' !.' -tL. '"". l'l'U!yH Ji. :& -r -, ,p " ' sjp,-. ).!''', O -&i Sty? iEupnmn HraU .. r-J? v -Vtsv b fT ; KLAMATH HAIRS' KLAMATH C0UNTY1 -OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER l5 OlMfJCIAL NEWSPAPER " -PV ""lislh Vir NiW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1915 ? ff taMiMaiBaaBmiiBaaHMMBiaiHHiBI ffceaa. fMaat amass- ?' S, , W1BB tmmn?-jy- . i'i, - - ' krga U. S. MUST Greatest fire Does - I MORNING BLAZE CAUSES SERIOUS DAMAGE HERE HHIIH.KII'H KLMTIWAL HIIOI' IH TOT.l. MHW Mm Wart From KioMih in Work I fihop of Molort-yrli llriMrlniriit While Hhldlcr Win Working WJII1J Turrh Oil unit WimmMn Ihillilliitt"! Jtam Like Tlmlcr Other I'lsi), HulTrr Kroin Vlrr. Flm orlKlimlliiK In the rrar of tint C b B, i:iocirlral Store, or which HorAre Hhlillor In proprietor, thin! morning Hhortly after ?;30, reattlied In a total loin to Hhldlor'n Mock and , the building and HcrloiiH damage In I he building adjoining on ihn went hi" IodkIiik to Geo. Illotii), which wan m-. rnplcd by Donatt'H pool room, llnrd enbrook'K proRsltix find clennlng nhop, llostwlck'x harbor ithop ud it room Ini hoiiHo nhovc, operated by Karl Hbtrpc. Dim to tho groat amount of oil and combuitlblea In the rear ot( the moturc)cl shop, tho firemen hail difficulty In Mopping the bt from' preadlnx. Tho fire started from an explosion whllo Shldler waa working In the rear of hj iihop, and It waa but a nhort time 'until u hugo column of flame ws aRcondlng from tho building. Tho building to tho cast, owned by H. A. Utnh, and occupied by the Swanien barber ihon, which la n brick atruc- ture, prevented tho lira from apread-l ln In that direction, and greatly add d to the leiaenlng of the damage Hhldler'a nil op and atock are" prac tical loss, extlinated nt 2,600 In a recent Inventory, on which he had (Continued on Page 4) Burning Steamer With 2,000 Aboard Is Sought United Press Service NRW YORK, Sept, 1 a. Wireless Uilons along the coast are searching 'Atlantic for news of the steamer fcatMua, which Ja burning In mid. 0CM( with seventeen, first class jmw .ri, forty-four second class and 1,700 iuuan reaervlata'botrd. No 0" has been rooelved from ; h,D ln the first dlstreaa call, TT hr. ago.'vMd alarm ovr , JM fat ot tb. thip j, growing It la i.-aai mat rasarva (mmU' ware "w nw at tk tlaia. A Mrs. a. ti.-jil 1 ui. ' uawBinoMi uu A. llaJ t1 ILI Z-, . , lulnted la th. paatar Hit. Artillery Duel Damage in Local Business Section to the Extent of $5,000 ----- ----- - -- - - ------ . ------..---.- --.-.- ---------- . . i . . . . ..-- -- - .. . - ------- - ..---- .. - - . - . - - ..--..-uAAaA-...t - - - -" - rtMAAMMAAMMMrtMMM - V-VrtVAVVniVArVrtViVrwruV)njVUtJ Russians Fleeing-as the J GermansZEnter Warsaw, fl-'l ,. 0k: ' w,gHggHlgMgl4W gKgliuttCgWHl9EggcBlgWjl RPggggggS'wggggggggMgSggggggggggggggggggggggggggSgggggl v9 "feggrnggcDggHiggggggggggggggggggggBH i4;flWr''5w WgggggggggWggWgggggggggWkWB k'tWl JgW gccccccMlcccccgccccccccccccccccccccccccccgcigccccccccccccccccccccccccccWrggKBgggH l7jgVQWgWgW(SKil "'1 !lUgSIw'TVV9VlV!giHHgPl1Hwi WgilggrgWW ' '"ggggTOwnTOffw. BggfligggggWf- lJH M? ithlbftf t n iifgggfiigfilkkiS' ggggggggP" " v si AfsHBPPTsj Vrf-f w?S-a. i7 sl3glgmgMftw y5 gggWidSgWXggggWgggggggWlrggWfgWrgil akggBBggggggggggggggUggggggggggggggggggggggggyirtggytir S wMgWVrlgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggflLPiggWcvBB's Krgw i ( VgggfVgr?ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggMk gggC Igg4? t IR 1 ggggggggBBRiV . j9winMggggWgfigg9gggggt1ggKtiR 1 SlgggBflggieUINISv'4JgSggW9DSMA'H S ClggggggUHKgggW9'KWi7CaT igQL.'lgsggKB gfSMggflRl" J ffibwgWflgHiWrIgyriUIJ3WlKHigggggg II BB(gHiMyBr3KJggiBgr.4g9jggD4gggcggggg JtW""'l v?iv tjli 'raHtggBgBli tofts tfli.'WSW HuHslan soldlerM, with thousauds of women following with all their pos KesHlotiH lii small bundles, fled saw August ! as Prince Uopolo of .1 llavnrla entered. Tho uppor photo- giaph shows a battalion of Russians marching out In good order. The United Press Service NEW YORK, Sept. 13, 4 p. W. Tho flrcjwns extinguished and the vee sol contlnuod on her course, accord ing to wireless just received. The fol lowing from Captain Pavey waa de layed at Cape Race: "Fire la hold No. a, extinguished; proceeding to ward Aiores, escorted by Ancons." Fire Too Much Incitement "Uncle Joe" Evans, well known here, toppled over while watching the Are on Main streeMhla mornlhg, from an attack of the heart. He waa In a aerloui oondltlon, but was removed to his home, and w reported as recover- 11. TAKE lowor Piluco Loopold at the head of !hls triumphant Bavarlons, with n l..H.l n1a.ilH In rMltll tl lAHfl HlA WAV. War-,nmTchnI down ,ho ron,n avcnuo ot ,,0 cy pngt rangniicent buildings. fheso nro the first photographs to ar rive showing the exit ot the defeated and the entry of the conqueror. Doctor Kuapcrted of Murder United Press Servlco WAYNESDURQ, Pa., Sept. 13 Dr. J. h. Sllvert la suspected 01 the mur der of Nettlo Poland, who waa sup posed to have committed suicide. The girl was round In nn automobile on a deserted road, Will Work an Herald T Edison Marshall of Medford, and r sophomore last year In the atate unl- vorlsty, will 111, the position occupied by fred Dunbar during .the summer on the Kvealng Herald, Marshall haa had experience on the 'Medford Sun and college papers. He haa a sister, Miss Lulu Marshall, who haa charge of tho English department in the high1 school, & u a cousin 01 a. ,i. mar shall otOlene, well known farmer and brand Inspector for the county, Go Vp to Doak Ranch Mr. aid Mrs, D. P, Doak arrived In tho city .'and nre up nt the Doak ranch for, tlnte, Some extensive werktla being plennesen the ranch. ISSUE WITH ENGLAND , -S 7 ,.! of History Is Now in ! .' MEXICANS ARE T0CR0SS80RDER SOON, IS REPORT1 C.UIU.IXZVK ASSIHAXCK IH IHK- KIITKI (in TrH'r KIIIelriiii(l Another In WnuniUil In Fight Thin Morning In Half Hour liatllo nt fialrcaton j Ihinrli On Mevlran Ofllcer Killnl. ' ltcNiilnl I, AOb MevlcanN Gathcml for Invimlou Tliunulay. il'nlted I'rens Service . ,,,,. I IIItOWNSVIM.K, Sept, 13. Troop er Arthur Ciaft was killed and 8er Keant Joseph Walsh and Trumpeter Forney wore wounded, but nro expoct- i ted to recover, as tho result of n half jhour battle at tho Onlveston ranch iiIiIh morning. The deaths occurred when the I Twelfth cavalry nnd the Mexicans rrossod tho border and were fired on by tho soldiers, who were stationed In anticipation of an Invasion. One Mex ican officer was kilted. It In reported that 1,500 Mexicans ihnvo gathered for an Invasion Septom- Iber 16th. Authorities discredit Gen eral Ciuranza'a assurance that he will prevent any Invasion. THINKS KLAMATH MOST INTERESTING OHlOAN WHO V1SITH HERE HAS XOTinXG RUT PRAISE FOR THIS HKCTIOX OF THK COUNTY AF TKR TRAVi:UXG MANY MILES "in traveling 4,000 miles In the United States, I have found no place more Interesting than Klamath Falls. The caprice of Nature In Klamath county Is most mysterious and re markable," Btated W. V. Ingela ot Galllpolla, Ohio, following a visit with J. O. Uoardsley and Mr, and Mrs. El mer Bc.udsjey of thle city. "Tho people are very hospitable, affable and entertaining. Klamath Is a very desirable place for young peo ple to come (0 live,-the climate Ja ao delightful and enjoyable. The scenic pnrt of Klamath county Is undescrlb tide beyond anticipation.' v Your schools are up to dato under the supervision ot Professor R. H, Dunbar, and with the corps ot teach era selected, the scholars will surely ibft successful. 1 kaY' received much Undue and hospitality from J. 0 Deardsley and. Mr. and Mrs.' Elmer Beardsley while here, 'and through them have been' Me to see your county to advantage," TWO MILLION SHELLS HURLED IN BIG BATTLE XO INDH'ATIOX WHKX THK DtKI. WIMi CKASE Allkil Aviators UuriliK I'axt Week llure Itomhnrded Many Military KtatloinT'and Depot Sunday Saw the Most Violent Cannonading Kver Occuiwl (iemuin Work Wreck ed at Genera. t'nlted I'rosa, Service PARTS. Sept. 13. It waa announc ed' today that 2,000,000 shells have he ,urle" acr088 ,he Pnce-Plan- Ucrs front in the greatest military duel ever held, and no Indication Is Rhen when the cannonndc will stop. The announcement read, "during tho past week the allied aviators bom-1 barded military establishments ati Frleburg, Ttorusgau, Frascatl and the railway stations at Sanrburg, Sahlons, Muti and Dleuzo. "Sunday saw the most violent can' nonadlng ever hoard In history. The 'German works at Geneva were pletely wrecked." Tho belief that Bulgaria may ald'iir connection with him may bi a de-i the Austro-Qermnns haa been aome-?.., what strengthed by tho newe that Bui- garia reservista in Italy have been called'to their colors. German news papers are hinting that Bulgaria may abandon neutrality soon. DRY LANDS TO BE REPRESENTED tXHIXTY AGltlGULTURIHT AND RE. DRY COMMERCIAL CLUB TO CEIVE EXHIBITS FROM LANDS FOR BIG SHOWS Dry land products are wanted by County Agriculturist ClaUyor and the Commercial Club for the purpose of sending an exhibit 'to the land show at Portland and, the dry land show which is to be held at Denver this fall. , Either the Commercial Club or Mr. (llaiayor will take care of "the exhibits, and only products" from dry. Und farm can be used In those exhibits. Thoy must he properly Utted-wKh the name of the sender, the variety ot product, and will be sent by the eWb or Mr. Glatsyer. AH freight chargea aro taken care of by the congress and land,ahow people. It ladtslred that the product be brouKbt In as soon aa poaelWe, eo ihat proper exhibit can be arranged for the two ahowa. , Admits He'd Foment; Strikes for Germmiy iggggW' ggggH ggggggggggggggggggggggggk . ?'vi-,f--- "'.-'t Sp gggga tggggggW-:::c--W ' lggggggWe-vf.. ggl' HlggggggggggggggggggBK- a Of I-j& uggggBscggggH ggggggggggW&'MgSgfl ' i ggggggggggggaite 4jeS2gggggg gggggggggggggggggggsggggggggl ggggmgfSgggggggggSgsgggggnM 1 aVgggggggfflg&SggggCggggggggga gccscccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccB t . -. - t,..k. ....... ' u,,Ruulul,.uuu.u.1.ujWIth1 aatiBfactloa" meamt oaly ambassador to the United States, baa fuii recnta." f virtually admitted the charge that.hej .Arbitration ta the only a4Uen to y to.close munition -plants initbeQerman-Amerlcan sttnntia, it com-'would try Li IT..I...I at..- .-J ,k. ..vn illiu uuiivu owin, muv vwtj uwi'wutb .K.. i...Mn, wn. , ," Auatrlan aovernment recall him. -...-,.--.. . A document to the Austrian pre- mler was found on one Archibald, an,g a1xtnlt Md Amerlc nut amenta alleged newspaperman In London. He'thinmpwwl0B Dy u y j, was carrying It to Vienna. In r-j London. Dumba said that with sufficient money, - ' "-; IY.n fimilil f1naa mmv nlana nnTjr lililn , .... ...... . . , r ' --- - - - - nine munition, to the alliea. ThtTim - bassador has explained that he merely meant that he could induce a Outlive it these Aiiatrlntia inrl l-Tlinn ti nil MiAnu Archibald to Be Arrested ( United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept 13. James Archibald, former San Fran cisco war correspondent, now connect ed with the German Embassy, who has played a part In the German con troversy, will be arrested by the' gov ernment on his return to America, it haa been learned from a reliable source. 4 ' United Press Service , PORTLAND. Sept. . PoJlcV'are guarding against a repetKw ft jter mer antl-Amertas emesteAlea'.a Unaien, where am Austria was shot seriously teemr. larsstun Anatrtans hate bsea'sMSgeti. A . - W$ ' u ' l fMAWIAAMA "" imH AVWMJtmtrHaT famlllgT! II -.sfl 1 14 ' afBmllv4ll lafHI2V j. uuvt ivwuivi sawvi ' : u:.t M..w UamIUi 111 lulH diCttl IUIUbwH t k - -- ctr 'WW- - WW" Progress WMMKMWMMWMA AMERICA MUST :- H INTERCEDE WITH ENGLAND NOW CKU'XT TO MAKE flrruAtiox . a.. SKRIOVB - l x ;. ji iMIerawtorir to Tell 4 vi la A s, T- t "tlTeiylMnwd. if Aaaie:li lr0T0 Her XentraHty 8k : it- quC Mt4 See Ht' vr fjWej(jrf 1 '-jStfl tract Her Orders ta Cn aal , Am '; -' v$ ' . " We lacMMta WW Mop Ttaau 3 J T i i United Praaa Service I 'WASHINGTON. O. C sn- if 14" .j It "was learned autheritlvely- tkM '"SM 1 - rfr , Count von BamaterC will laforai -retary Lansing that InddenU like the I... J- . - . me j "Li. 'Arabic will continue until Great t Britain, disavows the orders tOiar- , chantmen to ram submarines. jr, I : He will give Lansing understand 'that Germany expects America to aa (cure a disavowal as the meaas, at I proving America's real nentraUty. It .win be auted that Garaaay'a proai- mill K.'nnlloil AUI "-" X''' w -. The nature or. Bernetorarn " promtsea to creaie n "-on immediately In Wm -ndBitrlln. Ha will tall 1 ,?.-. ia Bat smImm 'Amsmtaa v ,,,,. .... a..l. ' ."-,JU s J tflv WASHINGTON, D.C.r 8eti.a, Secretary Lmnalng unstpaetinV m !od President WUeon thta aaerntag end Hetvforty m!fttM after. Herefneed to' see, any Bewapepermenfjae bum pz made arrangementa to meet torftatneon, .. - 1$? $ ." 5fjJ-v Net United Press Servlee v 'PETROGRAD, stta.Uita'ogl clally denied that' the Kitaetsmfctajst haa reelgnedta stajtement tlattve -t;xg reports nre nMowteiy iinnnsa. The members of the nUntatry were nt ?y'g- their joHoea as usual tedsy. T i iKTlfl -ff' .- ,".- .' .-.ff . liiffBT?ir -) . .... r . ?V 'V-vj. jr. i Tairianai wec-Bttwe hhsiw Wult.'of rtoa inerai;'aeU;U'an, 1 , to i Itililitfijwwpjpf drwalis' iWm-,wt$mk-mm tVMpp s4.f .-;- '. . - -- - - . ET'--- tarnVsn'mmntammst i.&.. ' -VSv.,", "fc1 . 4 Ui jr &.1 ts "y " . . 3l 'T2 to. yV W urt Jf 41 T -ffl 11 m I -?t cA . j ?i a kvrt feVi its utt&ll vSf ,' J,fc xtri - f -." mi Ml i i.L-'S.. if -i: t4 d '' jri m L . -4 'V " . "' i,Vtl5- J- . v- S t.. i.;"j .4 i. Vv. W ' . Unt, ,ii-W ,, ',. "v r iEi r....