- ,.rw," . t4- : v&" ?ji "' ,Vi fc,ilal .- -?"& v fth Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OI'FICIAL NEWSPAPER nW-tf " ' "t-i lEurntnn KUMATH PALLf -OFFICIAL NEWIPAPM ias Year No. 8,T MISTAKE CLAIM IN ARABIC CASE CONTROVERTED OF THK I'ltKHIUKNT lsratHilll Hoped for Secured AriJlMllMI Will KMHh OfVMMM - - lmaortaat Kridemra Mi so-mega - Casxledug Hesperian MlnedI Mm DolUr loan u Allien Neutral Anwu I'llted I'rcu Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 17. It Is Germany' next move, U the ) till opinion regarding the submarlae tltustlon. It will probably be a fort tlgst before affairs come to a crista. ID admlnlitratlon hopea to secure 1 slmvawat In t ho Arable caaa. The protMent thinks tbat tba evtdeace controverts the German' clalai of "Itltke." If a dla&vowat la secured there will be no difficulty la settllag lit affair, as America would the con stat to arbitration on tho amount of ssaage to bo paid. trailed Press Service BKHLIN, Kept. 15. In concluding tbat the Hesperian waa mined, tba admiralty disregarded tba alleged tuteaenl of a survivor tbat ba aaw tbe iubrourlno Jimt before the slaklag of the vessel. Tho admiralty awalta a report from tbe only submarine la the aea at tbat time tbat I still missing, but la eon fldant they ran confirm tbe atatemeat tbat a mlno mink tho Hesperian. Called free Service WASHINGTON, I). C, Sept. 15. Assurances from the administration that the proposed billion dollar loan la the allies was within tbe llmlta of neutrality ram officially from tbe White House today. United Press Service NKW YOUK, Bept. 15. All Ger-nun-American dlfficultlea will be eat tied within a fortnight, la tbe atate meat accredited to Beraadort, la aa Interview with New York World re porters, obtained at tba JtlU-Carlton hotel upon returning from Washing too. T LARGE ARSON RIN6 PORTLAND MKN ACCUSED OF CONNECTION WITH HOUSE WILDING AND BURNING aWU NiMH UHad I'ress 3orvlc ' Portland, Sept. 16. Tba grant '"' 'amtlgstlon of the arte Hot " In an Indictment of laaford Currlyer, the building contractor, ""a of firing his own house la mSS 1812, wal others were IT of having ooaaoetloa with w ' lleged stato-wida arson ring. .J"!' n. Qnt Hswley, M ar imuI rr,er '? ,! ta 'talS. that be rotUMa S?? u,1(l,nf Mt nUn boaaea wtHjroan. Hla oparatMM are ft. J'ftrat'hlngtoaaadQraa,, l ' uatona Itetam Vraaa ''VMr ' Jart,,..a.nd M Frt Haaatoa have wKr. .KrnDd from ,laWlgatf 2J they v,M ftUrwinej. "ockfortheK.C, KllMaf.; vi,rr ft. whaiw ktt.uiLL;M.v ' bok a-T. -- -w a mrawai ''! .--"' SUSPEC 11 2ar!ri" " Wg waM, HEAT KILLS IN NEW YORK CITY THREE till-:, MAW PROSTRATED IN HEAT WAVE THAT SWEEPS EASTERN SECTIONSMIDDLE WKHT PLAINS COOK United I'reta Service NKW YOUK, Kept. 16.-Three died aad score were prostrated from tbe boat today, In the hottest Reptember weather In thirty-eight ycera. Tbe temperature la still rising, and there are no Indication of Improvement. Called Preaa Service WASHINGTON. I). C Sept. 16. A hot wave has at ruck tbe Eastern and Southern elate and the Missis- alppl Valley. New York broiled with a temperature of eighty degree. The Mlsslaslppl plains almost cook. SHERIFF BRINGS HILL TO TRIAL MAN WANT: KUK XX-Hi;i'H)RT OK WIH:, AHItraTKD AT MA IIKRA, ItKOiailT IIKRK MONO MKT AT g,SOtt deputy Sheriff Lloyd Low returned last night from Madera, with Wllllaa? Hill aa hla prisoner. Hill la wanted hero on n charge of non-support of bla family. About' two week ago Mr. Hill sor" out a warrant for bar hav bund' arrest on the charge mention ed. Hill, who had been working aa a Stage driver between bare and Mer rill, vr.in arrested at Madera, and Mr. Low found blrn In Jail when he ar rived (here. He vna brought to Klamath Ki.!la, whore he will face trial. Ilia bond w,u set at 11,500. DISTRICT FAIRS TO BEGIN SOON MKItHILL, IM)NANSEA AND FOHT KIAMATH MAKK PIANH FOR H17CCKHHKUL FAIRS IN THK NKXT FKW WKKKH The district fair will occupy the attention of the farmers the latter part of the month. The first will be held at Merrill, September Slat. The Merrill people Intend to make It a aticceaa In every way. Tbe second fair la scheduled at Bo nansa for September 16, and farmers are already gathering producta for this fair. The third fair will be held at Fort Klamath on October lat aad Id, aad thla fair baa always been one of Im portance. All three falra are expected to be widely atended, Alleged Oermsa Started Strike United Praaa Service BOSTON. Sept. 16. The executive board la meeilag with labor ualona tonight to atart proceedlnga la the longshoremen's atrike, alleged to have been Instigated by the Germans. Grants Fss Girl Here Mum Ada Gould la vlaltlag frlende from GrMta Paaa. RHam From Ashlaad Mra, Robert Sloan and bob Junior, who have been vlaltlag remtlvea aad frlsada la the Rogue River Vallay for the past two weeks, bavsraturasd. wj -siBBSjmtsmswsssm A W. t. aarver. .tfavellag fralfht g "sjtVof ibeWMtara PasWa railway. KLAMATH FALLS, ORKOON, WEDNESDAY, (21,000,000 IS DAILY EXPENSE ENGLAND'S WAR NL'CII IH AVKRAOK MONTHS KOH TWO Amouat Nestrtna; tSS.OOO.OOO Dally. New BUUoa Dollar toaa Reejalred. Kltrheaer Aaajottarea 1190,000 Me Have Reea Added to ibe Force la France aad the Flanders Wild DrvatM Kscardod. t'nltvd Pre Service LONDON, Sept. 15. Eaglaad'a dally war expenditures exceed wildest dreams. A new credit of a billion and a quarter dollara baa been moved. Aaqulth aaaounced tbat the dally average haa been 111,000,000 be tween July 18th and September 11th Tbe amount la aald to be approaching 116,000,000 dally. Tbe appropriation naked today la to laat till November 3 United Presa Service IX)NDON, Bept. 15. Kitchener's announced that ai force of 110,000 men haa been added to the British army In France and the Flanders. MEET TONIGHT PLANS FOR Rl'YKRH WKF.K WILL UK MADK AT MELTING OF BU8I MKNS ASSOCIATION AT THK CITY HALL Tbe Business Men's Association 111 hold an Important meeting to night at the city hall, to complete ar rangement for the Buyers' Week, to be held early In October. A full at tendance Is desired. Tho Buyer' Week la a unique thing in Klamath county. It will be a week la which farmers and people from oth er towns may buy to the beat advant age at Klamath Fall business bouses. Special bargains will be obtainable, and since the affair la to be widely ad vertised, a large attendance la ex pected. STILL HOPE TO CATCH HOOPER DKTKCT1VK RELIEVES BANDIT IS IN SOUTHERN ORBGON OR IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, IN HIDING Special Agent Cotturl of the South ern Pacific company, who baa boea la charge of tbe hunt for Joaa Auatla Hooper since tba lattar decamped, will leave for the north, having been bora aa a wltnssa before the grand Jury which baa been considering tba Hoop er case, says tba Grants Paaa .Courier. Mr, Cotturl Is conidoat that Hooper will again run Into the net aad be caught, aad believes that the wanted man la still either la Southern Orogoa or Northern California.' While la Eugeae the other day the detactlva called upoa the mea who wore with tka huatlag party la tba Klamath country, aad, who reported taattbey had asea Hooper. CotUrl think It mora than Wkely that tka man see Was Hooper, aa ha had are. vlously beea reported In the vMalty ofProaaaat. v Slnea afaaarlag at the camp of, ike huatora la the Klamath couatry aa la reported to hav beea recognised near Dorrl. aad it la baUavad that tae out law to elreUag amid to roach frleada asMM tlta-Iaataas aa tho Lower BUSINESS MN Klamath. , r .fur: WHEAT HARVEST BEATS ESTIMATE THREEMILLION OHRGOVM CROP IN 10,000,000 BVSHKLS 4 t North wee Orala Harvest Increase 8.000,000 BsMfcat Over Last Year. Hamper Wheat Crop Is the Biggest Marprlse, Most of WHh It Great Increase. tte Grain I Already Hatrested. United Press Servlee PORTLAND, Sept. 15. Farmers of the Pacific North wast gathered 119, 200,000 buahela of grain this year, compared with 111,400,000 bushel a year ago, according to statistic of ilymaa II. Cohen, crop expert. The harvesting Is practically completed In' the three states. The whsat crop' was the blggeat surprise. The total yield waa 69,300,- 000 buahela for tbe'three states. Thla la 3,300,000 greater than tbe July es timate, and 8,300,000 greater than laat season. Washington leads with a total wheat crop of tt,000,000 bushels. Oregon 1 second,' with 19,000,000, and Idaho third with 11,300.000. arrange JOR BOUNZA FAIR ANNUAL KVKNT OF THE CLOVER LEAF CITY WILL BK BIGGER AND BETTER- WILL BE HELD IN NEW IIOTKL BUILDING (Herald Spetlsl Service) BONANZA. Sept. 15. The annual (air (or the Uonanaa district will be bold at the new hotel la Bonansa on October 1st. This date waa decided ,oa by a meeting called oa Monday eve ning, when tho following oPJcers were elected: President, John T. Bradley; secre tary, Ur. John L. Harris. Tbe follow ing chairmen of committees were also appeinted: Agriculture, J. L. Spar ren torn; live stock and poultry, William Wood; fruit and vegetables, L. D. Burk; dslry products, Fred W. Bold; school work, Professor Ray T. Burke; adver tising and premium list, J. O. Ham aker; fancy work and domestic sci ence, Mrs. L. D. Burke. Space in tbe new hotel building haa been placed at the disposal of tbe committees by C. T. Darley for the ex hibits of fruits, grains, etc., while tba livestock may be penned Juat outside the building. ' Tbe committee hope to secure the services of the Klamath, Falls MlUtary band, and tba attendance of several members of tho Commercial Club. Refreshments will be provided by the Ladles' Aid Society of tbe Metho dist church at popular prloaa. Much enthusiasm aad Interest la being manifested, aad everything points to a very successful and en joyable affair. It Is reaueated by the chairmen of tbe various committees that all exhibits be staged, by 10 o'clock on the morning of the fair. Chicago Needed lB,vw,00 Peonies United Praaa Service ,; CHICAGO, Sept. IS. Chicago la the champion consumers of pennies. Her .supply of ise.figo.aoo, coppers ran abort soma time age and aa extra 11,100,000 were seat her, from tba Ualted States treasury. ' And atlli the supply la low. UaHka saaat sub-treas uries where the sufMr.taasually w oases at tka dernaj!' Mm. Oatonto U. a vault to often atari; aad hurried eaUa;fe mora are fraaeatly neoea- SEPTEMBER 15, 1915 BULLETINS WASHINGTON Telegrams pro testing the loan to tbe allies have been received. A panic ha been pre dicted If the people's money Is loaned without sufficient security. NEW YORK Tho allies loan com missioners opened headquarters. The situation 1 announced as hopeful. Some admitted tbat threat of death had been received. Body guard were doubled. WASHINGTON It was learned authofltlvely that the president, after analysing the Arabic note, decided it constitutes an endorsement of Berns- dorff's assurances tbat liner would not be attacked without warning. ROME An unconfirmed Athena dlsptach atates tbat Roumanla has or dered mobilisation against AuRtria. PETHOORAD German . cavalry reached Vllba, on the Petrograd rail way, and repulsed the Russians aad' captured the railway from Dvlnck to Vllraa. BIG TIME FOR ODD FELLOWS OFFICIAL VISIT OF GRAND PATRI ARCH OF ORGEON JURISDIC TION WILL BE OCCASION FOR A GKNKRAL JOLLIFICATION Next Frldsy evening Grand Patrl arch Andrews will pay an official visit to Ewaunat Encampment No. 46, 1. O, O. F. and Klamath Lodge No. 137. I, O. O. F., and tbe occasion will be tak en advantage" of to hold a general celebration of the two branches of the aider. - -v Tbe members of tbe Encampment barnch are requested to meet at the hall at 7:30, when a special meeting will be held by that branch to receive the Grand Patriarch officially, after which the regular meeting of Klamath Lodge will be held. All members of both branches are requested to be present. There will be work In the Second Degree, and after lodge closes a ban quet wilt be In waiting, prepared by a committee from' the Encampment. GERMANS OFFER A STRIKE FUND SUCH IS CLAIM OF LONGSHORE MEN PRESIDENT THE STRIKE WOULD IMPEDE THE SHIP MENT OF MUNITIONS United Preaa Service TOLEDO, Sept. 15. T. V. O'Con ner, president of the longshoreman, stated that Germans offered him 11,035,000 for a month's general atrike of longshoremen. An Atlantic-Pacific atrike would have hampered shipments of muni tions, and would have given Ihe Aus- tro-Germans an opportunity to plant bomba, according to O'Connor. RANK AND FILE WANT HUGHES a"MMMsj CANVASS OF OREGON COUNTIES BRINGS OUT FACT THAT THE FAMOUS JUSTICE IS THE. RE PUBLICAN CHOICE Ualted Presa Servlee ; PORTLAND, Seat. 15 That Judge Hughes la tbe choice of the Orefoa republlcaas for tba proalaeatlaaam laatloa to ladloatad by a eaavaaa that party executive oHcsrs have made la each county, - These emclals war aaksd to. give tba judgment aad the prefereaee of. the raak.aad lie to Seoresary James B. Reynolds t the raaabHsaji na tional eommittee, now, bora. & t KLAMATH FILMS SHOWN HERE SOON rr HUGE CROWD EXPECTED NEXT WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT OPERA HOUSE FOR THE! FIRST DIS PLAY OF THE MOVIES A week from tonight, September 22d, the Klamath movies sre to be shown at tbe opera homes. They com prise 1,500 feet of film, and show Klamath scenery as well aa all phases of the various Klamath county ladaa tries, lumbering, fanning, etc. The entire city la expected to turn out, according to Commercial Club officials. School children will be giv en an opportunity to saa the pictures Thursday afternoon, before they are taken to Merrill, and from, there to San Francisco. Tbe exhibition of these pictures In Klamath Falls la expected to be one of tbe most successful aad productive advertisements for Klamath county ever undertaken. The pictures are clean comprehensive and Interesting. Prices will be 25 and 15c Wednes dsy night, and 10c for the children the following day. MRS. WOOD GETS A LARGE CLAIM 4- v , WIFE dF MAX KJXLHD atHRE ON AUGUST 16TH RECEIVES $18, 444.58 FROM INDUSTRIAL COM MISSION -""' ' The wife of C. A. Wood, who vts'MiuM nt Hrunmntii haipv tti. killed August 16th In a sawmill at'eredby the state department of trntor- tbe Pelican Bay Lumber company, haa oeen awarueu as a ueam ciaim iu,- 444.53 by the State Industrial Accl- dent Commission. This is one of the largest claims ever allowed by the not be recommended by tho coafer commission. , lonce as a whole. Mrs. Wood has five children, which causes me ciaim 10 exnaust me sou , monthly allowance. The law specifies that $30 monthly shall be paid the widow and 1 6 monthly additional for each child under 16 years of age, un less there are so many children that the f50 limit Is exceeded, which Is' true In this case. To keep within the limit It waa nnrnntiTT for th aasnis-' loners to figure one child at 12 monthly, and to leave one out of the t figuring entirely. The total amount that has been set aside with the state treasurer at 4 per cent intereat to pay the entire claim la 18,958.35. I FAKIR ARRESTS MOTORCYCLISTS MYKTERIOUS PEDESTRIAN INr OAKLAND POSES AB COPPER TO COLLECT CASH BAIL FROM SPEEDERS ' ' V i OAKLAND. Sept. 16. Oakland motorcyclists are being stopped by a mysterious pedestrian, who charges thera with exceeding the apeed limit and then agrees to release them upoa tbe payment of cash ball. h 1ab itfimnlftlatat fa VdJ r v. .v ..- ,...... ... -7-,-.,.v i .a.-...: boulavard bv a man who nnaaaraa an-!.. oHcer and demanded taa aaaal aaah ----" r : ball. Moody waa certain aa waa wall' witain tne spaoq limit, ami ratusea to put up say ban. The straager ''arrastad" aim, aad tba two mounted tka .machine and atartad for' the jail." Attar riding far several aieeaa tae maa jumped oa aad dlaapaaarad. , . ,-, i 4mjmrPa "amamBBSf emBssBssna mssjmmn Mrs. Harbart tavHao raturaad to day to CmUaaata, attar, a visit, la Klamath'ralto.k, v , fr olhini! Mooay. wno waa atoppaa oa s;ooiauuw, Vp. M. Hainit Toi,-v of - v U. S. CONSULS TO LEAVE MEXICO OCTOBER FIRST : AMERICANS TOED TO STAY OUT OF MEXICO Official Statement Ask Citise to Remain 'in- United States, of Unsettled CoadMes am A IIordcr-ThretauMoBs MadfJbjr.Fam- ton to Prevent 'TroeMe Threc-Dajr Celebration f. United Press Service ' " - Washington, d. c, Sept. it. j-1 It has been' announced that comuIs""""' "t and consular'sgeaU la practically alP Villa territory have been ordered to leave. Funston reports be has taken precautions to prevent trouble during " a three-day celebration, beginning to- United Press Service , NOGALES, Sept. lS.lt Is stated reliably that all American consuls have been ordered to leave Mexlcojey v October 1st. The consuls at Simplch, " N'ogales and Sonora have sent-ws- onfe, horses and automobiles to remote American camp to expedite 'the ex odus. . "" "" Refugees arriving reported the fur lough of the Twelfth and. Sixth U fantry have been cancelled. A freight car supposed to contain beans, con signed to Maytorena, was opeaad hare and several cases of shrapnel ware found. ' 4 ' ,f C United Presa Service 1 WASHINGTON. D. Or. Sent. 16. nation for the Pan-American meeting Saturday. Conrerees hope the new policy win be pacification. An un- - ' 'equaled recognition of Carranza will s Li is WOMEN VOTERS HOLD CONGRESS W jj ffi REPRESENTATIVES FROMdjvaw,- it- -v OOO WOMEN VOTERS MEET AT SAN FRANCISCO MRS BEL MONT IS SPEAKER a (United Preaa Service ( SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 15. HunK dredB of prominent women delegates are attending the great congressional. - fTws fnn TVnman QnmfamsKBi smrmt'l(B JirC ened yesterday, and will coatlnu for 1 three( days. The delegates oame'prlx;- cipally from the twelve Western states , K ..... .. . f s- vnica nave equal aunrage, ana repre- ? sent more than 4.000.000 women VOt- J iers of the nation. . & One of the principal things before 4 the congress Is the mskiag ofratoaa"56 nuMn lki nnnu. nt tkou A SSS I V'. .... wunwai kBV (..7, wV maw v,TW-m,- 000 women voters feltattUeDeoem- ber session of, congress la Washing-, ton. t Borne of the mora prominent speakers scheduled to appear during the congress are Mrs. 0. H. P. Bel- roontf the New York society leader and .philanthropist; Mra. Phoebe Hearst, Mrs. William Kent. Mrs, Lll- HanTlsrrla Pnflln. Mra. Vloranaa Kftl- '. . ... .. f .v vA,k. ura i.uoian Data. . .2 .w w . . .- , ...., .,. --. , y p rt .. - , . i-.Uf'j iKan Hraaniin w.v.'t. " . u Af.'3 , - . ..... .j..lttU I ; G. A. H, CON VMNHS iv&mii5i The Southern Oregon, reunion. of; u r, b -.. ...... j' a'aaMA-4 Monday to Saturday this week;$,Mum4 " mqh .. -.J .... . "i .iiJ." i.!j! ere oi oia aotawr irs rwr,mHs "&hLJj? of "thla part ot'tlia itate ara aaasftpea'; fl'hm atMoaierd. . Yisxs --'r,-',, ." HitAi iT IS-., 'lialhaa TssssNtshssf ftd& I The frtoads ef.Mrs.-.Frsd.Metbaao;-, i ...i.; v.. v;,a.ui. ... .- i. '-,,'' i 4a wlli.ka laJ ta haa fekaS ssaaiaA ' fl "-.. SL A.- Y iJ Tl.a '"iwart h sm-"jK hH a f -4 . .V-(1 f . I I JK VL ?A $i u t; t I ft . t -. m iH$ 5 r. ' B W fil A. . Jt -,"'?'.'. 1 "W1 waa IK ftMsaata wwm was,. I w. s ' , ( JVj fi V; lSJ i iiv KA.l TJ. iAjJr-j x.