'JL. V v. s t i 'V'M'U? ' ! w iiii" 4. . Hrralii , HO', :tl rcin: KLAMATH FALL!' . ., r$ifl w. KLAMATH COUNTYX & OFFICIAL NKWiPAPEi 5 v l' l-V . . . m ti Sii"" ' -V 3 . J ,,.? , '!! 11 M? KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. 1915 "V UUte ituiMtntn I .gan H l'V t. ff Uf !1 "httar-Xo. W BROKEN; VILLA IIDS NOGALES tTV MACIUNK JWNH AMI TII.IKIIV IMIKH WORK S l". Wmmtod. and M i i lW AMMTiCMM WH V WrH At llrowMvUI Me Imw Fire. Killing Horeoa TrooN 'rot, Eagew Artillery Dart. milch Ui Till Infantry Arrive. I'sM I'"" Hervlre NOllAI.Kit. Hepl. IT. Tht battle for the uiilon of Nngales tad Ho nor tiA turned against the Carranta tow. Tin? Vllln followers er hold. InjMhetlty this morning. The Carrnnib right was smashed Uf I he rournit rated fire of forty tnn rhlno gun and twenty field piece. Carunia rled. leaving 115 dead, 300 wouuJn) ami COO prisoners. Hundred uf Americans on the boundary wltnetwed the battle, which hm been ruling ince Tuesday. United I'reM Service unOWNHVILLK, Sept. 17. Mexl ftni entrenched at the electric light plant at MMamoraa Bred Into Browns vlllo slid killed several horaea. A triMii of catalry was ordered to the reeu r. Twciiiy-nui soldiers exchanged vol !) with tho Mexicans for half an hour. Ono Meilcan waa killed and four were wounded. A hall of bullets greeted the troop witt to Investigate the firing when thny apjicarcd on the hank of the riv er at Ramerlsao. Infantry were then wnt to reinforce the troopers, at which the Mexican ceaaed Bring. Villa forces are looting raachea ntaT Torrrou, dlapatchea to the atate departmnnt claim. They evacuated Muiquli and are fleeing to Chihuahua, stripping Amerlcaa raaeaea ea route of horscH and mules. The Americana were not harmed otherwlM. FINLEY TO FILM. WILD ANTELOPE HTATK IIIOIXXJUrT AND NOTED ARTIST WILL ARRIVE HERE TOMORROW ON WAY TO LAKE COUNTY Deputy Uame Warden Stout la In receipt of a telegram front Wat Biol tlit William L. Plalty, of the Fish Jd Game Commission, aaMuaetng that ho will arrive la Klamath Falla tomorrow night la eompaay with Jew Ht HorKofall, the noted artlat aad saltUr. The party is on the way to Lake wunty, where Mr, Maley hopes to some motion pictures of aatelope n that section; to he used ta k iUui rated lecturaa, Mrs. Rape, Net Oaaeeate Waited Preaa Rervtee OAKLAND, gapLlT, The Happy JUy Is no longer aapajr, Taegwere Ppy for years, hut If Mrs. Happy presses her present' eharge t failure p Provide In the superior eetrt, the 'y no longer he Kay, hut aaaay, ''tftjjftN'r'H-'j, Alt' t HbsaHsjk) President's NieceZto Make Debut ms$fyf vBP Jaw BBmnmnigg&"''gonr r MISS bbbW ...' BBnV-4' BBnKSSaiHCGBBBnV lav MgaVlg 'dBV9BSgmH HbH JM f ai'-WgftgB gllllllK-daillVf itfLHIgH 1 gallllllHiPygaV1F4HgaHH 5 nanfgananananananananananaVlganananaIdgPianVr "t S aiflgeHHBgS.ggggl tWi iHalllZeSH gIIIIIIIIH I ilnHiH I gaUHHHIlVfi ' aafflflBgawPfgaH I" gilllllHfl!'?S'ljNiKSg1gWB I H LanananananananananaVBidanBnViSnanarvgaBnaU iw '''' agBBnananananananV gananananl ' VaanaBamnanananananw U 4 3aS Lw 1 yJi JBhp "gfL CdfamSgalgai Mlss Allen Wilson, daughter of Mr. nnd Mra. Joseph Wlou of Balti more, will make her debut In Wasbtagtoa society this fall. The event Is likely to be ono or the big social occaalons at the White House. She has often visited tho White House, and is therefore well known In the capital. STREET CLEANER OISCOVERS EIRE McOAVItAN PAINT SHOP HCKXK OF 1ILAZK KAHLY THIS MORNING. HEAT FROM CHIMNEY IGNITES WOODWORK An early morning lire did a few hundred dollars worth of damage to the building occupied by the S. E. Mc- (lavran paint store, on Sixth street, between Mala and Klamath, belonging to Ed Du Fault. Mr. Mcflavraa'a own loss waa very alight. The city employes had Just begun to clean Sixth street, at 3 a. m., when amoke and flame waa seen pouring from the roof of tho building. The Are department waa Immediately sum moned, nnd Mr. McOavran, who waa sleeping In the building, made a haaty exit. No attempt was made to atop (he Are before the department arrived except that a cook la a nearby res taurant threw a dlshpan full of water upon the btaat. The fast and efficient work of the Are department soon put out the Are. The cause of the blase U mosuy a mystery, and a algnlAcant fact la that many of the rafters are charred and black where- ao watar waa thrown, causing Mcdavraa to believe that heat from the chimney aad bees pouring Into the space between the celling and the roof for many daya, and the tem perature slowly Increased until the flame broke out. . MELHASE BA6S TWO BIG BEARS RECORD DEER ALSO FALL TO HIMi-aROUSK SEASON OPEN, AND RIMM ARE FLRNTIFUI. IN " KLAMATH COUNTRY The huntiag "aeaaoR almost' In n awiag. Deer, bear aad grewe at w full Keaeat ourtltavattea ! Hthe toeal aaortamea, ,f, !dua Malum broke all reearae.fei; fJammV KTTM SVgggggW V BW '" the season this week. Two big bear, the biggest of the season, and ono buck, the biggest killed this year in' thla section so far aa known,, fell to I his aim. The season for grouse and dove is' jaUo open. The grouse are said to be; plentiful up about the Klamath Agen- cy. These large, beautiful game mra' In the past have been considered an Incidental factor In a deer hunting trip, but many, hunters And them quite worth a separate trip. October, 1st wil see the opening of the quail and wafer fowl season, and then" Klamath Falls sportsmen will bo In their element: Mober Committee. Named At tho'regular 'meeting of Prosper ity Rebekah Lodge No, 104, 1. 0. 0. F. met la regular aesslon last night. The following were named as the banquet committee for Octeber: Virginia Al- ford, Henrietta Orookfleld, Haael Drookfleld, J. W. Smith, Chaa. Qaroe Ion, Little Fitch, Mary North, W. H. North, Evelyn Hughes, Dr. A.1 J. Lyle, Jessie Lyle, Chaa. Graves, Eva Graves, Oreta Bradley, George Bradley, Agnes Maston, May Tower. An 8 (a -pound daughter waa born yesterday to Mr. aad Mra. Jamea T. Henley at the Henley ranch aouth of theoMy. Odd Fellows Visitor Venison Feast Grand Patriarch Andrewa of the Encampment branch of Odd Fellow ship of the Jurisdiction of Oregon will visit the local lodge tonight la the intereata of the order, and at the laat meeting of Ewauna Encampment the following were named aa a committee to' prepare for hla jreceptloat R. J,; Sheets, Carl Adams, Jasper Bennett, O. O. Brower and Fred Hyadman. When anything la the line of "aa big eats" la entrusted to euea men as composed that oommltteeaonje thiag substantial may ho laekad, iff. VMUHiv gheaia and t'AdomeV wta Jack Fringe) aa mentor aad taatruotor and Pari Hill aa guiee.-starwa nrvm Jeaay Creek district for the .purpose of aecurtaftao meat for tae paafuet. They did not go with "tho hopa-of getting It'' (key went to got R.1 y$f No eae kaews that country .better thaa Karl Hill 'tis aald be cam r . . wm i: 4sat4 . t t :feia.i, KLAMATH COUNTY FRIEND, PATRON ANSWERS DEATH fAUKIi DAV 1H UKAUAT IflH MKIN I ftILL HOMK I " ""I 1 Heart Failure ClaJmalHcuil of Water Y I'aera AeaoclaUe-4'u Injured In 4 i lUllroad Wreck at Ttirnll, and Haa .Never Quite Recovered Devoted I iMHt 'er to InittCKt of Couaty. tve Wife and vlur (tilldren. Abel Ady, president of the Water Users Association, died at his borne at Merrill last nlghtj Heart failure was the cause of his death. Tho last several yejirs of Mr. Ady's lifo has been a constant war against heart disease, but the mnlady hau at tost triumphed. He 'aa Injured when be Jumped from a railway wreck years ago nt Thrall, and since that time ha been unwell. ! r , At the last meeting of the Water',nc Amorlcan represenUtlvo In Aus i Users Association, according to John jtrI,( may Bent home Dy tne g0vern- Irwin, he wan nearly stricken by his effort to climb the stairs. Since then he Jws been sinking rapidly, and the end came last alght He leaves a wife and four children, and waa about 48 years o&age. He 'came to thla section from Santa Clara 'county, California-. i 81nce his election to the presidency to the Water Users Association he hru devoted most of his time and en ergy to the upbuilding of thla district. And according to all Klamath Falls people, this county has lost a friend nnd patron that cannejt.be replaced. .-The funeral services will be held at' 2:30 tomorrow at Merrill. WILL CELEBRATE 64TH ANNIVERSARY POPULAR MIDGE WILL OELE URATE ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDATION OF THE ORDER WITH SOCIAL EVENING Monday evening, September 30, will be the sixty-fourth anniversary of the founding of the Rebekah Degree of Odd Fellowship, and the event will be celebrated by Prosperity Rebekah Lodge No. 104, I. O. O. F., with a social evening at Odd Fellows Hal. Arrangements for the entertain ment have been placed In the hands of a committee composed of Mrs. Nellie sWattonburg, Mrs. Adeline Cofer aad Nate Otterbeln. A program la being arranged, and will be published In the Herald before Monday evening. Will Give . ' of the deer by their first names, aad kaowa where all of 'em live when at home, Also ao doer haa any business prowling around when Jack Prlngle Is out for meat. Aad while they did not start until after dinner, and had la the neighborhood of forty mllea to (to. they were ready to return before dark with u ntoo four-point ta the toaneau, which had fallen to Prlagle's gun, Mra. Nate Otterbela is preparing taateer for Uiofoaothla ovealng, aad Brother Andrewa,' will have the pfcoeure of prealdeag ev the disposal of aa gne a feed aa over waa spreao. Members of-Ktestarooampmeat branch. of theoroern reo,tteotea to meet la a speeW mosilag.at 7: 30' this sAraainr. In order to' reeeive Grand IMrirk oaVstattr.'artor.whloh Klam- ta Lodge will moot la regular tea- tea. odoa'treetet. Ambassador May Be Sent Home i-gttttW-i1 P gBBBBBBBBBBBBmTB J jBjBjBjBjBjBBjBBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBja t gWgaH I tttHaalllllllli I ' SSSSSSSSSSE tttttttttttttttv. I , BJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBjr amaaaaammaaaaaaV I Ainhaiuuidor Frederick C. Peadeld Ambassador Frederick C. PenQeld. raent of that nation as a result of the request by President Wilson that Aus trian Ambassador Dumba be recalled. Washington diplomats have not yet been able to gauge the situation, but they fear this will be the result of President Wilson's action. RODEO AND FAIR PUNS ARE MADE SUBSCRIPTION LIST OPENS WITH gaOO SOUTHERN OREGON-NORTHERN CALIFORNIA FAIR IS PROPOSED Two big projects tor next 'year are occupying the attention of Klamath Falls business men. One Is a great fair, to be held at Klamath Falls, em bracing products from all of Southern and Eastern Oregon and Northern California, and the other is the Rodeo. Louis Jacobs Is one of the foremost behind these two plana, and he haa opened the subscription list for the Rodeo with $300. Aad aa mat Klamath Falls men are In favor of this novel and popular sort of festival the subscription list Is expected to grow rapidly. The Fair Idea is meeting immediate popularity. It would be a new thing, according to Its promoters, would bring thousands of people to Klam ath Falls, and would tend toward a more rapfof development of Northern California and Southern Oregon. AOTEN ACQUITTED OF MANSLAUGHTER JURY RETURNS VERDICT IN TWENTY MINUTES AFTER THE CLOSE OF SENSATIONAL TRIAL LASTING FOUR DAYS (Special to Tlie Herald) I.AKBVIBW, Ore., Sept. 17-The Jury' In the case of John B. Auten found the defendant "not guilty" of manslaughter for tho ahootlag of Ray Curtis on JulyUth. The trial haa been In progress since Hoaday. The Jury waa out only about twenty minutes, Auten, admit ted the killing of Curtis, but the de fense "ww baaed oa the Pieeof teat porary Insanity of the defeadoat at the time of the shooting, -The de fease was handled by Judge Gale -.of Klamath Falla aad W. LairThoo aoaot'Ukovlew. Mr. Autea left for Klamath Falls ImmedUtoly , after tho return of tho verdlet by the yary. A. ii -r MSm OIL KIN6 WILL : NOT 6IVE HELP IN BILLION LOAN JOH.V II. ItOCKEFKIiLER WOULD HEFTHE OOMM1HSIOX 4 Will Take Xo Part la Loaning Money to Carry on Europeaa Coaalct Re f uses Loan to Eaglaad and Raasla. j Make Dedaite Derision -"This ' War is Awful; Don't Yoa This It Is Awful?" Aaked Magnate. j - -- 1 (Copyright, 1915, by United Preea) j 17. Jehn: D. CLEVELAND, Sept. Rockefeller haa finally decided defi nitely that he will take ao part la loaning money to carry on the Eu ropean conflict, according to a United Press Interviewer. "You are expecting a call from the commission of European bankers now In New York to negotiate the billion dollar war loan?" was asked. "No," replied Mr. Rockefeller. "I certainly do not expect a visit from the commission. They knew that I would not consider it, if they naked me. Both England and Russia asked me for a loan and were refused." The oil king waa silent a moment. Then he added: "Thla war la awful. Don't you think it Is awful?" JOST QUIETLY - STEPPED OUT; THIS YOUNG COUPLE DID NOT 1 ! NOTIFY A SOLITARY SOUL OF THETOr INTENTIONS AS THEY STARTED FOR A WALK To escape all the fusa aad feathers usually attendant upon a wedding of popular young people, Wellington Tempter and Miss Bee Summers start ed out for a quiet walk last evening, and when they returned they were man and wife. While their marriage waa one of those assured facta that people con template with interest, no date had been set for the event, aad.frleada were resting easy In the securltyof the thought that, all would bo notified In due time, but the young 'una had their own tdeaa of what they wanted. and with the assistance of Rev. B. C. Richards they succeeded in foolln' 'em all. The ceremony was Pertormedat thejtaoW M Hmr0R g,iiaa"-luB. Methodist parsonage last evening, STEFANSSON ON HIS WAY NORTH X NAVAL DEPARTMENT RECEIVES MESSAGE FROM EXPLORER THOUGHT LOSSHA PUR CHASED SHIP, aWGAOHD MEN United Press Service -' OTTAWA, Sept. 17. Stofanaaoa la aafe. The naval department received a message dated Auguat Slat, aa fol fel fol eows: ' "I have purchased tho 'Polar Bear,' engaging her on term alailar to Ue Kariuk.' Have eangi Hot aa oi glneer; also Ave eatra holpera, have ample outfit for year, tne -rr, oear ivr w jw... .. iam - a. a,.. , "My plan U to eontlaue Northera eapiomteaa le ia woot, gg Mt?oa1 .: -- . .. . . farther aorta, ir a northerly eourso la secured.' i OaawFiM494tMtoMooti There;wH:5bo a mooting -of ; the Caann. Fire Qfria at Mrs, Moaairtoa' roaldoaeo oa Croeeeat avoaue aatutf a?vgt;iip.vf iU H t ! .j 400,000 GERMAN lOOPS ASSAULT f VILNA REGION WltTH DVI.NHK FALL,, BUT ELSE .WHERE HVmtASS VlCtOHS - Artillery SapsorU la Vaet "5 Caaage. Gecmaa Deteradaed t Ooasjaee Riga Vflaa Raasiaae FaH De- Away, ta Admlselee)" OBrsaw feated fas Other Sections . ' Oawsjaer. e4 Regiew of Great Im; United Press Service BERLIN, Sepl'n. It haa heoa aar nounced that the troops under Oen- eralvon Hladenberg hare coaauered South Dvinek. The conquest la of great Importance. , United Press Service PETROORAD, Sept. 17. General von Hladenberg is hurllag 4,09,090 men. artillery supporting, la 'a des perate effort to capture Vllna, Dvlaak and Riga. It- Is admitted" that the Russians retired before their aeeaulta In this region, but elsewhere the Oer mans were defeated. IMMENSE THEFT, IS ACCUSATlilN LATE GUY DEBOI8B WITH HALF MILLION STEAL FROM GOLD DREDGING CON CERN DAUGHTER SUED REDDING, 'Calif.. Sept. 17. Thefts of halt a million dollars In gold dust are charged to' the late' Guy A. Dubois by the Hlchlgaa people, who are alleged to have'aaaaoed the Shasta county gold dredging man la bls'operatlons, aad who are now suing his daughter for the recovery of the property said to have been misappro priated by her father. "'., According to tho complaint aled in the county clerk's .oatee b'y Attorney R.;Rathburn of Sacramento on behalf of Charles Binder, Robert tanner. Christopher Swttxer. William Larkla and Ernest King, all of the atoU of Michigan, the planiUaa la taoyear 1905 "formed a corporatioa to Ing company, to do a gotddroaging bualnoaa neaT Redding la Shasta coun ty. The coiTKMraUoa had Htoata oa a g'oldjdredger to bemused m'tkef work' aadTthey proceeded, to employ Ouy A. Dubois to operetelthe gold ahlp: DEPUTY MARSHAL rlRRY VISITS TAKES 'ALLRGRII RObn&MHRS. THORNSON AND ? IHMtTLAND-r-NEEB OFAT 'ivji3 : " I ,HRAI iL RUIIdHNG SHOWN ?ft . r d '!. i . u-;r -i V-. h"2.ua ? j f(M, , ?"1"" " 'K T"- "SC Btafoa maraaai, was ia ittsaju 'rnjiass '. ."TT - . -t. ..-... K. .. '7t , v ---. "rj-atrY"j:Zlf."i tAW i ''?TTW. T."Tit't lasasmlm . St rt-.' :;jf. ' " i?'j;ci - wr - ti - - - k $ tL.&x"e Saas elR.' 1)p?;isfslgfsyiai,W' saanjr, VW fBaa aaewwaay waftaiw m octao unweu; amw sa;;. aow,asw;,ai wajr, ajeaoraiag waoeooemmuaioa west M aaaay Kiaauta jrarm amamuam mn. a federal huUdwH aaooWbo ajro-, ; 5 ' '"KVtw ' . " t:.- '1 j - ?i ,m ?i it . 5. i .; m 4f ?. I it HI vH i i ihlt ?ji ?m i ! rf svtew", Hi U ' v l- '"' jS" ' vatfjuV- f-iMWfwl-J .'i3" f. v IL K HvCT; $ m'$TJWffl&x ' W lif $IV . t kJU &&"& Ah v 'srfwzy