fitwr ' -. ?. "i aj -- a gsg Oto Cinutmn itirrald :aaa L - . ' ' i- &rnrw nae ' I - -. '""'"'"' ' " - - .-. it- - !.-M - '" "' -"' ' '! i m - jm i , qi.i ii in' i. g. ..iji ii iiw Wmm mil m m--. 5 jU frth "' "" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, 1 TUB1DAY, AUGUST 31, 1915 g JTHtV. Q.g;"! - . -. .. stti - ... .., . i ., . jl: .. "-. ,v ..'? r. .A5 iV K.I wS .f'S-kb. R ( r " ' -. i - MMM I .1 I ' I " '"" "" - ,1... .-.II. .11.1 ...,..-, I..M..IIW.,... !,.,, i, .. , I BRITISH HEADS CONFER TODAY IN. LONDON Vt'ALM STRIKE DANQBR BELIEV. 10 OVER UMXHCttd and ' Myeterleue Cabinet "CeaUrtnee In Lord Aeulth'a Ofllce Today Arouiti Spiculatltn Uoyi tHtt, Kltthtnc, iaifeur and Oth rt Arrlvt Wtlah Strlka Kndad In a Victory for tha Man, American Lost on the Arabic INA i'allcd I'rtHii Harvlca LONDON, Auk 31, .Important ia iUchfd to an unoxpectad aad m)etor lni (onferrnre of 'ho Rnicllah cabinet la netulon Irntur In Lord Ailli oca. rjojJ (IrorRP wnx nummonol rrutn Iho tonforrnco wllh tlm Walea atiikara ai noon. Hhortly aftarwarda Aaqultb vritrd, Kltelipncr. Oroy, Balfour and utbn arrlrln at short Intanrala. i , i i r i K' ; v ' la ' Rliv T9c!lali. I P-BK ' I 'v .:V:ab-i Kc'tl I av tLvf-il I I k '. I I k,HIH I ww j SCENES GHASTLY AFTER RUSSIAN RETREAT THIRTV.SEVKN .HUNDRED CAP. TURED IV MACKENIEN Massachusetts State House Decirated for Governor's inference, and Five Present ai '.fulled I'rcM Service LONDON, Auk. 31. The danKor point of thn Walea atrtke has bean paaid. Ttiouaanda more of tha Mon montbhlre quit today.'but the minora oBtlali pmilet that a aatlafaotory and Ini will bo arrivad at bafora tonlglit, and that all will bo back to work by Wadneaday. The Webb Mrtke anded In a victory tot tha men, ataiea a Korernment an Piwnccrupnl, the operatora roacedlna i) their demand. Tha man who quit will reiume work tomorrow, aid a rati fication of their agreement will be Mimed at Cardiff. HOOPER NEAR FORT KLAMATH RESIDENT OF EUOENE HAD VISIT FROM THE EANDIT WHILE ON A RANCH IN THE WOOD RIVER VALLEY, SO HE SAYS DR. EDMUND P. WOODS, of Janeavllle, Wla l)r, IMmunil I. Woodn of Jnnosvlllu, Win., wnm onit f llm two Americana to loxo their liven when (he Arabic wont down aouili of Irolnnd. Ilia death with (lint or Mm. llruRUloro will be (he bnnlH of whnlevcr action I'realdont Wllxon lakeit In Ida ncpollailonn with the tiennnn Rorernmont. COMMERCIALCLOe MBfiTS TONIGHT GENERAL MEETING OP ALL CLUE MEMBERS Tg BE HELO IN CITY HALL LARGE ATTENDANCE IS DESIRED Stverely Dafaataad Ruaalan Rear Guard Fleeing Prom Brett Lltevak. Admitted Ruaalan Counter Attacka Temporarily Halted Auatrlan Ad vance In Gallela Vllna Being Evac uated Market Plaeaa Qhattly United from Service IlKRLtN, Auk. 31. Field Mnrabal von Mackenaen hna Hgttln ncverely de foal cd tho nuitalan rear guard, fleeing from I!ret Lllovak, capiurlnr? 3,700 prlhoners. Tho Ituaidana are ovnctintlnt! Vllnn, hrf the acenea In tho market plncea are ly and In a alato of chaott. In (hi factory dlatrlct a mceleo of Iron ovonn and blackened walla were found, with the tracka covered with wreck bm of all klnda and many dead cattle. It In admitted that the HuxMan coun ter ntlacka have temporarily halted the Auatrlan advance In Qallcla. Tin capture of Riga la. regarded aa certain, and the Ruaalan government Ih making haute In preparing Petro grr.d for a atrong defenae from attack. Hicuranda from Kovno aro reported flocking toward Petrograd. Tho Rlava are taking a atrong aland aleni: the Strypa River, eaat of Zlota Llpa, where they are delivering atrong counter attacka agalnat the advancing forces. x "MmiM-n EUOENB, Aug. 31. W. L. Orr. liv ing on Fourth avenue weat, had the novel experience ot alttlug dowa to a camp fire In Baatera Oregoa and ea tertalnlng n noted highwayman, Hoop er, unawaroa. Hooper, known all over the coaat aa toe gentleman burglar, who recently commandeored an automobile in Oranta Paaa to make hla eecape after breaking jail, and after robbing a bank, walked In on Mr. Orr, who with party waa camping on a ranch he owna near Fort Klamath. The man came up, talked a while in Ma usual nmooth and entertaining way, After remaining for aome time he pull "Tout hla watch and aald that he had long way to go, and gueaaed he. had witer "hit the trail," and departed. Shortly afterward oStcara telephoned that Hooper would be along that way, 4 to look out for him, but he had we, and no more trace of him baa wii found. Ingenuity Pertenlfled Whltad Preaa Senrlee SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 81. Obaorv Minala from a flaMng dory on'Pnn fwnclaeo Bay, rredWhltaker brought m launch around gnd hurried to the reacue," although the dory waa a good dUtasce away, Ha brought hla lauae'h !' W wlthaowiklirable JNwe, and waa about to make room y two itallana aboard, waeo one nodtfed; lMMtljr, and 'attar ?2H the atatt of Walteger'a . PoUtaly riiqtMgtad a. mateh "to 1 iii'. H "T .- -..., ;.' .i. ' -A Three a i.- wlT to IsmtWs we diu ! " k SMia. Uat will "J?1 !;iMlsr.E4:iloay, A general meeting of the Commer cial Club, tho Aral elnco tho reorganisa tion of tho club, will bo held In the ell) hall tonight. Tha new offlora will prcalde, and a number of Important tnattcra will come up nt thla tlmo for conalderatlon. Anion other thing will be the revl- alon of the constitution and by-lawa, and ntao tho production of the moving picture that aro now being made ot Klamath county. Reporta will probably be called for from tho chairman of the commltteea appointed to have charge of the varl oua dopnrtmenU of the club, several of which have met and elected officers. I'lnna havo been mado for future work In theao department. Prcaldent Slomena and Secretary Fleet foci that every member ehould bo preaent, aa only by a body working In Ha entirety ind together can beat reaulta bo obtalnod from ita offlcera. Owing, to the nowneaa of the organ- liatlon and unfamlllarity that membera may have with the working ot the club the meeting tonight ia considered im portant aa tho firat meeting alnce the reorganisation. POUR DAYS' MEET OP "VETS" Perm Animate' Prianda Holding con- aultatlona at the Expealtlen City United Praaa Service BAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 31 Medl- coa from every atate, whoae Job it la to keep farm anlmala out of the hoar pita), opened a four-day convention here yeaterday. The program of the American Veterinary Aaaoclation ia di vided Into two aectlonar "Practice" and "Sanitary Science and Policy." Meeting with the veterinartana of the nation alao are membera of the aa aoclation of Veterinary racultlea and State Hamming Boarda at North America, with Preeldent S. Stewart in the chair. (Naaloaa art to be hem ev- err aneraaoa. , Seeial lf ark. Wedaiday An jm cream and watarmalaa aoelai will be give in the ewwtyawart.aowe park Wedaeeday hlsht y Hdk-t the AM Eotety of the Tlret Oariatlaa AisjMs,sb; , ... , v tnltct- Preaa Service DBRLIN, Aug. SI. The military aup plica of the Ruaalana are being with drawn from Grodno, aviator have re ported. The actual evacuation la ex pected aoon, tho Ruaalana preparing to retreat to Lida by the railroad. MOVING PICTURES DEING PREPARED i E HHii?Hw-sIPiHBrv K-ttEiVH&H! HHHlt-X5 iH9iWHiH-r' BBBBBjjjXflgf B' AKST'Sgf K3E VHsK'il'. n r-'MHHHsT HgT HKKMrpyHr eT Bs IB 8u;'Vf Kl- 'HHaTaBiB'aaw- OOV. r.BWlLLIE mf OHIO mmm !i!ANIUi Some thirty governora ot atatea met Dunne or Illinois. Whitman ot New . . . . .. . n . . xorK ana wuus ot vuxo., awu t,un in toe Ola ibib nuoo ,- .-. their annual conference. Thla pnoto- graph ahowa their noai, uoYerauir Walsh ot Maaaachuaetta, and below governora of three Important atatea : Blease, ex-governor of South Carolina. The last named waa down for a paper on hla favorite topic, "The Duty and Responsibility of the Oovernor in Deal ing' With Priaonera." CAN MAN GIVE INDIAN WIFE BEER? LOCAL MAN TAKING PICTURES OVER COUNTY WITH OWN MA-j CHINE BIO BENEFIT PLANNED POR EARLY IN SEPTEMBER QUESTION RAISED BY SUPPOSED C. R. Miller, the local photographor, BOOTLEGGER ARRESTED HERE well known for hla good vlewa or or- ...-., nnn and Northern California acenea. ybstbrbay wlwhii HE HAD la now combing the county with a mov-Ina- picture machine gathering thma- terlal for the Klamath county Aim. tot be ahown at the fair. Last week he made a trip through the agricultural aeotion between thla city and the Merrill district taking pictures ot the cropa. Later he will make tripa to aeveral of the aalUa, Crater Lake, Anne Creek canyon, Wood River Valley, Irrigation canal Upper Klamath, Link river, Klamath Falla and other places. Wherever poa RIGHT TO BOOZI IN HOUSE SALOONKEEPER OVER TO JURY HEARING BEFORE JU8TICE GOW EN HELD THIS MORNING, DE FBNSB CALLING NO WITNESSES NOR PRODUCING ANY EVIDENCE CLUB WANTS MORE PRODUCTS SECRETARY STATES NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME TO SET IN PROS). UCT8. KLAMATH HAS AOVANT. AGE IN LATE SEASON "Now ia the correct tlase focuato get oar producta oar," atated Secre tarr Fleet of the Cemwarrlal. Crab thla morning. "They are begtanlairto mature bow and are fall grown while those we have been aeadlag have sot been fully ready." - This morning a large ahlpaeat. of corn on, the atalk, the entire ataBc aav Ing, waa sent oat and for the peat pat era! days ahlameaU of a musber of producta have been aeat by the etab." Too many producta of varloaa kinds cannot be aeat to briag tha Klamath exhibit to the frent: The booth baa received favorable cormneat by hflaa Anne Munroe, special writer'for the Oregonlan,. who has been at the fair all summer. She atatea that the ex hibit In Ita 'new location la awch bet; ter than before and that it baa been gathered together bow Instead of be ing scattered around Ih aeveral place. . TV H'W1-' -MltfA'M' 'V1 I V Wiw ., ffOTiyW.IMII ' . H W WH ifV yjW United Preaa Senriee -' '" ji - iTl PBTBOOKAO; Aag. 'SIAaaM ,... .-' .. V--.i if .-,..-: . itmnm M - '.I staa government the Austro-Oeraaaa meat THIS WEEK IS TO BE PEAGHWEEK OREGON' AND WASHINETON TO CELEBRATE THE WEEK BY A MAMMOTH THE LUSCIOUS PRUIT CONSUMPTION. OP a, jutrV ft! . alhle, Mr. Miller will take pictarea Unto the cabin aa Path waa where he can get aome action In them aa In thla manner a belter moving picture la aecured. He recently maae a aim tor uw McCloud River Lumber company ahow Ing the cutting of the.treea ia the for eat, the piling, traaeportatloa to tha mill and acenea In the mill, which w .i,nwn at a local theater and were a ,iaiiiail aueoaaa. -r)k a bl movie benefit win be given the tlm when completed here la thla city, probably oa ar bafora September II. la order to p aenay iae eayeaae of takiag the Aba. t t. . .... . . - .. -i.j ....t.i hv vnanes .oauipay. bmuou aevr ,w The queatlon raised yeaterday .-,,. '. Z-m . m,i mil Purti arrested for bootlegging tBdlMerrt, " ld 0Ttr to " ' BUI PugV """ ?LJS!!15 i Jury thU morntag by Juetice of Peace glvlns beer to Wajrife, .. Moody. lMtmm ,. M. Indian ,uA ward c4 the vrnmeat lM !lhf ' S.i?? litS. i'a office, and Smith, who la purported give beer to hla wife to hla own real- wWk . ,t ,. wltaeaaea tor the proaecutlon, while McCarter and Don Zumwalt. tr it)m aefenae called no witnesses and ttaear, made the eaprare .aan waw nkde Bo aUtemeat to tha ooart Jaa- naaiuaai,,.. i. ,.. omnnaltari n Mni tha Mrs. Moody a giaaa or aeer. aaeww . fH. . . aU bad previoualy aeea Path retam from gmlth teatlfled that BB purcniu,ed the Ihe city with a pall wwen ne sappo-ea yMatVtmmUrt Auwt SJ. at tha rear contained beer, and which afterward i . a MurDvy g-jo-ff ta iierrllL waa proven did. I paring 50 cento for a pint, whleh he Pugh waived a hearing ana waa ;;,ater deUvered toHotaaan, reeetaEfO ea to Portiana aaonua ey centa ftm Um ,or y,, Igbea Pltehaa Winner far Yrtka IleBIs. t twlrtor far the Flrauaaa, returned laat. lst attar toblas A wUmlas s iw Tn Sunday, f aaday menuag anarara a feated Yreka I ta l. HoagaiM pwoaiaw far lraks. ,l 'tba aftaraowi the aeere waa eoMothtac aa If to ;.t to toirar at yreka, tM BearasMgerieBwaf.H SUtea Marshal Barry, wao aiao Ua01ea ttat UnaA ,,, ,! e aaotaw bootlegger neea tae tawy Y ,iw wtched the tranaacUoa'Kdea . Mra. Moody algnea a atate- . - ta rear attha aalooaaaatoE meat laat night that ha had gtrea aer M..v- ,-,- ,, ;w-j ti.imWif Mat I -.'- ...: .. -. .. 1-L-:. ""- r. . . . -r-r -r7' Ulag which ha aaafeaea waa CeumlUtMaa One Due to the fact that, there are ire Mondays to Augaet, where there are eralaarUy bat fear ,a aaeath, tar whleh the lawa of tae.eouaell amply prorMe. tha eosaall tit set laeet ta regawr eeoatoaiMt wasb Warsaw, i4.-Tbe .Wlaoaa Aiee My has aald far Mt.m te W. 0. fc- eeU. pmUeat a tke eld beard at yaetata.aadwlUTaarejaihn . Murphy'a and Emlth'a later, boada were ta Patter Will Arrive Week Ut Rev., o. r. Bwaader; atau aearatan of the nrat Preabftartaa eewth of Oregoa. wtlbnet arriva bora will-a week freea Eaaday. ft annovaeed that ha wbalt ba bara agi Saaaay. Owtag ta.aWweaa.ta h family It-waa thad:ba'iaaat' vmWAJMvipm5M PORTLAND; Aug. 3L By prockuaa- tlon of the governora of the two atatea. thla week wiU be "Peach Week" to Oregon and WaahtogtoB. veryoaela urged, to bay the delicto fratt by tha box, and eat. can, pickle and pieeerve them. ! Owing to the peach crop of the Unit ed Statea being the heavteat to yeara. there has been UtUe Baatera 'demand for the Oregoa and Washington pro duct Unless the fruit can be diepoee of to aome manner the growera face a tremeadoaa toaa. ' Even though the balk of the remain- Ing crop la aold during peach weeky It la aald the growera wttl aaarealy real- lie the coat of prodactloa oa aceoaat of. the'low prjeee. ALLEGED. ARSON GANG ARRESTED Interesting Family In the Telle ef the AtrUieriWee PORTLAND. Aug. 31. Alleged by the police to be membera of a gang ef arsonists who nave been operating ta Oregoa, Montana, and California. San ford W. Carrier, hla wife, Bertha, and Grant Hawley were arreated. , The arreeta followed aeveral days' J lnveaUgatlon by tha araoa aqaad ef the Portland poUee department. Carrier to charged with araoa, ana ine outer o are held aa'wltaeeaea. " It la aald by the police that tha Cur- rier'a plan of actios waa to furnlah a rented houae, then deatroy it and eoV lect the taauraaee upon tha eeateata. Currier dealea that he la guilty, and statea that the tree were accidental., RUSSIANS ARE PREPARING MR 9'M.'t-i ,rm& - .'ftf ' 4 4 ' ' ii'r -S. iy. ti h S't JJhf . t'-tf.t .1 nniTii innirrTM itairiiBiiv.i -aBBB-ar.B.a! uni 1 1 iiL u uni l ii A 1- I -Hi ' i. hEORSANiiATION " i 4 .. 'PI Vh Vf mm I '6pOEPMlT., "r" '',. ' v aifT 8TABTM . fe'tl-i , m I- - , j; ', z "s-.a '" V Unit' VI . vVeTvflBSBffw WVMV or""oEPiTri-i5 a.-. .'".;. I83i? &t&gzis;fs, J Ae 'AfBlieaiMi ' A'fi &' fm ,! s i w&-ja. m' " MA' Au.h ...-w ? mm J-. rwWWWW MwnMv .siftfvVft1 &sm mm V. -i l . " . 1 , , - 'Pire, MMintea f " i!ii i'J -, i.-i i-SiK i's -w8 wM-rsmm Ji,SS yjtf- V---tv-j tkav asgia?. ; r.T' L'.'J-LitV i 1 - i ,' - - aMMM7 . ww i. imnrw ..v ' A &J 4 tiW-,' jr n A ;m'Ml0M ..'HT. .t 'l . ea !.' " ' IT. 'iv i' a coacu w im -mh-i was f9WK .r $$ ed by Cxar Nlehoiaa. wbldi.baaf,as-lt?i IIMnwl hill torn ""' ' - ' - s-:-',i' ,.,, . ... ...,. .Tjj j. -.wt-u ni vjl.. .-r.i ".. wtman.. mtit v.a ..jwh :. mm'-mw Uf- .t Wr. W: trJ-KmUVlf) ' i - -wi ih ,.,: .Lwei 4 . .. Ik- . .. --.- ..-.:. -i.-J.m-yr y, .1 I iiinii,i,WH.n B, devise wan a kaMiaur"T'- l,a - ---- -.' - ' ""- -- " ":.".?' tha lack of wWea'toattrtawtattba'dlatl?! aawaa.d 'aver JaereaatoTdataata ar,;V-1 .,3t5?V .arisa .. ' , A -r.AL J-r- Xlvu.JP-l r&rr. .f v p,l"-?- "f?1 s a?J6K88fi, .avastSSfeJaw MB.. iia . - -TiaJ avi. il.1'tfP-jiiJ, .iH-MHUN:4ni;iHBinaai saajKHjei aroaacflte - reMaf week' uuaa' that mBs. 5i-.?S T; L.-T. -T T " " :-m mr'n--X'r; m - ta - . -?ri SB IB SV-,WSS O WBfct .; :iJS a.J-JWJ.' :i"ea.( gSTgfe Iff IM1: I Mil nn " 4U" "Vs BRIDE RELEASED Ifilf "tiV r f r TAKEN TO PORTLAND VANCOUVER PROM HAMAS TJi ''ifi -!.if.ww jaT' -t y mks. iJ ihp -IT' j. 4 a . TO STOP iV, ., CORPUS PROCEEOiNM. ARE TURNED LOOSE VANCOUVER. Iwaaa., atate aapreaaa eoBct-- boMa that a'feaaale U avBtale 14 yeara old aeay -.,.. 4. tuiv 1 ft a i-r4 . - "' w tit SlA,f,Si 'i".'K. JG?S. SlsS ""U-'l riage toreeaoBatMe, today far fte)lra-; from jaiiere;of MM,vmm,'MS& iMl'-i leaae n..U .a j hla a'Wlti'i'Ma?' '$ .""? "" "T" . Tt""?. ,' were oeiax new on aeBarae.oC'.perr'ivjv,,;:' iterr: waa'aUaaatltha'Vb'i're): age waa glvea aa IS whoa tha amrriaaa Bcenae waa secured, wheata taataba; waa four yeara yeaaaar. futf afel-D In yiew of the deloa. Coaaty fjuel tnMUvxntslw nralaairl tla waIaaa jm tdb two oa their own racogaiiiaaaa,'a-ai;tt'A ta probable that no farthw'aatlA.-aijX'J the ease vrlU be takML: IrriaalaiiMM '' '1 In ha ammartav'-'afV 'll "'' '""it"" TJaili'' "r -.t "r- m'.rrr "":-";-v.-t . said, u not aaaeteat annalaMatt ef thai Marriaaa. rtw;.),: 5 'J'.i. fcajiiv;' W'u :Ji Parmer Leeallte HeM at Cerwallla. Cbas. 8piaatog. fonaerty to tha real etUte bualaeaa to thla atty, la 'bMM held by the ahertaT at Beau eewuy an a warrant awora eat r Mra. um tof tareeay by battle. Bshiatog.left bare' about tve moattaaso, aad waa mixed up to aoaeo tWaslHag before vtog. mm Um um proaawygo er Mm the tret ef aeat' week. . ., utu raut . -j-. .. Coon'a electrical "aad' -j aaetorareto a-M J store fonaerty- eeadaetad brj.C.4. Coon tad- Horaea , Ebldier; '.kMMiiaM by Bbldler. aad wsl ba eo-" v-j J daeted to the fatare br btoa. vlba atoaa : ?J1 i. .L - - ,. -: " ,. w wrt'.T-i wlU be lander tba aasM. heretofore, for a .wb-torat'v;! A Za-A U... T A, L.'..M..V t leaat. euHea aiaier, aaa aswiii mmmi-p IWtautua. na. 'a la' aaa "alaaSaae "V'r r m. -n. ....!..-., M?I aad. better: K rtUiaaalble. ::-,-'.', , Ol - . " . . -'- j rT' '" v .',.'. : f n" ;,"" '" of baetoeeS ' HaH Taaee PaW, Have TW Oet 1 .. Bf.'," i4M "i1 TkPM Mill la !' t .c :-:!.-- "X"i7z-;r;.r4"'&iw-t.". vOakiaaa. CaMf.. Aac SL-TVae , werekiJM todays waaai twaeatf a: ? powaar WMaaea.'.' ar-taa ataaja' ac. Mb HereateaPaarder'aBaapaay ' thla awralag " .tfi Threagti aa areraigbt. tha tlaa that if halt tha tosaa ' ware .'salt aefere April 1 c thta year. qnw?a bate aatil Oeteber 1 to pay toe lag batf. waa left eat ef a tax MgtoMSiiMWsM' spspsfi.ig. wmf Mid' ka .ta . ha f: JT .iTIiZA' - .- ..-. .gn.-vi.a'Ji.. lahatar bm aba'dL- I t . .' " f - ataialBaY 1 PMB ana wp a.- aivjjf ,j .J. " tf ft'JV'A'J.' ak if r !;s:viti UaHed Preaa Beettaa ypifisssLi?. KMNI Ml VMMPPMB Mv iWlJifwwjit f 7.; Maf IE- " .! f " .3 m TJrTT..l,Tfi ')- i -9.SNs.r -ij "; frhLr. j; y (M, )l C " 't- 1 y , Srty&'f .- ,.