mi.'itnfrsiit i e rf 4.,; , a jj " .w ,V"e i jK Hrrali. -. ? KLAMATH FALLT J, -,.., w.i-4t&Vbl .- J rvLinniw ii kuuni ; 4-':,.' IS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPM OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER J t g. "t ."" J" '.fy."? w? i fir I ;:..rt;rt lij: JtrJL Ll J. LL J ,,. ,.,., ,i ! ' ftk Ywi We. ItW LAST RUSSIAN Balkan War Imminent -- - - -- -- .. - - . . SITUATION RUSS ARMY DESPERATE; CAPTURE LIKELY CniUAMH KVACUATK CITV OP DVINHK Mark In Wr CSsptar of Prtro grad Heavily Attacked hy ."or I'ader run lllnitailiwc 'VltaM!-t-maovltrhl lUllmed. Whrn'liy Rons Bcyrt to Retreat, Cut lUlt4 BMtle Imminent. tOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BERLIN, Sept. 31, The sue- of General von Klchhorn'a teak movement dlvldee,tko Rue iUb army Into three part, It ! stated. TIiom around Dirt aid Dvlatk sro cut ol from Uiom about Vllna, who are la turn aev trtd from the aallelans. lulled Press Service BERLIN, Sept. 31, It It announce f than ron Hlndonburg haa cut the Vllna.Baranovltchl railroad, whereby the Ruulan army hoped to lotreal from Vllna. The aerman right haa rucbed I.Ida, an Important point to the Mtith of Vllna. United Frets Service BERLIN, Sept. 81. The onter de fence of Dvlnik. the block In, the way to Polrngrad. haa hew heavily attacked. The civilians bate evaco ited the city. The battle for the Drluk bridgehead la Imlaeat. An un coaflrmed report baa been received (bat the liavarlsn have cut the laat " of retreat. LITERARY WOMAN AT EUGENE WW. QBORGH MKLVIN MILLER, OXB OK T1IK BEST KNOWN WO. MAN WIUTERH OP THE PACIFIC MW, 1H DEAD I'nlted Preu Service KUOENB, Sept. II. lira. George ,7"la Ml"er. one of the beet known nwrary women of the Facile Coaat, la ,-m tho home of her later, after " H,M of four Mentha,,' j ' 1?f formerly editor ol the Pa m Monthly of Portia, aid was a ' wwn wntribnur ot the Boaset A-iiliiier r- 0ore Shell, wko own. a rtaeb on ,!.,? ro(1 ''Mw'lNMWr.et't jrwaauiy ProUi, m; Fir ot trio Mitt' ----1-' '-'- !r..Ul,,yerthatweit2lL DIES &V&V8S"!tQL ytttt,t',-ta URGE CARRANZA BE AMKHICAN CXINPKDKIIATION OP LAHOIt PAVOHH BKOOGNITION OP CAUKA.NZA AH I'RKHIDKXT OP MKXIOO United Prew Service WiulllvnTnu i u....t Penblng wired that "Five to seven t thatmand Villa followers In Jaurea are falling back toward the border." The Prealdent and Acting Bccretary llreek-1 enrldge have been In coiiKiiltntloa. Porahlng has reported a general movement ot Villa follower- toward border point, and It la generally be lieved that Carranta ha routed Villa generally. L'nlted Pros Service WASIIINOTON, D. C, Sept. 21 , The American Federation of Labor) haa authorised President Gomper to, (raft a reeolUtlon to present to the . resident, urging recognition of Car ranta. "--. ' 6IRL FAINTS ON MOTORCYCLE RIDE HIJPH PROM HEAT AND KNOCKED UN0OXHCIOU8 HAH NO MEM ORV OP HIDING OK HAVING FALLEN K. II. Vegbte waa driving hi motor cycle back from Bhlpplngton yester day, with Mlsa tlrookfleld, on tier way to high school, on tho rear aeat. He waa not coming particularly fast, but tho roads were qulto rough. Just at he wa coming Into Klam ath Palls he turned to find that hi passenger had fallen from her seat and waa lying motionless a hundred feet.behlnd him. The girl waa carried Into the house, and a doctor railed. For a long time she waa unconscious, and at laat when the did como to herself she had no memory of anything hat occurred on the ride, and can only dimly re member mounting the motorcycle. To day, however, except for thla peculiar lapae of memory, and many bruises, she la aa well aa ever, Just how aha came to fall un known. It Is auppoaed the jotting caused her to faint. That ahe waa not Instantly killed can only bo ex plained by the fact that tho driver waa not going very fait. The fact that abe cannot remember any of the ride makea It plain the narrow escape ahe bad from completo loss of iden tity, which probably would have been the result If her fait had been harder. Oeta a' Cemte' Louie Hoagland, who is employed with the Southern Oregon Auto com pany at Lakevlew, was granted a va cation by his employers, In order to visit tho member ot his family t this Plate. But Holland can't see tkat'hla vwatlon amounted to much, M, It. aa only for tfo.daya, d It Uek one day to coma hope and the other to go back. ,, ' - ' Ths Klamsth FaH Aueoaon loot ft wfll meet.at the domestic aelMM :I- .!.. i- . ' apanmegt a v-r. --- I 'aleek thla evening, -miae -.- RECOGNIZED KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1915 LINE OF RETREAT IS REPORTED CUT BULLETINS United Pre Service j IJcrlln The kalaer and Prince Joa tchlm wore allghtly Injured In an au tomobile accident, according to die patchee. tendon The Brltleh ateamer Link moor haa been tibtnarlnod. The crew wai tared. f i Nuneaton, England An explotlon j ilu a colliery near here ha trapped j 2C9 miner. Ten bodies have been, recovered. A great loss of life I. I feared. REPEATEO RAPS ET I MAVOlt HTOP HAH TO USE GAVEL TO I r ia "P ra.fw--j.-iii- j TIKH nOOTLEOGING KD IN PROGRESS DECLAR 001 COUNCIL r A. TrInkU'amtpMIo head "of ' Laat night's council meeting wa beer5 cattle 8unay from Midland warm In pot. The excitement oc! Swanaton ft Son, of BacraaMnto. curred at tho Utter part of tho even-Too stock came from the Sprague Inc. when nearly ever one of tho.r,vr cotrntry. i .. . .. , . : amaii crowa present, lingering oupe- fully during the dull routine of re ports, complaints, etc, had departed. As was the case a week ago, Issue was that of tho weights and measure ordinance, and the particular point whether tho chief of police had time to attend to tho additional duties of Insppcttng scales. This brought out the contention whether the chief was already attend ing to hla duties. "There's bootlegging going on now In this town, and selling boose on Sundays, and why' don't they catch 'em?" one councilman demanded. He said, also, that tbe chief, supposed to go out and get unlicensed dogs, shuf fled somo of these duties ot on other shoulders. This brought out remarks that McCarter waa doing hla duty too well, and effort was being made by some to get him off the force. Discussion went pro and con, till personalities began to have play. At lost the mayor had to rap for order rap several times, In fact. Very little actual business waa transacted. The weight and measures issue was referred to a committee. A committee waa appointed to took Into tho matter of buying and Installing a new Ore alarm aystem. The city attorney reported on the rate hearing, in which Klamath Palls proteated against the rates ot tbe California Oregon Power company. The verdict ot the cbmmlsaion Is yet to invest!- K few bills were allowed, and pro vlsloti was made for the construction of a dog kennel at the "dumps" where the nolso of the confined canines would not disturb so many people. Protest Agaiaat Prise Coarta jtt United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. II. Representative packers orally oe- plained; to Acting secretary or mate Polk regarding Great Britain's crip pllag ot Americas eommeree. Tho legal aspects of the British prise court's decision waa discussed, aa wall r h general remedies. Brown eeu James Brown Scott, former toMtorlThesrmeeaage have.rssosd te (ho of the state department, is MHkMMiKWrMvMgs . nailed states rifcitrallty board. I dor asd hla own revMoifsr roeall. which passes m all iuostlons of-.' tralltr la whleh ths vmjum Is ' Troops Mass at -. ANNUAL CATTLE MOVEMENT HAS NOW -STARTED i il'IUCKH GOOD AND STOCK IN PBIME CONDITION,, Nearly Half Mlllfcm Dollars la Ee- Umate of the Valne of IBIS Drive From th KbwutUi Coamtry. Ger bcr Place Total at 8,000 Hed at aa Averace Price of $BQ. Practic ally all Go to dalifon- Potato Tbe great annual movement of cat tie to the California market haa be- gun, according te L. Qerber. Hr. i te Gerber state thatithe price are good and that the cattle from this section ore In prime coalition. Miller k. Lux. the largest meat dealers In San Francisco, will ship over 900 head ot tbe W. C. Dalton and J. L. Beckley cattle thla week from Mldlnnrl anil Chlloaulii- Alex. Fltspatrlck, superintendent of tho big ZX ranch, haa ordered 100 cars which signifies that 3,000 heao ot cattte will be ahlpped from Mid land, October 2d to 5th. These cat tle will all be consigned to. the Kern County Land company at Bakersfleld, California, and will be held over for the spring marget. 'Miller ft Lux have bought ever MbO head of cattle from Hotchkiss Bros, and Mr. Dicks, ot Lakevlew, and Campbell Bros., ot Chlloquin and Langell valley. Swanston ft Son have purchased tor delivery October 1, from Howard ft Son, Drew valley; Gerber ft Stew art, of Horsefly; Harrison Brown, ot Spraguo river, and others over 800 head ot very prime cattle which are to be ahlpped to Sacramento. The price paid for Klamath county cattle waa: SVc gross tor a tears; 49(0 for prime cows; 4 Ho tor me dium cows, and Sc for bulls. There are about 1,800 head ot prime cattle in the Wood river and Big Marsh country, which will be sold .with In the next thirty day. These belong to Jack Pelton ft Co., Dan Ryan, James Pelton. Mr. Pitcher, Lane Bros., Jim Becklay, Chas. Leu and other small owner. The Kdaon Poulke company, ot Ga ae.ie,"have already tatew out 850 head from the Paisley oountry and have about 700 more to.reeelve'.trom Del'Brattaln, Mr. Edler and 'o there of Paisley; V i? , There are still about 00' head la Sprague river valley belonging to Bloomlngoamp Bros., Frank Oben- chkln and others. V It la aafe to put tho drive of beet catle of the Klamathaeuntry at 8, 000 head and they will average eome -... ta SKA a kS ,: WW IIV.f VHV ,' '- v- P. J. J-Tfhlbald 1 the ma 'who held an AMMrkai passport and left hero with message from Dr. KeMtutlg T. Dumbo, Austrian ambassador to the i United lutes to rreier ssrian AreWbald was caught MfUad, rU.rs $o the m uwpw 7mmm m. tS-V it ' ll M EXPECT THRONG T0M0RR0WNI6HT FOR HOME MOVIES FIFTEEN HUNDRED FEET FILM IN PICTCRES OP Will Be Taken to Merrill and Tbe to 1'iuHMsaa EspoeUloo at S-.a FMa claco Pktaree Eaabrace All Klam ntb Ooaaty ladnatriso CbdUhrsm May See Pktares Tharwlay After hkhi at RedncM Pile. The Klamath' Fails movie are to be ahown tomorrow night at the opera house. Fifteen hundred feet of film. embracing industrlae and scenery ot thla county, will be ahown, and one of the blggeat crowds in the history of the cttyW.lt attend.- The funds are to go toward the ex pense ot producing the pictures, which will later be ahown at Merrill, and then at the San Francisco Exposition. Thursday the "kiddles" will-have a chance to see the pictures at a reduced price. Features embraced in tbe Alms are as follows. Klamath County, Oregon, midway between San Francisco and Portlanct. 1 imber The Largest Body of Yel low Pine on the Earth's 8urface is Tributary to Upper Klamath Lake. Operations ot Pelican Bay Lumber Company, Klamath Falls. Operations of Algoma Lumber Com pany, Algoma:. Hoist Letting Logs Down Incline lla!)ay, 65 ntr cent Grade. Klamath Manufacturing Company's Mill, Under Construction and Opera tions In Box Factory. Ewauna Box Factory, Klamath Palls. Klamath United 8tatea Reclamation Project; 37,000 acres now under ditch, 850,000 acres embraced in Project. Intake Main Canal, at Upper Klam ath Lake Natural Reservoir, 880,000 acre feet capacity.' Lost River Dam Diverts Lost River to Klamath River; will reclaim 75,000 acres of bed ot Tula Lake. Griffith Canal. New 870,000 Auto Road Overlook ing Upper Klamath Lake. J, Prank Adam' Ranch, near Mer rill; Harvest and Haying Scenes. Klamath Range Horses. Free Klam ath range support hundreds ot thoua anda of horses, cattle and aheap." Klamath County Thoroughbred Shropshire. Adams' Buckarooa Digesting Noon day Meal, Weed Ranch. Stock Cattle, James Pelton, Wood River Valley. Dairy Herd, Wood River. Valley. Delivering Product to Creamery. .-Anna' Creek Canyon on Mad to Crater Lake. " Crater. Lake la te Klamath County. Elevation 1,177 tost; depth . feet, with nooutlet; walls from Ml to 8,000 loot hldu .Boating on Crater Lake. " The 'Phantom Ship and laiead on Crater Lake. Sand Creek Ptnaetes te Orator Lake Nations Park. Link River at maasath .Polls! Klamath a avaiteble water power wontd tirnierery. wheel teOsBternte and OrsBon. r ,W(- j Oar Plthlag Oat Be ateosltoi. ; Lannatr Oakland Lsnvtei foryUpor HwmwwsiaiMniy -"rv ,B' ,j maiaate's aansryinot Servian . MAAMMMMAAAAAMMAaWNAMAiMMMAMMMAajAtfVaMVV MANY f ROM HERE AT MERRILL FAIR LARGE DELEGATION, WITH BAND, GOES TO MERRILL FOR FIRST OP THE DISTRICT FAIRS, IN AUTOMOBILES A large delegation ot Klamath Falls men are spending the day -at Merrill, visiting the first of tbe dis trict fairs. The band accompanied them. . Tho value of attending these dls-' trlct fairs has been emphasised by Louis Jacobs ot the Commercial Club. He say that quick development of the county la sure to reealL .Delegations are planning on going tc tbe other dlatrlct fairs, at Bonanxa and Fqrt Klamath. Then an effort v.111 be made to take the prise win ning exhibits to Klamath' Falls to dis play here. Incidentally, the Klamath Falls representatives are going to Invite the Merrill people to come to thla city Wednesday to see the Klamath mov ies, and a large delegation I expect ed from that plate. Among those In the party were William Leo, Leslie Rogers, Captain Siemens, Marion Hanks, Judge George Baldwin, E. B. Hall)- Louis Jacobs, Fred Fleet, Roland Glaisyer, J, F. NorrI, Judge Noland, Fred Peterson, James Swansen. Fred Houston, Geo. Walton, R. C. Grosbeck, Charles C llurd, J, I. Johnstone, E. W. Vannlpe, Captain J. P. Lee, C. R. De Lap, K. ttugarman. HORN STORE TO SELL OUT STOCK W. C. HUR WILL' RETIRE FROM HARDWARE BUSINESS TO AC CEPT POSITION WITH MANU- - FACTORING CONCERN Wm. C. Hurn who has been con- I ducting tho Hurn Hardware store since the death ot his, father several years ago, has decided to close out bis stock of goods and retire from the hardware business. He has been of fered a very good position on the road, which he haa been considering for sqme time, and Anally decided,, to accept It. jj, -4 t It -la understood that tho store building, which Is v owned by the Hum estate, has been leased. It is a very desiraoie location tor tne re tail business, and several local con cerns have been trying to secure It. Mr. Hurn'has secured W. 8. East- ley of Sacramento to assist him in disposing of the stock of goods, which Is to' be1 sold locally. excelled by 8wlUflrlndy' H. Harrlman. ' " 1. Edward Eagle Ridge Tavern Famous Bum- . isaer resort. - ' I Pelican Bay Lodge. Fotraaer home of E. H. HarrlaMuai now' a publle re sort owned, hy tho K. D, Co. ' Rocky potnoswt Upper Klam ath Lskof ?S& X ' Splak'a Resort on tyring Creek. White PeWean Hotel, Klamath Palls Street Bsom, KlMwth Falls. ..... ! . T " .. . .. ... " k.s-'rKt-vy!.:sJsatn mim.-u . . Borders - - i r', -"'Vf ROOMANIA REAOV BUL6ARIAN RAID & ' AT SOFIA MiLiTARr Acnvnr t i. "AND ATHENS i ., Romania Bulgaria, and Greeee at the Edge of CoKUct Forces at Ronmanla to Prevent Coaatvjra . f - -1' '? Aid of Allies Bnfcarisaui Conmon irate on Serbian Fi-aartier, Aer lag to Dispatch. - .Vs - 4. 0 Ve - ACROSS BORDER WASHINGTON. D. f.C.j.lott 21. Bulgarian army haaj-beast - ,--' - ordered mobilised. Thla '-. ? nouncemei'it waa baaedjontf moo4 . -' unnvmlriKl -n !!- af,af?w''' Bulgarian minister. PamuoloCO 1 ''" .Tt U believed a"geBerrsobIl , ., isatlon of tbe Balkans wlllfol- low. """" i i - a ""1 T ? " , ..it- .r fc- United threes Service- ... ROME, Sept. 21. Bulgaria. Ron- mania and'Greece may plunge Into the war before the winter. . The Roumsf- , nlan border Is not yet T e-opened. Rou manians believe that forces are oust ed close to them tor demonstration if they aid the allies. . i , X , ,- There Is great military activity la ouua ana aiusui. . . - r. - ra . ". Suited Press Service -w V S BERLIN, Sept. -81, Bulgaria are - , concentrating on tbe Sefbten-vlron- , tier, according to dlsptfehseTlfc -g; Serbians declare that the" Bulortai; .' frontier has been closed. In. prear- ' tlon for a Bulgartan Invasion.' " L'nlted Pres Service 'v,.,1fi r PARIS, Sept. 21.-r-German dlpto-'" mats are having trouble winning tho "r nnltra-lnn- tn thall -Ma 'A NVtllMI'" ' of the fact that the kaiser 'rtajMNdT"'' ", Cxar Ferdinand ot Bulgaria' ofjUJo ''" . , batk-at a public reception a year aitf. . ' J , . ij iv. , iv s J 1 lie raw rvni:uicH.ui7 rawuiMtty. c Vl f HOLLAND UUtEN U AT1 'vHivu in ii .lHi.in. 111 'IIU'I w umiivH iu SHE AND PRINGEBB HA VE - XA', MUW KBUAfiS IB BlitU-S' iV'l . . . M AW . l. tilir-t i - TC'z-Vi&Z '. I uivioiuvv-v.uiuh mmtdp -g &Zll&'W krwa.k n uvhich ' ;,..; a. vi m EASY BV BILL . " v - 3 . w - -Y f Affile" 3'j5; L'nlted Press I THE iHAaUHX i??M Wilhelmtaa- and' Prtoesss Louise, aged ,8, v narrowly a v death; while rornteg tromtho lag of parHsteent, wMsK addresssd.'!'Their automohrft with aiaaAhM. TX. waa iTTrltW ar -r -w Bkbi .p.itnkj. " mHar: aaias aa "wv.-s if r m:wm&snFm. '- '."'"' -.' -;... - ".. f ItasenWilhetmlns r V tto;.jitwftMs&-oM enBunnunc tee sw ly braised. -fc.S.rS?fca! & sjx&ijw h-- ?-" Tl I - ? .' f.: . l-'ji" t, .y K ! ryJl iZ' -JJJftfl L V rmmwmt. mml!'& aSS5BE- mmm$''Lwssi! -,.i - .! ", ? HdH. V,Viv?:,.- p t . -ny' -j will be the aubjiet dlseuased. ) Involved. -t3 . 'fro . - ir4?!.fr r.4 jr,mi4i V Nr- 'ivf s V- '. r - t-' -l lwr . ",4 v ? I ,'