i . i j -va tr-i .- rmi IX' - ?-M i '. : M"Ay?4? , 4 ,4 - H Of tf . SW KLAMATH FALLT If KLAMATH COUNTY V OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER " j i OFFICIAL NKWiPAPE : 5hi lEnimi-ttirt -"UM-' Wth Vur-Ne, 2,777 illEJECTS" j WARNING FOR ! MERCHANTSHIPS MIOHT CAUSE CONFUSION IN THE FUTURE ' . . , Contention That America IsiUnd'i (Muld Stand for Warning of Both Hrrthant and Paiicngar Ships N)t to M Upheld Latest Tentative Oc. t'.titn by Administration Be-iaterf fasKtid Monday With Arablo Noli. failed I'ism Hervlro WASHINGTON, I) C. Sept. 4. Bni: lud'o contention lli'il America sboild iw!t that merchantmen as well ij" t4enitcr llncrn nliouM b warned b,f ii belnK torpedoed by submarine, hw teen rejected by tticrlca, accord lug to an niinouneen'ant given out, tin' UiMt timtnthx dcciilon regarding tho (titurr submarining. II U underotood tlmV (lie rejection Id iiuo to the fact that rubmnrlno cum Bander hnu dlfitaul'y In Identifying BiiTthnntniiii mi comi.ued with linen, a:d II we Insisted on "he same ruling iir merchantmen It might cause M jure dispute. I'nllnl I'ivih Service ViABIIINGTON, D.C, Sept. 4 Count on Itcroitorfr In expoitod Monde;, It i stilled nt tlu German embassy, "It Is Hislble (hut ho In brlncing ! Antblc toto. IVare rutnont in 4(111 life about Of headquarter hen Vnlicd I'reaa Service WASHINGTON, I). C ii -HUh ofciclalK In IIhi Kovcmm n. "na lull' i:iod that America wll ntnktr u move (tt prncA Into thU fall u caily thin vlnter. The pope' ajpi.tl to the prrf Mui In frultlenK nor but wlii a lull In Ihf llKhlliiK, whirl) Ia nxvoicoU a winter upiuoachca, It la unileratood that Wllnon thlnka tlio time will be ripe for definite action. WELCH TO PITCH FOR MEDFORO TAR TWIRLER, WHO WON TWO 0AME8 HERE A VIAR AOO, WILt TWIRL ONE OF THf OAMKS FOR MIOFORD TEAM IN SKRIIS Johnnie Welch, atar twlrlor from the Bnlveralty, captain of the baseball wa last year, and who pitched two winning guinea for Klamath Falls Wast Wood a year ago laat July 4, Mrtred In tin, city thla morning by au- uHt ' nnA '" "tale t0 ,toh for "Word In one of th gamea cither !f? I or Mondy- Should Medford nicn Welch agalnat BliitM inr.i rn. J" of the beat game aeen hero JJe latent dope Is that Motachen Ww will catch for the gam Bun f nd Clarke Monday. Clarke la "own here as a catcher ao far, ui, htr,ed out with faa rrmnolaco wind tho bat during th beginning of w on until ha broke his aakle Wa jw what ho can do with the atlok, ST ? h' breajtttp one gamo 2?.I!t h " hare wu M ter' "warsoa la alao ovktM m altaraate Jfrttr. and but work during tka 4th July aerlaa .UaM tha fa thnt the dope. Arrlvaa te Teach In CeuMry WJwrtfty of Oreswi, .rrivM U U. asr hi1nlfht' "" on bar way from Jr homo in VoriMi V(llli Jiflitv ,m Tr ' ;. SINNOTT TOURS 1 CONGRESSMAN NICK SINNOTT PURCHASES MACHINE TO TOUR HIS DISTRICT VIEW8 WILLfAM. SON RIVER COMPLAIN T Heprwu'iilnlhe N, J. Kiniioti of the ,,,.,, (Mrc( nuku.A ( , el)f u nlplit, ami Ih innkliiK Hie Hfcoml oil) rlil tour of III district thin year, in order to thuroUKhly acqutiint hlmsvlf with itindltionH, the wanta ot tho pro ilc ii nd to nee IIik ih'oiIh of thl coun try nt Drat hand. Mr. Hinnotl round It lU'ccHMiry n cnlly, In order to vInU IiIm dlntilct utth r.n di'itreo of nfllclnncy mid lo null) tct Into touch with the people, that ho muat purchnae an automobile fir IhU nurpoae, which ho did. Yfniiirday bfforo arriving hero lie vliltcd tho WllllaniHon Itlver dlxtrlit unit looked over I ho wound In ropml to the openlnK of tho river for the pur lo,o of mnnlnir Iorh. The river wiu elooi for thin puriMwn to prenervo It for M'ortHmon. fleveral local men In tietrd In nnwmNIa there claim that M put them out of bualneim, and broka ono or two of them, for the purpoan of nltowlnc San Krnnclaco flahermen to enjoy their flahlnjc thorn every year. They further claim that the loaglnc would not Interfere with the nhln and ha vii filed complalnta and remon- Ml rated atronKly ngalnHt the cIohImk of Ihe river. Today Mr. Slnnotl accompanied Manacer Camp of the reclamation aor- vice to Tule Ikc. where a crow la buay working on the propoacd project or draining thla lake tbrouRb an under ground outlet. A recent appropriation of f 5,000 wna allotcd for thla work. The present plan la either to drain It under ground or dig n drain through the ahore on the lower aide, permitting tho water to run Into tho porua and aubter- ranean channeled district In the lava Says He Waa isaten United Presa Service I.OS ANOKLKS, Sept. 4. John For- ator, 18, former inmato of tho atato reform hcIiooI nt lono, told Juvenile Judgo Iteevo thnt guarda nt the Institu tion had beaten him with cIudh and rill oh ho he ' wan unconacioua for a week. Forxtor waa sent to the county Jail by tho lone authorities, who said he had aaaaultcd a guard. Ho prob ably will bo transferred to Whlttler reform school. EASTERNERS MAKE LONG TRIP Ur. J. H. Hoed and family of six arrived In tho city yesterday on a continental tour, they being now on the Pacific Coast log of the Journey from Dloomlngton, Illinois, to the Northwest and down the couat to the falra, stopping at tho White Pelican Iniit night. Tho pnrty la traveling in n Modol 83 1918 overland, ana are carrying 300 pounds more baggage than tho car is slated to carry. How over, they report but little trouble, and that of a minor nature, that the tour lt must expt, and aro enjoying the trip Immenaely. They aro well pleased with tho Pacific Coaat, and avow that Hit will bo back again on a more ex tensive trip anothor year. I He Got th Smile United I'reaa Sarvlc OAKLAND, Sept. 4. Attorney Frank LMaQulre wanted a golden smile. So he went to Dr. John W. Walsh and asked him to pull all his teeth and put In gold onea. Dr. Walsh pulled all the teeth but one. Dut he didn't put In gold onea. Instead, he moved to Stockton, and MaGuIre had him arrested on a charge of embezslement embeiilement of the teeth. , On the eye of the trial Dr. Walsh sent for MaGulre and put la kla ttk. MaOuIre appeared In court when tk trial cam up, fluked bla golden tth and aaked for a dismissal. Ha Return Frm Pair Mm. Don J. Eumwalt, wall known local soloist, returned tk latter part of th week from an extended visit at the fair In Ban v Tk WaWCHir eeMHny skipped tktr trit arka nf nrwr tk ww DISTRIC IN AUTO KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, j Buys a Whole Insurance (tympany . $ PaaaaaaaaaaliaaBaiBaaaBaaHHK' 'alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (NaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBfia&Je'V ''vH 1 IHpliLfia.a.a.a.a.a.aHi ' Bfcl---S'-iirr '''.' s - i'KsiaaiiHMflBBK i MZjy' '. " HHB Copyrlxht. Drown Ilrou. GENERAL fr. COLEMAN DU PONT' General T. Coleman du I'ont of Dela ware, head of tho family wlhch haa controlled rnont of the biulneaa of that little atate for many years, haa bought tho Equitable Ufa Amiurance Society,' one of tho three great Inaurance com pnnlca or the world. That Is, the gen eral haa bought S01 aharea of stock of tho company, which was owned by the late J. P. Morgan. The Equitable, the New York Life. and the Mutual Life are the three big Insurance companies ot the world. IF. Ityan, the capitalist E. H. Harri They were tho subject of Investigation man, the railroad king, compelled Ryan by a New York legislative committee to sell him a half Interest. Later J. P. ten years ago. It waa the remarkable revelations from the hooka of these ownership of the stock meant the con eampanles which brought Charles E. trot of the investment of the aaaeta of Hughes, now associate Justice or the nearly 1500,000,000. In the daya when United States supreme court, into pub- the company waa permitted to buy rail He notice. Mr. Hughes, aa counsel for road Blocks, thla meant tremendous the committee, could not be bought or 'power in Walt street. KLAMATH IS A CHECKINGSTATION ONE OF THE THIRTY-FIVE ST TIONS ON COAST AFFORDED FA CILITIE8 IN CHECKING BAG QAQE POINT OF DEPARTURE Klamath Falls ia one of the thirty five railroad stations on the Southern Pacific lines In the coast division that is known aa a checking station. Thla means that in leaving any point for thin city, a passenger may check klsjtember 21, 22 and 23 have named dele baggage from the depot there, to this eaten. The three missing states are city, giving the address where he wants it delivered. The Western Trans- for company of thla city handles tho Oregon delegation, Governor Withy baggago hero through the railroad 'combo haa extended Invitations also to company. There are thirty-four other stations on the coast arrowed thla privilege 'Affairs andit Ii expected that the ma by the Southern Pacific, among them jority of tkem will respond. being San Francisco, Portland, Loa, Angeles. Alameda, Oakland, Berkeley, i?,n Marv.vmn R,l.n.h.Mi a.- Fresno, Maryavlllo, Sacramento, Ban Diego, San Jose and Santa Barbara, ed, Blshopa Coming Down for Winter Mr and Mrs, D. St. aeorge Bishop and children will arrive In tho clty-T:" soon from "The Cedars," on Crystal n-.il. -..! mill abI4 Im Um. .! J :'- .J. L.LC"Z " , - .:. iiouhu mr iu uiu .UHWI. , .. w... .end the children to achool winter. Return From Spring Creek , , Mrs, J. P. Lee, Mrs; X, B. Henry, Mrs. C. V. Fisher. Mlaa VMIth Mm tellus, Mr, and Mrs. Jean McCall and HIHI have returned from several weeks' sojourn at Spring Creek. Sy-U. eral of the. party became rprt lh -(-. w-,.v .- .--.. -. ... in several goo aisea Binnga. , ho nnurtntiv mill at HsrshMM. wklek haa been Idle for sometlm ha been reooastrueted and made readyfwr i A y . " bulldozed. He waa elected governor of New York, waa a presidential possi bility, and later waa placed on the su preme bench by President TafL While the control of the stock of the equitable carries with it technical con trol of the company, none of the stock owners have ever dared to exercise their control. James Hazen Hvde. son ,of the organiser of the company, had tho majority stock wken the Inaurance scandal broke. He sold It to Thomas Morgan bought It. , At one time the" POWER OF STATES TO BE DISCOSSED SEP - CONFERENCE TO BE HELD TEMBER 21 TO 28, IN PORTLAND ON LEGISLATION BBOFRE GRESS CON.' Save Nevada, Wyoming and South Dakota, all the states invited under a resolution passed by the laat legis lature to participate in tke water con ference to be held In Portland on Sop- expected to forward list of delegates in tho near future. Aa chairman of the several members of the president's cab- luet and men prominent la tke nation's In addition to providing for the 'ference tho legislature declared in the w..ii it.. i..i.i..i . ...- resolution that legislation was pending in congress to encourage tke develop ntent ot tke water power resources of the West, and held that tk control of each state in these resource should in -some particulars be ao more than "T-r 11:.7-1,; ZlPfc"" la for a one-third reduction on , 'u "'""""''' - -"'initea, elimination of discrimination lag In the govemamt Governor Wlthycombe la chairman of Oregon delegation, the otkor awn. ,.-- ,,,,. ,.. -. . T: 127 C.T . n.-...i .,.,, ""! n..... """ w u, - twiinn. of Lakevlew, I Steamer Report ukmarlntd lll,j - .. a..l. BAN FRANCISCO, Sept' 4,-The Hld Rolnh mmiuv u mmImJ a (ht ,,. ,.. mi t-i. WM on by a" auaaarin and -at ,R0 cww w ,Q tMBi,M o ,!- iA - MC0ried rea-rt - tkst tk. kin wan unlr miw plllak . -T'- ' Mellaad eontraoU tw IM.tM Uam SEPTEMBER 4, 1915 BORDER FIGHTS ARE BECOMING MORE ORGANIZED SEVEN INVADERS CROSS LINE; KILLED All Carransa Soldltrs Wtarlno Unl. format-Mtxiean Soldltrs Fir Across Line at Rangara Ntar Cavaxoa. Cap tain McCoy Haa Arrived With Caval ry Rflnforcamanta From Mission. Fsar More Msxlcana Will Cross. j L'nked Press Service , MIOWNSVILLE, Sept. 4. The bor der flights between the United State and Mexico arc changing from uaor- t rani zed attacks by bandits to clashes between uniformed American soldiers Jnnd organized Mexican detachments Twelve Mexicans crossed the border at daylight this morning and encoun-iQi-cd a detachment ot Americans at Miulirn. Seven of the invaders wero killed. All ot them were' soldiers of Carranza's army, wearing uniforms. Mexicans Hired across the line at rangers near Cavaxoa today. Captain McCoy has arrived from Million with troops and cavalry rein forcementa, as It la fearod that the Mexicans, who are superior In number, mlii attempt to cross the line. CITY'S CASE TO BE HEARD SOON COMPLAINT AGAIN8T CALIFOR NIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY TO COMB UP IN SALEM, SEP TEMBER 13 The case of the city of Kiaaaath ! Falls against the Calif onUa-Oreaoo I Power company in which excessive irate charges, discrimination in charg- lng rates, and poor and hasty con atruction of water mains so aa to leave dead ends endangering the health of 'ho city, will come up before the Pub lic Service commissioner of the state Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Tke charges are made In relation to the aluatlon of the plant of the company, and a one-third reduction la aaked. Cfty Attorney Rollo C. Groeabeck expects to be in Salem to attend tke meeting and several witnesses may be called to give testimony on existing conditions. This hearing will be one ot the most Important and largest that has ever been heard by the state, commission as not only Klamath Falls la involved, but also Medford, Grants Pass and other cities who have filed aomewhat almlliar complaints agalnat the com pany. The California-Oregon power con-u...l?.T: X, :.,: Z T. IL company operates from in Nortaern ""1" . Jb ti consequently covers much territory. The hearing Is being held In Salem be fore all the members of the commis sion so that all the evidence from tke various cities can be heard at tke same time. The prayer of the com- and the Improveemnt of tk water ays- tern within a reasonable time. ,; The members ot the comaataalea are Thoa. K. Campbell, chairman. Clyde B. Altchlsoa and Frank J. Miller. , Largest Number of Llcen Ever 4la I Tke county clerk's onto haa nM MO UeeasM to kuataraand nkr n during tke month of August, this being the targeat number vr reoorde fr a Blast ntonth at tk leeal oBlce, Secure a Marriage Llaenae Ckaa. W. Newton fef Co.ttllU aad MWaTaal Owe of Wrda www to sued n narria lieense by tk eanaty lri t-- One of Cupid's Conspirators slBBnBBBBBBBBBBr7JBBBnBBBBVWHB I SVdKlVEBBBBBBBBBl IHpSdnaBBBBalBI SaBnaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB t BBTsnBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl aaaajaasBaaBWH j Mrs. Dorothy Gatea Herrman . Young PhilUp Uerrman, Harvard student, and son of a wealthy con - in.- tractor of New York, lust couldn't re sist Dorothy Phillips, who appeared la a New York chorus last winter. -But that didn't become known until tk other day, when a divorce suit waa filed In the courts. Dorothy is 18; her husband is Just 18. Some Harvard students, she says, introduced them last winter. Then he followed her about unUl his father be gan to complain. "They came to me and aaked me to, give him up," she' said, "and I promised I would do so, but he wrote ate he would kill himself. What could I do? I had to marry him then. I must say that after we met Phillip lost no time. His courtship was swift, and within. a week J had promised to become his wife. After we were married we did not live together, but be called oa aw as often as he was able. These calls continued until the first of laat 'July, when, they, ceased JThto' was his father induced kirn to Mrs. Herrman said she was trying to establish that her husband waa SO years or older when he married her. But ahe has been unable to obtain a record ot his birth. UNBEATEN EXHIBIT GOES TO 'FRISCO SUDAN GRASS NEARLY TEN FEET man, oats that nun leg auaii - EL8 TO ACRE, WHEAT 51 TO THE ACRE, AND BARLEY 60 A shipment of Klamath county pro-, ducts that will make an exceptional showing at the exposition is being pre pared by Secretary Fred Fleet ot the. Commercial Club for the Klamath county exhibit at the fair. One bunch of Sudan grass, a new ex periment that is being tried here this ) ear, from the Frank McCornack ranch on Upper Klamath Lake, stands over nine feet in height, is one of the pro ducts'. This grass was sent out by the government for a trial, the seed being imported from South America. The McCornack sample waa grown on drained marsh land, is excellent tor forage purposes, and it la evident that It will grow with great success in such places. E. R. Reamea la alao test ing some of it out. and atate it will run ten tons to the acre on hia place south ot the city. From the Exell ranch are three sacks of grain. One contains Bkadeland Climax oats, grown under Irrigation, that run 140 bushels to the acre. Thla oats aeed waa tried this year aa aa experiment by the Bsells. Another sack contains Malquto wheat which runs 61 bushels to tk aer. and f which he haa a large field. Tk otkr coataina a beardleaa barUy that runs to baskets to tk aer. These exhibits ar all helag marked with tk hraad ot d aad tk name of tk grower, aad will he raklMted at tk bootk in Baa Fraaeisoo. Speak AgalaTanlfhl Mrs. Lulu WiaVtaaaa speaks to&lgkt at Flttk aad Mala streU at 7:45 oa 'Tk IWMmtod Ckarek Truat" Itetk, 0Mry Co., of Satem, wiH ACTIVE MOVES AT MANY POINTS IN WAR ZtlNES - - r j ALLIES MAY BE STRIKING IN THE WEST Decisive Battle of Riga's, Fau Has Be gunIf Germana Cree Dwlaa Mfla - Will Be Evacuated anal Tree WIM , Retire to Petregra Reported Turka Burn Armenian Village, Slaughter log the Population. United Press Service i rojuo, jwju . ii is announce ihere that heaTV a-hu for ttJ no.. 1 ' " "- " session of the Van Quota Plateau near Areonne has been resumed with the French on the offensive. Ther have forced the enemy to retire to Van Quois, but the firing of the Geraaam across the plateau prevented the Fiench from following. Jt ine communique states that eleven tiiiyk ot incessant artillery fighting ha been in progress in Northern Franee. It Is interpreted by aoaae that this means the allies are striking watte the kalhei't. great forces are la the east. Uulied Press Service PirrUOGRAD, SpL 4. The dtttslref h battle that will aetUe Riga's faU.k. b begun. It is admitted tkartkarSa- slans have been 'driven -ro ' tk Dwlna. thirty miles outsssMt,TtMV Germans are attempting to era, bat the river la covered air artillery- K tho' Germans cross the evaeaattoa of ' iyM.fojPetrojavrm16B iSimmng,: t United Press Servies ,. ATBENS, Sept 4. Travelers report that tho Turks are burning tk Ar- - meuian village of Issaldt and Nteo- medle, and are slaughtarlag th Ma- ulation. United Press Service ATHENS, SepL 4. Under tk cover of darkness, a British subnaaria cater ed the Gulf of Ismin laat nigkt, dis embarked several of tke crew, who blew up a spaa ot tke Gebze,railway bridge, tweaty-sir mile southeast of t onsrwmnopie, aa important Mg. No details, are reported. i r lt HUNDREDS IN FOR BIB: SHOW ------ j, j.- Main street was Uaed with kuadreds ot Klamath county people that aaara ing to witness th big pared ec tke Al O. Barnes wild animal akow few's? the big tent near "the depot ajrwaidn, and Klamath lived up to aer repatattoa of being one ot the beat circa towaa In Southern Oregon. The wide x- aaase ot territory tributary to tk ty seat is responsible for tk large crowds that attend, aad though oat Ik main line and out ot the direct repte ot travel, circus men atate that tkfa Is one of their best towaa. Mrs. Mahr Attend Funeral United Presa Service PROVIDENCE. 8, I.. Sept 4. Mrs. Mohr attended th private fuarlof her husband today, Her rtlawwa enlce the shooting haa surprised-ker friends. She refused' to see tke re porters, hut authorised a atateateat that the negroes' stories war a "paak of Uea." X'? Arthur Cushiag. the widow's attor ney is quizzing witnesses aad xts to have testimony by Septembarll, wnen tne wioow u to m arraiaaM, that will discredit, tke apvVjv feMloa. ' Sc t H Wa Ptnttewt United Pre Brvi -y i Howard. rently siatiaiir,- Craig to aerve fiv year In burglary, sent tke Jadf tk Thougk,life i akaoat pat- M k Jmm Ifta b kui 4yrf(hMW !. los anbtsUm; aWpt.'4.Wekavj:v;';. IK. fMnBaUATM ! sTaU AbMI . TfiSal Br i of aa M eavetepe: i i mf . ,- ..- . -,-- i,-i -, v;u.wr: ,"V f " n . ' S!rTf ? -i X A . ft 't. '-. i'r. uiim Si A-i t'1 a ojbj-"was psb s saws s ' ! mP PWsWbibWB 90MH1JMIbm Mm V I . - m. . .. ..i" ; f '1 1 .zn yi I IPtSEi m?&m l-,?'T 'Ail w TV". i V'a v : a"-jriSS v ?$..? !f Hod lvr awMa ( tk IMS rtat a M.M twtory krtekT MN&QUJT "IWWbbB Jbj)bJIY -t i $ 'iCtL si" " j s- -i-jr,. S -, -,; . j. jcv v."i, X.. ti -S-,v T -" . ntaw, railroad to OruU cutting luMkr.