Tt:W vf l X rfiiWM ,4 V t f ." ffkM KLAMATH PALLS' $ OKI'ICIAL NBWSPAPKR i " TMh Yr-No. V0 TEN KILLED Wilson ARABIC SUNK TO PREVENT BEIN6 RAMMED, BELIEF THE PRESIDENT OOKB TO UNO'S 0FFJ6E LAN. Il( Dtftni It Understood to the Raton Olvtn for Sinking of Arable. Submarine Ha Returned to Bat. Rtporttd Sunk Ship to Escape Pot libit Attack No Report Requested t Ytt on Httptrlan Sinking United 1'roM Service WASHINGTON, I). V., Sept- 8-Proit- Unit Wllnon broke all custom unit precedent for "executive dignity" to-da)- when hi visited Lansing' oftlee (or I he purpose of conferring wllh hint .l.lHli..lUl. ...IB M1.( ,t(M ttltllA MIIVI PUUIlll'IMIft UU"H IIWIII 1IIV ,1 ,.ll.- i IIOUHtV tailed I'h-m aorylm UKitl.lN, Sept. S Clcimuii)'rt Arabic notf was rubied by Gerard taut night, but ban nut been published. It In un derstood that It contalnn In HUbstnneo the coinniniuler's report, Justifying tho attack on the around of fear of bolng rammoil unit torpedoed tho itlilp In Mt dr feme. United I'reta Service A.M8TKIIDAM, Sept . A Berlin dispatch hero atatea that the auburn line which sunk the Arabic haa re- turned lo Its base, and. reported that the Arabic waa torpedoed to escape possible attacks. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept 8. Tho state depnrtroont announced that (lor ard hat been aaked whether Germany hat been Informed regarding the He perlan. Tho announcement said that Berlin was not requoated for a report, but had taken IhU atop io learn if any thing could be expected. SONS PROPOSE A FLAG SERVICE COURT TO BE PRESENTED WITH FLAQS BY SONS OF AMBRIOAN "EVOLUTION FOR NATURALIZA TION PROCEEDINGS The Bona of the American Revolu tion will have next month appropriat ed flags for distribution to alt the gen eral courts In the aiata whleh ars to ! Presented to the eourta for the pur pose ot using theaa at alt aaturalUa ceremonlea performed fcjr tho urt, accordlat to a letter received ijy Captain O. q. Applegate of thla clly. Ho haa conferred wltk Circuit Judge i'Wm a4 an appreftiate date - oe announced later for tht pmen on of the lag to the court here. ur tnoughV,!, that the ia ahould oe Held by the haillir wkii;;tli nlv .uralUe4 eiUian takea Ma oath of not Mm that la the "future hie irst I Shi? liLunthtn j M v - - - -- v r i r -w gg) Breaks 1 7 Interned by Cupid e3S2SSS- Mltt Hilda Sch'welger .MIhu Hilda SchwelKor, 22, u beauty of the (leraldlnu Knrrnr typo, has come from Oermany to innrry Lieutenant Paul HuHpu, unviKiitliiK oulcor of tho oni-ti danlilng rulilur Prluz Uitcl Fried rich, now Interned at Newport Nowh. At the pier in New York lo meet her were her lluiico and Captain Max TlilerlrliHPti, commander or the Kitol Kii.'drlcli. Tho Nooniani ia tho uecond ship on which the brldo-to-bo engaged pusMugii to wed tho lieutcuanL Tho Oermnn naval oincor had promised the slrl's dying, father that he would care for nor. When tho big war broke out tho lieutenant waa In China. He had made arrangements to be married thoro, and Mlsa Schwolgor waa about to sail. Her ship, however, novor left Dremon. Tho disappointed lieutenant roamod tho aeaa and sank morchant ahlpa of the enemy until tho converted cruiser bamuclod and played out, allppod into Nownort Nowh and nbandoned the game. MIhh Schwolgor kept in communlca tlon with her nance. She la German, but waa born In London, where her father occupiod n post on a German Kovornment mission, She and Hespe had been awcethearta from childhood In Crolfeld. They wont to achool to gether nnd parted only when ho en rolled in tho naval academy. Of Count, They Al Coma Back "lied" Kltnglo, who has been spend ing tho summer In tho Klamath coun try, loft this morning for hla old home at'Antloch, Calif., thla morning. "Red" says he will be back In the epring to tar, . Ladlta' Aid to Mttt After' a vocation of two months, the Ladlei Aid Society of the Preebyterlaa church will meet Thursday afternoon at 3:80 with Mra,vC, C. Home. .sagBVJJJJJJJJJJJJgav BlfBBmmmmmmmmmmmmtl K'aWaTaBTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaY I iKadHr ' I ' igggHggggH'' ammlmmmmffiliBmmmmmW . B WMBbBbBbBbBJ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmTmV gammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmTA 1 mmmmmmmmml llammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVl ' l lln ;hbW KLAMATH ; FALLS. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AIR IN Precedent in Conferring With BRUTAL ATTACK MADEONJOHNSGN 1 STRUCK FROM BEHIND WHILE DRIVING HOMK MONDAY NIGHT. CAR NEARLY OFF ORADE ROB BERY BELIEVED PURP08E f Whllo driving home Monday night nbout 11 o'clock, Paul Johnson of tho Klamath Development company nml Klamath Packing company of thla city, 'I v.n brutally ataauUed by a man that In Nuppotcd to have hidden In the rear of hla car, Johnson being knocked un comtcloUH. Tho car waa juat aacendlng the grnde over tho government ditch when ho won Ktruck. The next Johnson know I ho wan olttlng in tho car, tightly grip ping the ateering wheel, with blood running down over hla face. He man itgeri lo reach tho :.yle Mills rcldenco'i,ero that Ciar Nlcholaa haa aaaumeJi nbout 1:30. ho Uted to,i1,pri,ona,coinmllnd of the RUaalanl worn in' ininieu again. . . Dr. E. D. Johnson was called, and he w. taken back to the White rol-!uro lean hotel, being unconscious at tlmea until G o'clock Tuesday morning. Ills noso waa broken and two teeth cracked, whllo nBcvere pain remained with him down across his forehead. Ho belloves that the man who struck him, whoever ho was, struck him with aomo heavy article. The only explanation that he can give for thcattack Is rob bery, but strange to say nothing wm missing but an amethyst stick pin. Ho wiih driving up tho grade, nnd knew nothlnaof tho attack. The car, however, waa found with the front wheels nearly off the grade, and the emergency brake net so tight that ft hammer had to be used to loosen It the next morning. Hla explanation la that the man waa either frightened away by apaaaer by, or believing that he had killed him, had fled following the attack, not ntopplng to rifle ht pockets. Ho loft tho hotel nbout 11 o'clock, after getting hla paper, and believes the man must have crawled into the car and remained there un seen. Paul waa down today for the flrot time, and hla face ahowa the Impact of the btow. DELINQUENTS ARE TO BE COLLECTED CITY ATTORNEY AND POLICE JUDGE GIVEN AUTHORITY TO PROCEED WITH COLLECTION AGAINST PROPERTY FOR PAVI. The city council authorised the city attorney and the police judge last night to proceed with the collection of dollnquost paving taxea againat city property, and these officials will pro coed immediately. There are twoctaaaee of tax payer undor tho paving, thoae-that took ad vantage of the tea year paymeatplan nnd ihoso that did not, A number that did not are delinquent, and a number alto under tho IntUUmeat plan art) back. 'The oily must collect theae ,tax,e paying over to tho paving eempaay their money. Tho pavlngcemjawy haa been nretalng payment au .Haw and It la up to tho city to colleet. t A lien may be aecured againat tha, prop erty for the taxea It they are sot pm. ; , AAWWww uxnjTjTj'Lju'-rtfTjqrLrunjxj'vyvyvvwvv fyiriiii ,. . . NICHOLAS TAKES ! COMMAND OP THE RUSSIAN FORCES DISPLEASURE IN ADVANCE OF GERMAN8 c Petrograd Confirm! tht Report That Ciar Haa Attumtd Control, Replac ing Grand Dukt Nlcholaa in the Command of tht Entire Ruaalan Army He Alto Inttnda to Reorgan ize Important Government Bureaua Vn I led Irea Service I . ,1 i-Aiuo, oepu a. w nunuuuet-a; , , . ., , ... , forced, showing displeasure at the fall-1 ! ....,, . . .. .t. - ' of th? n?M to check the I mens. i t'niii-d Pre Service ' petroqraD. Sent. 8. It is an nounced hero that the Grand DuVo Nicholas has been "superseded In com mand by the ciar. , The taking charge by the czar Is confirmed by Petrogrrad aa a result of tho successive defeats sustained by theRusslans. The removal ot Nicho las as tho head of the armlea against the Teutons waa made by the cxar, and other shake-ups are promised aa n result of the retreat from Warsaw. The cxar Intenda to reorgaalie the Im portant governmental departments. HILL ATTEMPTED TO ESCAPE LAW SHERIFF HAS DIFFICULTY IN "LANDING LOCAL MAN AT MA OERA WANT TO PROSECUTE HIM NOW PAPERS AWAITED According to a commualoatlea re ceived .by 8herl Low from therUf Lewis of Madera comity, California, who haa William Hill and Delate Zev erly and the Overland car in hla pos session there on a warrant from here charging Hill with oa-pport, Rill escaped once, hut waa recaptured. Sheriff Lewis atatea that he hat ar rested the pair after maklac u eighty- mllo drive. On the way hack ha per mitted Hill and the "ladle" to pre cede him in their car while he followed cloaoly behind. When wtthla about three miles ot Madera Hill allowed the woman to drive, aad la tht darkaeao Jumped from the machine. Lawtatobk three shots at him, but, failed to ait He waa later captured, and they are now being held there, Lewla desiring to prosecute him for attemptlag to cape and the'wama for helptag him, If possible. He atatea, also, that Hill and the womaa rtflatered a maa aad wife while travellag. aad thla charge may alao be Deputy SherlV Uoyd Low expects to leave in the mtramg with wtradlUmi paper to brt.itW haek; hart, ,t itirxnlii SEPTEMBER 8, 1915 RAD) ON ENGLAND Ambassador's Wife Leaves & to Nurse Czar's Soldiers ejBBjJBBjJw, BMggayjEf .gLLLLLLLLfgaV tyammmmmBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Wi bVbVbVbVbVbV?&bVbVbVbVbVbW - zlal bSbVbVbVBHbb 'j .EBBJEBBBBK7 m JmBmBmBmBmBmBmBWBjmBmBmBmmmT BB tBvBJBBBBBBBBBBh'BBBBBBBBBy M BHBHBHBHBHBW V;WBBHBHBBBBV iloggLH 1 BmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBammammBV B tmBmBmBmBmammPSSl. Jf m BmBmamf ,mW?4f ZAM " "afetaBffammBmBmBmmml W ammmwv . Mrj&mr-1 .-- iMigtJtaiiii . mmiwss&tszsmfi f m mmH.Vi ViiM-'TlWi' r - jiBBialM I ( UTTTr i IT ami K ragaT7t .W,;d'i- acBBJHMr7HHBHBmKStHgl I OS BBBBBV l,sBB'V,V4w9'aBHBHBWr--BHBBKBBHl-h lamBmammmi mM'h 'fMrUtlkM.B J ii m?MMm: iMmmm a UmtBwlti !MSb-b-b1 s r-i' imiiiiiiiiiB'ji(i fSii j ' .-iiS.'ii-j,':';?.-:i-i.t..SEi,viV miiiiiiiiB jt A mBmBmamml' ; Hi f MirfPHWmBmBmBmafJ I S-r: BmBmBmBmBmBmBmrnml' l&5 JJS ftt i if V?''- Vi iS mBmBmBmBmBmBmBrnTml mV iBaWf ipi$&MsBn mamtiirnTr ilih h viMfvS;iM&amf Mrs. George T. Marye, wife of the Am Mrs. George T. Marye, wife of the American .ambassador to Russia, who. left her San Francisco home yesterday for Petrograd, for the purpose of nursing wounded Russian soldiers. S Helen, aged 9 years. "Her life does not belong to me," said KLAMATH GATE TO CRATER FAVORED TRAVEL. TO CRATER LAKE TO SEPTEMBER 1 SHOWS TOTAL OF 9,315 PEOPLE; 1.S73 AUTOS; NEARLY DOUBLES LAST YEAR Tourist travl to Crater Lake for thla, year has nearly doubled Itself la the number ot persoaa, and nearly 800 more automobile visited the lake this year than last Up until August l this year the Klamath entrance was the moat favorable' with awte'teriata, 2,024 persoaa ajolag la hy this eatraaee and 2,011 by tht Medford eatraaee. gisice then the touriai travel from .the north haa Increased considerably, fol lowing the later eaaoa la the North era states, and' tht eatraaee reetrd from 'Medford Is slightly larger than from the aowth. - Travel for July 191B. waa t ,SM, ten. pared with 3.S49 la, WM; Auet, 1MB, 5,140, againat 3.1ft mat Ttsr. TrtVel up to September 1. llll, waa I erican Ambattador to Ruttla he will leave behind her daughter. the mother.- 9,315 persons, compared to 5,960 for J the same date In 1914. Total number of autos. registered, at headquarters August 1, 1914, was 540, compared with 850 this year. To Sep tember 1, 1914, 087, with 1,873 thla year, showing an Increase of nearly 800 over last year, or In exact figure, 786 machines. Up to July 1, 1915, 370 persons had ontered through the Klamath entrance and 202 by Medford. To August, 1, 2,024 by way of Klamath to 2,011 by Medford. Up to September 1, 4,263 per sona had entered by way of Klamath. Up to September 1, 346 persona had entered hy way of the Pinnacles. ! Library Club tt Meet The Women'a Library Club will hold Its first regular caeetlng Friday., after noon of thla week at 2;S0 at the'elab rooma pr, Nancy White, a gradaate of the medicaldepartment of he atate university will give a talk,to yewag mothers on the care of children. All members are urged to hit preatat to arrange forthe'dliterent departmeata forthe comlag year.' " ,.-;, Fttthall Meeting Tonight The Brat' football meeting of the year waa held tonight; at tht aehael. at whleh time aU bey tatt tittd, to the i gam ware reqaeeted to matt with. Veeaoa Mofehaahaaatr, ., JfLifr coach at tht high. school 1 1 I IJ-I''SS "4BBBBwBaSuBB 'S mvw kail rX-T.HBJBBBBBJBJ.'id I ..- t rl'fmTaBmBamBrnfi . wp li?3-'''ft1iEBJB'WBgHsV KLAMATH COUNTY'S U OFFICIAL NEWSPCl'Rk j .& Lansing itgg((p.r,gSctniHir IN NINETEENTH t 4 RAID NEARLY 50 ? XSTifa ARE FOUR ZEPPELINS BELIEVED o i rirn r-- HAVE PARTICIPATED ;Ten Killed, Forty-Three Injured and Three Mlitlng aa ReeuK efRaM Last Night Three Dwellhita DemtL Ithed Several Firea Started, But Are, Extinguished Ouetlij Garrleen Sighta Four Zeppelin. V , lilted l'reta Service T rhMrfcJ-hXf Qar ft Tab naranMa1 INJURED ...w.., ty. .... ,rr ; were killed, 43 wounded aadthret are,. . .missing as the result of a atppoBa"' 1 .. . .--. ..-; . r. - 1-, nua maae on isngwiBa iaat augai nj I German Zeppellaa. L It was announced that' "last night three Zeppellaa bombarded the $; , i:j'r?r. counuev. iwu una, unv.wuaH umn fire children were ;killed, four men, ' "eleven women ajxd'dveiAJJdreawere?" ! seriously injured, while a maa' ami two. ' 'women are' missing. Three' amiiu dwellings were demolished. Several flres were started, but quicklyextto- jgulahed. . ' This Is the. alneteeaUi raid made oa England by German? Zeppehm slate ithe-war began. ,' lf .i---.- i , i &- z i :" United' Preaa Service & -J- 4 AMSTJebUDAM, Sept K-jhimLI-1' : pella. which are beMovod toaayjar; - ucipaiea in wsv Btgni-a.nuti'rw use -,. east coast ot Eaclaad. were alghtH ! , from here. Ouilylni Duteh ajffifeemVtCj fired on one anlnar aouthweet aaAthrat others, were sighted. : IV-.WtfVi 11 i if. 'J' MORE PRODUCTS NEEDED AT EAW Jt tV " ' W 5 Kf r -..-.j... :. i..kfir.L..'& .. KLAMATH COUIiTT?"s RBlT . , t.M :'VKJsvvirt' WRITES THAT SINNOTT IS HAN. 3 OICAPPED BOOD XHANCtAtiM i ft rl'tirJM;jm".Jli'' TAKE PRIZES AT 'AIR ' ft 1Y- . 'kt tJt'ff$J' vdXij-. v "I have'-vUited Ue'EUmth,iJjir exhlblU at the fair; ami tad Mr.7m)S nott doing " everythiat'P!' booat Ktaxeath.eavatr.hitlmBym dlcapped 'throuti jtti Wtmm' Deoste.V Uteatatmawat:AlrllalBld& In a letter to the HeraleV is "'WK.AJf iri:Pleaae urge taTOMthMlaammV of yoir paper the ni itlty. tt i'aaatag ;" Twf"i,s,;i'T .,',.. v- l 'EuiK ?sr free. "Avr .ri&sssau. .w0,Wa4v'tUaUa, -'u--. - , i.i- V.v'..' ..' Ji" r ery.;aa,twaa;!'ffMim aa- ttjwHl retaiafMa loaaW.' f Afew;'Uaut bephvoediR ta yaatfc. wttyagiad wJEfi JBBgJBamwBpBB i JjBJgfJwagBaBBaBl tTBJBPV tg4 line to wla 'atiat: wdtta -iff iihmefi Jf ' seat at oaee." dmmm&mJ 147 poiuwU. Veat miMfcmeW, BMWaW wSmJRl BmjgJPMB 3BJBJBJgBBBBjgV'JBjJJjBmB;wm BaBJEfl wmBBjBr htta & $$$, .7.? AJLH 3i M s .M Ml .' 1 m ,f " .i tj 1 ' WaV r (CoatlAued o Paft t) 'T t 1 M , HI 7, iL