i.T- r- StMjtie: - j. j flj, h ;;j ig- fjJMAV ,( . 3t - . " r 'a" tfA .& 3 flfc ff-- i Herald 5 rfafT. a- "-Si KLAMATH FALLS' , . 8K5 KLAMAI M WUnili $; OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER -J- KLAMATH FALLS, OREOON,. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1915 w i i Eht lEuitltm i- i...-j-sjjjjr!aBaxaajr7i"'l''rviajst'K8riTr-r-,.j1.: iij.-ul,iCTTr.u-i,l i : ,,',. 11 1 ," , ,;;, -'. ", en .' " ' t3si-7 v.. uttl I irvmtli Year " - CROWN PRINCE HAS MADE NO IMPORTANT GAINS I'AHIN HiVH MWHKM OF TEUTONS ENORMOUS gat Xim Obtained Single Hlrngtrllral. f imiwiimtt Point In n Yr One Corp. Loot Over 40.000 Men Wit- deaburg t'airttirw Hklilel, Alan I.um no on the Right Koaetivii Itrtxtrli liy Teutons United rre Service PARIS. Sept. II. It linn been offl cUlly announced that since tho tier mm crown prince Iim boon attempt ing lo plcrro tho line at Argonno, he h not obtained n single atragctlcnlly i,,.i ,,. Kiiini in tlm iant year. lfllrv. ...... ,......- ... - - One single German corps hit lost over 40.000 nton, nnd altogether tlio, prince has lout over 100.000 men. Tho statement admitted that Wed rMdB)' and Thursday's nttneks pone-, trated tho French front two-thirds of a mile, but declared the Gorman Iomc out of nil proportion with the ground cnlned. Saved From the Arabic Wreck WPP flfllHHIBIiH EJErjVl! 'l ft-rsmaTar sKvahsmPJam i- " fMajmaTal .safaW wBCRKasaVJ i liKivlv All; t g rfct - vi ,r i t iul ib i. m ir-jf.- f ij 'Tt.-B l- I BBmBBBBaW'L'V N,. "iHl iaaaaaaaaar,iJ,T:;-lv v .x -jv - aaaaaaaaaaar g fl Bi r a iBk'uA.. uliiiiiiiiiiiM TV i: litltflnMMPH H ItAfl !i HflnBV f rBBBBBBBBl Ul h ; . '.viHHa mwcsKz NEW YORK SUN PRINTS A STORY FROM COUNT IIKKNHTORFF KEFUHEH TO 8TATK HIS 8KXTIMKXT8 Kubinariaen Wilt lie ItMtntcted to Hlnk Krerjrtklac(on Hcm If Mplo. inaUc ReMleaa Between OomUrlea I Herered, HUtea Purported Inter rlew Fron Uei toHT la New York t Hun Through Hla" Friend. GIBBONS AND PACKYJONIGHT TEN IUDU.VD GO SCHEDULED AT THE HHIGHTO.V MOTORDROME IX NEW YORK WILL SETTLE MICH DISCUSSED QUESTION Harry K. Thaw in California I'ulted I'rca Service -'HF.RI.IN, Hcpt. It., It U onnounu cd hero than lllndenburg baa captur ed Skldcl, twenty rolled enat of Grod no, In n three dnya' battle, with tho Runlann losing heavily, HU right alio captured I.unno, alx mile aoutli cut. Tho Auttrlona hnvo capture! Ilba nnd uro now npproiqhlng Koa-tovo. jHaKKaflrsxfcjsw MltH. JAME n CAI.MOX ii.... i. ti... nni uliutoeraiili of n.aald thoy would preserve n niomen- Survivor of the Amble, wrecked ffltoe of their experience. the IrlHh coiiHt by Herman nubma- Mr. Cnlmon waa nn American wno rlne. Momo of tho pasacnKcra arrived w muKWB mo inn - . In the United 8tutea the other day ou huaband. Bho brought her life pre the American liner 81. Paul, atlll car-'rnw bo she could remember the oc rylitK their life pronervora. which they.mHlcn moro evidently. United I'reu Service I'KTUOOItAD. Sept. II Tho flght Inx In the Riga district has been re newed nfter n day'a lull. Von Hebo- tnr I. IiVIm. fmfxtn Vil4lrl.hallldl . and In again attempting to crota tho, Dwlnn northwest of Freldrlchstndt. , They have been repulsed so far, but the ftianult Is becoming vlolelnt. JAP BANKRUPT; PAPERSSERED WAS IX PARTNER WITH ANOTH Kit NIPPONESE, riLI HANK. hupt papers. Rirruitxs a.mi IS SERVED WITH PAPERS' lllaliup ItejJre to Meet Newcomer niahop Robert h. Paddock espreHS cd a dcslro this afternoon to meet especially tho newcomer to Klamath Falls nt the reception at the White l'cllcan hotel. He stated that he would bo glad to meet any of tho now teachers In tho schools here that would dcalre to be present and shnro In tbo reception, alse-any new pastors In tho city, bollevlng that It woutd bo a Reed opportunity for them to got acquainted with tho people of tho city as well as himself. He holds services twice tomorrow, In the morn ing at 11 o'clock nt the Odd Fellows hall, and In tho evening at the opera' house. Vnknliaru. ii locnl Japanese, that Is. i,w-,.i Tftrentiv. wns served with papers by fihorlff Low's ofBco as the result of n bankrupt proceodlnu underwent several months ago. Kfikuharn bud been In partnership with Bannomlyu, aud thoy woro locat ed In tho forming business In sovoral pnrts of the county, Including me Doak ranch on Upper Klamath Lake, tho Orlgsby ranch, and lastly the Smith ranch. Hills to the amount of 2,440.2G ......I .... mrniniit tho firm. Hank- ruptcy proceedings had been declared under tho bankrupt net, and since TWO STUDENTS TO ENTER COLLEGE iinlnh Hurn nnd Joo Skelton ac companied by Ernest Nail, leavo In tho morning for Eugene, wnero uicy will enter tho stnte university, aicei- wlll tako up Journalism ana uurn Industry and commerce, as freshmen. Roth courses are highly developed at tho university, and aim to prepare students to take active work In the upbuilding of their state. Nail will ontor his sophomore year, and Is majoring In chemistry. United Ureas Service t NEW YORK, Sept. 11. The New York Evening Sun -has quoted Count von Bernstorff as Buying: "If diplo matic relations between America- and Germany are broken off, our subma rines will' sink everything on the aeas, which means much to America." The Sun stated (that the Interview was received through Rernstorff's friend. i m The paper said further, In the In tervlew: " America won, with my, co-operation, the greatest diplomatic victory since Germany conceded the sea faring principles for which Presi dent Wilson bad been contending." He expressed pride that he had beep able to help America win what he termed the "victory." The United Press asked Bernstorff if tho Interview aa the Associated .. otafAit hail hand riven out by 'him, and he said,: j'No I cannot ex press my senuraenu. Motordromc, New York, Time 10 p. m. Purse McKarland, $17,500; Gibbons, $1G,000. Weight, 147 pounds ring side. Favorite Gibbons. Referee Billy Job. Seating capacity 52,480. Money capacity $126,752. PrluclplQs Mike' Gibbons, St. Paul; Packy McFarland, Chi cago. t 4! Where Ocean A. C, Brighton ii Former Indian Clerk Here . Mntor 8chwarttllanaer. rormeny FOUR VESSELS SUBMARINED Uulted Press Service LONDON. Sent. 11. Two British vessels, Cornubia and Alexandra, were submarined off Spanish coast, also tho' Ashing vessel Bayernte. The crewa were rescued. One of the Bay- ornles crew was Injured by a ahell flredfrom the'submarlne. The French cargo steamer Laude waa sunk off the Algerian coast by an Auatrlan subma rine. Dy GEORGE R, HOLMES (United Press Staff Correspondent) NEW YORK. Sept'. 11. Mike Gib bons of St. Paul, who la generally credited with being the cleverest fight er In the ring today, and Patky Mc Farland of Chicago, who WAS gen erally credited with all that two or three years ago, will come together at the Brighton Motordrome tonight. The tilt Is scheduled to last ten rounds and there Is no reason to doubt that' it will be any shorter, barring lucky punches. The pugilistic world has been fed up for a month for this bout. Past records have been delved Into, almost everyone who ever heard of a boxing glove has speculated on Its outcome. and when It Is all simmered down, this big feature stands out above the rest that no one, not even McFar land or Gibbons themselves knows any more about It than anyone else. McFarland has been out of the game over two years. In that time he hasn't boxed much, even In practice, and any dub of an athletic Judge can tostlfy that it doesn't take a man long to ko back when he Isn't working; that a paunch is easier acquired than removed. Not that Packy has a paunch, however, at least externally. He looks, and says be Is, in shape. There can be but little doubt that the St. Paul phantom Is right. He has been boxing steadily, working chief clerk at the Klamath Agency, and for tho last five years superin tendent of tho Umatilla Agency. passed through this city tnts wee on i.i. roturn with his family from a visit nt the fair at San Francisco. Of course "Schwarta" waa so awacneo to Old Klamath that ho had to return under tho bankrupt , u ---1.. then Nnkahara was exceedingly dim-,""-w cult to find, Tho accounts wero mi, - . . ..... i 11...V. Hani. assigned to uouoris .... - waro company of this cuy, u . suit was filed for tho recovery of tho Fnlr Board Is Appelated Jumca Pelton of Fort Klamath, J. Frank Adams of Merrill, Francis J. Uowno of Bonama, B. W, Short and I). V. Kuykendall or Klamath Falls havo boon appointed delegates to the Oregon-California land grant confer ence to bo held In Portland Septem ber 16th, by the county court. The court was Informed by Oovornor Wlthycombe that they wore entitled to n dclogatlon of "five members. Fair Hoard Member Henanotnted J. Frank Adanta waa reappointed a, member of the eeunty fair Jeoard by the county court 'tula week', His time ru out June Ifh, and the appoint mwt extends over t, period of three mrs. Judge ,as. T.. Baldwin has two years to run yet and James Pel ton ono before their periods" expe, wiih iho circuit court clork, H1UMWJ, "." . --" by Attornoy Rollo C, Qroesbcck. invbatlaatlon in California, wnore vu.inrfi Una nronorty. and was In business, failed to divulge his whoro .......... n. ii wm novor lu. How- over, Information was rocolved that he was In tho city recently, nnu mo ... Iff's office caught him as ho wns help ing load n wagon In tho city, Leave Mommy for South - . m. Kirk White leave on Monday for Oakland, where they will reside for a time, iney ep" " later go on to L?s Angeies, me n u.. whitn. a, bride In June. Kirk graduated from .the lw .coo of the University 01 uouincni -......- - spring, arid Is looking for an opening. Paetor Wife Returns Mrs. B, 0. Richards, wife of Rev, H. o. Richgrda of the.arase Methodist church of this city, has returned from n.u.nu whiM ahe.has been visit Ing, She.aecdmpanled Rav. Richards to the flMrt t Wtn Franeuwo bbu Applegate Jr. Returns Hero Tim manv friends of O. C. Apple- gato Jr. will bo glad to know that he la mnklng a happy recovery iroiu u late illnosB. He returned Thursday night from Medford, and Is now at his' homo here. ammmmmmtsmw JasmmmmmV -Hl BjBjBjBjBmnj istjmmmfBv U. S. TO "CLEAN IP" FOREIGN i AGENTS HERE h 'r nil Uil KAISER HAVE TO MAKE CONCEft. SIONS YET AustroOerman Agetua Ftnt 10 "Cleaned Up" ProsecuUOM fia- , lually Predicted. -Believed ! Will Be Recalled --Pwaabs) Leaves . for liennox BerBstersT Hcfuses lav tervlew and DetUea Statemesit " - CHARLES P. STEWART (Staff Correspondent United. Press) WASHINGTON. D. C. Sept., 11. With the campaign to end dlpkmtat'a x Interference In international, affairs, the administration is resolved to go , go ahead to the bitter end. In its submarine controversy it Is . prepared to go to any extent short of sacrificing the principle, of dignity to avoid a break. The Arabic note is so unacceptable, however, and it Ir hinted that the kaiser will have to make fHrthef'eoi- cesslons, or It Is hard to see;how ,'a ' break with Germany can be avoided. , Harry Thaw Harry Thaw as he appears on the Pacific Coast .on his way to the expo sition at Ban Francisco. He arrived In Sacramento the other day, and is now at the fair .In the Bay City.. - r" Harry seems to be In good -physical condition, and hardly shows the re sults of the hard trip across the con tinent by automobile. This picture was taken after he had consulted a local haberdashery and a tonsorlllst. In regard to the suit for divorce filed against Evelyn Thaw and the custody of the child, of whom Evelyn claims Harry Is the father, Thaw de nies having any knowledge of. Out side ot this he will say but little re garding the divorce case. It Is not believed that Evelyn will contest the suit. LYLE BI6BEE WINS GAMEATMEDFORD FORMER LOCAL PITCHER TWIRLS FOR DEFEATED ONES AND COPS THE BACON IN GAME WITH ROSKBTJBG Merrill In From Merrill (inv Merrill -was in the city today from tho Merrill ranch near Merrill, visiting, friends and attending to busi ness matters. Go to Fair v Mr and Mrs. Will W. Baldwin left Thursday morning for San Franclieo to attend the fair. (ConUnued on Page S) 6AME SUNDAY AT MODOC PARK DAUGHTER OF CHAPLAIN HERE MRS. W. K. CLARKE OF NEW YORK, DAUGHTER OF FORMER CHAPLAIN AT FORT KLAMATH, WILL SEE FORT COUNTRY luitti? Press Service ., WASHINGTON, D. C. Seat- -! .1 .-- .. . M ..-. .t. -0 ii nao dccb learntn mmi iae Bf - ernment baa decided to make at gen eral "clean up" of Anstro-Oeraeaa , agents, la, this .country .taatare j itevvu u luiv yciruciiNUfKi u lav www ., splracy to cripple American radnetries to an extent that they can be convict- ed in a court of law. L.--A It is stated that the whole country will be combed for the offenders. The state department plans to dispose of the diplomatic and sonsular represen tatives through having them recalled', other agents to be prosecuted crlm- lnally. ., Austrla'a answer regarding Dumb Is expected at any time The fears that he would "not be recalled have been dispelled, and lt'ls believed that i the request will be graated, Itss ua-,.-derstood that Bernstorff wm be totd - that von Papen's presence la. Ameriea , is objectionable. It Is expected that -:, he will be sent on a "vacation.." V IMvoreea Ornate, bf Noland Uraut 1. Hammans waa granted a tone In a diverse stlt lied against mni of tko eeurt yesterd.y W, ad rwnal.ed ntttr he returned - r i. ...i .a ....mi HAittt. in taa state W1U Tea Music 1,'vnivn Annleaate left tbVirst of .in wnnk for Turlock. Calif..1 where she has been engaged to teaoh music. Autoa la n. n Uarkwardt drlVlBK Ott Sixth street yesterday collided with te Sunset delivery car. arainwereMwiy damaged about their ironu. t 7 - ' r The city of Corvallls grants A tM chlee for the eatenslon ot Weet.;,el4e leetrle Jnrnrte I1. - 4VA mkdford. Sent 11. In the pret tiest and most Interesting game of baseball played hern this season mm ford won the first ot a four-game aeries with Roseburg by the cioee score of 3-1 on the fair grounds. It wan a ultchers' battle from the very beginning between Medley for Rose burg. against Lyle Blgbee for Mea ford. The name waa la the balance until the last inning, when Medford scored the winning run with none out end two men perched on the muh. Blcbee lived up to ate wonderful Aaum retard br, entsMthlnc the Rnuimrt star la every inning or Piay Medley, oa the otaer neat, piieae .. ... J- tti 4. !.. a gamo that, witn any otner wmr thaa Blgbee M hU efoaeat, weald ttvve won laa walk Kedlay wan l reetly respoaeiele for the lew aeorej time and agala he.woaM wnw tae natter whea" a. hit weald have meaat a run and perhaps defeat. Roseburg got their rune lu the.nista aa sev eath. On aa awna taraw w taire, the other ?;- A ball same will be played tomor row at Modoc Park between the Klam ath Falls "Wonders" and the Ewauna "Yannlgans." Cook, Peterson and Hilton will do twirling duties and so placed aa to make the game as inter aatlsK as Dosslble. Clarke. Clair Ar nold. Palmer. Herblg, Bowden. Otto Arnold, Vernle Houston and Frye will side with the Yannlgans. Mot schenbacher, Hoag, Meeslck, Dale. Ambrose. Noel. Hayden and Hum to work tor the Wonders. A single throw will permit of entrance any seat in the park. Up From Reneh Near Merrill j. A. Maddox was in the city to day from his ranch' a few miles this side ot Merrill. aamammwsM "ffffiffll Mrs. W. E. Clarke ot Wbite Plains, New York, daughter ot Rev. Dr. Hequembourg while he waa stationed Klamath at tho time ot the execution of Captain Jack, arrived in the city Friday night. She has already called on Captain O. C. Applegate, stationed on the reservation at the time of the nfniino wr. end they have viewed many ot the pictures and relics ot that historic time. Mrs Clarke has for many years been much Interested in the Klamath country and the Indians, because of her father's residence here during the Modoo War and his presence during the execution of Captain Jack nnu nis Modoc associates In the massacre of the peace commission, one come now to view the scenes ot her father's experiences and to see Captain Apple- gate ana oiuera -uu u-- Hequemburg while he was stationed at Fort Klamath. United Press Service NEW YORK, Sept. 11. Dumb left the St, Regis hotel with the latea tlon of going to his summer home at ' Lenox, Mass. Count von Bernstorff refused an interview today, bat reiter ated through bis secretary that he,? had not transmitted anything through Archibald. Divorce Safe FUed. f Suit tor divorce was lied by Vic torla Tomllnaoa acalnst Jack Tomlln-i son, Onelll and Manning represent; .1.. ni.i'n.- " " ''.. Ll1 VMIUU.. V7 . 51 1 V-l WW See Lava M on.1 Mrt V If Tluinn Ifc and Mrs. Will Lee. Mr, aad Mn.r.U J Patrick,' Mr. and Mrs. F, H. Heater 4 ana Mrs. -. u. uenrywiiisMu.e .aa trip tomorrow to the Laxafed. ; tj m T. B. Wllcoxv of Portland will pond between $100,000 aad $1S0. 000 on a country home. Divorce Bait Dkatssaai j. The divorce ease ef Lena Ceekmaat, against Edward Cookman, KtegMth rem). otiv. tmmmmmt wwm wmiwwrsi Judge NoUadeterday ea'-atkm ad ytAimtHmWKvn: '' .jk " SStf f ' the pV lu Fr im Lake VA,K tevM Oregoa papers are asking why pol lev holders and not officials of butted inauranse comnanteB are prosecuted. The new Baatlst church at Pleasant Home waa dedleated here teday: 1 , i . ' f ' A G eerge from hw Blaea (KerthiaVKtsn,aHr today 'plaea-taa'aew.r-ja-.he-;- :! TmLS'i' - tw'een tbla ety aad she. Weed; Wff Valley North hae'sMaaaWwaBitM fuUuwees thtsedr; ,v . Jr3' V jV "r ih.gm ,v V5 dum -i AL, KJtT ii.. tii vS? X ,'S ,. VKl ."E i ' . .A s 10 Visi. k ':