcing them to fleo In confusion. LITTLE MATTERS L COUNCILMKA lP.VOTP. MOST OK THK KVKM.NO TO GRANTING I'KRMITH, ORIIKRING I.IOHTH ON HTRKRTS, KTC. in a short meeting of the council laat night, many little matters were attonded to. PormlU wore given, complaints heard, but very little now luialneaa accomplished, i Among other permits Mr. Hill of i . . . . ... , i nippingion waa granted purmuaiuu to blast a basement, andOeorge Belbn io repair hla partially burned build ing. The fact that tho arand jury was going to alt at Medford caused some Interest. It wa suggested tnnt tno attorneys In varloua trials of Klam ath men be conferred witn, io try iu awing tno trial rrom meuivru m ( Klamath Falls. a eiaewaia n u o u.. '""- .. ... . - . ... ... 11. Ul.l. lean avennw. iiaiiw " " iri In Junlner nnd Klamath avenues ano hvdranta aro to be Investigated. Ar letter .file will be bought for the dis trict attorney, and the fire out at the dumping ground was discussed. ';' The matter of Area brought out the good of chemical automobile or motorcycle, probably the latter. Councilman Miller pointed out that the chief, arrjvlng on a motorcycle with a thirty gallon tank of chemical, could often put out an, otherwise de structive Mate before the Are eom pany could reach the aoene of the fire. A measure to buy a, chemical motor? cycle my he Introduced at the next WJsT'' i." ... .r.ThtV' contract for carpeting the eouieli chamhers wa awarded, to the Virgil ion Pnrnlture company. , Wet nnd Dry Fltt In MlwrannoHa tfnlta4 Praia ftarvlrw - t.MlrlN'lDAPOHIIiiilua.T pi- - win. .. fafltlans Involving 'thoua- iMi ot promlMst m k4edlet hittu MMiMrt t. Wt Mfnneapoll. ryelM OCCUPY COONCI Will Help At College Men fukiaaaaVJglHHBVMaki'vA4 msaaanw '" .gtHaaiiiiiiiiiiW ' BBBBBBalaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB w aaiV'r'ij- ,gaiimBBiiiir ' igHt siggfl Af4jiaTueBallliBllllllllllllllllW !&.!Pi Karl H. IUImI Fiarl H. Rabat, new president of the Michigan Student Union, has gone Into an extensive plan to help college students at Ann Arbor, He has be come active In the plan of the Mich Irnn Student Union to put up a build ing to cost $7150,000 for the Union. Alumni of the University of Michigan propose to build a $1,000,000 "mu ch I no" for turning out a better type of manhood. This machine will be (the home of the Michigan Student Union, an organisation which has sa .It Ideal the thorough democratising of the 6,800 students at Ann' Arbor. To do tim tno aiumni win negin an active campaign next month to raise the money with yhtch to erect and equip a building for about I7G0.000 nnd leavo an endowment fund of I2C0.000 to extend tho work of the ! Union. The Michigan Student Union wsh founded ten years ago, and has shown that It la living up to tho Ideals of the founders. WOULD BRIDGE PARTIES .... . k.l,.. AH INTRODUCED BE -- FORE COUNCIL, WOULD MAKE FRIENDLY GAMES CRIME TO IIK REVISED The only thing that promised any excitement at last nlght'a council meeting waa an ordinance against I gambling, put up before, the council, rBnd ,a,a ovw for consideration The trouble wasthe ordlnaaoe not that It dldnt cover everyuung. but that It waa too Inclusive altogeth er. Among otner tnings, n - paw ing cards for a valuable thing n"crime, so bridge parties where priaea were offered would be unlawful., So would k game of crlbbage for a cigar,, or a setting of coon-can tor the drinks. in fact. Councilman Miller Igvre out that. It would, be unlawful toplay baseball for tne gaie reowpva.; We want to sit on gambling,' ' said Miller, "but innocent, amueemeM-r; that'a another wf." t V4l Mayor Mason auggeited that to stop any'sort of vice, it muet be ntppedJ the bud, and aoclahle game of ,erjlh bage for a cigar uugBt ;W hie. w;wnv "S" P . .Vina eaukcllBKin said that It It passed iltiranldn.'t be enforeed, .and offered to htt 410 that It wouiMt, lxk; butVlthsro; you're W' said 'AfMholllor -cross h . Wthtaart'lftfllM PROHIBIT wmok-lh)rtkls vvsefVfwvffevvvwaMPsjwaf ROLL OF SLAIN OF RUINED CITY GROWS STEADILY LIHT OP FATAMTIKH HAS NOW RKACMKD FIFTY Thu Iluntlrtfl Wemaital Manv Ht to Oklahoma CHy Santa eOper - fllor Proven Hero Crawls With .. . . -. . . . " . itniurn lira; mhi injHren imck io Fretglit House to Wire for AM (o Hnrroamllnc Tovnw, Then Faints. linlted Press Service ARDMORB, Okta., Sept. 28. The explosion fatalities are Increasing hourly. Several victims died this morning, making the total dead 60. Witnesses say there were two explo-. slons. Sparks from a workman's 'hammer Ignited sn oil tsnk, and caused the first explosion,' is the report. C. S. Nell, Santa Fe, operator' oroved' a hero. '.With a lee broken r and his back wrenched, he crawled tof the freight house and summoned aid. before he falatedfrem his injuries. j Two hundred tcere Injured., many! of whom were taken to Gainesville; And Oklshoma City. . VILLA'S OFFICERS THREATEN 0. S. SAY IF CARRANZA IS RKCOG- XIZKD WILL BOMBARD CAR RANZA TOWNS ON BORDER. ANARCHY PREDICTED United Press Service NOQALE8, Arts., Sept. 38. High officials Under Villa declare that If the United SUtcs recognises Carranta the Villlstas will immediately 'bombard the border ports that Carraasa helds: It la predicted that conditions of anarchy, worse than any heretofore would be the result of the recogni recegni recogni teon: Women Start Dry Campaign - Vnlt'edTPrcss Service ' OAKLAND, Sept. 88. Plana tor a vary campaign in preparauoa xor the next elections begun here today at the convention of the woman's Christian Temperance Union of Call- roraia. ne convenuoa win oe iorm nlly opened tonight at the First Meth odist church. Delegates. Informally began preparing for the campaign to day. .. Austro-Cerman Blo w at Balkans Is Soon ' , '. United Press Servlos'.j'-c-&-; ,- 'itUli.'-i. '- aaV..il. xawHiiin, tp. '," patehea say that Serhla's HHViv . T"VJ are teavlag Sophia, srtteadlag oa oc esust at falling. haajh,Tha.Bular. iMsjoaaais in -w .-f(j.-a-"- t-. (. . - -w -Mll'T-i-N ' iSSaivT" L2-.J S m 'i The' asms a; mMt! '. LtrtnisasiatPf ith.':ltsiukwc'raW.' United Press Service Brownsville It Is reported that 500 Mexicans are massing- opposite Progrssso. It Is believed a feint to draw Americas soldiers there, when tho, Mexicans will cross the line else where. Petrograd It Is announced that Russian waTshlps bombarded German poainoBS near me uuii oi mga, aiieac Ing their batteries. A chance German shot atruck one vessel, killing the comamnder and Ave others and f rn,icirfln Aflvt, l ,.... J Phoenixvltle, Pa. Ten workmen were killed and six were Injured when !a train ran Into a score of workmen In fa tunnel.- I lAndoa An Amsterdam dispatch reports that the kaiser Is sounding the federated German rulers regarding' Idea of war and prospects of peace. LUMBERMEN PLAN "FOREST WEEK" -"-'"" 4 FORESTERS AND LUMBERMEN TO FLOCK TO CONFERENCE AT HAN MtANCTSCO FAIR EX- , 7,1 . . l'KRTB : WILL 8FEAK- m . M 5 (Hft-aM Special 'Service) ) SAN FRANCISCO. Sept 38 From every state In the Union. foresters land lumber manufacturers wJVUtock to San Francisco for the 'celebration of "Forest Week," from October 18 'to 33, under the auspices of the Pana- ma-PaclAc exposition. The annual ForesIbdustry Confer ' ence of the forest protective organise- ' llniui AAMnnslMM SltA Yt7Aat4'a SaWanei4 vnm IIVUB WUUI)VMU tuv VIVWWIU SWSWfct and Conservation Association will be in session in the Lumbermen's Build ing on the exposition grounds Octo ber 19 and 30. 'Experts, of the government forestry service, headed by Chief Forester H. 8. Graves, will be present during the week to present addresses covering nil phases of the lumbering industry and the conservation of forest lands. Trie to Kill Murderer of Family United press Service .( CHICAGO,, Sept. 38. John Copper smith, whose wife, end baby were murdered and mutilated, attempted to kill Lawrence Pethrtck. aged 19, who I has just, been convicted and sentenced for the murder. Jfowas overpowered, Damba la Recalled L'nited Press Service WASHINGTON, D.;C, Sept. 28. The state department has announced the unconditional 'recall, of Dumha. Dumba's telegram, atatlag that his government has recalled him. and asking-.for a safeicoiduct, has .beta received.' 'Dumha has announced that be will sail October 85th. ned against Sarvta, will beg U,a a forUlght. ' S l'nited PrsssSsrvlce i? td. .' ' - .. '-,. 4 t?Si 'yVssMrLftM sUnr "t A.AthsalaH irdssl 1 aaa..saaimaalssaaaaa BiWaV tAfanaUafaal AbbM1sbsbI 1lPsmVaaBasaiBaBBwa.ssia - w isi-vwa sinsja ibi j i Adll'Bey; thiTurkuA'slMeras'AslrU DueciUB .W"s.""'c-i:-i.';,ia b.. hitia kuiw nwn. , im aad two afafih easJiMira? Hrify ported that monsy r from Turkish hanks i aadAtseVlBhasttaats: sie iheiol hlarawa hav haa iasdarsd If Mmrraagiasas 'sa.-ainss. a-.. - j- a . . , .a-.i a v.auj ria FSfe,amt --- - , bisbl ssaaaBsnanaB. hwi asaisaar taaASBHjaBHaBBnBnsnas 'naWaaBBaBBasanaaBnaBi ' SBHBBBnBnBnBnBBr naaantan -aansaBaBaanxesssama spsaavanssaa- aanBnBnBnsa. . vusnnBBsi REVOLVER SHOTS FORCE BURGLARS TO DROP BOOH FOLICEMAX PDIbW 'TMIatVIW A ACT OP KSCAPINa K) Worth of. Merchandise, -d Loss Believed ' r !" Spent How in 5 """"" :tPt - 1T-.-.-.I,i- a Goods -How Barglant Eatered le Mystery Oafcers Dews See Thieve and Shoot. The thieves who attempted to bur- s slarixe the J. F. Mrgulre company's department store last night, had ev er) thing well planned except' their get-awsy., They escaped, but in do ing so dropped $600 worth of stolen goods on the. streets., When OKcer O. B. Dews, rama-om duty late last sight to' reUevaOgker Holinon. he walked down Mala'mrast wlttustm towaj the White Pelleaa hoiel., 'There they sssr-two with large bundles In their policemen cailM to thasi and the started to, rah; - Then both trled.the ,sarer. mathojl ot-tsVetvar shots,; hat aRhaagh theaasa; at usyst their bundles, ther esesaad lajaty' .: Accordlag t;the poUcsmsaa slat j; one of Uw measttsmsisg tavetttaK theJaakottheeaalJo:the.ra1ir.ar Maia street and oae sped away toward the White Pelican hetel: Failing to stop the men with their guns the policeman pursued them. Holasaav followed the man who' climbed 'the canal bank, and da te: his immediate disappearance ne lama roe suae swam across. Dews' followed thei other, but he quickly' vanished In the' darkness. ' . The bundles were found to contain. $600 worth of merchandise. It was all tied up compactly,- so that tha thieves must have been in the build ing two or three hours at least; Dos- ens of pslrs of shoes on strings war slso part of the boodle. " The ownera of the riled store hair not' had time to take an inventory. and do not know whether th thtevas escaped with anything of "value- If there Is any loss, however. It will he slight. ' v How the burglars made an entrance Is a mystery, hut they escaped through the .back door. One theory U that a man secreted himself, before the store closed, sad unlocked 'the 'door to his confederate. - ''vn-fc Neither thief has been run, ddwh, but the officers are saidta.',havefseT oral, clews, and an early capture la a pessibility: ;f lato development'! of last nig hf l-.iislary revealed the: ,fact thatat Wit three me wtre partlotpstors In tho crime, and prohahly four. In a onu 11 shed near che;Whlto Pelican ho tel ae of the thre secreted hlmsdlf I mi- ii uivfiuan. Another roll of goods waa found. IndicAtlng the third 'participator. SMOKER IS ."T": A. - :-ij" SaXrRsARYFAsWFLMrTOFTsVR !PWlSliwii AMRATTJaWlM)rOBlFOiN. J .avir.w?"'"' 'WiiA, r-T.varTf. ssssar' jaaimni, SaAatMMSKai '.. i i4TT!trsM& a' swy Uttss- naaaass. asM.-rS! .1 giaaaauaaiiaaiaiaijiaaiaaia.ai. I'l", "- - --- iwia . mm mmta i i i i i . ..''',.- ' :--"" - '. .--. .. 'V'h5'CTS:''1'rif..jia - infrfliM iSpVirjrS.ii2iIlt . nan seaa iraaasar- v - wiv'W'" '- ..", - an saass SBaawssasavaawssni n i. ' . .--- r" - . v Mi, rk- V"ti . BWaaBBBBaaBBBf -vi T- , i .j- "a.: X-i 77 It-T-t 'X. to AaUMiaar MMimhS.,yt mmk f thxvilMM v'Piaaa;fto;ja;fOsswi.va bjm mMLm :mimmm mm - mlhw.. 1' r a-r i'TaSsn 'taaWTLASL. t al " - ' T-MMWtmW9mZe :f f" r 17 1 . J tfj?., 'SSSk ii, ' - it - t- w- 7-." i" 'at v is ' r m j: , .- '"stff u L n . -t i s. - i : - j .-.- iTuiii iiimnnrn i nil niiBiiffriiv w 'VB'VF v. r V W V V mm. m 9 aVjw.'Sw Tb.S?Jg 'ii'M I PURSUE; GOV. 5vv-j mmKm " T - , - - -C '.. 4 tvm mimmm V If! I" Ulll I U s'liifsaM--"-' --. otto wKjmtfMMmmsaaMwmvm '"XK'fStt2LS . rr- t er.yjTt r tmwiit v tfj.S -f3SiY.r.iSelSH;fi3' im&titmxfflS&sXi' vmmmm C,f'if . . ". jj Wasiiiatwsr, ssste Psassesaassy ' AajtssTyy ;- Fl ;,sa-- iiA43Bmia '.:' .... .... ir:rt,',;a,,-,wiW! 'of?' Phrsiss. -i-?ttm -am',-:: .t -i i. 9Wi& &-<ekti -. iVv .-t; - .(.TjIJ- - ,.". wjs. r' a. -".!. a t-i rf " ' r r 'Alsismvaaa, saaa jKassassstaBsBl saail ': - was vader' jmeSifZ'-TPt. 27'jF?i Man of His DeserlpOsei seeds Car. " .,. i.-.b ft" wwv - $ IPS' V ' .. -' ,.. J... ' " l aT ' a. ';''-. .'v-' t i : &ir.:if.'w - jt f . , 'Iv5jir. -S u, Ua y r ,. T T ZZ,Zs -r ':. fv a AtaiUiilctir. laa a thV. Oat . V '' W'J Hooker.- s. eoirleti mmm kRmd Harry Mlato, .M-J. -iw seat of the stats eseased. He " - ' '"- "a"--"--' Sin8SIS5. Peadletoa .."j."ffi'!vrssr . - i . - - -laj, . . ;'.tjfT"Jv; j on tse enaraw ot.mrmrru-i'ii'&m$'&izmi - j. muI !iJr. k .'. .i',t7i-"ijv;'uh 'I'tfT " " " ' ' ,; t'i STi'ift T'WS.Ssa. i'V'rA r- '-i FWT&VY&&'J&4 5. United Prasa Servlss .K 5aSSRieasSaP -tr,4-? tfiir.i - " ryIBgaag-l' tXtXi' . 'VL,Bv&iii, ur.. ajBjejssaBjw,assrAKdn ao traos of Otto laeaher. th I assait-j&.jSfe'l ssaurBaMwsa. aaxaBamssasVsmss k!Hed'Harry;MlsrtssssiSTln4si aattWsW xn'W&m$m the cewatrysMe, tryiacrt sjiui.or.-asArTh'',Wi aeattaMHanr-haa. saa?ashadtai saadi ... SVS umannam e: i- !' HPU,'. ,'' Thfr-gaards' say that Heoksf Is at fjae jhyx4e,ue, tracks well he and it. he covers eh W 1 &w-v. United-Press POWTLAND., Sept. 88 ofsn electrle 'train,' ri l " . jT man of Hooker's descriptloa rod' to .'.-'-t'? m " H-r-- .-' ., ;.'.'5I;s AiJ a frota f" Portlahd; wtth theta this momuig.. HeX -; , haaMii tk' train -' --- SMaSlaaTT" -' rT!" .,..- ".TRTTTITKy .ajSttM . fta (ross.whaM Mint wsMssmt,?' ?- DsV aerigiChrvtaphss,"ri t --- . . . .- .icr v, ss5.? troHaea Logan sad Lattsrs Jotavsd tot ;. '..- ". ' a .Ji ;? r. Ti?siis.'iSE. .xaBniapassji ;ALaNY..t?g$ n .T-'i. n .. . . -...-..---- --raM.-lfl MNTH V rWIIUIIBMll laa, a-'. Js have started to ssareh far : T.ZTHg . -. - , - -j- , '.'-a a L-laCT "J, -v . i ..tr ii 'w.h lce:sTeraawav.,r-?g x.- Un,fd,Prs-:s.me.'M uqoker waa. srreecea.aere sgissss y'ggy 39.1914, hearllyarmed. iialsa nrtli;hJ Vies were fond;a htaiV " Hh was sjss,),v" tar.Md.'n froaa naa ta taSaSVa: halt ;- i Vuura' la the DealtaUary? f-'i? 6th, -HU hosse "is at ITwhRa KasM: Hukfsrii.si.law Cat:,rfora MWM - V . I - - - TV-, '. ' '7(t.t 3 ? TCtfT l ilj.ta.--ll fc " i.T5 ".vii;F.;iv:,'L.iMr, u nuea . r ress aervies .-ra. riii aaajH ' --.( . -v . , '. VAwT.wVrKft ,ru n i.,"aa rfc fMMMiir !V.V:.S'T'".'!-!,.3';J' -v .'j i .'- ".','.', SK'raT nSTTT; asiwiwaj. a .jwb lUMMiaii IX '&$.$ fif- i;Tla1ls;vSaSi '8aiauVa&rv -S1'"1 a vV ,-- Mnlnall airaaf ; . v .S-r',1:.::-1 .y. i.-"" T7ST", -.-.- .TT.;-" .BT2ft ths.Departmeat- ofAfiUswra7rf;p' oeatlyarrtrad from the sartsea'esat 'of : iQ l4BawWiWWs)sjhABSUI;SJS latsrasss of his iMirrmghtrrMitaSk- Ix-. ' -V. - - T , h...l aaaa aiamawa-waaamiaaaaaaaaaaarijp, v, .x .rf.' ,K.t IV.. -i- I1 .""";'- ..' i". ', ' ' . 'J.' J I. .i'.'I'.A1. ,.'.fa?:' .r.. i. i .i i ii i, i i ii , in ii i by the aaatth f f fs K&3g?iSS ira.WsHMI? i !1Pf r '"r'T''W ; " Wsw.aWrlW A iP fr. .indev'sjet "."y?i "'i rg-,.,-.-rf.. v'-" aefssaBBMgajSrt;-' aa'syirtaM . iaama'.h rm . 'ViI ?- t.t?i y&l fj-l w &m -r.iv. -. 'l?vr &' iJeBI wsr ,..iuiT..ii.l - n-n smut ." "?. vSA ,A fril &"M &e i3T 1 i-iflrt?ift.. 1,W V -"J'JH. 1 ;t. 83 "i.fw,HC! Slsll Mif' ifeS it'Tta1- .i SSI jfi r ri. -. . r.v,v rHlHeted at tlU MftU ,.: nssETmWiWd' r:.tgsv.sAmsmnimmmM?' v-'i&nsm '-?-rl, nKHr "tl. M '" U'fiAt.Vii.'n: WflSF 4 . - V 'K' :fe-. (VN :., .v i,., .;.,-.rfysA,::; .. ..,: rM'- :-fc,-p, r.- .riawgsal