H -i.- fMs -M ''' " IBl - IBfltLAMATH FALLI' W OFFICIAL NKWIPAPER .i ! 'i1 "v? $, ,SKf.ls. ii KV M.'Nk a? 'vt:. S v..:.. . .' B,fVIT OFFICIAL HkWU0iB Sl Eurmnn I J At S!ylr-P I aaBSBsHEEnT"" I J ' .1 .IIHIMll- ! I ll - -l-ll "I IIIHII I III II I in , IIIHI II I ,,, MTILLERY DUEL ID AIR FIGHTS T WEST FRONT NTKKIKH IIM T . .... MKPOTM IK-, mu mill Ktilimsrine iFnww r"w gMvQrriiittii naileries Are jtisttd --'"" Fire Along En. M'mir French Aviator Down by dwmmHiT' fader Fir-.' UM PrH Service PARIS. Bepl. 23. The official com- MliwstMes that batteries blew up DfKtl atraau munition depots at nuiium lait nlaht. and silenced 1st mar' battering of the French tftKSN. flemant belled the Kollncourt Isctloa. The French lire la Intensive It lb north and nouth of the Avre. Beumlinot I undergoing heavy trtiHery re. Pikes Preu Service . AmbTKRIIAM, Sept. 3 J. The al--wd airmen bombarded the submarine iit stllltsry bao at Hrugee Sunday 1m4 Monday night. The damage wu Mary. It la reported that a Oermaa fccterr wa dHtroyed, ' Vahed I'reM Service RERUN, Sept. 28. It la announc ed, that four French aviators were sieaiat down yesterday durlag a bet tle of air crafta. Artillery action wai vy along the entire front. KLAMATH MOVIES I SKVK.V HUNDRED PEOPLE AT. TK.MI MOVIK SHOW AT OPERA HOW: MUHICAL NVMRKR ADDS TO HVCCKHM & v, , Ofer seven hundred Klamath Falls Heple crowded the Hqujton opera rsottie to the doors last night, any wore turned away. Taa reason M that the Klamath county movies, stowing iccnox and industries of . Klamath county were billed. ii? . ,Tho pleturcH Proved to be dear and , UterHtlng, and fully up to eipecta wm. ThU afternoon many who t ewld not get In attended tho mat- 'H at the opera houae. Many chll- area wero also present, Jhi evening tho pictures will be , J to Merrill, and then to Ban Tttclsco, . oon j. ZumwaH and Mrs. fi. . t0 K' 8u,rt l muchio e pleasure of tho oonlnK by a mu- wl number that had ortry mart of ftrMMl talent and supMh aft, ' ri' 8tMw,' violin wna made by t. K. Selti of Klamath Falls, MM, v j IP A Miles Weddlac Ualud p. n . Pf- ;-"""""" I "21 ?m " ''y00 ry Header- r 'presenting thentaelvea to be mar- i,x nti i -f "- ' t Court Caanlulnur fua w g "t a word. Neither 414 Bates, W0 Stt down . . 4 .i-ti Sf wW .! wed,1,B remony. Spaces v ?M filled In their - . .iT-- r ,moay. ti, .;: T"' """ T" 'W'issi .u " 'l0, UM not- & SMa. ..- iitwupivfii; " f JSitai you maa M wU,,H Mr- w irtfc...u ... " w" a,M" from lis . . t ,r "" k Klf. "wnrMMstesallMM ' HUGE CROWD SEES BULLETINS I'mIKiI I'rtis Hnrvlr nam, vm wannington it It re. poricd (lint tlm Amorlcam, replying' la the file of Iha llnltlntm, killed some1 of them. No Ainorlrnnx wore Injured. ' Washington CoiihuI CarothorH (ondrmed tho report Hint Villa hud! evacuated Chihuahua. Villa, com-, KllMAN(,itmlinK tinliiH, retreated northward. Cnirniutn In reported to ho In puraull. Atheni) An nrmy of 110,000 men .nrtlved In tho DardanctlcH thin week In reinforce tho allien. Wnahlngton A fragmont of a tivinh from the Froncb.raln Tueaday, atrurk tho American con u la to al Riittgnrt. I'cmona Inside were not Injured., rituburg Twenty thouaand VVoit-j inghcuse employee will determlno to.j night whether to etrlko when the ultl-. innluni demanding a 20 per cent wage luirnitee and an eight hour day ei' plren. London AHqulth haa formally de nied In tho houo of common that Important changes In the cabinet are pending. "I don't propose to niter lli) mlnUtn's rompoiiltlon," ho said RULERS LIKE TO , SEE THEMSELVES KAIHKR, CMIl AMI KN'aLAMVH KINO Jl'HT I.IKK COMMON FOLK IN RAUKRNKfiH TO BK "MVOOKD IN THK MOVIIM" United Press Service KAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 23. Tho kaiser, tho csar and King George are "movie" fans. So are other royal princes of Kuropo. They all like to he "mugged In tho movies," and then eee thcmlves In the films. I. KUfelt of Copenhagen says so. And ho ought to know, for he has boon taking pictures of kings and queens all his llfo; first with tho enmera and then by film. Prior to his doparturo for Los An geles Klfelt told how the kaiser, csar and King n cor go and all the other big one abroad nose. "I have boon 'tnklug' tho csar all his llfo," said Blfolt. "Ho Is a charm ing fellow. Once when ho liked a picture he slapped me on the back and said 'great stuff,' or words to that effect. King Oeorgo Is a good sub ject, too. Ho sits quite still. Tho kaiser likes to be 'movled.' But thoy nil want company in the pictures. aadlThey don't llko to bo photographed or fllmod alone. "Altogether, I would rather pose a monarch than a commonor. They 'alt' bolter. And they like It better," , 0UMBAMAR1L0NED WAITING RECALL CAN'T OO UNTIL VIKNNA REPLIK8 TO THK UNITKD STATUS IS lNFOIMKD MATTKR DOK8 NOT RRMT WITH HIM United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 28 Uuinba Is marooned. He must re main In America .until Austria com piles bis recall. Offlclala hinted that word from Vlena Is expected before ttiimba'e proposed sailing, on Tuea day. When It comes he will be given safe coadnot. The state department has advised Dumha that his request for safe con duct far a matter of discussion with Vienna, and not with him, Claims Talk With Heaven United Press Serylee , WASHINGTON, U. 0., Sept. 23. Ada Morris, aged II. of Tulare. Oallf., ws. arrested at tae,WaKe Houae while attempting to tell the ereslseet how to end Us alas of the world. He aid he had conmualsated with the heavenly powers. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, SENATE LIKELY TO CONVENE IN EXTRA SESSION J I'HBHIIIKNT HAH PRACTICALLY DECIDED THIS Itiili'H niul Trmtle Will lie QwsUob. l Interaalloual Conipllratlons of Next Few Weeks Will Itetermls If Kxli-d HcmiIom Is Xereokssrr lfal llniu Fire oa Hfty Marines. Is Het Forth In Itopsrt. t'lillt-d I'reM Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 23. Tho president has practically derided on an extra teuton of the senate on October 18th, was learned author! lively. The subjects up will be rules, treaties, etc. , International developments of tho next fortnight will determlno definite ly whether tho session will bo bold. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 23. Haitians fired on a column of fifty msrlnes and sailors Tuesday, accord ing to Admiral Caper ton, MILES OF KHAKI WOVEN WEEKLY i CLOTH FOR CLOTHING 300,000 MEN IH WEEKLY PRODUCT A SMALL ARMY IH ENGAGED IN THE WORK United Press Service LONDON. Sent. 23. Some Idea of tho number of soldiers England ha equipped or now Is equipping may be gained by a survey of the work of the great Drltlah textile districts, which hows that khaki to equip 200,000 men weekly Is now being produced. Two hundred miles of this yellow material, 06 Inches wide, ere woven and dyed overy seven days through out the network of Industries cen tered In Leeds and other Yorkshire cities. Government contract tailors on-the various scenes aro not far be hind the mills In putting tho ctotn Into uniforms. For the past three months the dif ficult government problems of pro; ducing enough khaki to garb tho lat est rocrulls has been solved. The tex tile mills nro still turning out their weekly quota and have not yet re ceived a "slow down" order from tne war office. The number of persons engaged In this work la a small army in Itself. Escape Plot Thwarted United Proas Service 8F.ATTLK, Sept. 18. A plot of four prisoners to overthrow the guards and murder them It necessary to eNect the delivery of the tnmatea of tho prison was frustrated Sunday, It was learned today. H. G. Brooks, waiting trW for forgery, rallied four others, and tricked tne plotters. Hhlagie Graft Ended (lulled Prose Servlet SACRAMENTO, Sept. 88. The practice of packing redwood shingles in bundles of 800 and selling four tucbJ bundles an 1.000 shingles Is swatted by Charles O, Johnson, state superintendent of weights and meas ures, who haa Issued orders that when 1,000 shingles are bIMed and sold the delivery must consist of live9 bundles of 800 shtaflea each. James P, Ktarldge of Dorrls, Calif., LetUe L, Preston of Klamath Falls weremarrled.tfy . HeadNeutralityBoard .smmmmmmmmmmsw ki2BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT9BsBBlBn ' ammmmmmmmmmmmmmm9msmmi ' IsammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmvBammVEsT BsmmmmmmmmmmmmWsmmmmmmmmmmmm'HImmmV mmmmmmmmmmmmmSsW BssssmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmRJImmmmmmV mmmmmmmsLBammmmmmmmmmmmEVsMsBsYlsmmmr BBBmmmW?lsmmmmmH 3kr Bmmmmaymmmmmm&P Lammmmmmaf ' '"xsmaw l&i K'ffffBBgMgajmiaamsi smsmmmmmmmW'dsflHBI msmmmmmmm!BmmlimmsmVBmmmmmmmV iwaafsmf VstsKllSl BsSfKmt''mmnmel In mew Ilrowa Scott Jnmes Urown Scott, former solicitor of tho stoto department, Is head of the United States neUtrAty board, which pastes on all questions of ncu-j trnllty in which the United States Is Involved. l j Rockefeller to Help Miners United Press Service 'iltlNIDAD. Colo., Sept. 23. John D. Rockefeller Jr. Is visiting Walsen-j bute. Ho will hurry to Denver next wceK. Although his opinions regard-1 wk 1 lie miners werung ana uvios conditions have been kept secret, ex-! tenrlve Improvements are expected, t Good Bye, Biunmer Press 8ervlce I' lilted WASHINGTON.- -CriSept. U-tVnlt ... ' :. . ". . ""' .. ..-' witn ran neginning exactly ai :u this morning. Today should bo exact ly half sunshine and half shadow, the sun being above the uorison lu..t. A wc,,c hours, and below twelve hours Mr. and Mrs. Matt Return Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Matt and sonjeml placcs'to the west of Valsvka. Cecil returned Inst night from their, to months' tour. They visited many towns, but none can compare with Klamath Falls, according to Mr. Matt. Mrs. Matt'a health Is much improved. Klamath Day Idea Gains Headway at Exposition (Special to Tho Herald) , n.t.rmvn v ..in. w.l.UW.. n.ww..,,, -F""'.,.. San Francisco, Sept. 23. Now that the hay crops are In, the grain Is be- tng threshed or hauled to market, and the soil tilling period of 1916 Is com ing to a prosperous close "for the farmer, the chief topic of conversa tion around many a farm house din ner or sunner table la tke'exDOSitlon. L-.. ...- .' .... . .- . 1. ( t ' . f uu . I mnn vnn inrmumiiiiK ui aianunm sur vim' IHnv h Jwl Citv br tba Golden' Gate, The stream of visitors from the farming sections of the West is Just beginning to flow Into the exposi tion gates, and from now on through October, and November, a considera ble portion of exposition guests will: be stock men, grain men, fruit grow ers, dairy men, etc, and their fanu Hies. In vew of this, he exposition man agement ,and tho many farming ma chinery companies who have displays In the exhibit palaces, are making special efforts to attract the attention of the farmer and his family this fall, and to keep them entertained and In terested during the whole, of their visits. During tho month of October, especially, will there, he epeoial events of Interest to the farmer and ranch man,, much attention being given to this that next month Is , to be known an "Farmerra' Month." The hjf feature 1Hl el eourae be the epentni of the Panama-Paclte In temAUeMl Uvestoek Smews, which arel he osrrled out e a seale go ttnpin4iisthat It wtH onteleM any- SEPTEMBER 23, 1915 GO TO JOIN COLORS TIIOUHAMW I.KAVE HERLIN AM) VIKNNA NEW 5IODILIZATION DIX'RKK CALLS OUT TWRNT1- M.VKN CLASSES OF RESERVE I I'nlled 1'rens Service ATHENS, Sept. 23. BULGARIANS -A new mobll-.letter IzuHnn ApersH ta nrnmtil!AtjMf ju Kulgarla nt midnight. Twenty-seven' construction or a railway that wonM clasees of Bulgarian reserves were 'connect Klamath Falls through tof rullcd to the colors. ...... . U.'.,.,.?.Mr".! .. , 7. ' v ' , "UU"I"U9 re-, . w 11.0 uuiganan summons. Vienna.. report e thousands of Bulgarians leav- .'.. iiib ior nomo. I lilted Press Service UKUMN, Sept. -23. Sofia dis- pntchen say that Premier Radealarott inn imormoa tno uoerais tnnt itou- cla club wbat am9 wUk tHe manla has promised Austro-Oermany a.n.,. , Mn ,,. ,th .h. Qouth- (o remia neutral, no matter what J nnPPC - ns in tne uaixans " GERMANS PIERCE RUSSIAN LINES CLOSE IN ON DVINSK CAPTURE '-M22 RUSSIANS RETREAT pitOM OUTER EDGES BAVARI- .S VICTORIOUS Press 3,, HEItLIN. Sept. 23. It is announc HEItLIN, Sept ed that the Germans are closing la on jUvinsk from the west, having pone? , valid the Russian line, captarlng :o 1 00 M.A I A, J WW, The Ruselans are retreat- ( tng from the outer edges, which have been bombarded since Sunday. I Tiie uavarians nave-c&piurea ser- Down From Chlloquln Ralph Bullard, n rancher of the .Chlloquln district, was In Klamath (Falls today. thing heretofore attempted'ln the na- ' Th a"1 Prl" to be offered total more that $440,000. while theLj, pccal trophies, some being sent from societies in cattle countries, represent an Immense value, and are well worth striving for. "And why not a Klamath Day?" Is the Inquiry that comes from scores of people every day. " And why not? Klamath county ranchers will en- t J"' "t" " """" "" fnu Alak muhabIIIah a miislt m SkwaW. body. So will the people In the vari ous towns who have not yet attended the fair. The fact that Klamath county has attained fame as a stock producing section should make the livestock shows period at the Exposi tion of especial interest to the Klam ath people, and there Is a movement now on foot to have 'a special Klam ath county excursion sometime In Oc tober. Tho Southern Pacific has, al ready agreed to grant a half fare rate, that la, a one-way tsTe for the round trip, providing 100 people nuko the trip. The Special Days de partment of the exposition, of which Roaslter L,.("Ruity") Mtkel. former ly of Klamath Falls is a commission er, has volunteered to do all la his power to' make the occasion eventful and memorable, ssjdsebreo former Klamath contyVv people, g residing around the Bey ctues, are an; ens to have a JClamath reunion held at the sxpositlon; and wT all they can for the, success ofsthe oeeailon (Continued on ) CLUB APPEALS TO RAIL COMMISSION C03IMERCIAL CLUB SENDS LET- ..... .un. vu.,. TO SECURE EXTENSION OF THE H. I'. LINES r The Commercial Club today aent a, to the State Railway Commls- sion to appeal to tnem to nastea tne J northern points. Jest what good the (letter will do is unknown, but the1 J Commercial Club knows of one ln- !tnce where thto method of getting1 railway accommodation was a sneceas.J Yesterday. In an editorial 1st the ' .. m v,.Mf-h trnm - .. . . . 7T. Cisco was cooled and commented 1 - . .., ..... uyuu. 1. Buuuuucnu tiuii luo 14W- Ifornla commission bad Instructed the Santa Fe railway to build a Mae oon meeting- Temecula and Oceaaslde; And iaMOr - dlllg to members of theCommer Lrn PacUie, "DOPE" CAUSES MEMORY LAPSE TACOMA MJLLMAN5" FINDS HIM SELF IN SEATTLE HOSPiTAL. HIT BY STREET CAR fdjbfKS DRINK WAS DOPED. AJkATTLE, Sept. llKjjrl.WUr. 1 logger ana mui man, wno owns anw lives on a small ranch near Taeomr, took one drink in a saloon here" Mon day, and knew no more until he awoke, two hours later la the. Seattle city hospital. ' During his period of unconscious ness he came to Seattle in some way he cannot account for, and was struck by a street, car. His head was slight ly injured, and he was rushed to the hospital. When he revived he thought ho' was still in Tacoma. He thinks the drink was d6ped. Post Hole Theft PsumUag I'utleU Press Service LOS ANGELES, Sept. 23. P. E. Simmons told the police today that Harry Jeadtke, his neighbor, had at tempted to steal two post holes from him. Jeadtke. says the holes were oa his land, and he had a right to take them. The police probably will wait the holes brought to headquarters as evidence before acting. Missionary Campaign Pawned WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 23. A nation wide missionary campaign". to start next October la being planned, by the directors and laymen of the missionary movement la the various churches of the United States! The campaign will Include conventions to be held In seventy-five cities of thirty- seven states and the District of Co lumbia, and will end with a national missionary congress here AprH 80 to 30. 1916. The number of registered' delegates Is expected to exceed 160,- 000, and 40,000 churches are Invited to send representatives. ' To Hunt Deer Dave Splker and A. Garrison will loave Sunday for a short deer hunt. Wood River Rancher Down j-x Ilnhnri ridiaa of the Weed ranek In Wood River' Velley. was la Klam-! ath Falls today. ;'i brifiOTir 'Kft1iMn.UtJ9iM: rwurvvsxfntni tnte-aff iha .vvrisbRinm 'jut stvBrrvmesssss ?rifai. u. 1 jrKidtiiHK m sipsm. mnin mi saw ' .;-'"'.-." - w " , i- 'iia HESPERIAN AND wrm ij.,. FRYE DISPUTES STRAIGHTENED GERMANS CLAIM' HHSnmtAN t STRUCK A MINK ' .-.-, i -w-- 5 - ,.. - ., j. r , , - ' rer Kxpe u Deterauae . a -K Are Sec sued Attack em tmerieaa i - Ostrjriws;' Csmesw-" hsA-Clalas ' . V (TJr , -7 ----- wwrnmrn f - ., t ., . , - x United Press Service . .... ' WASHINGTON. D. n. y . t """. n.- The state department received a note No TrsaMm .Mate WmAJ - M from Berlin regarding ike 'ship Frt "" ' Gcrraaay makes concessions regard , lniru attacks on America, ships 'einry-J t ing coatraeaad, and coasenm to nrM trate the Frye case. It, named jus ee pert, Dr. Kelpaic. to determine the iwcnnliry loss. Germany wonldn't acknowledge, however, that the itek Inki of the ship violated any treaty. t. The note suggested a setUemeit of' the dispute later by arbRratlem. & r w United Pre- Servjee , w BERLIN, Sept.,83. The aeskuty4 hss submitted to the foreign eetee aetP memorial decUTing a' sntasuUrme'eMTFCSSl nw stuck the Hesperian. nivmmV'wX that noaalhlr It atrnak i'si l.ti. Sl'JfkWii ed -forth submartM. tik n-f?m 1 The submarine coanMurienTepjMt-'1'' . M ed scores of mines 'nesing;oi''tiie IrUhses. - ? ,f xi mfs r a re united Pi .- .... iS' Press Service -,. A WASHINGTON; D.k C. 8et.A8A-if fesi rf consul Frost or QnesmstownrhaTre-'-. , Jai ported the flndiar of the hod of Dr ; 'S -1 . . ' J-X, t 1T4 iRltmnnil IVuuIe zftlMaini.cn-...'n,-;'- r, - -f".- 7fy7y ' j 'I'Tgi uic iicub. - latBTBiwir -wiu ' nro IT uke place in England. TITANIC PLANTS t Art i ft -WstsUtial .. Off WAY 10 FAIRS l !. V rfo tSM' liwji!n- yy TWKLVE-POUNB TSJRMPttPi ySJ. ft ETABLK DISPLAY ATC r 1 J" f H- rt CIAL CLUB sKXHbSCUIMB 'f vnnM ucBsn.i. -V J" . S( -rift ,S ' -Although .twenty-five automobiles went to Merrill for the dlstrlet fsirr only a small per ceat-'ef the pepnla tloa could get there at beet. Se'part of the fair has been bropght to Klasa ath Falls. - " I , Down In the Commercial 2. Club rooms am vavatahtaa'Af nnhaarJ aat! There are turnips of sueh'nusltirde that a family could Hveon.oae of them for a week 18 ponnda; If 'an ounce. There are bthahJek Uke oct.upuses.2 PotatossV grains", Sondan grass, pumpklas. squashes "faeid strange hybrids of nwnetsonenlne apd unusual quainy sje;on snswsay.-yji-t r But they wfo'f he :here very.-lemg: t)ijrk c .- M Tomorrpvr ejr are to he sent to vari , Sjffi& ou.' fairs to ameM'peepW moreW ' uaea to mammon vefjetaeiea. T-; j-t'1 3 - iS WHl Preeeat HnmaHsttesi? iili. UnltedPresa Servlee tf&4i$&& i ' & - auHAHsniu, eepi. as. mwmmm vjf - or county supervisors will not few nor- iim ,k mttted hereafter to'tlTe'eHit tor HK ?& ' lieatlon -names of M&?rfj W . mmvm- . jrvw. v . IIIH. i"'PB gent list, tne sueDoar has ordtrsdx "Br;ane vHltee" the' hoard, vVeltk Jeoted to humllUtlon whlesv aSeet their tM, jNgj. OssTS 8BjfB SS W SF8Bi 9 sswe8WS 1 gix,i BhMaaiaaAadseaa M w S nsgmynnunF SSQSnnnnnnnnnnnaBanai men's Uarary fltnVwtll Library kuttdtaar timsrln ' ". 1 "-w . -r TVTi ' WW SrSsBjns IBBj (SBnr SFSKir fl eansth:. " V i njaste is , -' VJ,B . - ff ':H'M ,tv $m ? -iim ' -91' f "ifei V SM ,". tjw; Hi - in :4 M 4 -1 0. '.tj.ii mil M E3I j. rf; ir- M . .. " Z 1 j&'i I ' &rtl $& tSXKZ . . r.5 .?k-:i &?' Xi.'T . $ '.. i,:..J u 1 , - h.3' i m'K&m . ;sOv.i sF1 J- ip 5 , r .:&?.'$"& XL i. . l-.u l