V .i-. .. ' V "!.-' .rjr,irliyA3A.- rrbs'r.-; iil r- ?t,? . V"'. ffihi? T KLAMATH FALLS' ? f.w.i:.:'-,"52f S: KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .fci. .. .AriS- (fori -- i,... . t,luW..Mi'l SK ! i -1 ' 1 .eEJy 7rV.. ..VJAf S Jt 4 '25 itS ;vvi J" AM." W(fWAg Tieth Vcar No- Wi 5Tyjsus KLAMATH PALLS, OREOOW, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1915 ,." . :,& few t Arwrrfwr . Jrf . FJ A iEurntnn tlforaii rs'.is' tamnwsBfat, be be bBbi abef he sbEm bbEsi bbi bobs Atata aw am hs gsMi amm aBBi eh bbBbi nam bbSE nm aest am he ebb e ehe bbbi bbbi nam mm nam mm Emi m gnnm gat smi mm ebb m smw. ami ebb mm be abb mm. aw mi ebb mi amm be as mi amrmav, mm mm'immmn -ma,- mm bb mm mi mmrrmmi . aanVataw gnaw aBrgr a?a"r gti ataa atai bbb sew ata aww vm saBatm em nanTaatav Batgrg, afaVJM. bbts1 bbt"""ss atr atr atr atar BtrBtav. . BBtrtgB am ht 'atgtpaHijik eatf" eatr bWbwbbbi svsBtPHnnv afatpiMaV saffanm "natM bw ? AfanVav mn gata afaf"" mr.wmnmBv: H I H S i Awl Bw Awl wV wa H wa I wa wa waaa aawV wa H aw aw aa- a' Va aa? aa I aa aa aa aa aa aa aaa H aa Wa aa w aMm H aV aV aa'aal aWi'1". VA-AV BMtwaauJAvfii. BULbiuuA d ruKruc twvm mwv wwmb v tn it ' I."-u , --' t f tte I Russians Turn Tables in Galicia; Attempt Envelope VIMC HF CDFFHF PUNS MiflF FflMI S PBIUiTF IS ! BULlETlNsllinBlf Kl 1M1TU IPflBTI LM UinyiH KING OF GREECE SIGNS ORDER TO MOBILIZE ARMY (iitKKK rARUAMKST MKKT OX WRDNKHDAV IMIrmt Wlin Veil to I.lflirl Cr 1'rnllMiMl U'lM Ik In Conimnwl of tHlCriu Form fUady to Hirike. Will Attrmpt to Kan ativ to CHt MumKmU. My 'H Jola rrionii ami Turku I'ulled I'ress Hervlee IONIAN, Sept. 14. The cetisors have ( rawn the veil over the Balkans. An Increased belief Is manifest hero il.nt htn the curtains are lifted Cur Ftrdlnand will be discover! lidding thi Bulgarians, ready to strike, it 1 reported that Bulgarian, ixillt-' ll lwders have pledged unanlmoua support to Ferdinand. The Bulgar- Ian. legation has 11 neon Armed report of the moblllintlon order withdrawn, but the rumor only Increases the per-; MANV OVV.SH C.TV.K TO PRO MMltjr of Kordlnand'H purpose. irvm KS(llSKHf HAYH KAMOU8 I lilltf 1'ici.n Srrvtca ATIIKNS. Kit, 84. The king him . . rlsned tin decrco for general mobll tiatlun of (ircek land forn-n, l'nrlla-i t'nltetl I'rcus Survko iih'ui niri'in weunvsaay iu vniu n i military racaurc. I'nlieJ Press Service WASHINGTON, Sept. 14. Tho llulgarlan legation here has laaued tattraents Indicating Mobilisation la "Imply a club Bulgaria Intends to use In final effort to force Oreece to cede Maceduula. The statement does not mean that the Bulgarians will Join tho Teutons. Tho Creek legation baa not received mobilisation notlncntlon(U.0,oU l.'ultetl I'reu Service ROMK, Hcpt. 24, a reek roserv lU hare been called to the colors. United Press Service l-ONDON, Sept. 24, King Con tantlne has promulgated a decree npbllltlng twenty Greek .divisions, an Athens dispatch states. . Premier Veaaeea this afternoon will ask Con tantlne to sign an order for general taobllliatlon. United Press Ssrvles WASHINGTON, V. C, Sept. 24. The Greek delegaUon has been notl- by Athens o! the Oreek moblllta- I'nlted Press Service ATHENS, Sept. 24 Itulgarlu I f.A,1,,lnf H classes froaa 1890 'to " The goveasuat Is Mpacted to tak over the railway. Newspapers wtaro Oreece-'mHst support Serbia In tm of a Bulgarian attack, or baeomo Mcond-rafe Baikal state. !- 1 '' Ma conference WMfnt. They wW probably, ask par ent for, authwlty to deal with wtarla. Undoubtedly tills arjtlon I "f Prellalaary stop of war. " rallaws Kad Oraad tadge v ' Press Service affi?1 lMWot tW lade rKMmt Order of Odd rsllayg is sad- i ??: ,iMU w tfiatUd'.for 1 aua ' 'WBis. A A '& --I1WBI. PUNS MADE FOR FAIR AT BONANZA I F.lllMKHH CLAIM MKKHILL FAIR WU.U UK KgUALLKD IF NOT H f II l A H H K D COMMKRCMI4 :i.UII Wll.l HK.VI) DKLKOATIOV Koptvmbvr 3uih U the dnta wt for the WKond dlMtrlct fair, to be held at nonnnxn. The Commercial Club li niftklnit plniiH for u dologatlon, ac rompanlcd tiy the band, to attond tfil fair alto. Knrmcrit of the llonaiun section claim that the Merrill fair wilt be equalled, f notaurpaxied. Huge veg etable and produco of all klnda will be on dlnplny, and confetti, etc., will udd to tho entertainment. FLEET BUILDING TIED UP TIGHT jiovkim Mt'HT WAIT TILI OKR - JAPANP.HK SAN KUANCIBCO, Sept. 24. A erltablw bomb exploded In a circle of lirllllMit navnl engineers from all pnrt of the world In n conference Tuesday. A quiet llttlo vice admiral of tho Japanese navy, who built the fleet that whipped Russia on the high Hens, touched It off. The naval hrnlns of Europe and tho United States, with the exception of (lorinany, had been exchanging Ideas on the building of great fleets. Then Kondo, Togo1 right bower, isneke: "A halt must bo called In the con struction or big navies by the nation of the world," ho said. "The powers faced a fnmlne in engines for their tnttloshlpa and submarines, dermany manufactured the engines. Her door vns closed to them. The nntlons must wait until the door was again opened, cither by force or persuasion. War fleet construction was curbed. Japan iniiit wait. The United 8tate mutt wait. The world, all sava aermany, tnuat wait before new fleet ore to be l.ullt." Dcclrkm Made la Reclaim Hule. In the "opinion of tho state auprome court, actlona brought agalnat the atato reclamation board by property holdors to secure the payment for lands takon over In tHe course of re clamation work, are not damngo suits or suits for Injuries to real property such action being properly clasaed as ono for money due under contract for sale.. Klaiuatli River Man IMe. '. YRRKA. 24. Coroner J. B. TttnMNf was CAlltd to Oak Bar to hold an inquest on tha body of J. 8. Young who was found dead in his eabte by Marclna Mott, who live on the Klam ath r!vw wbout H H 'row Young's cabin. An naar as can bo aaoerfalnad, Young must have died about the thir teenth. Ills body was found on th 20th and the coroner.'a Jury was monad at ones. It returned a verdict atstlng that the cause of death was heart troutte. U S. PRIVATE IS SLAIN BY BANDITS IT nnnillllfflllll I r AT BROWNSVLLE ill viiviiiiviibbii i'AFTAIN OF TROOP OF TKX WOUNDED n ,mn-ltmii Vhe, .feaTlng Weapoa to Mpxlrans Merredea Kxdted Ef- fortu IMng Made to Isolate Mexico Cily DeMreylag Tralaa and Kill-, Queenstown The body of Mrs. Josephine Brugulre of Ban Francisco, Ibk Tralamea I Method VaeA'a victim of the Arabic disaster, has Maytoreaea Victory CoaJInacd. "" noro ,n Ire,and- Cnltud Preaa Service WA8H1NOTON, D. C, Sept. 14. Efforts aTo being ssade to Isolate Mex ico City, oBclal advlees state. Dy namiting trains and killing trainmen I tho method used. A freight train from Vera Cms carrying oil was de- ataAef Amv The Maytorenas victory In Northern Sonora has been confirmed. l'iili.'d I'ress Service U110WNBVILLE. Sept. 24. I'ri- ute Ilutterflcld was killed snd Cap-, Uln A. J. Anderson was wounded j when thirty Mexicans' flred on ten, To catcU ,he ttegd robber 0f Jor Americans. The surprised sold ere . thj booJblack In Fiupd deaerted their rifles and fled, the Mex-1 noan.g ,rber ghop mfter MWnX iciiiiH inning meir weapons. Mercedes la excited, and threats of lynching tho bandits are being made. Another battle Is progressing on the Tldalgo-8tarr county lino. Culled Press Service WASHINGTON, D, C. Sept. 24. Carrnnia followers under General Called evactuatod Cananev and have retreated southward. Inhabitants of Moxlco City get water only an hour a day, Sanitation Is suspended. SHOOTS GIRL AT DANCE; MOTHER AND SISTER WITNESS TRAOEDV. COUPIiE WERE EN. OAOED FORMERLY. MAN WAS CRAZED BY JEALOUSY NAPA, Bept. 24. erased by Jeal ousy, Carl Ltsker, aged. 28, last night shot Lillian Behrens, and then com mitted suicide, during a dance at the hall of tlia Native, Sons. Miss BehrenB, who was a beautiful girl and a society leader, was former. ly engaged to Llaker, They recently quarrelled. The girl's mother and sisters, aa well as other dancers, ware witnesses. Meotorn wia ) .. MEDFORD. Sept. 24; Medford Elks celebrated the drat day ot dedication ceremony of their the temple on North Central avenue, ana of the Inest and best ofulpped lodge buildings In the state. The ssata streets of the city and the business houses are gay with Amertean nags end tha aurnla and white n of th. lodce. Thursday morning1 J tha tnt of tho enUrUlnment program wiagtrea. DeJegatloa ot Elks frn .ii w. mmIi attendants? SUICIDES "" ""-' 55ShT v1 t'liitt-d IVe Kurrlrp Washington Consul Frost has re ported tbe,'Brltlsh horse transport Anglo Coluasbla from Montreal waa '"""' -" "' New York The loan to the allies la 1.1 - arcr completion than Is oalclalty ad mitted, was.?aserted by a financier who pnrtlclpijted In the conferences. I-urls It announced that the al lies ttvlatoraaunk a Turkish trans port ft Nagra Bay. British subma rines sunk two Turkish transports at Akbachl Bay. There Is a lull In In fantiy attack's at the Dardanelles re- 'cently. SHERIFF TALKS; PRISONER FLEES IHHUUFF IX)W TURNS HIS BACK , - .. ... .-,. , -- . - , IU8T OXEECOXD, AND AWAY C.OKfi AIXKOED ROBBER OF lUMVrRIOK 1 artln t maI. I a ,h.ia , ,nA ll m rnpe, was the fate of the Klamath Falls police. Several months ago Jordon lost some clothes and other property. No one waa orre'ated until last evening, when Officer Holmaa spotted a ssaa out at tho box factory with a coat as tonishingly llko tho stolen one. Ho arrested tho msn, and brought him down oppoalte the court house. There he left him, in charge ot Sher iff Low. But one of the sherlC's friends came along Just then, and Urn turned around Just an Instant. 4Whcn he looked back his prisoner had Jumped Into an alley and escaped. He waa still uncsught at a late hour this afternoon. EXHIBIT WINDOW IS FIRST STEP COMMERCIAL CLUB SECURES A t WINDOW FOR PRODUCE D PLAYS. FIRST STEP TOWARD EXHIBIT BUILDING; . . Tbe flrst steps toward, an exhibit I building have been taken. A window ot the Atkinson store has been se cured for exhibition purposes, and grains, vegetables, etc, will be Im mediately placed upon display- Until an exhibit building eaa,ke secured, this window will be, Hed for, display Ing Klamath coun 'prWiieta. , The display of honar,ihnt won so m'uoh admiration at Ue,MerrfU 4ta- trict fair, will be pkeedjia..the win down as well M; ftae-wlanag pro duees.' rarmsrs,:,s;'raaajaiud tto bring In any cheiesiirotteif, for die- r . "f '"' - : r , - Miss Parker Qoas;e,C4lletalib ' Miss GerWuda'rSwker, alaterth priaelaal of that OfiWalsshe!,? will Vnava 'far OhUoaai!anMe1,to" tons aaeaw; w w,,iiMyisn )$& " 'it. 7 v 'H" :. .( .1 WORK KLAMATH DRAINAGE WILL SOON COMMENCE BIG DREDGES WILL BE PUT IN OPERATION All Approprlatloaa Secarcd, ad aa Soon as Men Can Be Found Work WU1 CoBBtwe-HMd CbM of CoaetractiOM Here Looking Over tke Groaad 75.060 WW Be Cost of Building Ditches. 8. P. Williamson, national chief of construction In all reclamation pro jects, is in Klamath Falls today, aad ne Drugs word mat wortc op tae Klamath reclamation project,, stopped June 1st. will recommence at once. The project Is one of drainage of a great tract ot land extending east from Klamath Falls, comprising part orLent"P4vw-VaWeyd-teBdlng to Tale Lake. The big drainage ditches have already been completed", but lateraXdltches are yet to be con structed, at the cost of between 875, 000 .and $90,000. The big ditches were butlt at the cost of 2100,000. An action by the Water Users Asso ciation was first necessary, and this wa passed In July. Then approbation had to be secured from the reclama tion commission, the chief ot con struction, and the Secretary of the In terior. Mr. Williamson has looked over the ground, and the two big dredges wiU be put In operation as soon as possible. Mr. Williamson was formerly In charge of a division of the construc tion ot the Panama canal. FATHER PERJURES TO PROTECT SON OLD MAN LIES ON THE WITNESS STAND TO SAVE SON FROM JAIL SENTENCE, BUT HIS EFFORTS ARE IN VAIN United Press Service SACRAMENTO, Sept, 24. The saddest "father "in the state today la James Cornell, whose only, son, Jos. D. Cornell, a lawyer ot Sacramento, la (under, sentence to serve eight years in San Queutln prison for forging a note 1for 7,M, v The aged man, called by the prose- cutl0B to testify that Cornell had forged his father's name, tottered to the stand, and bafllng the prosecu tion, stood by his boy, testltytag that he bad the right to sign the name. In o "doing, the father assumed, tha financial responalblllty for, the. entire amount of the nets. Ul Cornell had forged another nam t0 the note. also, and on this he was found guilty, TMInthor broke 4kwn completely, when senteae wasnpro- nouncet. .i - - UttkaM Ckasaav RMSajBwm 'Janmsms'msf United, Press tervlee -V sw 1 l.OS ANGELES, Sept; 24 Conalty's funaral wajTheld this; lac; W Vibanas' Oattedral wasthe seene of eelemn naahlsai; mass at :i..-,.; Mahop flwsr it a-nnrgniaata aXSataiaA j ,' . I'' H PORTLAND WOMAN JUMPS TO DEATH . r ; ' . ' DRESSMAKER, AGED 40, LEAPS FROM FOURTH STORY WINDOW SIXTY FEET ' LEFT ' NOTE TELLING OF TROUBLES; United Press Service PORTLAND, Sept. 14. After wrlt"- ing an incoherent note telling of busi ness woes, Edna Turner, aged 40, a dressmaker, leaped from the fourth story of the Fliedner building to the street, sixty feet below. It Is believed she was deranged. SUBMARINES TO DEMOLISH FORTS JAPANESE ENGINEER PREDICTS HUGE DEVELOPMENT FOR UN DKR-THE-8EA CRAFTS V. WILI iAiirS'tet- HE LARGE AS BATTLBSsnPS Suited Press Service SAX FRANCISCO, Sept 24. Rear Admiral Motokt Kondo. Inspector gen eral ot naval construction for the im perial Japanese navy, said in an. In terview today that the submarine .in. time would be perfected to such an! extent that it would be able to do the work of a battleship- In battering, down fortifications on shore. t ., "In time the, under-sea craft jrlU be as large as ordinary battleships or cruisers," said the Japanese naval constructor. 'They will be able to travel aa far and carry aa many, gunsj Tbey will be able to rUe to this, sur face and give battle, gun for gun, with the surface ships." , ' 545 AND WATCH TAKEN IN PURSE MRS. C. WANNER OF PETER8TE1N. ER'S CAFE LEAVES POCKET BOOK ON PHONOGRAPH FQUR MEN SUSPECTED , . Mrs. C. Wanner, of Peterstelner's cafe left her pocketbook, coaUialng $45 and' a gold watch, In the horn of .kMmk in w mnm it An.'o(f AlbaaT wtRVwisMtW tfaWel 7-i TT- -u - a.. - ,w. .il'Wat'nBkAthauiBalaAMel. Dat.'t' .r-'" -r- i-- "'-"j., ma. Also ane ten a are m me swvei "i - ;. i i d hr dnn,-unimkad. ..-? ana her floor uwocicea. .- . ! Four men. rooming In tho boarding1! lnhonnty are expected W.wmdv3 use above the cafe, noUced te-n-Wttpr'the'eerenwnlsa,. ' -'.4liS WM eked door and the ire;ln th.'stbye. ' ?'- ' ., " V; M house locked door and the ire in the atovi It waa a cold, evening, according to the manacer of "PeUrstelner's. .So four men' walked In and .eat down. - . , . Mra. Warner found them there and when they rose to, go they.appareaUy took the noeketboek with : UMsnT for when Mra. Waamer laokad tar.lt Hy waa fait.1'' IWawiMM iae xvar awa or e poea - ethook'had !bea fewnd-afneon. 4, 'l !!, BBMaaBWiaSaBBBWBBiaBWaBBel -i ' BBBB BBBBBtaM . BBBBBUKB . . "J vo'' bmbwCbM S'Mi, Wordwas'reeehrsd In this eity last eveilnr Ui 'the! I H-nw dangh Ur ot Mr and Mrs.' Jaafc De eMy had Idled at their heme In I Tho, ftutaral was hJd hi wan 'artarhaea: l-P Hi 'i.i'La. W v W l.l.'il Teutons Snrnu.u mIM Bi-KHna Kr mi "& s Lf.i ,vt - -, yuel!rifkv wmmnm EMk i&a; Wf ?,, iW;y6W! sir i I AaVaSasaf 1M" W lUffs 1IU) "'"a ' f Ur lArMRbfUHA r VON MACKENZENtt FORCC SRBnV SHELTER BEHIND CANALS -! ' n Act .JtU BrSHsat Victories -!! Rose nasi iaeaaaa wj .ssaa. t okias BerUa Admits RasJaaaaiBnV. , t Bararlaas Break. Raaisasajse i WMw Fraata and TsaiiasCbata 1 '1 . ' , - - -- " w. . i B4Tle)ieMIass npaaar 1 v '- - --- -. ?;': i, .-'' i - " w -,4s & -iii United Prees Senrtea. ,- A i BKRLIN. Seut 14. It IS oHSjSllr admitted that van Mackeaaaa:Wj? treatei behind the Osiaskl eaaal. Ssaa'H, perarfiju abandoning 'alsltiMMaaftW.t reach1 the -Vitaa-Rovno raBway: Tho j- :J Rnsslana- are -attempt4a4r'''onTalep --r, ; , Ukeasa's M - SWVttss'wKiaeed-tatrtls ' - S" --"M,1'S'J',', captared, Rese: aad; SJtrigss, , 24 sala; ;. soitWast of Riga; aad the Bavarkae'.:' brolce their ' reslotaaW on wMte'ivoiinkr, unitea trress sernee : ,r PETROGRAD. Seat S4; BrllMaat rtasstan victories, are claiaasd oHtisI ly. A Berco battle Is devsteata to tho ,west aad southwest ot Driasfct The Germans are attacking. . ft United Press'Servtee " -1, VIENNA, Sept 24. Prinee Trad- erlck.ot Thurm aad Taxis was: kffled In.GaUela Monday, waa nSBiilallv'aB. noanead. , 4 U ..i!i It' v fAMH.Y OF SAN fRAMWCO XI' MAN KILLED BY 8ANFRANCI8CO. Cai.. lj: ,. miiii ii. or tae las Anaeies eiae oriae Coast :Ieagne. roeelved, a nere 'today from the Brttoh war. ,),fi.'r. fatha.'anlkw'ul ml kMtki pMlna on the coast or 'eouan,y s -,; (No (details were sHvaa In taeBsasi&l J kt.v. .j ,i... :i.A'aHjS': tay. Mrs. Flndley. Herbert and Daniel Findter. aaed 16 aad IS. had met I :r-.:.". . t v .'..-.: x " . x. dehth when a Oenaaa dirigible, :SfMt. over the city atnlght,v dropped soasaeJ reqcrai nsjasBaramsBNM., .. r$h$ vtaiuuBivit. ... '. a-- -srj;i eraoonst 4 o'eloekHhoonranrataiaC.. l. - . - v u. ' 4 'n-JI' -! J.', ofahensw.:tlM.6;PiaiHaaed-. I." 1 HJI irrMt." tf'e-fc 'm. . "ar-i.'?ArJg. VI PfiuuuaiBs 'wm?-f; bmni: waw wXi - - JluUa a IV laael IjaJaBA ;a,V41; mtvwiua w bj ivm i iimgjwaisww wmm 7ffl tX:?M.:- Oraad,Mstr.IVanlt'A.:MHlt;iJ.,l 'ot Albany win-wielditW trel aastsi. ...!..- . i-'.'i. .-' ..v-a 'Artwi hii ,. tv"j."!m. 'aaSu KAA all A.7 Ska, aSiaiSBkSlSI - i " fZ; V 'egstes from nil ot the MsesnJ ledfe -. i- .-. ..- " ..... '"3rt. ."v: ai;v ...-t-jv ; Speee to Lsm Ueeaae: J&1 ITnired Press Bervtee .? ' S &&-M "i ii, - :- . rr r- 1.. . jssrfsii. v.-si aAUitAsasxHtv, aeph- a. Judge, J. J. Hsadersen of ha a new'way'ot dentkiff vaklele "apeesers. ;,T1etl speed Wtwabiaima as ! thaf mere pItU nawfa t - wui .aac. tae stawjssosor ; Saa'BmaBBBBBBl W . ' BBSBBBBBBl mABBBl .' ,""Tpi' . IT T'1. " kwaalw lar.BaMKMa PBswnl iaei aaslnds raaaJasT I m?;mm smaaika. .:?:' iv4'' ' Mi P! f '' ' i'aiaW'nnBnBwVaiaBanil f , The Lad Aid of the 1 1krhwiB':alT4' Ml?'aBiiBl warn iWBt awTsWssniBPaV'. apaaaaapar vaiBBS'aVeiBwaH . -a "T r ai, rf -Vj s , . v4r- J 'l mi.R?!!T,$!; -a: " ': SnS'-Wr:' -"'- 7f wm i.i JkAjf l,jilf " "fiA &E1 .i til xti J-" V 'j I TBJK. m : .ti VI t '' .! t n t"''f ? I H' ?f- r. Tz I rWt I SSSKfl '-' ;T r- :4d 4 fj V "4 -a ?4' A.T9J $ -" j, F". i' ... . a . .. ."i.. -. t rw-l fK ; ,? Hi;,', w. ...''?' hi; ; ?1. ?i - )' ai. .' ,' .