-. if-fspa yr.. -!& r-;-; . ' ' V- ".v.v IV "wai j; ,5S wa&s. KLAMATH COUNTY't OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER -: . ss.;. X" Z"S.?t? V..MSh KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY. AUGUST 30, 1915 1 rriw.No. 2,m & H,. ft WESTERN AND 'WALES STRIKE EASTERN POINTS i SITUATION IS REMAIN ACTIVE: GROWING WORSE NO RIMARKAILK SLAVS RETREATING CHANQB, BUT ITI8H WORKMEN MAY QUIT If IT SPREADS PIONEER OIES RIDING IN AUTO MARTIN D. HOPKINS, OREGON PIO NEER, DIEO THIS MORNINO AT LAKEVIEW FROM HEART FAIL. U REWAS 7S YEARS OLD Passengers Saved From Arabic i Tkrt Hundred Thouaand Rueelane In ir of Being vy wn-nairwai Lltevsk Continue Htavy Leasee Resorted From Paris When TrtMhtt Blown Up Cleelns Qrd. H von Itltr Traneferred. I'.ltea Pre Hervlc BERLIN, Auk. 30. Three hundred tiaatand Russians are In danger of b lU cat off by dm Austrc-Genaaii. Tb cavalry nd AuMrlan Infantry are at utkisg loo rlsjit wing of the retreat, wskb continue around Brest Lttovsk. I'alled Vttt Service PARIU, Auk- 30. Whole aoctlona of trtacbe were blown up by tha French artillery and by mine laat nlgbt at the Court ChnusseN, Meurlssoaa and ftleute. Heavy loese. wera toileted oa tbt Teuton through the uae of I'nlted I'ress Service BERLIN, Auk. 30. Tbe Oermaaaa are elating In on Grodno, and bar cap '.oral the dty of Up, twenty mile vnt of drodno fort. The second lino of forces art approaching Orodno from the MttthwcML The evacuation of the ferti I eipcctrd before the week la over. I'nlted I're.s Service BERLIN, Aug. 30. Oeneral von ter, tbe conqueror of Antwerp and Novo Geortlewnk, haa been transferred to tbe Riga dUtrlcL The Germane have forced the retirement of tbe Rus iUdi from the trlbutarlea to the Wldra River, and have crossed the Sukolka. Eut and southeast of Croat Litovak, the Slavs attempted to halt Maekenaen to a iharp fight yesterday south of Ko hria. The Russians were defeated, and continue the retreat today, I'nlted Press Service PARIS. Aur. 30. The' flying squad kb guarding the city frustrated the attempt of four German aeroplane to raid the city Saturday. One 0t aa ra brought down, the pilot and ob server being burned In tbe wreckage hi afterwards. No damage waa done, though several bombs were destroyed. IFF'S OFFICE DELUGE SIR SUFFERS CLOSING DAYS OF LENIENCY ON TAXES WITHOUT IIINO SUE JCT, TO 10 PR CENT INTEREST, "USHIS OFFICE Mais Meeting Being Held and Attacks on Mine Owners Cheered Walkout on Wedneaday Unleaa Agreement la Reached afore Arbitration Award la Denounced Government's Ac. count of Situation More Facerable l.nlUd Press Service LONDON, Aug. 30. It Ik feared that the Welsh strike will spread to the Kngllsh nilnc-8. This Is the first Inti mation that British workmen may quit Mass- mooting., arc. being, held throughout Wales, and the mosses of workmen aro cheering speeches that nttack the mine owners, who are open ly accused of prolltlng from the war without Miarlng with tiio workers. The arbitration award was denounc ed. A majority of tbe meetings resolv ed that all shall walk out Wedneaday unlfM mi agreement I made mean while. Home of tliu government accounts repart the situation In Monmouthshire as more favorable. CORNER T URNIN6 Word was received in Klamath Calls this morning of tho death at iJikc vlcw of Martin V. Hopkins. Mr. Hop kins' death waa due to heart failure, and was Instantaneous, occurring while liu was riding In an automobile with his Hon and daughter-in-law. Mr. Hopkins waa 76 years of age, be ing born at Erie, Pa., in 1839. While In lil early boyhood his parents removed to Clovcland, Ohio, where he attended school, and at tbe age of 16 crossed the plains to Oregon In a government train, settling at Iloseburg, Oregon, where, on October 28, 1866, ho waa married to Harsh K. Mlllor. With hfs family ho removed to Lakevlew. Ore gon, In 1871, and has been a contlnu-' ous resident of Lake county since that ' date. Mr. Hopkins is survived by his wid ow, who now resides at Hants Barbara, Calif., two children, Mrs. Herbert D. dale of Klamath Falls and Lyman L. Hopkins of'Lakevlew, and two grand children, Auatln and Beatrice Gale of Klamath Falla. The funeral services will be hold at Lakevlcw Tuesday, August 31, 1915, at 3 o'clock p. m., presumably under tbe auspices of tho Odd Fellows, of which order Mr. Hopkins was a member and officer for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Gale and children of this city will leave for Lakevlew to night to attend tho funeral. CAUSES ACCIDENTjREIDY FEELS HE i IS CLEAREO NOW TWO AUTOMOSILES COLLIDE AT STREET CORNER WHEN ONE TURNS UNEXPECTEDLY BELL POLE LAID OUT An accident took place at Sixth and Main atreeta Saturday night, when two automobiles collided, as one of the machines waa turning around on tbe corner nnd iho other following It was struck. Little damage waa the result, but It might have been more serious. Tho danger of automobiles turning on too atrcci corners m mmtu was cmphaslied by tho accident. Chief of Police naldwln la In favor of an or dlnance prohibiting It or providing for somo aort of a warning to be given by tbe occupants of a machlno turning on the corners. Tho natural belief of tbe driver of a car following another when he atarts to turn at a corner la that be la going up the side atreet, but the flrat thing ho knowa the machine haa awung around on tbe turn. While coming Into the city late Sat urday night or early Sunday morning, WOMAN CONFESSES TO LIE EX. ONERATING SUPPOSED FED ERAL OFFICER IN FAMOUS $40, 000 "'CLAIRVOYANT RING" CASE !. M. Ileldy, formerly of tbia city, who waa arrested and returned from Pennsylvania to Los Angeles aa being connected with a supposed scheme to rob Mrs. Mary T. Eelea of Long Beach of 840,000, feels that be la cleared of tho charge upon new developments In tbe case. Reldy explains that he loaned tho monoy to Mrs. Eelea on a piece of property, which had a mortgage on It at tho time. Sol Alxander, aald to nave been a federal officer, and aworn to by Mrs Eelea once, but now retracted, ap peared before. Mrs. Eeles, demanding money on another claim. The woman became alarmed, and reported that abe was being swindled out of tbe money. Reldy states In a letter recently re- Stella Carol, one of the Arabic's pas neiiKcrs who was saved, Is a young En glish prima donna who wob on hcr'woy to New York to make her American debut. She was to appear under tn management of Hugo Goerlltz, who llrnt brought I'adci-ewskl andKubeUk1 to ibis country. . MIkr Carol Is nald to possess a re markable noprnno voice. She BlngB the nrisH of Tetraulnl and Melba with ease, her voice having a range of three octaves. Sue has sung before Queen Mary by command, and Caruso has pre dicted a brilliant future for her. Kennels S. Douglas, another passen ger on the Arabic, Is well known to New York theater goers through his acting all lost season of the role of Sam Tbornhlll In "A Pair of Silk Stock ings" In tho Ltttlo theater of New York. Although this was Mr. Douglas' flrat appearance here, he scored so em phatically that Grace George engaged him as her leading man the coming season. He was on nis way nere to De- gin rehearsals. While Mr. Douglas Is rnivnd here that Alexander had an an automobile collided with the bell pcarod in his office one day with a re- warnlng pole at the intersection Sixth atreet and the Southern Pacific railroad tracka with the result that the pole waa laid out on the ground. The pole la of heavy weight, and auppoaed n uianii a few minor knocks, but a quest to write out a receipt for him. Ho had never seen Alexander before, he atatea, and did It because tha old man: stated he waa a poor penman.' Later the receipt In Reldy'a hand-writlno-. the loan of the money and the battering ram Jolt knocked It out. The Beourng 0f It by Alexander waa be police state that the parties are known. eved Dr lne pone t be a acheme to loan her the money and tnen get it back, aaya Reldy. Indians Oat Lleanaa , They were arrested, and Reldy put . j Joseph Scott of Hetty and Iva Smith, up the money for both bonds, Alexan- N both Warda of tho government on the der having- nothing. Now Mrs.Beles afcrlff LoW. DinM ,. k-. i.Vi;&ath Indian reservation, secured haa signed an affidavit atatlng that abe "w busiest nia. i .ki.i m. L . iimnse Saturday. awore falsely that Alexander hadwp - - eee vw uawe nwiv !"" J has been taken In ao far than 'e paat, and the clerks k- .". ,0 bu,'r tB "w r-- ie count It -. - I SBBEifHirEffiEHBf I -B-iHsfeEBIoTV'BK I lL ffBBBVaPVr 1 T aT Xv&MM&KKli vfHBr 3IHP7 Xdfcf?V BB 1 4 eBBfBBBBa 7SKj?rtiiaBi' . .1 i r . MESBSJEESBB y5?r4v h eb-b-Pb-bI wiims, 5S?4 I - B wums. lKiV?'. "-'f il jPSalill. jSM. -.Jy MwmFm. EBmSeBP-BBVV-"" ' ' gaya paQ Ja?v ffiis'i V-IbW 5,1 '' EB-BH9B-ifm4 Xr 11 mtrWmWmmV V"8B- ?-tfEy m. pWjM rSCJa?A'a'!M:lsCF''ii2 L EBBF1X VYV 'X Y- fi5, r "f-l GERMAN OFFICIAL SAYS TROUBLE SETTLED SOON WILSON THINKS ENGLAND GRANT ARABIC REPORT IS LOOKED FOR CAR R ANNA'S REPLY EXPECTEO tfy - v"A s CONCESSIONS;! r "K. ,? AT ANY TIME I 'United Press Correspondent Claims I . that Leading German Statesman Be. . lleves that all DirTerences Between United States and the Fatherland Will Soon Be Settled Believed That Gerard Has. Cabled Progress TUESDAY iy CARL W. ACKERMAN (Staff Correspondent United Press) 1 BERLIN, Aug. 30. Von TirpIU be- t i lleves that the differences between 'the United States and Germany ahonld bo settled immediately. I have learned that Germany hopes the Unified States vwlU consider the informal discussion .sufficient until a report Is secured from the submarine commanders. The ques tion of disavowing the sinking of the Arabic must rest largely on that re port V 1 United Press Servle J WASHINGTON, V. C, Aug. 30. The (Arabic report la expected at any time inow, states Secretary Tmnnlty. It Is believed that another cable haa been (received from Ambassador Gerard, which contained an account of Ger many's progress In getting sews from the commanders of J7Z4X C&BOU comparatively new to American audi- Over AT , -. ,! -' .r.T'. felw.'l ,rA . i. -i Ut' Maln I. A.I.. Meeeage te Enelawd -Ree-wHsMi afe tJ;i4 , - va.-'ss .-&:? dera In Cewicll While WgtfrN;l Germsny'a lyknuriM liMMtHii 4, ubmarfne ' . j " r crfAV He Heaea te Bet Knele-sl tm'UiUw-A- ih Carmnaa's Expected te lla'HBin " i - -' n& t m SJi VV fife' .QTWbanltM.-Miif meaaage to BagUad sM$t fci .t Jtf'M r$? . I'nlted Press Service WASHINGTON. D, President Wilson is tentative lng tbe orders.-la eotncil reeemtly aa nounced by Great Britain la iwgoid to contraband and shipping pollelea wbUe ,- he la waiting for the Germaa aatM-: IvAl ,Mk -s1? tvT7rLi.iST, TFSfe: &&! ..Mfi It Is known that Wilson .exgeeto'BaWS, TSji btM -M -tSSSli m meht In regard to her snbmarbM pehVajr; to arrive from BerHa.. land to grant the formed of GermBBy's poUey aad ment to modify her sabmarlae wartere. ;i SQUAW LIQUOR enccs, he has been a popular comedian in London for more than twenty-five years. John Nolan, Christopher McTawney and John Olscbewakl, whose names ap pear In tho list of saved, make up a vnudovllle team known as the Flying Martins. The three are aerial per formers, and are said to do the fastest aerial work In vaudeville. Recently they have been appearing In the Eng lish halls. . Mrs. C. T. Phillips of Trenton, N. J.,, was on tbe way over wltn her lour cnu dren. She cabled her husband would take tbe llnor. United Preee Servlee ..WASHINGTON, D. jC, General Corraaxa'a reply to the American meaaage la eaasotod day. It will probably ' reJeeV'ti posed plan to establish law"aa4 in Mexico. General Scott- will arrive UuV after noon with kte report, o - ttt- tade. It-U.nnr iaaiaV will be sent to Interview Villa's new? agency rb that ITntmrt (all la Im-lat " SUPPLY CLOSED ). S. SHIPPUG 9REAT INCREASE ARREST OF BILL PUQH, SQUAW MAN, FOR BOOTLEGGING, BE LIEVED TO SHUT DOWN FOUN TAIN OF BOOZE FOR INDIANS The Klamath County Booth in Need of Many Exhibits Iters the Klamath county room, that oc cupies the other half of the end of the building, each room having a door lead FEW OR NO EXHIBITSWE ARE jng from the main part of the building. . ..l. n. -t ABATiiidi v where all exhibits are made in booths LOSING OREAT OPPORTUNITY,'. ,. ., ihn ,,-, SAYS BRADNACK TIMES i in the open. Hanging on IN MERRILL wall of this room in the open Bide of I the building are the deer heads that i were sent as part of the exhibit. At a little table under these heads and In n...n.M, nr rront or una wan. is air. dihuuu, mui arrest of Bill Pugh, a local 8he i squaw man, wbo nas innabltea tae abode of Mrs. Moody on Pine atreet lor the post several years, this morning, and the capture of a half bucket of "suds" it Is believed ty local police will shut down the source of supply of booze wherewith prominent squaws of i the reservation frequently get started on the warpath. Pugh has been arrested once before on tbe Borne charge, but was freed for lack of evidence. However, be haa been suspected of furnishing liquor to Indiana on numerous occasions, and particularly squaws, wbo come to the city and proceed to get drank. Policeman McCarty atatea that be has the evidence and a witness, and produced a half pall of , beer to prove it, which Pugh had secured and which he was seen giving to his wife at their cabin. United Statea Marshal Berry arrived In the city this morning, and went to tbe Agency for a bootlegger, captured He Is expected to return rntMiMinntnHah fl W Dorrle. who haa just returned from the a little literature and one. solitary big P thWi nn.i.inn av8 in an interview that t. trying to attract the attention of ton,gnt Klamath county la losing an oppor- People and to interest t m nd TELL tunlty to. secure results that would em what we have, and not SHOW k..f .v.,. m.n nnd vrv business m?m- W nmcuioua w . . , . m ,k . i - intiw do so little, and handicap the work of. united Press Service with Mr. Slnnot; who is to charge of eai1 ' ift..K the exhibit and Is doing everything oi our Merrll fall exhibit of h ran with the limited means at his last year poauy vunv.u . Athletics and Law disposal, and who told Mm tbe needs. and take people' In from the rest room Carter Return! From Hunt . ... ,... i u,....j the case. n . naHiii nr rn I i-ilv amm muiura ma.. r d . . - - J.wl as resmn i ti... .-j - . . t...i. in inin thA mountains. 7. " , ny Man loman itrvtu " .r .-. - resentea nimseir ioar uwir, .-!,., ..-. .-..--. . building, what an oppo nd on which charge he I. being triad, he promised to place the., matter, be- Zt T to entertain . - .. - m . At -.nniA ami oautiita nniinn innv n w .. - -. . n !.. r " "-;r-Mr"r"Tr"-," ." .. . , .... ,h.f tunitv we niu itirv airasdv navina aisaaTeea on lureuur ycvvia u nwu.o , - .. . ,... v.. j-., . - - - . .i .-. . . .... u im tun is our iwhu. luiima ut :n...n w " . IWC...MW... opeii aisles,- where; everyone is .!,. & This case I. expected to be would bring results -,,.? Hti c"u' My your. UaL w inwr M to a mfLTl ttU timt, The Ore- rfV w provide. UU year lor tw JJ WUl which yer Uaea ea. be S ?? ',Bilr ! urf;. Ind th mH to Bastaobar 2ii pa, ,,, uamUuntH Sjy 1st km If mt Mt m aSf. L!M?0,I' Aftsr tli xw asasjlb. 11 u --'-. '- --a- , dismissed now. Mrs. Belea aUUng that ;'he was cajoled Into It by the ehM of He report, no luok, a. the deer ..em to . YTVJr k -iZ--. i. thi. ur and have not Pc wt Beacn, be closer in this year, and have gone baek Into tbt mountatM yet. Special Train from Chlleejuln a aneelal train will be run from Chll- oquln Saturday. September 4, to Uta city, te accommodate the crew, that are expected down for the eirtesi ad Um ball game.. The train will leave ObltotsiB at s e'etoek, km mst mvn oa tbe rttuni st 'MiH.-- - Laavaa te Enter Callaf Ml.. Bvlyn Cathey and her mother, Mrs. Cathey, who have been here vtoU lag Dr. George A. Cathey, left yeater day morning oar their return home to Condon. MUa Cathey will rater Wil laawtta Ualrwalty this fall She haa ptat aoase time at O. A. 0., and will tolsh at Willamette, Dr. Cathey drove them to Madder. Mr. Bradnack was there oh "Benson Day," when thousands of Oregenlan. were there' to meet Governor Withy combe and Mr. Benson, as well aa oth er aotables, who were In the receiv ing ltap ia the Oregoa. pariore. The reat room In the Oregon build ing to a large room, oeeupytog bait of the ead of the buUdlag,'ad la beautl- Nlly;turalhed with everything needed to latemt aad entertain vtoltor. who taeet aid 'inut'to leara; about Cigoa mnA'Um'wmaMUtiaiL -. ' ' 1 ' . JAtaWMaak'ftoaa'taMrsm tW tho crowding in. Our walls should be coverea wiw sheaves of grata ana grasses; vw show cases should be a tea exhibit at Indian baskeia and other .works; bins should be SUed with tbe grate. and vegeUble..that we grow; photo; graph, should .bow the atock,aad gLVa .tatlatlca that would interest, placard should gira" laformatioa tbat pfttte waai; gteaa oaaea, ..bould show Bva SACRAMENTO, Aug. SO. AthleUca and law go band In band. It .appears, from the fact that at the three laat bar evamtnations held, In the state a prite fighter, baseball player, and other ath letes have on their' .pars. Chester H, an athlete, passed tbe examl aatloa thk week. HHdw Bmkb. pugiltat, passed In January, aaa ia Jane cans Mahoney, ex-Coast League bau player, won his aheepakte. I . Coatteua4;oa paia I) v , K"Wl, 1 -zig. $:&&. MM '. 3i i5 t , ' l,v.- Xf ms m i aaawaaeea v. f , g?, m I'- INCREASED .! OVER OVER 7O0LO0O. TOMS ;,i LAST' YEAR DESPITB DC MORALIZATION STORIES TO THB ,' ft .'4. m -i CONTRARY & ,Z& ' f$ JM. ' 'i.V JT ;? 'il 'J; jiw '?iS m ;S p' 'vi ," , &&. M United Preaa Service - WASHINGTON, D. C la announced here that Amerlea'B ping for foreign trad aaa mwam VAA'AAA -.. ah... t. pite.tbe atoriea of the deaureiteaUoa, j of commerce through untoward -Wtis-' i lattoa. . ', Our tonnage nearly eqaalataat lijtj, at--, . .. w ..!. - " f' iuv rrvacii uiu nufwvKiu , wmMm: 4, -"i the report . ArAJltJ'Ml ' -K r i. J J ,.f li 3T &i'--h l&& 4iA&' "!.VK' rf.. i-jC;. - "3. j-Hp .. fc U"? WAR OFPARTMENT MIIIKS INIII IHAXI " - x'-o jif "fy-v. ."V-iT St yrti SI 31 ;f ORDBRB-.. .. .iSiif't .,- t rin -a? SECRETARY GARRISON -- 'r INVESTIGATION OF CATAM M WALDRON AND LIEUTENANT GARDNER TOASTING ,1" :, MB)MANVi'ir ,'; , "-VT.. - iy.vBl "' .lit 'htMi . 'v.5irysf. . United Press, Servle !w atiijnrrv3 n if v,auwi. w. .. nai .-' -ii'. --.r5h.'?: filMrflttrv of Weu Brrlmmk MmmdmV;r. --,--,-- --. --T-. ---ww-, ,-' W1-P W-. WJJU'S- ,d that aa-Iaveatiaattea'ba) aaa i''a ;aa'i i,vr'i-.J -fS 1uia aalntvr!amtai- --'--' ---a.31 H-m-.' ' TJeuteasnt GajptUa r at di 'tea-siM - ' toast of "Qaraiaayover alf ava'jaw)sr ' ' A'-v-r- Conatruetien aateieadeat Leaves Maaoa RoWa,oUwwiae bmawa, "Jlmmie." leave, la tke aw ratal far rortla'ad. foUowteg tae) eeaujlejlea at th outside Mwatraettoi work aa 'ta He to te tbe aav .aav-awAT lIW1 ploy oi HeagataiHag t Dagaa. wwWJf Wfc' "eWlW '- -,f' r Nl"' &-- ,"?- JA-' ., "5, Ta. -J '?i -W ft at Aatorto raaea-7, Senator, ,auuaberlaia.' aeat : the biwaeli of etHuette afa flat of the taaidaat la FortaM . .?vs '' '' Seaaala flawa MaaalBa' ," s : ..- ' - -.- -a luiji uw-iaMaa. ai-wfi . jr H wlli;aa;M ay,V),r1 Oaaaa ! aawaJaJlaTW "jBaaWrwaw Jaaapw BBBB JPJBap BjaWy J aaBasaaaaaaaj p as aaaaap .; i ryi- o.-v ' - " . My i:'-r ,