'V?ff Jf<fs. ,. 3AA.V .. Kf ). liis v " P.tv w& Herald - Ms? KLAMATH PALLS', ...-.' : WJ.WlV KLAMATH COUNT' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER J5 ly&wfcjai'v: OPPICIAL NEWSPAPER ffrVVl&- '' J-;ff VV V7r e " "W-Sli y i JJ A!A"1 iturntnn ! tjMhYf-r"'-'"" ,,.. " 3Kti--.S taJJtgl.ir-lr si3B -.- S rss , -'" ages aacrac m anaBM3nB KLAMATH SIX MEXICANS ARE KILLED BY U. S. TROOPS AMMICAN8 LAID mur. nu THEY WALKED IN CW Night at Cavasios Cross- JBg-K'ii.d Included Captain and LkNttnant Under Carrama From the irrlMn at Matlmoraa No Caaual. (HiAmtrlean 8ld Constitution Illtt N o Ml ln """"N iltl I'rew 8crvlc' BR0WNSV1M.R. Sept. 7-llallN ro- (tlvrd today fr n e'1"'" "' l'nvnH" km crowliiK. where Mexicans and Amrfcn troops engaged In n fight Inst ntdri, state Hint Ax Mexicans wore HUM. Tea reports brlelly itttlt Unit lm Aneriwns laid n trap and the Mex ImM walked Into It. Those killed Included n captain and a lieutenant of Carranxn'n forces front U garrison at Matlmoraa. There worn bo casualties on the American aide, Camntlila commandera have order id the coastltutlonallaU along tho bor dsrnot to mix In tho Texaa revolution. Tka ranch house of Amlcto Plsanos, where the Mexicans are accustomed to gather prevloua to raids, was burned. AUSTRALIA LIKES OREGON BUILDING OFFICIAL SECURES PICTURES AND PLAN8 FOR REPRODUCTION OF THE FAMOUS BUILDING IN THE ANTIPODES (llnuld hpvclal Service) HAH KltANCIBCO, Sept. 7. If iiul tMjon U llio slnccrest flattery, Oregon will probably noon liavo reason toewoll up like n pouter pigeon. Australia ex pect In duplicate tho Oregon bulldlnx ad exhibit schemo for permanent dls PlX puriwHo nt home. At least, thut Is the expression of V. T. A. Frlcke, rosl lit commissioner for tho government of tho Mntt. or Victoria, Australia. Mr. Krlckti bun been u froquent visit or at tlm OrcKon butldlnlg, and on ov fry occasion vnthuslastlo In his prnlsit ' It and (ho splendid advertising Ore Ron In koUIiik iih a result of the several bowing here. On hla last visit ho inked for complete architectural plans o' Ihe OroRon Parthenon, pictures of we various exhibit booths, and Insisted upon tho detail of tho organisation Plw, Mr. Krlcke was warm in hla con gratulations to Manugor George M. Ily "nd, who H most rosponalble for tho wmarkablo Hhowlng, and ho also In Utcd on miking with the depart ntal heads that ho might the better uaderstaud tho exact working methods the building. H feels that, with tho single excep S ll Camuta Oregon haa'rnade tho " hit of tho expoaltton, and for the "wy spent Oregon la getting reaulta "Vro wirvolous and Incomparably "Micr than any other, without excep. ru.And no one wh0 kow" en rouw look at Mr. Pricke.nnd suspicion !I a HCco that he la ever "guilty ,d,,n ht lr-he la all business, JM his upper Up is r hard, straight Opsratad en far AppaMlaltla MOs Edi,h aitmm, daughur of A. 2w by Dra, HamJlton MdMerry. sbSFond,olu"' B,., vor ""'condition. t ' ' Dlvaraiyt lltdv i , t, , Ajliyorce .pit has km M ,wit rcutt court cUrk by Mary Ksm The German Who Took Warsaw , I ; : 1 h S09K''gg!BgggggSMM BiP'niiiiiiiViiiPiirT.WAMtSMiiiiiiiH sVygaiiiiiiiHaBBIgKrggaiiiiiiiiiiiiiagl "lBK't'-MPir'&f aMlJaBgaSHaaiiiH 4BlUriHaaiiiHa?vV amHaP JrHBH jftgPPV m 'TgHBgiaBuPggam.': A1 KT zaKiBgaVVgaVgaT7iJ9 i9Haam' 3HHeVgKfta 1 twl-SBgliilllMSSH i gaMhJr Triiilhi'll - iJggw t aaiiiiaiiiiiiWTTMM I I MmWttaty' v'iaaBHgHLBaifth I K fer" 'SVsjIHt" BBD-5s'?iaJy?SsCttMsi W FALLS, OREOOH; TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1915 A -"U -'-i7fl rfls5 rlM (CWPW ?: IB1BBBBB Z.'-Ll?', .L, 7I, SfflE .V awi -f I n&tLC ?! SOME DOUBT AS TO WHAT SUNK MHEHESPm 1500 for Hebo Girl PRINCE LEOPOLD OF BAVARIA 1'ilncu l.-opoM of nuvarln was tho Herman general who took Warsaw. Ills army whs the first within tho city inken from tho Russians. This pho logruph Khows him within tho city the day hls'trnops entered. HOW TO VISIT IHl 8. F. FAIR enro to cat nt the hotel; it Is ctmy to llitd a fairly good living nt the Y. M. 0. A. cafeteria or at several other eat Ing ptares over tho grounds, whore the in lci Is nut neressurlly very strenuous. English Pr Munition Worker " ' " tiulu-il Press Service LENOTH OF STAY DETERMINES London. 8epL ".The latest titled ,.,.... ,wnr worker desplto his ago of fifty- LOCALITY OF RE8IDENCE-IF.thm yf)m g t0Jay c,a(, , ovora8 SHORT. STAY NEAR THE EXPO- wonting ocamo pjeman war unu iu SITION QROUNDS ;nn aeroplane factory In 8urroy. i (llertiltl .Hpvt'lat rk-rvlte) TlAN I'ltANCiaCO. SepL 7. Ore gonlnnti who want to see (he big exposition In tho shortest length of time, nt tho least expense in tho long ruu, nnd with' tho greatest comfort nnd real pleasure, should ho located on tho grounds. This is tho conclusion of tho writer, after flvo months' experience nnd Innumerable conversations with thoso who have been both on and off tho grounds. Hlnco coming horo tho writer has lived In Oakland, In San Tranclsco and upon the grounds, Ho believes that any coming for hut ono wock can not afford to locate down In tho city, and really desirable iilncos are no longer lo bo found, except occasionally, near tho grounds. If tho trip la to bo of two weeks, nt least ono weok should bo spont wholly Insldo tho grounds. located at Insldo Iun, for Instance, ono Is nolo to see Insldo of ono weok nil that can ho soen In two weeks If ono lives away from tho grounds, Tho mornings horo nro tho doslrablo time, at tho exposition, nnd this Is tho tlmo wasted whon ono lives nwny. Tho night, offers tho wonderful lllumlna tlonsnnd at 11 o'clock nro tho oxtraor dlnary Illuminated flights of tho avi ators. Much of thlB is necessarily missed If one must go by car down into tho city to apend the nlghtB, Usually people get ab tired that they really cannot re main up with any comfort or pleasure. When at Insldo Inn It Is possible to take a rest whenever desired, and It la possible o view practically everything at night from the hotel windows. Thoro Is every convonlence and com fort at thlsjiotel, The ratea run from f 2 upwards, and breakfast can be had for SO cents. There Is a regular din ing room, also cafe where one can spend ns nmoh or as little aaiinay be desirable. The rooms are large and well furnished, and a atay at Inside Ian la a real, pleasure. If one doea not He Is tho Karl of Norborry, who can't enlist because he Is too old, but 'who Insists on doing "hla bit" He la n filler. His hours are from Ilk ! to 7 p. m., with a halt hour for break- tho most of fl "n n hour ,or lttB0l, lie roreives cxnciiy mo same irwii mont as his humbler fellow workers nnd sleeps In a slnglo room near the factory. all Playtra to Leave Dick Nelson, first baseman, and Lyle Illgbeo, the Bwaunaa' premlor pitcher, expoct to leave In the morning for Eu gene, preparatory to entering college this fall. Nelson will go on to Lafay etto to visit at home first, while Big bee's parents live In Eugene. They both expect to report for football aa soon as they return to school. Blgbee played half back last year, while Nel son made a good ahowlng In the line. 147 Pounds ef Vagatablss Ono hundred and forty-seven pounda of vegetables were aent by the Com mercial Club yesterday for the Klam ath booth at the fair. The Oregon commission pays ezpreaaage on all per Ihhable goods sent, and the elub de sires that the name of the grower and tho name of the vegetable or other pro duct, and Ma variety be attached to the nackage. Unperlshablo goods should bo sent by freight ADMIRALTY AV NEVER IN THE WAR'tMVICE No Troops on Beard Except Wounded Canadians America Ordered Rspre sentatlve to Ascertain Caust ef Sink Ing Consul Frost at Qutenttown In Confidential Preliminary Report, 6. States Some OeubC " htlllt 'lfH .-WVlt'fl WASHINGTON, o!c, SepL 7. Am-. ibaHsniior Page cabled today that "tho! British admiralty states that the Hes-j perlan, which sunk Sunday morning, wns sailing as an ordinary passenger xhlp, nnd never was In government ser- vlco since the war began. There were no troops aboard her at the time ez cept some wounded Canadians, who were traveling to their nomo on Indl vidua! tickets." America has ordered ber representa tives abroad to ascertain and deter mine whether the Hesperian was mined or torpedoed.. Consul Frost nt Qucenstown, in a'confldentlal prelim inary report, said that there was, some doubt ait to the cause of the ship sinking. United Press Service WA8H1NOTON. D. C, SepL 7 Am bassador Page has added to hla report that the British adailralty has not yet announced whether tte Hesperian was torpedoed ortttae(rriAj '2 Consul Frost's delayed report reiter ates that the survivors stated that she was submarined. Two American stew ards, Barney McMillan and Frank Sol- las, Frost said, were below when the torpedo struck. He also' said that the ship's officers signed Joint aadavttn that fragments of the steel cask were seen on tho deck, removing any doubt that tho ahlp was torpedoed. They said the ship wns fired on without any warning. United Press Service , LONDAN, Sopt 7. It has been, an nounced here that the Hesperian waa not convoyed when she sunk. No pa trol boats were within miles of the ship so far as Is known, the captain report ed to the admiralty. HfflsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaP t LeaaaaaK5nlllllllK. ijKWKK(Kim mizmmzmm imf't.' '. 'J" y-.& M?M3SML:::, min-pf j.y? ''.anaaWalBBWn i vmasfflsm EFFORT TO SET FEDERAL COURT RESOLUTION TO BE PRESENTED TO CITY COUNCIL BY ATTORNEY OFFERING THE CITY HALL FOR HOLDING OF COURT HERE Viola Stevens A resolution offering to tho United (uso of the city's new hall for the pur use of the cltys new nail for the pur; pose of .holding the' court here has been jdrawn up by City Attorney Bollo C. Oroesbeck, and will be presented to the council tonight for action. Some effort has been made to secure a regular term of the federal court in this city, due to the fact that the close proximity of the Klamath Indian reser vation and the numerous Indian cases that arise continually, the federal gov ernment is put to great expense in pay ing railroad fare for witnesses; officers of the law and criminals. Tho previous term of court held here in the trial of Jim George, and lii as much as there is another case of sim ilar nature and numerous bootlegging cases another endeavor has' been made by the business men and the Commer cial Club to have a regular term held here. The resolution' sets forth that plenty of room la to be had ln the city hall for the holding of the court, and will not interfere with the city's business. The council Is expected to pass it Viola Stevens, aged 15, of Brooklyn, N. Y., has run off with Max Goodman, ber chum, perhaps he Is her husband by now, dressed. In boy's clothing, and somewhere ln the Eastern states they are riding freight trains,, just like effi cient hoboes. But her mother,- Mrs. Adelaide Stevens, Is an energetic wo man. No sooner had she missed the daughter than ahe went to the Brook- lyn detectivM.aad.oSeced Ajeward of $500 for the return of the girl Viola, it Is believed, la filled with, the. wander-. lust, or love, or both. She waa an ar- j dent member of the Camp Fire Girls,- ana later expectea to go on a. camping trip with another organization. She Is a member of a bird club, and, has been very enthusiastic in her studies. A friend of Goodman's told the story of the girl dressing in boy's clothing and seeing her and Goodman board freight train In, Brooklyn. Later this postal card waa received by a friend of Goedman: Sues for Recovery ef Money A ault has been filed with the circuit court clerk by O. W. Motiae against George Noble for recovery of money. Dear . Jim Arrived safe, striking Penn. Having a darn good h of a time. Caught freight at Westfleld on Penn. Left Asbury. Got a square meal from a farmer's wife. (Signed) "FRANK SAWTLLB. "P. S. -Will write you again on our i honeymoon. (Signed) MAX" MEDFORD BEATEN THE SECOND TIME IN -HARD GAME CWAUNA8-FINAL LY SCORE NEEDED RUN AFTER PLAYING UPHILL GAME OF TEN INNINGS Marriage License Issued Marriage licenses have been issued by tho county clerk to Walter Booth of Fort Klamath and Miss Hatey Kay. Also to Robert Braua of the Klamath Agency and Miss Alice Lladsey. Braan Is a farmer In themploy of the Indian service. He expects to, be moved to another location sooa. Obtnehaln Back .from Ban Francises Silas Obenchaln, member of the gro cery firm or wara uonm o olty, has returned from Ban Franetoeo Iu company with Mra. Obenchaln, where they attended the fair, While In San Francisco, Mr. Obenchaln waa operated on for appendicitis, .but haa recovered. Council Masts Tonight Tho city council will hold IU regular meeting tonight at the city hall. Last night was the regular meeting algfct, but owlni to IU being a legal holiday aoseMlMWMMB, v Indlan Stunned by Pall George Riddle, Klamath Indian, fell of hla horse near the depot yesterday and bruised hla head badly. He was unconscious for some time., The horse slipped on tne pavement and threw htm of. Many Licenses Issued by C,lerk Licenses to the amount of $656 were sold by tbe county clerk's office this past month, $52.80 of the amount going to the clerk'a office as the commission allowed by tbe sUte. Five hundred and three licenses were hunting licenses, 91 Ashing licenses, 21 combi nation licenses and two for non-rest-dent licenses.. This morning' Jack Mil ton of Honolulu purchased a license, stating that he desired to get some of this famous Klamath hunting and San tas; Oyer 600 In City Schools Five hundred and nineteen students registered during the Brst two days in the public schools of the city. Two hundred and fifty nine art at the Cen tal achool, 165 at Riverside, 63 In Mills Addition and 42 at Pelican Bay City. In a hard game yesterday, the closest ganio played tula season on the, local diamond, the Ewaunas finally came out on top yesterday afternoon In a three- hour game with Medford. Although fourteen hits were secured off of Welch, they were so scattered until the lost of the game that, but for a couple of costly errors behind him he probably would have won his game. TheEwaunas fell down hard In the first part of the game, slipping into the error column frequently. In the seventh Cook replaced Peterson and Blgbee replaced Messick'on second. It was a cold day, with, a bad wind, and the result was noticeable in the work of the team. However, after the first part of the game, and after Medford had piled up Ave more runs than Bwauna, the team commenced to play ball, and with the aid of the rooters, a victory was nosed out In the tenth frame. Timely hits, tour of them in the ninth Inning by Bowden, Hoag, Nelson and Palmer, tied the score. Ceok held them down in the tenth for his aide. Messlck then walked. Bowden lived, Herblg fanned. Hoag lived on a Selder'a choice, and Nelson fanned. Blgbee then laced one down through the pitcher's box so hot that the second baseman was unable to recover himself in time to throw home and eatch Messlck, who made the winning vol Thla made the fourth win for tbe Ewaunas against Medford, having made' 39 runs to their 10. Large Sum Collected by, Sheriff Ths sum of $40,862.46, was crtlected ; F ,,,, ,' a(1- , ,,, tk .VA.litt nfllAf. jtuastsna than nkAntla If- by tbe sheriffs office during the month of August for current and delinquent taxes. Taxes m tar kaak as 1IM were collected, ' f tSsBavBaaTsarmi ' BBaWm' wgJmYmm I VajsU'JflLtBJgsBlBkJBflBBBBv' 'i . -(v, ( t Don Newberry of this city and Mr. Garrett of Medford arrived in the eky from San FraaeUeo, where they have been vlaHtag the fair. They stata IBer made the drive In two and a half days. Newberry will sea leave to enter col lege at ugoae. ' Leaves P.ereet Servlee far SeHeel Jack nitott of Salem arrived 1 the city, yesterday tram near Klamath Hot Springe, where he has bea this summer to tka forestry and will return to Eucaae, where ihe wiu, enter sthe University, of Oresa this fall. v U. - U. S. MAY ASK w AUSTRIA TO RECALL DIJMBA 'i f. w KSp. ' &&L i ifmt" 4& M H. 9 AUSTRIAN AMBASSADOR INCITES r STRIKES s3 Plan to Cabs Austrla-HunMrlans Em-:, , . ' - , - "W.W-tr a ployed In American aHeel and Mif5 tlen PUnts to Strike is InveeUsatesL' .... r.... w nn-aini,ni7,MlK! I " ."-',' J " -t cuse Himself on' Ground ef Inteletw; sble Labor Conditions; ','nlled fa? -V -jl ij , A '&'! Wrf-t '" fm jf-- i saMBr . ." -wlred , " Ti' i" t Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C:. SpL 7. trlan Ambassador Dumba has Secretary Lansing, for a. coafersaatv Officials sUte that If It Were"! ordJ- nary times there, would be an exeeUeatt chance for America' to ask Austria to ' recall their representative aa jthaT "rV suit of 'a pUn to cause all the Austria- Hungarians employed In aumms steel and munition plaaU to atrBoC ' which Dumba is said to have agftsted. 'i vpoa ,uw aenniuoa ana ue 'w4: a .. Uon at the words "gross Impiepilelj" '" y hinges the administration's attitad iki;-'-J',S i' . -". -J' W iL'.tfi.i'' wards Dumb of Austria, hiah hare lndleated. Pmideat 'Wllunn wilt h ih ikAmm ofthesltuaUon. uWimderstoed'thaVi: copy of a message he seat to nsjihanj or vvrreaiHwaau. jutsm hi. i. ' tti imi xfi. m i..S?l " n fT ?. -,.. f rvi Tfjj, ,A 1 T.t 'AMW! "'y,i P m m ing a atrike in the nraalUons aid steet nlanta. . . ? .. . . jWL ...XZ? ST"""- - & (r - ' T' T '"i ji Dumba is notexpectedtoroUate ' the eridenee f the aHeged peaa to tte f ,m Si 'l up American factories" "me;afcv;j, l tempt to justify it on the gfoskid of j- i tolerable labor conations. J f'lLi .. . , ..'ax i. m TWO TRAFFICKERS CAUGHT POACHING t j-. . ; tw I i i it HOLMAN AND TWO McCARTER CATCH " I BOOTLEGGERS, ONSUnS" 41 l ! DAY AND THE SECOND ONE YES TERDAY HCARtNB TODAY h ih .K ,tf " H - ' r Jf ' 'il f - m W..4M1 3S1 (Continued on Page 4) Pitcher Gees to CraUr Lake -. John Welch, who pitched the game yesterday for Medford, left this after noon for Crater, Lake hytmiahw,e,;"Ho expecU to spesid two days' there betore aoasoatoFeUaad. . Tom Thorsen.was arrested by Policemen Hetanan aadf'MeCattef for selling whiskey to TwdlapSi ,Tar- i sen had three pints fof 'whkn:e'Wm.'. ,? , when arrested, and itwaansaVredyl the poUce that he: had disposed of f about twenty before' he waa eanaJhtT;g "('' Bob BwtlettWBa ttUcen y tif BBr U , a tbe Klamath stables. whre'BW,irBUi i ' . baa. -... s-lil.koi. a TrtMb BaalvsmA & 'Z 1 oww yarwim vtaauesvvj ,w efamvaa. faMaHgav Indlan, by the officers. The two. are being held In the be given a hearing . States Comraiaaloner who haa returned to tho ettyi .-,u.l .MlLI1:fai uvmmua.1 wiwwtv AWfcwvavjtAW'cvvfv wmKm.mTt -s.-4 .. ..U 2 Z uornia. t y -w vagi In the arrest of ;Taraasitl'eJtiQ.( 1 !! Kallava. thov kin IlliaS ul'J-t. Ku.l .U. ...., .,,,. T,.,., A -.JJ 1;, out a auletus on. the man that did meet ' v v-w. of the bootlegglag durisg tee praeeeee, , jS of the clreua in the ettyv . 'tjV r &m. , . .-I, ifli Paddock Is Cemlnf Here , - 4$J, Bishop Paddock of' theJalsettAm church; Oregon wlli hew Baadar I ii September Mi Ha 'Will 'js'ajMsdjMRg, servieea.ia the. Odd rsUwal;a4tr4i&V 11:30 eetoek. In tka exeats a.irlll .:k' lecture Is ... s SO). , k -rwi Blty'JalL-amtwiU. ..-& ,M. Vfimu a J. Wrnmmi'Am. Bfssn m w . L.J. i .,' !"'.'- tT- i ' Bey' Bern Sunday A son, was .bom to Mr. and Mra. Harry Wall Baaday morning at; their home oaarwaaaa KelgaU.. Boy la Operated The sniall iwaof Mr. aid Mrs. Geo) &:&n!mmmi r "TV msim mmmm ' Leaa'JNyH..w;BHatadMpp,- uuwr my-w w r., : vBfinB,, o. C. Applsgote of a etty, w had 4WwNsWBPBeeBSf Ssaj, 6xSJSjBJBsBJsj lag by Dr, It aV on' this morn- .. w8W MCMVBtpsv''VrMW! pnlag while on a Meye trlf) MQmtm. IdAsUi M sMbW fW.aWBWBW ?VisW BBB1b ,BBl,, flBBBBPgBBJI IB4pJBB(JBSaBBBBM(B. kawii'MiNMrtlBf-a t.h-i slsh at liinsBs kdgojf gansaVt 4jka 4B'Jf 'BBVBBB fssaww, waafaBK aBBay' sy BBBBS w ;Vv - wfT ? m;l ii I5..'- i rA 3? :: m i . , . f. LL- '.HJW :i vRk