:Mi rsmi m ' i-K 3h Hmttii a I KLAMATH FALL!' KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. - if OFFICIAL NIW1FAWCR ZfA Vs wntf y-"- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1915 Prke, FI,Cstt' f Ti - ssh Year No 3 4 Biggest Battle of International Troubles Threatened if Conscription EVACUATION OF I PROBABLE SOON OUR FKAIW KNVBLOFMKNT OF HlKARMIMtt Orcupy HadfcosHMi Aftor Maabuni Fight, Bat An IMvea Back in Battle far Derasasi Mm alaas Take 8,M Nmmm awl Xatlau After the Retreat sa tar of lluaa PoaMtoa AMOMNred.t Uaiud Press rtartlorf PETROUItAl), Sept. IK. The, big gest battle for Vllaa hM begun. The (Uratans are making a heavy attack lo th eait of the city. Several de ucbnenU have reached the Novovl leak Moluudocbno railway, and are at tracting to pierce the Russian line. The comiuunlqu baa emphasised the Ughtlng for Vllaa as the greateet tattle In the prevent Baltlc-Gatlclan conflict, it Is not Improbable that the cur will consider the aVacuatloa of Vllna In a few days If the attacks threiten to envelope hie amies there. It has been announced that to the southeast of Ornay the Oeratan at tempts to advance oa the Vllaa Llda railway havo been roaalsed. It Is estimated that the oaeay oc cupied Radkouau, South Datlejkl, at tr a stubborn Ight In ranewad fighting for Derasao wo drovo the enemy from the otitaUrt. Tkay re treatod upon Kudakraaaorio. whteh we stormed, capturing 1,000 prisoners and four Maxims. United Cress Bervlo Berlin, Sept. II. Thacaptaroot part of tbo Itusslan advaae positions anout the Dvinaky brldekead has Men oaclally nnnouaead. Tho Raaajaa front between Vllaa and the Neiaaa River has been broken. FIRE THIS WEEK BURNSSHEO UCUuiTKD BUILDING DaWTHOY BDFLAMK8 DaftOOVKIUCD AT A. M.VMJMVMD , TAMP ARK RKBPONHUUJB ' The third ore ta a week la this "7 Moke out at t o'clock tate awn ?. lust tweaty-tour hoars after tha discovered yeetarday morn- A deserted kuUdlag Jurt sllght V Seventh aad Mai, was. the ' Th. caus, 9t taeWW uaknown, '"a famous aa a iaiaUkmmUai'Um that .-.- '1 ? fw-ww n soma waaaerer 4Uer draa4 a h or sssoked too aar sioiVla. VILNA THOUGH THIRD . BJUinuihU ...ti.. j-vy AAAAAMMAAAAAAAMMAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAMMMWStfVWVWWWWMWWSWWWWWMWWVV'WWWWVWVMWWVMMWWWWVSWWWW vwwwwoiilWWWWMMWMMhWWWWM LOAN BELIEVED SORE IN SPITE OF ROCKEFELLER LONDON HANKERS CONFIDENT OF SUCCESS I I i Oil King rttyslrUn Hy llnlltMl I'reet . lNlrvletv Wu Corwct Ixmn of the TtlW of ItirtMwt Man In the World to Morgan Has No Wright With ltockfftUrr, Who Is Again! Any- thlag lo t'onttawt War. United I'ree Hervlco LONDON, Hept. 18. Ulg bankerrt declare that they aro confident of th success of the billion dollar loan, re-' gardless ot Rockefeller's Interview, with the United Press, In which ho stated he would not take part. fulled rr Hervtc j CM.VEL.AND, 0 8opt. 18. Or. II. F. Rigger, for forty years llockcrei-, ler's personal physician, was present when the United Tress Interview was obtained, "Tbo report of tho Interview Is re- aurkably accurate," he said. "It tells clearly what I know Is Kockefoller's firm attitude ho'll keep hands off of the war. Tho possibility that Mr.' Morgan will take his title as the rich est man la the' world has absolutely . no weight with Rockefeller. I know Doslttvely ha Is utterly, opposed on principle to anything thst might tend to continue tho war." United Press Service NBW YORK, Bopt. 18 Spring Rice and Lord Reading net at Hotel Blla more. It Is assumed that financial heads aro arranging a vital move ro 4i id loan of tha allies. Many believe that commissioners and Amer-J lean bankers are doadlocked this mor- nlag. Reading sought tho ambasso- dor's aid tor a compromise. DUMBAS BROTHER IS SECTION HAND VH AND FELLOW AU8TIUAN8 OON-) ..-. nIi.si.T-.ff l DKMN LANMNO FOR REQUEST- ING THAT HLDKR DUMBA BR J RMCALLKD Unltad Prasa Bervlca MISSOULA, Mont., Sept. 18. With his brother, Dr. Conatantln Duntba holding th highest dlploaUtto ngatf In tha servlo ot Austria, Ales Dumba ls an ordinary, hard working taction hand on tho Northern Pacific railroad. It was learned today. Ha haa been la tho United States tor thro years, and recently has boon at It. Regis, near hare. Dumb was denied advantages giv en to th his older brother, whoso ro- Mil front the BoaiUoa of Washington 3 avoy waa raooatly ashed by JacretaryJIopas for the settlement of tho, Arable envoy was iws". - i . . . . . narii diaDStehas: of lUta LaMtaC. ' Dumb gad hit fellow Austrian sac,. ttoa'hawli waraouUBakan Ik their sdaatiaMon of Utalag for his Murdered Millionaire Widow, and Witnesses of the Tragedy , , i i i i mi fBBBBaw ,i.'-:t.ttttBAWl&1fcuMJaSl aBBBBBj. fj f:rSjgsjflB I BBBaaaMaBB Ka BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB U BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBP?R!9HsaB3 llHPlnld i aSBBBBaiHlaSBBBBBBBBBlMMBBBaBM lsaaaaaaaaaaaaaftCM- Tkl-7",1WlW SlkaHn iBBBBBBSCT ' v.w saaaavflB Jfc NS?SgRK BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmf .SSHP ?'liv BBBBbH fl BUffiIJi 4 gSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBafsatsaBBSaBBBBBBBBi ! (eBB'f 'jclll X HsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal IsBBB'.iMfll'BMil it fVgaHgHglgH ft uBa?I5jWlii--5-WBR.s 1 SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM tBnBBsVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB CYt XBBBBBBBVsBBBWXPI,rTr'9' 'tlsTT'T' frf!jsMnyfe-lW' j." jH iV floBBBBBBBBsllBBi , M isaflBBslnsisVjissaBBBBBBH K Pfi-M SBBBBBBBBwldSBBhSBBBBBBBBBBBBrA MH; VS J. 1HE '? V B. anBa.AFn.a.a.aA aannnnnnnnflK CfSrV1- - V H 83 SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrataaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBMaB W T-Sx TtTi 'WBBb! HBBwXaBBBBVaBVXvSVJaaSawJ ti,: 'il wmmm&. Mrs. KI1miInUi Nichols Mrs. Elisabeth Nichols, aged 00, who wns loft about $3,000,000 on tho death of her husband recently, was killed in her costly home In tho Fifth nvonuo aectlon ot New York the other vtsA by three masked burglars. They believed sho Kept in nor room jeweiry BULLETINS i l London Tho British oiler Zoterlno has been submarined, crew are missing. Four ot the gan Diego Bishop Conaty of the Catholic diocese of ua Angeiea aie JJJ Rt CorOBmd0. Ho has been In poor health tor some tine.- , Washington Preparedness for war 'Is an Issue that may lead to.a break ! between Wilson and Bryan, Is ro inortod. It is feared that Bryan Is awaiting a chance to assault wusons program it it. doesn't meet his ap proval, Washington Tho Yaqui Indians killed an American at Ban Bias, tha state department has learned. Oonv auntcatlon with Vara Orua.hu bean suspended since Tuosasy. Hobos for Settleweat Untied Press Service WASHINQTON, D, C Sept. ,18. case Is raiasd by.tht Berlin dispatches; Oglciais expect .a aiaavuwai ii aaraiaM. AttenUoatnow Iscenterad toward tha Brltlafi prlsa court's ae? ,lnn. and tha loan t'a'th alllas. ffiigS.SPIW WaWaBBaBBiBBBBWaW Galicia Now Onnie Talaa Edith Laogfolilt worth 1100,000 or more.. They got about f r,000 worth. Onnle Talas, a hall boy, has confessed to tho New York police ho let ln.tho robbers and submitted to being gagged. Edith Langteldt, tho maid,-was also gagged, but not uutll tho robbers threatened to kill her. .. ' Making Bicycle Trip Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sawyer arrived in the city last night, the final stage ot a bicycle trip that started last July. Mr. Sawyer has been clerk of the Ben son hotel In Portland, .resigning his position July 1 to make this trip, and moBt of tho tlmo since than has bean spent on tho road and camping at do- sirablo places along the route. They figure that, their actual traveling time was about twenty days, and as the considerable walking, they bavo made fairly good time. They arrived In this clty via Crater Lake, from Gold Hill. - i .. . Visiting Klafolk ;Mrs. A. K. Rlppey arrived In the citv from Modtord last night, to visit! tor a fortnight with her, daughter,! Mrs, Horry Ooeller, and sister, Mrs. ;Note Ottorboln V ? "aav" r n . kbbiW " aSHffM jdl MsMaaVdJiitj(h 0 BaWUBBH ) API . a b'tLLLANUb' IU PEOPLE HAWLEY' - - (;0atRMMiIA SAYS OREGOK CALIFORNIA LAND GRANT SHOULD MAKE HOMES FOR PKOI'LK 1 Congressman W. C. liawley, dls - . .i. n n ii, i .n--j cussing the Oregon-California railroad (lnnd grant before the conference at Milera, said In part: ! The supreme court of the United States In its recent decision upon the Kind grant has mid that the proviso , requiring the raroad company to sell the lands Is vn enforceable cove- mint' I think the court, after having iso decided, should havo directed thati , . '- tho lands be sold, so far as the court r . , . - i . - . , u . " , . . United Press Service could Ond, warrant in the law for such la decree. But the court did not so! BROWSBVIUiE. .Sept. 18. The .order. It left tho disposition of the. wealthy Mexicans ot San Jose, an ex i lands undcFthc proviso first to an net . elusive Mexican village, have petl- ot congress, ana it congress iaus 10 . act then, to further action t,y -the J .courts. i 1 Slnrw ihn sunreme court has decid- ed that the proviso is an enforceable'0'1 both sld3 arc invasUgatlng yes- . i.JI A.J . lL.'tn.Jn,.ln ka4ta VUVnilUW IV ilB UIUIWUWU IU UH IUO 'course ot action to be taken, and that Is to ask for the disposal ot the lands, u seiiiuiH, inui i iiey wuy uo uuvciup- ioU, its far as possible, and so remain on the tax rolls of the several coun ties in which they lie. Congress gave this grant to pro mote the settlement and development of Oregon, by allowing the railroad to obtain a subsidy from tbo sale ot tho lands, which were to pass by saie Into the possession ot settlers. Wo are entitled to have this intention fully carried out, and in my judgment 'we should only ask tor congress for legislation that will carry out, the pro viso, as fully as possible. These lands should remain on the tax rolls ot the several counties.vthat they may bo Improved and developed end so in crease the number t homes for our people, tho woalth of the people and the state, and contribute in taxes to the support ot the countie In which tho lands lie.. SMILE AND TEARS QUELL GANGERS PRETTY GIRL'S SM1LK THROUGH TEARS CHANGES INSULTS OF DOPE FIENDS TO APPLAUSE AND CONTRIBUTIONS SAN FRANCISCO, Sept, 18. A pretty girl, arguing tho, cause ot suf frage for women, quelled a mob of "dope" fleuds on the edge ot the un derworld Wednesday night with a smllo through tears, mIbh Mabel Vernon ot Delaware, a delegate to tbo Congressional Union for woman Suatrage, mounted a soap box, and her smllo turned cries of "O, you" chicken," to "Qood for you, nM clrl uo'ra with VOU." i When Miss Vernon started to speak "dope" fiends and gangsters crowded around, applying Insulting remarks to' her. Tears sprang to her eyes at the Insults, but she smiled through them, jand went on. One by'oue tho men. took' ot .their hats.. Before sha finished, "dope money" was rattling on the pavement at her feet to win votes for women. . in Progress !linT IMIIAP r. PI lUAUVISt RECOGNITION OF AAnsBlnll"alal al I II I UAKKAHA him J FAN - AMERICAN CONFERENCE ' IJECOrIEVDS NO MAS l,,,, . , ... . ,, 'Charge American Soldiers Made Un- proved 'on Carranza Followers 1st Claim of Agent Investigation Ask ed Cavalry Troop Sent at Petition or Wealthy Mexicans as Patrol Against Bandits. tjoned colonel Bullard for a patrol to 6 m jr0-m bandits, . . . . A troop Officials of cavalry was aispaicnea. W, o wa.vwW. nlce : - t WASHINGTON D. C. .Sept. 18. Investigation of the charges that American soldiers made an vqked attack upon the Carranza forces, was formerly asKea Dy tne agem ,oi Carranza at Bllzeo Arrendondo. United Press Service NEW YORK, Sept. 18. A Pan- American conference has gathered tq discuss Mexico. Carranza's proposal that the conference send representa tives to the border to discuss Inter national questions was the chief sub ject of the afternoon sessions. i The appointment of a commission to canvass Carranza's claim of recog nition may result from the Pan-American conference. Tho recognition of any candidate for tho Mexican presidency won't he recommended at this meeting. BLOW AT BALKAN MIGHT tNO WAR SEAT OF OLD TROUBLE MAY BE , KEY TO PEACE ROAD INTO SERBIA WOULD LING CENTRAL EMPIRE WITH ROUMANIA United Press Service" BERLIN, Sept. 18. A mighty blow against the Balkans may end the war before spring. By blasting a road through Serbia toward Bulgaria the Aiistro-Germans may settle the Bal kan question and bring early peace.. A short march through northeast ern, Serbia' would link the central em pire wltikltoumanla, already friendly. Good Bye, Straw Hate ' United Prasa Service , f PAYTQN.oV.. Sept., 18, Forty thousand; straw hata will go up In smokel tonight,, whoa the retail mer chant- board will open .the . annual fall stylo skW hero.,, For te paat weak city and rural '.boys havo bean sneak- Ijig.fatharnaatajtotho big pile , . Passes Sflfl flnn HfN nt RAILWAY tMPLOY "".." FIRUT HF.SIIBF SPECL4L MEETING OF SERVANTS TO BE'CALLED Several Ministers Have Threatssisd to ' Resign, Is Report, Vales Oorersy- raent Demands Coascriptfcm Feo pie Suspect Motive of Advocate of Measure, Scenting Political 'IsriV s.uO IV gue, Tenor of Coisaent;' United Areas' Service A LONDON. Sept. 18. The executive " committee of the Amalgamated Union ' Railway Servants, representing SI0,- 000 men, have. notlfledJ.the govern- j ment that, any attempt atncoascripttos SH will result In International tronblos. They have instructed, their secre--" ,n-aA mMwfw'ftlHitfw.d "-w " --- , --- . t"-.j- --.-" -' government introduces the conscrlBI Ition bill. J - ; . , -. unpro-(lJnlteu Press Service LONDON, Sept. 18. it. Is-reported tnai several ministers uva mreawami 'to resign unless the government de manded conscription. From tho tenor of comment, the country Is not against? conscription ,if the' government be. Mlovcs it necessary, but the people sus pect the motives pt the advocates ot conscription. oeenting political- In- trlgue. i.v ft . CLASSES START a- AT M ; UNIVERSITY ur uiuiua rnmmmt i& " MEN 1K GREEN HEADGKAlL STUDENT BODY OF COLLBGM 18 OUT OF DEBT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Bu gene, Sept 18. Classes; opened .ia formally Thrusday al tho, UaiTaralty III IV I-Li XI II ot Oregon, with an attendance of il0K n' so far, which is '15 rw eent 'ttaVlor, ;. " than the registration atthsimo Usa -. last year, asaay 8iuuBta,ara.w.;SM. ,t campus, but have not enrolled oa'Mr . count of- the necessity ot nndtng work :'- &nt. By Monday the total is expoctod) to reach 80p. ;... Pnllsaa Irnillttnna wera tkllMUM.taaV-'v " "" ,"" At". when 100 freshmen war .Jed 9y.-?'xvi urawnv upper ciaasmea lowawar-, aai ,z fa tho .annual scramble for 'tna. sjaaaiS s W .J- Pl.. ,k,' lll.lln 4ill- 'C hn hrniiphl In n i lliiiiir Inniafct' iirtaa 'l'.' H, ot.rnt knilii u,lll'lAtaiW liuM', .. '! 4 a ntMAaiilnoii amnbaM k At)' , "JiS Indications of.'ii baraec. year. for. ika'I': lncomtna studanu develodf.Waaii-i PresldenCanipball annoaneadMMrf, .wo'rk Vad. Men ,?alsad; afWJ,: wnica iuvhiih torn umc avj ".fW,w,ra icrlndinc''aKroa'ter nul?ot-Stai' -f ' t.r -. - t'", - ,v v . aI-m' , ' aents-wu; do. oisearaeo: at, n-im aj. r's.w f .r. w CTfjgg." . ig fl 1. ! '. 41 MS l V. ii Kaii -t- ' ; ', 'f ' r" r- T'irtSwvSia,... A'.W1; f'I itgi; K &WV "W it it ' y r mw - l -- i iYi ifi 1... x-. !$ ' . - 't.i A& &&$?!. "mmr ,v ' t i ' - y yx . -1.