-jtcSS ,f "T "u- - J K"-i3 - Jl". - ,.. .f. , .,.?? "K.. KLAMATH FALLS' Vf OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Svw KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. 1915 - Tide of War Turns Everywhere for Bulgaria aamJUUUb"lWJbr1 K'l'l'l'l'l a A -..... ftias-i li ARTILLERY DUEL WAGES ON FRONT HUCE8SKH WILL RELIEVE HUH . hM CROWDS GATHER OF HISTORY NOW v u .. i.aki:vii: hciu. 27 I'm piu- War Will lt All ir, . Matter gonU) n ,rollur 0f con Flttgcrald Ken- Hsccr-fiil Aim Arc Make ' I'luitli. went down with the Arabic which wos torpclocl by thu (lermnns t'sbroken Ailvnnn- Reinforce- gomo tn, ogo on- ,nc conlll 0( uB. mta mi W.k Spot. In German l,ftnd' "cording to the roiwrln allien , jlmvc reached takavlow. Pat loft f lb llellircil Victories Will Have' l.nkovlew about three yearn ago for WMeMimp Bulgarian Effect. ', AMBTKIlllAM, Hept. 27. Tho kilMr I. preparing to move Ms haadauaitcra to Luxemburg Frl- 4aytbecsuao of development, on v ini wnmn irow. United I'reia Her vice LONDON, Hcpl. 27. Reinforce ment! tunc plugged the WMk pota In Ibe German Hum, tnsdo by the un Uekencd niot omenta of tbo allied ad vance In Franco. Desperate effort bare filled to top the allies, accord Ini to tbe I'arln communique. South of Uimo, In Champagne, tbo Uermino checked chargea on a wide front. About Arraa and Lmb, the French are mnklnR Important prog nm. The tide of war U turning every where for the nlllea, Is bellevaa hare. The greatest artillery battle In hb tory la being waged along the Qer-man-French Klnndem front. United l'reai Bervlca PARIB, Bept. 27. The atllea' brll Hwt lucceuea in tbe weat will not only relievo tho HuMlane, but will Probably liavo a wholettom eect In Bnlgarta. KnthualuUc crowdn are Mthared nvery where, and faoea are BHBlng. It la realitcd that the war will nrob V laat all year, no matter how iuc tol the allien nro tbla autumn. High powered exploalves and ghrap Ml are being used between Brleett no tbe section north of Waoquea wi' The Oermans are heavily bom WWag, evidently In preparation for riBe encounter. Many plaoes have "o abandoned by them, FEDERAL JURY TO JEEI AT MEDFORD iJ, - . tS5V MATH COUNTY roOPLK t'OII LIST OK PKDRIUL GRAND BV AND TRIAL JURV FOR 9OBER a4v5L,.d!, W Jnr will meet kS-i f?" ' b,t Oetofcar Bth, e?S?ea (Be reculav -- ik. j- .'!R 'lltrlCt COUrt. Tkl. L. h. Mmmt 1 aauaa. 4 k.. . ." "" aaui. eM1 " -'IS? lurnra suaamoaed Stty? Has Sent an Ultimatum to Servia Is Reported eSie, . aMrilirili BBiai LAKEVIEW MAN ARABIC VICTIM pat fitzgerald on way hack from vihit to oi,i country when uk mkkth death iv (h:i:a.v disaster Mho old country, nnd win on till way luck to Bait Lake City. Ill brother. Con, U 11 prominent aheep ninn of Do-' ilane, u town h fow mile north of Plush. With the report of thu drowning of . ,,, ,.. .. m- nrA I .hat a mftn by tho n,me of NoUn WM ! , drownod. Ho ,, tt br0,ner 0f I I)tiait,. NoltB( pirtBr , tho thn, 1 liiilncH with Mike Hulllvn. FLAMES DESTROY HOUSE SUNDAY HOMK OK O. M. I1KCTOK IIURNH MUMMY AKTKItNOOX I'ABT OK KUKMTUItK SAVKD KI MAHTIX OWNKI) I'nOKKRTY Tho house occupied by O. M. Hector In Hot Springs addition was destroyed by fire early Sunday afternoon. The Ore company made a quick run, but arrived too late to snvo the property. The fire Is believed to havo been started by children playing In tho wood shed. The children's story Is rather confused, hut thoy apparently tried In vain to put out tho flro before thoy alarmed Mr. and Mrs. Hector. The furniture on the lower floor was saved, but that upatatn was de stroyed, Tho house was a two-story struc ture, and one of the beat In the Hot Springs addition. It was owned by Kd Martin, as was the furniture on the lower floor. The loss was partly covered by In aurnnre. Fear Violence to Governor Culted PrusrServIca' SALT LAKE, Sopt. 87. The family of the governor Is being guarded from threatened abduction, and detectives follow his son to and from school The danger feared Is tbe result of tbe.morciai ciUD rooms, according to Fred governor's refusal to save Joseph strom from execution Friaaiy. ine threats have been attributed to I. W. W. sympathisers. are; J. H. Barnes, Klamath Falls; W. R. Burrls, Merrill S.Thos. H. Cloud, Lakeview; Das Colwell, Merrill; George Cost, Merrill; 0. O, Mer rill, Merrill; M. Motsobeubaober. Klamath Palls; William Pfrang, Lake view; R, J, Sheets, Klamath Falls; Barl Small, Silver Lake. Among the- list of trial Jurors se lected are the following from Klam ath ceunty: M. P. Ktmu, Klamath Fallal John Meyer. Klamath Pallsj Davt Ihook, Dairy, and Martin R. gpencar, Keao. lEuettma , - ....()-)(((.(t(yMywr 1 Dumba's Messenger Back in America JnitirN F. J. Archibald I Thin photograph shows James F. J. Archibald stepping from tho Rotter dam, tho Dutch llncrj which brought him back on orders of United States Minister Van Dyck from his Journey toward Vienna with messages from Konstantln T, Oumba, tho Austrian Ambassador. Archibald bad the mes sago to Premier Durlan In which the proposal was made to tie up Ameri can ammunition plants. It was taken up In'Oreot Drltoln, and resulted In the request of President Wilson to the Austrian government to recall Dum- ba. COMMERCE CLUB TO HOLD SMOKER MKMHKRH OF COMMKRCIAL CLUBl TO MKKT INFORMALLY AT CLUB BOOMS FOR GOOD SMOKK AND SHORT PROGRAM The Commercial Club will hold a smoker Tuesday night at the Com' lgLlBlBlBlBlBlBeBLfl gBMI-r BlBlHBllBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf' BISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS t siasiiiiiiH ( aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaH ? uavaissssssssssssssssssssssssa-BISJ i iLLaLaLaLaLaMflv gaaVaaVaaVaaVaaVXlRV LLLLLLLlaiB Hlll-jF00t 0cretary. Good smokes, talks by Attorney Wiley, as wen as ower prominent men, nro to bo Included In n short program. "We want a big attendance for this smoker," said Fred Fleet today, while moving In chairs, etc., for the use of the club members, "Often more enthusiasm can be arouaeu,, moro good achemes auggeated, at an! Informal smoker of this kind man at u regular club meeting. W, C. T. U. Meet Tho W. C T. U. will have Its reg' ular meeting Tuesday afternoon at 2:10 at the horn of O, L. Miller, at I 111 Main. t ilni - n, aaa art aaa li BERLIN ADMITS BUT TWOBREAKS IN WEST FRONT IIMHX NOT KKAIt AM.IKS HII.Wl ' KHT BIX)WH I'uriouv llatlli WaK'uK In CliniiiMiiif French Capture UOU Offlccnt nml; Mcvernl PomII lone Hold Artolluc, i Orrnuin Claim Wo HeriotiH Hrt llacke Miner lUttle of l 'IXMM of Allien Ttionght KnormoBa, I'liltt'il I'reas Snrvlce PARIS, Sept. 27. It Is announced that tho French have captured more' positions. A furious battle Is waging , In Champagne. The French are at-1 Mucking the whole Champagne front. and the capture of 300 officers has n I road v been achieved. The French are holding Artols. 17 nlteU Press Service UBRL.IN, Sopt. 27. The heaviest blows from the allies since the battle of the Marne has made no Impression on the Gormnn lines, officials statod. Only In two places has the German lino been affected. Berlin knows tho strength of their positions on tbe western front, and docs not fear the allies mightiest efforts will shatter them. It is esti mated that the loss of tbe allies has boen enormous. The British objective Is Lille. They have been repulsed everywhere except near Loos. united Press Service BERLIN, Sept. 27 It Is announced that the British offensive In Lille Is at a complete standstill as a result of strong counter attacks. The French have continued their desperate as saults about Souches Arraa. Last night thoy were repulsed with heavy losses. ALLEGED THIEF FOUND INNOCENT RKLKAHBD AFTKB PRELIMINARY HKARING THIS AFTERNOON, PROVED CONCLUSIVELY' GOT CLOTHES IN CALIFORNIA Noble Weatherman, the man alleg- ed to have robbed tbe bootblack last summer, who gave the sheriff such a merry chase a day or so ago, wan triad today before Justice of the Peace Gowen, and released. The Jury came to a decision In a few minutes, as Weatherman) proved conclusively be bought the clothes la California. DavlttooR-Cemiaft L. A. Davidson and Mrs,. Clara Cor nish war married early Sunday morn- Ing by Hay. J. B. GrltUOi at the home of the bride on Third street. Mrs. Davidson is a slater of Asa B. For dycea' prominent stockman ot Wood River Valley, and a member of one of the old families ot.thseetlen. She fafsaafly resided at Aahwad, ; Herald New York Politician Wanted for Murder Mike Rofrano I I i sBIHBaaaaaaaaaaaaaak ' bbbbbbbbbbkwsJHmbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi aRxBVESnaRxBBBRfl i BRflMSSPRJaaRJlRBRBRBBRs BflgtitHlfil i RSRRRlRRKeiRRaI i RBt'sViflRSEHiflRfl RxsaSBaaRxMaLRxBRxa BBBBBBBB39aMgaBBBBBBJBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ aBBBBBBBkScBBsTBBTliflBBBBBBBBBa i roLwrh RRRRjHnRjSSRRRRRR aaiBsalHaaaiH BgfgfilaaBBnaBaBBBaaaiiaaii . I noon. Mike Rofrano, till lately deputy Istiect cleaning commissioner In the reform administration of Mayor Mlt rhnll la nnfr wanted bv the UOllce SB the instigator of the murder of Mike Inlmarl. another Italian, who wna killed some months ngo. It Is another case of those stories . ot underworld life In New York. Qal - marl was a lieutenant of Tom Foley, j Tammany leader of the Second As sembly district, which contains thou sands of Jews and Italians. To beat Foley. Rofrano's crowd thought It necessary to get rid of Galmarl. He J was murdered, several men nave been convicted In connection with the crime, but not until recently did the New York district attorney get suf ficient evidence to obtain an indict- ment against Rofrano, who disap- peared a- day or two before the action ot the grand Jury became generally known. GRAND LODGE OF MASONS TO MEET 1 HOI HA NIK OF OBDEB WILL AT- TEND ANNUAL COMMUNICA TION AT THE PANAMA.PACIFIC EXPOSITION (Herald Special Service) 8AN FRANCISCO, Sept. 27. Many hundreds ot members ot the Order ofjUnUed PrM8 service Masons ot California will attend the Rlxty-alxth annual communication ot the Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons ot the California Jurisdiction, which will be held In San Francisco under the auspices ot the Panama-Pa cific International Exposlttola, begin ning October 12tb. Grand Master Benjamin F, Bledsoe has notified the oxposltton authorities that he expects the largest attendance or any con clave of tbe order ever held In the state. r The school of Instruction will open October 10tbia the newly completed Masonic Templle, and will continue until October 17th, with several days Intermission. The Grand Lodge stons will commence Tuesday, October llth, at 10 a..m., la the Temple . m j iIaitii nrATiiAiirn ! CITY DESTROYED BY EXPLOSION; SCORES KILLED AKDMOHE, t)KriAHOMA, SUFFERS GAMOL1XK EXPLOSION City of 10,000 Swept by Flame h Aid Sought From .Nearby Towaa Re lief Train. Rashes Physicians, Names and Supplies At Least si Score Killed and traadred Iajnred. Fire Sweeps Cacbecked. I'liiti-d ln"s Service DURANT. Okla., Sept. J7. Ard more, a city of 10,000 population, thirty miles west of here, was prac tically destroyed in a .terrific, explo sion of gasoline, according to ad vises received here late this after- At least a score are reported dead, 3 a hundred injured. Fire started in several wrecked buildings, and is "P" wep!ag through the ruined city unchecked, Aid has been asked of surrounding towns. Relief trains, physicians and nurseB are Dein; rushed, i: LATE BULLETINS Seattle A Canadian donation to tne allies is nve suomarines, saippea last February to North Vancouver, where they are under construction. Berlin It la officially reported that J uerman alrcrafts bombed Russian warships in the Gulf of Riga. One j ship was hit squarely, and the others 'steamed northward. Berlin An Austrian submarine sunk a French transport In the Libyan ,808, according to an Athens dispatch. The transport was en route for .Cyprus. Washington The president Is con sidering the advisability of retaining the present tariff on sugar aa means , of additional revenue. Increasing the duties on llauor and a Dosalble lower ,ng of tbo exemption class of the In- come tax are other considered meas ures. Chicago Five thousand clothing makers have struck and 40,000 mere 4 will go -out tonight. Reserves have been ordered to the garment making district. Musicians Have Conference SAN FRANCISCO, 8ept. 27. Mu slclans of San Francisco put on their brightest uniforms today for thm is American Federation ot Musicians' Day at the Pamama-PacUc expoattksa. Mualclajns from all parts of the state participated. A parade preceded the jay's ceremonies. , d 1 Rockefeller Cornea t Dearer. United Press'Servlce , , DENVER, Sept., 27. Rockefeller has arrived to confer with oSKlau. and jaerhsps te see the Unloa oemmlttae. It la expected he will make the, netat that he, aad aot hie lather, la aaw the. acuve nana ottae, awaMieus,Bsar sets, 4 A new ,s)aias,aaiatlavl W-" . - v wv firS KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER &U : ntm, 9tt9 Omtt Allies DIPLOMATS OF ' -s ALLIES PREPARE. LEAVE SOPHIA BULGARIA HESITATES, TO TAKE PLUNGE, REPORT Stated Semi-OAclally That 1 W'oa't Order General Hecaase of Balgaria's UUIsnafas to SenrU Loadon Enthusiastic Bal- garla la Asked to Kxplaia iaatkm Sttaatioa ' United Press Service , ' BERLIN. Sept. 27. Aa uaconlrm- ed report says that Bulgaria has sent an ultimatum to Serbia. The, allies .; dlplomata are.reperted tobepaaaar- -, Ing to leave Soda. .. . United Press Service Bucharest, sept.- 27. -it la stst-. ed aemi-ogtelally that Bonmaaia won't order a general mobilisation aa s re sult ot Bulgaria's reported ultlsiatnm to Serbia. I'nitL-d Press Service ATHENS, Sept. 2 7. It U asserted; here that Bulgaria Is hesitatlngHo take the step that will piece her on the side of the Teutons. London la enthusiastic. United Press Service , ROME, Sept. 27. Rousaania tsas requested Bulgaria to explain the mp; blllsatlon of ber armies, according tej the Idea Naslonale. The Balkan situ-" ation is apparently deadlocked. WILL CELEBRATE STAY OF RELIC M5. v SCHOOL CHILDREN TO ABOUT IN CELEBRATION OF VISIT OF LIB ERTY BELL TO SAN PAGEANT IB FEATURE DtBOO -? .(Herald Special Service)' SAN DIEGO. Bept. 27. Although the famous Liberty Bell' will not ar rive at the Sam Diego exposition until November ltth, already plana are be ing made for a moastar' three day aal ebratlon during the stay ot the dbv torlc relic The Liberty BeU wttl ar '; rive shortly ' after midnight of Novam- .. SJ t ' School children wll play.aa Import ant -part la the extremes to ha iurlng;the ealatamtlaa, ifae arranged ror ,a aeaoat sanarsa sa -,v9fjys A. km. In A .lill. ul Uu'llt' SfcwiiW'W'.&Sttir, .. .... . k . .. a . ,v in, wm.wv mmwT -Tw t I .lr . 1 a mammoth nag. Tkereailera.i:;t:;V;i now beiagdrilled wane taa saeaapsawg-l are being prepared., Anlther featAMJ wilKlncmdo aa lauaaaatliaaiwsgy,. pagonnt, In which the vloas ss-,-- i. 1 aat periods la tta.eouirfr,.mmtivr T" stw. mT7"rfiT ,c&y wiu the santHHaMy,wftaaAa aiude.aaiioaamr importaat eaam ie thepMoaat mw,,. K a&lia' - j Jr rtMg ym 5 i V ib't ft I 'H v. 01 H a i 1 .5f t 1 i i il I 1 f3 IS Jifts . ? ,m 'W.rpk' ::.3it.- '. x L" aty V UZ?3i' IH "hftvv --' i MXIAi Jt ..,-, . ' WVj1 -