"5 ssmi rl . ' I,( . - Vt .:... M.rf ! b-jm- -'.' J $1?- sft BV,? & $ 3S.' ' 'l:,-4'ii v ' UlAMATH FAlXf '.. m.- , i V . - ffi "-r MT.E.b.H "' '' - .W"S.""''f ' .. 7k i3V rfti gljpiCIAL NEWsPAPK KLAMATH COUNTY'S " ' is ,. M v OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER & aK Kv , .' j &mf-ttm.. Hi KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1915 FsBSBV.n'lBe) i jfi- ' . l"" """ t e".r am jBBjmF .av - ! .& MlM. Hmmmm (MI? -ituiMtmn .r- -.T' . r ' .. i.n . , i .. t r - fTv r. id-w t 21 L I (Win an Iran Hi 'BaV..BaBBl BB. BBB BBB BBB BBB BBS BBB BBS BBB BBB BBS' BBS BBB BBB BBS BBB BBS "i reatens Capture of 300,000 f ,. Austro - Germans to Make Drive Through to 'et"" awwwwwwwwwwoiw - L. njyui L l l . u MOST CRITICAL FOR RUSSIAN ARMY BULLETINS SiV W & tiw I ' LV MUUNH MAKE HERCULEAN KF. r ?r FORT TO SURROUND l& I lm lUllre Ftwa VUaa. Trat Oat Hut HUly Miles Aaeil. In Orealeit Hanger la IHetory of AaMfe-Urraiaa Campaign Hnwiis mm Meet IImIhUnt Cmtmum Oe cmv Uvkit. Wwhlnmon Wllioa g coml a ipclal Mlon of tb inte to d rcutlons with Central and South American republlca, with whoa a break la known to hava occurred. Il confarrad with Senator Stone and the chairman of the foreign relation! com- Mlttea regarding the advlaabllltr of i the wheme, i llerllu It U auuouncvd that Brit ish warahlna bombardod Wcatcnd and Mlddleklrcho ynterday, but without , raault. Horn bay Klghty thounand nro homelee a a rmult of recent floodti. In the Oangea Valley, date tucknow dlapatchea. Forty-nro were killed and 1,800 dwelling! collapaed. TRAVELERS TELL HAVOC ZEPPELIN RAID ItltINU THK l-'lltflT UXCKXHOHKI ItKfOltTH dcMna rifTrilT en r I I f M I v' mm BV 1 -t. New Superintendent Annapolii Academy aaatnMM . ,, .,--. ,M,-,,.--,.,n-n qrurannrijvvuvxnjvijvuvuxi-i I....... ...... ! I'lHee PreM Service ' PITROORAD, Sept. I0.Threa kudred tboutaod Ruaalaaa are retlr kg trea tbe Vllnw region, beavlly at tKkad oa both flanks. Tha Oeraaaa m SMklnt HcrruleHB ffart ta ur. mad tbera. Their poaltloft la asorei crkkat tbsn any llusalan arasjr bIbm! 'las veguinlni or I he Auttre-Oernaa PaJgn. i 'Bartrlau attetuptlng to cut o (roa the south within a few aillea from ihe Udn liaraaovlthl railway, ire meeting rwUtano. SODDEN DEATH OF CHAP 6RAVES Ten Million In Kktimallon ut lttnw Uono-llonib lroMird Xeer Ibink of 1-gUnd imI Howe of tlie 1-onl Mayor Xeppelin aVilIuwa lUlluay, Dropuing ItOMb Kettaated That Fifty Were Killed. United I'reM Brrrlie NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Bombs fell within a few blocks of the Bank of England and the residence of the lord ANIiBaaror oa, tha Zeppelin, raid of the, PI MUMHKlt Or LAKKVIKW ? ot Wlar 8th, pssaeager. on tike liner Rotterdam say. Tbey HKKALD IS HTRICKKX HATUR-1 brought the first uncenaored stories I'lOXKKK NKWHPArKR MAN AV AKTBRNOON, B. C. Graves, one of tho oldest and best known newspaper men of South eastern Oregon, died at Lakovlew at I'nlled 1'ress Service PCTROQRAD, Sept. 80.Tkt jawa of the German "trnp" are slaty tallaa part Tho Russians have beta with nlng iinco Friday. Tha lelda are laiplMdld condition for a haety re treat. The Qtrmans have occupied Illvkat. MY PROSECUTE 1EFELLER JR. ROCK I'XITKU MINK WOKKKHa' I'LAN . tO AHHI-MT HON OP OIL KINO KB THK I.UUIAW TKAQKUV, ""W IN I'ULIJsIAN VIW Press Service TBIMinn. ..... J the attorney of 'tha United e Worker. ,i. i .. Lt? eller Jr- wn urlrKWii' u? " Colorado InUraata, (or. the 2 trie(,jr' Wllllaai Dhsmi, 25aral council of tha ailaers, ! '.:r moritv ia, D ,,..4 .. l.fWHcmion will bo uJLrt.k. i.. Hiatal,. O-Sttf' arr,v", wUh atocraUry a w . ".'.In O'dlMry Pallaiaa. T w u Mackenle.Kllg. V""" Wanta Trial at HiiraMVkl. ..... '. "?'" '.' If kh m7.u . , ,or J"fw,freji iKaaaai' . ,lw .. Attaraajr ItKaiI !.., h orlttaaM I. r aalaamaUjl m...i i "W "TrT-" p- KiaZ:Tr' Mtot aaa.t Mty ra-T,,Ll,? ; 4 SliJajm.."?"!'- iEr the state. ''Tkif1ita:,-kirxr t the a i, . it. . . "T? ": w :tS,?graB.the &. ,C'a rand jury wlll - mtimmlMm;-mi MS?'? Jury win WjfjdL-fir 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Mr, Graven, who has been conduct ing tho Lakovlew Herald for tho past several years, whs found In his office shortly before 4 o'clock Saturday af ternoon by friends. Ho waa lying down, and It waa apparent that some thing waa wrong. When asked what waa tha matter, he pointed to a partly consumed box of sardines, from which ha had been eating. roaring that ha had been poisoned by aometblag ha had eaten, a doctor waa Immediately summoned, and aa attempt waa made to relieve him by means of a stomach pump, but he waa aelaed with convulsions, and aoon died. "Chap" craves, aa he waa com monly known by bla hosts ot friends, waa one of tha old-time newspaper men of thla section. Ho served on nearly all of tho older papers of Klamath county. Ho waa employed on tho Kxproaa for many years, leav ing that paper to go with tho Repub- tlean. Later ho owned and publtahad the Uonanaa paper. -, Several years ago ha 'want to Lake view to take charge of tho Herald, and has boon conducting that paper up to the time of hta death. Chap Graves waa n brother of CJharles Qravea of thla city. of tho raid, i It la estimated that at least fifty were killed, and tbat tho property damago reached .at least 11,000,000. One estimate places the losa at $10,-000.000. Fire destroyed one block, and other Ores occurred. An omnibus waa blown to pieces by a bomb, killing 'fourteen. A few pieces of mangled bodies wero found, Including a leg a long distance away. One New Yorker aald that tbe Zep pellnH followed the Oreat Eastern railway toward London, dropping bombs en route. K BnaanBanaananaV. anaananfeajT ,H 'L saia7r7HH B BnaafcB.maiW LIVESTOCK FAIR EXPECT THRONG AND LANO SHOW : FOR MOVIE SHOW DRAWATTENTION Balkans r rilEMlVM LIST MAY BE CONSULT. KD AT HERALD OFFICE MANAGEMENT BELIEVES OPERA HOUSE WILL BE FILLED TO THE DOORS WEDNESDAY NIGHT FOR KLAMATH MOVOM f DULGARIA ADOUr TO JOIN TEUTONS; GREEKS MOBILIZE OREECE'AND ROVMAN1A WATCH BULGARIAN MOVBtV ,1 Fifteen hundred feet of film, show- Livestock KxpoeitioB to Olvc $15,000 , ,." , r ' ' ,lng scenes that Klamath county peo to Coaaty Exhealt. In FremhinMi Stock Jndgfag Ooa.Pp know, will bo exhibited at the op- ,era house Wednesday night. A crowd test by Student. Will Bo Feataro. thmt wIn fl the DuUdIns u, the door. The Show is Fdwratlnsml Klamath ' eXDcted. j The fllm ambraoea KUsiath count ! l'uw,we """ ?w "7 "" aceaery. ahowa varioaa industries of tho county, aa well aa scenes from Klamath Falls. Bat these pictures aren't the oaly feature ot the evening. Mrs. Dob J. Zumwalt will slug. Miaa Charlotta K: SaitarlM will ) . Livestock Exposition and the l15ToUn Mlo Then Mrs. Zumwalt and Und Show, are beginning to ocenpy Mies Satterleo have a number toaeth tbe attention of Klamath county farm-! er. Thoao who have hoard these ers andmanufacturers. Premium lieu ! Kliawth! Falta artiaU any thatjtho or both ha"ve been received at , tiMr V 'ftnanto-to-oe. cure iqe iot lyeaneeaay aiaai. Genaaa Two fairs, tbe Paclflc International Artillery Joins AnatHaae I at Setrlaa FrowUer-Taree Claasea of the Greek Reacisea Are "" h Called to tao Oelora Tap Eavrasaed That nat May Bad ta War. J Herald office, and may be coaanltod at any time.. ; Tbe Livestock Exposition will give f 15,000 In premiums for the best' cat-! tie, bogs and sheep of all different breeds. No charge for admission or cntr&nce foe Is made, as the show Is entirely educational. All "Wild West" features will be afcseat. t' Klamath county stockmen will lirooaoiy mane many entries ai inis LOCAL MEN MAKE GOOD AT SCHOOL!: . ,' ;.;;,, ;;, e 4, J. a, i Tf . -i. 0-.ji . The Balkan Invasion predict- ' ;od by CarU Actaraa..;wTiarTV farther United Freaeia at,t: - come to Daas. aeeoraw'taiiw-v f je porta from Derlla today. Asamr- ,4 , man aald that such aa, htvaata'a , I ; through Benrlato J the-Baikaaa,; . would settle the old hotbediof fe T jf 1 -3 m "S"M j i .! strife, the Balkan sltuaUoa. and bring an early end to the wa; fair, as here will be collected the beat!I'xmMKB KLAMATH FALLS HIGH- Captain Edward W. Efaerie BUYERS WEEK DATE CHAN6ED BUSINESS MEN CHANGE DATE TO SECOND WEEK IN OCTOBER AT THE REQUEST OF FARMERS OF THK COUNTY stock raised in the Northwest, and ' the premiums are quite worth while. i It will be held at the stockyards in North Portland. Among other feat ures, there will be a stock Judging contest by students from the various1 agricultural collezee. Captain Edwara w. boene naa oeen The 1915 Land Show wlll be held at chosen as auperlniendcnt otthe An- Portland, Premiums are offered for napolls Academy to succeed Admiral tne j,ogt county exhibits as well aa Fullam, who goea to command tbe re- prvate exhibits. Fruit, grains, manu seive fleet In Puget Sound.. There facturlng producu, etc.. inn all be en lmyo been charges ot politics in con- tered. nectlon with the change. It baa been Last year Klamath county took drat Bald In Washington that Admiral Fill- ,,rJro tot tno county exhibits. Promt lam waa transferred because of pollt- nent men throughout the county are leal enemlea he had made during the making pM. ror a slmlllar triumph recent. Investigation Into thefts ot ex- th, jm.- ami nation papers by the cadets. x Paclflc International Livestock . exposition wlll take placo December lrricatioa Prouem caaaaiex tn t0 ntn SCHOOL BOY IS ELECTED PRES IDENT OF FRESHMAN CLASS. OTHERS TRY JOURNALISM BERLIN, Sept. 20. The German artillery has Joined, the Austrian! massed at the Servian frontier, is tho . announcement Just made., The'aaa , days' conference reports that, the Austro-Oerman forces will drive. through to the. ''Buyers' SACRAMENTO, Sept. 10. Again, and again during the session of tbe International Irrigation Coagreaa at the Capitol building Saturday;, the' point waa emphasised by tho speakers 'before. tho aactlon on Irrigation prac- ENGLAND WON'T CONSCRIBE SONS SUCH IS BELIEF OF UNPRKJU. DICED OBSERVERS CIVIL WAR IS NOT LIKELY, EVEN IF MKAaV una The date for holding a. si a a..u. t. &&. eKu k WQ9K an utjvu v"wu v mo j ..ma! tftvlla TlitalnJhaaa Ifan'a it man.. emtfeu to the aecond week in Octo-lf .Tia ber. from the lint to and tttZ Thi. change ha. been mad. at tho " J W ' tho wter "' " ,n' . . . ...k.. Mf ... i.M.M iteiiigentoao. rcuuvsi ji m, iiummi v mw .m. of the county, who state that many of them wlll not have finished harveat by the let of October. Thor am anxious BRINGS STEAMER SOBMARINE DEAD That Klamath Falls men are mak ing good at the university Is Indicated , from a recent communication. Col-,. United Press Service lege la In full awing, and students; ROME. Sept 20. Greece and Rou- VI x preparing to aid the allies U Bul garia Joins the Teuton forces.'; ;A'c cordlng to advices reeetved here, three classes ot Greek-reserves' nave VICTIMS OF F-4 DISASTER TO BE BURIED WITH MI1JTARY HON- ORS AT THK ARLINGTON NA TIONAL CEMETERY ' from here are all Uklag an active, mania are watching Bulgarlan'i part.- Ernest Nail, a university sopho more, has Just been pledged by the Alpha-Tau Omega fraternity, one of tbe most prominent of the fraternUlbeen summoned to the colore. ties at the university, and the one of which Fred Dunbar, Vernon Mot- schenbacher and several other Klam ath Falls men are members. Claude Hill, Just entering the university, la pledged Kappa Sigma, a prominent fraternity., Ray Burns ot Coottllle, formerly of. Klamath County High School, haa been elected president of the fresh man daas. He la also an Alpha- Tan Omega pledges Forest Pie! and Joe Skelton are 'both, trying ont for the Emerald staff, and according to meat bera of tho aeaff. seem likely to make a- place; -.. IMPORTANT GREW RECEIVES NOTE CLOSED FOREIGN OFFICE FOR A HALF HOURHHSFifHAN AND i r. --VI LONDON, Seat. 10, Great Britain won't foree her bom into the amy, ax- eept aa a laat resort.; If eoaacrlption UBiiHiary. a civil war U uaiixeiy. 1 Thw h the .iuagmeaiwf neutral ob servers who. have bad aa oaeortualty ta study the BrrUah mind. Aaagtrea- Btve aMaorwy.ace " w .- Rlowa-Out Faae Ceaaee Dtaaater .HONOLULU, 8ept. 20. An unoffi- to h ble to take advantage of the'clal but apparently trustworthy report '.jr.rinn luiina made bv tha merchanU aaya electrlciana making an examlna- and atate that the second week will or ine Buomanne -, . oaiuo be more convenient for them to get iHonolulu harbor March IBth, but now away from their fame. , aryqoex, aiscoverea inat tue use,..nlted PreM service 1 ... 1 .11 J.. L.ii..U. Waal hkMH MhWH I 1 t Two-thousand letters have been an iour oaner !,- -w gAN rRANCiBC0, Sept. 10. The aoat by tho Association to the reel- Indicating that thla waa the cause ;UnlU( guUt ,teaa,er Kupp,y WM w. denta ot Klamath and Lake couatlea ;o dhmater which reenlted In the Uv The gB k and Butte Valley ta California. An .aeath of her crew of twenty-two men,, Mlu. tM dead froaa the snhaiartae eeual number of cataloguea. giving' , ' " '" r-4. which was1 wrecked off Heaaalal tho program for tho entertainment of SeiBaera Ftna TtaaearB narBor March M, Tho unlaeattied the visiters and the special prleea and NANCY, France, SepU IS, While jbodleawUl he burled at ArllagtoaHa IhducemaaU hetng offered by the mar. .aiggbMi1 treaehea In tho' forest of tlonal Cemetery, with mltajyea-. chaata wUl be.aent out. Champenoux, French boMUotb aleeovr ore, " r - "' These catalogues are now on tbe ered a hoard ot ancient Freaca coins , The remalaa-ot ) Electrician F. M. press, and will be mailed the latter of the early 17th ceatury avWoatly Heraxg will W aoat to Salt Uke. aad part of tha weak. l ;hratthtlmoortheaehiatry.tboBe Inta1 Lorraine under Loata;xiII. Ua- wlll be sent to NorfeUc. Va., while the ORDUN CASE NEARLY BHT. TLED, SAYS BENaVfCMHrV . , U.. a .1. m ttmmllmm IVaall ' n Sk Uai.ta.iBMj Ikwillu anrf f I. n. o, n-fw, f -. t-i.v "'i FlUpatrick aa family spent Sunday' tha der.taa-.rrrevlaloBs of the;la,w,?haU otodleaot cmkaers M O.F, Aahareft tae oawers:wm a a ana, awiiw i. u- aiaaaa ww.eeai half to taooaieierB waa to Jaara, wand tor latarmaat wna .V Ladder Test ta New Oae united Press Service VENICE, Calif, Sept. 10 A ladder, set up in police headquarters here, will he a teat for alleged drunkards hereafter. If a man arrested aa a drunk can climb up. and down the lad der without falling, then he will have proven 'hilmaelt 'sober, and he wtil be released with aa apotogy. If he trta and alips the dungeeaa for him. ' '"' TkllaArMalim WO Ammmmmm BMiw' A Urge detaaaloa e Klamath Fall nusmeas asea, aeenmpaaiea ey -iae band will go to hferrMltaaiorrow to attend itae tret of tao dutriet fairs. Automobiles wttl leave .t'tao eenrt hottaeraooa-'attar-laaeh;;. All wlahlaglta go aMretueetadto their names with Fred Fleet at. Uo United I'reee Service BERLIN. Sept. 10. The Hesperian, . and Ordua.cases are regarded aa atr4 tied. An agreement as to uo'AytjMtj wUl end the controversy. Berneierff i 1-oBclally autedj ,,X I It la understood that be haa reeehed '' aa underataadlug with Sssretairy Laa--'!;. sine, au earir ssttismani ef tae r Arabic, eaae .-M 1 JiS, ym- the f M'taBSn United iorjtaeiS M0B&Wi BBRUN.faat. ,m!r Grew of, the-Aiaerteaa eBahaaey.vhae'I''' ;v oloscd tho-rlga'oMoeVfcrjbAWaaVmv h6ur,aad': would -irii.lt-;ao:vlawe;:vR-;:--1 h repbrtad'he lum.-Wfiaalanm;.- SjIH Bortaatv-aiessajwaBddhwitsertt'iaB! tawMdtately 'ta'WliMJuOMV fv' 'WQVHKfP'-yr .I lis "" . ;.rc - " -! . at Sarlag Creak. i-1- v ril r-4. "W'"Uu 'I .,'; ;;-s.- S.'t'.ire i.'5iSJ V . 1 V r its-;,5. , '" v v-i 'W- s . K-T' v JJfv, $&? ,.&& f1K ,.x ttfit. '.T . . v 1. ic tnmkW&b K IJtfy" f.aiUHair rhsmhir i af TTssiniBria'"-'--- '