tetf -Av, , A r.sSvi. ' -- , jv tsf .-.,! , THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREOON H ..v;sUK y - r mUk'tU a.- iithaa left t4y tor lavtstttetaofalrandtQ " . iw.t'j rjt' $mj mvmC in .. , . ., " . t-j i The Evening Herald W.O.SMITH i ' Editor ry th Herald? . At toast a good r OMt ot taaa ought to some day., .'I'USi tf N.ft?Si '..: -.V4.i?w.fl-- M .i7 t-T ' fWSf;is allra, 'jv-yt ' aHMti mAi Hiviuiwn WANTED ." i- Pfe WORKiWANTBO Mu with family WHnHMH-rtMk. ' Ui aJlkJade ot raaefa work, t U '?.ir,: r Kii;7w ' - KjVFf..,.-' J.'fcMi-i11W'fi. 4ntM X. Herald Jf"tf..9r.Jtrt .- . ,'-. o. sSl -il . sV ","- v. ' 'vJf vs TO& .i r rOR RENT i lift?. anar'sf s&M' ' s-;. laX" t-W 3-J3W NICBLY tarauhed ifuumti at th r, Or Hon, Klamath, sear Wxtk FOR SALE ''lift p$ w. no iEfcJ FO' SUB Hatead rUqiah iaeatia Hsray nnty, 8188. Aui Jinan, P. O. be SSI. U8t J8- FOB SA1JB OR BBNT 880 acraa ta ' LaiaaU Valley: about 100 acraa j ," ' " . &'.' .i ,,u iMHriwiiTnim oas iff.imani ','Wir"laa4;-.f.raata; will -. s, . aa am ;wqr- r sasoaait imu or wui Pr WaaaTm. r.'Aakaloee. Benaaaa. Ore. fiyy?-'., x-y i y Piatt aaily ,aaaat 8aaay ay TMTNaraM PabllaatM Coaaaay ot KMnatktfaHa,at'ltl Jaarti Mreat attrai at ta paataSlta at Elaa ata HaHa, Orataa. tar traamlattoa tbroaga taa aalla. at aaeoailaat ttattar. . , Saaaartptioa taraw Mj Mail to aay ailratt Oaa' iaar . Oaa aaath lataa Daltai 8UU a k a .8MB 18 KLAMATH FALLS, OSJMON rRIDAT.BEPTEMBBB 17, 1915 o b. A.'C raaarta a tartar attaa aaca taaa aTr;tala yaar, walla aaai othar Waatata aalTartltlaa aaT taHai dowa. J)oaa tku aot aaaak a thaa darlac wort tor taa coaatataat, gao aa-oldwhaat tarailas laduttryt IT LOOK8 1AKS the eatire Ru- lan-Austrlaa-aanaaa armtas at lick ing- and tattlnc licked at, tka aaaa tine over la tkat region of the ua prbnouncabl aaaieti. EVEN THE DOQS around towa ara beginning to hare a dreamy, faraway look la their eyaa. They know that quail scaaoa la ataoat liar, aad tka dolful MOURNS SPOUSE; GEIS WARRANT WOMAN WEEPS FOR DROWNED MAX A8HV8RAND) NOW WANTS REAL HUSBAND ARRESTED FOR DESERTION Ualtad Press Service OAKLAND. Sent 17. Three aontka ago Mary Coaploa called at tka aorgue and wept orer tko body ot Wh the War - Mwts Mean Jutl received earn geed deek Mat Utere. 8i Chiieet. By J. W. T. MASON (Stag Correspondent United Preee) NEW YORK, Sept. 17. Great Hrltaln may becotuo a protectionist nation. Sho Intends to. establish a geese and the dacks on their ad beta drowaad In the prccedeiitamoug belligerents by at tempting to meet war expenses from taxation, Instead of by loans. Tbv new duties, It is: believed probable, will remain w permanent Instltutbu, Up to the present time tlio belliger ents have been tearful that added tax ntlon would cause a rovold. a or many announced! as an apparently fliod pol 'ley, that aha would coatlnuo toOght whistling wings ara ataost ready to start south. AND STOP AT KLAMATH PALLS mn l&& m rfi.Al.'o -' i , .i . - - . -. i ii i i Car-mWSiLaWsa,l & . " K5?t WA.J. "-, CARDS .WaSmfkail 00mf0t0WWW00W :8 NSg . m?- Ml. Mt mi I ft? - fe.v ', K Kl 5 !? CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. AssakiaBMBaattfkass'.lMf.'L 3. ABSTRACTS mSURANCK Aaaeeiatieii TMJa Man HOW CAN PBACB TERMS nXHDT BE ,v ls. Iff. 5 t- W ' ;jg Sfesi1 s. SiUst-, ?i & OU Storss Mdc Nsw . ow to th ttee to get oat yoar jldkeaters aad. haT aew.lialaga' aad. No aed to bay new stores. We can Sx year eM oaa as good aa er Oar charges are very aod- ''iSslsv PsagisvA Lonms- . i x' A ?' 7S. ' JV. "is.. 'ffiffit a-saj'i.a 1 'V8-! J&i iM H&s.t. WfflTl'K 'ff5i.it . .--"ViJ v,- r- rM',.i'yg. 5ff 1 ,J( B. i? I 51! i k: ii. 0 JC-; Lhrery and Feed Stable. AHayarti, Rrops. , i nmi;w,;ur,Mi wsa uas v . , J 'PtoWh aas) sSklsai scnrlc. Ood haters aad grit rlaiis rigs i mi r ... a- " ' g;. r " Dr. C. O. Prentice ry.Sarg ea T'HE latereatlag talk ot possible A peace la Europe la good to read, tt aay lead to a trace for the winter. hat the teraa oa which a real peace can be secured 'seem .impossible to reach! at present There will be such demands on the part ot Great Britain and Russia on the one haad, and Oar many oa the' other, that we cannot see how a real, lasting peace caa be reached, or' how the situation which really caused the war caa be changed. Tka oaly thing that will have any real influence will be the money ques tion. The Uvea and suffering of the men In the ranks will not count. How long caa the powers maintala their credit and at the same time keep up their armaments and feed their sol diers, will he the controlling factor. In this we anticipate that' Russia will be more' obstinate than either of the other belligerents. Her soldiers can live oa coarser food than aay others, aad then she has ampin harvests. Her Idea, like that of Great Britain, will be to break the power of Germany. And Germany will meet this with jut t as stubborn demands. However, a truce vrlll be welcome, forthe longer It may be continued the lesa anxious will aay of the powers be to renew the struggle. It would seem thai a reconvening of The Hague congress would be the only way to handle the matter. That congress might formulate a code HUSBAND HAWKS LOVE; DIVORCED rOIilCEMAN ADVERTISES BOM SELF AS WHOLESALE DEALER IN LOVE, HUGS, HTO. WIFE SUES FOR DIVORCE . LOS ANGELES, Sept. 17. A priat fed card ta which John w. Myers, a city policeman, is alleged to have rep resented himself as at wholesale dealer la "love, kisses and ap-to-date hags," aa well as "sole proprietor ot lovers' lane," figures in a divorce actioa tied by Myers' wife, Bessie, oa the groaads of cruelty. Mre. Myers sets, forth in the com plaint that her husband circulates these cards, thereby causing her to suffer much. anguish ot mind. Merced River. Sh ldeatlfled the corpse aa her husband, Fred Corap- toa, aad followed tt to the grave. . Tuesday Mrs. Compton appeared In court aad said she had discovered her husband alive, and in Concord. She wanted him arrested on a charge of desertion. Congoleum Rugs aad floor covering. It ta ter proof aad fire resistiag; clings to the floor without tacking. ' It Is neat aad sanitary. Takes the place of linoleum, and Is much cheaper. THE BIO STORK VIRGIL SON. IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS X SAYS BACKACHE IS SIGN YOU HAVE. BEEN EATING TOO MUCH MEAT Bias for Drilling Well v Bids, will be received by School Dis- When you wake up with backache aad dull misery In the kidney region It generally means you have been eat ing too aueh meat, says a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks th kidneys in their effort to Alter it from the blood, aad they become sort of paralysed aad loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish aad clog you must relieve tbem, like you relieve your bowels; removing all th body.' uriaous waste, els you have backache, sick headache, ditsy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad yoa have rheumatk twinge. Th urine Is cloudy aad full of sediment, channels often get sore; water scalds aad you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night Either consult a- good, reliable phy slclan at once, or, get from your phar- on borrowed money. Hitherto Oreat Trunin also has coaducted her part In the war by means of vast loans. Hut tnt public criticised this procetl uro. and demanded that taxation suwrsede this form, In order that posterity might not bo criishlngly burdened by taxes to pay Interest on these great loans. It In reported that Great Britain In tends to raise a halt billion dollars by means ot taxes. Many sources must b tapped la order to meet so great a drala. The moat fruitful of these, however, are customs datles. This method presents a means of raising money both quickly and steadily, while at the saaa time providing a (way, whereby th burdens of th tax are distributed more or less evenly among consumers. Then again, the burden does not appear to tba con sumer to be a tax. He pays It la tho regular price of his 'goods, without atopplng to realise that aa he does It he Is really meeting a tax. ,..,. 4 a.444 DUNK HOT ISA FOB A BAD OOLD Oct a small package ' Hamburg Jkrulil sV ads get results. KUmsthFsBaAthKiHcCluW Now oxn for Members. Inquire at PAVILION for .Membership Pee WMPAY.SKI'TKMama. ' CHEESE TILLAMOOK CHKK8K Full Cream. YOt'Xtl AMERICA CIIKEMK Seven to tRlit pound, from (immle IloniW, Oregon. KIl.tM CIIKKNK .Mk la Hoimml. HKI.MIICHHTALKH DKMCATKM-' KKX CHERHEA very Ha Otmcmbcrt type. .MeLAKKKH IMPERIAL CIIKEHK, In il-os. Jars. III.CK HILL CHKK8K Willi (iron Chill. It spread like batter. I.IMIIEKOKR . Superior llraad, 14b lirlrks. VAN RIPER BROS. "GET THE HABIT" Phone 85 6th and Main AN EYESIGHT! 1 wish I could tMlk to . fr nml in... '" : ' . :;..:. 'r " th. - n nixing VVPry -jf of Jour KvlhIbIii vnm IW) 1'Ai, L... . .. , lnnl v. of every 100 mr.nH. l. v. vision, ami timt Ky rj (it Minn... ""sal ttirret'llv h, lin.i...i ."""li defective rt, uffJ, aatlnfuctloii. heudnche ill SIH7 All 0I1 .nr,, "a ,u"rrai lieifecl? "' U- littl, llienr. ine iiiiiKii a ilioHuiri. , - I mve vM , 1'fHwtl let vxiiiiiiimiiitii mm mill Kelp which will viMion, H. J. WmW unnuuATE OPTICIAN LAUNCHE For Rent With or without driven, hv ea either Lower or Vsesr I Telford & Comer C'oager aad slat Breast Tea, or as thsj German folks call It, "Hambarger Brast Thee," at any pharmacy. Take a taelespooaful of the tea, put a cap of bolllag water upon it, pour through a' sieve aad drink a teacup full at aay tba during the day or before rttklag. It la the most effect Ire way to break a cold sad cure grip,, as It epsas ta pores el the skis, relieving cosgsmioa. Also loosens ine bowels, tbas drlvag a eoH from tht system. Try it ta an tkae ywa safer from a com or ta grip, it aa asapsastv ana entirely vegnssis, ana Harmless, Piano Moving We handle it with care. PHONE g; O. K. Transfer Co. Office on Sixth, bttwsen Main and Klamath Blocks Are Qrsen Slabs, pr cord , Psyten's big block weed,tff, Veu save 50c evsry tlmt yn s tea or blocks; but meet I than that, th blocks art and nicer to handle; ItMtrstki more heat. KLAMATH FUEL CO. o. ruvTO.v, therefore safe - J, Aa Hi K3 l!te-, Dafjaik Trusfer Cs. . ., 4 BAS Mate :r W,sma;'ttobss. my.mmMimdm amas, ammmm kil aaa , aaBsamaaam. tMtgztr- i . ' aahaai !$?' :V k . Tf "- Vi sTBjSBWHSBBBBJ swWW WW wVaWJMBVV BBB 'A. " k r ' i ", BBmBBBjBBJ k $&'&" frjifmiiArmmf Ua Ur fffit. . h. .'")., aaggmg aaatiesi freaa the ifjfH t fmaws wsaaissm asw aaxra csmraja, &-: - : :.J-' . ' 'afc-l C 'r?t J BPBVatan. Sal bvj .vaswt m ssas? fU' :i .. i: ..iil. : y k,i mm-' np iSm&4 rr iif -.. ,.:' WiA' 1 1':" jw-i w jrtv, , filirAi rA sjf Your Roof? h nx or WHILE THE aril I Ah all Iia namaaa hahM anfaMIKM. ..wu. aut WW avwwo WU1U SUWWIW . r- oIw.nAh a1HlBai moImsi tk atlfl llT'ifan rsanaa tt tho rnAA oat Li - f --.w w v ww wwvev w- trlct No. 19 ror drlUliis well asspci-jmacUt about four 0UBCe, of jkd 8tu NaiI IiamiiIm nToll 4m Vkk JTII4 aaJ I ' UCU IJOlUsU. VU 8-sj w lAaTUSfaU CUaU vJsWK;'aBnifHS, - 5K 5 B 'TIM 5Hta iSe&Ksni ' 'Stf-f .ii i: i i.;s W. D. MILLER lafrootmgaMeoa., BS'SMk, sM SBkIi.li y-ei"-v.( r aH ,FbaBf .Mil" U MHKHBB1BaH l-mW T. ..fc ,.; namnxm 'mMw :$m. ,' "L'mam'i- 'WT)immc STOPS, KM GONE IMAA.V - ;WBf'."P',P,a)s .vaasaaaj amg) aHaggm.iSjaaaTiBgaaB Aw .M'i,vii.aaaa,a.asjlsamtL w -. WW-- J M'ttteg J:va '. ' r LW i, NHraka aN!BarMa77r2.: L'! 'XSaSliJfteS!: ssi, '' asirii-jiT-irT'.-.-Mirr. sen L aBaaBBaL-"ar'B' V-""l '" '"JHasfsaaBl (''asaaal H saffM -VaasBBaB sa aamVaB r ; ' J -.! i .". wjps' wan; ya mm. . . s tie questions which cannot be set tled by direct negotiatioa. 8ome,-very broad ad-very subtle sutesmaaship will b needed in the immediate near future. That The Hague tribunal affords the best means to make and secure a lasting peace Is the more probable when we reflect that while the hates engendered by the war are most vin dictive and fferce, still the knowledge that some millions of brave men have been killed and maimed during the past year, that halt the homes of Eu rope and the British isles have been made desolate through unspeakable sorrow and loss; aad that all Europe u oathe verge of bankruptcy because ot It; will, despite the anger and hate, have their affect and cause men to be (ions that any repetition of this horrors inflicted shall be made Impos sible. Th fact,' too, will creep into th. miadt of men, that the mighty losses have established nothing,, and make tba the more ready to confess that after all mind rales, and' that among civilised nations there Is a bat ter way ot adjustlag differences than by th abkraaaeat of the sword.i neaoe, pur neiier, la mat a new code caa be drafted that would be ac cepted. ' ' A ode that would limit tb size of standing armies to a certain jsmall proportion of the whole people of a country. A cod that' would tn Ilk manner limit the navy of aay country to the actual necessities of such nation for th proteetioa Cot 1U coasts and, com merce. A oed that weald array the world agalast aay power that should spring a war before offerlag Its differences with it and nay other power for arbi tration; that such nation shall not only be pursued with war, but by th boycott-of all th world powers.' A cod completed on lines narked out above would make goiag to war impossible, said ta big, brulaers 6t Barepe would sa aarr ,to sub? serlbiag to It sow than evr bfor, JudgeO. 0. Ooedwla. , : i i" i Work to begin five days after the open ing ot bids. Bidders to famish casing and complete, the well soon as possi ble. All bids must be In clerk's hand not later than 7 p. m. September M. Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. H. L. VEIT. Clerk, 8-10t Worden, Oregon. ef A FULL LINE This agency makes a specialty fire, life, accident, liability, burglary and other insurance, surety sends. loans, rentals, city and country prop erty of all kinds. Have the aulamnt snd ths help that guarantees armt and efficient service.' N treubl t answer questions. Chlleote, asj Msila street, Men 88. 1 Uke before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act line, This famotta salts Is made from tho add of grapes aad lemon Juice, com bined with lltbla, and has been used for generations to clean aad stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralise acids in the urine so It no longer Irri tates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salta Is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It is Inexpensive, cannot Injure, and makes st delightful, effer vescent lltbla water driak-(Advt.) RUB BACKACHE AND LUMBAGO HGff OUT Grata Storage Storage for grain in brick ware house can be secured at th Klamath Valley Warehoase, what transfer able wareboaa receipts ar tssaed. 18-lt . Bi Pain gal Mamaa away with asaalls4feafeUBMst tit Jajefcg OU When your bask is sere sad lame or lumbago, sciatic or rheumatism has you stiffened ap, dent suffer I Get a tS cent bottle of old, hoaest "fit. Jacobs OU" a aay drag store, pour a little la year haad aad rub it right into the pala ut sake, and by the time you count ftfty, the soreness sad lame ness is goae. Doa't stay risledl This soothing, penetrating oil asaas ad- be vmi only once. . it takes is ash aad pain right out of your bask and sads the misery. It Is magiaal, yet ahsslateiy bsrmlcs and doeMH bara the skla. Nothing slse steps isnsago, aciatk-u sad Isme bask atlstry so, promptly I STOVES AX COST 1 --- - Heaters -Wood,. Coal and Oil iest Cost SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR PRICES Wm. C. Hum Hardware Co. Siriirii Stop e i f WHBN ALL other German sates get ketehsd, we suggest Mr. Maeka- M aoald pass as a Ssstekaaa, and a bra'(aid 'an a' that, eh Jockf -, - i . HAVE YOU NOTICED tba'eater- prlsiag buach of youngsters that er- HHbssVbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbH bH bH I ".'jTiULm frsa Will Rn I aaan a' Mmmmw mm sawajgwaa wgjav - w w aBdBdB bb1FBbv bbbb k bbbb! bbbb! bbkbbbbbb! bbbb! ' " ' ivaH mm I I Closed AUUayoaturday I rj 9 I on Account of slewish Holiday I IHfr BBBBBs! r Bb! QTtTt13bbBBBBBBB1 BBbI t-A- 5. BBBBBsI FaMmSmffB ffsBBBSBSB bbbb .ii' w lean sisii laaai bbbbt )':.. a . m SMWm.m aaj m -, m nTw a am in iwww nwa I Will Upen Saturday tvening I -r :Fronr 6:3Q, to 10 Ipsaaa am -?: .- am a am t i.'i v . am a I will havs asiwthiag inporteMt t41 you. Wfttck tkic asmtr I H H I bib . nan hb . Ml, I ' BBBB' bbbbI v h yr ." "f. . ,,:! '" j . .- . V Mm wV bbbBB 8BB BBBB ', .bbbbbi BBBI BBB ,Bw 1 ,aT aBBBBk. aaam ' - - . I sssVal 15. I " "I Ain't Mael at Nobody" I (nAtm U I .- tr '. "i..' . A'-' . IJIBJwl ! v i K 'it- u," x ' ?" - i '. - ; ! " BBB wFaw. 1 Quick and Reliable Service Freight, baggsge or passenger. Equipped with auto busts snd ass) trucks. Mest all trains and beats.. Daer night service. Western Transfer Co. Phene: Office, 117; Residence, 28S.fl. EVERY DOLLAR YOU DEPOSIT s In this bank means (bat It sUf" working for you im you works ft. 'And it works twenty-four eta U day and 385 day a year,. I?, more dollars you deposit ths bs: workers you have. Ucgin now, am be nn employer of money as amlsj, an earner ot It. . FIRST STATE 6M SAVINGS BAFKi KLAMATH FALLS; OREOON Stationery of lf)ualiX 'iW' This weak we have en sate a biff lot of ;. --"- " Amsi ' ' B4 eavetagsf wl , w-w I VW. aachbox. '. Pric,25c fm d .'rut l ..MVI 1 i i r i .s.-... ;2.BrA .nm sffaffn asfBBBBaBBBaaB.aBBV' BBsV-BBtaSBBiWABBBVaBBBBB I HllaKI PeVIAIvniBBfll I WasfiBiBmw f ' T ' " '.V'-tWBBBBBBa Binl! ""rJL lORBflOH.'.i .., ....!. H. . BuysHiTiWir "if. Nil" n. ,4P3tl& ". in, s. r.r1 1: viz. x t i,. ,'