V rr m ,u " $em W f T-' .- I av W- 'w Hrratfi eVX KLAMATH HALLS' . KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER A ,t .'t f xj.11 tscrarstr zrafis-rr-- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, rJIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1915 MM,nnOnk urumn 1 JTYMr-Ne. g,77 X th. n-V NW, f Germany Promulgates Peace, . 1 - -- --- - .... - .J. ... . . i ... MS. MOHR IS ARRESTED FOR nlOROM CONFESS TO BRIBE TO ( KILL DOCTOR Mr. hUhr Rtcently Sued far toeara. ln, U Accused of Hiring Negroea M Jaeot Husband While Metering With Olrl Whtn Arraigned This Af tamoon Pltadtd Not Oullly Held Without Ball to Stptambar lath. I'slied TruK JVrvlir I'UOMDCNCK. n. I.. Sept. J. Nnt, ISdabclli Molir wan arrested Hilt riming In connection with the roya-tcrl- its klllliix or hor husband. I)r) moklln Vulir, and the wounding of hlxolllicrKrtlKlatit, Minn Emily Burger, while th pre motoring together r CNUr. Rnwo IIwiIIm, Dr. Molir'n chauffeur. Victor Hi own ami Henry i'lmllman, nil nce.-vx, confessed to receiving 15.000 to lcy the doctor. Ho wai phot while f 'Jin t In )iik nuiomobllc elth the ajrl. M v iihr recently aiiO'l f tir separa Kn (ruin Iiit husband. 8hi denle ) iiiniwtion with tbo killing. I'nllMl I'ii'm V.r,e I'KOVIDKNCK, Sept. J. Mm. Mohr f nrrnlrr.eil on n charge Incident to the minder, nnd pleaded Innocent of tl'f clmri,c. Him In held wilhvit lall u. i: 'pti'mbrr lClli. The thiee negroes ! ilculc.l not guilty of (ho crlmo. II.-C.-0. SALE 10 ESPEE RUMORED . " LINI WHICH MAY PROVE LINK " nETWEEN 8AN FRANCISCO ANO PORTLAND THROUGH KLAMATH INOPECTED EY OFFICIALS HUSBAND'S DEATH - .that the picture waa blurred. With ' 'each terrific roar observers from the The Hiilu of the Nevada-California- fort could see without glasses tho 700 Uivgon railway to the Southern Paiiinc 'pound projectile rise higher and higher c.upnny rumor Uh. started again In until Is disappeared a more speck In H.n finm Ikco. To preseaee in Luke- tho aky. Then they would wait and vlow ot I'roHldeni Charles H. Mortui of, watch tho placed water or tho Sound Nra York la i utpcnsible for the follow If you followed their gazo and kept liM rinry fiom ihr San Francisco Kx-'your eye on n stretch of bluo water .... .. . t uv prcHcnco in California of a cars. No great amount 01 improve K'uup or Gaaiern oBclals of the Ne-jmont work has been done on the line yada-Caiirornla-Oregon railway and! In recent yearn, and the opinion baa Mlr recent trip over the line have re- hoe n expressed freely that It waa being virtd in railroad circles active discus-hold by the Moran Interests merely aa "Ion as to the probability of a forth- n speculation. ing wile of the road. Charles H, "Starting at Reno, the road traverses wan or New York, president of the.coatorn Plumaa, Lassen and Modoc ""npany, l now la Modoo county at head of a party WBo have Just raJ a careful aurvav of tb nranartv. Wluu disposition would bo made of railroad haa been a topio of later wient discussion amoag railroad men w jevoral yeara. Just before the wjern Paclte sUrtodKa Uao from ay, Nov( lBto jjertit 0,4. rnl, kohhIp waa that the Harrimaa wets would take aver the Meraa j o afford easier aeeead to the U Valley, ad Ueaee to PwH "W. for EasUra trk. The goaalp aa boen revived with new entpbaala. r-TT N,c"' ' " sf ra to look at, bat IU right. of way iJ.v, u161' ''" " u Mtti rolllag ttoek eoaalaU ac EfUea "JotiTei, twrtr raeeeaer asm - ww ireigat 1 -- -.- Photograph Taken Just as 12-inch Mortars Were Fired 4 t I n i rl ,1 i BBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwammmmmmimmmmmmmmmm. li HHBflSPMNolHialoflHBHiHoHHHBI Those photographs lllustrato Unclo.Mtvcn iuIIvj away you aaw suddenly a SaraV preparations for war by the test trf the great 12-Inch mortars at Fort Tottcn, which protect Now York from invasion by way of Long Island Sound, 'The fort I on l3ng Island, some mllea from Manhattan and Brooklyn, and It Jlit designed for the destruction of eno- my ships which might approach the ,c - (y DX tn back door. The great mor- law, which shoot seven miles, were .rimi nut ho othor dav. Photon-anhnm set up their cameraa just back of the kuna and tried to catch them aa they v ere fired. Tbo vibration was so great .. . - I countleH, crossing the western Facinc at Doyle,, Plumas, county, near Beck' with Pass. It Is 235 mllea long, ex tending lato ,Oregon through Qooae Lake Valley to the oast of the lake. Dsllrlous Woman found Miss DeCarlo, 23-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DeCarlo, residing at the station formerly called Shake, bttweea thla olty and Aahtand, waa found by searchers after thirty houra aunt, ib the report. 8he wandered off weariag bedroom slippers on her feet, and but scantily olad about two weeks ago. She had been 111 for aoao time. Operated far Adanolde and Tonsils Mlsa Meta Chutala, tho 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Oeerge Chaa tain o fthls cJty.waa operated aa thla morning by Dra. HaaaMtea and Fisher for adenolda and teneUe. . n nr - n.mrir. WUinfWWJUuiVuViJi tower of white water rise skyward, "That wok a hit," aa oBcer told you, nnd onlcm wero given for the nevt thot Just what the results of the "n. gagemrnt" were could not be told until tho official umpire of the battle figured out tho damage. But If each ahot found Ha mark and thoee with keen ryes and a knowledge of what waa go )iiK on wero more than a little inclined to think that thla waa ao It may be hnid that a good-sited fleet of euper dreadnoughta waa aent to the bottom or tho Sound. For these 12-Inch mor tars are regarded aa the moat destruct ive weapons that New York has against n sea Invasion by way of t Long la land Sound. There are 12-inch guns at Fori Totten with a range that far ex ceeds that of the mortars, but they cannot send projectiles heavenward and drop thom on the one vulnerable spot of the modern warship the deck. TRUCK LOAD OF GRAIN SECURED WHOLE LOAD TAKEN TO COMMER CIAL CLUB ROOMS FOR EXHIBIT! AT FAIR AND FOR PORTLAND LAND SHOW An auto truck loaded to the roof with many aheavea of Klamath eeuaty grain, waa unloaded at the Ceaamerewl Club rooms laat night, and repreaenta the work of the club and W. I Araat In a search for producU from Klamath county farmers for the oomrtr stJMMt at the fair aid for the Porttaad lead ohow, Secretary Fleet atatea that nearly a ton of t will be aent to tho exhibit it Baa Franetaeo, where it will be pisses In a huge pile at the beau to rMMMrMWWW NAVAL RESERVE FLEET tEADY THIS FALL FOR IMMIOIATE SI DBSIRl Plan ao Laid That iavernmont Will Have Immediate Ueej of 60,000 Train ed Seaman, Innumerable Auxllllary Craft- -Plan Announced by the Navy Department Sorvlot of All Pormer V Offlcera and Enlisted Man. - , ruiieil i'ieM Scrvlco WASHINGTON. D. C.. Sept. I. The nnval reserve plan Being worked oa by Secretary of the Nary Daniels, with I heads of the various 'departments, will t be effective this fall far lauaedlate ser lrc. if needed according to an an nouncement made hot today. Klfty thousand traJaed seamen, in liumerable auxllllary craft arelnclud ed in the plan ty the aary department. The plan Involves the services of all former officers, enlisted awn, every Chilian with a boat, the state and fed eral militia, who will be ao organized that they can be quickly directed to the defence of this country whoa, needed. CHIEF STARTS BANK ACCOUNT NOT FOR HIMSELF, RUT FOR OLD MAN IN CITY WHO WAS NEARLY FLEECED OUT OP 100" BY "A FRIEND" KEEPINO IT FOR HIM- Following a night In the city jail, old man In the city -who had placed there by the police appealed to Chief of Police Baldwin to help aim secure 1100 that a young fellow waa keeping for htm. The young fellow at first refused to give up the money, but the old man finally secured .a, $40 time check from him, but could not get bis cash. The chief accompanied the old man, and the young fellow did not deny having I he money. He waa threatened with Jail unleaa he gnvo It up, and finally did so. Bald win then placed It In the bank for the old man, ao that he could not get It, and Is going to attempt to keep It I there for the old maa'until the atate ! goea dry. Since then the young man haa demanded the memey, aa ha aaid he had loand It to the old man. Re later compromised by aayiag ha would bo satisfied with hair ot It But the chief refused. Rebekaha Meet Tonight Prosperity Rebekah Lodge will.meet in regular session ln Odd Fellows' hall thla.evenlng. There will be initiation, anda.tull attendance to desired. Band Concert Tenlgbt The weekly bead eoacrt will bo giv en in the court hoaae seuere tonight at 7$tB by the KlamaaV Falla Military bead. oa the visitors thai Klamath county la n grata country. Some of it will atoo be aeat to Port tend for aa exhibit at the land show. Now la the time whan the prodaeta are mature, to briag thaee thla to ta Comneretal Club. aUtea rtoet, and aU that eaa be poaalMy ebtaJaed.aie atrea ror oxaian VICE IP IT IS .asiii 6ET RAILROAD WHEN FORCED CIRCUIT JUOOE NOLAND 8AY8 KSPKE WILL BUILD WHIN PORCEO TO SY PEOPLE COUN TRY HELD UP MEANWHILE "The Southern Pactlc company will complete their line between this city and Portland when they are compelled to by the people or by other interests," stated Circuit Judge Noland this morn ing. "I have talked with officiate and mi-n who have been connected with' tiiH road, and I bolleve that they will hi.lld only when the people or Jim Hill in.-vct them to finish It rhey ' are watching this section tnUl.ty close, and do not Intend to let r n body else get ahead of them If they can lelp it. Whenever tbe.re is a flurry rn the Hill lines, the Southern riwiD-- immediately coes over the sit urtion here again. from here and "They took money v-cnt to Western Oregon In ordar to hwiit oir Hill there, and are using the r-ionej- gained here now in building thi.t line there. There are numereaa ra.6 r a similar nature in this state whew the same thing has been done by tl Southern Pacinc. . Tl ei are holding ; back the country. and hau. caused the people hero to imn .iiiiinnniii im nuim mnnun - - " froUbt rates, and no facllltlea to fcaa- din their crops. We demonstrated on the Aitamnnt ranch that the bet pots toon in tl world can be grown here, but we had to let them rot la'tke ground because we could not ship them out, ('tie to freight rates. LOST BOY SEES CITY'S SIGHTS WHILE RESPONDING TO REQUEST TO FIND S-YEAR-OLD BOY NORTH OF CITY. POLICEMAN FINDS HIM ON STREET WITH CANDY Chief of Police Baldwin and J. H. Holmait "Acre requested yesterday by a woman residing between tnia cuy and Shlppington to help her in finding her 3-year-old boy. She had left him locked In the house while she. waa gone, hut when ahe came back the boy had secured the key, let himself oat and disappeared. Baldwin and Holman got a machine and ataxted out searching the sage- brush billa and regions north ot town. In the meantime. Policeman McCar-,w. tor found the boy on Main atreet In company with another woman. He came to the city, purchased a has of candy, and did not seem to Ing about hla own whereabouts. r Boy Born Last Night 9-pound boy was. born to Mr.' and Mi h. G. K. Hendricka at Ninth and Oak streets laat night, Dr. Hamilton at tending. Mr. Hendricka is employed at the Gwauna box rectory." Loaves to Enter Colleae Hardin Carter, aon ot Mr. and Mra. O. L. Carter, of thla city, leavea la the morning for Loa Angeles to eater the University ot Southern California, where he Is taking a course la deatta tr), Carter will finish thla year. Securea Final Homeetead Paeera George F. Beldln ot Merrill reeeived his flaal papers on hla IN aere stead yesterday at the county elerk'e oatoe. It Is - i--iv'vvvv-rw-inrTjTjXAvu-' MVW. Would Build Up Superhuman Race a 0. W KBXJLOQO (llciulil Spcrln! Serviie) SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 2. Estab-f llsbment of a "eugenics registry." the(( purpose of which would be the devel-' opment of an "aristocracy of health." and the creation of beings possessed 0,BUDerior characteristics of mind and' bodv-was advocated by Dr. J. H. Kel - -n-Baaaraaahfe- rsLaH. aaaaaaaaaaaW losg of tne QatUe Creek Saniurium.'many's primary object In presentiag Creek( Mlcn.( -fore u-e coafer - ence on e betterment at the Pana- mm.Paciflc expoelUon. . , . lue n,"7m 4 " thoroughbreda. ne saJd. .Th0 ob. Ject gQUgnt by m propoeed eugenica - . ,r.. i . , - , , . .. i r i li n i '.fci.' , ;M., ...U the same marvelous transformation, and to evolve the same betterments tnaf nave ieen ana atiu are oetag-ac; complished for piss and cattle. We .... . m. ..mm a 1 have created wonderful new species of dome8Uc anlmaU. why not haTe a new and improved specie of manT 'The object of a eugenics registry Is L to create aristocracy of health. world needs a new aristocracy; not an artificial blue blooded aristocracy cre ated by wealth or official authority, but a real aristocracy made up of Apolloa and Venuses and their fortu nate progeny." PICTURES DO NOT DO JUSTICE TO IAKE PARTY OF 8IX CAMPERS. REPORT CRATER LAKE UN8URPA8SED. HUCKLEBERRIE8 ARE PLENTI. FUL NAME CAMPS 1 Crater cwmot be by L, , Ju8tlce . port brought back by Mr. and Mrs. B. curfman. Mra Walter Bower. J. 8. McClellan, A. J. Slmmera and-O. T. simmer, of Tooeka. Kans.. who re- turned yesterday from a ten daya camping trip in the northern part ot the county. They visited Crater Lake and the Huckleberry patch. They atate that the lake la at ita beat, and aurpaaaee arything they have ever seen. Many huckleberries are being taken from the iwieh by berry pickers, la the re-! port brought back. They found several interesting camps on Huckleberry mountain, and (toljmated them by the names af Huckleberry City, Bunny BMe. Pore phi- Camp and Seuaw Flat. At alght flie i.ampa ware elivenod, with matte and danciar. everybody having a so Ml time. Dairyman Sttffere From Rheumatlam H, L. Bogga, dairyman ot thla county, la etUl compelled, to get around en crutches oa account ot a aevere attach at rheamaUam. Be statee that ha is ema better, but aaa notice bat little uaprovemeat m ate ooamuaav ... -... , . , Stated t is GERMANY WANTS PEACE AND WAR BLAME SHIFTED ALLIES ACCUSED OF CONTINUING THE STRUMLE Authoritative sutement Pram Oar- man Embasay Says Establishment of I Freedom of 8eas and Promulaatlon of Peace Reasons for Conceding to j America StaUd Germany Want I Peace Said Allies Could Have Ac complish td It Six Mentha Ago. nltfU i'ress Servlc WASHINGTON, D. C. Seat 1. Aa iaufhori(aHvB hn. ,.-,,, .h,.., ,.,.. em,naUnB from the 0ertMa ea,'r .here to tne United Press Is that Oar- '(he note conceding to America's daw manils ln rei:ard t h .nhMaffs aoi. w aubmarlaa aal ,cy wa" t0 Joln ,orcea wltl1 an effort to establish the freedom of the seaa and -" The to promulgate aa early settlement of certaUt 'ni In I lul nil mi il.t. wan -- ...... " , a ss-3 secondary matter. The same source stated that. Got-( t , . A. m,. ,-- man? wants ? H ? aU,e8- (could have, six atoatha ago, PlUhed peace, when Germany aaked." for nothing but the freedom of the seas. Now she must agree to the free- (dom of Poland and equal treatment for the Jews everywhere. A year hence, stated the source of Information, if the war la continued until then, Germany will dnaiaail mere, f The United Press Informant aald,the allies must answer to crrflteatlen-far' .the continuance ot the war,' Bo metet- v ;ed that Germany nerer, waated war, ana tu seen willing te make aa aeaw orable peace with the 1 United Preaa Serrieo WASHINGTON, D. C, SepL .- dlnal Gibbons visited the White Hoaae this afternoon. On leaving he admit ted that he had discussed peace with President Wilson, but declined to ghre any details of the conversation. Be admitted, however, that he had re ceived a message from the pope. Secretary Lansing aanooaeed that the cardinal will confer with him later, (probably to discuss the Mexico aitsa- tlon. ,- United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. gut Z.- retary Lansing and Cardinal Olbboaa have admitted that a peace note from j the pope waa presented to- Presides" Wilson, and waa dUcuaaed thla after, i noon. Gibbons stated that the eoafor- $ ence waa aatiataetory., JiL- Prepare for Exhibit at Fair Wm. B. Freer. Indian ageat of the", Klamath Indian reaervatloa, arrived f in the city laat night, and left tmei. imorning for Salem, where he will maker. arrangements for an exhibit for thai Klamath Indian reservation, to be? placed in the ,bootha at the atate fair to be held there September IT to Oetel ber 2. the 54th annual atato feJr,mr v' Oreson. Z 4. ,4 : Vlaltint Here Pi?S)Wa'AJt i Mr. and Mia,, W. B.laelad m&y ter ot OWe are here vnrttsM.reUUveH:;.; c'tholraytbelaemOaUffaki:v-,' teaalve Urmnimlmmm ffi'tw2,;a otkar; asaMa' i eat: yfl$p'&rl i&&JFs&&&r "" . JTl'f -.-. 3 " - .c . 1