" ,,. uVag&l -. ''miFir' & ifiMl'TftS. "W .isMfjw. t;h, r.wwri r'-"4- rA ' S- V. lDAY,PTMiWW MANY HEW HOMES THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i 4- s? Are the Result of Our Special Offer on Klamath Lake Addition tots The Location of This Property Is Ideal for Hornet for the Mill Workers, u It Is Situated Close to the Public School and Within Five Minutes' Walk of the Saw Mills and Box Factories Along the Upper Lake Water Front $175 For Corner Lots $150 For Inside Lots TERMS: $7.50 Down $4 per Month GERMAN COUNT PREDICTS PEACE ERNTORFF FEELS HE 18 RUN STATED IN AMERICA'S OPINION THOUOH HIS JOB AT HOME II MADE UNHAPPY Pulled Trim llorvlcn ' WAHIIINUTON, Hoi'l. 2.-lorsons In touch with !lu (lot man embassy state Unit Count nn llernstorff believes Unit IiIn action In nnrtl to (lormnny's submarine pulley him cleared Um way for pence. Ho fooln that Iim U iiliiHtntcd In the opinion of America, (IioukIi Ilia fact tlmt ho hits Induced hlH Kovvrnmont to lilually repudiate (hi. nctlon of the sulimiuliio commander who Hiinlc the Arabic, will make IiIh tioHltlou nt home unhappy. "Dick," the Horse Riding, Juggling, Monster Sea Lion What the War Moves Mean jr J. W. T. MAHO.N (.Stuff I'orri'aponilmit United Press) No Interest No Taxes P Thrs, Year. jj ? Johnson W-M, Montelius elusive Agents WV$ Broad Strs.U or ahippingtort - J " Ni:V YORK. 8i'pt. S.Tlio ponxlbll Ity of pi-ncn U now nearer than nt nny .lltm since the outbreak of thn war. jinny ii small Incident Ik needed to .open the wny to nctotltitlonM (lint nmv 'it suit In un nrmlxtlce. Tim Una slop toward luiuM-nlng tho leiiHlon linte iindotibteitly hcen taken ny (lermiuiy mid JitiKlnnd. -Tim power fill nnlliinuexiitlon inmement In Ger many with regard to UelKlum, nnd Sir I M ward drey's iitlmllou tlmt the 'fieedom of the hchk In dobntnble iiiuhI tholh he inken n MiKKcittlons of pence. If the settlement of the submarine eon- .troMtrny of the United Hlnteii can bo extended to. Include nn agreement bo tween l.'iiKlnnd nnd (Jenimny for mu tual llmltntlon of Hen activity, chance iimir nn eariy pence. j (leniinny wants pence, openly, i I hough, of course, not n humiliating 'pence. Until Foreign Minister's Orel's Istntement or Inst week, England would jheiir iiothlng iim in tho ending of tho 'war. Hlncn then, however, there enn lm no doubt that peace Iim begun to appear poxslble to Inlluentlnl English men. The fuel In delicately announced by F. W, Hint, editor of tho London , Economist, who declared Grey's state- tncuiH regarding improved treatment of pilnonem and Germany' modified .method)) of sumbnrlnn wnrfnro suggest ja letting down of tension for "high dip lomatic purposes." Tho reforenco to "lilMlt diplomatic purpose". means, or course, overtures for pence negotiations. Peace now would lenvo tho allies bnffloirln their efforts to capture Con stantinople, but It U by no means cer tain (hero Is much enthusiasm In tho west for tho project of continuing to throw away lives In order to mako n present of the Dardanelles to defeated Russia, "The enpturn of Constantinople would enhnnco England's military rep utation, btit ns events now stand, Eng- landvdoes not really need n victory over urn TurKs ror presugo. riconomic pi ensure brought on Germany by tho llrlllsh fleets nnd the enpturo of tho Dei ninny colonies by tho llrlllsh nro factors Hint will prevent tho allloi from being overwhelmed when negotia tions begin. Thin In doubtlessly tho arrangement which Is being used quietly In England. A little more of It and n peace congress will be In session. bbbbbbLbbbh aEeaEeaEeaEeaEeaEeaEeaEeaEear Hf A 'WSf?JD$ "EeaEeaH aEsaKESaEsaEsaEsaEsaKESaWlEsaVi SBsasW'!19Je!9RsBBBSBBBBSBSVSpLiPvJsBBBa a a1 EEEEEEEw BBsaBBBBISSBHsBitsBBBSt Kr EEEEvt v'IbEeV ffw'V .'WW.' ' i 1 t 7l Tr tti "z v , " .Bif r: . 1" "Mr 12ft?-l,M ?.'',"r;c . t .',- VI, J r" MB 1 RUSSIANS TAKE GALICIA OFFENSIVE THREATENING TO ENROLL RIOHT FLANK AND HAVE CHECKED ADVANCE AT SEVERAL POINT8 IS REPORT- ITllA,l IlxAMU Uadu t.ait,CU IVflffl OVI TILV I'ETROOUAM, ScpU 2. Reinforced, the Russian army In Oallcla hag taken the offensive and aro threatening to enroll tho right flank of tho enemy. Dispatches Indicate that Uioy bato checked the adranco in Oallcla at points on tho Btrypa, Zlola and Llpa rivers southwest of Tarnopol. The Russians In the lower Dnelster are battering General Pflanzers flank,) between the rivers, and have driven' the Austro-German army back nearly a mile. EVENTS IN THE H'AIt ONE YEAR AGO TODAY Amiens and tho Somrne Valley lost by the allies. IaFere, one of the outer fortlflca- tlona of Paris, taken by the Germans, Three million Frenchmen now said to be under arms to defend Paris. Ne'w entrenchments be ing built St. Petersburg announces that tbo Austrlans have lost 100,000 men in Oallcla and Russian Poland. All the defenses about Lemberg liavo been taken, it is declared, 4 and tho city is occupied. The way Is said to be open to Berlin and Vlonna. ' 4 Japanese are closing In on Klao- Cbow. AsfYMiiis. wjtH3Hfc -. -- .--- -' ... r , B?1 oer i, ibj6, , rtMiHN, rW n-4, Dated AugMt , 1116. fkW - Ai.KXi Jf. JWgBOROUOHft.K Secretary of CallferiM-OretO Company. . Offlo,lIl Ltd street, San Franclaco; Callfi A v .? "W - ..m MM4E) "it'f dm " Ni, m M a) Xotlro of EkMMkM mA Vtntuommmt1& 'Notice Is hereby glrM tkat tha upon which sWCk wlU'WdtUoqi for non-payment of the fo ment baa beea estea4M9"tad poned from Monday, 'Aaguit 1915, to and IncIudlBf frMy, Btfn tembcr 3, 1916, and the 44 of MM of delinquent stock uBdrJald ii sessment has been oxtended and pott; noncd from Tuesday, Btptenbtr tij 1915, to Monday, Septemfcer 17,lfi, at 12 o'clock noon. Dated AagMt 20, 1915. . "" f Alex. J. Roaborougb, 8ariaryf California-Oregon Powr' (MaqMuif Office 131 LeldeidortT -ftnttr ftw Francisco, Callfonila. il-twM Heads Bar Association School starts soon, Havo your youngsters shoes? Send them In. We will lit them properly with Boater Drown Shoes. 1-21 REGAL SHOE STORE. Notice of Text look Sale In view of the fact that the last 'legislature repealed the free text book 'law the board of education of this dis trict will offer for nalo the text books 'now ou hand at from SO to 75 ner' "Dick," one of a doten seals and seat! one who are famed for their act with cent of the original cost Those pupils' the Al O. lames Wild Animal Clrcui, comfng here Saturday. who desire to puichase mich books' An nmnxlng and extraordinarily In- n group of fans, who vigorously ap-jj"" d1ifloin Friday. September 3. J terestlng feature on tho program of lland over,' clever stunt done by their'" !.!JI: '"." "" !, the imrnes Wild Animal Clm.s'1, the l"'on- . . MondV. Septcmbe;' 6,"and any troup of seals nnd seallonx. Though . , ' ,, """", ltjmo thereafter so long as the supply . Ifll? mill Ihrltllnc- nnta nrn nrfaro tt. vv I cumbersome In nppenrnnce, the seal , Rrcat Barncfl ho . ' - The sale will be held at the nnd seallon nre active and dexterlous-en entirely by n troupe of over 600 edu- , 7 OUl OI WAIPr CO a rcmHrknblO tlotrrco. rnlml nnlmaltt Mnnrlu ni.AM .nAlA. ., ..,. .............. aiaB vvvej oyevtea , Vflt tnutHnm IIiAMA nnlmnlu max. uniil. I.. . .i I .... a..ae A... ' . .....vi i tuvnv HUiliinio 1J lUI librlsts, jugglers, musicians, ball play Is represented, fully one half the num ,ber being ferocious wild animals. ers and bareback riders. Juggling' Tlie hour for the glittering parade Is billiard balls on the tips of their noso 10:30. Performances are given at 2 Is dono with tho greatest ease. Throw- and 8 p. m.. The big free act on the Ing tho balls to ono another and catch-.show grounds will bo given at 1 o'clock ing them on their noses Is a part of nnd people, after seeing the parade, their work. Doing this samo thing w III have amnio time to ret their-dln. whllo on the backs of galloping ponies ners after tho parado and then seo the, ims given mom mo prominence or be- big rrec-to-evcrybody. act Ing tho best trained seals and seallons The shows' date for Klamath Falls is Known. Harry is a comedian, and leads Saturday, September 4th. I Ity order of the Hoard of Education. IDA B. MOMYER. Clerk. l-2t Chllcote writes Insurance that pays. 1 lli-rald n.mt ao gei results Thaw Files Divorce Suit United Press Sorvlco P1TT80URO, Sept. 2. Harry K. orco from Evelyn Nesblt Thaw here. He charges infidelity and names John Francis, ox-nowspnperman of New 'York, an co-respondent. Thaw is now TliHU' 1 1 tlltA ul ttita An n nn insanity charge following hi. no- " " y b: """"lle for the fair Wl.tcr. ad bunion., 1 torious trial for murder and insanity in Now York, has filed n suit for dl- 'at San Francisco. "HZ" GLADDENS SORE, TIRED FEET EeEeaEeaEeaEeaEeaEeaEeaEeV Notice for PuMlcatlen (Not coal laida) e 'i'W Department of the. Mtertor, UnitM; States Land 0ee at LeJcevief, Oregon. Augiut aMlfi. gg Notice is hereb given that C. Btt" Stilos, whoset postoBce. address M" Klimath Falls, OreeB.dld, on tfi Cth day of October, 1914, ale la talr' oOlco sworn statement aad Senator Ellhu Root Ellhu Root was elected president of the American Bar Association in its annual meeting. The choice was unan imous. Mr. Root has been secretary jf !war and secretary of state, as well as senator from New York. He has been prominent in New Yoik politics and law for nearly forty years. No. 08201, to purcbaseJtheN NW, Section 15, Townshlrsr'iaata. It.inye 9 east Willamette Matfdiaa, and tho timber thereon, under-the 'pfo '.',lons of the nji of June S.ltft.nd H..t. amendalor, I-nown as the "Tim ber and Stone Law." at such ralna'aa !i,il;.bi be flxed by appralsemeat.-awi that, pursnan to fuch appllcauoa,' he land nnd timber thereon have been f-ppralsed $17'r, the Umber estimated at 0.000 boarJ ffe'. at $1.50 perM., E.i.l the land at ?5i"i. that said appli cant -will offc. Cnal pfbof in support of his application and sworn stateaeuit on the 4th da.- of November. 1115, be foro C. R. De I-ap. clerk of the county court, at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to pretest this purchase before entry, en HfflflH a contest at any time before patent Issues, by filing a corroborated aJUa vit in this office, alleging facts watch would defeat the entry. JAS. F, BTJROESS; Register. 8-27 10-29 "TIZ" makes tore, burning, tired feet fairly dance with delight Away go the aches and pains, the corns, caubu ouses, AutoSUfeBetweeflAjfllttd and Hurts Faffs THREE TIMES PER WEEK lrfe Klamatli FaHs Tuesday, ThuriUy aad Ratarday Klamath Falls headquarters KOltD AUTO AGENCY or HOTEL HOUSTON Klamath Transfer Co. MIU Main Street We have tho best conveyance in iiimr, and nlll go to any hotel, rooming house or residence la tow for passengers for the 10 o'clock trains. , We are also agent for the only imui'iiger boats on the Upper take. Baggage handle from the depot Mothout any extra charge. PHONE "TIZ" draws out the acids and poisons that puff up your feet No matter bow bard you work, how long you dance, how far you walk, or how long you remain on your feet, "TIZ" brings restful foot comfort "TIZ" is won derful for tired. aching, swollen, smarting feet Your feet just tingle for joy; shoes never hurt or seem tight Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ" now from any druggist or department store. En 1 I foot torture forever' wear smaller b1ioc i i -i.. ... , i. , . i i VVVp-JVMT ICCb irVU, BWRk Ill IiajlJ! A FULL LINE This agency makes a specialty of fire, life, accident, liability, burglary and other Insurance, surety bonds, loans, rentals, city and country prop erty of all kinds. Have the equipment and the help that guarantees prompt an efficient service. No trouble to answer questions. Chllcote, 635 Main street, Phone 66. 1 Nineteen Killed in Mine JOHNSTOWN, Pn., Sept. 2. Nino teen dead, and two dying as the! re sult of an explosion which occured In the Roswell mines hero yesterday. '" S-K-W'-H'VH'-H'-M'-! OPEN NOSTRILS! END I' -T-.. .. AseasBiBiii X UULUUH UAiAnnri I new Te Get Relief When Head and Nese are Stuffed Up. K ?' You feol flno in u fow moments. Your cold in head or catarrh will be gono. Your clogged nostrils will open. Tho air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache; no lawkug, snuffling, mucous discharg es or dryness: no struggling for breath at nlgbt. Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply u little of litis iragrani. annsspua croain In )ur nostrils, let t pene trate through every air passage ol the head n sooth nhd heal the swollen, Intlnmod mucous membrane, and re lief comes Instantly. It la just what every cold and ca tarrh sufferer need, Don't stay siuffed-up and miserable, Algoma Lumber Co.'s New Branch Yard At Savidge Bros. Mill on Sixth Street FULL LINE OF Rough and Finished Lumber ' N Shingles. Mouldings Doors and Windows BEST QUALITY AND LOWEST ' PRICES mf.'f. , . :- , - - Algoma Lumber Cos Branch Yard o. E, willey, m '. -twAAIH,r Fullam In Command on Coast United Press Service WASHINGTON. Sept 2. The navy department has announced that Ad miral Fullam has been transferred from command at Annapolis to the Pacific reserve fleet Vice-Admiral Pond has been sent to the Washington navy yard. i Local news appears first ti Ths Herald. 50c a month LEGAL NOTICES .Not lie of Assessment California Oregon Power Company Locution of Principal Place of Uusi .. uess: Sau Francisco, California. Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the directors held on the 29th day of June, 1915, an assess ment (No. 1) of thirty cent3 per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation, payable immediately to the secretary at the office of the corporation, No. 131 Leldesdorff street, San Francisco, California. Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on Saturday, the 7th day of August, 191G, will be de linquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and, unless payment is made bofore, will be sold on Satur day, the 28th day of August, 1915, at the hour of 12 m., to pay the de linquent assessment, together with costs of advertising and expense of salo. Dated June 29tb, 1915. ALEX, J, R08BOROUQH, Secretary California-Oregon Power Company. Office: 1S1 Leldesdorff street, San Francisco, California. ..jS , Notice of Extension awl Post- bf"E"BbbiS f t Notice Is hereby given that the date upon which stock win be delinquent for non-payment of tho above ment has, bee extended aad poned from Saturday, August 7, 1915, to and Including Monday, August 18.,' 1915, and the date of sale of delta queat stock under tid assessment has 'been postponed 'from Saturday, in-; ., An Ordinance Providing for the Con struction of Sidewalks on, a PertieV pf Esplanade Street, In Second Het Springs Addition. THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: J Section 1 Thatlt to expedient and necessary that sldewalksbe conatraet-" ed on the northerly aide of Bsplanade' street and fronting the following de scribed preperty: Lot 18 of block 61; right of way of Southern Pacific coat' pany; right of way of United States Of! America (used for irrigation canal),) und the piece or parcel described by metes and bounds as: beginning at' a point on tho northwesterly side pr Esplanade street, where the tersects the right of way of the United States government canal on sentneriy' side; thence in a southerly dlreetien following the northwesterly line 'of; Esplanade street 169.2 feet to right of way of Southern Pacific coajpaay; thence in a northwesterly dlreet ton; nlon said right of way of Southern Pacific company 480.4 feet to the.later-L, section of tho rights of way of said. Southern Pacific company and' United States government canal; thence in n southeasterly direction to place of be- ginning, the said parcel being deslg- nated as lot D: all of said wroMrty abovo described being situate in Sec-1 ond Hot Springs Addition lo the City? of Klamath Falls, Oregon Section 2 That the Common Coun ell hereby declares its intention construct said sidewalks, and directs, the police Judge to give notice thereof, and that the City Engineer post no-? tices, as by Charter provided; that the plans, specifications of the City glneer on file with the Poliee Jadge are hereby approved and adopted. That the estimated cost of the, con- struction of said sidewalks, as aivea oy me cuy engineer is um net or ? $80.00. , Section 3 That September 15, 1915, Is hereby fixed as the date for hearing objections or remonstrances against said proposed improvement Section 4 That the property herela- before' described be assessed for the cost of Bald sidewalks. v Section 5 That the City of Ktaauth Falls hereby electa to oenstrnet said - ..I . .... A.. ... A . .. K.v biuowbikb, iu BBipioy s Moor aan m "cf-'iAv. purchase an4?tstah 'the' 'material f ' JftM necessary therefor. . Vii fa-S! State of Oreaen. v f lvWti county of, Xtagaiia? - l , lfefS City of Klamath' Falli'. - . A M , . t ... ...... .'.i...M5:i. Ikv; , n. u. uvavtvi, rmm jii;s..sa.,i'. V5ti ,hv otrv ih. Ik -- --! M-r .ivI-'t-JA TT. .T. '"ns . r- of in itaaeHHMaw t i.JtJP ,.r!A AJ ltaUVITTtf Vrilsti'JMsWf: J ; J ented' to the Mayer aa4M;.' . i to? a , JMsJJgeopy 5BIP sMi-iT.- & ,r . ''Presented' to Um Majrar aneV him approved thU th' day if AtusML 26-7 3.B. MASON. Mam. vrn f r Advertisement K ri- 4 . .,.: iv jTr-