,jrt ". j- rc "ifflii, i. ..,?. rf. '..m:-"j ? ";. "iff. MrraLfr lm A iff ATM PALLS' ""';"- . .."- -M- Hffjki.fc. ' K L A M ATrisC6UHTWB?l OFFICIAL NEWtPAPBK OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER f .. " 'a . .. Ai'l ' i PJaTa"w 9B7 arawPTawawaP (Lhr iliurittitn . atj Tsnth Yosr No. a,T7i KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1915 ii RUSSIA Will SOLDIERS' HOI FI6HT 10 YEARS ; HEAD REMOVED IF NECESSARY Diplomatic troubles Weigh Heavy WILL RETIRE TO URAL MOUN. TAINS, IP COMPELLED COLONEL ELDER IS DISPLACED Y GOVERNOR WITHVCOMBE ON ACCOUNT Of THE COMPLAINTS FOR SOME TIME PAST ir Foretd to Abandon Potrograd and Metcew by Auitre-Germans, aovtrn- to Lit Drop of Hood 1'iillud I'm Hervlfe PCTROailAI), Sept. . President llodiliiuko, president of ItiiHsInn ilunm, In nn Interview said teday: "HummIh SAI.KM, Sept. 0. Pronouncing the ser vices f Colonel W. W.. Klder us coin tiuindnnt of the soldiers' homo at Hone- ilmrg uimillafiicioiy. the member, nr mtnt Will Removed to the Ural,f,n state, board of control, by a vote of Mountains - Preeldenl Rodilankol''0.'0 "" "I'lmliitod Captain II. C. .Murkeo of Portland to succeed him. Says 12,000,000 Soldlert Will right Governor Wlthycombo and State Treus- urer Kny voted for Contain Mnrken unit Secretary of Htalo Olcotl for the reton lion of Colonel Rider. 'tVmipliiints liavo been pouring Into my nfllce against Kldcr, nnd I favor tils removal ami tint appointment of Cap lulu Mnrkco ns tils successor." said (Inventor Wlthycombo In noinlnatlnK ill IftllatP 'l till fc' f.ill tm I will niht for from five lo ten years yet. ,, ,, (( cwbwi ir It Id necessary. "If wo are forced to abandon Petrn KrnJ nnil Moscow, the government will be removed to our defense In Iho IJrnl 'niountnlnit, nnd tint war will bo con tinued. Russia ha 12,000,000 soldier Hint will fight to the last drop of their! blood." Qcrmana Re-Enter Riga Qulf fulled Press Bervlco COPKNHAOEN, Hcpl. 6. The Ger man have rHnterHl the Oulf of Illira, roiniwllInK the RunalattH to flee, a. c online 4o ndvlccn received hero. It la reported that tho 8lnva havo evacuated Pdiml Inland In the Oulf or Finland. I'nlied freaa Kervlce IIKHI.IN, Hcpt. B.-lt la olUcltttly ad milled that important proarenK toward Ul haa been made 'In the paat two dnjn, The (Irodno altunllon In tin-chnnired. HILL IS HELD; WIFE DESERTION FORMER LOCAL MAN ARRESTED IN MADERA COUNTY, CAL., WITH MRS. ZEVERLY ON CHARGE PRE. FERRED UY WIPE HIRI nl thlx Inttltullon becnuHp of the un cnilnfartory rondlton, nnd I do not think the board nhould delay lonwr." "DON'T SHOOT! I'M NtUTRAL'-FERGI WITH LOTS OP SIGNS AND PET RAIIIT, ATTORNEY PERQUSON RETURNS PROM TOUR TO MBX. ICO, COVERING S,00 MILES I V I Diplomatic t rVrtX" iilSLk'bLLLB 9MbkLLLLLLLB W Mm. JkaBBBBBBs'EEEBBV IESaS?lEiHEjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBJ ikBIPiLBkLLLr 'miwlmmmlm' K'ilBBBBBBBBBW IMMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbT XSRlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMiHl'EBBBBBBBBBll BBBBBKjSnHl ffeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHaBBWBriMKaBBBBBBBBBBBTr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHbbH 1 JV"!LJ BHBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBr 'BBbV taBBBBBBBBBBBBBLjBBBBBBBB MQbbBBBBBBbIbBBBBBBBbIbBBBBB 2MfiM " aa-SBB-BBBBBBBB HOOPER WALKS OUT OF KLAMATH i FARMER NEAR PAIR GROUNDS REV t PORTS TO SHERIPP THIS MORN. I ING THAT HE RECOGNIZED MAN AND TALKED TO HIM TUESDAY HH r :m it 5iA t I That Hooper, the gentleman hold-up ,maa and criminal of repnto, walked ' through Klamath county on hla war Houth was established this morning by the Bberiff'a office, when S. A. Nlchael I fon, a farmer near the fair grounds, re ' ported 'to lao onice that he had seen Hooper and talked with him. He was following' the Southern Pa jciflc right of way, Inquired the distance j t a the state line, and went on his way ; alter talking for a few moments. j Njchnelxon stated that though Jie had Keen me anicies appearing in tne Her- ,.1 ' SUBMARINED ANOTHER LINER IS OFF IRISH COAST WASHINGTON WAITS POR REPORT FROM SCENE. !. i , . P"Ej Submarined Without Afflffldawlt Carried . sixteen of Crew and SSS PaooaniaW! UnaccounWd for at'0iiaaiia4oww "Tmo"): Attempt to Eaeaoi Uwdow Prooa, Says Germany, Palls InPrimioo.i1 f i' "'"a. i-lSS '?," -t ,. L sir ii , ? AW.tvy,4i .TOi ""' 1'iiltejl LONDON; Sept . Th aid about Hooper, and that he was be-(Hesperian was submarined otk Iriak Ins nought by the authorities, he did not think they wanted him very bad. .., i o. . j' '. .,- ,.-;.. vwui oaiuiun ujgui, aaa WELCH PITCHES TODAY AT MODOC Will lllll, formerly of thla city, who axt Hummer and winter operated tho aiiio Hnge between thla city and Met- mi, having the contract for carrying tho mall, in company with Mm. I)elaa Zoverly, also formerly of this county, nro being hold at Madera, Callr., by the Hhorirr, with an Overland car, on which Hill owch $400. He waa arfoatod on a charge of wife desertion by Mrs. Hill of thlH oily, who with her three children, Hill loft without means of support, she claims. Hill left with the Overland car which ho was purchasing from W. T. Lee of this city, but whom ho atlll owes MOO for It, He was seen In the Sacramento canyon with Mrs. Zeverly, formerly of Mils county. Hill and the woman were arrested Vrldny, but escaped that night from tho Hhorlff by" aome means, but wore re captured Saturday. The telegram from ho Nherlff there did not atate tho do I Mix, but said that the man and woman worn being held, and may be tried here, on what charge It la not known. Tho warrant for Hlll'a arrest waa tele Kraphod by Sheriff Low Saturday. In casojio la met trMc tkat, He will brought back by Deputy Lloyd Low, who expeota to leave Wednesday morning. The car will probably bo disposed of either at Madera or San Francisco, n would hardly pay jo bring It back ne. Tho aherlffa once hem can bo jrcdltod for the good work In the cap uro of Hill, for aa soon as the warrast wa Issued descriptions were seat all over California, aa U was knows he had gono th.ro, with Ue wait (hat his rail WSS tInk4 i .t.u.'j... ........ q, mi mmxnin. yi Laavo far Wale. SWait Mr. and Mrs, Loy Mlparg a thta olty l aa ho waa leaving his aummor home With hucIi dictuuw as "Don't Shoot. I'm Ntiutral," "Oregon to Mexico," "Klamath Fulls, My City la Best." a pot rabbit that Is as friendly 1th bis bulldog ns two kittens, and vice versa, C. J. Ferguson, prominent attornoy. nnd law partner of D. V. Kuykendall of this city, returned Saturday night from nn extended auto tour to Mexico nnd return. Ills speedometer registered up lo 3,000 miles, and then quit, the register evidently being blown off. After that ho kept track by pad nnd pencil, and his figures show 5,600 miles for the trip. On his way south he picked up in Oakland n bantam rabbit, which ho has carried ever since, nicknaming him Tom Thumb. He has been a good companion, and has become an friend ly with tho big brlndlo bull as two kittens would bo. Ferguson visited (ho fairs, many points In California, and crossed tho lino Into Mexico. German Ambassador von Bernstorff six months ago. Ambassador von Bernstorff today I Court von llernstorff has been acting, place over the sinking of passenger, posit Ion at home will not be' happy ni the official buffer between the Unlt-jlluitrs by submarines without warning, when he returns, yet he is satisfied ed States and Oernmtiy In the many re- jlternstorff believes now that he has I with the present starfdlng of the two cent controversies that havo taken sol vedf the problem, and though his governments as to their relationship. EWAUNAS FEATURE ! IN COMEDY STUFF CAPTAIN HOOAN APPEARS IN SILK STOCKINGS BIOBEE GRABS A CHICKEN NELSON FLOORS' EIGHT MEN. ' Elected Head of Catholic Societies MEOPORD AND EWAUNA TANGLE IN SECOND CONTEST, WITH WELCH AND PETERSON OPPOS ING BATTERIES. Mcdford nnd Kwauna will meet again today at Modoo Park, and though yes terday's contest ended disastrously for Medford; they are expected to fare better today, as Welch la expectea to keep tho Rwnunus guessing throughout the game. Clarke will appear for tho II rut lime behind the bat for the Bwaunaa, but ia expected to be nble to hold down the job. Thla game will close the 1915 base ball sonson in Klamath Falls, after an exceptional season of ball, the wins fnlllng almost entirely on our aide of tho fence. The championship of JJoutn ern Oregon and Northern California goea to (he locals without question. Jwdta Shot Mysteriously United Preea Service PROVIDBNCB, R. I., Sept. 6,-Judge Willis Kaowlea of tho eighth, district court, was mysteriously abet tbls After garnering nine hits off of Cas ter and scoring ten runs In tho llrst four innings of yesterday's contest with Medford, several comedy stunts wero staged by the Ewauna ball play ers for tho amusement of fandom. Af ter Itowdn had craftily "shooed" a prize rooster on the field from back of third base, Captain Leo Hogan hook slid, but failed to register, MesslckJ tried to horn in, Dlgbee made a wid catch with his leathered hand and cap tured the bird. The air was filled with feathers. He Is credited with a sextet play unassisted. Not content with this, Nelson, first sucker, loped over and grabbed a grounder with his meat hand which Hill had started for the fence. It was one of those fantaamagorick plays that( are unreasonanie. upon loosing annum for the second baseman to toss tho ::" """sd.r.r ::, ;;.:::..;: Inn. Mr. Whalen has been a very IUB STVUHU. Mlura utiraiinuwvi, .,. showed that every Ewauna man waa i .BliBBBBBk BBBBBBBBBBBBBTBBBBBBBTBBj TBBVBBBBBBBBigBBT2 bbbbbk0bbbbbbbb1IB9bbb! IbbbBum vQ i .BBBBBBB bbbb B te bbbbbbbbbbbbbbtJkVaSBS 'Am BW'BBBBBVaBBMHiV aH "&ni,"iBBBBBBiW -S!S50f PLANS ARE LAID FOR FAIR HERE WILL FOLLOW PAIRS AT MERRILL AND PORT KLAMATH, AND WILL. PROBABLY BE HELD DURING BUYERS' WEEK t Hooper was reported last week to 'have been in the Wood River Valley. Word bad been received from the sher-1 !iff of Grants Pass that' he was In the ! Klamath country, but was believed to have been further south. He was want ed at Grants Pass for breoJdng jail and for holding up the depot bare. He has s record of a string of hold-ups from Treks to The Dalles, sad Is a pav roie prisoner rrom san quentin. NIchaelson said that he wa satisfied that the man he saw was Hooper, as he wore glasses, answered Hooper's de scription as prlnted'in the Herald, had bushy hair, and was wearing, a caps which he wore tightly over hla -head. Hooper told hla he had money, and could ride, but preferred walking. tL. ntS:4S sa "j, Sunday mornlnsi (while ati make Queenatbwa. Many wish its of' tho crew and passengers wore'takoai' aboard Vessels. Two wnmss'stsi,' is' ', ported dead from .shook, ,aa4 thirty passengers were lajwssv The passesters iftBrmlj: that tie ship was not warasd. ThaaoV' mlralty has not roalfsssoluss' of Americsa Cewoul Frsst, ed that a 7-laehriBo was the; deck. UUsaM tluUittaBBtraaL' the gun was mooitM oi vtaovsWi-of'i the ves?l, and was aiwVisBnpsSro) messare.- 5?-, " jaX'. 8Iirtsi-n nf tlsaoi-tt-af aaut" is ' gers are uaaceoHBted' for at'OJHWot town..wbere they were taJisiT; Aa'latair.i after the Hesperian hadjtfolwaod "for ' V Sheriff Lewis was telegraphed this aid a rescue fleet s pieuag.ap passonsers hers of the crew. Ni morning of Hooper's prsseaes here, and that he' had gone to Califor nia.. . . 1y' . Klamath county is to have a fair here this full, probably during the arst week in October, during Buyers' Week. The nuslness Men's Association and Commercial Club are working on the plans, which were talked over by J. Frank Adams Jrom the Merrill district, and James Pelton from the Fort Klam ath district. So far as they have been laid, they met the approval of theso men. The fairs at Fort Klamath and Mer rill are expected to be of exceptional nature this year. At the Fort' exten sive exhibits of dairy products, cheese, milk cows, and products will play a (prominent part among the numerous I other things in the Wood River Valley that will be well worth seeing. The j fair at Merrill will be of the same na John Whalen has just been elected ture( products of all kinds playing an head of the American Federation of,,muo,tllnt Dart. The fair to John Whalsn Catholic Sociotles in the annual meet- piomlnent Catholic W many years. He oiua m "' soon ror a Frsaolsso, visit to the fair at at MtuaU, 1. 1. Tiers Is no clue to the awrsrets. measuring his length on the sod, only Clarke being able to kick slightly in right Held. Incidentally Hill, catcher for Medford, Is an object of pity. It was the thirteenth time that, he had faced Blghee this season. The flirt semblance of a hit he got off him at Yreka a week ago Sunday, but n Yreku fielder Jumped four feet oft the ground and pulled it off the fence. Yesterday Nelaon stopped hla offering that ordi narily would have been a hit any place. Yesterday's game resembled a ma jority of the baseball games played this season by tho Rwaunas. The irst Inning got by with -with rio fireworks. In the second Hoag fanned, Nelaon walked, Blgbee singled, going to sec ond on the throw to third to catch Nelson. Clarke again proved hla abil ity to hit In the pinches snd smaahoil one Into tho field that made an easy pcove. Initho third the balloon started up nnd with three hits, one being Nel son's thTohagger, and two walks, trt runs wero "scored. In the fourth with four hits and a walk, four runs were .cored nnd Coster retired. Melntyre pitched a steadier bail tor the balance of the game Not an error was chalk ed against the locals, vas also an old friend of Richard Cro l:er when the latter wn's bona of Tam many. Years ago he waa corporation Cv.uis.cl of New Yov!:, that of city attorney place. a position like in many other LABOR OAY IS WELLJTTENOED ONE OF THE LARGEST CROWDS be held here will be something of the same nature, the beat exhibits to be brought here from the other sections of the county. It la probable that the schoola will partici pate, and an array of local products of Klamath .county such as has never been gathered, before are expected to be gathered for this event It is prob able that it will be held during the Buyers' Week, which Js being planned by the nuslness Men's Association for the llrst week of October. The air has been heavy with smoke for the past few days from the largest fire, this season, one this side of the Algoma mill and the other In Round Lake region'. It ia impossible to estimate the dam age done by .either fire so far, but it is not believed to be great, In comparison with other fires in the atate that are raging. It was necessary to send a large crew of men to the Round Lake district last night, but it la believed the andBerastortr has b.'arraagei. fK ;:; nre win oe unoer control in a snort psv gff 'mm&W 'pK "" ..issm & t vii ueu rreu oerrree Hsro From Fort Klsrtktth Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Frazer were is tho city today from Fort Klamath. YET ATTENDS SERVICES AT THE EXPO WALSH, CHAIRMAN OFj In From Ranch J. H. Short came down yesterdaw from the Short ranch to attend to some business matters. COMMISSION, IN CHARGE I fulled I'ress Service, in big atbietio program waa arranged. Tho contests included rivet throwing by. structural, ateel workers, pots' seei ins bylinemen .and rlpsawing by saw mill operatives. Sprinting contests for Httlo girls, small boys, yowur'wa- 8AN F1MNCMCO. Sept. 6.-Frank l)wn, married women, aged men, fat 1, Wslsh, chairman of the Industrial meB thin men and A. XL U. membsrs lelatlona coauaJssloa, waa the central 'combined comedy with loetnoss of flsuro in the, Labor Day celebration at .foot " the exposition today, One of the big- Delegations from Los Angeles. .aW Medford scored their only run off ofuet crowds, siaet. the opening of thownwiiuirt p.nn stoekloa. niehaa-. young Hilton who was given a tryout exposition begaa' pouring Into tho ggj, jo,, ua qu. nuaafaetwrta ssi . : J grounds early, this, afsralag. j ura are in the city today for tae'eols. (Contlnusd on Page 4 ' i ii additkmta i the Ulerary exorcises, braUsou '" "4 ."' BI6 TIMBER FJRF AT ROUND LAKE CREW OF MEN SENT OUT BY KIM BALL AND CHITWOOD LAST NIGHT TO FIGHT BLAZE IN THE ROUND LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD mTammamm.xmM sA;twssmv2 Bsnt4oev''wossse?- - . .r-j i- . :.?.jj..d risw jiaaj, issrmon iwnm I nothing bat their night eUXm,:wUU soverea greauy, rrem erpesare, asrsrat .; being wounded. Caaaataa-i board dove Into the many, women and 0Udre-wbeii tbetr- hrata rimltul Wl.ll wlilaWll rescuers the psssengers seac; flaw nerarv. - i d. &i The Allen line oficlals received a I brief report from the cespertaa's ooaXi cers, and it Is understood that sfcejeVd not attempt to escape. Official said that passengers' affidavit proveat'OMtM the ship waa. submarlaedr - The London Preaat express ed.Ote opinion that the sinking rpf'psfc" perian proves that Oersaaay has''brek;. en her promise to America.' asdeee not intena to xsep uw comaet.-,r rc-f ,i i. '", i ri Unitedi Press Servleo , , - " WASHINGTON,: DpiSept. . Oov- ernBMBtieolcials are;awaittac a spsaf plote report on the slnkbM( of tke Bos-. perian, state;Wilaoa aad LsaalR AU- reiy; i"bii, awi vae that at-i J vi' ..-. iv. L'V-ar ia .li."V I wwmiure niawifjn anjinHi. An eariy .conn OFFICIAL'S WIFE TO: NURSE SOLDIERS WIPE OF RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR LEAVES DAUGHTER IN BAY CITY ANO SAILS FOR RUSSIA TO GO INTO HOSPITAL WORK AMSTERDAM. Sept . A United Press Service SAN. FRANCISCO, Sept. 6. Laying aside all thought of rank, Mrs. George T. Marye. wife of United States Am bassador to Russia. Jeaves here today I to again become a nurse to wounded Rwslaa,aeldiers., ., Mrs. Marye Is leaving her daughtor, Helen, 9 yean old, Ia San FraaeUeo, of. the AaaBsr of the passage from here to Russia., She expects to arrive at. her destination three ''weeks from salttag.time, but Is prepared to spsaA tares aMftks ..'; '"I. am anxious, to get .there," .sayp Mrs. Marye, "1 bad more than a half yoeVu hospital work. Ibaadagita ffff ; f'f jMjruat idlanateh received here atataa that Oer-! yz .:-:7w..ja:5iz '!'-";ij":" pi in , ?"r-' i perian. if the British reparts ar 's.? roborated by a German aubaurlneeflsajl mander. The explSMStioii tbaXtba'aabj-'j nl'laM It.kiu Wafaa-a u' la, J I structions were, Issued will be. 'taal iPlanatlon submitted. - Y .- ! ThatPhll iim latoaaW ftiiatlaa. Um T illn 'Whklnua tho .iluailaM "" rr " i - " , nf civil and' rallrlnua UkaHir. miMH! nightly at the corner of Flftkaa afital utt-Aata will anaaV thla at,aMln''am' tka.'?! subject t "The PbiUpfino y Isjapdaf AiiAaHnn' flhm.l wa niv tk WUhIi-m'1 Wa,..W, W.. , WVW,,N.WW . V'"- 4 IndopendencorMraWlf-jtiajila-'vl vitea cltlxeas 6t all shaaeoot poUtbial i beuefto hoar her vlewa.oaa aaUjaMl subject. ..whlea she.ataiatatw,:..kisr' "vitallmportaacetotae Bk'li "' ? them la.' i.A , WMl TStir . , . V i ...v n. llr. aaa lira. R. K aao airs, uiean MeMftbia Mtsa- Veri;itoswMr'jsV Ford ears. for a Cnfotmla.' Theyvflt at''fc;rkaieo akkt abxs Sil ether pMost af leo Ma-'1 AjawriseiW ZkijmW'A , !?'mkM112?r.'.-- iTf. . .' Vf aBJwWBSMaf,ili'' swRSBj .SBSl, WBI onta! limkWk.t-. " . t. ". fc-L armlJwMa ' imm m.wmm. SKBBfSa -r1 r- A ' - - - ?V" '.,ts .b',T.. 'ft-.... ,if-iaL , i'C-v . "X r V'1HA'''.' ' - . 'if ' j , " i'ts, V . Tt . ,A.r J"5-. -f "i.SifcSij ,4-hw,'S.1 . vtmi