p'Mt :w WEDNESDAY, ttPTIMH, ,( THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OKEOON i- .". j -VVi("-T sf&f! f Ik- '$ Vjt, ' or t "8 , lV P." r M&V f &?' ;fe ml isc Sf I?; ww l&x&i' lfifS, ' Kit' WW 'S&fTfl f "" Kin r i r - , ir .. " "IS 1- 'No. I jiHSST-Pfe'V'' 4Mt' Jfe J UW BttOOVIM HIOINS PLACE V& &&-? -.- .... &ftjfto Ji - PROMCUTION or AB nvi LOCATED IY THE SHERIFF "M KP- WANTED. Through active work ever since the ace of Harry AngUn In San when he Jumped his bait and forfeited kk bonds to a San Fran esse court. Sheriff C. C Low knew the whereabouts of Angun up until a day or two ago, and could hate had Max arreated by sending a telegram. Ike parents, however, of the former Mrs. Anttifi did not desire the case prosecuted, and though District Attor ney Irwin kaa keen ready to proceed, the ease kaa keen pracUcally dropped. Brer ttace his disappearance Low working on the case. He In having pictures and deseripUoM of AngUn printed and aeatterai throughout the states where H was thought prebaUe he would go. As a remit' a' short time ago ke re ceived worn" from a small town in Tex as that Anglln was there and had been peaKtvery ideatlned as the man want ed.' AH that' was necessary then was n have tent tke wire ordering his ar rest, which weuM have keen a matter of bat a few mfantee. Through Ue parents ot Mrs. AngUn No. 3. the sheriff and district attorney were unable to prosecute the case. AngUn was first married to Mm Cekla M. Kearney of Berkeley, Ala meda county, by Wm. B. Scudder, No vember , 1904. Divorce proceedings were started In 1908 by Mrs. AngUn No. 1, but for some reason they were dropped. He was later married here while In the employ of the county as construction engineer during the erec tion of the new court house, when It was discovered that he sUU had a wife in California. Shortly after his disappearance from San Francisco a story was floated by his brother that it was beUred he had committed suicide, and that his body would be found In the bay. The local sheriff's office placed no credence in the story, and since then has been working on the case, finally locating tke man. School starts soon. Have your youngsters shoes T Send them in. We will fit them properly with Buster Brown Shoes, lit REGAL SHOE STORE. INDIANS DO NOT FIGHT THt FIRES LIGHTNING HAD EFFECT ON RES- EltVATION NEW MILL HEARING COMPLETION, AND TO IE RUN NINQ THIS FALL TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR. KENT Seven room house, fur nished complete.; on Main between Stkaad tth streets; fie per month. In-jrireefGeo-Biehn. 1-tf FOR ALsT Span good young mares, harness and wagon, cheap. Phone St, Klamath Falls. 1-ft Notice of Text Book Sale In view ot the fact that the last legislature repealed the free text book law the board of education of this dis trict will offer for sale the text books now on hand at from 60 to 75 per cent ot the original cost Those pupils who desire to purchase such books can do so on Friday, September 3, from 1 to 4 p. m., on Saturday, Sep tember 4, from ,9 to 11 a. m., and also on Monday, September 6, and any time thereafter so long as the supply lasts. The sale will be held at the central building and ot course will be a cash sale. By order of the Board of Education. IDA B. HOKTER, Clerk. l-2t The electrical storm which started a number of fires in this section ot the county caused considerable trouble on the reservation also, according to L. SI. Bedford, forest supervisor, who was in the city today. The Indians are very poor aid when it comes to fighting fires, stated Bed lota, nnd unless conditions are favor able, refuse to do It If the weather Is warm or the fire a hot one, little aid can be secured from them. The 110,000 sawmlU being built this side ot Kirk, largely for the use ot the Indians, is nearing completion, and the lunchlnery will be In shape to saw jtnough lumber to house It and to build the tramways and other structures needed, said Bedford. A railroad spur will be secured soon. The mill wlU be for the use ot the Indians, they to haul in their own logs, which will be sawed. and a percentage taken tor the work. humber sawed that Is not used by the Indians wiU be sold and shipped. The mill will cut about 30,000 feet In eight hours, stated Bedford, and later, if needed, will be Increased in efflcien- c to handle the work. RACE SUICIDE REMEDY F OUND WHO WOULD NOT HAVE CHILD. REN IP TOYS WERE FURNISHED AND BANK ACCOUNTS STARTED AT BIRTHT The Herald, your door, office, a moaiU. delivered or home. at 60c V "-kw-BBslsV ()( - A jsw -TO- i TTv-Agi f FBBBBBBBBl I 1 1 itIm C as "II 1 " bIbbBBBBM lw "" sb Saw. tXa .Et " ' i m wflM t"" I C fci njBfkklkBBMS:BnMfMBatfBMBBBS'' l IB) "bbVP V -vSf eBstr I 7X?- SACRAMENTO, Sept 1. tch vlst Intlon of the slork In Sacrsemnto means something to the retail mer chants of tke city nowadays a chance to brlns more joy to every newly blessed, home. It used to bo that the birth notices appearing dally in the nowspapers wore considered dead mat ter excepting to those who were inter ested. Since then tho stork has gained more prestige, and now a shower of presents foUows the publication or each birth notice. The custom of making small but pleasing and often useful presents to the new born was established in Sac ramento some months ago by the larger retail merchants. Of late the practice has become quite general, and now every little tot whose advent into the world la recorded in tho Sacra mento papers Is presented with orders for either tiny baby shoes, a rattle, bonnet or something quite as accept able as an adjunct to tho ordinary babe's assortment of pretty things. Recently a couple of Sacramento's, am Become jeaioua to vie in doing nice things for the city's now born. In several instances little sav ings accounts have been started in the name ot the babe, and In others penny and nickel .banks have been pre sented to the parents in behalf of the babe, and another sends a novel photo album. There is said to be no fixed agreement among tho merchants, but it is conceded that the custom of fol lowing the stork In his meanderlngs wjth litUe gifts is fixed In Sacramento, and in time to come will be one of the traditions of the commercial life of the, aNy. '-,J f Ln sm f yfCTV MM J Or ffl'i, -' XZ&' - C$ltiM&f, V pt Z",, -ii'iM, ,'te sj T'.AJ'.'iir' wws... '. rm ErstDilay: CTYLE is paramount it is all im- portant. No other Shoes in their grade can tell you so interesting a story from a style standpoint as REGALS S the new Fall Styles now being shown in our windows. We are in a position to fit any foot, as we carry all widths, AA to EE Have your next pair fitted RIGHT at The Regal Exclusive Shoe Store PHILLIES FAILED TOJIVE IN RED SOX AND PHILLIES TO GET INTO THE HOME STRETCH NECK AND NECK, BELIEVE MOST OF THE SPORT DOPI8TS By GEORGE H. HOLMES (United Press Staff Correspondent) J NEW XORK, sept 1. Consistent baseball by the Red Sox and the Phlllea has come to the 'rescue of a be wildered random, and somewhat clar ified the situation in both leagues. The long looked for and much predicted crack ot the Phillies under the strain has failed to materialise. About the1 only crack visible to the nude orb has bees that of Oaky Cravath'a bat against the ball. The Red Sox have yet to reveal any signs of slipping, and lit appears that both clubs are going to , slip Into the home stretch going 'strong. Both Moran of the Phillies and Car- rigan of the Bostonians have prepared for this stretch spurt, and both are go- ling Into it with aces In the hole. Both managers hare rested their stars, Alexander and Wood, to the very limit that safety allowed, for the past two weeks, in anticipation of a strong Sep tember hike. Apparently both believe Implicity In the McOraw maxim that "youngsters are all right In the early drive, but it take's the red necks and veterans to stand the strain of the September efforts." FALL MILLINERY SHOWING We will hold our First Showing of Fall Millinery on FRIDAY We will not attempt to describe the many gorgeous designs that are being shown this fall. You will have to come and see them yourself in order to appreciate their beauty. The prices are very reasonable. You can also look over the new styles in Women's Suits and Coats which are arriving daily direct from New York. STILTS DRYGOODS CO. WHEKE THE LADIES SHOP HOUSTON'S Metropolitan Amusements HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE - DARK' Main Street COAST LEAGUE RE8UL7M STAR THEATER The Cox Family Presents "THE BELLE OF JAPAN" 7fi) 62 .-yMw.W, Sstt&msfri 'iW&W vfc ' -. J sVBBnBBVBBBBBTrsCBBBTBmBksVBBkBVBB?CBrBB T4'VlaBrallBB"BifsVLVB7aB1VBB9BBBBBHlBBBBi JLLmKLm 7MLW w Wk aWM fll mil. mm kv v vl 1w v r ..LK L MEKZl&iri oY jC, f'.jL, z .-3. iStA ri-tri..' ar$.. )mWm-ML-J:mmmmf'TWmm--J--W. . a, 7 . J " r, .tTl Tlfl1 'JpjewJEaaAV. -w immPsi-- vmjtwiiuiiifiMnntwfnjiJiMtsAirlwirLjfUJijjt,.vJ... -ety TL2i. WAS lM;ZmV " ' - - sUff 7 It m , 1 JfJaV -il 'sespejaw M JtJT PKaasPBWaVPBP AMmWmALW KmWSmtmWL 1 XsaaaBBksw. A WTO) bmi i-iKr, :yj-"- . jx'-tv itjSii.'&i,' . -'-i ravinttr.rm ;.?t9i" ? f.-VS-V At 8an Francisco San Francisco 17 1 Portland .... 0 6 1 Brown and Seeulveda; Covaleskl, Evans and Carisk. At Salt Lake Salt Lake 6 15 S Oakland 6 10 J Klllllay, Flttery and Hannah; Burns, Prougb and Elliott Moving Pictures The Cox Family la still pleasing big audiences at the Star. Tonight they will present their original net, "The Belle ot Japan BeavUful Oriental costumes will be displayed, among the features of the net, and Oriental oddi ties and Japanese daaees, feme good tnertet a hart of papular American oonge, with 'an Orientatr them, win alee be tatreeusei, Photoplay Special 'The Still Small Voice," In Three Parts, Featuring Helen Gardner. "The Ford Weekly. "The Hazards ef Helen." It and Me MmUm-m Kvery Saturday and Miiaday at SiM TEMPLE THEATER "Paths Dally News" "The Way ef the Transgressor," inree eei Broadway Star Feature "Oreamlni Dnd," Bssaaay Cartoons "Ford Weekly," current IvenU Always 16c. MATINEE DAILY AT SiaXl A IX LICENSED PIOTUREH MERRILL OPERA HOUSE Merrill, Ore. MOTION I'lOTORKH TUSWliA v. AND bAtTMMYB W cord i ally 3 inviro yott to 1 our 1 Fir!Diplqy of the I m, ox i IK ADVANCE STYLES IN FALL MILLINERY Newest designs in Udiee' Wait, Collars and Fashionable Novelties THE BANDBOX! Main Street Adjoining Hotel HU . jici- t-- vejj "H 'ijti .Sff;-, dmwi,?-. i