sF :w&s . J. rV, .'".' Jm r j. JI- r&J n " j.wsi jx - -"'jwisr J Kv ft' F3!a ffigf Sty "-?AjLl-rf rr -?' C-l .. .h.jjr,w Ui . t ".: ;-fct--M j l,rrr. "-sraC5 :. Hrrall. -- - t"f"7TS3?'r" "v KLAMATH PALLS iTwTi 5?-., tfl'AhdATM rntfMgfc;n j! ' WC I a-lrfl,!S r OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OOT-ICIAL. MKWSPAPEKrMvl 3:151 W ,." .1 tK' l fn Ml &hts.ife $ m 4"l KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 25. 1915 r -'f n,om$xm 'l Jf , 1 i - tf-tttit& mnssnassi snunumj sr If IF f Irt 'J kiT f 1 1, S i aw i.; r ,i'Vt HOSTILE PARADE MEETS GERMAN; LEADERS CONFER M JKHW FOR PEACE HTILli HELD IIV .NEWSPAPER p of itoumanla (jourer wiw wi nuko Mecklenburg, Kaiser KMeyOutcome Net Hinted The Ttrfcs Unirleteil-Buclmrast Ex Med t Hulguriau Mobilisation, llreek Ministers Confer. I'llttd Press Bervlce ATHKNfl, Bopt. 16 Crowds parad eJ Uit nldit In the Oral war demon ttntlon, and stopped before the Bui hiIm imbiMy. Turks were not bo. lentil. The mat office were open all sight. Mlnliter of War Oanglls conferred with Premier Vcnliclos and hU subor dinates. The nowmpor prei the hope tbtt mobilisation doeit not mean that the Hull iriim Intend te-ttart a third Itilkin war. People have bean in formed that the ministry does not in teiid to plunge Greece Into war, but will oppose the Bulgarians attempt to upset peace. liului' I'reis Service tANDOK. Hept. 26. Huchnmt dptchc wiy the KIbk of llouma rila rai summoned his cabinet aad political leaders, following as audi oes with the Grand Duke Mecklen curt, the kaiser's envoy. Tha out corse was sot b la tad. The Bulgarian mobilisation has ox rlled nuchsrest, and hostile demon it r it loni greeted Mecklenburg. PENN CAPITAL IS All DRESSED UP HAM SPENT THREE MIU40N IN TftANMFORMlNG NMLKOTKD C1TV INTO MODKIi ONK HAH THRKM)AV CKLKRRATIOX United I'ren Sorvloe XARHISnURO, Pa., Sept. 16 !Ut riiburg has been celebrating for thrto Uyi. .nock in 1901 Harrlsburg dis covered that as a city It hadn't much to brng i: except being the state cap Mil, and Hint It scarcely deserved that tanor. Only a mile or two of paved tree!- no parks worthy the name; Mplsygrounds; drinking water heavy th coil duit and dkerae germs vorylhlng, in fact, just about what "'ought not to be. So Harrlsburg borrowed $1,090,000 d proceeded to dresa up. Later It as other loans, until the aggregate 1:431,000, while that much ore was spent by Individual property paying for Improvements In rowt of their real estate. The city has more than seventy lies of paved streets, mostly sheet PBU: far more than 1,000 acres of MM c parki, meet of whlek it owns wrlghti a plant which alters all wa f used in tha eltyr auiimer "play youBds and swimming pools (er ehil i a summer samp for ehiUrea: 2is couru and gelt links fee, the J!reBt and adults, aad a river ' J1 ,nd Hver basin whlek has keen "Proved in a manner unique in Ue ""re World. Tha nlana orlalaallv ':"Me In IBM .... u. ......j W9lea ll tha uhufu . .k. iku. fejy rlbratlon ending today, " Kra iesalea) VnUheiy 'hAtVHM Pre. .. .niHlNQTON. D- O-. -"' - ?A .. Ttffel,. ,.. " " -. .v.-" --- ;?Whi. u"" -!-?" V" .I". "- v'-aere rii ",0,tMI wtimatei that 1, .... " aeaaws) w sae WMiIET.. 9NMMV sdvlaera have '.wr H f ' nubile eeiatee U imaiaet Itjaumed the pott temporarily. fJM' RUSSIANS WILL RETAKE PINSK HUH IH OITILiAl, I'llliniCTIOV. lllIITH AltK l'MUMKltl0 IN NWAMPH .MACKKNtiKN HARD I'HKHHi:! I,KFT llirTRKATH Untied I'reis Hervlco PKTItOnitAI), Hept. 25, The Rus sians will reenpturo Plmk and Dubno In predicted officially. Msckensen is hard prosied at Plmk. Ills left has retreated five miles. ' The Itusilans are retreating at Log ishln. Tho rights of both srrales are floundering In tho marshes to the south of IMnsk. Tho Austrlsns are unable to Mop the Russians In the Vnlhynlan triangle. SHERIFF ARRESTS ALLE6ED THIEF Sl'PIH)Hi:i ItOHIIKIt OK BOOT III.ACK MAKKH VAIN' ATTKM1T TO IWJAPK CAIOHT XKAR HTATK MXK Ontv ngsln the alleged robber of Jordon, the bootblack nt Fltspatrlck ft Uesn'H barborshop, Is In custody. Yesterday evening bo was left in BhorlfT Iw'h custody by a policeman, but there was n misunderstanding all around, because the prlsonor didn't know tho man watching him was the sheriff, or the sheriff wasn't aware that bo was supposed to watch the prisoner. Hut when the msn ducked around tlio corner and escaped, the sheriff got a littio "Roro," as ono court bouse official expressed It, and went right out after him. llo chased mm all yesteVday afternoon, and caught him almost at tha California' line. And, according to men who know tho wild items of the territory, his capture, speaks a good word for the ability of the eherlff. Tho prisoner was badly frightened when bo loarned that he had attempt ed to escapo from tho sheriff. CHARGE LAWYERS F TWK.NtY TO FIFTY OTHKR8 IN VOIA'KR C1IARGK ATTORNKYH TOOK FKK8 FOR F1MNO APPM OATIONH liultcd Press Service BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 26. W. II, 8. JWcolson, Norman Cook and Franklin P, null surrendered to the United 8tatos marshall. Twenty to fifty others are Involved. The men ore chargod with accept ing fees for filing applications for gov ornmant land Involved In court litiga tion. Tho arrests wore a result of a grand Jury blanket indictment returned yes terday caused by alleged Oregon land frauds by realty corporations. Hoy Would He HDog United Press Servlc SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 35. Ches ter Vincent of San Pedro waa Just a romantlo lad who had bean reading Robert Louis Stevenson's tales, and decided he wanted to be a skipper. He'a heard about sealega and sea leknessand he thought that to be come a real salty old sea-dog he must get hia sea-legs, He did. He rocxea about for four daya on the tugs near Urowley'a doeks here, until unroman tie cops gathered him in and tried to tomraunclate with his parents. Marine Head Vlale Wssla United Press Service .ROM. ftept, 16. Marine Minister !ui.j.k.. .uln.il BaUmdra haa aa WITH LAND RAUD MUST PAY TAXES BEFORE OCTOBER I.KKH THAN UKKK RKMAINH TO I'AV HKCONO HALF OF TAXKM TO KHCAI'K 10 l'KR CKXT PKX AiTV UI.11ICH I.i'nh than a week remains In which to pay the second half of the twees In order to escapo tho 10 per cent penalty, according to officials In the Sheriff's office. The second half has been duo somo weeks, but many Klamath people have not paid. "They must be paid on or beforo the thirtieth of this month," oald Oeorge tllrlcli, deputy sheriff. "Tho ton per cent penalty will then be at tached. Quick work will be neces sary on the part of m&ny Klamath people? If they escapo It. The money must be received at the Sheriff's of fice by that time." APPLE CONTEST GROWS IN FAVOR (HUnVKUH A.N'ft 11K-HAKKRH IN TKItKHTKD I.N XOVKL OOXTK8T IIKI.II IIY WOMKX BOOKLKTS f TO UK HAD ON RKQUK8T The apple contest to be held in the near future Is creating quite d stir In the community. A number of women huve announced their intention ofea- tcrlng the competition In the prepar ation of cooked apples, and several growers have stated that they would bo pleased to respond to this oppor tunity to show just what kind of ap ples can be grown in Klamath coun ty. Folks are Just beginning to ap preciate the valuo of the apple. It Is nutritious and wholesome, and con tains as much nourishment as meat. Growers will bo interested to know that by sending a two-cent stamp to tho contest committee they may se cure, without cnarge, a nooaiei giv ing Information about sixteen vsrle tles of apples grown extensively In the Northwest, stating their eating and cooking qualities, color, flavor and site, and telling when they should bo put In storage and how, long they may be kept there. Tho committee will also furnish booklets to women who wish same, giving over fifty recipes for cooking apples. If the women read the re cipes they will surely want to display their accomplishments In the apple culinary art at the contest. These booklets may be secured by calling at the library, or will be mailed If atamp Is sent. Donations of suitable prises are being received by the committee. These will be placed on exhibition prior to Apple Day. Howling Alley Opens Tonight At 0 o'clock tonight the Hubbard ft Dale Bowling Alleys In the basement of the Odd Fellows' block, will he opened. J. B. Hubbard and R. C. Dale are proprietors, and are well known In this section. They have their new place of business fitted up with new equipment. hieoml Coming (toon Belief (I.DFORD, Sept. 25. Elder T. U. Hunch, president of ihe Southern Ort rtou conference of Peouth Dsy A4 ventlsts, spoko last night in the church on Riverside avenue on pres ent day events In the light of the prophecy, He referred to the In crease or earinquaaeii, uuaw, crime and miracle working powers for deception as evidence according to the Bible prophecy that the seeond coming of Christ 4s drawing Mar that tho long dark night of sin Is al most past and the dawn of eternity at hand, ikarp Threatened to Letters United Prase Service PARlS.'Sept. 16 It Is learned that Ambassador lharp has received let ten tareaueleg hla Ufa, u wall aa Oererd ud otKer United States for GAS BOMBS TAKE PLACE! OF KfAVY ARTILLERY FIRE flKHMAXH t'Hl: AHPHYXIATI.no HOMHS I.N ATTACK Pf-endi Repulses Infantry nittunhvus. Irench Warship Hllenfe riirkbd Ibtltcry HanweslMg Altf F-vnch f Air Squadron Ilombardu Situ and i KnbioMW Railway KUMlea Oertitau Trenches Wrecked. t'iil;-U I'rens Service I ARI8, Sept. 25. It U Muouncd lint the Hermans used asphyxiating bombs nt Auberlve and W, Mllalre, tl.e bombs replacing heavjbombanl- nient. Heavy artillery his wrecked thu German trenches nt Artolse, r-ttd Argonne. Infuntry at Manhoue ncre repulsed by French Aire. f f I'nited Press Service PARIS, Sept. 25. rlt Irnnuouncel thi.t a French warship silenced a Turkish battery on the Asiatic coast, lurrnfslng the allies near. Sedd lit Cnhr. It Is also announced tUat ,thc Frei'ch air squadron bombarded the Shblnnes railway station ajad Mots. " IFRflPIMF H1F OF SUBMARINE IF LIXKRS ARE CONVOYED BY AEROPLANES SUBMARINES MADE USELESS, ACCORDING TO ENGINEER AT CONFERENCE t' nlicd Press Service BAN FRANCISCO. 8eptt 25 If every liner crossing the war sone-U convoyed by aeroplanes, the subma rines can be rendered all but useless. Professor Lesley of Stanford uni versity said at the naval aad archi tectural engineers conference Thurs day. The submarine Is visible from a height, even when It la deep In the sea," said rroressor ieieu. tne aviator can see it plainly, while from the dock of a steamer It la Invisible. The airship can be the eyes of the navy as woll as the army, and will be the submarine's strongest enemy. Degree Teem to Meet Members of Prosperity Rebekah Lodge will meet in Odd Fellows halt on Monday night to make arrange ments for tho district convention to bo hold atiMerrlll October 8th. The dogree team wilt Illustrate 'the work at that time, and practice Is neces sary. Women Dislike Jury Duty United Press Service REDONDO BEACH, Calif., 8ept. S3. Women of this city are not keen for Jury. Police Chief Ell Moshler wants to Impanel a Jury of twelve wo men to try Mrs. Clea-ve Heansler, wife of the Redondo township con stable,- on a charge of speeding, but many of the fair sex eligible for the panel have vanished, Moshler asserted Thursday. flame Heads At Barbecue. The state game and Sah commis sion composed of I, N. Flelsehner, F. M, Warner, Carl D, Shoemaker, state game warden, R. K, Clanton, suporln teadeut of hatcheries, and H. L. Kel y. master fish .warden, were the guests of Medford sportsmen at a vsalson banquet hold at the Joe Han aa ranch on the Rogue. Wednesday afternoon and evening. V $ 2 9netUrOewvwJNsBlc A 'Tue ssemberaefthe Mg school Tf (A teeutty gnu their families teek me terras . 4am Ik Uk latteir. - . j-TTTT.TTTr v3Vs: ' fh i IW .Wtf ' IV ' -TV r " SCHOOLS FULL OF MUSICAL TALENT TWKXTV PIECE ORCHESTRA AND SIXTY VOICE GLEE CLUB DE VELOPED AT HIOH SCHOOL UN DER MR. TAYLOR A twenty piece orchestra and a sixty voice glee club are musical fea tures at the high school this year. Both are under the direction of Mr. Taylor. I Nearly every kind of Instrument Is represented In tho orchestra aad Mr. Taylor says that be was agreeably surprised at the talent he foand In the local high school. The date for the first recital has not been set. He has found three or four stud ents for pianists for now organisa tions. The Glee Club of sixty voices Including about twenty, male voices, Is also developing under Mr. Taylor's direction Into a first class organisa tion. The Klamath Falls people will be given opportunities to hear both the orchestra and the glee club often this v Inter. Mr. Taylor says that they may often be secured for church services, ete. 10,000 SOLDIERS HAVE PLAY WAR .NEW YORK SHOWS NEW FOLK WHAT HOSTILE INVASrON WOULD BE LIKE--TROOJfl AD VANCE TAKES TWO HOURS United Press Service NEW YORK. Sept. 25. Those New Yorkers who were Interested In seeing what a hostile army marching into New York would look like, gathered at'Van;Oortland Park today and saw. 1 be army was composed of about 10.- 000 National Guardsmen from New York city boroughs, and their ma neuvers were said to be on the largest scale ever attempted In the United States, -r ' o First came the screen of cavalry and the advance guard, followed by the main .body of troops, the rear guard trailing all. The men, horses artillery, ambulances and other equip ment .occupied two hpurs in their ad vance upon the park. ' Van Cortland looked like an armed camp aa early as 10 o'clock. Some of the cavalry and field artillery started operations the night before, giving a demonstration of noise that would probably be heard the night before in case a hostile army actually did in vade the city. During' the morning there were shows going on In a dosen rings. The engineer corps built po toon bridges and laid mines, the artil lery drilled and fired blank cartridges from behind neighboring hills, one squadron of cavalry gave rough rid ing exhibitions, twelve ambulances dashed about picking up Imaginary dead, and a whole battalion attacked mess in turloua fashion. Ndsalem Woman Burns to Death United Press Service NKHALEM, Ore.. Sepr. 25. Mrs. Prod Egglesten, aged SO, was burned to death In a Are that destroyed her l.omo three miles north of Here. Kg' glesten and three children were saved. Tha husband carried his three chil dren out. but on returning for ii.'s wire, was caught in tho flames nnd neverely burned. - Doctor to Dr. eaJ't'Mrs, L. L. Trnax leave Sunday merging tor Philadelphia nad New York, accompanied by Dr. F, M White. Both''Dr. Truax and '. White will take post graduate cours es, The, former, expects to be away several moaias. p State Vi Tho state Lytle. or one of hie aesistaata, will bo In Klawath CoMtj.atU4 ike Fglra nt l-enaasa aad Vs'Klaaaaek. Th. irst of : these-at ;tsss-ns. s billed tor September Ittk.Ueiaad of the 26th. aa waa the oriutenl ,4. V. v '-. Vv -' .!?"' velSHaa, Dr. W. U. AMERICAN SHIP i SENT TU BOTTOM M.NKR EEMDYK, FIAIXO IIOL hjSD FLAG, THOUOHt MMED. PART OF CREW OF 04 r.-.KD. M PASSENGERS OARRIRD "' United Press Service ., LONDON, via Hollaad, Sept. 26. The American llaerEemdyb, flying the Dutch flag, bound from Ouenos.Ayres to Copenhagen, haa been sunk.Thlr' ty-nine of her crew have been tended. . ' L United Press Service , f NEW YORK. Sept. 35.---The, Earn- dyk '.as mt tnported to the seuth- e.ii or me cst or ireianu, aiouaay, offcrs stated. The crew .coaatsted or men. it u oeuevea no nasson geri were aboard. ' r It is thought that the sMp struck a mine. ' , MAD WOLVES ARE; MENACE LAKE CO. COYOTES WITH BABBIES IN THE NORTHERN LAKE COUNTY ARK COMMON, ACORDING TO LAKE- VIEW REPORT : " LAXEV1EW. Sept 26. Reporta coming Into Lakevtew tae past -week seem to indicate that the mad eoretes In the northern jart of Ue'eeunty are still busy. Lest week a degh.' lonainc to County Commissioner B. D. Luts was bitten by a mad eeyoie. and. after fighting them with fence rail. Mr. Luts succeeded la IcOling both the coyote and the dec. ,z x A few daya ago H. L.-Holrersoa, while running a grain header ontke r. o. oucan piece, six mues xrosa bu ver Lake, had a narrow escape from being bitten by a mad coyote?- The. animal attempted to board .the mach-1 Ine with the driver, but wi driven off. Mr. Holverson's only weapon was 'a email claw-hamsaer. ?, V A horse belonging to R. E. Ward, which was bitten 104 days ago. "Waa killed last week after attempting te bite several other horses. &' I DENVER PREPARED T-, !m j WELCOME FARMER '-' i- f ' is KEY OF PURE COLORADO GOLD TO UNLOCK GATBS OP SOIL PRODUCTS iDONVENTIONi-gBa,. OOO COST OF U. S. DISPLAY United Press Service . DENVER, Colo., Sept. 26. A key of -pure gold taken from the moun tains of Colorado will open tbi gates of the International Soil Products ex position aad Farm Congress here tp-j morrow. Dr. W. H. Sharplsy.Fmayer j of the clty.'wlll turn Denver over to the managers oi ue great exposition. and. Governor George Carlson will afco tend the hospitality of the whole state to the farmers of the woriu, otaera who will make speeches of welcome are John Vallery. chairman pt the local board of managers; Thomas B. Stearns, president of the Denver Chamber of Commeros, aad'B. F, Hanafourde, director general tot ttnn exposition. The exhibits, areVaH ready for the laspeetten ef the Jl.- 000 visitors who are expected y the managers of tat expoeUlen. '.; v'i These exhibits' will Ineiune a I it, 000 government display, tat Urgent ever made In tela eeuntryejchlbRu irom iweaiy ssasse wser, of us aw slMlpp), gad many, foreign eenatrlee; aad will Inelttde all tall nfMaeto raised'wkk er without IrrHattta.',,; a,". .,.;., n.'.,. ;.;, -.-...y , t 5 ft. mWj. 1lU Ut-' - mh sssssr;Hnssesiiu 'iwwnswe (mmnkk sntttftalag. aad ll.roSj Vii &5ti,v&itFi rf.T ., a Is.' " V "IWF, nnga UKtHi- e-? i"4S. Rf COGIIIIOI OF C ARR ANZ A 8Y U.S. ) r, it r'i . 'W sri MORE UNLIKELY " !nyt! 'P&'. ,1 , Jvi nrrrtATinw ut rtvM mm THE . t . .,.. .'-3V? v - Cteass:- i-'-i'rs k ti Leader, 3J 11 Ai sfarie Bawtliaadk $$ ''-4'efvf ed'.'Bai .-.htk ft.izm " V ft kr v Uniled Press Servles j.Vi - V.WA8HRWOTOM. C.,Sea. Jt6. " Likelihood of recognition of Carrenaa Ur lessened. It la ramered.that al leged attacks on Brownsville ten fee- tor' In -the cause. Funstea hat asked, to esUbllsa- whether Carraaan SOI XIJ nx i oldiers participated In the nHnek. United Prats Servlee j BRQWN8V1LLE. Sept. 26. The partldpatJea of several ksmdred .Oar- ransa"toUowers as tat attack en' Pre- -afreeooata threatened tetarsmUstsil complications. Three hundred Amer iesn'soTdlera are on anad. f? - " z .uenerai naxaretie teniet taut am' soldlera partlelpated. " v I United Prese Serrlee ' Kn- t BROWNSYILLE SetiI:! sUse-ef Carransa,- isarltg reeacBillan of thAtr --- W- i me .irenTtsso attacx. aecerttsc at taeA .r iC'ii: - i .? -..i. --' ' -' ... vi-b ntMn vmmmm -wwwferiT''; are peetuvntant peJrtMpttea; e-s sL si r IvThersltuatlonieaeaaebutlnlefcf Settlers and clttsena are nsaetstlT en " -5 gtuaTaeMexleanatnaveT ed the cuttomt lmsent,the,ktrir A Mexican woman aided James Me-f Callea -and sereral empleyes'to de-; rend. nls ranch house against, a Mex-f lea attack. Two Mexicans were kiiK ed and three wounded. Soldlera ware"; summoned by telephone. . Mm repornt last rwenqr-ugnt .& .... t - -' Mexicans were killed and wouaded at Progreaso., k Mt fl i -: r United -Press Servlee V && V" & ttOGALES, Arls.l Sept. 26. -Bt-i CaVUflA maatTflsBBl cBMtaBal -wta- BTnaBaslt cr,T,to, rfmm'Mm BrotamerNaealMi. , Governor Mayteceat aJVlHsits. haa ordered that aBUi lean negroes keep out of Soncesi. r.i NAitr J&. , .rt-fi ' " ." I'nitefl ,1'rsss Sernee vj ). WASHINGTON. D. C, 16.,. Fuastpa haa confirmed tat arrett o; General Raoul Madere. aTmiast. at welj.as eight others for tmpreperiy' entering America. C -. ZEPPELIN LOSS IS 4'Vi j-U . 3 fc.. J (ft-.. S L SC TU' 30 IN YEARIAI;. J ' r .3 " " of-T. ( t ,tf ., r v M, m . r- !--,-. -. - i; :-. --i - TC Vo Tll -" GERMANS i'f lose aw iBrrtaTiain ' i.v 'Cj.-ffy' r i RWs-r t J -..,. ,t ' r.': ANDNINE PAPWEUmi BWf. ,.v WttBtABn MimaM'4iknkrJkWt 1?"S1 - tM-a I j-m -w--' r -"i L- 1'9.T'v f GUNS DOWN FEW , ? ' A j x IT 4 i. A 1W United Press Servlee i LONDON. Sept. 26. Oeaeifn lHMrr patchat,1 atsert that tha German ad-K: nilratty admitted lata of 31 XtMwUatlM ane;'iat rarseiw wnqewst . tsnsnmwBKfafo;, ti ,..:.' .. ' . .;.' . i ."z:"!, -- ...&... ...AJl AjmmmJ" -tlg.M4 BAasL. i .til " palinVand oat .rarcanltato,mUtag. t., (-,, t 7 tftw a i, rv 7 fcJiibt IV il JIA.1 JI.1.VU... - i - ""f ' j nmw'pmpmvomimmmri mM.mf- aunt aewn tnnr n nstntaunr.H . ,, -y f .--" f tfX ! M I yr-' ." "iUT1""!"1 ff .TfJleIBTenunHhsanm WLdaaBaV VaaBBan irm. '.;ita m. a V -l itifflTm sssnrmiinn in net state "--------e--'--e w- F-fi) enon w prtsatet in ntni - 'If tan C yis. .'- ..-:t' -vvrV -.Jfc V" tv m "v; 4' I". $., TtgiJf &a. i." '! ri & ,r&ft& SS k M i T f i " V' rVJ -I ?? Ta -s. ( r ll T,.l ' 1 'A ,1 V-"' R .. B &J Si m . 3- 1 1 r. s i ' -i I- -SI . ju; . .t i r-1 - Hi "Via1' . A i J hit ' .v-'Jt';' vi t $ -VVS w i.. iS.?): w.v wtw -u CI AJ i&Wtesfrl HV Al & a ".i! .e ( a tv Z- 'ti v ' ? A ' rsv ' Li f . ,z it W "i. UX .--,- . .