v.if - (s, j v a.vvt ' mi- 7 J . f Herald KLAMATH FALLS', KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ' I? OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER H FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1915 w t P tfW aws (inn? ttumttim 0r uZ vw-tti. ." , KLAMATH Mexicans Cross the Border, Is Reported " - , f . British Cabinet Reported 12 to 9 Against Conscription nfLW-ftArM"- ftrwtAAJ ini"WWVlili"i"1 CRISIS HEARS III BORDER WAR; FORGES GATHER TWO THOl H..l H4ll.ni Kit K WAIT AT IIHOWNSVII.LE lUsgm l'iiriilnu mi Armett Forre. AmrtlmiK ,krl lo l4itc MiMm. Yr Cnnfereiiec Hopeful "iir imm I.IMy lo II HrroRnlMtl ProvUlotiMl I'rralilrtil by Ttilnl I We Conference. The Kurnnient lis. ordered ill American to leave the trou- bird ilintrlclH of Northern Mm- Ico, it I understood from, nil- thorltathc sources. United Trent Her vice T!!lllUVQt If ifn., 14 Tm-m .......,,,...., UV. . ... thousand Hold.. M0 motor, .nd civilian of Ouuoron nntl Hidalgo Willi " rv - -- I ...... i-oiiiitlM linc romblned their force Kglll, District court nt I'rovldonco, ,Jullcd 1rCM 8ervce In propnratlou (tf nn expected attack ' n ,if w nlioi to donth. WASMINOTON, 1). C. Sept. H. by Mexican, who nro rendesvotuloK. N 0U, HftW , murderer. ! Thc nUnin8,rMlon msieta that aer II bollcwd, nenr Arlington. maAn gooJ hH ,.gcnpo. So near wan mJ). JUaV0W lho snknf 0f th0 Art- u m I'nii-cioii inai AniDKion wm be altacked. Hangers are pursuing an armed force near there. AmerhaiiH ownlnr nrouarty in Mexico lieia white, are employed. MM that they had received notice that Washington ant. nil American, to leavo Moxlco. . distance, nwny Haw tho Judge's head l nlted Press Hervtc nbovo ft ,,ojB0 tlmt huts off the lawn WAKIIINUTON, D. C. Sept. 14. of ,0 h0UB from tho highway. Ue-i It lias been announced that the third foro g)0 rcftChed him ho had fallen Mexican I'an-Amorlcan peace confor-'Bnd wnH donji .1 ence will meet at New York 8atur-j nigorou. In his punishment of of iay. Amhissndor Dagma'a Illness fonlorH( t10 judgo hnd many enemies, rained a postponement from Wednes- j,8 ,fo naJ ut,c,j throatoned ropeat ly. A recognition of Carrania a. ly on more thuti ono occasion shot. ' provisional president I. prsctlcally ,,,, 'beon flrej nl him; ho hnd confld-' WWn. ).. , ,., .in,iu hni ho believed ho. ' MEETING IS AN IMPORTANT ONE MKMHKHH OK KWAUNA ENCAMP MKNT WILL MAKE ARRANGE MKNT8 TONIGHT TO GREET flllAXI) PATRIARCH Members of Hwtuna Encampment f. 0, I. O. 0. r at their meeting wnlght will make arrangement, to meet Grand Patriarch Andrews when M makes hi. oUclal vl.lt her on next Friday night. U U desirous that vtry member o kw'tuna KnouapHsnt attend, to nilhts mooting, as the voice of all " ""estly desired In this Matter, Wk lf KokkUy. Bad WASHINGTON, D. a, test. lt. ne fan season Is on In oUclal .Wash- "Won. n. avrutli.M -J-v u..... Burday half holidays, aidthe cab- hi m6eHn ret vjarly. Nearly all in. " omoU fwelga'dln- omau are m ton, and , tklag. are ul. Vl BM,B wUl the ueuM ro. M. which the hot weather broke up, "" MNMMMMVMMWWMMMMMMMMMMMMWWMMMMMMMMMMMWWMMMMWWVWMMWWM VAvVWVVWWVWWVWVVViVVWWWWWWVVw jvwewAjs'm- Mode Island Judge -Killed forlRevenge Judw WIIIL . Knoulm Wlibln u few hundred loot of IiIh . ..I... latlfHmlMll JX wmi.' 8. Know.es. ., - ,. vttnrtA nuUa our tho ,,, lllrt0 , i. rt ,omt. wincn iiq imu ,.., Ut. .. lrniioy cur to his office , providence, that his housokocper, .... ,. Mf..inii i.onrd tho three ,0, hch ttl.ro ,ircd at hlu.. and J, hcra u ,. ,C0 sheuting: 0",..Now ,.vo got vou. y !" Ulin ,., ,!lo house, and a short '... Ir. J.nmr nnit. Oil the BUKgCStlOO, 'ho always armed himself with a re 'volver when driving or walking about, tho country. IK CHIEF IS TO TAKE A REST PHYSICIANS ORDKH WII.wam JOHNSTON, TENNIS CHAMPION, NOT TO' PLAY AT THE THI STATE CLASHES United Press Service CINCINNATI, Sept. 14. Physi cian, havo ordered WHIUiu John.ton, the a 0-y ear-old national tennis ensra plon, not to play at tho trl-.tate ten nl. tournament hero. Recent matches have shattored hi. nerves to such an oitent that unless he rests he will be permanently weakened. Loave for Oakland Mr. and Mrs.vKlrkf White, sou of 0, W. White, left ody for Oakland, where he may begin "a law praotlce. He I. a recent graduate of University of gputhrn California law scnooi ' awBBwBBwBHmwHsawBmwBBwev ssaK?MmBawBasaa. SBmmaMBsnrait 2JmmaBBBBBBBBBBBS. V saBPsaBwBmwL k HH &JsBnmaBwBawBBwBawr llawVkaBaBmwH UBaBWBawBmwBBWBmwL: BMnaSaBmSaBW''iSSBmBBl .ssbbby'v .saBmsaBmsasBBmafll GERMANY MUST DISAVOW SINKING i OF THE ARABIC llli:slli:T WOXT AlUIITItATK TIM. TIITA ItKPOIlT AilmliiiMrnlloii Play Wailing Genu. AITnlrk Crltlml, llut Homeuhat llilul.ler Tluin Monilii) Hoti-otur) IjintlntC (iocn on Vnrnllnn Tlil Wivk. Indicating That CriU Niii Khh till nt Once. I uliiil I'lrin SerWee 0 WAHIIINtlTOX, I). C, 8opt. 1 i. HlKli iidmlnlstratlon offlclalH have dc - nled icporu that tho president was coimlderliiK- arbitration If Oerrnany hhould make reparation for thc Ara.;found that jwUMlum-cwnlde, prfto tile, ti u'iim Btntrd that onlv fiormnnv'a ; " t dlMninunl of tho mibmnrlne'ii act) HCl J w nuld natlsfy America. Tim nilmlnlHlrmlnn Ih nlavlnr a" uniting game, Hrlln' reply U ex- peeled In five da and officials feel ri i.i.,... ' , ,, ...,. ... g..tomcnt de. .rM wllll lh ,... ,. ........ I o ouUook u raoro h0pefm thau on ..... a. . a.. i ..i..l wU, begin his vacation the latter part of tho weckt ,ndcani that an Imme- ,, erlih ' uncxpoc,ed. ENEMY'S BULLET STOPS SUICIDE ITALIAN, MURDERED BY MATE, ON WAY TO KILI HIMSELF. ' SLAYER THOUGHT VICTIM i" WOULD "GET HIM" (lulled Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, 8ept. 14 -Abell Lorenso was .hot dead and Patrick O'Donnel, n passerby, was wounded In n crowded street by Trinidad dan- J sales, who said that he feared Loren- xn, had planned to get' him." uon- sales and Lorensat had been sailors on an Alaska Ashing boat, and were bitter enemies. "I am leaving you forever. God Big Offensive Begins at the Dardanelles United Press Service LONDON, Sept. 14. righting has boen resumed at the Dardanelles- land and eea,' Athens dispatches state that according to Indications, the allies are prepared for a conceal- CYANIDE CAUSE OF CANTRALr S DEAIMORONfR "SUICIDE" IH VEBDICT AFTER AUTOPSY i Cantrall Bought Deadly Poison hi Klamath Falsi, ami Said Goodbye Co Friend and Relatives. Hud Financial RevemctPrivale Funer al lo Bo Held at 10:80 Tuesday. Leaves Wife aid Four Children. , Tho autopty on the body of Roscoe t Edward Cautrall. who wa found dead ,nt Slcan yesterday morning, brought out the fact that ho had died by his own hand. Coroner atari Wattlocki ul' the most deadly poison known to science, was the direct cause of his deatn. Mr. Cantrell bad met with financial reverses, and this Is believed to ha-ve bNm tho cauw f n,to act' UA' been morbid and dUcouraged fromi these, and on Saturday, when be pur chased tho poison at Klamath Falls, I he said goodbyo to many friends and ' relations. t IIb was 4 3 vonrs of bia st. thn time ' t llta Jai.1i AnJ tlMVJU M ,.! 9 M A ' and loavea a wife and I four children. four children. Ho has been operating; R ,U ' 8,cn' .. , . , According to the report of the cor- ncr.hU doa w" ,m rt "urf-! ?M0 to c.ynn,de !" Cyald It own to have .a lutMit parrying effect upon the heart His funeral will he held at 10:30 Wednesday, private. The services will be SOUTHERN PACIFIC MAN ' PHOTOGRAPHS LAVA BEDS For the use ut the fair and for ma terial for a new folder, F. A. Lathe, til. H. Caine and Ell Harter of the I Southern Pacific company, came up from Ban Francisco to take moving and stationary pictures of scenic point. In-tho Klamath region. Yesterday they photographed the' I.ftva Beds. Today they go to Crater , Lake. Cargo Boat Submarined United Press Service LONDON, Sopteraber 14 A French cargo boat out of 8ebu has been sub marined. The crew was rescued. bless you," was a note that Lorensa left a woman. It is believed ho was on the wsy to commit suicide when slain. trated attack on Bedd yi Bahb, Sulva Bay, ,v' f Two British cruisers entered the strait, deraolUhed'.batterle, and then shelled Turks on e'Hfi peninsula. Constantinople claims that war ships were' repeatedly wriveee (a several attack. Doctor Killed, and Friend Wounded i i )i aJMiaBBHPCiaSiaBiaiBB BWEx: .H-ak-iaiaKl US B CaWaBBBBBBKJ'aBlBB KifT? 'iaL C sliaviaHBRanDFiaVB laBK;,- T-v" ! jm r fja?w aBBjaBBBBBBaaBB prspb t&mx& bWhb m flUFJMKil BHKaBiLHtBBWA HH iSV'.-'H ' "ZrWzH bbHHbWSmHbmbbVbV BH sswt '-,; tir'i ':, BB HVaraAaBBjBBfaBBjBBBBi mr ",,- xm&m -Vl ffltffniMHIw W -i'"'" ' BBBik ' f ; v v- BVbW?4. SBTBf BnSBBBfBIirBlBTBBVBH iHrWloEi ill'llBBBHtWl i ..vjhnHKii I sy&mmm&ArJmsi 7 .- i-AtBKBnKiBFyr- S? BBBBB1 I '. ? i4 f.t v. ' f. S-S . ST.B '.vTl BBBi:BBE::,iVBBB ..UiSSliv:S-i.;' i,C;Vi.l I " 'BBBBsX'MKBVBBWiB ' SNT S feTT Dr. C. Franklin Mohr These pictures of Dr. C. Franklin Mohr of Providence, and his secre tary. Miss Emily C. Burger, wero tak- en several weeks ago. They show the I ,,nr as they looked before the murder (of tho doctor when ho was driving Miss Burger to his home in Newport. MORE PRODUCTS NEEDED AT FAIR "" " I EXHIBITS DISPLAYED TO , ALL BEST ADVANTAGEMANY IN-, UIRIES MADE -KLAMATH HAS) GOOD DISPLAYS (Herald SpecUl Service) OREGON BUILDING, - - clOc Exposition, San Francisco, Sept. '"" """, "- - -...-.--14.-Many new and interesting exhlb-rown In Oron were forwarded. - its are coming from Oregon just now. , .ulIohoiu. V(MoOMta Meetuut ," RiRt Ore.on is showlns! new grain t Audobon. 1 ostpone Meeting and grasses. Southern Oregon benuti-' f,,i .nimnn. of neaeha and near., tho Willamette Valley booth veget able and a minor quantity of fruits that are not especially wonderful m yet, and Klamath has a large quanti ty of grains, grasses and vegetables. Among those sending exhibits from Klamath are Soudan grass, 9 feet high, F. H McCornack and B. R, Rewnes; onions, carrots,; celery, Fred Nltchelm; pota toes, oucumbers and' sabbage, M, Newnham; turnips, J. B, Moore; peta toes, B. 0. Reames, corn, Frank Ar- - - Mis. Emily C. Burger The doctor was killed by three ne groes and Mis. Burger was dangerous ly but net mortally wounded. ,Mrs. Mohr waa arrested. The negroes said in a confession that she had employed them to kill her husband, and later denied having fession. made any such con- 'rant; alfalfa, Elmer Applegate; wheat ,onts and barley, Ezell Brothers. , I All of the booths need constant re 'plenishing, and everything sent here lis used to the best advantage possible. 'Some of the fruit grain and grasses, , vegetables, etc., does not arrive In perfect condition, and some ol ,lt is not superior display material, but It used, wherever and whenever possl- ble. In certain' Instances there is fierce competition, and the director. and representatives here get dlsconr- n. M. J awam a fa 1 1 ii a tn raitalva ft rt. lOftVU Uftl D "Utw t. v..- m- 'anaitlftii raniiada lAtlf rA VTAll knAWTl 'growers, flrms, assoclatloni, commer- jdat club, etc. Oregon U making a creditable showing, but it could make fc - J" Klamath Falls Audobon 8o9lety has -postponed meeting unUl .Tuesday nlght, September SI. It will meet, at the domestic science department of tho Central School building. The sub ject will be ."Bluebirds," and Dr. Westorfeld will have charge, DewBvFrow the Marsh, Mr. and Mrst Oene Chllders came down from the reservation yesterday evenlng.and-wjll spend ei few days In the city m business, Gene- najf leased, a Wg body of reservation land, and U running his cattle up there. " I550E IS LIKELY TO BRING HOT WORD BATTLES 881,082 FIRST YEAR'S CASUAL TIES FOR ENGLAND Taxation and MoaitlOB Qaetlo Up. Kiteheaer oa-Coaamltat Gotc meat' Leader. DiMoarace PoMlbto Crltlctam of Gove Meaaurea Likely to Develop hi tat Preaeat ParllaiMat Seaatotu " ' Urifted Pre. Serrle LONDON. Sept. 14. ParllasMt la f la seislon. Conscription, tauttbm ad munition question, three tamed ,tto proToke tsharp Terbai cla.be. aa4 po- rsibly criticism of KOTernaeaVli! tircOoVeiiiusilieadm'' hirtr'sUa- iconraged debate.- - " " Deh... unman It la understood that tk cablmet stands twelve to 9 against coascrip; tlon. Kitchener is non-coramitai. 2 ,. ' United Press Servlc LONDON, Sept. 14. The total of . British casualties for the first year are 381,982, aicordlng to Secretary Tennant's announcement In parlia ment. 75,987 were killed, 251,088 ' wounded and 41,50? missing. PORTO RICO HAS . A JITNEY WAR THE GASOLINE BUGGIES ENTER INTO COMPETITION WITH THE LONE STEAM RAILROAD, AND COMPLICATIONS ARISE United I'reBs Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 14. . A real war betweea-Jltneys and a reg- t ulan railroad ha. developed down In Porto Rice. Up to two months ago the railroad had a monopoly of the ,v passenger business between Catano and Bayamon, which amounted to half a million persona a year, Then the pesky Jitney made it. appearance, Now the 'fllrvers" are carrying Just'' halt the traflc. ' Although the Jitney tare was 10 ' cents," the same a. the railroads', the buses proved so popular with the peo , pie that the railroad waa foreed te re-.y-- duce Its fare. The trip soon became a spo'rting proposition, the jitneys rac ing with the train., and often best ing them to the tlnlsh. NoW it Is announced the railroad will be electrified and all the-.'otd' equipment replaced with modern esjrs and' appliances. These irnproemea,!. .win cuai uiauf uiuuaaaa oi awwifrvi. not counting what the rivalry already has cost the road In trao shrinkage,, ., Man Escapes Minns CMaea ;'S' , United Press Service . "W i7i.;' iw--yj. Snivnn.tUBB onv.ui'in Sept. ij.ir w Cottlacham! hotel ownar. wee antdi?i& , rf ..i.i edjSeith'et result of nshetiasnw(wi itijfUk Mrs, Cwnijernf n. ,w mwm wn - aw. T 1 1 . i- lj.nf sight. Thlntr;esetfed1te hs clothes, , .jihKmg;r&& vi & '41 '4 '! .! I